The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 20, 1897, Image 2

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IPr fakntine tnoctHt
ROBERT GOOD Editor and Prop
Cbarlty never mistakes superstition
for religion bigotry for faith or ven
geance for love
The Paris tribunals have decided that
the habit of gambling In the wife Is
Talid ground for divorce
Cuba is still suffering all the horrors
Jof war A Washington paper learns
that Loie duller is dancing in Havana
Yes said the artilleryman as he
rammed down another load of grape
ehot it is better to give than to re
ceive Let her go
A special dispatch from Middletowii
Ohio says that a peculiar animal
with two sets of lungs has been found
there It is probably a prize fighter
Yes some of them are called sav
ings banks because the president and
his typewriter manage to save some
thing from what the depositors con
If that Chicago physician is right
Who says that there is no such thing
as appendicitis the joke seems to be
on the relatives of those who have died
-with it
Mrs Annie Besant announces that
the soul of Byron has not been reincar
nated in her We believe that explana
tion will be entirely satisfactory to the
friends of the late Mr Byron
Women in Bunnah propose to men
iWhom they seek in marriage and when
they tire of them a divorce can be had
ior the asking Boats run regularly
between the United States and Bur
This country is capturing all the good
things this year The King of Slam
Is about to visit us and he will be fol
lowed later in the summer by the Ra
jah of Razamataz Theres a name to
conjure with
In a Boston park the other day a
well dressed stranger was found dead
-with a campaign cigar in his teeth and
a bullethole in his temple It will take
a coroners inquest to determine tho
cause of death
Physicians declare that by excessive
bicycle riding the nervous system may
be exhausted without the knowledge
of the rider and that when attacked
by disease the bicyclist may find him
self without reserve force to resist it
A JsTew Hampshire schoolmaam
wants to be sent to some South Ameri
can country as a minister or a consul
general Why shouldnt she have a
good fat office just as soon as the men
have picked out all the places they
Rev Andrew Jones of somewhere out
out West predicts that New York St
Louis and Chicago are under a ban
end that they are doomed to destruc
tion because of their worthlessness and
-wickedness And perhaps he is about
two thirds right
It is just as well to stop right here
look about among the wrecked banks
-and the ghosts of the sure thing
bucket shops and warn the young man
of the rising generation that the short
cut to wealth has a sad way of leading
to the door of the penitentiary en
Fear of failure prevents many per
sons from putting forth their best en
deavors Anyone with ordinary insight
-may observe this paralyzing element
In some whom they casually meet and
may do something towards dispersing
It by a kindly word of encouragement
or timely counsel
About 40000 natives of the Philippines
-took part in the revolt against Spain
Of these the captain general in com
mand says he has killed 62000 cap
tured 17000 and that the remaining
20000 are now ready to surrender
Meanwhile the war goes on
The girls of Cleveland are quite
They petitioned the city board
- of control to change the name of Kis
sam street to Ellendale avenue and
the board granted the request The
Forest City girls dont want it under-
stood that it is any easier to kiss em on
one street than another
The zealous lovers of what is new
the hopeful reformer of current abuses
the enthusiastic adherent of untried
schemes the ardent philanthropist or
the apostle of progress in any of Its
forms cannot afford to neglect or scorn
-the past with its vast storehouses of
knowledge and wisdom and attained
success Without these he with all
Ills hopes and aspirations would be an
One of the principal clauses of the di
vorce law in France forbids marriage
Ttetween the respondent and co-respondent
of a case This has been practic
ally set at naught by the recent de-
clsion of the supreme court of appeal at
Paris according to which the tribunals
ibave no power to annual a union of this
kind in instances where the parties
thereto have been able to secure the
celebration of their marriage by some
public officer ignorant of their ante
Pittsburg Times The company stort
Is troubling the Legislature again It
Is the one conspicuous sinner that
looms up before the legislative
tlgating committee It is an old of
fender in the community It has been
accused of everything and been the
object of much legislation In the sight
of the laboring man it is an eyesore By
the State it is outlawed But it flour
ishes like Jonahs gourd coming up in a
night if it Is torn down in the daytime
Being under the ban of the law does
not disturb it
True self sacrifice which is always
ready to subordinate the monetary and
partial self to the permanent andivhole
self can never come into conflict with
the real good of others Both are nour
ished from the same source both suf
fer if either is injured He who neg
lects or injures others wounds himself
in a vital part he who neglects or in
jures himself as surely reduces the
and impairs the welfare of
The people of the United States are
again face to face with a problem upon
the solution of which depends its peace
of mind for a long time to come It
is a question that concerns only our
selves but for all that it will require
the exercise of diplomacy of the high
est order to avert the threatened evil
and the most astute statesmanship of
the country will be brought to bear
upon the question Robert Fitzshn
mons has announced his intention of
learning to sing
The anti trust law just enacted in
Georgia is a very comprehensive and
thorough one It is based upon the
theory that free competition in all
forms of business is a personal right
and a public advantage and that a
wrong Is done whenever it is supressed
or obstructed There seems to be no
room left for the escape of any com
bination designed to control prices or to
Interfere with the general laws of
trade It remains to be proved if a
law so stringent and far reaching can
be enforced and its power and useful
ness will depend very largely upon the
ability and integrity of the officers and
the friendly disposition of the courts
The art of listening is often spoiled
ty the mental attitude of prejudging
When we begin to listen we quickly
take sides for or against as critic or ad
vocate and from that moment we cease
to be good listeners certainly we are
no longer impartial or fair ones We
welcome that which agrees with our
notions and exaggerate its relative
value while that which is opposed to
them we ignore and forget We are
not great enough to listen for the sake
of truth and try to discover it what
ever it may be we listen with avidity to
that which we like and turn a deaf ear
to the opposite As when we look
through colored glass the whole land
scape assumes that color so when we
listen through the medium of private
prejudice we hear only its echo
John Bright once said of Gladstone
He is an honest man he believes what
he says The worst of it is that he too
readily believes what he wishes to be
lieve To a question whether that was
not something like self deceit Mr
Bright replied No Mr Gladstone
sees an object which he thinks of vital
importance and he turns in all direc
tions for arguments in support of it
He find them and he becomes uncon
scious of anything outside of them
That is not self deceit To the objec
tion that it was a dangerous quality in
a statesman to be able to see only that
side of a question which he wished to
see Mr Bright replied that every man
who had done anything great in the
world had been of that constitution
You cannot do a great thing he con
cluded if you have doubts of your por
sition and reasons
The weather man stationed at Cleve
land Ohio has been subjected to a
grave injustice at the hands of a local
magistrate named Ong He was obliged
to go to jail because he refused to at
tend court and testify whether It rain
ed or not on a certain day and because
he refused also to pay the fine imposed
on him for contempt Judge Ong re
lented it is true after an hour or so
out this did not lessen the indignity im
posed on the weather man Something
should be done with this Magistrate
Ong for his unpardonable lack of sense
By what right did he order this weath
er man into court for the purpose of
extracting a specific declaration as to
the weather Did the wretched Ong
ever hear of a weather man wiio knew
anything about the weather Ought
not the very title of weather man
make the bearer sacred from any at
tempts to extort from him information
about the weather But even
ing that this particular weather man
did happen to know what the weather
was on the day in question Was it
fair to drag him into court and force
him to stultify himself If the day
about which this Judge Ong was so
curious happened to have been fair it
is altogether probable the weather man
is on record as having predicted a bliz
zard If perchance it rained or snowed
on that day the predictions will un
doubtedly show fair Surely the
weather man is entitled to some pro
tection and if he is badgered in this
fashion he may get into the habit of
occasionally making correct predic
tions which would seriously impair his
usefulness Cold weather forecasts
cause a general outpouring of spring
overcoats and fair and warm means
umbrellas and warm clothing for like
dreams these predictions go by oppo
sites But if courts are to be encour
aged in sending the weather man to
jail the public will be thrown back
again on the more uncertain goose
Novel Picture Frame
Ernest White of West Chester Pn
has a small picture frame made of 2200
separate pieces of wood that lock luto
one another It was made by hand
Acknowledge a Manifest Condition
The Republican Senators who are
holding an autopsy on the mangled re
mains of the Dingley bill appear to have
c oine to one sane conclusion They
have been forced to acknowledge that
a prohibitory tariff will not produce
revenue However effective it may be
in fostering monopolies it will not cure
a deficit They are therefore compell
ed to supplement the restrictive tariff
with some revenue taxes New York
Facts Deny Reeds Assertion
Speaker Reed says there is no busi
ness demanding the attention of the
feBg - 7T
Mr Bryan has written a criticism on
ex President Clevelands speech to the
Reform Club He truthfully asserts
that the ex President is unjust to Mc
Kinley The President was noted for
his views on protection He is simply
following out a policy which he has al
ways favored Hence Mr Cleveland
and other gold Democrats who either
election have no ground of complaint
They knew that McKinley was a pro
tectionist when they contributed to his
election and they must accept the le
gitimate consequences of their own ac
Another point made by Mr Bryan is
effective The largest sum of money
ever put into a campaign in the history
of American politics was raised and ex
pended in the last presidential contest
Did it ever occur to him Mr Cleve
land says Mr Bryan that the con
tributors would expect repayment
through legislation friendly to their in
terests This is exactly what the
Diugley bill is It is intended to give
the men who contributed the cash to
Mark Hannas corruption fund an op
portunity to play even at tlie expense
of the American people
As to whether the more than 6000
000 Democrats who voted for Bryan or
the 130000 who voted for Palmer con
stitute the real Democratic party there
can be no question Denver News
en in sufficiently large quantities it
will keep all foreign germs out of your
system and leave you happy prosperous
U S Hold on there doctor Youve
said enough to convince me that like
all advertised panaceas its a quack
remedy Besides Ive tried it and found
it about the nastiest dose I ever took
Its effects were also bad very bad It
deranged my whole system and filled it
so full of trust germs that Ive been laid
up ever since I dont want any more
of your protection pills and dont
see why they called a protection doctor
again It must have been by mistake
Whose Appetite
We used to hear much for twenty-
Ave years from the Republican breth
ren safely stalled at the public crib
about an awful organized appetite
which appetite they described as the
Democratic party They felt it a pat
riotic duty to disappoint this appetite
in order to satisfy their own The coun
try would be lost if they were not per
mitted to take their meals in peace at
the expense of the Government Dur
ing all these twenty five years the Dem
ocratic party went on in season and out
of season met defeat every four years
with equanimity but stuck fast by their
principles whereas if they were indeed
an organized appetite they would not
have survived one disastrous campaign
These little facts may be brought out
in view of the fact that there is on file
in the State Department at Washingtou
no less than 30000 applications for ap
pointments in the consular service
These come from Republicans Of
course they will protest there is no or
ganized appetite among them They
are not very hungry and very thirsty
But the facts are against them The
Republican party is at all times the par
ty of grab writ large The Republican
party solemnly resolves that the saints
Should possess the earth and with
equal solemnity resolves that the saints
belong exclusively in the Republican
Humbug charlatanism hypocrisy
greed and jobbery are the characteris
tics of the Republican party It is an
organized appetite it ever there was
one Chicago Chronicle
House of Representatives Yet more
than 2000 bills have been introduced
some of them exceedingly important
the bankruptcy bill is of vital impor
tance and the courts will have to close
unless Congress speedily furnishes mon
ey to pay court expenses Nashville
Womens Dress Goods Will Come High
The extremely high duties which
directly or indirectly aided McKinleysf Din8ley Proposes to collect from worn-
ens dress goods should be
A Wonderful Pill
Uncle Sam Why doctor that looks
tike the pill McKinley gave me to re
duce my revenue
Dr Dingley Yes its ingredients are
practically the same though perhaps
they are somewhat stionger
U S But you say this is to increase
my revenue How can if work both
Dr D Its a protection and prosper
ity pill and will produce any effect de
sired Its an infallible cure for any
and all fiscal and industrial ills If
more gener
ally understood by the women of this
country It is they who must suffer
moat because of these duties Here are
a few samples of the increased duties
taken from a list prepared by Mr P B
Worrall of the aoaR goods importing
firm of Fred Butterfield sa Co of New
A wool and cotton cloth costing in
England Is per yard equal to 24 cents
in our money weighing 16 ounces to
tho running yard costs under the pres
ent tariff 83 6 cents per yard while un
der the proposed tariff it would cost
67 8 16 cents per yard
A wool and cotton cloth costing in
England 2s 4d per yard equal to 56
cents in our money weighing 28 ounces
to tho running yard and costing under
the present taiiff 784 cents per yard
would under the proposed tariff cost
14858 per yard
An all worsted cloth costing in
England 2s Id per yard equal to 50
cents in our money weighing 16 ounces
to the running yard and costing under
the present tariff 70 cents per yard
would cost under the proposed tariff
f 1298 per yard
A 32 inch black serge cotton
warp costing in England 7 5 8d per
yard equal in our money to 1525 cents
weighing less than 4 ounces to the
square yard costs under the present tar
iff 2287 cents per yard Under the pro
posed tariff it will cost 3007 cents per
A 27 inch black sicilienne cotton
warp costing in England 7 7 8d por
yard equal to 1575 cents in our mon
ey weighing 8 7 ounces to the ruuning
yard costs under the present tariff
2362 cents per yard Under tho pro
posed tariff it will cost 3392 cents per
Iniquitous lumber Tariff
The proposed tariff on lumber the
Boston Transcript Rep says is sim
ply a measuie to pick the pockets and
crush the industry of a large useful and
influential class of American citizens
It is uneconomic unscientific suicidal
The statements upon which this schedule
was made up are shown to have been
insidious and misleading The result
will be to strip the country not of an
annually recurring income but of its
white pine principal which at present
rates is within ten years of exhaustion
and also to ruin a large class of business
men in this country who deserve better
things It does not seem possible that
men claiming to represent the people
will permit such a measure to have the
force of law If they do it will cease
to be folly and become iniquity
Fooling1 the Farmer
Sample taxes from the Dingley bill
with comparisons showing the over
whelming foreign competition to which
the farmer is subjected and what pro
tection the ways and means committee
regards as indispensable
Imports to Exports from
Duty United States United States
Dingley hill 1896 1856
Earley 30c perbu 837384 hu 7680331 bu
Corn 15c per bu 4838 bu 09992835 bu
uats ic per bu 47506 bu
Rye 10c per bu 154 bu
Wheat 25c per bu 2110030 bu
Flour 2oc ad val
Butter Gc per lb
13012590 bu
988466 bu
60050080 bu
1894 bbls 14620864 bbls
62007 lbs 19873913 lbs
fotatoes25cpbu 175240 bu 680049 bu
Total value of these exports during
the fiscal year 1890 139023632
Total value imports 1861553
Hit the Wrong Party
Jacksons Protection Prophecy
The corporations and wealthy indi
viduals who are engaged in large man
ufacturing establishments desire a high
tariff to increase their gains Design
ing politicians will support it to concil
iate their favor and to obtain the means
for prof ase expenditure for the purpose
of purchasing influence in other quar
ters Do not allow yourselves mv fel
low citizens to be misled in this sub
ject It is a system of injustice and if
persisted in will lead to corruption and
must end in ruin Andrew Jackson in
His Farewell Address
Political Comment
So long as we are shut in behind the
Chinese wall of protection which not
only keeps foreign goods out but
shackles our export trade by keeping
our products in high wages are paid
until overproduction and the clogged
home market compel the shutting down
of the mill Then there are no wages at
all New York Times
The owners of industries to be pro
tected under the new tariff bill have al
ready begun raising the prices of their
products but have not said a word
about lifting the wages of
Louisville Times
Prof Henderson on Canse and Effect
in Education Stubborn Natures
Must Be Led and Not Driven Gen
eral Educational Newa and Notes
Cause and Effect in Education
The human infant Is a much less
complex thing than we are wont to
think It is plastic and general for
the most part a mere bundle of possi
bilities And we stand to it In rela
tion of Fate or Destiny We have given
to us a tiny organism with little in
dividual will or intelligence The in
fluences to which we subject this or
ganism constitute the educative proc
ess There are two elements to be
considered First of all there is wrap
ped up in this tiny ball of organized
matter an inherent tendency more in
exorable than the predestination
taught by Calvin We call it heredity
It is the gift for good or ill of fathers
iind great grandfathers of mothers
ior many
generations back The iairv irodmoth
ers who come in the story book to ev
eiy childs christening represent a sci
entific fact The talents they bestow
the fatal limitations they inflict are
not by chance They are the quali
ties of ancestry A system of educa
tion neglecting this element of heredity
neglects a determining cause and is
fundamentally unscientific But it is
an element largely beyond the control
of the teacher All he can do is to
develop these germs or discourage
them as heredity seems good or bad
Even In this very moderate function
he blunders for the most part ter
The second element is the one with
which we have practically to deal It
includes all post natal influences In
science we call it environment It is
a long standing debate as to which of
these elements is the stronger We
need not enter the controversy The
balance of present evidence seems to
support that view of the matter which
gives the greater influence the environ
ment In this lies the hope of the edu
cator We mean to get the best of
the dead great grandmother Mr Fiske
has pointed out that in the increased
helplessness of the human infant in
its greater freedom from inborn in
stincts in the lengthening days of the
plastic period of infancy are to be
found the possibilities of a far greater
individual advance This then is the
problem set before us as educators
so to shape these influences that the
developing human spirit may approach
perfection It is not a new problem
It was before the Greeks It was be
fore the men of the Middle Ages It
has been constantly before our own
people But it never has been very sat
isfactorily solved The extent of our
failure can be better realized when
we remember that nearly all educa
tional reforms have been forced upon
the schools from without They orig
inated with men and women who were
so fortunate as to escape the pedagog
ical blight When we remember fur
ther that the men of mark in the great
world of action and creative thought
have either been educated in an irreg
ular fashion or if they have gone to
the academies and colleges have never
taken the courses too seriously these
facts are significant They mean that
education has often been a thwarting
of the spirit an attempt to fit a square
plug into a round hole a pressure a
dead weight rather than an unfolding
They mean in short that education
has seldom in practice at least been
reduced to a science
We fail as Ptolemy failed as the al
chemists failed We fail because we
do not observe the true sequence of
cause and effect in the life of the child
We must part company with that fatal
duality which separates body and spir
it We must look upon the child as a
unit We must see in it an organism
which includes both body and spirit
an integer Little Margaret is very
picturesque in her quaint gown and
big hat They conceal the fact that
her poor little body Is stunted and un
developed and wrill but ill withstand
the emotions and functions of woman
hood Brother Jack is also a lively
figure in bright kilt shirt and velvet
jacket His neck is thin but it is
surrounded by a very broad linen col
lar We look at that and find htm
charming His little legs are slender
as broomsticks but they are in thick
black hose and the red kilt attracts the
eye We look at that and are satis
fied He is active and noisy We take
it for granted that he is getting on fine
ly Were he in the bath tub we should
think otherwise Later Tack goes to
college He breaks down His moth
er says it is from overwork But this
is not the truth The truth is that he
has not the brain power to cope with
normal intellectual tasks The fault
is elsewhere than with the curriculum
still it makes us hopelessly vulgar
These are but two out of a large and
bad company of images which to day
obscure the reflection of science in ed
ucation They make difficult the rec
ognition of the simple fact that the
child is an organic unity and they
make practically impossible the devel
opment of any system of education
based upon this truth So long as we
allow tins obscurity and persist in this I
blindness we shall have no science of
education however many sehoolhous
es we may build for we shall be stead
ily doing violence to a principle which
may not be violated the sequence of
cause and effect Prof C Hanford
Henderson in the Popular Science
Must Be Xed
Did you ever go trout fishing Do
you know what it is to match your J
skm as a fisherman against the wily
ways of a trout fighting for its life
You cast your line near the edge of a
stream where there is an overhang
ing tuft of grass or a bunch of pond
lily leaves There is a snap and the
reel revolves rapidly at the first scared
nisi of the fish Should the gieeiv
fisherman now attempt to land tht
trout without playing him the chances
are that the fish will escape There is
too much resistance to overcome the
line breaks and the fish gets away
with the fly the line trailing behind
to tangle sometime in the weeds and
destroy its victim Or if the line holds
fast the lish tears himself loose and
the chance to catch him is gone
The experienced fisherman on the
contrary offers little resistance to the
rush of the fish keeping a tight line
and biding his time When the fish
tires he reels in carefully quietly of
fering as little resistance as possible
ready to let the line run out at the
next rush until at last the fish is tired
and no longer resists and is pulled
ashore It is a contest between the
firm will and skillful hand of the fish
erman and stubborn resistance of the
fish The fisherman wins not by op
posing violence to violence but by
waiting until the fish has tired itself
out and can be easily controlled and
Did you ever think how much your
stubborn bad boy is like the fish in
its unreasoning mad rush
When he draws away from you ana
perhaps makes an issue instead of let
ting him reel out the line and WSfr
ing till he is reasonable you attempt
to force him your way at once the
consequence is there is a break be
tween you and you never recover your
ifluence over him But if instead
you follow the plan of the successful
fisherman and do not use force when
he is most obstinate but wait a little
until he is in a more tractable mood
then if you are skillful you will ac
complish your end your influence will
prevail and your pupil will follow your
lead trusting in your superior skill and
There are times when the most skill
ful work will fail both in teaching
school and catching fish Noble G
Rice in N W Journal of Education
Educational Notes
The Lampson bequest to Yale Uni
versify will probably amount to over
In Greece teachers are superannuat
ed after twenty one years of service
regardless of age
The alumni of Dartmouth College
have subscribed 15000 for the erec
tion of a new alumni hall
A picture of the late Hon Edwin WiL
letts is to be hung in the State Normal
School building of Michigan
The people of Lancaster Pa have
petitioned the school authorities foi
the establishment of public kindergar
tens in that city
A petition is before the Maine Legis
lature for an amendment to the char
ter to provide for three women on the
Portland School Board - -
With 9000 students on its rolls the
University of Paris is believed to have
the largest number of students of any
educational institution in the world
President Srtyker of Hamilton an
nounces that a friend wliose name he
will not divulge has given the college
25000 for a hall of language Ground
has already been broken for the new
The sixty five German societies of
Chicago have petitioned the City Board
of Education for free text books They
also demand that all books be free
from all allusions to prohibition and
The application of the senior class at
Wellesley for a senior vacation has
been successful and this vacation will
begin on June 10 after which date no
classroom work will be required from
those seniors who have no arrears of
A physician has recommended that
no child 12 years of age or under be
confined in a schoolroom more thak
two and a half hours daily and then
with frequent recesses that no child of
IS years or less be required to study
more than three or four lessons daily
that there be one short session for the
younger children and two for the older
that ample time for rest and dinner be
given and that lessons be learned at
home but that teachers teach as well i
as assign and hear lessons
Hints to School Boards
Sustain your teachers as long as yoir
keep them
Speak well of school -when opportuni
ties offer
Give your teachers at least one wprd
of praise to two of censure
Be as silent as oysters when tempt
ed to speak disparagingly of youi
Do not for any matter of personal
feeling denounce the teacher and rain
the school
lu all this the image cast by prudery If yu object to the ways of your
makes us horribly unscientific Worse I teachers tell them so privatelv but
do not proclaim it from the house tops
Do not at least so far as you are
concerned let family or neighborhood
quarrels interfere with the success of
the schools
Do not think that the world has
come to an end when an irate parent
comes in like a raging cyclone breath
ing vengeance from every pore Soothe
him calm him tell him to mind his
own business shame
him or put him
out as occasion demands The sooner
yon give him and all others to under
stand that the
teachers are
goin ri ht
on and that you are going to sustain
them the sooner you will have peace
I hear Blowly that
your new paper
is doing much for your new citv
-v vxyeSuue signt more than the-
new citys doing for my new paperSSS
v- ilee -cress
- l ng