I - re a w fv lh 3 f HALLS Vecetable Sicilian HAIR REM EWER Beautifies and restores Gray Hair to its original color and- vitality prevents baldness cures itching and dandruff A fine hair dressing B P Hall Co Props Nashua H Ht Sold by all Druggists The Manufacture of Dolls Dolls are now manufactured in large quantity in this country the business having been established on a perma nent basis Until the last fifty years all dells except the home made rag specimens were imported from Switz erland Tyrol Steyermark and the mountain districts of Germany where the industry has been carried on for centuries The china heads are made of the same material employed for a fine quality of plates and are painted and glazed previous to baking The tiny china dolls are molded The bodies of the better class of dolls of the Four Hundred if such an expres sion may be desecrated to such a use are made of cotton linen canvas or kid and are stuffed with sawdust cot ton or some other suitable substance Whsn bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candy ca thartic cure guaranteed 10c 25c The most extensive cemetery in the world is that at Rome in which over 6000000 human beings have been in terred jieasc rcmcmDer mat Glenns sulphur Soap presents mil the advantages of sulphur baths at a cheap rate Hills llalr and Whisker Bye black or brown 50c Jenny Linds daughter Mrs Ray mond Maude has written a memoir of her mother Jest try a 10c box of Cascarots candy cathartic fin ttt liver and bowel regulator made The German Empress is the latest re cruit to the royal army of cyclists Mrs Wloslows Sootiuko Syetjt ror Children teething sottenB the kuiuh renuces inflammation Jlavs rain cure xrind colic 25 cents a bottle f to The Best Saddle Coat ft UCK1 Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry in the hardest storms I Substitutes will disappoint Ask for i8q7 r lsh brand Pommel backer litis entirely new If not for sale in I your town write for catalogue to A J J UWhR Boston Alass W L DOUGLAS Si ft Hue ttlF8r i mum JSMSkmem Best m the world XUK 14 ItAKS UUS 6UUC UV mei l SUUUCf has distanced all competitors HTD0RSEDBY OVER 1000000 WEARERS as THE BEST in style fit and durability ef any shoe ever offered at 300 IT IS MADE Iff ALL THE LATEST SHAPES and STYLES and of every variety of leather OTTE DEALER IS A T0WH given exclusive sale and advertised in local paper on receipt of reasonable order write lor catalogue to W L DOUGLAS Brockton Mfess Right off to any even the worst of SPRAiNS apply How One Dog Got Fresh Eggs Bob is a fine 2-year-old mastifl with hoad and face of massive strength heightened by great mildness of expres sion One day he was seen carrying a lies very gently in his mouth to the kennel Placing her in one cornc r he stood sentry while she laid an egg which he at once devoured From that lay the two have been fast friends the hen refusing to lay anywhere but in Bobs kennel and getting her reward in the dainty morsels from his platter There must have been a bit of canine reasoning here Bob must have found ggs to his liking that they were laid by hens and that he could best secure a supply by having a hen to himself THE TALK OF THE T0WT From the Advertiser Clinton loica Your reporter has been making in quiries of local parties as to Dr Williams Pink Pills their merits and sale in this community D B Snyder the oldest druggist in Lyons Iowa was consulted first He says they rank very high that he has sold them for years and has no hesitation in saying they have no superior as a nerve and blood pill and that in no instance so far as his knowledge extends have ihey failed to benefit those who have used them Mr Snyder says that many cases of rheumatism have been cured by the Pink Pills and for derangement of the stomach nervous prostration etc they are invaluable Another case Mr John B Cook one of the pioneer settlers of Iowa a prosperous farmer now retired and living -in Lyons was wasting away almost to a skeleton with a complication of stomach trouble and rheumatism After trying almost everything without benefit finally gave Dr Williams Pink Pills a trial and is to day as well and strong as ver His family unhesitatingly attribute hi re covery to the Pink Pills Another case of rheumatism with which the writer is personally familiar is that of Mrs John Crapser formerly of Lyons Iowa but now of DeWitt Iowa Mrs Crapser was an intimate friend of the writers family About four years ago she was prostrated with inflammatory rheumatism and nothing seemed to do her any permanent good They were well off as far as money was concerned and noth ing was left undone to relieve her and ef fect a cure The best medical skill the city could furnish was provided in the vain attempt to conquer the stubborn dis ease All to no purpose She continued to get worse until finally she was entirely helpless not being able to turn herself in bed and her life was almost despaired of Just when the case was in its lowest and most hopeless stage a Good Samari tan neighbor who had witnessed in oth er persons the great good they had do rived under similar circumstances through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills urgeil them to try just one more remedy Their faith in the pills was very weak as it nat urally would be after trying so many other medicines and continually growing worse but finally concluded to give them a trial and by the time the first box was used she began to improve Mr Crapser was in Lyons a few weeks ago and I inquired how his wife was get ting along and to my surprise he said she was nearly well and then went on to tell me of the wonderfully good effects wrought out by the Pink Pills and no ar gument can convince them now that there is another medicine in the wide world that can begin to compare with the magi cal Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis St Vitus dance sciatica neuralgia rheuma tism nervous headache the after effect of la grippe palpitation of the heart pale and sallow complexions all forms of weakness either in male or female Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100 by addressing Dr Williams Med Co Schenectady NY Goodness like the River Nile over flows its banks to enrich the soil and to throw plenty into the country State of Ohio City op Toledo l LtJCAB COUNTT Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of tho firm of F J Cheney Co doinRbusineBs in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every caso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tho use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in iny presence this 6th day of December A D 1SS0 SEAL f A W QLEASON N Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O 63Soia by Druggists 78 oentB William Waldorf Astor owns 4000 houses in New York City and has an income of more than 6000000 a year Kt57Ki Hard rubbing is I SjL iiiss e sleight of hand i nmrmj A prompt cure is a SKI I III The Magic iASDY CABIA RUG racaWtk 10 25 50 CURECOHSTIPATIOH l n n ii AU DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GUARffiEED nSiSXSiSSi fe pie and booklet free Ad STERLING BEKEDT CO Chicago Montreal Can or Ken York sn HV k N - II VJo J mf The finest most delicate things you have you neednt be afraid to wash with Pearline The fact that a thing is delicate and easily torn is the very reason why you should take Pearline to it Nothing else can get it clean with so little rubbing and wrenching If you observe carefully nI v yuu iijiuu c uicil uie women wno are the most particular about thlir washing and their housekeeping and their housework are the ones who are the most enthusiastic about Pearline XrQOi idlers an some unscrupulous grocers will tell youf2this is as good as or the same as Pearline ITS FALSEPearline 48nr ti 4- never peddled if your grocer sends you an imitation fiplionest VUL send it back 535 JAMES PYLE NeVYrfc A Western member of Congress was describing to the Hon Thaddeus Ste vens a certain township in his district and after expatiating upon the fertility of its soil the salubrity of its climate and the magnificence of its scenery wound up by saying that all it wanted was plenty of water and good society That is all want in hades said tor Stevens During a general election a canvasser called at the house of the late Professor Froude the historian Mr Froude was out so the canvasser had to content himself with interrogating the butler as to how Mr Froude would vote The butler an old servant who understood his master well replied When the Liberals Is in Mr Froude is sometimes a Conservative When the Conserva tives is in Mr Froude is always a Lib eral Once a clergyman went to pay a visit to an old Yorkshire yeoman who was lying on his death bed After a few pre liminary words the worthy minister said that if the veteran had anything on his mind he hoped he would ease his conscience and confide it to his pastoral ear so that he might die in peace Well sir answered the old sports man if I only had to live my life over again Id fish more with bait and less with flies A sergeant of a company of British infantry quartered in a Dacoit infested part of Burmah a few years ago was a firm believer in destiny One evening when dressing preparatory to taking a stroll in the jungle he was noticed by a corporal a persistent opponent of the destiny theory to slip a revolver into his pocket Hello shouted the cor poral what are you taking the re volver with you for That wont save you if your time has come No re plied the sergeant but you see I may happen to come across a Dacoit whose last day has come John Heywood the playwright and epigrammatist once wrote a book the object of which as disclosed by the title page is singular A Dialogue containing in effect the Number of all the Proverbs in the English Tongue compact in a Matter concerning Two Marriages When the Marquis of Winchester Lord High Treasurer was presented with a copy of this book by the author he inquired what it con tained and being answered All the proverbs in English replied What I all No no Bate me an ace quoth Bolton a form of speech once much in vogue By my faith said Hey wood that is not in It happened that the marquis had casually uttered the only proverb not in the book M Mary Lafon the well Tcnown au thor in the forties being out bathing one morning saved a prosperous mer chant from drowning When the latter felt safe on terra firma lie began to express his gratitude calling Lafon My father My savior etc Say no more about it but let us go and have luncheon I am pretty well starv ing replied Lafon The merchant fol lowed meekly but after a few glasses of wine and a few mouthfuls of food he burst out afresh Lafon was not the most patient nor the sweetest tempered of creatures He began to be annoyed he flung a plate of strawberries at his would be sons head The other hurled a water bottle at him As a matter of course the proprietor at tracted by the noise entered the room the bill was settled and the merchant and his savior hailed a cab the driver of which was told to proceed to the Rue Neuve des Petits Champs close to which in those days lived M dHor moy the director of the Italian opera Lafon got out and in a little while re appeared accompanied by the im presario carrying a case of dueling pistols My good friend said the author allow me to present to you a friend a linen manufacturer with whom I am in the habit of boating and who pursues me with his gratitude be cause I was idiotic enough to fish him out of the water this morning Since then he has not ceased to call me his father although I am ten years yonng er than he The merchant opened his lips once more Lafon cut him short by ordering the cabman to drive to the Romainville Wood En route they picked up another second and when they arrived at their destination not a minute was lost in measuring the ground Both combatants missed fire the first time Do you still intend to worry me with your gratitude asked Lafon Oh my father my savior what else can I do was the answer Gentlemen be good enough to reload the pistols requested Lafon The sec ond discharge was productive of as lit tle effect as the former Thereupon the manufacturer unable to contain him self cleared the distance between him self and his antagonist at one bound fell round his neck still exclaiming My father my savior and prevented all further hostilities by the genuine outburst of laughter that followed Why Priests Are Beardless There is a good deal of history in the clean shaven face of a priest From the foundation of Christianity until the separation of the Greek and Roman Churches in the eighth century priests and clergymen of all kinds scrupulous ly refrained from shaving or even from trimming the beard and a cleric was distinguished among other men by the length and abundance of his beard Pope Leo III after -the separation of the Eastern from theWestern Church in order to distinguish himself from the Patriarch of Constantinople cu off his beard and required his clergy to do likewise The prejudice against beaifis in the Western Church nntJi - r - vmii - i - tiieuveirtncentuiy r Tnty eiasjgjj tOVAv The r mf it1 l - j n - moCirchs were not exempt from the rigid decree Godefroi the Bishop of Amiens was so particular that he re fused the contributions of laymen en- dowed with extensive whiskers and some French priests following his ex ample are said to have declined to give absolution to such parishioners as re fused to cut off their beards A preach er in England roundly scored Henry I for wearing a beard and the mon arch rather than scandalize the com munity cut it off Similar instances of resignation were furnished by Fred erick Barbarossa and Louis TIL the latter of whom was refused absolution untilhe should shave In the thirteenth century Pope Honorius III had a hare lip and to conceal the deformity allow ed his mustache and beard to grow and permitted the clergy to do the same so that whiskers came again into fashion In the reign of Francis I of France pointed beards became popu lar among the laity the right of the clergy to wear whiskers of any kind was disputed Francis proceeded to the extent of imposing a heavy tax up on any bearded Bishop and in15Gl the great college of the Sorbonne at Paris decided that a beard was con trary to sacerdotal modesty The de cision was ratified by the Pope and all priests were commanded to shave the practice continuing to the present day In the Eastern Church beards have al ways been worn and a shaven priest of the Greek faith is as much of a curios ity was a bearded priest of the Roman Catholic Church It is said that for special reasons involving health com fort or the concealment of some de formity of countenance dispensations ate granted to Roman priests to wear a beard but such cases are rare Kossuth as an Orator In appearance Kossuth was taller than Americans had been led to suppose His face had an expression of penetrat ing intellect writes Parke Godwin re calling the American visit in 1851 of the great Hungarian patriot in a paper of the Great Personal Events series in the Ladies Home Journal It was long the forehead broad but not exces sively high though a slight baldness made it seem so and the chin narrow but square in its form nis hair was thin in front and dark brown as was his beard which was quite long but not very thick and arranged with neat ness and taste His mustache Was heavy and rather long nis eyes were very large and of a light blue his com plexion was pale As a speaker his manner was at once incomparably dig nified and graceful His posture and appearance in lepose were imposing notfonly from theii essential grace and dignity but from a sense of power they impressed upon the beholder He spoke as if with little prepara tion and with that peculiar freshness Avhich belongs to extemporaneous speaking and the wonderful compact ness and art of his argument were not felt until you reflected upon it after ward He gesticulated freely equally well with both arms Nothing could be more beautiful in its way than was the sweep of his right hand as it was raised to heaven when he spoke of the Deity nothing sweeter than the smile which at times mantled his face Be yond a doubt he was the greatest of orators then living Silence and Speech There is much which however true need not be spoken It may do harm and not good it may hurt the feelings or injure the reputation or spoil the plans of some one There can be no trust no confidence placed in one who has not the power of secrecy There are times when si lence not speech should have sway and there are people from whom cer tain truths should be withheld On the other hand silence is often cowardly and sometimes criminal It can sometimes be made more effectual in conveying a false impression than even a positive untruth It may be thought that this caution in speaking would crush out all spon taneity of utterance and render con versation prosy and unsatisfactory Doubtless it would do so if the prin ciples involved were accepted in a merely literal and mechanical manner Indeed there are persons now whose consciences are so warped by a literal idea of truth that they do not hesitate to create a false impression on the mind of another if they can do so by maintaining a verbal accuracy They do not see that words are val ueless except for their intended mean ing and that it is only the spirit of truth that contains the real truth and the spirit of deception that makes the real lie The Atlantics Depth The depth of the Atlantic between the Canary Islands and the West In dies is something awful A pretty lev el bottom runs right away from tfhe African islands to the American ones gradually deepening to nearly 19000 feet At this spot we might sink the highest point of the Alps and still have nearly half a mile of sea water cover ing it The first Blankets In the reign of Edward IH there were at Bristol three brothers who A were eminent clothiers and wpoieil weayersand jyhrtsefamijy fiame was Blanket They iferVthe first persons who irfatoifuettjstsj that comfortable material Whjij - ever since been called byflir mime and which was then usedfor neasants clothinz JL - tJ Pa8t Tease of Iove Teacher to girls high school vow whats5 -the past tense of Class Pck MHk in chorus Divorce Borne oue asks wiiat a Kensington is It is a party to which a woman in- th0Sft who think it a wiolrail rv The Claris rtio V5rfo jo it ic i commanded laymen to shave TmttfevM Svlr J T- 1 ibt iron mj a a 1- w 11 mir i mi in Lr L 1 n One of Mrs Pinkhams Talks Concerning a Mothers Duty to Her Young Daughter Together with s Chat with Miss Marie Johnson The balance wheel of a womans life is menstruation formance of this function depends her health Irregularity lays the foundation of many diseases and is in itself symptom it rlmrn win 1 Ai iivy Bluv wr JmmB 1 SSflKSB a 7 Tun Doctor Ono layer of ipaperlsbad enough you have Jthreolicrc Baby may recover but cannot thrive T yw 1 IP I J Ws L TTlt J 1 AW LJ c as SIMM beuarrmrwddrejs On the proper per of disease It is of the greatest importance that regu Surrey Harncti Price 1500 am good ms ielli for f 2100 larity be accomplished as soon as possible after the flow ss an established fact Disturbance of the menstrual function poisono the blood In young girls suppression develops latent inherited tendencies to scrofula or con sumption and no time must be lost in restoring regularity Many a young girl goes to her grave because this difficulty has been thought lightly of and mother has said Time will bring about cure she is young I dont worry about her Mother when you see your daughter languid and indifferent to things that usually interest a young girl when you note that flush on her cheek that glassy appearance in her eyes when your daughter tells you that even the weight of her dress waist oppresses her and that she has terri ble pains in her stomach shortly after eating dont ignore these signs 1 If you do you will be follow Ing your daughter to the grave for she will die I This is gospel truth she is developing consumption of the bowels Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is the greatest regulator knowa to medicine Make haste to use it on the first appearance of the tell tale symptoms it will restore all the female organs to their normal condition Miss Marie Johnsons letter to Mrs Pinkham which follows should inter est all mothers and young ladies She says My health became so poor that I had to leave school I was tired all the time and had dreadful pains in my side and back I would have the headacho so badly that everything would appear black be fore my eyes and I could not go on with my studies I was also troubled with irregularity of menses I was very weak and lost so much flesh that my friends became alarmed My mother who is a firm believer in your remedies from onPA thmifrhfr rfrVi nns fTiftV micrhf hrnflf -mo and wrote you for advice I followed the advice you gave and used Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable ky -I J J T T11 J iJ f wjmpouuu 911U juiver iriiis as you uirectea ana am now as well as I ever was I have gained flesh and ueighbors to an outdoor beef roast a Greensbury Point Md doctor aftei his beef had been praised informed his iruests that he had fed them on an eight-month-old colt to dispel prejudice SAPO CURED we will mall a ii DR TAFT BROS 45 Ela St Boche CURES WHERE Best Coiish Syrnp in time told iKm fV and have a good color I am completely cured of irregularity Words cannot express my gratitude and I cannot thank yoaenough for your kind advice and medicine Miss Marie F Johnson Centralia Pa The Joke Was On Them Having summoned his friends W l V3B x S 1 9 1 P s -- Cremation is mading progress in Great Britain Facilities for incinera tion have now been provided at Man chester and Glasgow as well as at Woking and every year the number of bodies disposed of by that process is increasing ALABAS but have Bold direct to tho consumer ior Z4 years at wnoiesaie prices saving them the dealers pro- 111s snip anywuere for examination be fore sale Every thing warranted uu styles or car riages OOstvles of Hnr ness TopBusgiesaelow Phaetons as low 35ri Snrine Wacons Boad Wagons etc Send ior lurge iree uataiogne TINE IT WOftST RUB OFF Wall Paper as Unsanitary KA1SOMISJE IB TEMPOBAKY KGTS BUBS OFf AND SCAjLES Fp Is a pure permanent and artistia MiG wal coatinr ready for the brush fl Kb by mixing in cold water For Sale by Paint Dealers Everywhere rnrr A Tint Card showing 12 desirable tints also Alabastine Ii I L L Souvenir Rock sent free to any one mentioning this paper AliABASTiaTE CO Grand JRapids Zilch TSTl I Aii Mrvjff 1 mV 1 V x5jt -U lCtfy tWk9iBEiri7r V VvM7 VWW Sr7 yan SLJj Ko 606 Surrey Price wltbsorulof Ismpt sun hide aoron and fendtra SCO Ai rood ma in tar tsa ELKHART CAKKIAGE AND UAENESS MFU CO W B PKATT Secy ELKHART DiD A Fair Face Cannot Atone for An Untidy House Use LIO a - - 1a 1 mmmmMmtmMTmrmimf The village doctor felt the boys poise and then said Let me see your tongue I n When that was shown he said Its white 1 Its coated and then he gave the mother half a dozen little things that looked like chocolate lozenges Let him take one now -and another before he goes to bed to night X J T i1 T xncxx aay xne Doy was as srooa as new anasrent n swimming three times and wl determined to know what me so quickly the doctor hone Kip Ary DH TAPTS A3