IN A cw OFFICIAL DIRECTORY BTLTE ITWMIvk SIIasAHolcoml awhiftt Governor Tamps V RaitIi ftcrtttfy of State kWFPorfer reinsurer JK Aiesorve uaiw - Jolin P Cornell sm Lands and Bulldlnmi Tarnh V Wnir ttorney General Constant InfiT Hmvth tipt Public Instruction W It Jackson f E A Hadley Scojto 1 G W KaleymRed Cloud Regents -University J Shos Rawlins Wakefld T Chas Wetton Hay Spw I H L 0 oold Ozatall a 10 H Morrill Lincoln COKORESSIONAL 8enators Wm V Allen Madlson John M Thurston Omaha Kspresentatives First District Jesse R Strode Lincoln Second D fl Mtrcer Omahaj Third Geo 1 Melklejphn Fullerton Fourth E J Hal ner Aurora Fifth Wm K Andrews Hastings Sixth O M Kern Broken Bow JUDICIAL Supreme Court T L Norval Chief Justice Harrison and Folk associates Fifteenth Judicial District M P Klnkald ONeill WIlWestovcrRushville LEGISLATIVE Representative Fifty second District O P Billings Nordcn Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz Bprhigview LAND OFFICE Heclster O R Glover Longplne Receiver J A Flko Neivpoit COUNTY Treasurer G P Crabb Sheriff Amos Strong Judge W R Torne County Attorney FM Walcott County Superintendent Lillian Stoner Surveyor Chas Tait Coroner A Lewis I Max vlertel Commissioners W A Paiker i P Sullivan PRECINCT Ovprseeis of Highways R Hansen and J Raj Constable R Towne Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M Camm Assessor- John Dunn VILLAGE Town Board E Sparks president C H Cor nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwlg audPF Simons Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry Razey District No 1 F M Walcott president M V Nicholson treasurer J QPettljohn secre tary W Jackson G P Crabb and J TKeoley SOCIETIES Imp 0 RM Sitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of Red Men meets every second and fourth Friday evening of each month at Davenports Hall Visiting brethren are fraternally Invited to be upsent at the Councils of the Ulbe J H SeAks F M Mahch Ohlef of Records Sachem - A E A M Mlnnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M mpets irregular communication Saturday even ing on or before the full moon in each mouth members of the order in good and regular stand ing cordially and fraternally invited to attend J T Keels W M W W THOJirsoK Secv 0 E S Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of the Eastern Star meets on second and fourth Tues- day evenings of each month In Hornbys hall W W Thompson Maggie walootx Secretary Worthy Matron a oTtj WV Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets on l si and 3rd Mondays of each month J C Pettijohk Rec 0 W Hahx M W D OF II Valentine Lodge 2fo Degree of Honor holds regular meetings first and third Wednes day evenings of each month M Christknskn Mks J C Pkttijobn Recorder Chief of Honor I 0 O P Valentine Lodge No 205 I O O E meets eVery Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord tallvnvtted toattend our meetings D HThurston Fbank Bratton - Secretary Noble Grand G A R Col Wood Past No 208 Department of Ne braska regular meeting 2d apd 4tli 8etjirdnvs of each jnontL at 2 d m sharp Comrads from other Posts are cordially Invited to attend J W Tcokku JoHir Dtrxx Adjutant Commander MWA Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of America meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at Davenports HaU Visiting neighbors cordlaUy invited to attend WSJACKSOX WEHAUSr Clerk Venerable Counsel K Of P Cherry Lodge No 169 Knights of Pythias meets every Tuesday evening atDavenpoits Hall W S Jackson E P Egberts K of R and S Chancellor Commander Arrival and Departure of Malls Mall east and west closes at 8 p m Kogebud leaves at 800 a m dan except Sun day arid arrives at 500 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 70Qsu m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and 500 p m arrives at 930a mand 730 p m Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 509 v mand leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7o am General delivery open from 769 a m to 700 p m General delivery open on Sundays from 6 to 10 am Lock boxes opendally form ti a oi to8Q0p ra W EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS JD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law Allkhidsof legal business promptly attended to Valentine Nebraska J CT DyYER JPkyician and Surgeon at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valentine - Nebraska Teachers Examination ThereguJaFmonthJy Teachers Exafriitonwili be heldJhe thirciSturday of- each month at iQnic iri theCourt House - IillSL IAN STONER - v Supt of Schools if Sfsjmons DRAriwr NO J r y - fV rfi3frftirjnguararitfeed - cnarges BIG SHOW NOW OPEN TENNESSEE EXPOSITION BEGINS BUSINESS President McKinley Presses the But ton Setting the Centennial Wheels in Motion Beautiful Ceremonies Mark Dedicatory Exercises Does Honor to the State The Tennessee centennial exposition is open to the world An electric bpark from the telegraph key in the White House at Washington set the wheels in motion at noon Saturday It was the proudest hour in the history of Tennessee since the State came into the Union and caused its star 10 ho sewed in the upper right hand corner of the American tlag After six years of planning and one year of building all in the face of financial depression the White City of the South is ready for the people of the United States to admire and the crowd that sent the turnstiles at the exposition gates whirling for the first time was scarce able to got inside the exposition park The White City of the South washed whiter by the rains looked from the hills wbere the city of Nashville stands like a group of school girls in white dresses sitting in a green amphitheater ready for some fete and the red brick houses of the Tennessee capital across the valley a mile and a half away looked like an audience waiting for that fete to begin And no audience that waited for JOHN W THOMAS President Tennessee Centennial Exposition the opening of any festival was ever more gaj ly dressed than were the red brick houses of Nashville in honor of the dedi cation of the exposition From every quaint old Southern man sion from every public building from ev ery store and from the windows of the humblest cottages flags and banners flut tered in honor of the opening The city was buried in a rainbow which had vari colored shoots spreading throughout busi ness thoroughfare and pike road From the dismantled and grass grown heights of Fort Negley to the blue mist that hangs over the hills beyond the cedars the stars and stripes cast the red white and blue in the air and announced to all the tri- HERMAN JUSTI Chief of the Bureau of Publicity and Promotion uiore inoney to pass the turnstiles Ex cursion trains brought thousands to Nqsh Ville Saturday morning iu time for tjip dedication The hotels were fol ced to provide cols to accommodate their guests but the hinges of Nashvilles doors swing both ways and there was good dation I When President McKinley touched the electric button in Washington the big V vheels in the power house moved and an t TENNESSEE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING AT NASHVILLE exposition of the worlds wealth was spread before the public view in more complete form than iii any other national or international display The exposition is a delight and a surprise The ceremonies of the day were simple and yet not lacking of dignity for the occasion The members of both houses of the Legislature Gen Ignacio Garcia postmaster general of Mexico and other distinguished guests assembled at the Union depot at 93 oclock and were taken in special trains to the terminal sta tion on the exposition grounds Upon en tering the park the visitors assembled at the Administration Building whence up on the arrival of Gov Robert L Taylor and staff the entire party escorted by the officials of the exposition and members of the executive and other committees pro ceeded to the auditorium where seats had been reserved for the invited guests and their families Order of the Exercises The exercises at the auditorium com menced at 11 oclock Right Rev Thos F Gailor coadjutor bishop of Tennessee opened the proceedings with prayer Pres dent Thomas then delivered an address on behalf of the exposition association af ter which Gov Taylor welcomed tne vis itors on behalf of the State Major E C Lewis director general of the exposition followed with a few remarks at the close j of which he handed the keys to President Thomas After receiving the keys and at a given signal word was flashed over the wire to the White House and Presi dent McKinley pressed the button that set the vast machinery in motion Presi dent Thomas then declared the exposition open to the world Between each address patriotic airs were rendered by the band At the conclusion of the exercises at the auditorium the members of the wom ans board and their friends assembled at the grand fountain in front of the womans building Dr W L Dudley director of affairs presented the sculp tor Signor Moretti to Mrs Yanleer Kirk man president of the womans board and Signor Moretti handed Mrs Kirkman the key with which she started the fountain The members of the womans board played an important part at the opening At the close of the exercises in the audi torium every member of the board was l - f rryrttt THE AUDITORIUM WHERE ALL PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES ARE HELD umph of the old volunteer State and the entire South Every train tbat arrived in Nashville Saturday brought spectators and exhibit ors and along the Tennessee turnpikes in spite of mud and frequent washouts came carts and wagons bearing whole families some of them from away up in the Cumberland hills It took every pen ny that many of these families could scrape together for months to get ready for the journey but they made it in spite of almost impassable mountain roads Some of these families have friends scat tered about the Nashville environs wbere they stay while they take in the wonders of the exposition Many of them brought their food along with them and will camp until the food runs out or they have no present in the womans building to assist Mrs Kirkman and other officers in receiv ing their friends Admission to the wom ans building prior to 3 oclock in the af ternoon was by invitation cards only Af ter that time the doors were opened to the public The dedicatory exercises for the chil drens building commenced at 3 oclock with addresses by Statp Superintendent of Education Gilbreath apd Dr G W F Price Patriotic songs by 100 children of the West Nashville high scboo1 were given The Harris Quartet of Tullahoma rendered music at iptervals duripg the day At 7 3Q oclock there was a Dejsarte drill by the pupils of Dr Prices school under the direction of Miss Hay A bnlliant display of fireworks was giv en oq the shores of Lake Wautauga ex tending from the rialto past the front of the negro building to the boat landing on the west of the lake A grand salute an nounced the commencement and sur roundings were then illurujnaiEed in red and green effects A flight of rockets was observed from the summit of the hill be hind Vanity Fair and aerial pieces dazzling splendor were sent up fx om this point throughput the evening The first big exhibition piece The Phe nix was fpllpwed by a flight of biasing pigeons and weeping willow rackets mak ing a gorgeous flisplny Then after a series of other- effects was given a giga tic portrait of John Sevier which was sa luted by tho ascension qf tri eolored shells bouqupt roofcets and peacock plume shells find Hhe performing acrobats a mechan ical device in lire of marvelous beauty Other exhibition pieces were the XcaliO oscope the Emblem pj Efssenie Knights the Great Seal of Tennessee the Bloyole Rider and the Fan the latter being one of the best pyrotechnic effects ever produced Great Sltow HiatQrY On 1191 QeQrge Washington issued the proclamation setting forth the fact that Tennessee was admitted as a State to the now Union Tennessee was the sixteenth State to be so honored Aside from the thirteen original States Vermont and Kentucky were die imme diate predecessors of Tennessee in en tering the Union Patriotism flows in Tenuessee in mighty rivers and so the people of the State de cided to celebrate its centennial with an exposition that would fittingly commem orate the historic event The idea of so celebrating the States passing century mark was born in the brain of a news paper man several years ago and through tthe efforts of the Nashville papers the first mass meeting to formulate plans was called This took place June jj 1894 in the capital at Nashville and from that time to the present day the enthusiasm of the people has been unabated The financial condition of the State ren dered the work dairing the first year of the project an up hill task Davidson MRS VANLEER KIRKMAN President Womans Department County started the ball rolling by sub scribing 30000 and individual subscrip tions came gradually in The State Leg islature made an appropriation of 50 000 People of Nashville instructed the city officials by a popular vote to issue 100000 in bauds for exposition purposes Almost every city and town of importance in the State subscribed The inauguration exercises took place on the grounds of the original anniver sary June 1 last and since that time a small army of workmen bas been em ployed day and night in erecting build ings etc The majority of the States have heartily co operated and some of their buildings notably that of New York are artistic in design The grounds are but one mile from the city limits and 100 feet above the level of the city The Government building is on an elevation and from its roof a survey of the eountry for miles around can be bad The wom ans building the childrens building the commerce and transportation buildings and the fine arts building are all decid edly creditable structures and the ex hibits are fully up to the standard of the Chicago exposition Every day of Uhe ex position will be given over to some spe cial demonstration in connection with different societies and orders There possibly has never been so much real unselfish patriotism sbowu by the officers of such a large public works Ev eryone but ft director general and chiefs of departments is working without sal ary and they have aH purchased season tickets fpr themselves and families The director general Eugene C Lewis is tho genius of the exposition He is a silent little man with a long head and can make a dollar go farther than almost any one He has every detail of the grcxjfc work at his finger tips The comnvis on er general Maj A W Wills is one of the ablest men in the State Jle was post master of Nashville under garrison and was one of the beat the city bas ever had To him is largely due the interest Legisla tures of other States and otier officials have manifested in the centennial Her man Justi i5 the chief of the bureau of promotion and publicity and is a capable man He has no need of the salary ac cepting the work simply because he waa interested in the success of the enter prise He is a banker and capitalist and i r r v - im i i w i 1 1 a in i Srr E iAM ij ri I J lWg HI I Jl i v- childrens buildup has been identified witU financial insti tutions of the citv fpy number of years Maj John Y Thomas president of the centennial company is general manager Of the N asvhville Chattanooga and St Louis Railway and has always been foremost in every public enterprise affect ing the State and the city of Nashville Each section of the State is represent ed by a Vioe president Middle Tennes see Is represented by Van Leer Kirkman of Nashville East Tennessee by W A Henderson of Knoxvilie and West Ten nessee by Jobn Qrerton Jr of Memphis They are all prominent and wealfhv mo well suited to their positions Tlfm T utlve Committee is composed of the very- H Altogether the Tennessee cfltteaniB owes its success not to tb quantity at money expended bat totlieVarAfiitrfCTn sition of the funds intimites to its offi cials by the ieoplQ of the State- PLAIN OR FANCY 5 P RINTINQ QUICKLY SffSS PECIALTIES Q BILL HEADS LETTER MEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES INVITATIONS PROGRAMMES MENUS LARGE POSTERS BUSINESS CARDS SMALL POSTERS CALUNQ CARDS SALE BILLS ETC CHROMO CARDS Notary Publi r j W E HALEY Real Estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Filed Office in P O Building The DONOHER Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated making it now more than ever worthy of the reputation it has always borne of being THE MOST COMPLETE - AND COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST Hot and Oold Water Excellent Bath Room Good Sample Room M JT JDONOHER Proprietor Qherry Qounty Bank Valentine Nebraska i t Every facility extended customers consistent withjeonservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier gANK OF VALENTINE C H CORNELL President M F NICHOLSON Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sella Domestic and Foreign EaccJiange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha CITIZENS - MEAT MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FISH AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Heats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At StettersOia Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRA8KA THE PALACE SALOON t HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Ol the Choicest Brands Valentine - Nebraska Remember that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn 6ur on the shortest notice in the most artistic and workmanlike manner all kinds of Job Prb X