The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 20, 1897, Image 8

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E 1
m 0p FtMmSjfiml jHyrflljy wiw -- p r - lf i jf indli iiiiwmiimiii
CSEfTiftyplllwaiMflttaMIMIfW nrrtm wmjLMuijwi
3R0BERT GOOB Editor sad Publisher
Official Psper of Cherry Coun
ty Nebraska
jjplOG Jer Year in Advance
m m
I Mli Mf
Entered at the Post office at ValeHtine Cherry
-county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its -subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
per month Hates per column or for
long time ads made known on
to this office
According to populist doctrine as it
is exemplified by Eeinert a man to be
41 good partisan must change his views
on public questions as soon as one of
the opposition agrees with him This
5paper was always in opposition to the
amendment recount and because The
Republican agrees with it it does not
propose to change base Had the
er newspaper men opposed the court
house bonds Beinert and the goose
very fortunate foi the party that all
populists are not of his stripe
What good is a consarned thief any
way A few more shining examples
like the one in question the killing of
Frank Cole and a mans hard earnings
will be perfectly safe to hang or tie in
the stable over night without using
him the trouble of sitting up and
watching it with a Winchester If
Bro Berkley or any one else contem
plates rustling saddles on this side of
the bloody waters of the Niobrara our
tumble advice to them is to keep
their weather eye to the north leave
no trail and travel more than sixty
miles on the first day To young
bloods who have a tendency to pose as
-toughs this mayound jokey but put
into practice it might prove more
serious than picturesque Springview
Democrats will note with a degree
of satisfaction almost akin to elation
that the Dingley bill puts a tax of
144 per pound on tea and adds 48
cents per barrel to the internal reve
nue tax on beer These tariffs are
purely for revenue not a pound of tea
being produced in this country and
beer what is used here being strictly
a borne product But that which
elates us most is the fact that the levy
ing of these taxes by the f ramers of
the new tariff Mil is a direct admission
that a protective tariff cannot be a rev
enue tariff This move of our repub
lican friends places them in line with
democratic teachings and we congrat
ulate them upon their conversion If
they will now put wool and hides and
other raw material on the free list of
their tariff bill their conversion will al
most be complete
One of the richest things which has
occurred during the present extraordi
nary session of congress occurred Mon
day when Congressman Bailey made
the republicans take water The house
had tinder consideration a bill appro
priating 50000 for the relief of Amer
ican citizens in Cuba and unanimous
consent was asked for its passage
The Texan arose and said he would of
fer no objection if he was allowed to
offer an amendment This was object
ed to by the republicans and amid the
confusion which followed the house
adjourned until Thursday The
amendment Bailey wished to offer was
one in favor of recognizing the Cubans
as belligerents and the fire eaters who
last fall were so anxious that we go to
Caba and lick the socks offn Spain
the patriotic oratorg who were so loud
in denunciation of President Cleveland
because he wouldnt at once declare
war didnot cre face that innocent
little amendment and go on record with
their votes Oh the manliness of it
The honesty of their action How dif
ferent the meaning of patriotism when
tfcftBWiSPratlon changed
tt -
Those newspaper boys living off this
line of road can secure transportation
on advertising contracts if they wish
to attend the meeting here on June 5
Write J R Buchanan G P A at
The printers ot the northwestern
part of Nebraska are called to convene
at Valentine June 5 to perfect an or
ganization in the interest of printers
We will liKely attend if nothing pre
vents Norden JBorealis
Dont let anything prevent you Col
Brewster because this is going to be a
splendid meeting
The editors of the Sixth congression
al district will meet in Valentine on
Saturday June 5 We are going be
cause Bob Good is treasurer and it
wont cost a cent- Atkinson Graphic
Thats good Col Jenness and good
ness gracious what a good time -Good
and his good brethren of the press in
Valentine will show you
The Tribune acknowledges the re
ceipt of an invitation from the editor
ial fraternity of Valentine to attend a
meeting of the pencil pushers of North
west Nebraska which we gladly accept
fcnowing such meetings are beneficial
to not only the attendants but to the
people they represent Such meetings
give information whereby editors may
pen ideas furthering the interests of
berry would very likely have been an their communities -to a great extent-
earnest advocate of thn issue Tfc is t ayamas xrioune
Bight you are Col Lounsbury and
the sentiments expressed have secured
for you a nice little place on the pro
gram of the coming meeting
The association should appoint a
committee to draft some kind of legis
lative measure for protection and in
duce every paper in the state to run it
as standing matter in the editorirl col
umn When the time comes for again
placing in nomination candidates for
the legislature let all papers drop par
tisanship on the one office and unite in
supporting only thecandidates pledged
to enact into law such measures as the
press may demand Alliance Grip
The suggestion is excellent and we
will be very sorrv if Col Broome is not
present to advocate his idea in person
The press united should be able to se
cure any and all legislation it desires
and the people at large can rest assured
that the press will ask for nothing un
just or unreasonable
Once more this paper feels con
strained to call attention to the laxity
with which our divorce laws are en
forced or rather the freedom with
which they are broken or disobeyed
Last fall we called attention to a case
where a couple were married about two
weeks afterone of the parties had ob
tained a divorce the law being evaded
by having the ceremony performed in
an adjoining state More recently a
marriage occurred where one of the
parties had been divorced less than six
months without the more or less ex
pensive formality of leaving the state
being indulged in The parties simply
swore to the customary affidavit that
no impediment existed to their mar
riage thus adding perjury to the other
crime The Democrat does not wish
to be quoted as being in opposition to
remarriage after a divorce has been
obtained but it does most strenuously
object to having the state laws broKen
with such impunity Divorce and
marriage are serious things and should
not be treated lightly Laws are made
to be obeyed but the divorce law bids
fair to become as dead a letter as the
law which forbids treating
The pre sent session of congress is
the thirteenth extraordinary session
called by a president since the estab
lishment of the Union And the
Cuban policy of this administration
was announced on May 13 And the
senate finance committee which had
charge of the Dingley tariff bill is
composed of thirteen members And
the administration is in a hard row of
stumps anyhow
Omaha has secured the Indian sup
ply depot which was formerly located
at Chicago and the entire west will
join in congratulating the metropolis
of Nebraska in securing the supply
station Senator Allen and Represen
tative Mercer are responsible for
Omahas success Senator Thurston
was too busy cutting pie to look out
for Nebraskas interests
5attgnyMBwjLrjiMiHiLlii muLiJiuji
STaiM Object Is to get the best Xote Cant Object To us helping Our Object is to sell goodsat prices
goods for the lowest possible figure you We will do it tor that will retain customers
3ocompaTison with anyone either iRTegard to pr ice or quality of goods we sell Try us when in need of
E L Maloneys children are having
a siege of measles
Warren Cook isvery ill of inflam
matory rheumatism
Sidewalks are being laid on the -east
side of Cherry street from Virginia to
connect with the walk in front of
A party of surveyors camped in
town Friday night while on their way
to the reservation where they go to
survey Indian allotment lands Keya
Paha Call
John Benshoff of Iowa Palls wants
to jump oft a 75 foot scafford into
jLake Minnechaduza during the races
He oilers to make four jumps for a
guarantee of 50 J l
The beef contract for the Pine Eidge
agency was given to a Kansas City
man by the name of Slavin The con
tract price would average 370 per
hundred Dawes County Journal
As soon as workman can be secured
a two story addition will be built on
the rear of the Valentine nouse and a
porch added to the front Mr Hooton
accommodated 22 people with beds the
other night
Senator P II ORouike of Gordon
with his white vest red necktie and
flowing mustache his lordly air and
grandiloquent speech portly frame
and padded shoulders was in town on
business Tuesday
Prom the World Herald of Monday
we learn that our own A E Thacher
was one of the honored guests at a
reception tendered Gen T H Stanton
paymaster general of the army at
Omaha last Saturday evening
Milt Sanderson of Thedford deputy
organizer for the Modern Woodmen
is in town soliciting members for the
local camp Milt is an ardent silver
mau a fluent talker and has had many
strange experemces in this world
While traveling in New Vork C E
Bowring was taken ill with pleurisy
and Monday night returned home
Chick will remain m Cherry county
for some time resting up He is 18
pounds lighter now than before his
Priday evening at 8 oclock the
commencement exercises of the high
school will be held at the M E church
The graduating class is composed of
E Mae Dayenport Ednah MDonald
Prank E Thorn and Chas B Cook
An interesting program has been pre
pared for the occasion
The annual election of officers of
Northern Star chapter No 59 O E
will be held in Masonic Hall Valen
tine Nebr on Tuesday May 25 1897
at 730 p m sharp All members are
cordially invited to be present
Mrs Maggie Walcoit W M
W W Thompson Sec
Last fall a large number of grass
hoppers settled in the northeast part of
this county deposited eggs and now
the young have hatched and are doing
considerable damage to oats and
wheat Prom Sparks to Norden
peems to be the only section afflicted
with the pests and farmers are rapidly
getting rid of them
Alex Burr of Buffalo Lake informs
us that we were in error last week
when we stated that the election board
in that precinct was sworn by one of
the clerks as J L Kosebeiy one of
the judges took the oaths of the re
maining members Buffalo Lake evi
dently became mixed up with another
precinct in our notebook and the real
error in the returns will be made pub
lic if the books are opened in a con
Auction June 3
I will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash at Port Nio
brara Thursday June 3 1897 art 1030
a m one 24x32 frame barnT seven
horses one light wagon two open bug
gies three good saddles and two sets
buggy harness John T Heath
Xiobrara Fails
Frank Reece went to the hay flats yesterday
ChasMosher was taking in sights on the
-river Saturday
John Adamson and family went over to the
Schlagle Sunday to visit relatives
Well if somebody dont get married or some
thing else happen we will soon run out of news
Lafayette Johnson of Sparks visited his
daughter Mr3 Winnie Grooms Saturday and
Henry Grooms went down near Sparks last
Sunday after his horse which had returned to its
old range
Miss Elva Hackler of Valentine is visiting
her cousin Mrs A Grooms she also gave the
Bad Boy a call
Amuch needed rain is falling as we write
Ye Editor ought to have got hold of the
weather bureau long ago
Elmer Cole and wife and Joe Rath and wife
spent Sunday on the river but were unfortunate
enough to find no one at home
Wo wish to beg Kellys Pas pardon as wo
Tore not thinking of him when we spoko of
Kcllvs relatives Hope wo did not offetad the
bV eeutleraan
Bad Edv
Revftunt went lo Eli Sunday to preach
Missiura Gallop visited the hay flats oyer
Sunday - r
Farmers are jubilant over the rain Sunday
A D Gallop visited Rushville a couple of days
last week
Sam Ganow is to take charge ot the Mills Bros
ranch soon
A D Gallop was a business caller in Valen
tine Monday
Wm Glendenning of Chadron was visiting in
this community over Sunday
Mr nolmes is fencing quite a large pasture
which will be of much benefit to him
Bro Balch preached quite an interesting ser
mon at the Ganow school house Sunday after
The Centre Sunday School have at last settled
on 3 oclock as the regular hour for Sunday
Laoius Mann has leased the school section
near Gallop is erecting a house and will move
on it in the near future
The surveyors employed on the prospective ir
rigation ditch are getting along nicely They
are now nearing the Snake
We agree with you Bad Boy and hope to
meet you at the reporters reunion should
there be one There probably will be Ed
There is to be an ice cream sociable at Moss
mans June loth for the benefit of tli e church
AH are invited to attend and bring your quar
ter girl
Kelxts Ta
Plowing and planting is the order of the day
and the soil was never in better condition for a
big crop Small grain is 2oming forward finely
and only for the late frosts would be good size
Sorry to hear of the gross neglect and over
sight offlve election boards in our county thus
nullifyinghe votes of the people and thereby
allowing the issue of a batjh of bonds to curse
the coming generation and enrichthe gamblers
and bankers
I believe it was St Raul who made the remark
that He that marrieth doeth well and he that
marrieth not doeth better Allow me to ex
press the hope that in lifes great lottery you
have drawn first prize Solomon advised all
men to marry He had a thousand wives while
Paul was a bachelor Ed
Thcgreat airship passed over us a few even
ings since and from evidences found in her
track she was short of provisions and was drag
ging her anchor for she grappled a young calf
only a few hours old and carried it away The
neighbors intend to interview the Oaptain on his
return trip by means of a speaking trumpet at
tached to a strong rope
U Alf d I
Valentixe Nebr -May 13 1897
To the stockholders of the Valentine Building
and Loan Association
lhereby submit for your consideration and in
formation the following report which is the con
dition of said Association from the 1st dav of
June 1S92 to the 19th day of May 1897
Hirst Mortgage Loans S2375000
Preferred Loans on Stock 1340 00
Shares withdrawn 71100
Real Estate 93c 37
expenses ana raxes pam iMO 2
Cash with Treasurer 878 79
Capital Stock paid in 17095 00
Premiums paid GlC0o7
Interest received 423G64
Finps collected 148 S7
Membership and transfer fees v 113 00
Rents collected 21250
28580 38
Total cash receipts of the Association 22489 84
Total disbursements of Association 21G11 05
Leaving a Cash balance on hand S 878 79
Number of shares in force Series A 233 B
33 C 49 D 22 Total 337
No of shares delinquent in safd Association at
the present date Series A and B 16 C 4 To-
tal 20 7
Total amount due the Association from delin
quent members including dues interest and
fines S20925
Total number of shares borrowed on are as
Total 144V
Niunber of shares not borrowed on are as
Ti iles A 156U B 54 C 20Ks D 9--I
find the value of shares in the Valentine
Building and Loan Association on June 1st 1897
to be as follows Value of shares in SftriftK a
S904G B 7239 C 3618 D S1809
The total profits since organization of Associa
tion are
Interest received 4256 64
Fines collected 148 87
Membership and transfer fee 113 00
Real Estate 936 37
Rents collected 212 50
Association fixtures 55 00
Premiums earned 385023 9572G1
Less current expenses 94022
Net profit 8632 39
The above profits are apportioned as follows
Series A 709720 B S80415 C 59702 D
13402 Total 863239
The net profits to each share in the Association
are as follows Series A S364G B S2439 C
1218 DS609
Amount paid in on each share of stock is as
follows Series A 6000 B 4800 C 2400
D 1200
All of which is respectfully submitted
Your obedient servant
W E HALEY Secretary
Notice to Creditors
In County Court within and for Cherry county
Nebraska May 13 1897 in the matter of the
estate of Emely E Holmes decased
To the creditors of said estate
You are hereby notified That I will sit at the
County Court Room in Valeutine in said Countv
on the 29 day of May 1897 to receive and examine
all claims against said Estate with a view to
their adjustment and allowance The time
limited for the presentation of claims asrainst
said estate is Six mouths from the 23th day of
NovemDer A D 1896 and the time limit for pay
ment of debts is One Year from said 28th day of
November 1896
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court this 13th day of May 1897
- 16 19 Countv Judge
In addition to the line of
Groceries ivJiich I recently
opened at my old stand on
Main Street Iivill liereafler
carry a stock of Notions
Laces Mibbons Needles and
Thread Muttons Neckties
Socfts Overalls Wndenvear
etcand I respectfully so
licit a share of your trade
r35 Sd
mnwu p
tm jtii
y vf 1 fct
b -hi -2
1 I iRfc2 7 77V
Pi 1 iumu 11
WAIbi 1
IT S Land Office Valentine Nebr
May 15th 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Charley O Good
rich of Co1y Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof befoie the Register or Re
ceiver at his oliicc in Valentine Neb on Tues
day the Gth day of July 1897 on timber culture
application No 7jl4 tor the eswi and wse1
Sec 35 Tp 34n IC83W
He names as witnesses Andrew Steele
Oscar C Goodrich James A Denison ana Com
fort P St jut all of Jodv Nebr also
Andrew Steele of Cody Xeb
II E 8752 for the eueJ4 and eseU Sec 35
Tp 34 R 35
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
Oscar o Goodrich Charley O Goodrich John
S Newell and Henry Heckei Jill f Cod v Neb
17 22 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
May 17 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Jason Garwood of
rullniiui Neb his filed notice of intention to
make final proif before the Rcigster and Re
ceiver itt their office in Valentine Neb on Mon
day the 28th day of June 1897 on timber culture
application No 7936 for the niseis sese and
neJiswJi Sec 22 Tp 2n It 37w
He names as witnesses Joseph E Cotton
Charles earner Joseph A Faults and William
Pullman Jill of Pullman Neb
Notice is also hereby given that Norman D
Stoner of Pullman Nebr has filed notice of in
tention to make flnul proot on timber culture
application No 7860 for the neswj 4 senwj4
and nVSseJi Sec 7 Tp 2Sn R 3Gv
He names as witnesses Joseuh E Cotton
Joseph A Siiults Willijun Pullman and Charles
Carner all of Pullniiin Nebr also
Jason Garwood of Pullman iKebr
H E No 10249 for the iH4neJ 4 Sec 32 and njfi
nwJi Sec 33 Tp 29n R 36 v
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
JosenllE Cotton Norman O Rl nrmr 1nPTili
A Saults and William Pullman all of Pullman
Neb 17 22 CR GLOVER Register
TJ S Laud Office Valentine Neb I
May 3 1897 i
Notice is hereby given that Frank C Jackson
of Pacific Junction Iowa has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof before the Register
or Receiver at his office in Valentine Neb on
Friday the 18th day of June 1897 on timber cul
ture application No 7474 for the seJi Sec 1 Tp 30
He names as witnesses John R Ballard
Henry Ballard William G Ballard and John
Cronin all of Wool like Nebr
Testimony of claimant will be taken before the
clerk of the District Court of Mills county at
his office in Glenwood Iowa ou June 15 1897
15 20 c R GLOVER Register
tJ S La d Offick Valentine Neb I
April 30 1897
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
niiii aam piuui wm oe maue ueiore register ana
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on June 14th
1897 viz
John M Clarkson of Sparks Nebr
H E No 9421 for the riwJ4 Sec 9 Tp 34n R 25w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ou and cultivation of
said landviz
Frederick Smith of Fort Niobrara Nebraska
Richard Osburn Newton J Grooms Perry
Swearinger all of Sparks Nebr
15 20 c R GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office Valentine Nebr i
April 16 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that
Louisa Grant formerly- Louisa Salzmann
of Brownlee Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof befora the Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Ne7jraska on
Saturday the 29th day of May 1897 on timber
culture application No 7672 for the wnej tebi
ne4 and nei nwJi See 23 Tp 27n R 28w
She names as witnesses John Harnan John
Salzman Peter SRoueche and John O Kane
all of Brownlee Nebr
13 18 C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Laud Office Valentine Neb r i
April 21 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that James A Wilson
of LaPlatte Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Thurs
day the 17th day of June 1897 on timber culture
application No 7983 for the ueJ4 Sec 35 Tp 30n
R 27 w
He names as witnesses Oscar w McDanitl
Ely D Valentine Andrew G ward aud John O
Enderaau all of wood Lake Xebr
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the Clerk of the District Court of Sarpy Countv
at his offiee in Papillion Nebraska on June 10
1897 C13 18 C R GLOVER Register
Jflil I JPrices tor ecd
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk
Chop Peed
50c per cwt 900 ton
35e 500
70c 1300
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Democrat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction can be made
TJ S Land Office Valentine Xeb 1
May 13 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that Frank H Zanyck
of Oakdale Nebr Las filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at Ills ohice in Valentine Xcbr on Sat
urdav the 20lh day of June 1897 on T C No 7491
for the s54ue and nse Sec 13 Tp 3ln R 29v
lie names as witnesses George Beer of Val
entine Nebr Willard D Morgareidge William
H Morgareidge and Will iani Carson of Simeon
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the Clerk ot the District Court for Antelope
countv at his office in Neligh Nebraska on
June 25 1S97
17 22 C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office at Valentine Neb I
April 21 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on June
14th 1897 viz
William G Bell of Pullman Xebr
Hd 9304 for the s se and sswH Sec 23 Tp
28 R 33
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Isaac Lomas of Mullen Nebr Herbert
Hosiers Joseph Culbertson and 3amue McClean
of Pullman Nebr
14 19 C R GLOVER Register
US Land Office Valentine Nebr
April 20 189TJ
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has filed notice of intention to
make Ciuil proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Registsr
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on June 11 1897
John L Ballard of Cody STebr
Hd 9307 for the sefc Sec 17 Tp 33 R 32
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Elmer L H Shannon Henry v Holliday
Irvin C Stotts and Frank Mogle all of Cody
Nebraska also
Elmer L IT Shannon of Cody iNebr
ild 0037 for the nVsw and sVSnwJi Sec 34 Tp
34 R 33
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
John L Billard Henry F Holliday Irvin C
Stotts and Frank Mogle all of Cody Nabr
13 18 C RGLOVER Register
Land Office at Valentine Nebraska
April 20 1897 l
Notice is hereby given that Henrv Van Leer
of Brownlee Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Nebr on Sat
urday the 12th dav of June 1897 on timber cul
ture application JSo 7378 for the lots 12 and si
Jie4 OCC H Xp 11 IX 23 w v
lie names as witnesses Adam aiartm
i rl
Anderson Thomas P Johns and
ler all of Brownlee Web also
Nils Anderson of Brownlee Nebr
Hd 8835 for the nwj4 Sec 23 Tp 28 R 29
He names tbo following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Adam Martin Thomas P Johns nenry Van
Leer and Gustave Wendler all of Brownlee
Nebr also
Adam Martin of Brownlee Nebr
Hd 8743 for the wSne Sec 11 swseK and se
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
GasUive Wendler Nib Anderson Stuart Tait
and Alonzo C Ayers all of Brownlee Nebr
13 18 C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
April 21St 1837 f
Notice is hereby given that John Xhr Bollonj
of Fairhaven Washington has filed notice of in
tention to make final proof before the Register
or Receiver at his office in Valentine Nebraska
on Saturday the 29th day of stay 1897 on tim
ber culture application No 7785 for the nw Sec
-He names as witnesses John Harnan waldo
K Grant George Keller and Erans R Vande
grif t all of Brownlee Nebr
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the clerk of the District court for TVhatcom
county at his office m Whatcom Washington on
Mav 29 1897
13 18 C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office Valentine Neb
April 12 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and that
said proof will be made before thts Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Mav 24th 18H7
John Sedlacek Jr by Mary Sedlacek his
wife as agent of Kennedy Neb
H E Xo 89 B for the swJi Sec 13 Tp 29 E 3lw
He namas the loliowiug witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upoa Jind cultivation
of said land viz
David A Piercy Milton Dunham William H
Wilkerson and Sauford Q Spain all of Kennedr
Nebniska 12 17 C R GLOVER Register
Notice Thnher Culture
U S Land Office Valentine Xebr I
Miyl5 1897 f
Complaint having been entered at this office
bylohnH Tnll against Gilbert Maxwell for
failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture
entry No 8501 dated January 8th 1S91 upon the
eViSeH swMe and sesw Sec 5 Tp 29 R 39 in
Cherry county Nebraska- with a view to the can
cellation of said entry contestant alleging that
Gilbert Maxwell has failed to have broken five
acres of said tract during the first vear of entry
or any of said land during the second year of
entry and has failed to cultivate any of said
tract at any time and has failed to plant or
cause to be planted aHy trees tree seeds or
cuttings on said laud and said laud isall grown
Utl to raSS U Pila thn cilil nIrao oTl
by summoned to appear at this office on the 5th
day of July 1807 at 10 oclock am to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
Depositions of witnesses will be taken beforo
Robt Lucas a U S C C C at his office iu
Cpoper Neb on the 30th day of June 1897 at l
o clock a m
17 22 C R G LOVER Register
U S Land Office Valeatiue Nebraska I
Complaint having been entered atthis ofllca
by John E Walker against Edward Dixon for
jibandoniun his homdtttad entry No 1025 daid
November 1895 upon thenVSiieH andn4nw
Sec bo Tp S5n R 35 w 6th l at in Gherrv com tv
ebiaska with a view to the- cancellation of said
entry the aw parties are hereby summoned to
appear at thio office n the vth di of June 1397
at 10 o eioc c 1 m to respond and furuish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment
Testimony of witnesses t taken befora
ViViF U- Cooper Nebraska
on the 24th day of June 1857 10 am
5s C R CLOVER Roister
4 -
r l