The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 06, 1897, Image 9

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1 I
jr r
k - -
ahaaiMfaatiaaaiaaittifSTgtiMr MB
The May number of The Oracle
XeRoy Leachs magazine published
at Wood Lake is considerably im
proved ovpr thA previous numbers
The typography especially is reaching
-a higher standard and in time Mr
Leach may pride Jiimself upon his
The Stuart Ledger eccentrically re
4ieiii V i lJ3t
Ainsworth Nebr May 3 1897
I notice in the columns of the
X03ERT G0D Editor and Publisher er News of last week a
1 I
Official Paper of fcherry
zy Kfe1braka
3100 3er eur in Advance
Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cuerrj
county Nebraska as Second class matter
MI - - mi
This paper will be mailed regularly
to itsStibseribers until a definitH order
to discontinue is received aud all ar
tearsare paid- in full
-The Industrial School Journal a
Beat little three column quarto pub
lished at Kearney Is the latest
to our exchange list
turn from a lSilver Democrat of this
place in which he is making the ac
cusation that you tsre now nothing
more than a wolf in sheeps clothing
because he says you posed here as a
republican -it was well
known by almost every republican in
this place that you were a democrat
and always had been Neither were
the people under tho circumstances
concerned about your party affiliations
as that part of the deal was cutting no
ice I am giving this unsolicited by
you and will take theliberty of saying
that your reputation among the people
in Ainsworth as far as I know and I
am acquainted with every man in the
place is as good as any mans need be
Neither was any one of any intelli
gance in this place surprised when
they heard -of your present venture in
democratic journalism
The concoction in the communica
tion from this place of April 27 is a
lie made up of whole cloth and which
every leading republican in this com
munity will stamp as such The lie
was no doubt made up over the bar of
the saloon where he by chance saw
your paper The author is no doubt
anxious to take it upon himself to
maks that Frank Cole the alleged thief
keep you -and George Reinert in a
wno was snot ana Kinea near mere
last week by citizens from this county
was Keya Pahaed and seems to
have its modesty somewhat shocked at
the thought ot having such a horrible
tragedy committed on the deep -sandy
oil of fair Hit county Now in all
caudor we would like to ask the Led
ger man when it became more fashion
able to be Keya Pahaed than to be
Holted or Scotted asthe case might be
Please pass the horse radish Bro
Wertz Springview Herald
For errors in the enrolling draft
ing and passing of bills the late la
mented legislature was what Gor
don girls would call a peacherina
It was sui generis if anything ever
was But it is queer that all these
errors were in the interests of some
person or other who is in touch with
ttbe administration Secretary Schwind
of the senate runs a paper which was
not a -legal publicatiou under the
1895 law so he sent a bill repealing
that Jaw to the governor for his signa
ture even though the bill had been
killed in both house and senate Rep
resentative Sheldon was when elected
publisher of a paper so he fought the
-bill referred to But he lost his
paper He secured the passage of a
bill which repealed the old law but
oddly enough he was surprised
after the bill had passed when he
learned what was in the bill The
legislature went in for economy and
so it very properly cut down the
salaries of the three superintendents of
insane asylums from 2500 to 2000
per year or at least it thought it did
The governor signed the appropriation
bill and now it trauspires that the
-same old 2500 per year was appro
priated by the bill for these superin
tendents At 2500 per year board
and free th6 position of
superintendent of an insane asylum is
one of the Jaest in the state The
governor however says that
tendents willqnly get 2000 as the
ltecorda show that that was theamount
te legislature intended to appropriate
If that is good law then the part of
H R 571 which repeals the news
paper law of 1895 is qull and void be
cause the legislature very forcibly sat
down upon two bills of -the same na
ture wfcich on their laces -showed their
Intent The governors position Is
probably right we hope it is at any
ate and if he gains his point all
good -citizens will rejoice After doing
aucb good work in showing up the
rascality of republican officials it is a
jshatjoe and disgrace that the
ure should make so many errors
JBy the way the word error is a good
one to se in -connection with these
matters Its no disgrace to make an
oocasional error Mooreand Bart
iej should have claimed that their
shortages were eirora and not laid
their rascality to misplaced confidence
In friends That excuse Js wra
constant fight over nothing and the
only thing that sui prises meMr Good
is that you will waste your time
squabbling over such trivial affaiis
with a thick headed blatring and ig
norant dutchman who newer had any
sense neither does -he have brains
enough to ever get any
The only moral that I can see in the
whole affair is keep your paper Mr
Good out of the saloon its a bad
place for a good clean paper -such as
yours is
A Good Republican
The newspaper men of Valentine
have invited the newspaper men of the
Sixth congressional district to meet
with them in Valentine on June 5
1 he object of tne meeting is to form a
press association and furnish rest and
recreation for the editors The ob
ject of forming an association is to
cultivate a closer relationship that
will be of material benefit to the mem
bers The enterprising business men
of Valentine have raised a fund and
will entertain free of cost all news
paper raen who attend the meeting
This one thing stamps the business
men of Valentine as enterprising
wide aarake and prosperous
The foregoing appeared on the ed
itorial page of the World Herald n
May 1 aud is a succinct statement of
the object ot the editorial meeting to
be held here on Juue 5 There are 100
newspapers in the Sixth congressional
district and invitations have been
sent to the editors of each of them so
it is safe to count upon an attendance
of at least 50 newspaper men The
value of such meetings cannotbe over
estimated and the arguments in favor
of the gathering are so well known to
the bhojs that they need not be stated
here Come along everyone and
bring your wives We assure you of a
good time as well as an instructive
one If further information is wanted
write to either of the papers hre or
G H Reinert secretary A trip to
Fort Niobrara and a bath in Lake
will be among the
pleasant features of the gathering
The Nebraska Independent comes
out editorially against Milton Park
and other populists who sees for a
national conference and seems to feel
very uneasy for fear that journal and
others of its kind cannot persuade all
the populists of the United States in
cluding the National Reform Press
Association to believe that free sil
ver is and should bethe fighting issue
of the populist party of the United
States The Independent has been
full of that fighting issue nonsense
but the populist party even in
braskavdont swallow such foolishness
Falls City Populist
No one is fooled by the nom de
plume 4SHve Democrat who wrote
the communication dated from Ains
worth and published by Reinert It is
dollars to doughnuts that the owuer
of the Western Nev -wrote the article
yowr Ojee Is to pet the best Tom Cfm Object To us helping irr Object is to sell goods aVprices
goods for the lowest possiole figure you We will do it for that will retain customers i
Tocomparisoa with anyone either in regard to price or quality of goods we sell Try us when in need of
Now is the time to subscribe 100
Dick Grooms is in town today with
a nice lot of home grown pie plant
i Frank Whittecar came up from
Ainsworth Tuesday and yesterday
morning went to Rosebud
Bob Emorys mother-in-law a wo
man ged about 75 years died last
night of dropsy ana was taken to Rose
bud this morning for interment
C R Watsou has his soda fountain
in running order and the thirsty mul
titude crowds his place of business
to sip the foaming and delicious
glasses of nothingness
Saturday morning about 130 Hans
A Lons drive
W E Haley and Ed Clarke returned
yeaterday from their trip to South
Dakota They were gone eight days
and visited Norden Springview and
Butte Nebraska Fairfax Wheeler
Chamberlain and Castalia South
Dakota returned by way of the reser
vation industrial school The boys
looked brown and tired when they
drove into town and report vug
had a pleasant trip They say they
passed through some of the prettiest
oountry in tho world while gonp
Ulrichs horses left home and were not
captured until they reached Johns
town Charles Stephenson brought
the animals home Tuesday
Judge Towne and wife went to
Kennedy yesterday where the Judge
performed the ceremony unUingsFrank
Kime and Irene Wilkinson in holy
matrimony The judge will b e gone
several days visiting friends
W A Selden who did tailoring in
the village last summer and fall c was
up from Longpine yesterday Mr
Selden hoped to be able to retire from
the tailor business but last week his
farm house and its contents burned to
the grouud and he is once more look
ing for a location
The annual election of officers of
Minnechadaza Lodge 192 A F A
M will bu held at Masonic Hall- Val
entine Nebr Saturday May 35 ar
730 p m All members are cordially
requested to be preset as that and
other important business is to be trans
acted W W Thompson- Sec
J T Kebley W M
Chas Butner of Longpine has in
his possession a watch that was made
in 1624 It is an heirloom tnat wa
presented to one of his ancestors who
was an admiral for some act of brav
ery Parties in England are desirous
of securing the watch and Tuesday
M Butner sent them an affidavit to
show that he had the watch in his pos
session -Star Journal
E P Quivey representing the Ne
braska division of the National Child
rens Rome Association was in the
city Sunday and delivered an address
at the M E church A committee
composed of members of each of the
churches in town was appointed and
helda mteting in the Presbyterian
church Tuesday evening a report of
which will be given next week
The boy who have received
tions to attend the press meeting June
5 should -not neglect sending word
that they will be here so the local
committee can make atrangeraent for
their entertainment Up to date the
following have signified their inten
tion of being here C C McIItigh
ONeill Sun G D Canon Harrison
Journal Claude Taylor Chadrun Re
corder W H Davis Harrison Press
For Sale
Three big teams sorrels and roans
horses and mares and two wagons
terms to suit either cash or on time
Will sell a lot of millet seed fur 30 cts
per bushel Call on F M Baumgar
tel Crookston Nebr 14
Change in Ownership
On May 1 John W Smyser
assumed full control of the Stnyser
Vincent livery barn he having bougit
the interest of his partner J O Vin
cent in the same We are glad to
note this uiove evidencingas it does
the prosperity of our friend and be
speak for him continued success in
the business though by the sale Val
entine loses a very estimable man aud
family Mr Vincent who will proba
bly remove to Omaha
ir iriTK
Frank Kimc vent to Vnlcutine Sunday
ClkTarker has purchased -too headjOf sheep
hejs summering them northvostofiKennedyLqn
the Snake
ThfiLakotahCGatttc Companyfgatliered Bthelf
cattle last wrjelc about 3GG0 andiare driving
them west
Qlt is given out that fFrank sKime land iIrene
Wilkinson are to be married Wednesday
R Ktihvell was up from ssimeon Saturday
after horses
Wheat Is all sowed aud looks fine Will com
mence planting corn the first of the week
Ktna Brechbill has his new house about
finished That means something you bet
Mr Clarkson and family returned Friday to
stay They were out calling en friends Sunday
Mrs Hornback is getting along nicely with-
her school
Lillian Stoner and Mrs Pettycrew were in our
city last week
The Pound party Saturday night at the churcli
was a grand success
Albert Haley proved up on bis claim last Fri
Uncle Joe
Wheat sowing is a thing of the past in this
vicinity and wheat is doing splendidly but
Heeds rain badly
Mr Mossman and family were visiting at
Lavaca over Sunday
Bad Boy seems to think that Kellys re
latives are a careless set Thanks for the
compliment We expect they get their care
lessness from their Pa
Kugene Mann is herding sheep for D Gal
Assessor Pruden for Tower Precinct spent
Friday night with E L Murphy
Daniel Alder is rapidly recovering from a
severe attack of pneumonia
Bert Nichols has been on the sick list for
some time with lagrippo
Mr Bishop and family and Florence Weed
were visiting c Gallop a couple of days last
Geo hadbolt one of Cherry countys popu
lar young men returned from an extended visit
with relatives and friends in Iowa aud Wiscon
sin a short timo ago
Hark The wedding bells are ringing StIU
theres more to follow
Mr Brown is slowly but surely tiring of the
sand hills and we are inclined to thin he has
thots of returning to Council Bluffs Iowa
where life is not a dream
Kellys Pa
Although rumor have been afloat
every spring and fall for the past ten
years that the Ninth cavalry was about
to be removed from Fort Robinson it
would seem to an on looker as though
present indications point more clearly
to an early transfer Crawford Tri
Valentine Nebr May 1 1897
The following is the financial state
ment of the Village of Valentine
Nebr for the vear ending April 30th
Ralanse on hand May 1 1896 115 27
Recei ts from Occupation tax S03 00
Receipts from fines loco
Receipts from Oonnty Treasurer 908 03
Receipts from shows ppddlers fakers etc 5 so
Receipts from drav licence balance S 50
Receipts from U S Weather bureau for
pipe sold looo
Receipts from water collections includ
ing tapping of mains WorS
Salary of Engineprl3 mouths fij0 00
Salan ot marshal 30000
Commissions on water collections 132 05
Enlarging and rebaildiis reservoir 302 72
uepairs ana putting 111 extensions
water service
Pay of street commissioner
Warrants in payment for
new pipe enlrging main
to pump house drawn
June 5 1893 401 40
Increase on same 5C88
Cash on hand atay l 1897
242 87
40 00
463 23
36 Co
S327C88S3276 8S
Warrants outstanding and unpaid
No 853 For main to McDonalds adtn344 57
No 854 Hydrants forabove main 120 00
No 873 Not called for 45
Received otounty Treasurer 6922 35
Paid interest on water bonds 504 on
Balance iu Treasury 41835
S922 35 92225
C H CoitXBliL
Village Treasurer
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska I
May 3 1897
Complaint having been entered at this office
by John E Walker against Edward Dixon for
abandoning his homestead entry No 10276 dated
November ta 1895 upon the uViueM and niiw4
Sec 33 Tp 85u K38 61h P m in Cherrv county
Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of said
entry the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear t this office n thu 30th day of Jutle 1897
at 10 oclock a in to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning saiu alleged abandonment
Testimony of wituesses to taken before
Robert Lucas U S C C C at Cooper Nebraska
on the 24th day of June 1897 10 am
15 18 0 R GLOVER Register
In addition to the line of
Groceries tvhieh I recently
opened at my old stand on
Main Street J will hereafter
carry a stock of Notions
Laces Hibhons Needles and
Thread Huttons Neckties
Socks Overalls ZTndemvear
etc Ojtd I respectfully so
licit ajsliare of yoiir trade
JSiil Prices jor feed
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 7Q0ton
Shorts bulk oQc per cwt 9QQton
Screenings 35c 660
Chop Feed 70c 1300-
Corn 50c
Data 80e n
ilaebcr Urange were branding Jcattlola3t 5if
Saturday j 5
frti n liiiiittmiiii
Have ybu seen them We have about
thirty different patterns and weights
one of which is a bargain Among them are V
all the standard colors and ehecks besides a
number that are new This is the season when
ginghams are wanted and we are prepared to
supply the demand 5
See onr window displays
Sole agents for tho famous FLEXII3QNE
1 J rZT
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Dkmockat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should an v
errors in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to tho land
office aud this oflice so correction can be made
U S Land Omce Valentine Neb
May 3 189 f
Notice is hereby given that Frank C Jackson
of Pacific Junction Iowa has flled notice of his
intention to make tlnal proof before the Register
or Receiver at his oflice in Valentine Neb on
Friday th 18th day of June 1897 on timber cul
ture application No 7474 for the se Sec 1 Tp 30
a R 28 w
He names as witnesses John It Ballard
Henry Ballard William G Ballard and John
Cronin all of Wool Lake
Testimony of claimant wil be taken before the
clerk ot the District Court of Mills county at
his olhce in Glenwuod Iowa on June 15 1897
15 20 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Offioe Valentine Neb J
April 30 1897 f
JSotice as hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice of im intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said prout Will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on June 14th
John M Clarkson of Sparks Nebr
H E No 9421 T for tho nw Sec 9 Tp34n It 25w
- fit
u at
1 u
ML -
continuous of said lautfifWHilSo
names the following witnesses to prove Pullman James Harnan John MVyfcWoaad
int uuoas residence oi and estivation of Timothy Falbey all ot Pullman SbiS3S
Land Ofilce at Valentine Nebraska
April 20 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Henry Van at
of Brownlee N br has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiverat his office iu Valentine Nebr oi Sat-
uroay me viva aav oi luue 1897 on Umber cul
ture application No 7378 for the lots 12 and ay
ne4 Sec 6 Tp 27 u It 29 w
He names as witnesses Adam Martin Nils
Anderson Thomas P Johns and Gutave WeDd
Ier all of Brownlee eb also
Nils Anderson of Brownie Nebr
Hd 8335 for the nw Sec 23 Tp 28 R 29
He names the following wituesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land viz
Adam Martin Thomas P Johns Henry Van
Leer and Gustave Wendler all of Brownlee
Nebr also
Adam Martin of Brownlee Nebr
Hd 8743 for the wno Sec ll swse and se
JiswKi See 2 Tp 28 K 29
He name3 the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
Jnstave Wendler Nils Anderson stnart Tt
and Alouzo C Ayers all of Brownlee Nebr
o it ulo v is K Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
April Ifi 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that
Louisa Grant formerly Louisa Salzrnann
of Brownlee Nebr has filed uotlco of Intention
to wane final proof before tho Register or Re
ceiver at his office In Valentine Nebraska on
Saturday the 29th day of May 1897 on limber
culture application No 7672 for the wvnei seJi
oex ana ne i nwi Sec Tp 27n R tlw
She namea aa witnesses John Hatnan John
Ssfeman ter S Roucche and John O Kane
ail of Brownlee Nebr
12 16 C S GLOVER Register
Wanted An Idea
Wb9 caa bistr
of eoae alanpla
thlncr Co ntn t
Protect yonr ideas tfeey hist brine yoa wrlta
ssve Wasbbunoa D C for their 1LB0Q nrisa oiler
im1 nrnir ilti rir nnn ttoitirn InnriTrrrin Trunin
Pro coT
4 lA
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
March 31 18S7 f
Notice U hereby given that WJHi3in A Varyaar
of KIrksville M has filed notice of IntenUoir
to make final proof before the register or
er at his office in Valentine Nebraska on
day the isth day of May 1S97 n timber culture
application No 8010 for the nJSneJi n4nw d
Sec 34 Tp 28n K 36v -
He names as witnesses WUli3m Futirosa
James Harnan Albert Runner and Tlmtby
Falbey all or Pullman Nebraska - v
Testimony of claimant will be taken before ttfe
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Aflalr coantyat
his olflco in Kirksville Missouri on May IS ltjST
Also Herbert Roberta of Chicago mi iV
7972 for tho ese4 and cVJnefc Sec 13 Tp n
RJw f
He names tho following witnesses to ptoVGiS
continuous cultivation of said land WUSam
Pullman Albwrt Runner John Yaryanatw
Timothy Falbey all of Pullman Nebraska v-
Testimony of claimant will be taken befomttso
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Cook County iX ills
oflice in Chicago Illlnola on May 15 1897
Also Jacob F Bemis of Janesville Wist fcc
7970 for the snej and snwM Sec 24 Tp a
R36w rVy
He names the following witnesses to pfovfefifs
continuous cultivation of said land- 5VHliath
Pullman John BI Yaryan Albert Rupn6r and
Timothy Falbey all of Pullman Nebraska f
Clerk oi tho Circuit Court for Roclr County it
hisollce In Janesville WUcnnsnrin Mitxiwr
Alio Albert Runner of Pullman NebrT TC
Qi2 for the stfsefc and sswtf i 23 Tp a
K36w -5
He name3 tho
Frederick Smith Efcbanl Osfturn Newton J 8011 for tho ny ffiaSeS ffiTp
Grooms Perry Sweariisger all of Spares Nebr R35 p
1520 CR GLOVitR Register He uames the fpHowing witnesses Stove his
V S Land OITice 3t Valeni ine Neb
April 2i 1237
Notice is hereby given that
settler has filed notice wf his intention to
make final proof in support of bis clai n aud
tha ftaid proof will be marie boforu Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on June
14th 1S97 viz
Wilii im C Bell ot Pullman Nebr
lid MM for the sHseU and sK swH Stc 23 to
ss It 33
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
baid laud viz
laajic Loniai of Mullen Nebr Herbert
Rogers Joseph Culbertsou and Samtw McClean
of Pullman Nebr
15 19 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Oflice Valentino Nobr
April 21 1S97 t
police is hereby given that James A Wilson
iiiiWiui Ji4tu iiuiiij i llllUJUIOn
10 iiikkh nnai prooi oeiorc tho Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Thurs
day The 17tll dav Of JlUlt 1R97 mi thrhirriilir
application No 7SS3 for the nej4 Sec 35 Tp 30n
R 27 w
He uames as witnesses Oscar vr 3icDaniel
Ely I Valentine Andrew G ward and Jolin O
tndoman allot wood Iikc Nebr
Testimony of claimant will be taken before
the Clerk ot the District Court of Sarpv County
at his offiee in Papillion Nebraska on June 10
S97 13 18 C R GLOVER Register
US Land Office Valentino Nebr l
April 20 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of intention to
make final proof In support of his claim and
that said proof will he made before the Register
or Receiver atValontino Neb on Juue it ISS7
John L Rallard of Cody Nebr
Hd 9307 for the seSec 17 Tp 33 R 32
He names the following wituesses to prove
his continuousrcMideHco upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Elmer L H Shannon Henry k Holliday
Irvine st tts and Frank Mogle all of Cody
Nebraska also
Elmer L II Shannon of Cody Nebr
Hd 9037 for the n4sw and anwJi Sec 34 Tp
34 It 33
He uames the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
John L Ballard Henry F Holliday Irvin C
Htotts and Frank Mogle all of Cody Nabr
13 la C RGLOVhR Register
cuuuiiuous cultivation ot said lAjii
Pullman Jamerf Harriaa Albert Rminer aad
Timothy Falbey all of Pullman Nebraska
I015 C fc GLOVER Kigiswr
that said proof will be made before tbefietr
orTteceiver at Valentine Nob on May IT 1T
lit m
Richard Osburn of Sparks Xob
H E No SBO4 for the svrH Bee 22 Tp 1 n 5T
25 w
He names the following witnesses to prove hli
I3ldenSe upon an cnltfvattoa of
said Iandvi
Charles Maxwell of Valentine Nebr Lair
ette Johnson Aaron W Grooms and Joha
Grooms Sr of Sparks Nebr
1 MS O R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valennne Nebr
me slhcrfbBiven theSlowiSSiiC
ed settler ha filed notice of bis fntentTotitt
make final proof in support of his claim Mt
that said proof will bo made before Register IrS
Receiver at Valentine Nebraaka oa MarT
Charle3 E Roberta of Ccidy Nebr
RS5fW LtS S aUtt4 Jmd Snw
4 34 n
He names the following witnesses to piwe Ua
continuous residence upon and cultivaaou of
said land viz
Fred Maybee Oscar Starr Isaac N Gsraer
and Jese W Garner allof Cody Nebr also
Jesse W Garner of Cody Neb
5E i for Lot l neJawH V7J4H Sec
31 Tp 35n R 35 w
He names the following witnesses to prow his
continuous residence upon and colUvsttoo cC
said land viz
Chatles E Rnhnrta Prfvl MvtaA w
j i2 TCs
mi MiuxamuK Tuiuvanajioi uoay nfo
iu O ft txiUVJ50J
U 3 Land Oflice Valentine Nebr v
March2fitk I9
N otice la hereby given that TJlysse3 G Cnir
orCcKly Ncor nled notice of Intention to Sfca
final oroof before the Register or Bewhec
his ofhee in Valentine Neb on Moaly iZ
trnth day of May 1857 on timber cultureaaSSi
cation No 7479 for Iat 4 swJinwJt Wsw5
He nanv a as witnesses William Bucrff f
Merrimaa Neb William Ballard of todA
Nathaniel Ballard of Merriman Neb fS
George Schadboldtof Cody Neb T
Nathaniel Ballard of Morriman K
He nataca as witnesses William BurrSsS
Merriman Nebr Willi
Cngger and Goorge Sch
LH KrJlBjv TtuZSsyrS
WiMam Ballard of Codyf
r VjT jCu inojfiMtao ieo
hh55 V JJV16 aco34boidrtol
nnM ioufcwioi ujuiaro oi we
iu io - UKJ
L 8 Lantf omce Valentine Nfebr -
ArriiisnSQ7 Xr
otice is heniby given that Joim aabtfoft
of Fan bavoij Washington has filed notice of teL
tention to muke tlnil proof before tfieftwaSfc
or Receiver his office in Valentine NebnifeT -
on Saturday the 5orh day otsiay lS0iTi Sfci
ier culture application No 7785 tor ttnw ftia t
13 Tp S7n K n vr r t
He namea aa wltnees John Harostvwafcib
grift all of Brownle Ndbr J
Testimony of clairaaut will bo nthotiibaiowj
the clerk of the Distnct court fdr wfaatoota
cp9ntj at his oflice m Whatcom waahingtoa oti
13 18 c E GL0 VEttKeglster
U S Land Office Valerttn NVw
Notice is hereby given that tt foUfcvio
named settler has filed notice of his tfaeittWi to
makuilual oroofln nhi9mriMc
said proof will be made before tli aetrfaterk
Receiverat Valentino Nebr 6aMay 3iS7 iT
vizi v1
John Sodlacek Jr by 3ary Sedlace fclg
wife as agent of Kennedy Neb
H No 8958 for the aw Sec 13 Tp 29iLavr
He namss the following witnesses tfrwtWe
his continuous residence Upoa and aatioti
of said -land viz r
David A Plercy Milton Dunham William H
W llkerson and Sanford Q Spain al of Kedoady
Nebraska 12 17 C E OIOVer R-
U S Land Office Valentino Netorv i
April 6tbieeTf
Notice is hereby given that the
named settler has Uled noUce of his InteaUoWw
make final nroofm snnnort nf hiu niiim i
K3tr j
rnraan NeKvifi -