1 If rmZXT7ZZr - -will probably flourish under ministration as it lias never YOU Official Paper of Cherry y DTebraska lJOO Jrer Year in Advance PUBLHiIIED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cmfrry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Adverting rates 50 cents per inch per month Bates per column or for long lime ads made known on appli cation to this ollice With the rotten Tecords of the re publican ex state officials and the pop ulist legislature for capital the demo cratic paYty should have a walkaway during the next state campaign ifrcKmley has been president -for two weeks and the promised wave of prosperity has not overwhelmed us yet Neither has the country gone to the demnition bow wows as some of the other fellows promise j ill Every one of MclCinleys cabinet officials -wears a -beard excepting Secre tary of -the Navy Long who contents himself with a mustache and yet Mc Kinley h smooth faced This ten dency of the cabinet to grow whiskers is very consistent I o say the least and the infant industry of growing Gal ways Gladstones Tandykes Peffers and other breeds of hirsute adornment this ad flourished before JJut will the barbers like it Donald Campbell the engineer in charge of the survey for the liig Ditch in the Goldou Irrigation District says After making a preliminary 1 reported that the project was so meritorious as to warrant the expense- of making a detailed survey I am now more strongly of that opiu ion and hope to be able to demonstrate one of the best and most -economical irrigation enterprises in thecouutryto be within easv reach of the voters of- the district buf until all the facts are known I will not make any assertion ahead of my knowledge Ithasbeen suggested that the popu lisfedltors in the north part of the Sixth congressional district hold a meeting heie or at Ains worth in a month orso and the suggestion is meeting with favor Valentine will welcome the bhojsif they come But Hub gives us airidea Why cant the democratic editors Jiave ameeting too A conference is needed not but it may promote good feeling and we hereby call the meeting tobeheld at Valen tine -on either the 0thcr 17th day of April a d 1897 This will be an interesting The Demo teresting meeting -and crat of the sueceedingweek will cun tain a full account of the proceedings Does it pay to have an annual assessors meeting is a question to which taxpayers should give thought What was accomplished at the meet ing held this week It was decided to assess horses at from 3 to 20 per bead land at- 50c to 3 per acre etc but this wide variation in values allows the assessor to fix his own value on the property and nothing is gained The law provides for -assessing at a fair cash alue yet -there isnt an - assessor in the county who Urines the schedule adopted represents a true -value of property mentioned therein INocew ideas are advanced and noth ing isdone except to devise ways for evading the law and after an hours talk mGre or less they adjourn and go Home tor tnistne county pays per ttaps 200 milage and per diem Does it pay It taxpayers would gwe thought to questions like this when snemfxjra of the legislature are elect ed something might be done in the interest of economical administration -of government 200 would pay a jyearo interest on 4000 worth of tfurfc boiise bonds M MM FWHM MJH1 B- i MCWWUuttM fiiHto itr i i v I13SS2SSS tttia WILL FALL IN LOVE With our new line of LADIES SHOES AND OXFORD TIES In Black Tan and Oxblood The very latest and prettiest shapes JDry Goods Department Chock full of novelties in Dress Goods and Shirt Waists THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCESSOR TO CHERRY GOUNfY INDEPENDENT GOOD Editor and Publisher A PLAGIARIST EXPOSED There is a paper published at Valen tine this state known as the Western News In the issue of February 19 we find five short editorials published as original with no sort of credit mark which were written by the pre sent editor of the Independent nearly four years ago and published in the Alliance Independent of this city More than that they were published under our own name and most of them have since been published in all parts of United States still uuder our name In the issue of February 26 of the same paper we find another one of these items and a longer editorial headed We Must Vote Out All of these are taken bodily word for word as written by us and all are palmed off as original The above is taken from the Ne braska Independent cf March 4 and is but a small portion of the entire arti cle but as the remainder is of a per sonal nature this paper does not care to reproduce it Following the article are the seven editorials which were stolen In defense of his action Hei nert says that they were clipped with with the intention of giving credit butthat part was unfortunately over looked This is given the public for what it is worth Is it not queer that credit to seven editorials clipped from one source and appearing in different issues of Reinerts paper should be overlooked These editorials first ap peared about four years ago Some times editors do not recognize their own articles after a lapse of years but the Ind ependent man appears to bean exception to theTnle and he is to be congratulated on his memory There are few if any country editors who do not at times print mat ter without credit which was written by someone else so we do not wish to go on record as being eternally op posed to the practice not however he cause the columns of The Democrat will not bear scrutiny In Reinerts case though it is a different matter be cause le so of en boasts that the edi torials in his handbill mil re SUGAR BEETS IN 1S9S The results of the continued experi ments in sugar beet culture during the year 1S96 in Nebraska are exceeding ly encouraging The Norfolk factory contracted for the produce of 4500 acres and the gross product was 50000 tons of beets an average of thirteen Tind one third tons per acre This is a very satisfactory average as when the industry began although some cultiva tors -produced fifteen and twenty tons per acre the average was about ten tons The experts declare as the conclu sion of their observations in the pro gress of sugar beet raising in this and other states that the conditions in Ne braska are equal to those in the lati tude of San Francisco in California not far behind those in Chino near Los Angeles and superior to those in Utah Isolated cases are cited showing what can be done under the most favorable conditions in this state in cluding soil and methods of culture One producer near Norfolk had eighty acres in beets that yielded 80 gross giving him a net profit -of 50 per acre That means an average crop of sixteen tons to the acre at a cost deliv ered to the factory of 30 State Journal Van Wert Ohio the editors old home has a promise of a 250000 beet sugar factory if the farmers can be induced to raise the beets They clainf to be right in the center of the sugar beet beltof the United States and are very enthusiastic over the industry This is a new business in that section of the country and it is probable that Nebraska will be over whelmed with letter from Buckeyes who want to knew how it is done In less than steen years Cherry county farmers will waketo the importance of sugar beets -and will ably make an effort to secure a sugar factory iRake up your year boot and alma nacs and figure the inejease or de- riwri rrfirirsrTAirriWh ayaia K r Wmmk T C HORNBY ChriMtian Endeavor The Y P S C E had a very inter esting prayer meeting Sunday evening The topic How the C E pledge strengthens the Christian life was introduced by Mrs Crawford the leader and then the pledge was taken up by sections and thoroughly dis cussed by the members May the En deavorers continue to have those in teresting uplifting meetings and may the young folks of our town give them hearty support The subject of -the C E for next Sunday evening is How our vr Jiodies Influence our Souls It is a temper ance topic and the prayer meeting committee promises us some new features which will be entertaining A solo some recitations and essays are spoken of besides our regular ques tions on the topic Let everyone come not only to encourage us by your presence but aid us by adding your thoughts to others expressed Time of meeting 60 p m An Endeavorkr 50 and 4osts Last Friday night Frederick Thayer of Iowa who has been stopping in town several weeks loaded up on red eye visited the place picturesquely known as the hog ranche and made things lively for the inmates Sheriff Strong was called and after a tussle arrested his man and brought him to town but tunned him loose after ad vising him to leave the village The advice was wasted and Saturdav he gave fhe officer considerable talk and dared the official to arrest him again Amos did it after a hard fight Thayer was placed in jail and Monday was brought before Jndge Towne on a charge of resisting an officer plead ed guilty and was given 50 and costs He is now serving time in the county bastile in lien of paying the money Marriages Hatch and Bertha 0 13 Workman of Fort Niobrara wero married Tues day evening at the lesidence of Judge Towne John W Burlington of Fort Nio brara and May Stevins ot Valentine were married yesterday afternoon Judge John Dunn officiating The young couple were given a Charivari last evening Stock cattle is getting to be a scanty article in this vicinity A number of the ranchmen from the sand hills took a trip to Oregon lately to pick up some stock if possible They evidently tound what they were looking for as the fol lowing will show The Modiset boys purchased 1200 head Darber 16 car loads and Joy 1 1 carloads The stock will be unloaded at Lakeside Hay Springs Leader The board of county commissioners was inseesion yesterday and the- day before and decided to call a special election for the purpose of voting on the proposition of whether or not the county shall issue 12000 bouds for building a court house The commis sioners visited the Berry bridge and as soon as conditions will permit it wiil be repaired Many letters are received in this camp from eastern dealers in produce who want to know the retail prices paid here for the goods they nandle We quote a few prices as follows Butter 20 eggs 15 potatoes 1 cab bage 4 corn 90 oats 110hay 12 bran 90c best pat flour 275 per hundred Ragged Top S D Shaft Next Thursday March 25 being the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary there will be an evening serviceat the Episcopal church with a brief address on the character of Mary The usual Friday Lenten service will be omitted evening Bennett Irwin returned from his southern and western trip Tuesday morning He bought 4000 head of cattle to be delivered in May or June Mrs Irwin will visit friends in Texas for a minth or six weeks longer Gor don Journal Miss Jessie Pierce returned this week from Valeutine Neb where she spent a couple of months visiting crwise of the governmertfiTs revenue She reports a fine country out there and during thv last Und likes thti people veVy much She lilti A tariff debate in -confess will l will go again Little SIwx la InSe Ira -on I pendent V- uuiic2Sti in- Syai0SswSsisKBSSfc3X a mi Mrs E E Crane was on the sick list this week Those people who thought the back bone of winter was broUen were mis taken it was only cracked School will commence in districtNo 75 Monday Starch 29 S A Winslow and 1 S Newt 11 are clearing off their river farms P Sullivan went to Valentine on Monday J Steele is the proud father of a girl baby and has been ever since the 27th of January There are some things that even a newspaper -correspondent does not find out They do sorno reckless things down in Kansas if we are to believe their newspapers One of them is authority for the statement that an individual named Gunbarrel was recently ar ranged for stealing a portion of a gun smiths stock and after being charged with the theft was discharged by the judge right in thn midst or a crowded court room Sandy STiobrarn JFalis Wild geese are making their appear ance Spring is coming Mrs Mosher an excellent neighbor of the writer started for the west last Wednesday and those whom she has left behind will sadly miss her The writer wishes her success where ever shemav go Henry Grooms and wife visited the formers brother Richard last week The young couple were married last week and are looking for a location Our vicinity is well supplied with bach filois four being in a huddle Chatles is the cook Bab Boy Every one well at present There will be a hop at John Lords on the 17th Mrs H A Davis and W A Beer are expected from St Joseph Mo soon There was a large crowd at Simeon Monday to attend the law suit be tween Goddard Stratton Gr W Johnson is preparing to move to Alabama this spring Dell Rowley is in the flats this week 0CAIt Tairn Mevrl S 15 Downincf living 24 east of Valentine will herd cows during tlie coming season at r0c per month no cliaifje for cave3 under 1 year olfl Those cows w hich need not tie brought home every night will ho yarded with shed and lufy if tormy nfter May l No charge until May 1 Will taktt cattle out during Ajiril free of charge if weather is suitahlc Will be in town at Davenpoi t on March 25 ii and 21 to make arrangements Will pasture horses or colts by the dav week or mouth 8 Chattel Jlortifticv Hula Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat tel mortgag dated on the 17th dav of January A i io and duly filed lor record m the otllce of the county clerk of Cherrv counlv Nebraska on the same day and executed by Joseph H Burns to Charles Hravton to secure the payment of thi sum ot 4or0 together with interest at the rate of to per cent per annum from date and upon which there la now due the sum of defauir having been made in the payment of said sum uikI no suit or oilier proceeding at law hav ing been instituted to recover said dent or am part thereot therrfore J will sell the property therein described vi One bay mare 7 years old eight about S0 lbs one gray horse G years old weight about yo lbs one dark brown horse 0 years old weight about 800 lbs at public auc tionlu front of the court houpo in the village of Valentine in Cherrv comrtv Nebraska on the 1st day of April a j 1807 atl oclock p m of said day Dated March nth 1897 CHAKLES BKAYTON Jiy En Clakku Attorney 7 9 Mortgagee Sale Untltiv Agister lAcn To Thomas Wriciit and llsworth Rrnwn You will take notice that by virtue of an agis ters lien for the sum of 10600 dated Febv nth 1897 and filed by me in the office of the Clerk of Cherry county Nebraska on the 27th day of February a v 1897 for the keeping care and feedinjrof the following described property to wit One soirel celdimr with white striti in face c years old one black gelding 5 vears old white spot In forehead one lignt buckskin mare 8 years old one iop eared blue mare y years old with colt one 9 ear old bay mare whito strip m face one dun mare 8 vears old one sorrel mare 9 years old one 2 year old bay mule one gray mare 9 years old one grav horse 7 years old one black horse 7 years olcfall of last named six being branded T on left shoulder 1 will on theGthdayof April ad 1x97 at 10 oclock a m offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the above described property at my place on theswki sec is Tp jfln R 32w in Cherry county Nebrasica for the purpose of satisfying said agisters li en for SlOftOO and ac cruing costs 7 3 THEODORE DOYLE PROPOSALS FOR FRESH VEGETABLES Headquarters Department of the Platte Office of the Chief Commissary Omaha Neb March 11 1397 -Sealed proposals in triplicate -will be received here until 11 oclock a m cen tra standard time Marh 25 1897 and then bpened publicly for furnishing and delivery of such quantities of potatoes as may be required by tiie Subsistence Department at Omaha Neb iydat Forts Niobrara and Robinson Neb Fort D A Russell Wyo and Fort Meade S T Proposals will also be received and opened by Commissaries at Forts Niobrara Robinson D A Russell and Meade until 10 oclock a 111 mountain standard time March 2i 1897 each Post Commissary receiving proposes for his own post only The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals -in -whole or in part Rlank propo sals and specifications showing in detail tho articles and quantities required and giving lull information asto conditions of contract will be furnished on application to any of the above mentioned officers FRANK E NYE Major aud C S OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha Neb March 2 1897 Sealed pro posals in triplicate will be received here until 12 oclock m central standard time April 3 1897 and then opened for constructing a Hay Storehouse at Fort Niobrara Nebr U S re serves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof Plans anl specifications can be seen and all information baa here Envelopes containing proposals to be marked Pioposak for Hav Storehouse aud addressed to D DT WHEELER Maj Q M f HIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE- Omaha Neb February 24 1897 Sealed pro posals in triplicate will be received here until 12 oclock m ccntrai standard time March 29 1897 anl then opened for furbishing transporta tion drayage and for hauling stores in Depart ment ot the Platte during fiscal year commenc iim Jnly 1 1897 U S reserves right to re ject or accept any or al proposals or any part thereof Information lurnislied ou application Envelopes cunUintingproposals to be marked Proposals for transportxlion on UouteNo and uSdresM J to D D WHEELER Major- QM 1 8 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 49 4 4 4 49 49 49 tfiwinin MMMhMlik4 f l - Trf - AVe have just finished unpacking u large invoice of new spring goods and will be very much pleased if the shoppers of Valentine will call and inspect the goods Among the lot are some of the prettiest things ever seen in this citv A full line of window shades with spring rollers complete also received FINAL PROOF NOTICES US Laud Office Valentine Nebr March 18r7 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice or intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Uegistsr or Ueceiver at Valentine Neb on April J7 18U7 viz William C St Peters of Pass Xebr II E No 10108 for theenwK neHn Sec 23 seHswH Sec 14 Tp 2S It 30 He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz William Stcadman James Steadman Charles J Tail and Jto7ert M Kaddh all of Pass Nebr 7 12 C Ii GLOVER Register U S Land Ollice Valentino Neb March 9 1S97 Notice is hereby given that the following-named se ttler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said pi oof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Valeutine Nb on April 28 1S07 viz Morrison A Crawford of Kilgore Nebraska II E SfiSi for the nc i Sec 30 Tp 05 11 M He names the following wituesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Siiiri Inml viv Merrick E Robinson of Kilirore Nebr James W Reed Peter V VanNostran and Francisco Stump all of Orookston Neb 7 12 C R O LOVER Register U S LandMllce at Valentine Neb i March fltli 1807 Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention t o make final pmof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Recener at Valentine Nebr on April 20 197 viz John F Hok of Godv Xebr j II K No J2fi3 for the nehmvh sV mvli nwKihwi Fur 28 Tp n U bw m names me ionowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Irwin htotts Albert C Riemenschneider James A Haiders ami Andrew 1 names all ot Cody Nebr 7 12 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Otfice at Valentine Neb March 1 1897 f Notice is hereby given that the settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on April 23rd 1897 viz John J Stowers of Wood Lake Neb H E No 101S7 for the ne Sec 9 Tp 3ln R 26w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land viz Henry II Dav Georgo W Dav Joshua Hitt and Adelbert Kneeland all of Valentine Nebr 7 12 C R GLOVER Register Land Office at Valentine Nebraska t March 2 1897 j Notice is hereby given that Peter C W Meinecke of Detroit Mich has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Regis ter or Receiver at his ollice in Valentine Nebr on oaiuruay ine mil day 01 April 1897 on tim bcr culture application No 7319 for the swH of section No 15 Tp 33n R30 w He names as witnesses Peter Reimers Peter Riege Henry Schlucter and Henry Porath all of Riege Nebr Testimony cf Claimant will be taken before the Clerk of the Circuit Coiut of Wayne Countv at his office in Detroit Michigan on April 13 1897 C 11 C R G LOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr Feb 24 th 18971 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim aud that said proof will be made L efore the Register or Receiver at Valentine Neb on April 10 1897 viz Mellissie Ainslie formerly Melissie Hurshman of Kennedy Nebr H E 10210 for the wjiney ejsuwji Sec 22 Tp 29 R 33 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation or said land viz John D Kimes Floyd Kimes and Theodore Doyle of Kennedy Nebr Levi N Lavporte of Valentine Nebr 5 10 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb 1 February 20 1897 f Notice is hereby given that William E Cottle of Valentine Neb has Hied notice of intention to make final proof before the Register or Re ceiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Satur day ihe3rd day of April 1S97 on timber culture application No 7952 for the awU Sec 12 Tp 34 n R 28 w He names as witnesses Elbert Rreuklander Lyman H Perkins Edward G Perkins and William H Hooper all of Valentine Nob 5 10 C It GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb I February 24 1897 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 9th 1S97 vizi Francis M Robinson of Kennedy Nebraska HE9342forthes4seneiseKSec27 and SWsv34 Sec 26 Tp 29 R 31 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoa and cultivation of said land viz Annen Bard5en Andrew Mark Lars Peder son and David A Piercy all of Kennedy Nebr S 10 C R GLOVER Register Davenport Thacher carry a com plete line of coffins and undertakers supplies 27 f ss RED FRONT JACKSON BRAYTON PROPRIETORS Sole agents for the famous FLEXIBOKE COESETS 4U a a NEW INVOICE b Mr i l a a J a 0 a bh J c cf Cf liw Cf i u cr o ur v ti w u o u U u u vx u u T U S Land Office Valentine Nebr Febj2 1837 f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register anil Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on March 29 1807 viz Andrew G Ward of Wood Lake Neb II E No 0926 for lots C 7 eswM 8ec c Tp29nr R 2i w He named the following witnesses to prove his coutinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz CHcar V McDaniel Ely D Valentine William Johnson John R Parks all of Wooil Lake Nebr 1 9 C R GLO VER Register U S Lasd Offick Valentine Neb iubr 6197 f Notice 13 hereby given that the following named settler ha3 filed notice of his intention to make liiril proof In support of his claim an that said proof will be made before- Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Mch 23tf 1S97 viz Eobert Johns of Brownlee Nebr H E No loan for the sine i nese Sec 21 nwUswK sec 5 Tp 27 n R 2S w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous lesidence on aud cultivation of said landviz Frank T Lee William Wallace Waldo K Grant and Edward Reiser all of Prownlee Nebr y S C R GLOVER Register U a Land Office Valentine Nebraska Feh f Notice 13 hereby given - that John V Axtell of Pontlac IIi Hum filed notice of Intention to make final proof before the Register and irccei verat their office in Valentine Nebr on Wed nesday the 24 day of March 1897 on timber cul -hire application No 7195 for the Lot 4 sesw i S sVi se i of section No 7 Tp 27n I nv He names as witnesses Samuel I Mont gomery Levris K 1 elding and Evans R Vaudo irrifr of Brownlee Nebr and Ore L Axtell of hlkCieekNeb Testimony of claiment will be taken before of the Circuit Court of Livingston county at his office iu Poutiae Illinois Ward l I KirfA Cl 4 -- C R GLOVER Register V xn Land Office nt valentine Nebr - Feb 10 18 Notice is also hereby given that the followins named settler has Jiled notice of his intention to make final proof in upiort of his claim aud that said proot will be made before tho Retdster and Receiver at Valentine Neb on March 27th 1897 viz Amos Strong of Valentine Nebr HE K5SJ for The cswM nwHsw swi nw he 2l Tp 31 11 R 28 w Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land VVillardD Morgareidge John B Lord Charles Heniiett and Clarence F Carson all of Simeon S K C E GLO VER Register Wanted An Idea r ALOU Who can think of noma 8JmpI thing to patent Z ti Pmtprt vnnr frinna th w - Writo JOHN WEDDERBRN CaMknt nero WashlnKon r c for their 81800 prise offer and new lis or one thousand lirrentloas wanted This book3honM be In the hands of every Kcira3k i lrmr ItHusaftj enuUtoriht8r2s and rJglit uuc ine reliability or Gregorys Ssgds aronnnnpstinnvl nmino ih ki tiineH three tons of these fuinooa feeds were distributed in Nebraska irt e of charge and hundreda of far mers bad an opportunity to teattheir quality vhen faiinre meant rniu Gregorys Seed Catalogue is sent free of charge to anyone in Nebraska 3 J JT CRECOET A- fiOf JiarDicUead Jdoii JST OPENED I have just opened a stock oil groceries in the old Ked Front building onjilain street andre spectfullj solicit yonr patronage Everything new and fresh Pro duce taken in exchange J M CARPENTER JVetc lirttjfje at Siottx City Will be used by the Pacific Short Line exclusively commencing March 1st This will enable that company to offer its patrons the be3t of service as there will be no delays caused by other trains Remember by takino thatlineat ONeill you save threo hours time to Sioux Citv JUill Privets ror Fix- Bran bulk 40c tier cwf 7 rta Shorts bulk Screenings Chop Peed Corn Oats 50c per cwt 900 ton 35c - fj6o 70c 1300 50c e Get your envelopes printed office tHis i v V k ti 1 ti VI