4 IS r 1 if 8 BTJCCESSOB TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT ROBERT B GOOD - Editob 4 Prop Valentine NEBRASKA GBOVERS DUCK HUNT MISSOURIANS WANT MKINLEY TO INVESTIGATE They Charge That as Private Citi zen He Has Confiscated a Govern ment Vesseland Want the Presi dent to Have It Returned Grovere Duck Hunt The Missouri bouse of representatives passed a scathing set of resolutions directed against ex President Grover Cleveland The resolutions are unique and amusing in thee xtreme the ex president being charged with running off with a govern ment vessel The resolutions were In troduced by Representative Martin and are as follows Whereas The press dispatches inform us that Grover Cleveland a private citizen of the United States is now aboard a gov ernment boat with a party of friends in dulging his passion for duck shooting at publlc expense and Whereas The cost of running the gov ernment boat which said Grover Cleveland appears to have confiscated for his own use is heavy and the taxpayers are already staggering under the burden of debt which Grover Cleveland when a public official greatly increased therefore be it Resolved By the house of representa tives of the Thirty ninth general assembly of Missouri that the president of the United States is hereby respectfully me morialized to have an inquiry made into the reported confiscation of a government boat by the said Grover Cleveland and If the inquiry developes that the report is true the president Is respectfully asked to take immediate steps to recover the said government boat and return It to Its proper station WEYLER USES THE TORCH Destroying Everything Along His Line of March Sylvester Scoval New York Worlds correspondent in prison at SantI Spiritus Cuba writes from his cell under date of March 1 as follows Some idea of how Spain is making war here maybe gained from Weylere own words Two weeks ago this captain gen eral of all Cuba had the aldermen of the town and the townspeople assembled In the public square Addressing them he said Last year Gomez and Macco went west destroying right and left This year I am coming east to finish what they left I am going to make grim war here and before I get through the country will be as bare as the palm of my hand The skies are dark with the smoke of burning property Five newly built houses of an American estate at Tuinicu near here have been devastated All corn was burned by the troops four days ago Farm houses were razed to the ground As I have no means of verifying them I will make no mention of the stories of wholesale slaughter of farmers in the country roundabout Whoever the Cuban chief near here has been he has been doing some hot fighting Fully 500 wounded have been brought back to town by ox teams I can see hospitals from my cell window The Spaniards and Cubans alike have been much maltreated here ODD BILL AGAINST BLOCMERS Michigan Lawmaker Would Keep Them in the Cities Representative Goodell has introduced a bill in the Michigan legislature which pro vides a penalty of 25 fine or imprisonment for thirty days for any girl or woman who appears on any country road or highway outside municipal limits dressed in the costume which has become so popular with the bicycle riders Solon Goodell insists that bloomer girls belong in the city and that when they are seen by country girls pedaling along the quiet lanes and roads of rural districts their appearance causes great flustration to the daughters of his constituents and he is determined to save them the embarrassment which naturally arises when they see the awful spectacle from town gliding down the road FIRED ON BY GREEKS German War Vessel Said to Have Received a Broadside v A dispatch from Constantinople says According to a telegraphic communication received here from Crete a rumor is circu lating there that the German ironclad Kal serine Augusta after having fired a blank shot as a signal to the Greek ironclad Hy dra to discontinue her course received a full broadside from Hydra Big Strike Threatened There will be a general strike of all the workmen in New York employed in the building trades this week unless the men employed by the Sprague Elevator Com pany to build elevators in the new Wal dorf Hotel are discharged and replaced by union men The strike will involve 10000 men and will stop work on all the large buildings now in course of erection In that city j Mrs Beecher Dead Mrs Henry Ward Beecher wife of the famous preacher who has been lying at the point of death for many days at her home in Stamford Conn died Monday morning Murdered for- a Ring Roy Bousman of Hervey City fatally stabbed William Sheridan at the home of Mrs Annie Brady in Decatur 111 Sun day Sheridan warstabbed in the lungs and in the arms and Lulu Taylor who tried to separate the men was cut severely Bous man got away The quarrel was about a ring Heir to a Million The will of Thomas M Quackenbush has been filed for probate at San Francisco It bequeaths to his daughter Mrs Esther Jfiwortfiguer an estate valued at 1000000 ir BAD WRECK IN OHIO wo Men Fatally Injured and a Half Dozen Badly Hurt Friday during a rain and thick fog pas senger train No 105 westbound on the Midland branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railway was stopped by a landslide near Hill Station live miles east of Loveland Ohio A heavy freight came thundering through the fog and crashed into the sleeper whose occupants were all In berths It tele scoped three fourths of the the sleeper throwing the out of their beds and length of occupants pinioning them in agony in the debris of seats and broken glass and splinters and beams of wood Rescuing was prompt and energetic Of the occupants injured beyond slight bruises two were fatally hurt two very seriously and two painfully but not dangerously The fatally injured are R H Wardock Cincinnati P D Dobbings Wheeling W V Mr Dobbings died The seriously injured are G H Rispe Richmond Ind L Myers St Louis The less seriously injured are E A Watrous New York W R Conner New York DUNS WEEKLY REVIEW Gradual Improvement Continues in General Trade R G Dun Cos Weekly Review of Trade says The slow and gradual im provement observed for some time lias con tinued during the past week and without material change There Is a better de mand for most products on the whole with continuance of speculative buying in some notably wool because of expected duties Reports of probable needs abroad have helped speculation in wheat somewhat but it has risen about8 cents though the price is still lower than two weeks ago Corn is a cent stronger about the price of two weeks ago Western receipts of wheat are still small 1559821 bushels against 2801638 last year and the Atlantic exports flour included as wheat were for the week 1282412 bushels against 1541185 last year but the corn exports continue so heavy as to compensate largely if not wholly for any decrease in wheat amount ing for the week to 2779974 bushels gulf ports not Included against 1104890 last year Failures show but slight increase over those of 1896 or 1895 and but little decrease compared with 1894 GO BAOK TO GREECE Greeks in Alabama Leave for Their Native Land Monday a dozen Greeks of Birmingham Ala left for their native land to lend their services to their king and others will fol low during the week A prominent mem ber of the Greek colony has advices that parties of his countrymen are being organ ized in all the southern cities to start for Athens at once He estimates that King George will secure more than 500 men from the southern cities The Greeks in Birmingham heartily indorse the kings course and say that he can get the supiwjit of every native Greek in America if needed The Peoria 111 Greeks at a mass meet ing declared sympathy for war Every member of the local colony was present At the conclusion of the meeting a mes sage was sent to the Grecian consul at Chi cago that he could depend upon the Peoria contingent who were ready to start at a moments notice FATAL SNOWSLIDE Four Miners Crushed to Death and Several Badly Hurt in Utah At 10 oclock Sunday a heavy snowslide struck from the mountain peak near Park City Utah and struck one of the Daly mine bunk houses which was shivered into atoms Nine men were sleeping in the house at the time Five were rescued alive about an hour afterwards Late in the afternoon the dead bodies of Nicholas Paffls James Keating and Nich olas Pufetto were recovered Joseph Zucca is still missing and is no doubt dead John Boyle A Blake and John Whit man were working in a surface tunnel at the mouth of which the snow piled fifty feet high They worked their way out after several hours Butcher Butlers Case The counsel for Frank Butler has an nounced that it will file an application for a writ of habeas corpus to release the murderer who is imprisoned at San Fran cisco The ground upon which the writ will be asked is that Butler was arrested upon British territory on a British ship and had committed no offense against the laws of the United States The evidence in the case was forwarded to Washington last Saturday and presidential approval of Mr Heacocks decision extraditing the prisoner is looked for soon Postofflces Left Over President McKinley will have at his dis posal 106 presidential postofflces which Cleveland had figured on for the outgoing administration and for which his selection of postmasters has been announced These represent the full list of postoffice nomina tions made by Cleveland during the session of congress just expired and which the senate failed to confirm Ten-Year-Old Suicide Lizzie McDonald of St Louis Mo 10 years old intentionally shot herself through the right lung Sunday dying in the city hospital The child lived with her foster parents and left a note saying she was tired of living and wanted to be with mother Carnegie Out of Danger Andrew Carnegie who has been seri ously ill at his residence in Greenwich Connfor several days past f roni pleurisy is now entirely outof danger and it is ex pected that he will be up and about the House again in afew days Pitcher David Foutz Dead - David L Foutz the great pitcher and right fielder died at Baltimore of asthma Foutz managed the Brooklyn team last eason When the cup of sin is put to the lips 1 serpent tnat tlngs is always U it MKINLEY PROCLAIMS FORMAL CALL FOR EXTRA SES SION ISSUED President Fixes the Date for Assem bling of the National Lawmakers on Monday Next Methodists Re solve for Free Cuba and Free Crete Proclamation by McKinley President McKinley on Saturday after noon issued a proclamation convoking con gress in extra session Monday March 15 The proclamation in full is as follows By the President of- the United States of America a Proclamation Whereas Public interests require that the congress of the United States should be convened in extra session at 12 oclock on the 15th day of March 1897 to receive such communication as may be made by the executive now therefore I William McKinley president of the United States of America do hereby pro claim and declare that an extraordinary occasion requires the congress of the United States to convene in extra session at the capitol in the city of Washington on the 15th day of March 1897 at 12 oclock noon of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as members thereof are hereby requested to take notice Given under my hand and the seal of the United States at Washington on the 8th day of March in the year 6f our Lord 1897 and of the independence of the United States the 121st William McKinley By the President John Sherman Secre tary of State JAPAN AND SPAIN MAY FIGHT Possibility of a War Over Spanish South Sea Possessions The long overdue schooner Vine which left San Francisco on a trading trip to the South Sea Islands last June arrived home Sunday with news from the South Seas re garding a possible war between Japan and Spain Natives on the Buk Islands part of the Caroline group which belongs to Spain are very ferocious when foreigners attempt jto land and all trading with the islanders must be done by other natives The islanders are almost all cannibals They refuse to become civi lized and wear no clothing A number of Japanese traders recently established a prosperous business with the more peaceable islanders but when they have attempted to go inland they have been fiercely opposed Just before the Vine left the Caroline Islands a dozen or more Japan ese traders were massacred by the island ers without provocation Remaining traders sent the news to the Japanese gov ernment and asked for a war vessel to sub Jugate the Inhabitants The general belief at Kasaie when the Vine left was that war would follow as the Japanese covet the island and are gen erally understood to be desirous of having colonies throughout the South Seas It is surmised Japan will attempt to subjugate the islands and colonize them irrespective of Spain FREE CUBA AND FREE CRETE Baltimore Methodist Conference Passes Resolutions Bishop Hurst of Washington electrified the Baltimore Methodist conference with his utterance of sympathy for Cuba and Crete He is not a member of the con ference but dropped in for a visit and was introduced to the audience by the presiding bishop In a general talk Bishop Hurst referred to mission work in Cuba and he said he hoped the island would soon be free The sentiment was heartily ap plauded and the bishop thus encouraged added When Cuba is free and Crete is Greek and Turkey is dead we want to take one whole day to sing the doxology The applause was renewed with hearty amens and the Rev F B Clarkson offered the following resolution Resolved by the Baltimore annual con ference assembled That the people of Cuba have our heartiest sympathy in their heroic struggle for independence The resolution was amended so as to in clude Crete and adopted with a hurrah Chicagos Great Tower Chicago is to have a gigantic tower From the altitude of 1150 feet the United States flag will flaunt above Chicago when the city tower is completed Ground has been broken aMhe site of the tower at Harrison Troop Congress and Loomis Streets The entire block will be almost covered by the monster base of the pedas tal Work has been commenced on a pa vilion a toboggan slide and a skating rink The toboggan slide will be 2000 feet long and the skating rink under a roof 200 by 500 feet in dimensions Van Heest Bests Powell Johnnie Van Heest of New York and Andy Powell of Austalia met in Hot Springs Ark for a contest to last until a decision was reached Van Heest defeated Powell some time ago by a chance blow as the latter claimed and he was anxious to have another opportunity at him They entered the ring in first class condition Van Heest having a slight advantage in weight In the third round a right hand swing from Van Heest caught Powell on the point of the chin and put him com pletely out Big Chicago Strike Every union plasterer and hod carrier in Chicago went onstrike Saturday with the intention of remaining out till the bosses agree to pay the old wage scale of 350 a day for plasterers and 220 for hod car riers Business agents from the unions visited every building in course of con struction and ordered the men not to go to work on Monday but to report to one of their number in the vicinity and act as pickets about the buildings and see that no non union men are employed to fill their places Peoria Elevator Burns Union Elevator No 2 at Peoria 111 capacity 1000000 bushels and the prop erty of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad was destroyed by a fire of unknown origin with its contents of 900000 bushels of grain The estimated loss is 1850000 Xj JW CABINET CONFIRMED Nominations By President McKin ley Acted On By the Senate In the senate Friday President McKin ley sent the following nominations for members of the cabinet Secretary of State John Sherman of Ohio Treasury Lyman J Gage of Illinois War Russell A Alger of Michigan Navy John D Long of Massachusetts Interior Cornelius N Bliss of New York Agriculture James Wilson of Iowa Attorney General Joseph McKenna 01 California Postmaster General James A Gary of Maryland Mark Hanna was sworn in to succeed Senator Sherman who had resigned No objection was made to the nomina tion of any member of the cabinet but they were referred to the committees ex cept Sherman who according to custom in thecase of senators was confirmed at once The first nomination taken up was that of Gage to the secretaryship of the treasury The nomination caused considerable dis cussion The silver members who did most of the talking said they did not in tend to interpose objection to the con firmation but wanted to make it plain that while the pledges of the new administra tion were for bimetallism the new secretary they said was a gold man The other nominations were confirmed without dis cussion CLAIMS HE WAS HYPNOTIZED St Louis Bankers Plea for Making an 80000 Loan The plea of President Rottman of the defunct Mullanphy Bank at St Louis that he was hypnotized by T S Teuscher a wholesale liquor dealer into loaning him 80000 of the banks cash on well nigh worthless security is the latest sensation in that looted institutions affairs The ex cuse has doubly incensed the hundreds of small depositors who have realized that their precious savings have been recklessly squandered Cashier Kammerer of the Mullanphy says Rottman months ago told him that Teuscher was a master of the hypnotic art and that when he was in the presence of Teuscher he Rottman was completely at his mercy Rottman told him that was the only explanation he could give for letting Teuscher have such a large sum TO SUCCEED BLACKBURN Gov Bradley of Kentucky Appoints A T Wood Senator Gov Bradley of Kentucky has an nounced the appointment of A T Wood of Mt Sterling to succeed J C S Black burn as United States senator He- has also called an extra session of the legisla ture for March 13 to elect a senator Mr Wood has been a Republican leader foi many years Oscar Wilde Will Soon Be Free Oscar Wilde will be welcomed back into the bosom of his family at the approaching termination of his prison sentence This statement comes from an intimate friend who has been the main channel of com munication between Mrs Wilde and her husband since the latters incarceration In the English prison The members of the family are now residing at Naples and he will take up his abode with them there upon his release He is employed as fore man of the prison bookbindery and ha become an expert at the trade Makes Demand of Peru Advices from Lima Peru say that the government of that republic absolutely re fuses to allow the claim of Victor H Mc Cord an American citizen for false arrest and imprisonment The claim is for 200 000 Secretary Olney immediately made a peremptory demand upon Peru for settle ment of the claim Arkansas Mine Explosion An explosion from an unknown cause in the mines of the Kansas and Texas Coal Company at Huntington Ark Friday caused the death of Bud Hanley and the burning of thirty five others in some cases fatally Illinois Politician Dead Senator Albert Wells of Quincy 111 a leaden of the Democratic party in the legislature died Friday morning of liver troubles MARKER QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 350 to 550 hogs shipping grades 300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 200 to 450 wheat No 2 red 75c to 76c corn No 2 23c to 24c oats No 2 15c to 17c rye No 2 33c to 35c butter choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh 10c to lie potatoes per bushel 20c to 30c broom corn common growth to choice green hurl 2c to 6c per lb Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 500 hogs choice light 300 to 400 sheep good to choice 300 to 400 wheat No 2 82c to 84c corn No 2 white 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 20c to 22 St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 300 to 450 wheat No 2 92c to 94c corn No 2 yel low 20c to 21c oats No 2 white 17c to 18c rye No 2 33c to 35c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 250 to 450 wheat No 2 89c to 91c corn No 2 mixed 23c to 24c oats No 2 mixed 18c to 20c rye No 2 35c to 37c Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 200 to 400 wheat No 2 red 87c to S9c corn No 2 yellow 23c to 24c oats No 2 white 19c to 21c rye 35c to 36c Toledo Wheat No 2 red S9c to 91c corn No 2 mixed 22c to 24c oats No 2 white 17c to ISc rye No 2 36c to 37c clover seed 465 to 475 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 74c to 76c corn No 3 18c to 20c oats No 2 white 17c to 19c barley No 2 28c to 32c rye No 1 33c to 35c pork mess S00 to 850 Buffalo Cattle common to prime ship ping 250 to 525 hogs medium to best 300 to 425 sheep common to prime natives 300 to 450 lambs fair to extra S450 to 550 New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 350 to 450 sheep 300 to 475 wheat No 2 red 83c to 85c corn No 2 27c to 28c oats No 2 whia 21c to 23c butter creamery 15s to 20c eggs West era 12c to 14c ft STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Wonderful Display of Home Made Articles Inspected by Many at the Fremont Factory Exhibit The Exl hibit AVns a Surprise to Many Fremont Factory Exhibit The Fremont Home Factory Exhibit and Business Mens reception was opened to the public on March 1 Masonic Hall where the exhibit was held was crowded to such an extent that it was difficult to ex amine many of the exhibits The exhibit was a surprise to many people who did not realize the extent and importance of the citys manufacturing industries The ex hibit made by the Fremont Mattress and Furniture Company Fremont Bottling Works Brewery and Saddlery Company were excellent The hemp mill had an exhibit of tow in bales and of a bunch of the long fiber hemp the woolen mill had fine specimens of cloths and wool and yarns in the different stages of manufac ture the Sheldon Pickling works a com paratively new institution had an attractive exhibit and passed out many samples of products The chicory company made coffee from their product which was sam pled by all who could get near the stand Wolzs potato chips and biscuits made from Fremont flour were also given out F M Wallace had an exhibit of beet and chicory growing implements which at tracted much attention E P Anderson and the Northwestern Broom Company had a good display of brooms and brushes the Fremont Foundry T M Mark Co bicycle sundries Frank Cherry planing mill J W Harris brick kilns Fremont Carriage Company butter tub factory Wonderling Son cigar boxes Healey Murray patent fence works H enfeld cigar factory and many others had interesting and attractive lines of goods About 100 Omaha business men went to Fremont to see the exhibit They were met at the depot by a delegation of Fre monters and escorted to the Masonic Hal Killed in a Runaway Accident George Collett residing ten miles north ef Beatrice was killed near that city in a runaway accident Collett and George Shoneberger a German the latter consid erably under the influence of liquor had left the city for home When several miles out they were met by a farmer who found their harness badly dilapidated and whe helped them get started on again Later the spring wagon they were using was found in the road a mile from Pickrell the bed bottom upward and Collett under the wreck dead The German was found near by in a half conscious condition with one of his shoulders dislocated Shoneberger is unable to tell much about the way the accident happened Coroner Miller was notified and held an inquest at Pickrell a verdict being rendered in accordance with the facts above stated Collett was a pecu liar character but was not a drinking man He had been in the insane asylum two or three times and has several children and a divorced wife Salaries Payable Quarterly Attorney General Smyth has given an opinion on request of State Auditor Cor nell relating to the time of payment of deputies and clerks employed in the differ ent state departments Hitherto it has been the custom of the auditor to pay the depu ties in the offices of the secretary of state and superintendent of public instruction monthly Accordingly the vouchers were made out and presented for the first months of the time during which the new deputies had been employed All other officers deputies and clerks had been paid quarter ly The attorney general says in his opinion that the pay of the deputies named is due quarterly and not monthly as has been the custom heretofore Negro Boy Denied School Privileges Billy Martin a little negro boy under the protection and living in the home of Jacob Nye a white man at Decatur has been denied the rights of educational ad vantages by the school board of that place The board has not as yet given any valid reason why it cannot accept Billy as a pupil qualified to attend the Decatur schools only that he is a negro Nye makes the statement that when the spring census it taken the enrollment Avill in clude his protege and then if admission is refused the board may expect trouble for he will fight the case to a finish Her Illinois Husband on the Scene Mrs Josephine Banium wife of George E Barnum who filed her petition for a di vorce in the district court at Columbus after about one year of married bliss will probably never get the alimony she was figuring on According to present ances she has two husbands living besides Mr Barnum from whom she has never been divorced husband No 2 Mr George Smith of Stark County Illinois whom Josephine claimed to be dead when she married Mr Barnum showed up in the flesh and testified that Josephine was and still is his legal wife in name and fact Commissions Issued Governor Holcomb has issued commis Jions to Captain Edam Short and First Lieutenant Lee L Baldwin Company H First regiment Nebraska National Guards stationed at Nelson Nuckolls County George H Lyon was formally captain of company n At the expiration of his term ot service he declined re election Captain Short was promoted from the first lieutenancy and First Lieutenant Baldwin from the second lieutenancy ofjthe company Injured in a Runaway John Tuerey was the victim of a serious runaway accident at Nebraska City His team took fright and became unmanage able throwing him in front of the wheels of- the wagon His arm and shoulder were badly crushed Cadet Company at York The young men of York College have formed a cadet company and have com menced drill already Prof Hines an ex university cadet is drilling the company About forty members are enrolled on the list Wahoo Girl Insane Ada Buskirk a 16-year-old girl of Wahoo vas before the board of insanity and found to be insane The girl had been acting strangely for some time She was taken to the asylum It is not known what caused the mental derangement of the girl Verdict Against the Bank The case of Slitt against the Silver Creek State Bank came up for hearing again at Clark the other day before Justice Sweet and a verdict of 4778 was rendered against the hank Thp msp will ho tol on tn ttr j district court EVICTED BY INDIAN POLICE Excitement in Thurston County Over the Ejectment of a Settler Some excitement prevailed in Thurston County the other day over the removal of one J S Hogan and family from their allot ment selection within the limit3 of the Farley pasture on the Omaha reservation by Capt Becks Indian police under com mand of John Pilcher Under instructions from the Indian commissioner at Washing ton to the former agent Ashley Hogan and a few others were allowed the privi lege of making selections for future allot ments lor their minor children and this is the land they now occupy The Indian police lay in ambush expecting Hogan and his wife who is an Omaha Indian to return which they did A fight took place and it was with considerable difficulty that Hogan was overpowered He was bound in irons and taken to the agency A J Hanika and two or three other families will be removed soon and more trouble Is looked for Vote to Sell the Waterworks A special election was held at Crawford to permit the people to vote upon the prop osition submitted to the village by the Crawford company owners of the large canal reservoir and water power systems being constructed there to purchase the entire waterworks system of the village and to be given the exclusive franchise to put in and operate a system of waterworks in Crawford for a period of twenty five years in consideration of the Crawford company assuming and paying the out standing water bonds of the village amounting to 17000 the village to take fifteen hydrants for fire protection at an annual rental of 50 each or twenty or more hydrants at an annual rental of 40 j each and to have the privilege of ing the system and all extensions at the ex piration of the tenth and each fifth year thereafter at a price to be arrived at by arbitration The vote was almost unani mous in favor of selling Not Entitled to Postage Judge Sullivan has handed down a de cision at Columbus which affects a great many officeholders in the state G B Speice clerk of the court had some bills rejected by the last session of the board among which were a claim for postage used for correspondence in the office and a bill for preparing the trial docket The clerk appealed to the district court from the decision of the board and after having had the matter under advisement the court sustained the action of the supervisors and held no county officer could hold a claim against the county for postage In regard to the dockets the court held that it was a duty which devolved upon the clerk of the court but that no fee could be charged for the service Suicide of a Danish Farmer Louis Johnson a Danish farmer living About five miles northwest of Kennard committed suicide by hanging himself in a granary on his farm He left his home the day before he was found saying he was going to see a near neighbor and would return in a short time About mid night his wife becoming alarmed at his prolonged absence instituted a search foi him and about 7 oclock the next morning found him hanging in a small backroom in his granary This was his second attempt to commit suicide within a week He leaves a wife and several small children He was a member of the Woodmen of the World where his life was insured foj 2000 Guilty of Manslaughter i ne jury m tne case of the State of orasna vs Kaymond Musser at ONeill who was being tried for the murder of George A Spence last December after be ing out about five hours returned a verdict finding the defendant guilty of manslagh ter Spence and Musser had some trouble about some cornstalks which were on Mus sers land which he had rented They met in the field one day and after some words Musser shot Spence in the legs with bird shot About six weeks later Spence died Recount Commission Begins Work- The recount commission commenced its labors in Lincoln Tuesday J N Camp bell Populist of Nance County was selected as chairman of the commission and J Oberfelder of Sidney one of the Democratic members was made secretary Alter much deliberation it was decided to proceed with the count with open doors is long as there was no disposition on the oart of outsiders to unduly crowd the room Body Deep Down in a Well An effort is being made at Pine Blutf to aise the necessary money to get the body d Ephraim Marny from the well which javed in on him February 18 while hu yas taking out old ourbing His remaiu ire now down a depth of nearly 175 feet rhe supposition is that a new well by the ride of the old one will have to be dug in order to reach the body with safety Big Demand for Farm Liands There is much activity among farmers 11 the vicinity of Clark Every man in iiat line of work is preparing to dohn itmost this coming season The demand or land to farm was never so great Real state agents can find renters for ten times he land at their disposal It is safe to pre lict for the county the largest acreage of orn ever put in Railroad Bonds Voted At the special election held at Norfolk die proposition to give 25000 in bonds in id of the Norfolk Yankton and South western railway was carried by 107 more votes than the necessary two thirds major ity The road is to be completed by Jan uary 1 1898 in order to receive the bonds Injured in a Bicycle Collision Samuel Moore an employe in Haskell Bosworths butter an egg establishment at Beatrice was seriously injured while riding a bicycle up Fifth Street by colliding with another rider New Y M O A Formed The Young Mens Christian Association which disbanded a few years since has been reorganized at Plattsmouth Officer were elected for the ensuing year Nebraska Short Notes Louis Foltz of Weeping Water has been arrested for stealing eight hogs from Thomas Cromwell The cadets of Doane College are going to enter the intercollegiate xitte contest The ferry company at Yankton is pre paring for unusually high water this spring While sawing wood with a circular saw jji btucuer of Weeping Water tated one of his fingers The Sheridan County Teachers Associa tion met in the high school room in Gor don last Saturday at 1 a m There was a large delegation of teachers present from Hay Springs and Kushville as well as a good attendance of pedagogues The pro gram was an unusually interesting one and the discussions were both free and instruct tlve v- A S- XL1 V M f V