The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 20, 1897, Image 4

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Message -Says Noarly 800 Are in
Need and Recommends an Appro
priation of 50000 Senate In
dorses the Plan but It Is Side
tracked in the House
Presidents Mssage on Cuba
The president sent a special Cuban mes
sage to congresB Monday which deals with
the destitution of the Americans on the
Island He says
To the senate and house of representa
tives of the United States Official in
formation from our consuls in Cuba estab
lishes the fact that a large number of
lAmerican citizens in the island are in a
state of destitution and are suffering for
food and medicines This applies partic
ularly to the rural districts of the central
and eastern parts The agricultural
classes have been forced from their farms
into the nearest towns where they are
without work or money The local au
thorities of the towns however kindly dis
posed are unable to relieve the needs of
their own people and are altogether power
less to help our citizens
The latest report of Consul General Lee
estimtaes that there are 600 to 800 Americans
without means of support I assured him
that provisions will be made at once to re
lieve them To that end 1 recommend that
congress make an appropriation of not less
than 50000 to be immediately available
for use under the direction of the secretary
of state It is desirable that part of the
sum which may be appropriated by con
gress should be in the discretion of the
secretary of state to be used for the trans
portation of American citizens -who de
siring to return to the United States are
without means to do so
The senate committee on foreign rela
tions decided in furtherance Qf the plan
suggested in the presidents message of
the terms of which it was informed in ad
vance to report a resolution appropriating
50000 for the relief of American citizens
in Cuba As soon as the message was
read in the senate the committee reported
the resolution and it was at once passed
without division
In the house Mr Hitt of Illinois asked
immediate consideration of a bill appro
priating 50000 for the relief of destitute
Americans In Cuba but Mr Bailey of
Texas said he must object unless an
amendmuit embodying Senator Morgans
resolution for recognition of the insurgents
be added Mr Dingley objected to the
amendment whereupon Bailey objected to
the bill and the Cuban question was side-tracked
It Declares That Greece Shall Not
Be Crushed
Representatives of the powers in Con
stantinople have drawn up a note which
will be presented to the Turkish govern
ment as soon as one of the ambassadors
receives the necessary instructions from
his government This note does not deal
with peace conditions but merely repeats
the request for an armistice and declares
the powers will not permit Greece to be
The tone of the military officials in Con
stantinople and elsewhere is most emphat
ically against abandoning Thessaly They
argue that if the European powers have
been unable to make Greece evacuate Crete
how will Europe be able to force Turkey
out of Thessaly
Dies in South America
J D Speaker son-in-law of John H
Starin of New York died at Managua
Nicaragua as the result of malaria and
heart affection James D Speaker was
until a litte over a year ago accounted one
of the most prosperous steamship and gen
eral supply merchants in New York His
tudden failure then came as a surprise to
many of his friends even his family being
llgnorant that his affairs were in disorder
Shortly after the failure he separated from
Jiis wife and left New York His ancestors
founded the town of Speakers N Y
Thinks the Revolt Is Over
Official reports from Montevideo Uru
guay announce that Gen Vi liars forces
had an engagement with the insurgents
commanded by the rebel leaders Lamas
and Seraiva and defeated them with heavy
loss The battle lasted eight hours The
insurgents made a desperate resistance
tout were at last compelled to retreat in dis
order to the Brazilian frontier The gov
ernment regards the victory as decisive
sod believes the revolt has received its
death blow
Winding Up a St Iiouis Bank
Receiver Stone of the defunct Mullanphy
Savings Bank at St Louis reports that
rapid progress is being made in winding
up the affairs of the bank and that a final
settlement will be reached much sooner
Jthan expected He says he will be able to
ipay out 175000 or 200000 within the next
faw days if the court grants the order he
has asked for
Miss Willard Is 111
Frances E Willard is critically ill at the
hwne of her friend Mme Demorest in
New York Her malady is said to be acute
And persistent gastric trouble combined
with prostration from overwork
Cigarette King Very 111
Haj Lewis Ginter the multi millionaire
-cigarette manufacturer of Richmond Va
and head of the American Tobacco Co is
so ill that he resigned as a director of the
corporation a few weeks ago Maj Ginter
has gone to Old Point Comfort accom
panied by a prominent physician of Rich
lmnd His recovery is very doubtful
Mrs Langtry Is Divorced
Mrs Xangtry the actress has been
granted a divorce in Lake County Calf
where she has a legal home There was
mo oontest to the alleged desertion
Ttoree Negroes Are Hanged by a
Mob Near Rosebud
Saturday night three negroes Dave Cot
ton Henry Williams and Sabe Stewart
were taken frSm the officers of the law
and hanged near Rosebud Texas They
had been confined in the jail at Rosebud
several days on the charge of attempted
rape upon a daughter of William Coates
white Williams made a confession
About 12 oclock a number of men heavily
disguised rode up to the jail and demanded
the prisoners The guards refused to de
liver them and the crowd retired
Immediately the officers and guards
summoned a bus and took the prisoners
leaving by a roundabout route for Martin
hoping to reach Po3t Oaks in time to elude
the mob When about three miles east of
Rosebud they were overtaken by about a
thousand masked men who overpowered
them took the prisoners and hanged them
to a tree
Bandits Believed to Have Made a
Haul of Nearly 10000
A Southern Pacific passenger train was
held up by masked men and robbed about
250 miles west of San Antonio Texas
Both the through and the local safes were
opened and the contents secured The
local contained about 2000 or 3000 The
amount secured from the through safe is
unknown but it is believed it will not fall
far below 7000 or 8000 The express car
was badly wrecked by the force of the ex
plosion of dynamite used in forcing an en
trance The top was blown off and the
sides and floors badly shattered The mail
was not molested by the robbers but it was
greatly damaged by the force of the ex
plosion Officers are in pursuit of the rob
bers who went north
Calls on the Senate to Impeach the
The supreme council of the American
Protective Association adopted resolutions
indorsing the attitude of Senator Morgan
of Alabama on the Cuban question and
denouncing Senator Vest of Missouri for
asserting the teacher3 in the Indian ser
vice were broken down preachers and
teachers to whom a Catholic priest was
far superior and called on the senate to
impeach Vest on the allegation that he is
not truly American in his views
Stephen Mallory Is Elected Senator
on the 25th Ballot
Stephen Mallory was elected United
States senator Friday on the twenty fifth
ballot at Tallahassee Fla Stephen Kus
sell Mallory was a member of the Fifty
second and Fifty third congresses He
lives in Pensacola where he was born in
To Grant Wholesale Amnesty
A newspaper correspondent at Madrid
says The queen regent having intimated
a desire to grant amnesty to Cuba on the
kings 11th birthday the minister of war
Gen Azcarraga consulted with Capt Gen
Weyler who agreed that it would be feas
ible except in the case of dynamiters
Amnesty therefore will be extended to
many suspects autonomists and separatists
who have been expelled from Cuba or who
are now confined in Spanish fortresses
provided they belong in the provinces of
Havana Matanzas Santa Clara or Pinar
del Rio all of which are regarded as paci
A Triple Trust
Manufacturers of wire nails wire and
rods are about to form a grand combina
tion to control the market for all these
products The originators of the scheme
are the wire nail manufacturers Manu
facturers of rods wire and nails met in
New York a week ago and laid the foun
dation for the organization The policy
outlined will only include a moderate
advance in the price of each product and
not the extortionate prices under the re
gime of the nail pool All the firms which
were in the nail pool have signified their
willingness to enter the new combination
Twenty Eight Cents Is Left
John V Ryan supreme inspector of the
Provident Union Insurance Company that
for the last six months has occupied pala
tial offices in the big new Chemical Build
ing St Louis has decamped and the su
preme treasurer Mrs N MRobinson
says all the cash in the strong box is 28
cents She is treasurer but has never
handled any money Ryan did that She
states that the company has made thou
sands of dollars in premiums since its or
ganization by Ryan last November but
she nor any of the other officers nave got
ten sight of it
Militias Guns are Stolen
Lieut Linck commanding a company of
the Idaho National Guard stationed at
Wardner received word from Mullen that
the place where the guns and ammunition
of the state militia at Mullen are kept was
entered the other night by a band of masked
men who stole 75 guns and 800 rounds of
ammunition Lieut Linck wired Gov
Steunberg for instructions Linck will
try to recover the guns and ammunition
It is feared by many that this may be a
prelude to another fierce labor war in
Coeur dAlene
Gets Six Cents for Liibel
The suit of Tyndall Palmer against
George E Matthews Co proprietors
and publishers of the Buffalo Express was
tried and decided in part 1 of the supreme
court of New York Palmer brought ac
tion for 25000 damages for alleged libel
The jury returned a verdict awarding 6
cents to the plaintiff
Mile Bike Record Broken
Con Baker of Columbus Ohio broke the
worlds record for one mile on an indoor
track at Atlanta Ga Saturday night cov
ering the distance in 201 1 5 The previ
ous record was 206 1 5
Goodyear the Minstrel Man Dead
Charles Goodyear the well known min
strel man living in Denver Colo is dead
of heart disease
A P TSdgerton of Indiana Dead
Hon A P Edgerton ex civil service
commissioner died Sunday night at Hicks
ville Ind
These Powers to Force the Evacua
tion of Egypt and Will Also Try
to Put the Transvaal on an Inde
pendent Basis Other News Items
Scheming Against England
The Associated Press correspondent in
Berlin Germany has been informed that
during the past week a defciite under
standing was perfected by which the cab
inets of Germany France and Russia will
soon reach the solution of the Egypt and
Transvaal questions and this will be done
systematically in an anti British sense
As soon as the Greco Turkish trouble is
settled the subject will be jointly
taken up unless Great Britain in
the meanwhile precipitates matters in
which case she will encounter the united
open hostility of the three continental
powers The ultimate object of the agree
ment is to force the evacuation of Egypt and
the nullification of the Pretoria convention
of 1886 and to put the Transvaal upon a
perfectly independent basis France in the
settlement of the peace conditions with
Greece will persistently side with Russia
and Germany in spito of the strong cur
rent of public opinion to the contrary
Ahuvotc the Piuto Assassin Slain by
Member of His Own Tribe
A dispatcli from Kingman Ariz says
Ahuvote the notorious Piute Indian who
has in the last three days murdered not
less than ten white men is dead lie met
his fate at the hands of members of his
own tribe who were compelled by miners
in Eldorado cannon to trail the murderer
to death the penalty for their failure to do
do so being iixed at th j annihilation of
every Piute the miners could reach
The miners congregated in Eldorado
canon and told the Piutes that if they did
not bring or kill Ahuvote they would kill
every Piute they could reach The In
dians followed him down the river found
where he made his last landing and trailed
him ten miles up the canon into the moun
tains where they crept up and bhot him as
he was going over the range
The board of supervisors of Mojave
County Arizona offered a reward of 250
for Ahuvote and Mouse who murdered
Davis and Sterns last February
Over 100 white men and Indians joined
in thfi chase for the murderer Telephone
advices from White Hills fifty miles north
state that fifteen armed Piute Indians came
into town and made threats that if the
whites molested them they would do more
killing A deputy sheriff attempted to dis
arm them but got only one gun
Passenger Train Goe3 Through a
Trestle Near Ardmorc 1 T
South bound Atchison Topeka and
Santa Fe passenger train No 1 went
through a trestle sixteen raile3 south of
Ardmore 1 T Sunday and tumbled down
a twenty foot embankment Fifteen pas
sengers and members of the crew were in
jured some of them fatally No one was
killed outright The train consisted of six
passenger coaches and one Pullman Ail
save the engine and the sleeper went
through the trestle which had been
washed out by high water Many of the
passengers had to chop their way out of
the coaches
Dr Goodmanson to Ilavc Another
Hearing in July
Judge Evans of Ponca has Granted Dr
Goodm mson a new trial to take place at
a special session in July One of the mo
tions which the judge took two days to
consider was the objection to the form of
the verdict and the judge said that
although the weight of the evidence was
against the defendant he would grant the
prayer of his counsel
Secreted the Salary Bill
Secretary of the Montana senate John
Bloor was convicted at Helena Saturday of
having secreted the salary bill to pre
vent its passage and the punishment was
fixed at one years imprisonment The bill
in question had passed both houses the last
day but was never signed by the speaker
of the house It would have cut down the
salaries of the county officers and the
number and salaries of the deputies S3 per
Blow at Tobacco Trust
Judge Gibbons of Chicago rendered a
decision Saturday declaring the American
Tobacco Company an illlegal corporation
and prohibiting its agents carrying on its
business within Illinois This sustains the
action of Attorney General Moloney on
the ground that the company was a
monopoly and an illegal trust
Illinois Embezzler Suicides
John E Doehring ex city treasurer of
Bellville 111 suicided by hanging Satur
day His accounts as treasurer are correct
but he had overdrawn his salary 590
which he had to make good this week
Being unable to do so he suicided It is
probable other business embarrassments
are partially responsible
OConnells Anniversary Celebrated
The fiftieth anniversary of the death of
Daniel OConnell was observed in Rome
Saturday by a requiem mass at the Irish
College Bishop Keane formerly rector of
the Catholic University at Washington
and now bishop assistant to the pontifical
throne delivered an oration
Kellihan to Die August SO
The date for the execution of Lew Kelli
han the Sherburne Minn bank robber
and murderer is set for August 20 There
is no probability of intervention by the
board of pardons or the supreme court
Australia Is Shaken
A Melbourne dispatch of May 14 says
Over ninety earthquake shocks have been
felt in South Australia in the last three
days Kingston has suffered most Many
buildings were damaged and the people
areiiviug in tents
Cny Darrow Killed by Marion Warns
ley and His Wife
VcrmiPon was the scene of a shocking
tragedy Friday night Marion Wamsley
and wife killing Guy Darrow known also
as John Moore The story of the Wams
leys is that the trouble grew out of an in
sult offered by Darrow to Mrs Wamsley
during the day Darrow had threatened
to kill the woman if she told her husband
This she did Darrow who was boarding
at WnuislejPshome came thereat 8 oclock
and was met by Wamsley at the door who
asked him why he had threatened to shoot
his wife
Darrow replied addressing Mrs Wams
ley You told did you Ill fix you
and immediately pulled a revolver Wams
ley had a knife in his hand The two men
clinched Wamsley grabbed Darrows
hand and two shots which were fired did
not take effect The men were scuffling
about the room when Mrs Wamsley seized
a stick of stove wood and struck Darrow
about the head until he fell He rose to
his feet and Wamsley took the stick and
felled him to the flooragain and pounded
him for some minutes Darrowd body
presented a terribly ghastly appearance
The coroners jury rendered a verdict
that Darrows death resulted from wounds
inflicted by the Watnsleys in self defense
Dreyer Berger and Moll Hold on a
Dozen Different Counts
The special grand jury which has been
investigating the bank failure of E S
Dreyer Co and the National Bank of
Illinois made a final report in Chicago
Saturday evening Indictments were re
turned as follows E S Dreyer obtaining
money under false pretenses five counts
holding funds from successor one count
receiving deposits after insolvency seven
counts conspiracy one count larceny
one count total fifteen counts Robert1
Berger son-in-law and partner of Dreyer
obtaining money under false pretenses
five counts conspiracy etc one count re
ceiving deposits after insolvency seven
counts Carl Moll cashier National Bank
of Illinois larceny one count Dreyers
bonds foot to a total of 32000 Bergers
and Molls bonds are fixed at 10000 each
Court Decision Affecting Trademark
An important decision concerning rights
in trademarks and names of preparations
has been rendered by the Philadelphia
court of common pleas restraining George
A Hires a name ake of Charles E Hires
from manufacturing and selling a prepara
tion under the name of Hires Koober In
their decision the judges said It is estab
lished that an article of commerce known
as lIIires Rootbeer by a long and costly
method of advertisement has attained a
trademark and value pecuiir to itself
The sales have reached an extraordinary
yearly volume The respondent Hires a
kinsman of the plaintiff is about to manu
facture and place on the market for sale a
root beer which in all the externals of
physical preparation might be termed a
complete reproduction of the plaintiffs
preparation and device The testimony
in the case we think makes it indubitably
clear that the respondents purpose was to
fabricate sin article of trade which resem
bled the plaintiffs article and thereby de
ceive and mislead purchasers We find
therefore that the allegations of the plain
tiffs bill are established and that the tem
porary injunction prayed for should bo
Spicer Family Murderers
The preliminary hearing of the five Sioux
Indians who murdered the Spicer family
at Winona N D in February last has
been completed at Williamsport Emmons
County Holy Track one of the accused
took the witness stand and told the terrible
story of the crime implicating Black
Hawk and Candotte two half breeds and
Standing Bear Defender and himself full
blooded Sioux The officials are satisfied
now that they have the story of the mur
der as it happened
Basso Cowles Sued for Divorce
Eugene Cowles the basso of the Boston
ian Opera Company is now on the rack
answering a suit in the supreme court of
New York brought by his wife for incom
patibility of temper Mr and Mrs Cowles
have been married fourteen years and have
one child a son who lives with his mother
m Harlem
Chicago Cattle common to prime
5350 to 550 hogs shipping grades
300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 200
to 500 wheat No 2 red 74c to 76c
corn No 2 25c to 26c oats No 2 18c
to 19c rye No 2 34c to 36c butter
choice creamery 14c to 15c eggs fresh
8c to 9c potatoes per bushel 20c to
30c broom corn common growth to choice
green hurl 35 to 70 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 400
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 8Sc to 90c corn No 2
white 27c to 2Sc oats No 2 white 21c
to 23c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 94c to 96c corn No 2
yellow 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 19c
to 21c rye No 2 33c to 35c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 250 to 475
Wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No 2
mixed 26c to 27c oats No 2 mixed 21c
to 23c rye No 2 35c to 37c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 200 to 475
wheat No 2 red S9c to 90c corn No 2
yellow 25c to 27c oats No 2 white 23c
to 24c rye 36e to 37c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 91c to 92c
corn No 2 mixed 25c to 27c oats No
2 white 19c to 20c rye No 2 30c to SSc
clover seed 430 to 435
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 77c
to 7Sc corn No 3 23c to 25c oats No
2 white 21c to 23c barley No 2 30c to
33c rye No 1 37c to 38c pork mess
S25 to 875
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 88c to 90c corn No 2
yellow 30c to 31c oats No 2 white 25c
to 27c
New YorkMSattle 300 to 525 hogs
350 to 450 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 82c to 83c corn No 2
30c to 31c oats No 2 white 23c to 24c
butter creamery 12c to 16c eggs west
i en 10c tc lie
Various Charges Have Been Filed
with the State Board of Public
Lands Against the Superintendent
of the Institute for Feeble Blinded
To Remove Dr Fall
The state board of public lands and
buildings on May 11 made public formal
charges preferre 1 against Dr C P Fall
superintendent of the Beatrice feeble
minded institute ne is charged with in
competency resisting superiors and finally
neglect of duty in that two violent deaths
occurred at the initltute which fact it was
sought to hide from the state board The
board has endeavored for two weeks to re
move Dr Fall but lie has resisted by in
junction and otherwise He is cited to ap
pear before the hoard for trial when it is
claimed sensa ional disclosures will be
made He was appointed by the present
state administration
Nebraska Crop Outlook
The Nebraska weekly weather and crop
bulletin says The temperature has been
above the normal continuously during the
past week averaging a daily excess of four
degrees The rainfall has been below the
normal except in small areas in the eastern
section The past week has been very
favorable for the advancement of farm
work and the growth of all vegetation
Plowing for corn has been pushed and con
siderable corn has been planted The con
tinued rains this spring have delayed the
corn planting until now the work is about
a week behind the normal advancement at
this time of year The result is that an un
usually large acreage is being listed The
early planted corn is coming up in the
southern counties Rye is beginning to
head and wheat to joint in the southern
Finds Stolen Property
At Grand Island recently a search war
rant was placed in the hands of Sheriff
Dean and with the assistance of ex Police
Officer Joseph fcmith he searched the
premises of the old Grand Island Hotel
and under a stairway found a heavy
cheat Under the chest was a trap door
and this led to a small hole in the ground
which was well filled with silks
and worsted dress goods also gloves
handkerchiefs neckties velvet goods and
three pairs of trousers Some of the goods
were marked T S and N Y The
value of lhe lot is about 200 The man
ager of the house Johns Reynolds was
arrested and placed in jail
Girls and Boys Who Graduate
Superintendent TV J Williams of the
city schools of Columbus and his staff of
assistants are busy arranging the program
for the commencement exercises which
will be held at the opera house June 4
The graduating class this year is much
larger than usual and is composed of five
boys and seven girls as follows Benjamin
Davis Annie M Dodds Lois Early Metta
M Hensley David T Martyn Carrie D
Parks Fred Rollin Jennie Saffron August
Wagner George SWilson Jennie Wilson
Winnie 31 Young
Give the Pastor a Bicycle
The first Congregational Church of York
on the 12th inst celebrated its twenty fifth
anniversary Brief historical sketches of
the church the Sunday school and of the
various auxiliary societies of the church
were read When organized in 1872 there
were but six members Today the church
has nearly six hundred on its rolls and is in
a healthy condition The pastor on this
occasion was presented with a high grade
Old Man Shot and is Dying
Gideon Summers was shot and seriously
injured at Oil the other night
The ball entered the back of his neck and
came out of his mouth tearing his tongue
and knocking out one of his front teeth
The shooting was done by Walter McPher
son a bad man from Boyd County After
the shooting he skipped out for the sand
hills The sheriff and posse started in
pursuit but so far do trace of him has been
Mayor and Marshal in Jail
3Iayor Darrah Marshal Colby and Street
Commissioner Hanns of Auburn are in
the county jail at Lincoln where they
were placed for violation of a court order
in that they refused to give bond to appear
at the next term of the district court in a
peace warrant case tried at Auburn The
trouble grows out of a suit in ejectment in
which the city of Auburn is plaintiff The
Imprisoned officials are charged with ignor
ing a restraining order
Plant Plenty of Potatoes y
Notwithstanding the very low price of
potatoes last year the acreage being
planted at North Loup again this season
will be very large the argument in favor
of so doing generally being that seldom if
ever do two yca s of minimum come con
secutively Excellent seed of the best
standard varieties from last years crop is
stored in the neighborhood and is abund
ant as well as cheap
Tate Is Exonerated
The Nebraska grand Iol je of the A O
U W has exonerated Supreme 31 aster
Workman Tate from the charges of mis
feasance in office preferred by his local
lodge The case was on trial at Omaha
for two days
Saloon in New Hands
The new tovn board of Ashland has
granted a license to Ed Swanson to sell
liquors for the ensuing year During the
past year John S Noll ran the saloon as
agent for Omaha liquor men
Bad Fire at Stellar
A fire broke out at Stella the other night
which consumed seven stores about half of
the business part of the town The loss
will amount to 25000
Boy Breaks an Arm
The youngest son of J TV Warren of
Red Cloud fell from a tree the other day and
broke his right arm just above the wrist
9 May Call an Extra Session
The rumor that the United States
supreme court had rendered a decision in
the maximum rate case affirming the judg
ment of the circuit court has caused a re
port that the governor would call an extra
session of the legislature at an early date
to pass a new freight rate law
Saloon Pays for a Marshal
Since the inauguration of the new village
board at Nelson a billiard hall and saloon
have been licensed there The license fee
provides the funds for a city marshal and
A J 3rcClU3key has been appointed to the
Falls Down an Elevator Shaft
A sad accident occurred at Grand Lilandj
the Tast week in the Wholesale house of j
Minton Woodward Co when an em
ploye Prank Dunlap fell down
vator shaft and met with instantaneous
death Dunlap was evidently going up toi
the third story of the building and it being
dark made a miscalculation as to reaching
the third floor landing It appears that he-
grabbed the sliding door after sending
down the elevator that he wrenched it
from the grooves and that he and the door
both fell down the shaft striking the ele
vator when it had probably descended half
way to the basement His neck was bro
Foundry for a New Hog Fence
Charles Tully of Grand Island has se
cured the Hooper foundry and will in a
short time begin the manufacture of a
patent hog wire fence He has secured
the territory of Nebraska and South Da
kota from the patentees of the fence and
will put in the necessary machinery at
once having already sent for it
Little Boy Is Accidentally Shot
A sad shooting accident happened at
3Iinden this week The two little sons of
J II Jensen aged about 4 and 8 years
were playing with a pistol when it ex
ploded shooting the younger child in the
head He lived about half an hour after
the accident
Sing for the Church Debt
A concert was given at Hastings by the
Presbyterian Sunday School orchestra for
the purpose of raising funds to apply on
the church debt and proved a success as
the large church was crowded The pro
gram was rendered under the direction of
Prof Rees
Started to Walk to Germany
Kari Kobs a German is unduly anxious
to go to the old country and the other
night he started out to go afoot After
chasing him twenty miles the neighbors
overtook him and brought him back Kobs
lives near Thayer and has a family
Nebraska Short Notes
The general merchandise store of Bryne
Bros at Blanden was entered by thieves
Monday night and looted of clothing dry
goods shoes and other goods
Henry Hegerdorn of Portal recently dug
out a wolf den and secured nine youngi
The April collections of the treasurer o
Furnas County were the largest of any one
month in several years
John May who lived near Stanton fell
from his wagon and the wheels passed
over his neck killing him instantly
Robert Klotz a 12-year-old Saunders
County boy living near Ashland fell from
a cornstalk cutter and one of the blades
took off his heel
Sarpy County fruit growers are of the
opinion that should no further misfortune
befall the fruit apples will not be more
than half a crop this year
A tramp made a peremptory demand on
aGresham woman for something to eat
and the plucky female picked up a shotgun
and made hifctrampship fly
The question of county division is aain
agitating the people of Custer County
Catherine 3rcPheely of 3Iinden stepped
on a rake tooth and it ran clear through
her foot
What is supposed to be the tooth of a
mastadon was unearthed at a stone quarry
near Louisville last week The molar is of
enormous size and was imbedded in solid
rock five feet below the surface
3Iatt Besch a Bellwood fanner lost
eight hogs stolen on as many different
nights He watched his hog yard one
night armed with a shotgun The thieves
came but his aim was bad andheduJno
better than frighten them away
Mayor Moores Wins
Judges Powell Dickinson and ICeyser of
the Douglas County district court sitting
en banc on Monday heard the argu
ments in the mayoralty contest Ex -Mayor
Broatch had secured a restraining order
to prevent 3Iayor 3Ioores from assuming
his office and Moores had asked for man
damus to compel Broatch to vacate Both
caseswere argued together The judges
announced their decision late in the after
noon dissolving the restraining order and
issuing the writ of mandamus asked for
Mayor Moores at once entered on tho
duties of his office
Will Import Cattle from Pern
L L Tully of Cedar Rapids has gone to
San Diego Cal enroute to Lima Peru
Mr Tully goes to South America in the
interest of a South Omaha commission
firm with a view to importing a lot of
South American cattle to the United States
He does not expect to return before Au
gust If the enterprise proves successful
it is thought that other stockmen will fol
low suit
Hurls Blazing Oil Tank Into Street -
When 3L S E Hill of Arcadia lighted
the gasoline stove to prepare supper a few
evenings since the stove and tank which
feeds it became enveloped in flames Mr
Hill was present and with remarkable
presence of mind wrenched the tank from
its supports and threw it into the street
He then threw out the stove Mr Hills
hands were slightly burned but the house
was saved
Subscribers Get Off Easily
The subscribers who stood out on the
settlement of their shares subscribed for
the Valley creamery on account of the
contractors not doing as they agreed have
received word that their offer of 1000 for
sixteen shares had been accepted thus
saving them 40 on a share This does not
please the subscribers who have already
settled at the contract price 100 each
Brick Yards Start Up at Nelson
The brick yards at Nelson after an en
forced idleness of three years will be
operated to their full capacity this season
When the financial crash came the kilns
were filled with brick ready to be burned
Fires have now been started and as soon
as the kilns are burned a full force of men
will be put to work This means the em
ployment of about twenty men
Colored Soldier Murdered
Andy Tonnage a colored trooper from
Port Robinson was found dead in the
house of 3Irs Fuller a questionable resort
at Crawford with two bullet holes in his
head Robert Walker another colored
trooper and the Fuller woman have been
arrested charged with the crime A cor
oners jury returned a verdict declaring
them guilty The supposed motive was
Attorneys Fined for Fighting
Attorney E E Carr and County K Jk
ney J 31 Day of Aurora had a dispute 5S 3
over a case in court They met in the
street and had a quarrel which ended in a
fight They were arrested and Day pleaded
guilty and was fined 3 and costs Carr
stood trial and Police Judge Walsh fined
him 5 and costs He gave notice of appeal