A Hnre Dellvernncc Not Innlntltlioniiolr If le fnm I - i j o uuv uih 111 a snort space of time persons of u bilious habit are saved from the tortures which a disordered liver Ik capable of Inflicting bv ZHostetters Stomnuii Hitters an aatl blllous X -Medicine and aperient of the first rank The pains In the right side and through the right shoulder blade the sick headache nausea constipation and saffron hiif of the skin are entirely removed by this estimable restora tive of tone to the organs or secretion and digestion Paper Bottles It is announced that in the near fu ture bottles will be made of paper The advantages claimed for the paper bot tles are many A glass bottle is ex tremely liable to break and in the case of old wiue the breakage of a bottle in a bin causes a serious loss The paper bottle it is claimed cannot be broken unless considerable force is used JiSTtryalOcboxot Cas arcts canay cathartic fin est liver and bowel regulator made Every man that strlveth for the mas tery is temperate in all tilings Mr WiiiKlows Soothing strut for Children tt hint softens tho gums reduces lnnininatton allays vain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle Wise thoughtful and useful occupa tion lengthens life Impure Blood I have found Hoods Sarsaparllla an excellent medicine My little girl was afflicted with ecze ma for seven years and took many kinds of medicine without relief After taking a few bot tles of Hoods Sarsaparllla she was cured Mus Emma Franklin Honeoye New York Get only Hoods because Hood s Every ingredient i Sarsa parilla Is the Best In fact the One True Blood Purifier FfrrtrPc Oillc arMh best afer dinner 1IUUU filli niils aid digestion 25c tV M pFlS in Hires Rootbeer is health emnff ine blood is lmnrovcu tne nerves soothed the stomach benefited by this delicious beverage Rootbeer Quenches the thirst tickles 1 the tialate full of snansnarkle - and effervescence A temper ance drink for everybody Made onlv bj The CbtrlM E Hires Co PhUaddpoIa A package mkei fire RallotM S75 RDEA rfj have beeu using S 50 CEJSIT BCYKli Western Wheel Works CjfJCA GC fCL AOS CATAL9G VE FREE Ayers Pills for thir teen years and Cud that nothing equals them fcr Indisestion They are the only relief I have found in all these years for the suffering of dyspepsia and Indigestion Mrs Mattie S Mitchell Glad Hill Va Feb 21 1S9G I have been using Ayers IVIIi for ycais for ness and constipation I Bud them very effective and mild in PENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS JOHKWMORRIS WASHINGTON D G Lite Principal Ezimlser V 8 Pension Bureau 3rrs in a war ladindicatne cUimj ottr eiaca UCT DIPU Ser for a0 Inventions Want OC I nlufl U ed Edgir Tate Co JU5 Bway K Y action They suit my system m every respect Jonx F Ash ley Pelican La July 19 1335 WEIGHTY TOUDS FOR AYERS PILLS An AtiUym liarplorcr Sir George Taubman Goldie whose cable from Africa to London tells of the completion of the conquest of the Emir of Nupp the great slave murder er left for the Xiger country a year ago with ih prediction on his lips that he would forever settle the slave ques tion in that part of Africa or leave his corpse in the country The fact that he has accomplished what he set out to do is a victory for humanity as well as for the Royal Niger Company The palace of the Emir is in the possession of Sir Georges soldiers and the Fulah power is dead Incidentally England has added largely to her territory in Africa Sir George for years brooded in his London office over the work he has just accomplished Just before his SIR GEORGE TATJBMAN GOIDIE departure for Africa he spoke with ear nestness as to the perilous expedition he was about to undertake and realized that his own fortunes and those of the Xiger Company sailed in the ship that carried him from England Before go ing to Africa to take charge of the com panys forces there he said We have done much of which fortunately noth ing has been heard It is possible to lay the foundations of empire without being disturbed where the climate is too deadly for newspaper correspond ents to live I now go to complete the work We shall put it through but make no mistake we are putting our fortune to the touch to win or lose it all Sir George is the governor of the Royal Niger Company the chief repre sentative of British power in western Africa The Niger territories which it administers under a royal charter cov er about 500000 square miles and con tain a population of from 20000000 to 40000000 The principal products are rubber gum hides ivory palm oil and palm kernels The slavery question lias been troublesome The Emirs wholesale executions of slaves have caused much shuddering in England Sir George Goldies conquest will put an effectual end to the monstrosities Story of a Hair The French people never tire or re lating anecdotes of the eccentricity and enormous wealth of the Americana An American went into a hair dressers shop in Paris recently and found a charming but poorly dressed girl en gaged in negotiations with the proprie tor She was offering to sell hLm her magnilicent head of hair for three napoleons the man would give her no more than one At last the poor girl gave way with tears and the barber was about to employ the fatal scissors when the American intervened and de manded the cause of the sad affair He found that the girls parents who formerly had been well off were in the last extremity of poverty and that she had determined to make so great a sac rifice in order to obtain for them a lit tle food The stranger drew out two bank notes and offered them to the girl saying Will you let me buy your hair Without even looking at the notes the girl at once said Yes The American delicately took a sin gle hair put it in his pocket and fled Not till he had gone did she look at her bank notes and found them to by of the value of 100 A Free Translation This little story is told by Mas ORell A boy translating at sight in class came across the phrase Calmez vous monsieur He naturally trans lated this by Calm yourself sir I said to him Now dont you think thin is a little stiff Couldnt you give mo something a little more colloquial For instance what would you say yourself in a like case The boy reflected a fdw seconds and said Keep your hair on old man 7 V JfalSllLi To Mnke Good Coffee The idea that coffee has to be boiled to get the strength out of the crushed berry is entertained by many people As a matter of fact boiling gives the liquid a peculiar bitter taste that is foreign to really good coffee Besides that it ruins the flavor Drip coffee is supposed to be the very best coffee that is made but even that is spoiled sometimes by letting the liquid boil up over the strainer thus loosening the oil that makes the coffee bitter If you have not a regular coffee strainer make three or four cheese cloth bags of a size large enough to accommodate the amount of coffee that you use al lowing for swelling of the grain and for a drawstring to tie Wash and boil the bags after making so that not a taste of the cloth remains in them Fill the bag with the coffee and have in a teakettle boiling hot exactly the amount of water you want to use for your coffee Rinse the coffee pot out with hot water and put the bag in the pot and pour over it the boiling water Place the pot on the back of the stove where it will remain just below the bubbling period for at least ten min utes The result will give you clear strong coffee you need not use a grain more than for the old way and it will not hurt the weakest digestion For Kneading Bread It is well to save the housewifes strength when possible Kneading bread is hard work therefore make a jrv A BREAD KXEADKR bread kueader like that shown in the cut attaching it to the ordinary knead ing board as suggested Any one handy with tools should be able to con struct friis little device taking care that the thickened part of the arm be well toward the fulcrum This gives great er power of course with a less expen diture of strength Farm and Home Site for a Honsc In choosing the site for a house see that there is a possibility of good drain age first class supply of pure water and a fine spot for a garden near the kitchen This latter most useful ad junct is too often neglected A farmer will proudly take you out to see his stock or a crop of mammoth corn but the garden Where is it The wo men folk may have a few herbs and greens in a stony corner of the back yard but this can never take the place of a liberal supply of fresh vegetables crisp greens and luscious small fruits which also tend to interest the young people on the farm Atinel Cake Eleven whites of eggs beaten to snow one and one half cups of granu lated sugar sifted five times one cup of flour sifted five times one awl one half teaspoons cream of tartar in flour Beat whites to snow put in sucar stir ring slowly nen flour flavoring with vanilla Bake fifty minuted in a mod erately slow ovi n When done turn on plate for twenty four hours Xo grease on pan Eat next day Corn Starch Pie One quart milk yolks of three eggs two tablespoons cornstarch two cups tmgar mix the starch in a little milk boil the rest of the milk to a thick cream Beat the yolks and add tho starch put in the boiled milk and add the sugar Bnlce with an under enist beat the whites of the eggs and two teaspoons sugar and put oo top of the pies wlien done and return to the ovei and brown Ginuer Snaps One cup butter and one cup sugar beaten light and creamy add cup of molasses or sirup three eggs one and one half teaspoons each of cloves all spice and cinnamon one tablespoon of ginger two teaspoons of baking soda dissolved in half cup of hot water r nough flour to roll dough Roll very thin cut in shapes and bake in hot oven Meatless Bean Soup Parboil one pint of small white beans Drain off water add fresh water and boil until very tender Put through a colander season with pepper and salt add butter the size of a walnut return to fire Add a teacup of sweet milk and a dozen or more broken crackers Let come to a boil and serve hot Hints Table salt will cure sore throat and mouth Gargle with it quite strong To make linen a good color add a little powdered borax to the last rins ing water Imitation marble paper highly var nished may be washed with cold water and soap Soda and coal oil bound to rise burn or bruise will often cure it if kept on for ten or twelve hours at a time If the first application does not cure iv new the poultice Wall paper may be cleaned first by dusting it with a clean cloth and then by gently rubbing it with a stale loaf of bread the crumb surface should be cut smoothly the dirry face of the bread being cut away from time to time The habit that Southern negroes have of talking to themselves Is noticed by everyone In the towns below Mason and Dixons line One servant In a Southern family used to carry on con versation with herself sometimes al leging carelessness and disorder in one tone of voice then defending herself from those charges in another tone She would upbraid and apply disagree able epithets to herself when things were not to her mind while at other times especially when she was dressed in her best she would stand before her mirror and assure her reflection that she was just as pretty as white folks Playin Possum Playin possum comes from the fact that the possum will feign sleep or death when pushed into sudden danger of being captured But pains and aches never play that kind of a game They never try to fool anybody and go to work to wake up people leaving no chance to feign sleep On the other hand there is a remedy known as St Jacobs Oil that will lull a pain or an ache so that it wont wake up again in the cure that follows its use Pains and aches are great or leaa in intensity Just in degree as we treat them Prompt treatment with the best remedy St Jacobs Oil prevents their increase and by curing prevents their return Every thing Is gained by taking pains and aches in time for a prompt and perma nent cure and there is nothing better than the use of St Jacobs Oil Curiosity Satisfied I beg your pardon said the passen ger in the long linen duster leaning over the back of the seat in front of him but would you mind tellin me how your nose got all knocked over tv one side the way it is Not at all cheerfully responded the passenger on the seat in front It wa done one time when I was poking il J into other folks business A New Montana Town Leoxia Idaho May 12 A good ex ample of the rapidity with which a western mining town springs into prominence is Sjlvauile fifteen miles northeast of here but over he line in Montana on the Yakt River Stage leaves here Mondays Wed nesdays and Fridays in connection with Great Northern trams Sylvanite has grown in a year from one lonely log cabin to a pretentious little town of 300 people with three gen eral merchandise stores one drug store a hotel and a saw mill There are saloons of course which it might be more charitable not to enumerate and a ten stain quartz mill and a concentrator which turns out a 3500 gold brick every week The rock is of the free gold milling variety and theres lots of it in sight The largest placer claim covers 150 acres and belongs to a ICalispell Company The in tention is to work it by hydraulic power A single cradle has cleaned up over 20 a day to the man Extensive work is being carried on in the Goldflint and Keystone mines one mile from town and altogether the Sylvanite promises to be one of the most prosperous in the American Kootenai Leouia is 121 miles east of Spokane The female matinee iiend of Phila delphia still favors the ground nut candy that her mother chewed over thirty years ago that form having re mained fashionable for half a century Drunk for Twenty Tears A correspondent writes I was drunk on and off for over twenty years drunk when I had money sober when I had none Many dear friends I lost and num bers gave me good advice to no purpose but thank God an angel hand came at last in the form of my poor wife who ad ministered your marvelous remedy Anti Jag to me without my knowledge or con sent I am now saved and completely transformed from a worthless fellow to a sober and respected citizen If Anti Jag cannot he had at your druggist it trill be mailed in plain wrapper with iNrI directions how to give secretly S receipt of One Dollar by the Renov a Chemical Co l Broadway New York or thex will gladly mail full particulars free It costs more to strike a match in France than in any othei civilized country because the business is monop olized by the government Ponder Over Tt A prominent building owner with year of experience gare the following instruc tions to his architect I have had my ex perience with kalsomine and other good claimed to be just as good as Alabastine I want you to specify the durable Alabas line on all ray walls do not put on anj other manufacturers dope if they fur nish it for nothing Alabastine is right and when I cease to use it I shall cease tt have confidence in myself or my ow judgment Chumpley I say Chollie doncher know I just received an anonymous letter doncherknow Lapley Good gwacious Who from Tid Bits Tor Kirty cents Ov r 400000 cured Whj not let regulate or rwwnvo your desire f r tobacc in u ymako nottltn and in nhonu Cur uuaiiii eed i0 ml SI all It is proposed to build a big dam at Lake Albert Nyaira for the purpose of giving Egypt a plentiful supply of water during the low Nile Halls Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents A cake of natural crystallized soda said to weigh 2400 pounds has been taken from the Downey salt lakes near Laramie When the scalp is atrophied or shiny bald no preparation will restore the hair in all other cases Halls Hair Renewer will start a growth In Japan a man can hire a horse keep two servants and live on the fat of the land all for a little over 50 a month I know that my life was saed by Piso Cure for Consumption John A Miller xlu Sable Mich April 21 1S95 A mole will starve to death in a day or two if not fed This greediness makes it a most valuable ally against insects Whkn bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candy ca thartic euro Huaranteed 10c 25a The combined length of the worlds telegraph lines is 881000 miles neces sitating the use of 2260000 miles of wire Cascahets 8timuate Iyer Kidneys and bowels Nev er Bicieu weaken or gripe 10c Stop Women KsvW U MfflMJfo l And Consider the AlMmportant Fact That in addressing- Mrs Pinkham you are con fiding private ills to your a woman a woman whose experience in treating womans I fegr Me9 i Ab aiseases is greater than that of any liv ing physician male or female You can talk freely to a woman when it is revolting to relate your private troubles to a man besides a man does not understand simply because he is a man Many women suffer in silence and drift alongfrombad to worse know ing full well that they ought to have immediate assistance but a natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician It is unneces sary Without money or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experi ence is greater than any local physician in the world The fol lowing invitation is freely offered accept it in the same spirit MRS PINKHAMS STANDING INVITATION Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass All letters are received opened read and answered by women only A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman thus has been established the eternal confidence be tween Mrs Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken Out of the vast volume of experience which she has to draw from it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your case She asks nothing in return except your good will and her advice has relieved thousands Surely any woman rich or poor is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance Lydia E Pinkham Medicine Co Lynn Mass iimj rtrt it m tt nr o o n o ANDY CATHARTIC CURECSHSTIPATSQHr I 25 SO a3TCB k ssEZWfr sal urWPMNlsfmP iTiiaiL ii mi ii fi if ar iin ALL DRUGGISTS I BPQAT TTPPf V fTTRBHHTI7iT to cure anycaseof constipation Cascsrci are the Ideal Laia V llUUUlJUiULU uuaiinnnjuf tire never irrip or eripeliut eansa easy natnrol results San 5 pic and booklet free Ad STERLING IJEJIEDT CO Chciso Montreal Can crNeT TorS an 9IIB - rwxwvm vr vvf - s z I The Man who is Raising a Big Crop mt vj 1 i - lis W itit I 11 L t realizes iiuu uxk uuzvcm iui u tuizju Tcfeal fannincr enmnrehentis not onlv the prowinc of the tallest Prain the 9S most tons-to-the-acre of hay the best farming the fanning that pays must contemplate something more than this for there is a harvest time and just in Pm proportion as a crop is saved successfully speedily and economically in just IJI lUllL JlUUiUUU iUa UC UlCiUUltU Ub9UUU113UUUlUl iux fc jj55sivs3ric Harvesting Machines are the profit bringing kind they are built for long wear hard work light draft and in short to satisfy There are other kinds that dont cost as much but theres nothing cheaper than the best IVicCorirock Harvesting WtacKmz Company Chicago The Liglit Runninj McCormick Open Elevator Harvester The Light Running McCormick New 4 Steel Mower The Light Running McCormick Vertical Corn Binder and The Light Running McCormick Daisy Reaper for sale everywhere REASONS FOR USING I Walter B Ma vitu 1 - V 1 aker Cos I Breakfast Cocoa Because it is absolutely pure Because it is not made by the so called Dutch Process in which chemicals are used Because beans of the finest quality are used Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans Because it is the most economical costing less than one cent a cup Be sure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Aiass Established 1780 - YOU WILL REALIZE THAT THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN LY F YOU USE Jr it J Lsn 1 V IS WHAT A pure permanent and arti6tic wall coating read- for the brush by mixing in cold water FOR SALE BY PAINT DEALERS EVERYWHERE A Tn Cd showing 12 desirable tints m r r K rr - also Alabastine Souvenir Rock eentfrco 1 to any one mentioning this paper ALABASTINE CO Grand Rapids Mich KlsiH emu a mm BOO bceond find Harris AIL Makes UooDiSXev 35 to 13 Sew lllgti uracle 96 moiJt3 k f nlly puaranteed 817 to ST 5 lpcctai Wearing bale j3nip anywhere en approval 03r We will tin rnnossIMa r C I In run town ran cix of simple ht I to introduce tLra Our rrpuutlcn zm well Lown thr9uboct the country nitr at once for our spteiil offer H P MEAD k PRENTISS Cnlcaso III a in 1 u5its jciracurj Y 1 1 not o itnsture l lreTenl3 contagion Vo5UtEVAM3 CriEUICAlCO v ch cin katio I J c s x y P CURE YOURSELF Te Bis ft unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or ulcerations of mucous incailirjues ramies and not gent or poisonous Sold by 2rnssljti3 or sent in plain wrapper l7 express prepaid for or 3 bottles 275 Circular sent on request- PATENTS TRADE MARKS Examination and advice zz to Patentability of Invon ilons Send for Inventors Guide or How to Oar x Patznt Iatrick OlarreUWashincton UC S C X U - - 22 97 E2R tX CUKES WHtHh ALL ELSh FA LS Beat Cough Syrup Tastes Good m time hold br druaglsta