The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 29, 1897, Image 4

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The Des Moines River Higher than
in 1870 Railroads Badly Tied Up
Many Residences Are Under
Water Property Loss Is Heavy
South Ottumwa in a Panic
Water flowed across the business portion
of South Ottumwa Monday and the popu
lation was in a panic Hundreds of men
worked on the levee at the west end of the
city At 2JJ0 the water broke under the
Milwaukee tracks and rapidly covered an
other residence portion of South Ottumwa
Over a bundled houses are flooded The
water rose six inches during the day
It was believed the Hood was at its worst
Sunday night but at Des Moines the river
rose a foot during the night and was higher
than since 1875 The damage is tremen
The Burlington road which has been
kept open with a mighty effort had to give
up and the main line of communication
between Chicago and Denver is cut oft Of
the six lailroads entering Ottumwa the
only trains moving are the Wabash from
the south and Milwaukee from the north
All Burlington Kock Island and Central
and Milwaukee and Wabasb traflic south
is stopped entirely even the right of way
fences in many cases are out of sight On
the Rock Island and Burlington roads for
miles it is believed the tracks are washed
entirely away Even when the water re
cedes it will take days to re establish com
munication In all nearby towns the con
ditions are reported bad
Eddyville reports 150 residents driven out
out by the water The river is the highest
since 1858
West Virginia Town to Have a
Wholesale Hanging
It now looks as if Fayetteville the
county seat of Fayette County West Vir
ginia in which is located the town of
Montgomery lately made famous by its
gang of forty thieves and murderers will
have a black letter on June 25 Three
hangings are already provided and the
outlook is good for as many more at least
In the circuit court at Fayetteville the trial
of Clark Lewis Albert Valers and Wilbur
Slaughters charged with the murder of
Charles Gibson at Montgomery was con
cluded and a verdict of guilty returned
The jury recommended the death penalty
for Lewis and Valers and life imprison
ment for Slaughters Judge Brazie of the
criminal court sentenced the guilty ones
at once making the day of their execution
June 25 the same day on which Jerry
Brown a rape fiend is to be hanged Mon
day the trial of John Hudson and Virginia
Gibson the latter the widow of the mur
dered man began They are charged with
assisting in the killing of Gibson and have
against them the same evidence that con
victed the trio already sentenced There
are twenty eight members of the Mont
gomery gang and four more murders are
charged against its members
Papal Legate Said to Have Ren
dered an Adverse Decision
A sensation has been created in political
circles at Montreal owing to the reported
adverse decision of Mgr Merry del Val
the papal delegate to Canada It is stated
on good authority that J Israel Tarle
minister of public works is strongly in
favor of an immediate dissolution of par
liament and an appeal to the people to en
dorse the agreement entered into with the
Manitoba authorities The minister argues
that with a hostile decision by the popes
representative it is only natural to suppose
that Quebec province would not support
the government so strongly as is the case
today On the other hand Mr Tarle be
lieves the French Canadian premier would
obtain an overwhelming majority from the
English speaking provinces and thus give
the school question its quietus
Vice President of the Sugar Trust
Succumbs Suddenly
Theodore A Havemeyer vice president
of the American Sugar Refining Company
died Monday in New York He returned a
few days ago from Florida took cold in
the change from warm weather to cold
sand grip rapidly developed The fatal
termination was not anticipated until Sun
day night when he became suddenly
worse and passed away at 880 oclock
Wheat Slumps Sharply
Fine weather lower Liverpool cables
and the prospect that the Turko Grecian
iwar will soon be over caused a sharp
break in wheat in Chicago Monday July
opened at 7374c a break of 23c
ifrom the close Saturday and quickly sold
off to 73c catching many stop May
orders on the way down At the decline a
demand sprang up and a slow recovery
ensued The excitement was dying out as
the market closed
Judge Day Is Named
The president has nominated W R Day
of Ohio assistant secretary of state and
Cassius M Barnes of Oklahoma governor
of Oklahoma Territory
Antonio Maximo Mora Dead
Antonio Maximo Mora whose property
in Cuba was confiscated twenty five years
ago and whose claim against Spain was
finally settled in 1895 by the payment by
Spain of nearly 1000000 died at the Hotel
Grenoble New York Saturday aged 79
Four Italians Killed
Four Italians were killed by an explo
sion of gas in mine No 2 atBlockton Ala
Monday morning The victims belonged
to a gang of thirty men who were working
1600 feet below the surface
Large Percentage of the Crop Winter-Killed
C A King Cos report on winter
wheat issued April 21 from Toledo Ohio
Is compiled from 4165 replies from grain
dealers and millers covering every county
in the six principal wheat states It says
Winter wheat will be another short
crop There was more winter killed than
usual The condition averages about the
same as two weeks ago The season is
two or three weeks later than a year ago
when it was a trifle early Very few com
plain of insect damage
Illinois looks the worst The prospect
there now is only a quarter of an average
crop About half there say it will be a
total failure Two thirds of the acreage
sown was winter killed
Indiana promises only a trifle over half
of a crop Conditions lately are worse
than two weeks ago About one third
was winter killed
Missouri also looks bad It promises
less than two thirds of an average About
a third of the acreage is being plowed up
Ohio has the best ouilook It now
promises nearly an average crop About
10 per cent of the acreage was winter
Michigan looks now like nearly an
average crop but needs growing weather
Some acreage has been winter killed but
it is early to tell definitely
Kansas is an uncertain state It has a
fair prospect now and has improved a trifle
this month About a fifth of the acreage
was winter killed
Dawes Commission Succeeds in Its
Negotiations with ChoctaAVs
The Dawes Indian commission has con
summated an agreement with both the
Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes for the al
lotment of lands in severalty the disposi
tion of townsites jurisdiction of federal
courts and for presidential approval of the
acts of the tribal councils
The agreement is a significant step for
ward in the interests of the governments
work of breaking up tribal relations and
civilizing the Indians The Choctaws and
Chickasaws have a mutual interest in each
others lands The Choctaw lands em
brace a territory of 6688000 acres of 10450
square miles There are 17819 Choctaws
The present agreement it is stated covers
all the points of objection to the former
Starve to Death During the Winter
Gustave Schnitger Wyomings state
game and fish commissioner has received
an interesting report from his game warden
stationed in Jacksons Hole south of the
Yellowstone National Park The warden
reports that 25000 head of elk tried to win
ter in the district but that there was not
food enougli for them and that 5000 head
of calf elks and 2500 full grown animals
have died of starvation during the winter
1 he ranchmen of the region have been
obliged to guard their hay stacks in order
to keep the elk from getting hay put up for
cattle Fences of ordinary construction
were inadequate to keep the elk out of
meadows or enclosures where hay was
put up
Noted Divine Likely to Accept a
New York Offer
Rev Frank Gunsaulus for many years
pastor of Plymouth Church of Chicago has
taken steps to relinquish his pulpit and re
move to New York where it is said he
will take charge of the Broadway taberna
cle The date fixed is the tenth anniver
sary of his connection with Plymouth
Church which occurs next month To the
trustees Dr Gunsaulus has said his ambi
tion is to be bi ought into closer touch with
the masses Offers which he had received
from New York would give him the ad
vantages desired Efforts will be made to
keep Dr Gunsaulus in Chicago and if suc
cessful the Auditorium may be engaged for
his services
Michigan Woman Kills Her Mother-in-Law
and Cremates the Body
At Williamston Mich Mrs Albert
Hovey aged 82 years murdered her aged
mother-in-law with an ax Saturday She
severed the head entirely from the body
with a large butcher knife and then poured
oil on the lifeless body and set it on fire
The murdered woman was 80 years old and
lived with her sons family in the south
east part of the village
Murder of Cyclist Lenz
United States Bergholtz at Erzeroum
Turkey has reported to the state depart
ment that the Turkish court there which
has been trying by default the Kurds and
Armenians charged with the murder of
young Lenz the American bicyclist while
on his tour around the world awheel has
acquitted the accused a matter of small
moment after all considering the fact that
none of the accused had been found by the
authorities having fled the country
Hohenlohes Paris Visit
The object of Prince Hchenlohes visit to
M Ilantoux the French foreign minister
in Paris was to discuss the situation in the
Transvaal and to persuade France and
through her Russia to support Germany
in resisting Great Britains imperious atti
tude toward the Boers in exchange for
Germanys support of France in the Egyp
tian question
Under Guard of Militia
The Alexandria Va light infantry
camped Saturday at the house of Tobe
Lacey Since the lynching Friday night
of Joseph McCoy who criminally as
saulted Laceys daughter there have been
fears that the negroes would seek revenge
of Lacey The soldiers were orrdered out
as a precautionary measure
Frank Kloss Hanged
Frank Kloss was hanged Friday in San
Quinten Cal for the murder of William
Doady over two years ago The men had
a quarrel in a saloon and had parted Kloss
returned found Doady asleep and stabbed
him to death
An Armistice Is Anticipated and
Greece It Is Believed Will Gladly
Agree to Such a Suggestion and
the Powers Will Probably Make It
Believe the End Is Near
A London dispatch of Sunday April 25
says What seems likely to be the last
week of the Greco Turkish war is entered
upon today It is difficult from the tangle
of conflicting telegrams to understand the
exact position of affairs
Following the Greek defeat at Larissa
London opinion -today is almost unamious
that the end is in sight and this view is
probably shared by the powers as they are
already moving to intervene
It is believed that intervention will first
take the form of a suggestion of armistice
to which the combatants would no doubt
agree Since yesterday afternoon the
British foreign office has been inclosecora
municstion with otherrepresentatives of the
European concert Great Britain suggest
ing that the time has now arrived for them
to act The French German and Italian
governments have already responded of
fering to agree though the German uow
ernxnent adds as a condition that it will
be necessary to exact a pledge from Greece
to obey the mandate when this mandate is
again given
The British foreign office believes that
Greece will give this pledge as the dis
asters which have overtaken her demon
strates that Turkey still possesses a for
midable fighting machine a fact which
must have a sobering effect upon the popu
lar demand for war at Athens and winch
will permit the Greek nation to climb down
without disgrace after a superb vindica
tion of the personal courage of the Greek
troops and gratifying demonstration of
Hellenic patriotism
Ex President Addresses New York
Reform Club
The annual dinner of the Reform Club
of New York City which was given Sat
urday night in the new ball room of the
Hotel Waldorf was a notable gathering
Representative men from all parts of the
United States who played a prominent
part in the recent campaign of the gold
Democrats were present It was the first
occasion on which ex President Cleveland
has delivered a public speech since his re
tirement from office
John DeWitt Warner presided At his
right sat ex President Cleveland and on
his left was ex Postmaster General William
L Wilson Mr Cleveland was the central
figure in the dining hall and his speech in
response to the toast Present Problems
the chief feature of the occasion Five hun
dred and eighty persons sat down to the
feast They were distributed about ten
large tables
A Young Man from Central America
Dies in a Hospital
Otis E Bullock of Haverhill Mass
aged 21 years died of malignant yellow
fever at Swinburne Island Hospital New
York Bullock had accompanied a party
of naturalists to Central America ne was
a passenger on the Columbian line steam
ship Finance from Panama On the
steamers arrival at quarantine he was re
moved to Swinburne Island where he died
a few hours later
Important Town In Santiago de Cuba
Taken by Insurgents
News comes from Havana to the effect
that the insurgents have captured the port
of Baracca an important town in Santiago
de Cuba after a strong encounter The
Spaniards had heavy losses and retreated
Miles to Leave Early in May
General Miles has been notified of the
presidents approval of his projected visit
to the seat of war in Europe He will
leave Washington early in May At Paris
the general will board the Oriental express
and go through without stop to Constanti
nople His future movements will depend
entirely upon the progress of the war but
it is his intention to keep as near as pos
sible to the scene of actual hostilities so
that he may be in either camp General
Miles will be accompanied by Captain M
B Maus of his personal staff and they will
carry full credentials from the government
Gold Ordered for Export
The secretary of the treasury on April
24 received a telegram from Assistant
Treasurer Jordan at New York stating
that 977000 in gold had been ordered for
export This is the first withdrawal of any
considerable amount since July 22 1896
when 2000000 was withdrawn The
treasury officials are not disturbed and do
not anticipate any general export move
The outbreak of hostilities between
Greece and Turkey is regarded as probdbly
responsible for the present demand for
Sick Sheep Die in the Blizzard
Heavy losses of sheep by the recent bliz
zard continue to be reported at Douglas
Wyo One of the heaviest losses is that of
Messrs Mitchell Baker who were
driven from the north with a band of about
7000 The sheep were infected with scab
and weak and died in great numbers along
the entire drive from Powder River 5000
dying along the way
Au Earthquake Shock
A severe earthquake shock was felt at
Cairo 111 at exactly 10 oclock Sunday
night It consisted of two distinct move
ments from east to west lasting about
twenty seconds The largest structures
were shaken with a swaying motion and
people rushed in terror to the streets No
damage has been reported
Duchess of York Not Dead
A rumor was widely eircuFated the other
day that the Duchess of York wife of the
heir presumptive to the British throne had
died during confinement An investiga
tion showed the report was unfounded
Slight Improvment In Trade Condi
tions the Past Week
Eradstreets Weekly Review of Trade
says The change in condition underlying
general trade while slight this week has
been in the direction of improvement The
depression in iron and steel continues and
Bessemer pig and steel billets have reacted
another 25 cents a ton The outlook favors
an increase in labor disturbances to resist
midsummer wage reductions The bitu
minous coal mining industry is worse off
than the anthracite with rumors of strikes
which promise to have an unfavorable in
fluence m other than the iron and steel in
dustries Trade in wool is quieter There
is less life in the wholesale dry goods trade
and little relief has been experienced not
withstanding the large auction sale of cot
ton goods last week buyers continuing to
supply immediate needs only
Exports of wheat flour included as
wheat from both coasts of the United
States and from St John N B this week
amount to 1054053 bushels against 1128
000 bushels in the third week of April 1896
Exports of Indian corn amount to 4769315
bushels this week against 2238000 last
week less than 1000000 bushels in the
same week of 1896
Dying Request of Lizzie Wagoner Is
Complied With
At the funeral of Miss Lizzie Wagonei
20 years of age daughter of wealthy parents
of Cynthiana Ky six young women very
prominent in society acted as pall bearers
It was her dying request that her six
young schoolmates act as pall bearers
as they made arrangements while at
school that when one of them died the
others were to act in this capacity One
of the younger women while carrying her
jemains in the church fainted and if it
had not been for the assistance of others
the coffin would have fallen She was re
stored to consciousness and after the ser
vices assisted in removing Miss Wagoners
remains from the church to the hearse
The young women walked at the side of
the hearse from the church to the cemetery
which is three miles All were dressed in
Hypnotic Subject Requires Five Men
to Hold Him when Dug Up
A man hypnotized and buried three days
has been disinterred at Simoi Ont As he
was being brought back to his normal con
dition he became very restless and smashed
the box he was in to pieces It required
five men to control him in his struggles
until he was fully restored to conscious
Naval Reserve List
The navy department has perfected its
plans for the creation of a reserve list
The first vessel to be made the nucleus of
the reserve fleet is the Columbia She will
not be taken out of commission but will
be laid up in reserve at League Island as
soon as she returns from the New York
celebration Of her crew of 400 only 77
will be retained on the ship They will be
commanded by four commissioned and
three warrant officers Drill will be con
stantly kept up and the ship will be kept
in such condition as to be able to put to sea
within twenty days after orders fbr active
Tornado in Kansas
A tornado passed over a part of Wa
baunsee County Kansas Friday Henry
Millers 8-year-old son was killed while
Miller nnd his wife were fatally injured
They li p three miles north of McFarland
Their hom was completely demolished
-- -
Fatally Wounded
Charles Mahofry a government detective
from Windsor Ontwas shot and fatally
wounded Sunday whiU trying to capture a
pair of negro robbers Belle River Ont
One of the negroes was seVwusly wounded
Governor of Oklahoma
President McKinley has appointed C M
Barnes of Guthrie to be governor of Okla
homa The decision was reached too late
to send it the to senate Friday
Col Mosby Injured
Col John S Mosby was thrown from a
buggy at the University of Virginia Fri
day afternoon and received a cut that may
seriously injure one eye
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 575 hogs shipping grades
300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 200
to 550 wheat No 2 red 74c to 76c
corn No 2 24c to 25c oats No 2 17c
to 18c rye No 2 36c to 38c butter
choice creamery 15c to 17c eggs fresh
8c to 9c potatoes per bushel 20c to
30c broom corn common growth to choice
green hurl 2c to 5c per lb
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 425
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 88c to 90c corn No 2
white 24c to 26c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 300 to 525
wheat No 2 102 to 104 corn ISo 2
yellow 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 18c
to 20c rye No 2 35c to 37c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 250 to 525 j
wheat No 2 92c to 93c corn Kp 2
mixed 26c to 2Sc oats No 2 mixed 2001
to 22c rye No 2 37c to 39c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 200 to 525
wheat No 2 red 91c to 93c corn No 2
yellow 23c to 25c oats No 2 white 22c
to 24c rye 36c to 37c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 94c to 95c
corn No 2 mixed 24c to 25c oats No
2 white 17c to 19c rye No 2 36c to 38c
clover seed 435 to 445
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 75c
to 77c corn No 3 24c to 25c oats No
2 white 20c to 22c bar ley No 2 28c to
34c rye No 2 37c to 39c pork mess
825 to 875
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 550
wheat No 2 red 92e to 93c corn No 2
yellow 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 23c
to 25c
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
350 to 475 sheep 300 to 550
wheat No 2 red 82e to 84c corn No 2
30c to 31c oats No 2 white 22c to 24c
butter creamery 13c to 18c eggs West
ern 9c to lie
Ex State Treasurer Joseph
Has Been Bound Over to
trlct Court to Answer
Charge of Embezzlement
in and back almost every day
to the
Bartley Bound Over
The trial of ex State Treasurer Joseph
Bartley began at Lincoln on the 19th inst
in county court on a warrant charging him
with embezzlement of 500000 Mr Bart
ley waived hearing and was bound over to
the May term of the district court in the
sum of 50000 which was furnished Be
fore court opened attorneys for the ex
treasurer visited Attorney General Smyth
ond asked that a motion for a continuance
be not contested The attorney general
declined to grant the request and was sus
tained by the county attorney in his re
fusal It is now thought the trial which
promises to become celebrated cannot be
delayed longer than May 3
Spring Wheat About All Sown
Plowing for Corn Begun
The Nebraska weather and crop bureau
in its last weekly bulletin says The tem
perature has averaged about 3 degrees be
low the normal in the eastern sections and
1 degree below the normal in the western
sections Light frost occurred on several
days but no damage was done to crops or
fruit The rainfall has everywhere been
below the normal Spring wheat is
about all sown and generally the
acreage is reported as larger than
usual The early sown pieces are up
and looking nice Oat seeding is about
completed in the southeastern counties and
generally well advanced The acreage
will probably be less than last year Bye
isgenerally in excellent condition Winter
wheat has improved but many fields in
the southeastern portion of the state will
be plowed up The winter wheat in the
south central portion of the state is in a
better condition Tame grasses are start
ing well and in many sections cattle get
most of their living in the pastures Plow
ing for corn is just commencing
Claim Damages from the City
A number of damage suits have been
filed against the city of Kearney recently
for injuries resulting from defective side
walks Duriner the boom there a fewvears
ago many miles of wooden walk were laid
and in some cases it is now becoming de
fective In three weeks three different
persons claim to have fallen and sustained
injuries on the walk because of these de
fects and two have commenced suit
against the city for damages The city
authorities are not disposed to settle these
claims without a struggle and will if nec
essary carry them to the supreme court
before paying a cent
First Sale of 96 Corn
The first shipment of new corn of any
amount is now being made from Tekamah
Mitten Nesbit Mitten merchants who
have been buying all winter have sold
13000 bushels which they are shellin and
shipping They receive cents per
bushel for it The corn is being shipped
to Coffman to feed cattle owned by South
Omaha parties The corn comes out in
fajr shape only a portion of the center of
the crib being soft
Large Acreage of Small Grain
The acreage of small grain in and around
Greeley promises to be the largest in the
history of that county and is now practi
cally all in The crop of corn also prom
ises to exceed in acreage that of any pre
vious year The spring has been very
backward but notwithstanding that farm
ers appear encouraged and say that the
ground is in fine condition and the season
promises well
Letter Gets Him Into Trouble
B C Humphrey of Fairbury wrote a
letter to the Rock Island officials at Chi
cago charging their yardmaster with some
serious offenses Upon investigation the
charges proved to be groundless and now
Humphrey is called upon to answer to the
charge of criminal libel Owing to some
obscene expressions in the letter the postal
department may take a hand in the matter
Bicycle Boad Knee at Kearney
Tne first bicycle road race of the season
was run over the cotton mill course at
Kearney Friday afternoon There were
fourteen entries and Frank Crick of North
Platte won in 187 beating all previous
records five seconds and got first prize for
both time and place The track was quite
rough in places or better time would have
been made
Iioses a Leg
Dr J N Stevens of Pawnee City went
to Chillicothe Mo the other day in re
sponse to a telegram announcing that a
brother had met with an accident having
a leg cut off while on duty as a railroad
conductor ne had been with the road for
twenty years
Ten Wives and Two Dozen Children
Jim Dick an Omaha Indian is one of
the living curiosities of Decatur Dick has
twenty three children in existence and has
had ten wives The old fellow is 78 years
old lives five miles from town and walks
Heavy Losses from Hog Cholera
The owners of herds of hogs in the
vicinity of David City report large losses
during the past week by cholera One
person reports sixty another 100 and
losses of smaller numbers are reported by
farmers in all directions
Honeymoon in Jail
John Scott was arrested at Fairbury
charged with wife beating his wife tiling
the complaint They had been married
only two weeks and the court gave him
time enough in jail to use up the balance
of his honeymoon
Carroll Co Operative Creamery
The co operative creamery for Carroll is
now an assured thing the required number
of shares having been secured The erec
tion of the plant will be commenced at
Injured in a Runaway
Frank Underwood and wife were in
jured in a runaway at Nebraska City the
other day The horse took fright suddenly
and turning sharply threw both occu
pants of the buggy violently to the ground
Mrs Underwood suffered two kroken ribs
and a number of severe bruises
Dies from a Fall from a Horse
Henry Siegert a young farmer in the
ricinity of Wisner fell from his horse the
fore part of the week and received internal
injuries from which he has since died
To Test Lincolns New Charter
The validity of the new Lipcoln charter
is to be tested in the courts A potittonfcaJ
been filed by Frank A Graham mVyor
Richard S Grimes and Harvey B Yaill
members of the excise board setting forth
that Addison S Tibbeta Fred A Miller
and John H McClay have usurped the
office and authority of the fire and police
commission without having been elected to
the same The relators ask that the said
defendants be declared not entitled to the
said offices nor to act as members of the
fire and police board but that they be
ousted therefrom and that the said Frank
A Graham Richard S Grimes and Harvey
B Vaill be allowed to constitute the board
Parmer Assaults a Collector
An exciting affray occurred at the farm
of Sylvester Andrew one mile southeastof
Friend the other day An execution had
been issued against Andrew and George T
Hainer a local collector deputized to serve
it Hainer went to Andrews farm taking
three assistants with him Andrew dis
covered Hainer while in the act of driving
some swine in the yard and assaulted him
with a ball bat striking him three or four
times over the head and nearly severing
one of his ears When the assistants
rallied to Hainers rescue a gun pointed in
their direction caused them to retreat in
good order Hainer while considerably
pounded is not seriously injured An
drew gave himself up to the authorities
Thousand Acres for Heinp
M Jerome proprietor of the hemp fac
tory at Columbus has a force of fourteen
men plowing and they are turning over a
large amout of ground each day He will
put in over 1000 acres of hemp this season
He has still enough of last years hemp to
keep the tow mill running until the 1st of
July This industry is fast becoming an
important factor in Platte County and Mr
Jerome who has been engaged in the busi
ness for many years saya the soil there Is
peculiarly adapted to this article It is a
fact that hemp will flourish like a green
bay tree on soil where other crop3 cannoS
do so well
Poisoned by Eating Gar Pike
An itinerant fish peddler sold out a
wagonload of fre3h fish at Stellafthe other
day He had a large gar pike tied to the
back of his wagon for an advertisement
He wanted to give it to a small boy to take
home but the boy refused nowever
when he sold all his fish he left the gar
laying on the ground The same boy
picked it up and carried it home His
mother Mrs George cooked it for supper
and during the night she and her six child
ren were taken deathly sick A physician
was summoned and the sufferers are re
Shortage in Postofflce
The United States postoflice inspector
was at Greeley Center last week and pro
ceeded to check up the accounts of the re
tiring postmaster T H Connell and
found him something over 2800 short in
his accounts The bondsmen then took
charge of the office and C C McPherson
was sworn in as temporary postmaster
until the commission of V E Morgan ar
rives Connell has deeded his property to
his bondsmen
Makes a Success of Onions
John Sheldon of North Loup has again
put in a lot of onions this season Though
he disposed of his crop last vear before the
market reached its tide having received
but 25 and 85 cents per bushel he realized
from them about 125 per acre They have
since sold for 80 cents per bushel and had
he not sold too early he might have
realized 250 per acre just as easily
Cnrfew Ordinance at Kearney
At the last meeting of the Kearney city
council the curfew ordinance was unani
mously passed and the chief of police was
instructed to see that it was rigidly en
forced The whistle on the waterworks
station will be blown at 9 oclock from now
until the 1st of August and at 8 oclock
from the 1st of August to the 1st of March
Thomas McCormick Disappears
Thomas McCormick an employe of ttje
starch works at Nebraska City has been
missing since the 5th inst On that day
he left his home in the morning as usual
ostensibly to go to work but has not been
seen since and it is feared that he has been
foully dealt with His wife is much con
cerned as to his disappearance
Shelby Has Electric Lights
A large crowd of farmers and towns
people witnessed the turning on of the
electric lights for the first time at Shelby
the other night The incandescent lights
in the business houses and the arp ligbjta
illuminated Main Street very well Wires
have not yet been extended to residences
Prairie Fire in Garfield County
A terrible prairie fire raged north of
Burwell last week and when the wjncl rose
to almost a gale it spread oyer the
surrounding country at a rapid rate
burning almost to the town being stopped
only by the Loup River Considerable nay
and nearly all of the wild fruit will be de
Nebraska Short Notes
Madison creamery is to be started
up again
The new creamery at Burwell is now in
Three eagles were shot near Niobrara
during the past week
Fred Oswald of Wood River has pur
chased 10000 sheep which he proposes to
People all over Nebraska are setting out
more fruit trees this year than ever before
The Fremont school board has decided
to abolish the commercial course in the
high school
The village board of DeWitt has paid
Mrs Hood 2 1975 and saved a law suit
Mrs Hood wa3 hurt on a dilapidated side
The late J T Hedrick willed 200 to the
trustees of the Tecumseh Cemetery Asso
ciation the income on which is to be per
petually devoted to keeping his lot in re
Reports from many parts of the state are
to the effect that alfalfa is badly winter
killed particularly on high ground
Elk Creek was the only town in Johnson
County that voted in favor of granting
license for the sale of liquor during the en
suing year
A thief entered a Bradshaw house and
stole eighteen pounds of bacon and took
the gasolinstqve along tq cook it with
W C Lindley of Ceresco says that from
the thirty sows which he started in witn
one year ago he has sold 1130 worth oi
hogs killed enough for meat for his family
one year and has forty one sows left
C Lerum of Plainview has in his posses
sion a curiosity in the way of a calf which
was born blind The eyes are in their
right position but in place of the eyeball
there is a light glossy substance At last
accounts it was alive and doing nicely