The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 15, 1897, Image 8

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V x vi
EOIiteEr GOOD Editor fend Publisher
flieial Paper of Cherry Coun
ty Ketirasiva
1JCJ Per Year in Advance
Bettered at the Postofileo ntfValentlne Cherry
feounty Nebraska us Second class matter
J his paper will be mailed regularly
-to its subscribers -until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Adverting rates 50 cents per inch
-per month Bates per column or for
long time ads made known on appli
cation to -this office
The legislature passed a law which
compels railroad companies to build
track scales at all stations where 200
cars of grain are loaded in a
If every man was compelled to sell
liis property at a fair cash value ac
cording to assessors returns what a
wonderful increase there would be in
the taxable valuation of Cherry
Generally the man who tries to tase
a short out across the field of busi
ness to the goal of success has to go
back and learn to travel onthe regular
-road No limit -is put upon hie speed
and he -may pass many others on the
way but short cut never
In a letter printed in the New York
World of March 9 Thomas E Watson
-ex-candidate -for vice president says
4If there was any clear meaning in the
verdietof last November it was that
there should be no free and unlimited
coinage of silver at the old ratio of 16
In looking over the list of bills
passed by the legislature we fail to
tfind a single oue which originated with
-Senator Mutz or Representative kil
lings while Hich of Douglas intro
duced over a dozen bills which be
came laws with Hull of Harlan
iClose second
-Our coins bear the inscription In
Grod we trust But the question is
-does God trust an administration which
has such implicit trust in trusts that it
will trust a prominent trust attorney
with the important public trust ot en
forcing the anti trust laws against
trusts Lincoln Post
It is no longer necessary for one to
be an artist in order to caricature any
person whose portrait is obtainable A
recent invention makeB caricature so
simple that a child may make the most
icoxmc or ridiculous pictures of persons
as easilv as he can run a pencil over
the -outlines of a portrait
An attempt was made on the last
day of the legislature to pass House
Boll No 241 the bill repealing the
legal newspaper law but the attempt
was a failure It is said however
4hat the -bill was sent to the governor
for signature Even if the executives
same is affixed it will not be a law
The legislature of 1897 appropriated
-12374859 and the legislature of 1895
appropriated 2784684 a differenceof
409825 in favor of the 1897 body
The amount allowed for various
state institutions was generally re
duced the state university for instance
reoeiving320000inl895 and 255
000 this year
There having been a good deal of
hesitation in the senate about passing
that bill making a legal newspaper one
teat has existed one day and has say
200 subscribers Schwindjust took
hold and passed it himself and handed
it to the governor He ib running that
coct of a legal newspaper himself and
needed it in his business State
We shall offer from 1500 to 2000 yards of Embroidery your
Worth from 8c to 35c ter vnrd
SIiocs Groceries
Dry Gtoods
Last September The Democrat
published an arti61e in favor of the
ameadment providing for two addi
tional supreme judges and the self
constituted dictator of the populist
party in this county slurringty referred
to the paper on that account and called
uponall decent men to vote it down
In October this ofhee printed about
2000 hand bills containing words of
warning to voters and among other
things asking them to support this
amendment This was approved and
jointly signed by the chairman of the
populist party and the chairman of the
democratic nartv in this county ana
was published entire in The Demo
But this did not suit the dictator
He prevailed upon the populist chair
man to sign an article in all respects
similar to ours but with the sentence
-relating to supreme judges left out
This article was printed on hand bills
and in the populist paper and The
Democrat was roasted for what it
had done
When the legislature populist met
one of its first acts was to pass a bill
pioviding for a recount of the votes on
this particular amendment and the
dictator never said a word against it
This paper has opposed the reoount be
cause it ws so manifest that the
amendment had failed to receive the
required number of votes and the re
count proved its position correct
These are the facts and voters
make their own deductions
Which was rignt this paper or
Which was the more honest
Democrat which supported
I place myself on the solid and im
pregnable ground that under our Con
stitution Congress does not possess
power to tax the people to enhance the
private fortunes of the few and that
the full measure of the taxing power
is reached when a tariff for revenue
with incidental protection is imposed
Now is the time to subscribe 1
per year in advance Pigweed or any
J other old thing taken on subscription
amendment aud opposed the recount
because it thought one was right and
the other wrong or the populist paper
wThich opposed the amendment and by
its silence favored the recount
Where was the fraud committed in
the count by 20 election boards vho
said 562 votes were cast for the amend
ment in this count7 and 310 votes
were cast against it or the recouut
board who said 1165 votes were cast
for the amendment in Cherry county
and only 31 against Much talk is
being indulged in about the frauds in
York county but in proportion to th
number of votes cast York county did
not have as many votes changed as did
this county
Turn on the light Voters waut to
know who the diskonpst men were on
those 26 election boards Some of
them may want to run for office but if
they have to face these charges of
-fraud what can they do but retire to
the rear
From the April number of the
Printers Auxiliary it is learned that a
new paper is soon to be started in
Longpine Also
Mr T 11 T Geddis who laid the
plant of the Western News at Valen
tine and who was its first and most
able editor last fall will have full con
trol of the new paper He is at pres
ent at Bassett on the Eagle He is a
young man a thorough journalist and
the most aggressive country newspaper
man in the state
Those who becameacquainted with
Ta Ran Tula while be was in Valen
tine will hardly agree with the last
sentence The first is correct
The clumsv absurdity of the retro-
active clause in the Dingley bill is
abundantly obvious Its extreme im
policy and its outrageous injustice are
not less so to refltctive minds
It compels the merchants of the
country to charge their customers for
duties that are never in all probability
to be collected It thus imposes upon
the people a heavy tax not one dollar
of which is likely ever to reach the
treasury New York World
An account of the meeting of demo
cratic editors Saturday was crowded
out this week
It costs 1500 per year license fee
to run a saloon in Gordon 750 for
school fund and 750 for occupation
The 154th anniversary of Jeffersons
birthday was fittingly celebrated in
many of the larger cities Tuesday the
John Ferstl has just received a large
consignment of fruit and shade trees
and small fruit plants and cuttings
All desiring to beautify or improve
their property should call on him at
once 12
Troops D and I Sixth cavalry now
in Moutana have been ordered to Port
Robinson It is also stated that the
entire Ninth cavalry in to be trans
ferred to some other post this spring
Crawford Tribune
C A Gould manager of tbeMmne
chaduza Mill is moving into one of
Gilmans houses near the mill The
Shaw property on Cherry street now
occupied by him will be sold soon a
buyer for same having been fouud
The Donoher hotel is constantly im
proving A high fence has been built
between the hotel and Wrhillans har
ness shop a walk laid on the south
side of the hotel and a new ice house
put up A piano has been added to
the parlor furniture
Alva Rowland left Wednesday to try
bis luck in the gold fields of Alaska
We sincerely hope Alva will not run
up against another edition of Cripple
Creek but will this time find the yellow
stuff in paying quantities Several
more are talking of going in a short
time Butte Gazette
Last week Sheriff Strong levied on a
bunch of 20 head of yearling steers be
longing to Louis Kelly on account of
delinquent taxes The stock will be
sold Mav 1 at the old Peed place on
Goose creek now occupied by G W
Kellar Kelly is the man who was re
cently sent to the penitentiary from
Rock county
Col Perry of Fort Robinson is com
ing down next week with a car load of
trappings or rather a camping outfit
and will be joined here by S V Pitch
er and W H Liddiard aud they will
pull down to Cody where they will be
joined by Judge Munger of Omaha
in a weeks hunt among the feathery
tribe- Rushville Standard
A meeting of stockmen and owners
of horses in Dawes county has been
called to meet in the city of Chadrou
on Saturday April 17 to discuss ways
and means for a round up of stock and
horses and the better protection of
owners interests A similar meeting
wili be held in Sheridan county at
Hay Spriugs on Saturday April 24
Dawes County Journal
The Blacktail aud Garden City dis
trict situated about three miles west
of Dead wood promises to be one of
the largest producers of siliceous ore in
the Black Hills country Though
there are but a few properties shipping
at present we are reliably informed
that an average of 25 tons per day
have gone out of the district for some
time The ore is high grade running
from 40 to 100 per son in gold We
look for an average output of 50 stons
a day soon as the snow goes off and
roads are passable Deadwood Times
Does Modern College Education
Educate in the Broadest and Most
Liberal Sense of the Term is one of
the most important inquiries that
could be set on foot This discussion
is begun in the April Cosmopolitan by
a radical inquiry into the -educational
problem along the lines of Herbert
Spencer Altogether there is promised
the frankest possible expression of
opinion and it seems probable that it
will be the most thorough -comparison
ever made of educational methods with
the needs of every day life at thevdose
of the nineteenth century
Wood Lake Xo 2
Jim Wilson was in town one day last
And still we have a calm after the
H E Deweywent to Valentine on
Auntie will look to Kelly for items
this week
Boating is all the rage the lake is
just lovely
Rev Garner preached here last Sun
day evening
Mrs C A Johnson is on the sick
list this week
W E Haley was -doing business
the city on Monday of this week
Miss Isis Lincoln visited friends
Wood Lake a few days last week
Mrs Lovelet and children visited
with her mother Mis Davis on Satur
i Airs narsuey ana miss i oresc ana
I grandson came in from Sioux Citv on
fee Saturday night passenger then
went out to their claim on Sunday
- Kellys Aunt
3 5
Stock has come through
in good shape very few
the winter
having been
Snow and rain in Tbnndanco and
this assures us a full crop the coming
A son of Alex Hoffman is in critical
condition with scrofula They have
taken him to the hospital at Valentine
for treatment
Peter Hemble goes to Crookston as
section boss Peter is worthy and
well qualified aud we all are glad he
has struck so good a jobj
One of our citizens was to have an
appointment as section boss if he
voted McKinlev which he did and
now the E R Co fails to deliver the J
goods and as a consequence he
uttereth cuss words
U and I
Short Line
Through connection both ways with Black
nills trains bv taking this line you can go to
Sioux Citv and return The same dav connections
made with all trains for the East and South
Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill
I have just opened a stock of
groceries in the old Red Front
building on Main street and re
spectfully solicit your patronage
Evervthing new and fresh Pro
duce taken in exchange
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Peed 70e 1300
Corn 50c
Oats 65c 44
HoticvJov tw tBctriiing Season
S 11 Downing living 2ji miles east of Valen
tine will herd cows the coming season for 50c
ler head a month STo charge for any under
one year old Those having cows or cattle not
necessary to be taken heme every night can bo
yarded with shelter and hay if stormy after the
1st of Mi No charge until May 1st During
April those wishing to have cows or cattle taken
out when weather is suitable will be done with
out charge March 25 2 aud 27 I will be in
Valentine to make arrangements for the season
YIso thos wishing to have horses or colts pas
lercrt by the day week or month arrangements
for the same will be made
N tice is hereby given That I have- tiled with
the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the
Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition ac
companieri by a bond duly tested said petition
praying that a license mav be issued to me to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in said
Village of Valentine Nebraska for the year
ending May 1 1SS 12 Jonx T Gctth
Notice is hereby given that I have tiled with
the Clei K of the Board of Village Trustees of the
Village ot Valentine Nebraska a petition ac
companied by a bond dulv tested said petition
praying that alicense may be issued to me to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in said
Village of Valentino Nebraska for the year end
ing May l isr8 vi Ekak Fischek
Notice is ileroby given that I have 0ed with
the Clerk of the Board jf Village Trustees of the
Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition ac
companied by a bond duly tested said petition
praying that a license may be issued to me to
sell ma t spirituous and vinous liquors in said
Village of Valentine Nebraska for the year
ending May 118SS 12 John Bokmak
Notice is hereby given that I have filed with
the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustee of the
Village of Valentine NebraKa a petition ac
companied by a bond duly tested said petition
praying that a license mav be issued to me to
sell malt spirituous aud vinous Iiauors in said
Village of Valentine Nebraska for the year
ending May 1 isJS 12 ilENur Stetiek
Ifroolaimition for Special Election
Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors
of Cherry county iu the state of Nebraska that
whereas the county board of said county at the
regular meeting of said board held on the 16th
day ot March 1897 at the court house iu Valen
tine in said county for the purpose of acting
upon and considering the question of -calling a
specil election for t he purpose of voting upon
the question of issuing the bonds of said county
for the purpose of bidding and furnishing a
court house in said Countj of Cherrv and where
as the board after due consideration believes
that it would be wise and expedient to call such
election and to issue said bonds aforesaid and
said board having found that the assessed valua
tion of the taxable property of said county for
the year 189G is Sl2tu5S7 and that said county
can be legally bonded for the sum of S1200O and
said board having ascertained that the highest
price bonds could be negotiated for was one
hundred cents on the dollar Now therefore
notice is hereby given that on Tuesday the 4th
day of aiay next an election will be held at the
various voting places in the several election pre
cincts of sad county and the qualified voters of
said precincts may vote upon the following pro
Shall thecounty board of Cherry County in
the state of Nebraska issue the coupon bonds
of said county in the stun of 12000 for the pur
pose of building and furnishing a court house
said bonds to take effect June 1st 1897 and to
draw interest at the rate of rive per cent per
annum payable semi annually on the first days
of June aud December in each year until the
interest thereon has been fully paid the princi
pal and interest thereof being payable at the
office of the county treasurer ot said county
said bonds to become due on the first day of
June 1917 providing that the county board
of said Cherry county may at its option pa any
of said feonds iu accord with their issue accord
ing to their number at any time alter the
expiration of ten years from the date of their
taking effect And shall the county beard of
Cherry county aforesaid annually levy upon the
taxable property of Cherry county a tax suffici
ent tc pay interest and principal of said oonds
when due aud shall said countv board at the
ia t annual tax levy provided by law preceding
the maturity of said bonds levy upon the taxable
property of said county a sum sufficient to pay
the principal aud interest not otherwise pro
vided for aud then unpaid upon said bonds
And shall said county board negotiate said
bonds at not less than their par value the
amount realized from the sale of said bonds to
be used in the building and furnishing a county
court house for the use of said Cherry county
The tickets used bv those votiug in favor of
said proposition shall have printed thereon the
words tb wit For the proposition of issuing
bonds and tax for court house And the tickets
used by those voting against said proposition
shall have priated thereon
Against the pro
position ot issuing oonas ana tax tor court
Max E ViEUTEti
Board of bounty Curniaissionfers
Attest Geo Elliott 10 H
County Oierk
iMrni Bliii - -
Have you seen them We have about
thirty different patterns and weights every
one of which is a bargain Among them are
all the standard colors and checks besides a
number that are new This is the season when
ginghams are wanted and we are prepared to
supply the demand
See our window displays
Sole agents for the famous FLEXIBONE COESETS
The well known stallion Billy Barnes
will make the season at Smyser
Vincents barn in Valentine
11 Amos Strong
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notide of which appear in Thi Democrat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction can be made
Land Office Valentine Neb
April 12 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
makefinal proof in support of his claim and that
said proof will be made before the Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on May 24th 1897
John Sedlacek Jr by Mary Sediack his
wife as agent of Kennedy Neb
H E No 8953 for the sw Sec 13 Tp 20 R 31w
He names the following witnesses to Drove
Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
David A Piercy Milton Dunham William D
Wilkerson and Sanford Q Spain all of Kennedy
Nebraska 12 17 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
March 311 S97
Notice is hereby given that William A Varvan
of Kirksville Mo his Tiled notice of intention
to make final proof before the register or receiv
er at his office in Valentine Nebraska on Tues
day the lath day of May 1897 n timbpr culture
application No 8010 for the n ine n nwh of
See 34 Tp 2811 R SOW
He names as witnesses William Pullman
James Hainan Albert Runner and Timothy
Falbey all of Pullman Nebraska
Testimony of claimant will be taken before the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Adair county at
III3 UlllUf HI XV1I KSV1I1U AUHSOlin Oil UilV lo lfej
Also Herbert Roberts of Chicago 111 T C
7072 for the eseM and eineli See 13 To
R sow
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous cultivation of said land William
Pullman Albert Runner John M Yarvan and
Timothy Falbey all of Pullman Nebraska
Testimony of claimant will be taken before the
Cleric of the Circuit Court for Cook County at his
office in Chicago Illinois on May 15 1P97
Also Jacob F Remis of Janesville Wis TC
7970 for the sy aehi and swnw1 Sec 21 Tp 2Sn
R 3fw
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous cultivation of said laud William
Pullman John M Yaryan Albert Runner and
Timothy Falbey all of Pullman Nebraska
Testimony of claimant will be taken bsfore the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Rock Countv at
hisjoffice in Janesville Wisconsin on Mav 15 1897
Also Albert Runner of Pullman Nebr TC
8013 for the sseJi and sswh Sec 23 Tp 28u
R 3tw
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous cultivation w saiu ianu William
Pnllrnan James Iranian John M Yaryan and
Timothy Falbey all of Pullman Nebraska
Also John M Yaryan of Pullman Neb T C
8011 for the nSseJi and s jnej i Sec 20 Ip 28
R 35
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous cultivation of said land William
Pullman James flarnan Albert Runner and
Timothy Falbey all of Pullman N braska
10 15 C K GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
March 25 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim aud
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on May 7
1897 viz
Charles E Roberts of Cody Xebr
H E No 9371 for Lots 3 ana 4 and sVz nw Sec
4 Tp 34 n It 35 w
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Fred Maybee Oscar Starr Isaac N Garner
and Jesse W Garner all of Cody Nebr also
Jesse V Garner of Cody iSeb
H E No 9055 for Lot 1 nenwJ4 wne Sec
31 Tp 35n R 35 W
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Charles E Roberts Fred Mavbee Isaac N
Garner and Patrick Sullivan all of Codv Neb
10 15 C R GLO VER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr i
March 25th 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Ulysses G Crigger
of Cody Nebr riled notice of intention to make
final proof before the Register or Receiver at
his office iu Valentine Neb on Monday the
tenth day of May 1897 on timber culture appli
cation No 7479 for lat 4 swswM wswj
Sec 3 Tp 31n R 35 w
He nams as witnesses William Burris of
Merriman Neb William Ballard of Cody Neb
Nathaniel Ballard of Mecriman Neb and
George Schadboldtof Cody Neb also
Xathaniel Ballard of Merriman Neb
T C No 7626 for the nv Sec 34 Tp 33 n R 3Cw
He names as witnesses William urris of
Merriman Nebr William Ballard Ulysses G
Crigger and George Schadboldt of Cody Neb
William Ballard of Cody Xeb
H E No 9198 for the s54ne Sec 21 s54nwj
Sec 22 Tp 32n R 36w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
William Burris of Merriman Neb Ulysses
G Crigger and George Schadboldt of Cody Neb
and Nathaniel Ballard of Merriman Neb
10 15 C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office Valentine Nebraska
March 22nd 1857 i
Notice Is hereby given that Nicholas Goscbey
of Kilgore Nebr has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before the Register and Recei
ver at thieroffice in Valentine Nebr on Wed
nesday the 5th day of May 1397 on timber cul
ture adplication No 7827 for the neJi Sec 2 Tp
34n R 3lw
He names as witnesses Frank KludciKowski
of Kilirore Nebr Richard K Rainsford Stan-
islaw Krafewski and Robert Schulze of Neazel
Nebraska t 1
S 14 G E GLOVEE RegSatsr
OCC Cf Of Cfx
Land Office Valentine Nebr J
April 6th 1897 J
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of Ids claim and
that said proof will be made tefore the Register
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on May 17 1S97
Kichard Osburn of Sparks Xeb
II E No 8804 for the swl i Sec 22 Tp 34 n IX
25 w
He names the following witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation or
said land viz
Charles Maxwell of Valentine Nebr Lafay
ette Johnson Aaron W Grooms and John
Grooms Sr of Sparks Nebr
11 16 C R GLOVER Register
U S Lajtd Office Valentine Neb t
March 20 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April 30th
1897 viz
Albert Haley of Sparks Neb
H E No S931 for the neYi Sec 14 Tp 34n R 25
wfithP M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said landviz
Newton J Grooms John Grooms Jacob
Breachbill Charles Hudsou all of Sparks Nebr
9 14 C R G LOVER Register
Land Office at VnlentinpNebr
March 21 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inteotion
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proo will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valcntint Neb oa Blay 10th
1897 viz
Andrew J Barnes of Cody Xobr
H E No 10221 for the Lots 3 and 4 of Sec2I Tp
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land
Joseph A IMse John E Hendricks William
Hook and Edward S Hank all of Cody Nebr
also i
Joseph A Kose of Cody Xebr
H E No 92S4 for the nw See 25 Tp 35 R 34
He names the foliowingwitnecs to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
Andrew J Barnes John E llcndncka
William Hook and Edward S Hanks all Cody
C R GLO VSR Register
US Land Office Valentiuc Nebr
March 9 1697 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Registsr
r Receiver at Valentine Neb on April 27 1807
William C St 3eters of Pass 2sebr
HENotoi03fortheemvDeKnw54 Sec 23
seiiswH Sec 14 Tp 23 R30
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
William Steadman James N Stauiman Charles
H Tail and Ro7jert M if add is all o Pass Nebr
7 12 CR GLOVER Register
US Land Office Valentine Neb i
March 9 1S7 j
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on April 28 1897
Morrison A Crawford of Kilgore
H E 8C34 for the ne4 Sec 30 Tp 35 R 30
ne names the following witnesses to- prove
his continuous residence upon jand cultivation
of said land viz
Merrick E Robertson of Kilgore Nebr James
W Beed Peter Ar VanNorstran and Francisco
Stump all of Orookaton Neb
7 12 C P GLOVER Register
U S LaHdJOffice at Valentine Neb I
March 9th 1S37 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr Jon Apnl 20
1897 vjz
John P Hook of Cody Nebr
H E No 92G3 for the neiinw sVinwy
nwfcswM sec 28 Tp 33n R 33w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cnluvation o
said land viz
Irwin C Stotts Albert C Riemensehneider
James A Cbilders and Andrew J Barnes all of
Cody Nebr 7 12 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb J
March c 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filecf notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April
23rd 1897 viz
John J Stowers of Wood Lake Neb
H E No 10187 for the nefi Sec 9 Tp 3ln R 26w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Henry H Day George W Day Joshua Hire
and Adelbert Kneeland all of Valentine Nebr
7 12 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb l
April C 1897 f
Complaint having been entered at the office
by James 3 Saults against James H Green for
abandoning his Homeatfod entiy No 10169
dated July 22nd 1893 upon the swgw and n t
sw and nwieJi Sec 7 Tp 29nJR 35 w etb V
iL in Cherry county Nebraska with a view to
the cancellation of said entry the said parties
are hereby summoned to appsar at tfcis orace on
the 4th day of June 1837 at 10 oclock a rn t
respond and furnish testimony concerning sail
alleged abandonment
Testimony of witnesses to be taken before
Robert Lucas Commissioner of the USCC at
Cooper Nebraska on the 29 day of May 1837 at
10 oclock am
11 13 C S GLOVER Bagiatar