The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 06, 1897, Image 8

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Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality prevents baldness
cures itching and dandruff
A fine hair dressing
E P Hall Co Propa Nashua KHi
Sold by all Druggists
On a red hot W
day Hires Z
Rootbeer t
stands be
tween you
and the
K xAlHl ill
tressin g V d
fects of the heat
cools the blood
tones the stom
ach Invigorates
the body fully
satisfies the thirst
A delicious spark
ling temperance
drink of the high
est medicinal value
Hade only by
The Charles E Hires Co PMla
A package raaket 5 Ellom
Sold everywhere
S 50
Western Wheel Works
Kansas Has a New Idea
In Kansas a law has been proposed
which meets with favor and which
promises to employ convicts without
displeasing the representatives of or
ganized labor This law would divide
the convicts into three classes one of
which would be employed in digging
Irrigating ditches another in road
building and another in raising farm
products for the State institutions the
most vicious alone to te kept at the
State prison where they would be en
gaged in breaking rock to be used in
building State macadamized roads
The John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse
Wis are making an unprecedented offer ot
three barrels of French Artichokes suffi
cient to plant one acre which can be
planted as late in the season as June 1st
and will receive a bountiful harvest the
3st year at DUt 51 0 for the three barrels
rThis is a rare chance for the farmer to get
an acre of this great hog food It is the
best thing in the world to keep hogs
health fat and in good condition as it is
the best preventive for hog cholera
known Send them an order to day for 3
bbls remitting but 100 You will be de
lighted with the results
It is better to be a nobody who
amounts to something than to be a
somebody and accomplish nothing
Just try a 10c uox or Cascarets canay cathartic fin
est liver and bowel regulator made
The man who Gannot first pray for
his brothers salvation cannot make a
true prayer for himself
For Rent three Improved farms of 40 SO and
160 acres each will take one tnird of crop J
Mulhall Waukegan 111
It is doubtful if there is any man who
has not at some time in his life been a
Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Sirup for Children
teething softens the gums reduces inflammation allays
pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottlo
There are some very important
sons which can only be learned from a
J2 WLmEk
MSlEflEttsa K
f tri nrx w fww iatj i
9 At trMmmi
Misjudge J
Charley Marshall was traveling up to
town He was the pride of our village
He was but eighteen and this was his
llrst extended trip nlone He felt a if
he were going to seek his fortune and
the fact that he wore a new suit of
very correct clothes Intensified his en
joyment and his sense of Importance
At one of the midway stations there
entered an eld man who looked the
honest farmer He wore the high
dickey and rusty stock of an elder
day and his clothes were very evi
dently home made
Charley took to him at once He
seemed a breath from the hills and
when the old gentleman wandered into
the seat with him it was a vivid pleas
ure to move along and make hospitable
Finally the two began to talk togeth
er though the old gentleman kept a
distinct air of reserve and seeing that
Charley redoubled his efforts to make
the time pass pleasantly
They reached the city and made
preparations to leave the train
Well said the old gentleman
grasping his carpet bag and beginning
to move toward the door Ill bid you
good evening
Charley very conscious of his new
clothes and the splendor with which
he was about to burst upon the great
world Avas still loyal to his homely
Where do you stop he Innocently
The other hesitated a moment before
answering coldly The Phoenix Ho
Why thats where Im going said
Charley Let me have your bag Ill
carry it for you
Then at last the old gentleman turn
ed upon him and transfixed him with a
cold blue eye in which there was yet
a righteous indignation
Young man said he I haint said
nothin about it but I know ye I live
in the country but I aint quite so green
as I may appear Ive read all about
you confidence men an bunco steerers
and as for you I dont mind tellin ye
I aint liked your looks from the fust
Youths Companion
His Baclc Up
When Noah blew his horn the oamel
humped himself to get aboard and by
a curious freak he stayed humped all
his life Lumbago or lame back humps
a mans back simply because he cannot
straighten himself on account of the
stiffness and soreness accompanying
the ailment Nature helped the camel
to his hump for a special purpose Na
ture will help a man to get rid of his
hump right off if he uses St Jacobs
Oil because the character of the trou
ble is such that it needs just such a
remedy to warm soften and straighten
out the contracted muscles From the
time of Noah down to the present time
men have had lame backs but only
since the introduction of St Jacobs Oil
has the best cure for it been known
Lumbago really disables but St Ja
cobs Oil enables one to attend to bus
ness without loss of time
Sensation in London
The clever forgery of notes of the
Bank of England has created a sensa
tion from the fact that the banks own
paper with the proper water mark
was reproduced This had never be-
fore been done The forged notes were
aDsoiuteiy perrect excepting that the
secret cipher marks were lacking
About ten thousand pounds of the
forged notes have turned up so far
The police have been unable to trace
the counterfeiters
for Fifty Cents
Over 400000 cured Why not let
regulate or remove your desire for tobacco
Saves money make health and manhood Cure
guaranteed 50c and 1 all druggists
In 3 Years She Gained 280 Pounds
Mrs Ruth Hollar who weighed 400
pounds died at her home in Allegheny
City Pa a few days ago Within
three years she had increased from 120
pounds to a fifth of a ton During the
last six months she had lived in the
second story of her home being unable
on account of her enormous size to get
either up or down stairs She was only
four feet five Inches in height
PICKED UP on beoadway
A True Incident A woman was picked up in the street in an unconscious con
dition and hurried to the nearest hospital On examination her body was found
to be covered with sores caused by the hypodermic injection of morphine
This mere wreck of a woman had once held an honorable and lucrative
position in a large publishing house in
New York Her health began to fail In
stead of taking rest and medical treat
ment she resorted to the stimulus of
The hospital physicians discov
ered that her primary trouble was
an affection of the womb which
could readily have been cured in
the first stages
If when she had felt those se
vere pains in the back the terrible
headaches the constant sense of
fullness soreness and pain in the
pelvic region she had used Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound it would have dissolved and
passed off that polypus in the
womb and to day she would have
been a well woroMx sitting in her
WTnr Tvill wnrnfm 1rf TioTnooltrac5
jSZzgo in this way It seems passing
strange that a woman like this one
so highly educated and so well placed should have de
pended on morphine instead of seeking a radical cure
There is no excuse for any woman who suffers she need not go without
help Mrs Pinkham stands ready to help any woman her address is
Lynn Mass Write to her it will cost you nothing In the meantime get a
bottle of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at the nearest dru
store The following letter from one of your sisters will encourage you
Mrs Bertha Lehbjiai No 1 Erie St 27th Ward Pittsburg Pa writes
to Mrs Pinkham I can hardly find words with which to thank you for
what you have done for me I suffered nearly seven years with backache
and sideache leucorrhoea and the worst forms of womb troubles
Doctors failed to do me any good I have taken four bottles of Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and one box of Liver Pills and used one
package of Sanative Wash and now can say I am well and have been stead
ily gaining flesh am stouter and heartier now than I have been for
years I am recommending your Vegetable Compound to my friends Again
I thank you for the good health I am enjoying - vv - -
fill 1 vFlS
Helps In Iatindry Work
Sort your clothes in five grades First
towels table and bed linen second
family linen third light colored
clothes fourth dark colored clothes
fifth flannels and stockings
Have plenty of the best soap with
borax starch and bluing at hand Add
borax to the water in the proportion of
one tablespoonf ul to a pail of water
Colored cotton clothing of delicate
shades should have the color set be
fore washing Add of salt a heaping
tablespoonf ul to each pailful of cold
water and do not apply soap directly
to the article
A little kerosene oil put in the hot
starch will prevent it from sticking
A teaspoonful of borax to a quart of
cold starch will make it stiff Table
cloths should have as few creases in
them as possible Crease them twice
lengthwise have them very damp and
Iron them perfectly dry fold over once
or twice according to their lengths and
place them carefully in a long drawer
Fold napkins square with the initial
on the outside They should always be
ironed perfectly dry then put away
nicely in the drawer
An Odd Apron
The neat housewife is supplied with
all sorts of aprons for all sorts of uses
but few have so convenient a pattern
as is shown here The apron proper is
made on the lines of all aprons a
straight breadth gathered into a band
1 mil Jm
hem stitched at the bottom and fur
nished with wide strings with hem
stitched ends To the front is attached
a set of pockets made of a long strip of
the linen turned up half way and
stitched along the edges A finish of
Hamburg sets off the tops Into these
pockets are slipped any of the odds
and ends so necessary when perform
ing household duties
Good Coffee
Buy the unroasted Wash and rinse
it drain in a colander until dry then
put it in a shoal pan and roast it in the
oven till it is a rich brown It must be
stirred often When done it should be
put in jars and sealed air tight as soon
as taken out of the oven Only enough
for one meal should be ground at one
time Tie this in a piece of muslin or
fine cheese cloth place in the coffee
pot with enough water to cover it shut
the lid tight put a cork stopper in the
spout of the coffee pot so that none of
the flavor of the coffee can escape and
let it remain over night In the morn
ing add enough boiling water to make
the required amount of coffee for
breakfast and set where it wrill cook
but not boil Porcelain pots are best
for cooking coffee
Rice as Food
Rice is extremely light and easy of
digestion and is free from all acidity
The only precaution at all necessary In
the use of rice is to have it thoroughly
boiled and it should of course be
drained and dried on the stove just be
fore being served so that each grain is
separate Rice is a very useful food
for elderly people and for children As
a medicine it may be employed with
great advantage as an astringent eith
er as a drink or ground rice pudding
As an anti acid for heartburn or acid
ity a little whole rice chewed occasion
ally will often afford more relief than
soda or magnesia
A Milkmans Trick
A British paper says that at a recent
colonial show while cows were being
milked in competition for a medal of
fered by the Governor of the colony
cream was noticed dropping from the
sleeve of one of the milkmen and it
was found that this individual had a
babys feeding bottle containing one
and one half pounds of cream under
the breast of his coat an India rubber
tube being attached through which the
cream passed down the sleeve of the
coat and into the milkpail
Little Honey CaVes
Cream together a quarter of a pound
each of butter and sugar add three
quarters of a pound of strained honey
a teaspoonful of ginger a quarter of a
nutmeg half a teaspoonful of soda and
one and three quarters pounds of flour
Roll thin cut with 41 cookie cutter and
bake quickly These will keep a long
Texas Bread
Mix together two cupfuls of graham
flour one of wheat flour one of Indian
meal two eggs one cupful of milk
sour or buttermilk a pinch of salt and
one teaspoon soda in one cup of molas
ses Steam three hours
For iibjins
Immerse the chilled parts in a suita
ble amount of hot water with salt and
ashes and coal oil thrown in A man
told me tills entirely removed the bad
effects of frozen feet tvith him and de
clared it worked like magic- -
From the Herald Sauk Centre Minn
The following communication was re
cently received by the manufacturers of
Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People
was born in Germany and am 37
years old I live with my husband on a
farm For ten years I suffered with leu
corrhoea so that I was a burden to my
friends and myself also I had tried a 1
great many doctors and different kinds
of medicines withput securing any bene
fits My condition had become so deplora
ble that I had almost given up hope of re
covery when one day I saw in the Sauk
Center Herald an advertisement of Dr
Williams Pink Pills and as a drownrng
person catches at a straw so I grasped
this chance and purchased from Hanson
Emerson a box of Pink Pills I com
menced taking them in March 1896 and
after taking one box I felt so much im
proved that I bought more
After taking them for a time I found
to my surprise that I was entirely cured
Ever since then I have been as strong
and well as I ever was and am able to do
the ardous duties which fall to the lot of
a farmers wife without feeling the least
fatigue or inconvenience
I hope this will be the means of placing
your wonderful pills in the hands of some
sister sufferer who may rejoice with me
I am satisfied that no woman need suffer
as I did when such an efficient remedy is
so close at hand
Subscribed before me this 19th day of
December 189G
CHAS F HENDRY Notary Public
Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a
condensed form all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves They
are also a specific for troubles peculiar to
females such as suppressions irregulari
ties and all forms of weakness They
huild up the blood and restore the glow of
health to pale and sallow cheeks In men
they effect a radical cure in all cases aris
ing from mental worry overwork or ex
cesses of whatever nature Pink Pills
are sold in boxes never in loose bulk at
50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 and
may be had of all druggists or direct by
mail from Dr Williams Medicine Com
pany Schenectady N Y
Mrs De Style Have you had any ex
perience in attending pet dogs
Applicant No mum but I uster be a
childs nurse
Well you may try it but I warn you
that if you treat him as some nurses
treat children hell bite you New
York Weekly
Wren bilious or costive eat a Oascarot candy ca
thartic cure guaranteed 10c 25c
A French Reform
At the next meeting of the French
Chamber a Deputy will offer a propo
sition for the application of the deci
mal system to the division of time and
the consequent re arrangement of the
present clocks as decimal timepieces
The discovery and the elaboration of
the great advantages of the decimal
clock now under consideration and the
demonstration thereof by actual work
ing specimens diagrams and tables
are original with and the work of a
citizen of Philadelphia By this system
of computation the day is divided into
10 hours the hour into 100 minutes
and the minute into 100 seconds mak
ing 1000 minutes or 100000 seconds
per day It provides a standard time
for the entire globe It is proposed to
divide the terrestrial globe into 1000
degrees of longitude corresponding
with the 1000 minutes of the day and
by grouping them into twenty sections
of 30 degrees each to establish a stan
dard time for the whole world
Items from Billville
A town that pays the preacher and
supports the editor is so close to heaven
that its almost in competition with it
While we are in Washington it is
our purpose to try and get a pension
for our mule on the grounds that be
hollered three times at Lees surrender
throwed a Confederate general and
then broke his own leg getting home
Weve been having queer weather of
late but as we are not responsible for
it we must thank God for an umbrella
and march on
Our signal service man predicted the
recent cold wave to a minute but when
it arrived his surprise was so great that
he has been prostrated ever since
Billville was not invited to enter Mc
Kinleys Cabinet notwithstanding she
gave him six votes in the last election
She will recover Atlanta Constitution
25 SO
f Trm Doctor One layer of
paper 13 bad enough you hare
sthreehero Baby may recover
but cannot thrive
Why They Dont Fiht
In order to understand the extraor
dinary attitude of the European pow
ers in connection with the conflict be
tween Greece and Turkey It must be
remembered that whereas most of the
enormous national debt of the Otto
man Empire is in the hands of French
English and Austrian bondholders
well nigh the entire state liabilities of
Greece are held by German investors
Inasmuch as a war between Turkey
and Greece would tend still further to
embarrass the finances of these two
heavily indebted countries and thus
compromise the interests of their for
eign bondholders the great powers
have decided that under no circum
stances would they permit any conflict
to take place
That Boy
The boy stood on the burning deck
To leave it he refused
A spark fell on his haughty neck
Aud oh the words he used
Cincinnati Enquirer
Physicians Wise in Their Generation
The above class of scientists recognize and
have repeatedly borne testimony to the effl
cary of Hostetters Stomach Bitters as a
remedy aud preventive of fever and ague
rheumatism want of vigor liver complaint
and some other ailments and Infirm condi
tions of the system Experience and obser
vation have taught them its value They but
echo the verdict loner since pronounced by
the public and the press Only the benight
ed now are ignorant of Americas tonic and
The man wlio lias lived only for him
self has wasted his time and robbed
the world
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
All other knowledge is hurtful to him
who has not honesty and good nature
When tho scalp Is annoyed with dandruff Ulenns
Mdphur Soap will be found an Infallible remedy
Hills Hair and Whisker Dye black or brown 50a
The three great conquerors of the
world are Fashion Love and Death
A person is prematurely old when bald
ness occurs before the forty fifth year
Use Halls Hair Renewer to keep the scalp
healthy and prevent baldness
The man who has a strong will is of
ten strong in nothing else
Pisos Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills C L Baker 422S
ltegent Sq Philadelphia Pa Dec S 95
Silence is the wit of fools and one of
the virtues of the wise
Cascarets stimuate liver kidneys and bowels
r sicken weaken or gripe 10a
It is easy to undertake but more dif
ficult to finish a thing
8BQ0T TITIT V flJT8RSNFnJrVto cure any case of constipation Cascarets are the Ideal Laia
flDOVlJUiiliI UUiiIliilUiiEy tire noTcr erir or erfD8bnt cause easvEatnralresalts Sam-
pie and boomet rree Ad STEULlfltl ausuiOi to Chicago Montreal fan orfien iorK an
Wall Paper is Unsanitary KAIiSOXrXJB IS
is a pure permanent and artistic
wall coating ready for the brush
by mixing in cold water
For Sale by Paint Dealers Everywhere
PTJ EC A Tint Card shoring 12 desirable tinta also Alabastino
I II L L Souvenir Rocfe sent roe to any one mentionine this paper
uu rana Jttapiug saicu
FreicUrticliies 12O0Bi
is tho yield per acre As easily planted and gotten rid
of as potatoes Its the greatest food to ward off hog
cholera and keep hogs healthy and happy In the world j
Price only 140 per barrel 3 barrels for one acre
Dlant up to June 1 st S400 Order to day I
Should w lte ror our so
IIIBV I l HUsamples The completes ever
issued Sioux City Newspaper Union
12 Pearl Street Sioux Citr Iowa
please say you gavr Qae advertlsoment
In this paper
with Boils
Little Girl Suffered With Erup
tions on Head and Face
Faithful Use of Hoods Sarsaparllla
Effects a Cure
My little girl was covered with boils
on her head and face She also had sore
eyelids We began giving her Hoods
Sarsaparilla one year ago and for some
time we could not see any change in her
condition but we were faithful in the
use of Hoods Sarsaparilla and in a few
weeks more I noticed some improvement
After she had taken three bottles she was
perfectly well Her face is now entirely
free from any marks or scars I think it
is no more than right to give this testimo
nial in favor of Hoods Sarsaparilla
Mrs Milton Bearasderfer 35 Hazel St
Lancaster Pennsylvania
Weak and Nervous
I was weak and nervous Hearing so
much about the wonderful effects of
Hoods Sarsaparilla I concluded to try it
and improved rapidly I have been
ly benefited by Hoods Sarsaparilla and
my father has also taken it for catarrh of
the stomach and it has cured him Miss
A E Thoman 375 Lyceum avenue Rox
borough Pennsylvania
Hervous and Sleepless
I had a bad cold aud lost my appetite
was very nervous and could not rest at
nishr I besran takiuir Hoods
I rilla and it relieved me Mrs I W
Weaver Columbia ave Lancaster Pa
Hood s
The Best
Is the Best in fact the One True Blood
Purifier AH druggists Price 1
Hnonc DiJIc are the best after dinner
UUUU JTI1IS puis aid digestion 25c
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry in the hardest storms
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
i8q7 Hsh Brand Pommel backer
it is entirely new If not for sale in
your town write for catalogue to
A J TUWfcK Boston Mass
I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Hyannis Massacliusetts
was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the same
that has borne and does now rr on every
hear the facsimile signature of 7ZcJtM wrapper i
This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought S7 aT 07h tn
and has the signature ow wrap
per No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas E Fletcher is
March 8 1897 Q a
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies
on it the ingredients of which even lie does not know
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
h o p o p fro g a pp
hulxv w a vm vat vx msita rti Bean onvum
jfcijx jiCrjiiiiiriDir
THE WEST is at
mate unexcelled Waters
beneficial Accommodations
first class at tiie many large and
small notels and private boarding
nouses Largest plunge bath in the
West Sanitarium experts at bath
houses To reach this resort take
with excellent train ser
vice Palace Sleepers
and all modern
a t c o m
Write for Hotel Hates and Eailroad Tare
General Pas3enger Agent F E and H V
Qscbarge3 inflammations
U1IH1VU3 vi ulcerations
of mucous membranes
I ana not
r n r
ATHEEvAHSCHEUiaiLCo gent or poisonous
ICINCIHHATIUJ i Koia by DrntrKicts
or sent in plain wrapper
100 or 3 bottleg S275
q wtuii beni on request
- 19 97
EM2Mifc spraWii
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
in time Sold by druzKlsts