Yi J X Abyssinian Murderers In Abyssinia it is tshe law that the murderer be turned ovr to the rela tives of the dead person they if they please to put him to death in the same manner In which the murdered person was removed A traveler recently re turned from that country tells fit a case wherein a 003 playing with hjs companions fell from a tree upon one of them killing him instantly The oc currence was brought to the notice of the district chief whose council after deliberation decided that the dead boys relatives might take the offender stand him under the tree and then if they could put him to death by falling on him from the 6ame tree - Good Liooks There are more wrinkles in the face of a baby monkey than there are in that of an old baboon And speaking of wrinkles more of them can be wrought out in a fair young face by neuralgia than will be found in that of an aged person Constant pain will shrivel and neuralgia neglected will plow its furrows deep It not only wrinkles but takes the bloom away and gives the skin a dull and yellow look St Jacobs Oil is a prompt and sure cure for neuralgia and it should be used as while it soothes and cures it smooths out the tracks of pain and leaves the skin healthy and fair again besides it rids the sufferer of much torment and restores a happier dispo sition Good looks come only with good health and health is found in the ab sence of pain Jack and Jill Many children are taught the nursery thyme of Jack and Jill and the jour ney up a hill in company without the faintest idea being conveyed to the mind of the learner that the story in the lines is an allegory A jack in old English was a pottery or earthenware pitcher a jill or gill was a metal meas ure and it is believed that the rhymes contain a humorous personification of the two vessels possibly by some per son who had sustained the misfortune of striking one against the other and thus breaking the crown of the un lucky jack Drunk for Twenty Sears A correspondent writes I was drunk on and off for over twenty years drunk when I had money sober when I had none Many dear friends I lost and num bers gave me good advice to no purpose but thank God an angel hand came at last in the form of my poor wife who ad ministered your marvelous remedy Anti Jag to me without my knowledge or con sent I am now saved and completely transformed from a worthless fellow to a eoher and respected citizen If Anti Jag cannot be had at your druggist it will he mailed in plain wrapper with fdll directions how to give secretly cU receipt of One Dollar by the Renova Chemical Co 6G roadway New York or they will gladly mail full particulars free Do Snakes Really Bite A careful student of snakes and their ways declares that they never bite despite the common belief that they kill in that fashion In fact says this man snakes cant bite because their jaws are connected only by a cartilage and not hinged and cannot be brought to gether with any force The snake sim ply hooks the fangs in its upper jaw into the object aimed at the lower jaw not figuring at all The act is very similar to that of a man striking a cotton hook into a bale of cotton or a boat hook into a pier Just try a 10c box of CascarotB canay cathartic fin est liver aud bowel regulator made Excessive laughter In small children should not be encouraged Such train ing results in life in hysterical man ners that are anything but pleasing From the small girl must come the woman who by her high bred repose charms all those with whom she comes in contact Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally Price 75 cents Scarlet seems the color most conspic uous in bright sunshine and sdarlet flowers are commonest in dry and sun ny climates where their color gives them an advantage in their struggle with other flowers for the attentions of butterflies and other pollen bearers There Is a means of eradicating local disease of the Bkln that can be rellod on viz Glenns Sulphur So3p Hills Hair and Whisker Dye black or brown 50c Hamburg leads the cities in Germany in the extent of its electric street car service It has 340 motors while Ber lin which comes next has only 114 M T itr7 A m - a- r j j A SCIENTIST SAVED IVcoldent Barnaby of HartsvHle Col lege Survives a Serious Illness Throuch the Aid of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Frcvn the Republican Columbus Ind The HartRTille College situated at Hurtsville Ind was founded years ago in the interest of the United Brethren Church when the State was mostly a wilderness and colleges were scarce The college is well known throughout the country former students having gone into all parts of the world A reporter recently called at this fa mous seat of learning and was shown into the room pf the president Prof Al vin P Barnaby When laat seen by the reporter Prof Barnaby was in delicate health To day he was apparently in the best of health In response to an in quiry the Professor said Oh yes I am much better than for some time I am now in perfect health but ray recovery was brought about in rather a peculiar way Tell me about it said the reporter Well to begin at the beginning said the Professor I studied too hard when at school endeavoring to educate myself for the professions After completing the common course I came here and graduated from the theological course I entered the ministry and accepted the charge of a United Brethren Church at a small place in Kent County Michigan Being of an ambitious nature I applied myself diligently to my work and studies In time I noticed that my health was fail ing My trouble was indigestion and PROF JLLVIN P BAKNABT this with other troubles brought on ner vousness My physician prescribed for me for some time and advised me to take a change of climate I dfu as he requested and was some improved Soon after 1 came here as professor in physics and chemistry and later was financial agent of this college The change agreed with me and for awhile my health was better but my duties were heavy and again I fonnd my trouble returning This time it was more severe and in the winter I became completely prostrated I tried various medicines and different physi cians Finally I was able to return to my duties Last spring I was elected president of the college Again I had considerable work and the trouble which had not been entirely cured began to affect me and last fall I collapsed I had different doctors but none did me nny good Prof Bowman who is professor of natural science told me of his expe rience with Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and urged me to give them a trial because they had benefited him in a similar case and I concluded to try them The first box helped me and the sec ond gave great relief such as I had never experienced from tho treatment of any physician After using air boxes of the medicine I was entirely cured To day I am perfectly well I feel better and stronger than for years I certainly rec ommend this medicine To allay all doubt Prof Barnaby cheer fully made an affidavit before L1IAN J SCUDDER Notary Public Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price 50 cents a box or six boxes for S2o0 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100 by address ing Dr Williams Medicine Co Schenec tady N Y Transparent Sea In the neighborhood of the Bermudas the sea is extremely transparent so that the fishermen can readily see the horns of lobsters protruding from their hiding places in the rocks at considera ble depth To entice the crustaceans from these crannies they tie a lot of snails in a ball and dangle them in front of the cautious lobster When he grabs the ball they haul him up Do not wear impermeable and hats that constrict the blood vessels of the scalp Use Halls Hair Eenewer oc casionally and you will not be bald Microscopical investigation is said to prove that the pores of wood invite the passage of moisture in the direction of the timbers growth but repel it in the opposite direction Whb7 bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candy ca thartic euro euarantetxl Mc 25a A simple dessert for the childrens table is any dried and sugared fruit like dates or figs chopped and mixed with oatmeal farina hominy or other cereal the whole molded and served with plain or whipped cream WISE ADVICE TO HUSBAKDS Those Who Have Ailing Wives Will do Well to Accept It Do not wrangle and quarrel and finally rush into the courts and try to get a Separation from your faithful wife but just stop a moment and think Your wife who was even tempered and amiable and all that was lovely when you jsg married ner fipfous disconte mjt disorder o flRJ Law flW5EWi IsBns ias changed Now she is peevish irritable jeal lted and miserable in a word she has uterine some kind s not the remedy for this condition she needs med treatment her uterine system is at fault My advice to you is sit down and write a letter to that friend of women Mrs Pinkham of Lynn Mass state fully and freely the whole case to her and she will honestly ad vise you what to do Give your wife that chance good man If you do not wish to write about your wife bring her a bottle of Lydia E Pink- hams Vegetable Compound watch its ef fects you will soon see the beginning oi improvement then get her another and keep it up until she is restored to you the same lovely woman you married years ago Following we relate the circumstances of a se of this nature Mrs Melva Routon of Camby Ind says T VOTtr hmJ TttIo T Dinllicimin Tnl Ul Compound and found it to be of great benefit to me The doctors said I had womb trouble I had the headache all the time also a terrible backache was nervous cross and irritable I looked so pale that people would ask me what was the matter I suffered in this way for about four years until one day about in despair my husband brought me a bottle of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I commenced its use and much to every ones sur prise it cured me It has completely changed my disposition for the better also Several of my neighbors knowing what the Pinkham medicine has done for jne are taking it and are much pleased with the result Vegetable Fork for the Kitchen A new vegetable fork has a conven ient arrangement of handle by which the burning and scalding of hands Is prevented when taking potatoes beets turnips parsley or any other large vegetable out of boiling hot water Just back of the fork proper is a perpendic ularly arranged backing which pre vents anything from sliding up the handle This fork is especially useful in tak ing doughnuts out of the pan- of hot lard and in preserving and pickling work it has no equal and makes a pleasant task out of an otherwise risky one It is equally convenient in han dling butter meat or any large piece of food requiring to be handled and will prove indispensable to every S5SS VEGETABLE FOIJK en after once used It is made of strong galvanized iron wire which never wears out or rusts or tarnishes Spiced Beef rince one and one half pounds of beef on the fire in a kettle with just enough waiter to cover and boil slow ly until it is so tender that it may be readily torn to pieces By this time the -water should be reduced in quanti ty one half but if it is not skim out the meat and boil down the liquor to the proper amount Then return the beef to the kettle and with a kntfe and fork tear it into shreds mixing it with the liquor Add one and one fourth teaspoonf uls of salt and one fourth tea spoonful each of ground pepper cloves cinnamon and allspice Mix well and turn the whole into a mold When cold turn from the mold and slice neat ly for serving Excellent for luncheon Cleaninc Wall Paper An exchange suggests the following mode of cleaning or freshening the wall paper Make several bags of canton flannel fleece side out of the proper size to cover the brush of your broom Sweep down the walls with these changing as they are soiled After re moving all of the soil possible in this way take a fresh bag dust it with flour and wipe the walls with it shak ing out and renewing the flour when necessary If you have nice paper on your rooms you will find it will pay you to secure the services of a profes sional cleaner who will put it through a process which renews and freshens it better far than anything you can do for it yourself Potato Fritters One pint of baited and mashed pota to half a cupful of hot milk two ta blespoonfuls of butter two eggs one half teaspoonf ul of salt Add the milk butter and salt to the potato and then add the eggs well beaten Spread half an inch thick on a buttered dish and set away to cool When cold cut in squares dip in beaten egg and bread crumbs and pry a nice brown in hot fat Serve at once Banana Cream Peel five large bananas Mash them very fine adding five teaspoonfuls white sugar the juice of a lemon or of a sweet orange half an ounce of gelatine dissolved in a little hot wa ter last of ali a cup and a half of good cream measured before whipping whipped to a good froth Pour into a wet mold and put into a cool place to set It will harden very soon To be beaten with cream or writh a soft cus tard Baked Hominy One cupful cold bailed hominy small grained two cups milk one large ta blespoonful butter one half teaspoon ful salt two well beaten eggs Work the melted butter well into the hominy first then the beaten yolks then salt gradually milk last of all whites beat en stiff Butter a granite pan bake a delicate brown Serve in the dish it was baked in Hints Cinders make a very hot fire and one especially good for ironing days A lump of sugar saturated with vin egar will often stop the hiccoughs when drinking water is not effectual One of the most useful articles to the took is a thermometer intended to be fastened upon the oven door With this the heat of the oven can be deter mined without opening the door and baking can be done much more success fully No good housewife is without her own special and favorite disinfectant A simple nd effective one may be made of charcoal mixed with clear wa ter Speaking of charcoal it is well to remark that a little of it sprinkled in water containing cut flowers will keep the water fresh for some time Irons may be made to last for years nnd they may be treated on such a fash ion as to wear out in a few moniths The first great secret in their preser vation is to keep them from rusting To this end when not in use they should be stowed away in a clean dry place If in spite of this care or more likely because of some neglect they should still become rusty rub them thoroughly with lard and bees wax and then with sandpaper j How to Root Slips Take a shallow dish and fill with sharp sand wet this very wet but not so that it will be muddy or so that the water will stand on the surface Insert the slips in this sand and never let it get dried out this is the secret of suc cesskeep the sand wet all the time and remember that it dries out rapidly If you want to root a geranium slip choose one that is strong large healthy and not woody Almost anything will root in this wet sand If you want to root a good many slips a box or something that could be covered with glass would be best Fill this partially with sand and have no drainage insert the slips and cover with glass put the box in a sunny win dow and raise the back end so that the box will be thrown with its entire sur face to the sunshine Slips will root rapidly and when well rooted they may be transplanted If you begin early you will have plants for summer blooming and those that have bloomed during the winter may take a rest and have their buds pinched off to fit them for service an other winter It is a fact that a plant will produce more flowers as it grows older if it is cared for Of course plants may get too old but I think this is the exception rather than the rule Now a word about potting rooted slips these must be handled with care and here Is where the novice makes a mistake Do not put a tiny rooted slip or a good sized rooted slip into a big pot use a very small one it will not put the plant back to transplant it from time to time it will do it good it will make it strong and stocky instead of letting it grow up spindling and weak Use drainage always in the bottom of the pot and for the first potting use rather poor soil and put sand about the roots at first When the plant is well established and growing well then transplant it to a pot one size larger and use as good soil as it may require if you use the regular flower pots the potting is an easy matter as the plant may be taken out with all the dirt about its roots and reset without much trouble The Household Rocked on the Crest of the Waves The landsman tourist or commercial trav eler speedily begins and not only begins but continues to feel the extreme of human misery during the transit across the tem pestuous Atlantic But if with wise pres cience he has provided himself with a sup ply of Ilostetters Stomach Bitters his pangs are promptly mitigated and then cease ere the good ship again drops her an chor This is worth knowing and thousands of our yachtsmen summer voyagers tour ists and business men do know it Remarkable Ears Jean Baptiste Verre a laborer is mentioned in the French Academy pro ceedings of 1822 as having ears so long that they projected above the top of his head They possessed the power of motion and being the cause of great mortification to him he had them cut down to something near the ordinary size of human ears and concealed the stumps beneath his long hair TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL The Lowest Rates Ever Made to an Exposition In this Country The exposition in commemoration of the hundreth anniversary of the admis sion of Tennessee into the union is not a local affair by any means It far surpasses in extent of buildings beauty f grounds interesting exhibits and num ber of both foreign and home attractions any exhibition ever held in this country with the possible exception of the Colum bian of 1893 Located as it is on the main line of the Louisville and Nashville Eail road it is in the direct line of travel be tween the North and South and can be visited en route with loss of but little time The extremely low rates that have beeif established make it cheaper to go a little out of your way even to take in this great show while its own attractions will well repay a special visit Write Mr C P At more Genl Pass Agent Louisville Ky for matter concerning it Roughly Silenced Archbishop Whately had a rough tongue he was called Ursa Major 4hc treat Bear at Oxf ord a fact unknown to a young aide-de-camp who at a party in Dublin Castle attempted to cross swords with the prelate Approaching the primate of Ireland the youth asked Does your grace know what is the difference between an ass and an archbishop No was the grave answer Then the youth went on An ass has a cross on his back but an archbishop has a cross on his breast Very good said the archbishop Now will you tell me what is the dif ference between a yoimg aide-de-camp like yourself and an ass I dont know said the youth Neither do I said the archbishop and walked away Ancient Tickets to the Theater During the last few years a large number of small metal plates have been found at diggings in Athens and at the Piraeus and they were common ly considered to be small symbols The Greek archaeologist Svoronos bus now demonstrated beyond doubt that these metal plates were used as tickets of admission to the theater of Dyonisos about the time of Lycurgus The im ages on these theater tickets certainly the oldest of their kind in existence show either the head of Pallas Athene turned to the left or the head of a lion and letters of the alphabet in single double or triple arrangement It ap pears therefore that the laws intro duced by Lycurgus which had such a great influence upon Athenians in all walks of life extended also to the ad mission to theaters which was also probably regulated by him Philadel phia Record Pisos Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since I860 J R Madison 2409 42d ave Chicago 111 Glowworms are much more brilliant when a storm is coming than at other seasons Like many other mysteries of nature this curious circumstance has never been explained CiscARBTS 8timuate titer Kidneys and bowels Nev er sicken weaken or gripe 10c Lady Randolph Churchill is described as being one of the most graceful s aters in England for Fifty Cents Over 400000 cured Why not let regulate or remove your desire for tobacco Saved money makes health nnd mnhood Cure guaranteed 50c and SI all aruscElst More than 150 flags are a necessary part of the outfit of every American warship Mm WJniJcmB Soothino sirup for Children toetbln softens the gum reduces lniammntlon allaj3 rain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle LIFE AND HEALTH Happiness and usefulness depend upon pure lood Hoods Sarsaparllla makes pure blood This is the time to take Hoods 8arsaparlla be cause the blood Is now loaded with Impurities which must be promptly expelled or health will bo in danger Be suro to get only Hoods BEARS THE FAOSIMILE SIGNATURE OF MWMM fill In rBfei mm S75 RJDEA f R f f ITrj S Kzr7Z7 iseware and health making arc included in the inakine of HIRES Rootbeer The prepa ration of this great tem perance drink is an event of importance in a million well regulated homes HIRES Rootbeer is full of good health Invigorating appetiz ing satisfying Put some up to day and have it ready to put down -whenever youre thirsty Made only by The Charles E Hires Co Philadelphia A pack age makes 5 gallons Sold everywhere S 50 JOPESl Western Wheel Works MAKERS 0 CffCAGC rLLMCtS CATAL9GVE TREE GURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in time Sold by drusdists Sarsa pariila rhe One Trne Blnod Purifier 1 six for 5 Prepared only by C I Hood Co Lowell Mass H Ck f IS nr m r -A V iv 1 1 nr t n n 1 V I n I aa tt Vit u ui3 i 17UttUiUiCU Pillc cure nausea Indigestloa visions were thosp of n diseased mind 1UUU a 1 biliousness Price 25c AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THi EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA AND PITCHERS CASTORIA AS OUR TRADE MARK I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Hyannis Massachusetts was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the same that has borne and does now x fj 0Tl every bear the facsimile signature of iayTccAU wrapper This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind yon have always bought S1Y fT7 7 on the and has the signature ofry JCUbC wrap per No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas H Jpletcher is President 2 st S March 8 18971 Qziuycj Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of which even he does not know The Kind You Have Always Bought J5 U Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You THE CENTAUR COMPANY TT MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITV oom oia aaaa iietiMtnt iANDY CAIHABII6 CURE COHSTIPATIOM 105 iaiWlUliJfcJIJfTWi ALL 25 4 50 i Hill Mill ll DRUGGISTS j XHQATTFPffTV fiTTRPBlJTl to care aay easa of constipation Cascartt ore tho HeaJ tazai i fljiUliUliliI UUMfllUIiEdJ tire ner erfo or arine W caase ejurrnatnral result San i pie and booklet free Ad STEELING BEJIEDY CO CaJcaa Hontrenl Can or If err Tori tiTi flotato mmumatmmmsiKtmm99999Kmmm The spectre of housecleaning- neednt trouble you a moment The person that dreads house cleaning knows nothing of Pearline of its easy work its quickness and comfort its saving of paint and of rub bing Go over everything with Pearline floors doors win dows woodwork paint mar ble stone glass carpets a brac and youll get through any cleaning job in the shortest time and with the least labor and fuss You dont need any other help Pearline is meant to wash everything that water wont hurt 53s Peddlers and soma unscrupulous grocers will tell yoa this is as good as or the same as Pearline ITS FALSE Pearline is never peddled if your grocer sends on an invitation be honest send it brk MM vt Lfc New or- - v EAST WEST HOME KS BEST IF KEPT CLEAN WITH SAPOLIO i mi CLAD HILLS vt2 rainiew ana not iTBcEviNSCHElllCJtlCo Sent or poisonous V tr s y y S C N TJ it PATENT 31 THE FINEST RESORT IN THEWESTisat HOT SPRINGS SOUTH DAKOTA Cli mate unexcelled Waters beneficial Accommodations first class at tne many large and smallnotels andprivate boarding nousesLargestplungebatla in tne West Sanitarium experts at batn nouses To reach tnxs resort take tne NORTHWESTERN LINE with excellent train ser vice Palace Sleepers and all modern conveniences at com mand sun OUT NG si Write for Hotel Eates and Bailroad Tare J R BUCHANAN General Passenger Agent T E and ST V E E OMAHA NEB CUHES ar t rl Ocaraaucd KLSif aot o nziziiue kMlfmiStt coaUiioo GURE YURSELF Vtc Big 6 for unnatural discharges inflammations irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes Sold by Pruirelatg or sent in plain wrapjwr by express prepaid for 100 or 3 bottles 8275 Circular tent on request 21 97 t H B WILLSON CO Wash sincton DC No charge tin patent obtained GO pace book frco