The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 08, 1897, Image 4

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Ore Taken Out of Two Mines Yields
Over 6000 to the Ton Pacifica
tion of Crete Likely to Be Under
taken by Russia and Britain
Yuma Is Wild Over Gold
Col George F Hayne a well known
gold miner of California says Yuma
Arizona has suddenly become a most ex
cited mining town Nothing quite like the
present excitement over suddenly found
riches and prospects of further finds has
been seen since the palmy days of Vir
ginia Nev in the early 70s Cripple
Creek and Tombstone were never in it for
unadulterated excitement
The town is wild because of two funis of
marvelous richness of gold ore At the
Pichaco mining district twenty five miles
north of Yuma on the California side of
the Colorado River there are the Golden
Dream and Noonday mines For several
weeks men at these mines have been get
ting Into rich ore and the owner has been
offered as high as 175000 for bis mines
Thursday the men in both mines at al
most the sdme hour ran into ledges of ore
that yield over 6000 to the ton Four
apecimens from these ledges were found to
run 2550 per ton and twelve carelessly
selected bits of rock assayed 13120 to the
ton The ledges in the Sicho district are
all very large One ledge of low grade ore
there is over sixty feet wide
Pacification of Crete to Be Under
taken by Russia and Britain
A St Petersburg dispatch says that it
begins to look very much as if England
and Russia were undertaking the pacifica
tion of Crete as they at the present mo
ment are the only two powers actively dis
It is understood that England has Inti
mated her willingness in the case of need
to co operate with another power at the
lame time letting It be known that the task
is distasteful enough and will be under
taken only in case of absolute need to pre
vent massacres
The position of Germany is distinctly
given thus Germany advocated in the
strongest possible terms the immediate
blockading of Greece as the solution in the
cause of peace but that was six weeks
ago Then neither the Greek nor the
Turkish army had been mobilized The
lack of promptitude in the action of Eng
land France and Italy has been deemed
by Germany to have encouraged the
Greeks and Cretans in their lawlessness
and brought about the deplorable and dis
creditable position in which matters are
today for whioh Germany refuses all re
That is why Germany refuses to take
part in sending troops and to sacrifice her
self for the weakness of others
Anglo American Peace Pact Will
Be Shelved by the Senate
It Is practically settled that the Anglo
American arbitration treaty will be tem
porarily shelved in the senate this week
Both its supporters and its opponents show
no desire to press the issue to a vote There
are several reasons for delay The prin
cipal one given by Senator Davis who is
In charge of the treaty Is that a num
ber of senators who have remained in the
oity in constant attendance upon the exec
utive sessions in the belief that a vote
would be reached are anxious to get away
for a few days
The friends of the treaty refuse to make
any predictions as to the result of the final
vote when taken but some of them admit
there will be sufficient opposition to ren
der the result doubtful On the other hand
the opponents of the treaty assert that an
actual poll of the senate shows that a vote
would result against ratification in a full
Ramsay Released from Custody
Ramsay the American sailor who was
arrested in the early part of the year at
Callao Peru on the charge of disorderly
conduct and snbsequently sentenced to a
years imprisonment without such legal
trial as is provided for in the treaty be
tween Peru and the United States and
whose sentence was commuted last week
to four months imprisonment from Janu
ary 12 was released on Saturday night by
order of the superior court of appeals
Chicago Bank Assigns
The Globe Savings Bank of Chicago has
assigned The last statement February
18 showed deposits of 142000 and savings
of 813000 The bank had a capital of
200000 This bank has no connection
with the Globe National Bank
kts Money for Cannon
igtantinople dispatch
ite with the
for the
Tillers of tho Soil Said to Be Com
bining to Control Markets
A special from Toledo Ohio says A
gigantic fanners trust is now being organ
ized in tliis country One of the national
organizers registering as P F Brown of
Johnstown Pa after being here some
days left his papers at the Jeffersbn House
when he left for Columbus and in this
manner the secret leaked out
Several branches were secretly organ
ized and the order is strictly oathbound
It originated at Lancaster Pa and was
incorporated under the laws of New Jer
sey as the Agricultures National Protect
ive Association
s It is the purpose to do nothing this year
in the way of controlling the markets be
cause the organization is not yet complete
Next year however the crops will be
limited to the actual needs of the organiza
tion If the plan is carried out not a dol
lars worth of farm products of any kind
will be sold for general consumption
After the year 1898 there will be erected or
rented in each county in such numbers
and so located as may seem best and most
convenient storehouses in which all pro
ducts for the markets will be placed
These will be In control of the county
board of directors From these warehouses
the products will be shipped as the state
and national directors may order and the
quantities of goods sold in the immediate
neighborhood will be regulated somewhat
after the plan of the anthracite coal com
Decrease During the Past Month of
The monthly statement of the public
debt shows that at the close of business
April 1 the debt less cash in the treasury
amounted to 1008962200 a decrease for
the month of 8638254 This decrease is
accounted for by a corresponding increase
in the amount of cash on hand The debt
Is recapitulated as follows
Interest bearing debt S 8473619r0
Debt on which interest has
ceased since maturity 1355700
Debt bearing no interest 877287090
Total 1226007800
Lhis however does not include 607702
478 in certificates and treasury notes out
standing and offset by an equal amount of
cash in the treasury
The cash in the treasury is classified as
Gold 109242803
Silver 517048211
Paper 151057504
Bonds disbursing offices bal
ances etc 17891239
Total 875239759
Against this there are demand liabilities
amounting to 053194153 whioh leaves a
cash balance in the treasury of 222045006
Syndicate of Now Yorkers Sub
scribes 15000 for a Contest
A syndicate of wealthy patrons of sport
has subscribed a purse of 15000 for a
twenty round go between Corbettand Fitz
simmons to take place In New York at a
date to be agreed upon
If the syndicate fails to pull off the con
test at the time and place selected the
whole amount Is to be forfeited
Government Urged to Begin Hostil
ities Against Turkey
The Athens newspapers unanimously
urge the government to take prompt action
before the powers present an ultimatum
The decision of the government is not
known if indeed a final decision has been
reached but it is believed in official circles
that both the king and the cabinet will
favor active measures
Gov Thornton Resigns
Gov Thornton has wired to Washington
his resignation as governor of New Mexico
His commission expires on the 15th instant
but he always declared he would resign as
soon as the button gang of conspirators
were executed Private dispatches indi
cate that the resignation will be accepted
at once and that Capt T W Collier of
Raton N M the veteran journalist and
Grand Army man will probably be ap
pointed governor
Fatal Fire in Chattanooga
The Richardson Building the largest in
Chattanooga Tenn burned Sunday morn
ing A number of gentlemen sleeping on
the sixth floor managed to escape except
Boyd Ewing one of the wealthiest men in
the state and M D Patton one of the
most prominent architects in the south
Ewing fell from a fire escape and was
killed Pattons bodjr is still in the ruins
The loss is 400000
Means Work for 2000
Owing to the strong condition of the re
fined sugar market every refinery in Phil
adelphia will begin running at once with a
full force on regular time which means
emplosonentfor about 2000 persons Xearl j7
half a million tons of raw sugars are now
en route by vessels from Germany East
Indies Egypt South America and the
West Indies Islands
To Represent Italy
The cruiser Liguria 2280 Ions will be
sent to New York by the Italian govern
ment to represent Italy at the dedication
on April 27 of the monument erected to
the memory of Gen U S Grant
Billiard Tournament
In the billiard tournament at Chicago
Saturday Matthews beat Gallagher 400 to
B89 Winners average 14 22 27 Mc
Laughlin beat Maggioli 400 to 390
inners average 10 80 37
st Woman in the United States
iretba Yasialowska of Milwaukee
to be the oldest woman in the
died Thursday at the age
he was born in Germany
1000 Italians
LFuerst Risniarck which
kirk from Mediterranean
Ut nearly J000 Italian
n McKinley
ie newspaper
kprisoned in Cuba
lrday afternoon
Advice of the Secretary of State to
the Spanish Minister Seems to
Have Had a Salutary Effect An
Appeal for Aid from Chandler
Spain to Spare Rivera
Secretary Sherman has protested against
the execution of Gen Ruis Rivera the
Cuban leader in Pinar del Rio who was
recently captured by the Spanish forces
President McKinley and Secretary Sher
man discussed the Rivera case and the
latter at the presidents suggestion com
municated with Senor de Lome the Span
ish minister
Secretary Sherman in his blunt way
told the Spanish represent Hive that the
execution of prisoners of war was abhor
rent to the American people in the Rivera
case tliis repugnance to the murder of men
captured in civilized warfare was aggra
vated by the fact that the prisoner is
badly wounded Secretary v Sherman
wanted the Spanish minister to under
stand that the execution of Rivera would
not tend to promote good feeling for
Spain in this country Already public
opinion was much exercised over the threat
to shoot the prisoner and if that threat
were carried into execution the indigna
tion throughout the United States might
be so great as to embarrass the govern
It is not doubted that Senor de Lome has
communicated the substance of this in
foraml protest to his government and there
are reasons for believing that the Spanisn
authorities will cable orders to Havana
which will save Riveras life
The Madrid government is just now ex
ceedingly eager to curry favor with ihe
McKiney administration though Minister
de Lome says it is hard enough to be com
pelled to turn loose every American citizen
who violates the laws of Spain without
having the interference extended to the re
lations between Spain and her own sub
At one time during the conversation be
tween Secretary Sherman and Minister de
Lome the latter denied that Rivera had the
rights which belong to one taken in civil
ized warfare
Perhaps that is true said Secretary Sher
man promptly for you dont seem to
have such a thing as civilized warfare in
Finishes the Six Day Race with l
070 Miles to His Credit
The six day go is you please bicycle
race at Washington closed Saturday night
Albert Schock Nvho for a time was well
ahead of the record and who up to the last
twenty four hours was within six miles of
it dismounted at 10 oclock with 240 miles
between him ind the record of 1910 miles
and 1200 yards established at Madison
Square Garden in New York last Decem
ber Most of the contestants broke the
monotony during the evening by frequent
Schock 170
Albert 1615
Golden 1605
Lawson 1 583
Cassidy 155 1
Rieverre 1 143
Ford 593
Muller 134
Tho Tornado Stricken City Asks As
The following appeal from the devastated
town of Chandler Oklahoma was given to
the press for publication on the 3d
Chandler Oklahom April 3 To Whom
it May Concern Chandler has been visited
by an awful calamity and hundreds of
people are now destitute of food clothing
and shelter and it is necessary that we
should have instant relief or great suffer
ing will follow All contributions of
money supplies or clothing should be sent
to Clare Blunk the treasurer of the relief
committee Oklahoma
Wm Scitlaget President
H B Gilstrap Secretary
Off for Australia
When the steamer Mariposa sailed Mon
day from San Francisco all hope seemed to
die in Frank Butler who was started back
for the scene of his many crimes in Aus
tralia For the first time since his arrest
he began to show marked signs of trepida
tion and to realize that he had utterly
failed to deceive the authorities or the pub
lic with his many contradictory statements
concerning his past life Before leaving
the jail he was handcuffed to the two Aus
tralian detectives and driven quickly to the
ship where he was hurried into the espec
ially equipped room amidships
Heard Voices on an Airship
Residents of the village of Galesburg
Mich say an airship passed over tho town
Thursday night The first evidence of the
strange visitor was a brilliant white light
by means of which a huge black object
from which was emitted a sharp crackling
sound was distinguishable It is even said
that human voices were distinctly heard at
one point during the passage of the sup
posed airship
The Durrant Case
The California supreme court denied the
application of Murderer Theodore Durrant
for a rehearing It had previously denied
his application for a new trial He will
now ask a hearing in the federal courts
Failing in thnt4ie will appeal for execu
tive clemency
Daughter Born to the Schofields
Mrs Schoficld on Sunday piesented
Lieut Gu John M Schofield of St Agus
tine FlaUiiited States array retired
with a fine healthy girl baby Gen
field was retired eighteen months ago o
account of the age limit He is now 66
years old J
Brahms Condition Critical
Johannes Brahms tho famous musical
composer who has been seriously ill for
snmp time at Vienna is now in an ex
tremely critical condition and only s ih f j
hopes ore entertained of his recovery
nwwriimrnf m iw innrni nrirtnrrfTrrmrnn nTmrrTTTn
Course of General Trade Shows
Some Improvement
Bradstreets says The course of gen
eral trade shows some improvement not
withstanding an almost complete stoppage
of business in the south Mississippi valley
by washouts overflows and floods An
other drop is reported in prices of Besse
mer pig iron and steel billets and in wheat
flour coal coiFee and lard which is in part
offset by increased activity and higher
prices for wool and for woolens for corn
pats sugar and petroleum Galveston is
exporting cattle to Europe direct The
most favorable trade reports are from
northwestern spring wheat states
There are 4042 business failures ir he
United States reported by Bradstreets
during the past quarter compared with
4512 in the first quarter of 189ft a falling
off of about 11 per cent A decrease is re
ported from all sections except New
England and the territories Liabilities of
all individuals firms and corporations
which failed amount to 02513000 a fall
ing off of 16 per cent from the correspond
ing total last year
The weeks clearings amounting to
906000000 are 23 per cent larger than
last week and 5 per cent smaller than in
the week a year ago
Exports of wheat flour included as
wheat from both coasts of the United
States and from St John N B this week
amount to 24 1 645 bushels compared
with 16851000 bushels in the week a year
Exports of Indian corn amount to 4970
127 bushels this week compared witlj
2199000 bushels in the week a year ago
Spaniards Assert the Philippine Re
bell ion Has Been Put Down
The Spanish legation has received ofn
cial dispatches from Madrid under date of
April 1 announcing tho most decisive en
gagement in the Philippine Islands since
the insurrection there began The strongly
entrenched towns of Novelleta Lecbeau
and Rosario were stormed and taken by
the Spanish troops At the same time the
Spanish fleet shelled the seaport town of
Cavite Vigo and other strategic points
leading to the insurgent stronghold of
Imus The losses were heavy and 1630
prisoners surrendered as the result of the
shelling of Cavite Vigo The Spanish have
sustained considerable losses
Relief Distributer Murdered
Minister Terrell at Constantinople has
informed tho state department that one
Zussuf Sunan charged with the distribu
tion at Saird Asiatic Turkey of relief
funds was murdered at that place and
robbed of 500 On the assumption that
the victim was engaged in the distribution
of the American relief funds Mr Ter
rell has requested the recovery of the stolen
money and the arrest and punishment of
tho criminals
Youthful Elopers
J P Atkinson the 17-year-old son of
Gov Atkinson of Georgia and Miss Ada
Byrd aged 14 have eloped They took a
train for Tennessee but fearing detection
they left the train secured a horse and
buggy at Kingston and left for Rome Thr
parents of the youthful couple are greatly
shocked it the conduct of the pair and have
offered a reward for their detention il
apprehended before the marriage takes
Killed by a Mrrshal
Joe McMahon a circus proprietor quar
reled witli Deputy Marshal Cunningham
of Abilene Tex concerning a prisoner
held at Wichita Kan awaiting requisition
papers The prisoner claimed to be a
member of McMahon s circus The exact
facts are not known but the trouble cul
minated in Cunningham killing McMahon
Rivera Is to Be Shot
A dispatch from Havana says that Gen
Rivera probably will be shot soon as Gen
Wejder has given orders that he be tried
by court martial immediately The certainty
of the execution of this brave and wounded
prisoner of war excites indignation and
disgust there No other alleged civilized
nation is capable of such an act
Austrian Cabinet Crisis
The Neue Freie Press at Vienna says the
cabinet has resigned owing to failure to
form a coalition with the progressist groups
forming the majority
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 575 hogs shipping grades
300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 200
to 500 wheat No 2 red 70c to 71c
corn No 2 24c to 25c oats No 2 17c
to ISc rye No 2 32c to 33c butter
choice creamery 20c to 22c eggs fresh
Sc to 9c potatoes per bushel 20c to
30c broom corn common growth to choice
green hurl 20 to S0 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 425
shdep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 82c to S4c corn No 2
white 24c to 26c oats No 2 white 21c
to 23c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 93c to 95c corn No 2 yel
low 21c to 23c oats No 2 white ISc to
19c rye No 2 30c to 32c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 250 to 525
wheat No 2 89c to 91c corn No 2
mixed 24c to 26c oats No 2 mixed 20c
to 21c rye No 2 36c to 38c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hoss
300 to 450 sheep 200 to 500
wheat No 2 red 87c to SSc corn No 2
yellow 24c to 26c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22c rye 34 c to 36c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red S9c to 91c
com No 2 mixed 24c to 26c oats No
2 white 16c to 18c rye No 2 35c to 37c
clover seed 4S5 to 495
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 71c
to 72c corn No 3 22c to 24c oats No
2 white 19c to 21c barley No 2 2Sc to
33c rye No 2 34c to 35c pork mess
S25 to S75
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 525
AvhPir No 2 red S7c to SSc corn No 2
Velio w 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 22c
A 24c
lXpw York Cattle 300 to o2o hogs
3V50 to 475 sheep 300 to 500
whVar No 2 red S2c to ic corn io J
30e Up 32c oats No 2 white 22c to 23c
butteJ creamery 15c to 23c eggs West
ern 9p to 12o
Governor Holcomb Issues a Procla
mation Urging a General Observa
tion of Arbor Day Deserted in
Her Honeymoon Short Notes
Abor Day Proclamation
Governor Holcomb on March 29th issued
the annual Arbor Day proclamation as
Conforming to the wise custom having
its inception in Nebraska and now grown
national in its character and to the end
that the attention of the people of our
beautiful state may be called to the ad
vantages to be gained by a proper observ
ance of the day I hereby proclaim and de
signate Thursday April 22 1897 as Arbor
I earnestly request all our citizens to fully
comply with the spirit of the law in mak
ing this a public holiday and especially do
I commend to the public schools the pro
priety of an observance of the day by suit
able exercises and practical lessons in
tree planting in order that there may be
inculcated in the minds of the children of
the state a high appreciation of the pleas
ures enjoyment and utility to the present
and future generations of tree planting
and timber preservation
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
subscribed my name and caused to be
affixed the great seal of the state of Ne
Done at Lincoln the capital of the state
this 29th day of March in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
ninety seven of the state the thirty first
and of the independence of the United
States the one hundred and twenty first
Silas A HoLCOsra
By the governor
W F PoitTrjR Secretary of State
She Clubbed Him with a Broom
Henry New a farmer living half a mile
east of Berlin lias commenced criminal
action before Justice C G Littlefield
charging Mrs Mary Harter wife of a
farmer living eight miles northeast of that
town with willful and malicious assault
threatening his life and using vile and in
decent language A few days ago Mr
New went to the house of Harter and de
manded some property which he claimed
they had of his Harter was away but his
wife refused to turn over the property and
ordered him to get off the place saying
ye Ill kill you and reached for some
weapon back of the door New thought it
might be a gun and turned about The
woman then came at him with the broom
and clubbed him viciously A warrant
was issued and Constable C C Taney
went out for his prisoner but found her
sick in bed with a bad cold and rheumatism
contracted at an immersion during the re
vival services at Avoca the previous Sun
Desertedin Her Honeymoon
Mrs Ed Walker a guest at the Butler
House at Beatrice found herself in a
rather unpleasant situation the other day
being without money among strangers
and deserted by her husband On the 13th
instant the woman at tiiat time a widow
came from Illinois meeting Walker by
appointment at Pawnee City where tiiey
were married From there they went to
Beatrice and Walker returned to Pawnee
City ostensibly to procure their effects
but wrote his wife a letter stating that she
would never see him again Mrs Walker
claims to know no reason for this strange
action on the part of her husband
Farm Loans are Being Held Up
Farm loans amounting to several thou
sands of dollars for which the applications
are in and titles completed are being held
up by eastern loan companies which re
fuse to make the loans to York County
farmers until they know what the Ne
braska legislature is going to do with re
gard to the foreclosure bill Farmers are
not seeking for stay laws and the men
who bought boom price city lots who are
pushing this bill are making the farmers
Pearl Munson Claims Damages
A claim against the city of York for
10000 for damages injured by Pearl Mun
son in 1890 resulting from a defecthe
crossing has been filed Another claim
for 357660 for expenses resulting from
the damages received was also filed mak
ing the sum asked for by Pearl Munson
1357660 Miss Munson claims she sus
tained hip disease through a fall on the
crossing The city council has refused to
allow either claim
Medal Goes to Anna Woodley
A mistake was made by the judges at
the high school oratorical contest at Te
cumseh when they totaled the points of
excellence scored by the several contest
ants Accordingly Miss Ethel Whitney is
not the winner of the medal as announced
but tho correct figures give the honor to
Miss Anna Woodley br a point or two
Four or five of the recitations were so well
delivered as to leave practically no differ
ence between them
Tjooking for Her Truant Husband
Mrs Ed Walker who was deserted by
he husband in Beatrice last Saturday is at
Pawnee City hunting her truant hubby
She found he had deposited no money in
the banks there and that he went to Kan
sas from Pawnee She has engaged an atr
torney and will seek to have him returned
to her with or without fetters
Falls from a Trestle and Is KHIett
The dead body of H Syderman an un
married German 45 years old was found
by Section Foreman Hammer lying near
the railroad track at the end of a trestle a
mile and a half west of Rushville The
deceased had left town to go home late and
had evidently fallen off the trestle in the
dark breaking his neck
Chops His Hand with an Ax
While FredWhite a young man living
eight miles east of Calhoun was chopping
wood his axe sliped and cut one artery and
three cords One of the cords slipped and
went almost to the elbow and the doctor
had great difficulty in reaching it He re
fused to take an opiate
Thieves Arc Busy at Shelby
Considerable thieving has been done at
Shelby lately The same night the two
sets of new harness were stolen from Con
stable Petteys a buffalo robe was taken
from Dr Inks barn A boiler three
horse collars and preserved fruit are missed
by other parties Lawyer Beebe bought a
half ton of coal and it vanished during the
night Sunday evening some one left the
Methodist Church during the meeting and
scared away some men who had the har
ness nearly removed from a team The
citizens have subscribed 50 for the arrest
of the thieves
Teachers Punishment Too Serero
County Attorner G G Martin was In
North Bend the other day to prosecute the
ase of the State against Connor for aa
jault and battery on Damon Foster a pupil
In the pnblic school Connor was acquitted
by the jury The case has created con
siderable talk in North Bend the opinion
Df the people being very much divided
Foster was whipped by the professor for
Ihe infraction of some rules of the school
and it was canned by the prosecution that
the whipping was too severe and there
were marks on his back for a week after it
accurred The people interested in the
schools were generally satisfied with the
Fremont PostofTIce Aspirants
Arthur Gibson has come out as a
candidate for postmaster of Fremont and
has his petition for that purpose in circula
tion Mr Gibson is an old resident of the
city a member of the Grand Army of the
Republic and a life long Republican
Some politicians are of the opinion that
Ross L Hammond owing to his having
been a candidate for congress in that
district last fall will name the man and it
may be himself Mr Hammond stated
some time ago that he was not a candidate
for the position in the sense of making any
active effort Mr Gibsons friends are
active in his behalf
Shot by His Wife
W N Buck a farmer living ten miles
east of Lyons was shot in the shoulder by
his wife because he tried to enter his house
For several weeks Mr Buck has been
forced to sleep and eat in the barn his
wife refusing to allow him to enter the
house for any purpose whatever He
wanted some jeggs for his breakfast and
attempted to pass into the house to get
some His wife met him at the door with
a shotgun and fired immediately Several
shot took effect in the shoulder and on
passed through his ear
York College Is Prospering
York College opened its spring term
Wednesday morning under auspicious con
ditions and with a good attendance The
assertions made recently by members of
the state senate as to the insolvency of thi3
institution are emphatically denied by the
college officials The past few years of
hard time have necessarily hindered the
growth of this young college but despite
adverse conditions attending its early years
its resources yet exceed the liabilities by
many thousands of dollars
Bank Closing Up Its Business
The Farmers and Merchants State
Bank of Stockviile will close up its busi
ness very shortly About February 1 it re
fused to take further deposits and notified
all depositors to call and get their money
Since that time the bank has been closing
up its affairs and will soon close its doors
The president of the bank M T Ward is
engaged in the general merchandise busi
ness and the cashier expects to move away
Bellevue Ferry
The steam ferry owned by the Bellevuo
Transfer Company expects to be ready for
business in a short time Until the season
closed last fall several thousand head of
cattle and sheep were shipped from the
Soutli Omaha stock yards by this route to
Iowa points and the company expects an
increase df business during the coining
Thrown from Train and Injured
S W Atherton of Omaha a boy about
17 years of age who was stealing a ride
was thrown from a Burlington freight at
La Platte by the brakeman and sustained
severe injuries The physician who was
sailed to attend the injured lad reports a
deep scalp wound about five inches long
besides dangerous internal injuries
May Offer a Howard
A special meeting of the board of super
tisors of Gage County has been called to
consider the matter of offering a reward for
tiie arrest of the parties who recently subr
jected David Jones an old manofWy
more to means of torture from which
their victim afterward died
Form a Sugar Beet Association
A sugar beet growers convention has
been organized at Syracuse The associa
tion has several hundred dollars subscribed
and will make a test of a ten acre field o
as to definitely settle the question as to the
ability of Otoe County to successfully
grow sugar beets
Accidental Death
Mr J F Rogers of Lehigh went to Day
ton the other and before starting home
was almost overcome by intoxication
When about two miles from town his team
and buggy fell off from a bridge and Mr
Rogers was killed He leaves a wife and
two children
Nebraska Short Notes
Cortland expects soon to have a grist
A move is being made to reorganize the
Sons of Veterans lodge at Stuart
Gretnas new creamery is about ready
for operations
John McBride of Springfield lo3t a horse
last week whicli he had owned for twenty-
four years
Joe Klutz of Ashland shot his foot while
out hunting geese The gun was accident
ally discharged while he was lying in a
The country roads in Nebraska which
have been almost impassable for some
time are now reported to be getting into
fair condition
A Cambridge young woman made an
election bet of 1000 kisses and lost and now
she insists on deferring payment until the
fresh onion season arrives
Harvey Burdick of Berwyn was dragged
to death by a horse which he attempted to
lead He became entangled in the halter
when the horse started tq plunge
Guy Wood of North Platte is confined to
his room suffering with a broken leg
Last Saturday morning he attempted to
put on his trousers while standing on the
bed and losing his balance fell to the floor
In the fall he fractured his left leg above
the knee
Father Koutek of Abie who is suffering
from consumption was taken to a hospital
at Lincoln for treatment last week His
condition is very serious and no hopes of
his recovery are entertained He has been
the pastor of the Catholic Church at Abie
for the last seven years
Edgar sportsmen have organized a gun
club with about thirty members It is the
purpose to practice once a week on Fri
days at blue rocks clay pigeons etc
Thomas Rate has sued the city of North
Bend for 8000 damages for injuries re
ceived by the bursting of a ring while some
men were firing an anvil at apolitical
rally last fall
The tools for experimenting with the
Campbell system have arrived at Grant
Mr BFMills will conduct the experi
mental farm under the direction of Mr
Campbell who is expected there in a few
days to give the first instructions