s V A COUNTERFEITER CAUGHT The Police of Syracuse Make an Im portant Capture 1 IfTil I3T 11 M ju wumuiv ui tr Xiiiu naruiu uukjmi see of Utica N Y was arrested m Syra cuse Y on i warrant sworu out by the Dr Williams Medicine Co charging him with forgery On the 10th of De cember Murquisoe visited i photo-engraver in Syracuse saying he was the repre sentative of the Dr Williams Medicine Co and arranged for the making of a full set of plates for the direction sheets Jabels etc of the famous Dr William Pink Tills for Pale People News of this reached the home ollice and no time vis lost in arranging for his arrest when lie should return for the plates He re turned on the lith and was accordingly arrested and is now in jail in Syracuse awaiting examination which occurs on March 2 This arrest proves to be an important one In addition to various plunder such as medical books typewriters rugs etc found in Marquisees trunk when arrest ed tlie police also found counterfeit coin both in the trunk and on his person and in a search of his apartments at Utica found a complete outfit for counterfeit ing consisting of crucibles bellows nick el lead bismuth antimony a small black smith forge a charcoal furnace and several moulds The United Slates marshals want him just as soon as the Dr Williams Medicine Co nre through with him and no doubt he will be sentenced for a long period In selecting Dr Williams Pink Pills for his counterfeiting operations he howed his knowledge of the proprietary medicine business for these pills are in such great demand that they are easily sold at any drug store in the United States His scheme was to work the country druggists and sell his imitations at a discount of from 2 per cent to f per cent explaining the reduced price by the fact that he had picked them up in small viots and at a discount from dealers who Jjvve overstocked By working fast and making long jumps he would have se cured many hundreds of dollars in a short lime The proprietors of Dr Williams Pink Pills are most fortunate to have caught the rogue before he had fairly started and to have thus kept these spu rious iroods out of the market Nerves and Teeth Bad nerves and bad teetk will be found to go together in an extraordin ary number of cases The hustle and bustle of our modern life which is also trying to the nerves has an equally detrimental effect upon the teeth just try a 10c box of Caicareu caodj cathartic lo cal liver and bowel reirolator made Keats fell in love with Fanny Bruwne a dull and unattractive young woman In one of his letters to her he says I feel an awful warmth about the heiwt like a load of immortality KffiHiBRMiiHDK - -- en -- - fWL DOUGLAS I I 3 SHOE Bast In the World Fori years this shoe by merit alone has distanced all competitors Indorsed by oer 1000000 wearer as the best in ntyle fit and durability of any shoe aver offered at S300 It is made in all tbe latest shapes and styles and or every variety of leather One dealer in a town given exclusive sale and advertised in local paper on receipt of reasonable order Write for catalogue to W I Douglas Brockton Mass - m ft r Unequalled Unapproached STANDARD OF THE WORLD to all alike POPE MFG CO Hartford Conn Catalogue free from dealers or by mail for one 2 cent stamp I A Ftmny Boar Here is the queerest boat afloat Tt is the invention of a New YorU man and it will doubtless soon become a popular pleasure craft as it his eo many good features to recommend it i compared with the old style craft Especially will St prove a boon and blessing to the sportsman who fre quents the fiver and lakes Unlike the old style rowboat this new boat mad of rubber can be packed in a small space and the hunter or fisherman can Sfifitfr carry it wherever he chooses to go It is a much safer boat than the old style too It is exceedingly hard to capsize and when it does tilled with compress ed air as it is it acts as a life preserver and the occupants can support them selves in the water until assistance ar rives The inventor H D Layman de scribes the boat in detail He says This boat is made of rubbered cloth with continuous air chambers made in two separate compartments extending around the top of the boat on which oar locks are buckled as shown in the illustration It also has an air tube running lengthwise under the center of the boat which serves as a rudder and bumper The boats are capable of be ing deflated and packed into a small case or trunk with their seats and joint ed oars and may be carried under the seat of a buggy or by hand if needs be as an outfit The boat complete capable of carrying comfortably three or four persons would not weigh more than fifty pounds The boats are made in four separate compartments are simple durable and absolutely safe against either capsizing or sinking but if tilled with water would then float several hundred pounds They have been thoroughly tested both in rough and calm waters and are entirely sea worthy at least this is the verdict of experienced boat builders sea captains life savers and other competent judges American Dressmaking Felix says American dressmakers make better dresses than the French dressmakers put better materials into them fit them just as well sew them better and then he says spoil them by too much sewing too much of what I cant translate better than calling it The French study effects and let the details take care of themselves But they pay a great deal of attention to details of one sort if not those of another The Frenchwoman doesnt care whether the stuff is cheese cloth or satin side plaited or gathered so long as it makes her look well but she dotes on having her lingerie her gloves her shoes her veils her entire outfit perfectly au fait The French mind adores elegancies It goes into raptures over its own de vices in garnitures French workwomen like to do decorative work in dressmak ing but they hate to finish the inside of a bodice as our American dressmakers feel that they must finish their work Anybody who has ever tried to make a hat or bonnet knows that she not infre quently secures a good effect in the trial arrangement and spoils it all when the sewing is done by making it look stiff and ugly The French do not believe in much spwing and by eschewing as much of it as they can they do get graceful airy effects that are quite their own Tlie Jjantern Ply One of the largest and most curious of the many luminous of lamp bearing insects is the huge lantern fly a species of the firefly peculiar to Central and Northern South America The great lantern is hardly as large as the com mon dragon fly or snake feeder but like that creature it has lace like wing- and an elongated abdomen In Central America particularly in Costa Rica and Panama the Indians capture them by thousands using them as decorations for their headdresses saddles etc The Frenchman Renard who visited Guate mala in 1S02 declared that the Indians used lantern flies and oilier Iumiubus insects much in the same manner that we do torches and lanterns and that by the light the insects give out they were able to find their way through dark woods and swamps m Bubbles or Medals Best sarsaparillas When you think of it how contradic tory that term is For there can be only one best in anything one best sarsaparilla as there is one highest mountain one longest river one deepest ocean And that best sarsaparilla is Theres the rub You can measure mountain height and ocean depthbut how test sarsaparilla You could if you were chemists But then do you need to test it The Worlds Fair Committee tested it and thoroughly They went behind the label on the bottle What did this sarsaparilla test result in Every make of sarsapariila shut out of the Fair except Ayers So it was that Ayers was the only sarsaparilla admitted to the Worlds Fair The committee found it the best They had no room for anything that was not the best And as the best Ayers Sarsa parilla received the medal and awards due its merits Remember the word best is a bubble any breath can blow but there are pins to prick such bubbles Those others are blowing more best sarsaparilla bubbles since the Worlds Fair pricked the pldones True butAyers Sarsaparilla has the medal The pin that scratches the medal proves it gold The pirvthat pricks the bubble proves it wind We point to medals not bubbles when we Bay The best sarsaparilla is Ayers j BS- WgWf Jgfcjiii Clothes Line Without Any Pins A pinless clothes line is something which attracts the attention of every housewife Any one who has ever hung tip a washing especially on a windyday will appreciate the advan tages of such a line over the old one This new clothes line is made of gal vanized steel spring wire and is there fore non rusting and is made in links one foot long and when taken down can be folded together into a small space The clothes are fastened on by drawing a small corner through the slot of the link about half an inch The link holds it fast and the harder the wind blows the faster the link holds The clothes are taken out as easily as put in The entire surface of the line is very smooth so that garments do not adhere to it even being easily slipped OLD AND NEW WAY off when frozen If each garment is fastened in two places in such a man ner that they draw toward each other the weight of the garment willjiold it firmlj Sally Lnnn Beat four eggs very light and stir them into a cup of warm water with an equal quantity of warm milk Add a teaspoouful of salt and half as much soda with half a cup of softened but ter Pour this upon a quart of sifted flour in a bowl and beat in half a yeast cake dissolved in four table spoonfuls of warm water Beat the batter for five minutes put in a well buttered mold and let rise six hours ot till very light then bake three quarters of an hour in a steady oven Put pa per over it after it has baked fifteen minutes removing it in time to let it brown before it is done This is said to be the recipe used by the original maker of Sally Luun for whom it was named These recipes are from Ma rion Harlands new cook book Iron Rust and Mildew To remove ink marks and iron mold stains place a plate on the top of a basinful of boiling water spread the articles on the plate wet the spot and rub it with a small quantity of salt of lemon As the article dries the stain will disappear If one application is not quite successful repeat the opera tion A small box of salt of lemon should have a place in every house hold Mildew may be removed from linen by the following process Rub the linen well with salt then scrape some fine chalk and rub it also on the stained part Lay the linen on the grass and as it dries wet it a little The mildew will in all probability be quitu removed by one or two applications Finjrer Rolls Make a good bread dough and before kneading for the second rising work in a tablespoonful of melted butter for each quart of flour represented in the dough After it has risen the second time roll into a sheet somewhat less than half an inch thick Cut this into strips an inch wide and four inches long Roll these lightly under the hand till they are round lay in a flour ed baking pan let stand ten minutes and bake in a moderate oven to a pale brown These are indispensable at luncheons and high teas Vienna Rolla Make the bread sponge as usual and when it has been stirred stiff enough to handle take it on the board and knead twenty minutes Then work in a tablespoonful of melted butter for each quart of flour represented Let rise four hours Knead again and let rise two hours Then make into balls twice the size of a walnut put them in a baking pan not near enough to touch When they have risen to double the first size make a clean cut in each an inch deep and brush with milk and sugar and bake Kitchen Aprons Make your kitchen aprons with a full ruffle across the bottom This will stand out from your dress skirt and catch whatever you may drop or spili thus protecting the dress skirt The front of a dress skirt is often soiled round the bottom because the a prim does not quite cover it or is drawn too tightly across it but this ruffle will ef fectually prevent any soiling of the dress To Fry Bacon To fry bacon so that it is crisp and delicate fry it over a hot fire in a pan so large thattthe slices do not touch turn tlie slices every minuted ok twoji till they are nicely browned on- both sides then take out upon coarse wrap ping paper and place in the oven a minute still on the paper This makes them crisp and nice Never serve ba con In Its own grease Illuminating Insects A widely circulated work on the natu ral wonders of sea and land says grave ly that there are many insects that fur nish a far superior light to our own lampyris or firefly called by children lightning bug The great lantern fly of India can supply a light which is quite Strong enough to read b3 In this instance the light emanates from the head instead of from the lower body as in the firefly In the Antilles the coleoptera the fire bug of that region is of great use being employed in place of lamps by the poor er people In Cuba it is the custom of women to inclose these insects in glass cages where they emit light enough to work by Travelers there also when passing through the wood by night affix a lire beetle to each of their feet by which their way is fairly light The Creoles are giyen to the practice of deftly ar ranging these luminous insects in their hair where they produce a dazzling ef fect superior to jewels The uegresses at their national dances scatter them over their airy garments when in their luminous movements their bodies as sume the appearance of being robed in flames Groan if You Must Bjit also appeal to a means of relief of the torture if physical which produce the groan Rheumatism is a prolific source of agony In its acute inflammatory or chronic forms But it may be annihilated at Its birth with Hostetters Stomach Bitters which un like the poisons in minute doses often pre scribed for it is perfectly safe In malarial kidney bilious dyspeptic or nervous ail ments the Bitters Is a certain source of re lief Not So SinfnT Miss Prim Who is that distinguished-looking man over there Her Nephew Thats Plunger the betting man H0 Pivrn Flow sinful They say Plunger won 20000 yes terday Dear dear cant you contrive to in troduce him Cleveland Plain Dealer 204 BUSHELS CORN PKR ACRE Its marvelous how we progress Ybu can make money at 10 cents a bushel when you get 264 bushels corn 20 bushels oats 173 bushels barley ltiOO bushels potatoes per acre Salzers creations in farm seeds produce 010 OO WORTH FOR 10 CENTS Just Send This Notice and 10 Cents to the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis and get 12 farm seed sain Dies worth S10 to get a start Why They Object Why do your parents object so to Mr Longstop Edith Mamma objects to his short comings and papa to his long stayings New Orleans Times Democrat A BiaGrass Seed Order John A Salzer SeeilCo La Grosse Wis the largest grass clover and farm seed growers in America receutly receiv ed an order for twenty five thousand pounds different kinds of clover ten thou sand pounds Salzers Superior Timothy Seed and ten thousand pounds of different kinds of grasses from a large Montana stock raiser Salzers seeds grow and produce and it pays to sow them A Character Heres to the man proud of his wealth But careful of his tin He often blows about his dust But never blows it in -Cincinnati Tribune 7 On to the Kootenai The call of 1857 is On to the Kootenai he wonderfully rich mining country Mon tana Idaho and British Columbia v here o many mines of gold silver copper lead iron etc have been discovered during the last year or two and new towns and indus tries established The town of Kossland grew from 00 people to fiOOO in 20 months Maps and descriptive matter of the entire Icrritorj sent free by W B McNider L P A -Sioux City and Northern H K Moux City Iowa The Way with Relations She Have you many poor relations He None that I know She Many rich ones He Noup that know me Tid Bits SlOO Keward SIOO The readers of thiH paper will be pleased to leaioi that there la at leaBt one draaded disease that science has been able to cure in all ita stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is takon internally acting directly upon the blood n nd mucous surfaces of the svstem thereby destroying the foundation of the disease anil giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have ifo much faith in ib curative powers that they offer One Hundred Pollars for uny case that it fails to cure riend for list of testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O USrSold by Druggists 75c The introduction of fancy boxes for fandies was due to the demand on th part of customers for holiday birthday and festival presents in neat and at tractive packages for Fifty Cents Over400000 cured Why not let regulate or remove your desire for tobacc Save- money make- health and manhood Cur miarmeed 50c and 1 all druggist- Quito Ecuador is the only city ju the world in which the sun rises and sets at 6 oclock the year round The reason of this is that it is situated exactly on the equator Halls Vegetable Sicilian Hair Uenewer has restored gray hair to its original color and prevented baldness in thousand of caes It will do so to vou There are no undertakers in Japan When a person dies it is the custom for his nearest relatives to put him in a coffin and bury him and the mourning does not begin until after burial Iisos Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in my house D C Albright Mifflinburg Pa Dec 11 95 The greatest English novelist was Dickens His genius took cognizance of all conditions of human life and with justice portrayed the characteristic phases of each - When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candy ca thartic cure guaranteed 10c 25c The fall in the price of sugar caused by improved processes of manufacture and the enormous increase in the amount of beet sugar are no doubt re sponsible for this increase OCXSXSCXXXCOOVSC u When youre doubled up with pain ud feel like youd snap in two you have When yon feel strong straight withoutpain by using St Jacob Oil youll know youve used the best remedy laooonflfCrmtiniiniflfKcioorit tiiiiifltiiinrintnimiia 10 25 50 Harvester and Binder ANDY CATHARTIC CU RE CQMSTSPATIOH jwa i wmM9AhAABmtsuMi JM Firavsap ALL DRUGGISTS 3P5AT T1TPT V GTTuftfiTJTI77TYt0 cure any case of constipation Cascarcts are tlie Ideal Lasn lDuuilUlDlil UUttilfcliUlJDU tJTe nCTer crjp or pripefbut cause easy natural result San nlu and booklet free Ad STERLING KEXEDY CO Chicago Montreal Can or ft en Torfc 517 f ww w o m O W P P P mWP When I Saw strong claims Thats becaus your advertisement I thought that it was probably like the announce ments of many other makers of harvesting machinery big blow and little show but Im ready to surren der go ahead gentlemen youre all right I bought one of your binders last season and it is equal to any claim you ever made for it This is the condensed essence of what Mn Thomas Carney of Washington Court House Ohio has to say about the McCormick Right Hand Open Elevator The claims made for McCormick Machines ize v Machines are so constructed that stronp claims for them arc Justified The ma- chine you want will cost you more than the other kind for the simple reason that it is worth more that s all there s no other reason and in the end you 11 oe 1 glad you paid the difference because there9 s nothing cheaper than the best rVBcCormick Harvesting Machine Company Chicago The Light Running McCormick Open Elevator Harvester The Light Running McCormick New Steeli Mower The Light Running McCormick Vertical Corn Binder and The Light Running McCormick Daisy Reaper for sale everywhere WMmMM0MMHMKWWnMM9WWtw REASONS FO USING - i o r Walter Baker Co si 2 fig i MM Kin 0 iiH Breakfast Cocoa Because it is absolutely pure Because it is not made by tlie so cailed Dutch Process in which chemicals are used Because beans of the finest quality are used i i i MVMVtJW 1 to MlUUi IJ 41 WlLltlVU JiJll piCOkl WJ UlllllJLailLU the exquisite natural ilavor and odor of the beans j Because it is the most economical costing less than cne cent t a cup Be sure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER Mi Tili ll p BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Moss Established 1780 oo Cleanliness Is Nae Pride Dirts Nae Honesty Common Sense Dic tates the Use of 25S333 Atil hS I A journeyman barber in Cincinnati a specially intelligent man and a favorite with his patrons says of RIPANS Tabules I want to say that for eight months I have taken three a day and have not been to see a doctor once since I commenced to take them Before I would have to have a big tube put down my throat and have my stomach flushed I believe that is what they call it three times every week by a doctor that charged me 50 cents for every time Of course that gave me relief but the trouble always cane back again and I can tell you it was no fun to be pumped out about every two days The doctor said I had catarrh of the stomach Whatever it was it dont botkr me now For four years I was troubled so that I used to lose about three days out of every month When this barber observes that a customer has a feverish breath he occasionally presents him with a Tabule and if taken i removes the difficulty forthwith PATENTS TRADF MARKS Examination and advice as ttyP UeniabllUr or Inven tions Send Tor Inventors GtnDE on How to Get 1 PATZNT Patrick OFarrelL Washington DC S C N TJ - 12 97 flPTIJUA DR TAri8 ASTH3L Ad I HWA cured ever DR TAFT BROS 45 Elra St Rochester N Y FREE cubes 1 ntr Pre ren 1 coalition CORE YCHJRSELFr Ytfr 2 ft discharges inflammations irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes 17 I am j ITHEEvANSChemICAlGo gent or poisonous cincinhauoi I soia by DrnraiatA or sent in plain wrapper 5yexprSV Prepaid for ri00 or3 bottles 1275 Circular sent on retceii