is 4 IS y i StoSfflBHs45 THE DAYS DOINGS SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS BY WIRE THE BUTCHER QUITS WEYLER FORWARDS HIS RESIG NATION TO SPAIN Captain General Angered Because Ho Was Ignored in the Sanguilly Negotiations Expects to Leave the Island in About Three Weeks Weyler Has Resigned AMIspatch to the New York Herald from Havana says that It is learned on -the very highest authority that Capt Gen Weyler has forwarded his resignation to the Spanish government at Madrid The captain general it is said will leave the island as soon as possible probably in three weeks This decisive step Gen Weyler decided to take as soon as he beard of the release of Julio Sanguilly The captain general frequently said he would resign If the crown should Interfere with his policy in regard to prisoners especially A nericans He was incensed beyond measure at being ignored in the negotia tions carried on by the Spanish govern ment in the case of the notable captive Sanguilly who was released Friday It is reported that Gen Ramon Blanco Y Arenas marquis of Pena Plata may be appointed to succeed Weyler BAD FOR OFFICE SEEKERS- Only Two Thousand Places Left Out side Civil Service Rules The great majority of the seekers for office under the McKinley administration are bound to be disappointed Every con gressman who has been spoken to on the subject testifies that so far as he is able to judge from letters received the pressure for office is greater than for any time since the foundation of the government The mail of senators and representatives is heavily burdened with letters from appli cants for office AH that can be done with them for the present is to acknowledge their receipt and file them away for reference It seems to be forgotten by these Repub lican patriots all over the United States that only a few months ago President Cleveland issued an order putting about 80000 additional employes of the govern ment under the protection of the civil service law It is said to be a fact that there are not now 2000 officers of all kinds in the United States left outside of the operation of the law to which appoint ments can be made by officials of the in coming administration It is a somewhat singular fact too that congressmen are utterly unable to convince their ambitious constituents that the civil service law is not all a joke and that congressmen and gov ernment officials are under obligations to treat it seriously a WOMEN CAN SEE THE MILL Stuart Makes Special Provisions For Mayor of Chicago The Republican city convention at Chicago Saturday afternoon nominaied Judge Nathaniel C Sears for mayor on tlte first ballot Judge Sears was born in Ohio lin 1854 Gross was nominated lor city treasurer 5538Krnr rpTCS3TiSWwKFwr 1 wwasgigaawwff fKsWWpw to Care for the Pair Ones Dan Stuart has given out the following statement from Carson While much has been said for and against the admission of ladies to the amphitheater I have studied the matter in all of its phases and have been in consultation with my attorneys and many eminent men on the subject After mature and careful consideration I have decided to admit ladies under proper escort To that end I have set aside a section in which ladies can view the con test with all the privacy and comfort pos sible Special care will be taken to pro tect them The arena will be policed suf ficiently strong to guarantee absolute im munity from molestation to everyone who attends Those intending to witness the contest can rest assured that this will be accomplished with as much comfort and security as is aocorded the patrons of play houses Rigid efforts will be made to ex elude anything bordering on rowdyism Elevator Built of Steel The Great Northern Railway is to con struct at Buffalo a grain elevator of 2500 KJ00 bushels oapacity all of steel The order for the steel for its construction about 5000 tons will probably be let in a week or two The new Great Northern elevator will have bins of 80000 bushels capacity thirty of them and the elevator will be by far the largest in Buffalo It is claimed that elevators can be built on this plan for les6 coat than in the old way and that In addition they will save in operating expanses and in insurance Kentuckys Senatorial Muddle It is the general opinion among poli ticians at Frankford Ky that Governor Bradley will not appoint a senator but convene the legislature soon after the term of Senator Blackburn expires and give that body a chance to elect a senator This change of plan is said to I ve been brought about by the Republican steering commit tee of the United States senate Japan Is for Gold The Japanese government has decided to adopt the gold standard at a ratio of 82 to 1 It goes into effect in October Nineteen Passengers Killed A dispatch from Moscow says a passen ger train fell over an embankment and nineteen passengers were killed 200000 Fire at Casey 111 A fire in the business portion of Casey HI early Monday morning did 200000 damace Small Debt Leads to Murder Ferdinand Stutzke a German farmer Jftring near Sterling 111 stabbed S J and his wife with a knife Wilkins will not recover Mrs Wilkins is seriously Injured The affair it is said arose out of a debt of 2 which Wilkins owed Stuzke MMilillildWiiliMaMi rTSM JyjW 1 wr in i imi i I ijiiii iiiijinj miFsaseme3W3M3S Overwhelming Majority for MmnimaiiigswpivmMmttrxrMv MEXICAN MINE DISASTER One Hundred and Fifty Seven Min ers Believed to Have Perished A terrible mining catastrophe at Som brerete mine at Zacatecas Mexico was occasioned by the breaking out of fire in the working of two of the companys mine3 in which 157 miners were employed at the time of the fire Every effort has been made to save the men and fresh air is to be forced into all the workings by great steam ventilators and water has been turned down the main shaft in torrents but it is expected that every miner is dead Two bodies only have been gotten out and Superintendent Kayster nearly perished in an effort to save the men The city of Zacatecas is in mourning and more than a thousand miners wives and chil dren are gathered at the mouth of the mines where the work of subduing the flames is going on ANTI SCALPER BILL PASSES the Measure in the House The national house of representatives after a five hours struggle on Saturday passed the anti railroad ticket scalping bill by a vote of 142 to 51 The bill applies only to the interstate commerce transpor tation It requires all carriers subject to the Interstate commerce act to provide agents authorized to sell their tickets with certificates and make it a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of 1000 or imprison ment for one year for any person not duly authorized to sell tickets It requires car riers to redeem unused tickets and makes the forgery or counterfeiting of tickets punishable by imprisonment for two years The bill has yet to pass the senate CUBA MUST WAIT ON TARIFF McKinley Will Do Nothing Until That Question Has Been Settled Inquiries about President elect Mc Kinley s Cuban policy are being made with much persistence Recent events have given fresh Interest to it and there is a wide spread desire to know how closely the course of President Cleveland will be followed by the incoming national ad ministration Advices from Canton are that no question of foreign policy will be allowed to interfere with the plans of President McKinley for domestic legis lation The tariff bill will be resolutely pressed at the extra session of congress to the exclusion of every other subject The resolution of the McKinley administration on this point is inflexible GREEKS TOLD TO GO Ordered to Withdraw from Crete Within Three Days A St Petersburg dispatch of the 25th says Russia through the Russian min ister at Athens M K Onou has called upon Greece to withdraw all of her troops and the fleet from Crete within three days King George and his government have reiterated that it is impossible for them to retreat from their decision in regard to Crete which is supported by the whole nation A La Risa Greece special says- 1wenty fhmiBaQjg QzasSrtzr w concentrated here It is believed general hostilities will immediately begin on the frontier if Greece is not allowed to annex Crete Oregon Senatorial Muddle Senator Mitchell has abandoned the fight for re election to the United States senate from Oregon as the joint convention has adjourned at Salem His supporters have gone home asserting the legislature ad journed sine die Both the senate and the temporary house are left without a quorum and measures to perfect organiza tion are now under way Attempts at re organization will be confined to the house The senate will meet from day to day until the house succeeds or fails Meanest Man in Chicago Albert Nycek 12 years old who lives at No 610 West Nineteenth Street Chicago lost his overcoat the other day by means of an old confidence came Younc Nveek met a well dressed man at Twelth and Wood Streets who asked him if he wanted to earn 25 cents The boy was eager to make the money and was sent on an er rand but left his overcoat with the stran ger to insure his return When he re turned the well dressed man was gone and with him the overcoat Veteran of Black Face Charles Callender a veteran theatrical man and one of the pioneers of minstrelsy died in Chicago Friday A picturesque career closes with the passing away of Pop Callender For the last few years Mr Callender has not been so prosperous as of yore Investments swamped his vast fortune and he abandoned the theatrical field Recently he had been connected with the London museum in State Street Driven Out By the Sam Yups Big Jim a prominent Chinese has been obliged to fly secretly from San Francisco to avoid the vengeance of Sam Tup highbinders who had vowed to kill him in reprisal for the death of Little Pete supposed to have been killed by the See Yups to which Big Jim belonged Big Jim has been disposing of his affairs for several days and has gone to Victoria B C where he will embark for China May Build a New Match Factory The Columbian Match Company of Grand Haven Mich is negotiating with local capitalists with a view to erecting and op erating a match factory at Menominee with a capacity of 100 cases per day Represent atives of the company are expected to ar rive there in a few days to look over the field and it is confidently expected that the matter will be closed without much delay Vast Canal Project Launched In the Assembly at Albany N Y a bill was passed incorporating the South Buffalo Harbor and Ship Canal Improvement Com pany with a capital of 10000000 to deal in real estate and build a ship canal con necting the Buffalo River vr 1th Lake Erie The city of Buffalo is authorized to guar antee the bonds of the company Grover IsPald Off Mr Cleveland on the 26th received his last full months salary amounting to 416667 The payment for the last four days of his term pjobably will be made about the 3d of Jkiwch fttffcrtMfJWW Sf - jyfcwS5Art4 jasssiacsnussmTZ gojai GATHER AT CAPITAL INAUGURATION CROWDS AR RIVING ON EVERY TRAIN Washington Has on Its Holiday Clothes All Preparations for the Event Completed Savage Attack on Lee by Marquis do Palmerola Gathering at Washington Washington Feb 28 Inauguration proceedings come on apace Within the past twenty four hours the crowds have begun to show themselves noticeably on the streets the depot platforms and hotel lobbies are becoming more and more con gested with each incoming train Decora tions begin to Haunt along the avenue that is of course Pennsylvania Avenue which no Washingtonian ever thinks of calling by its full name The grand arena of the inaugural display will be the short section of the avenue between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets flanked on the south by the White Ilouse and on the north by Lafayette Square Here both sides of the street are a solid front of covered stands This year the stands are of uniform design and dec oration save that from which the presi dent will view the parade This with its white front Corinthian columns and severely classical outlines is not unlike a minature of the White House in its rear Four hundred special officers have been sworn in for inauguration week and Chief of Police Moore has been in correspondence as is usual at such seasons with the chief of police in all the large towns of the country The inaugural committee has practically wound up Its work but the headquarters in the Glover building are still open for the reception of more or less distinguished visitors Among those today were Gen Horace Porter Gen O O Howard Na tional Chairman Mark Hanna and the president elects secretary J Addison Porter All of these gentlemen who have an official interest in the work of the com mittee expressed themselves as well satis fied with the arrangements So far as the launching of the new administration can be provided for in advance there seems nothing left undone to assure success CONSUL GENERAL REVILED Savage Attack on Gen Liee hy the Marquis de Palmerola A recent dispatch from Havana says The Marquis de Palmerola made a scan dalous personal attack on Gen Lee Wed nesday night in the palace in the presence of several newspaper correspondents The incident arose because the censor refused to pass a dispatch for the correspondents which said that the release of Scott had been demanded because he was both ar rested and kept a prisoner in defiance of the law Vho told you that shouted Gen Pal merola secretary of state for the island Gen Lee replied a correspondent calmly Gen Lee is a liar impostor and rebel shouted the littlo marquis with an Oath This incident was telegraphed merely to show how the wind is blowing in the palace and to let everyone see what must be the treatment and position of an or dinary citizen there when our consul general is reviled openly in such amanner by one of the heads of the government SOHINNEER WINS THE RACE Close of the Great Six Day Bicycle Contest In Chicago The closing hours of the worlds inter national six days and six nights race were wild with enthusiasm Fully 20000 people crowded Tattersalls building Chicago Saturday night last The paddock enclosed by the track was packed and the press stand was overflowing The cheering of the spectators aroused the remaining con testants to renewed efforts The final score stood Miles Schmneer 1788 Miller 1764 Laps 5 1 Asmnger 1727 Lawson 1707 i Hansen 1603 8 Schinneer and Miller did not suffer much from saddle soreness a complaint that had troubled some of the riders very badly Lawson was in very bad condition and was literally raw from chaffing It will be several days before he can walk with any degree of comfort Rich Gold Discoveries Couriers arriving at Tacoma Wash re port that a party of seventeen miners ar rived at Dyea from Circle City Alaska on January 20 Their reports are sensational Eli Gage son of Lyman J Gage who is to be secretary of the treasury has been on the upper Yukon and he sends word to P B Weare of Chicago of the North Ameri can Trading and Transportation Company that the richest discoveries ever made on earth are now being worked atKlondyke fifty five miles above Forty Mile If one fourth of what these miners say proves true the Klondyke will rival the mines of Golconda Pingree the Winner The circuit court at Detroit Mich has dismissed the suit of D W Moreland a member of the board of public works to oust Mayor Pingree on the ground that he vacated the office when he became governor The court held that Moreland had no right to bring suit which should be in the name of the attorney general The case will be appealed Two Bodies in the Ruins The big boiler in the power house of the Cushman mills exploded at New Bedford Mass setting fire to the structure After the fire was gotten under control a search among the ruins disclosed the bodies of Manuel Mendosa fireman and Arthur Ashin another employe Several others were injured Jack McAuliffe to Retire Jack McAuliffe who has been the cham pion lightweight pugilist of the world for twelve years will retire from the ring on March 5 on which date the champions friends will tender him a testimonial bene fit at the Broadway Athletic club New York TRADE SHOWS IMPROVEMENT A Slow but Steady Gain in All the Great -Industries R G Dun Cos Weekly Review of Trade says The rupture of the steel rail and other combinations in the iron busi ness has brought out a vast quantity of trade which had been held back and has set many thousand men at work Purchases of rails estimated at 1000000 tons within two weeks whereas the pro duction last year was only 1102892 tons and the sales said to he only 800000 insure employment for the works far ahead and the eastern works are taking desirable con tracts at 18 per ton Increased demand has also started quite a number of woolen mills including many -making dress goods and hosiery The de mand for mens woolens is also somewhat better especially for heavy weights and there are improving sales of better qualities Sales of wool have been 38137200 pounds in four weeks against 22866800 in the largest previous year 1892 A single pur chase of 1300000 pounds South American cross bred being the most important noted this week Wheat enjoyed a brief rise then dropped over 3 cents and closed 2 cents lower for the week While western receipts are 40 per cent smaller than last year for the past four weeks Atlantic exports flour in cluded have been 6840415 bushels against 7043577 last year and the exports of corn have been 8435552 bushels against 4195 282 last year The increase in corn more than makes up in foreign consumption for the decrease in wheat Failures for the week have been 296 in the United States against 2781astyear and 50 in Canada against 58 last year MONETARY MEASURE PASSES House Adopts the Bill for an Inter national Conference All the ordinary rules are suspendea during the last week of congress and bill can be passed and resolutions adopted by a two thirds vote of the house Friday was the first of these suspension days and the house celebrated it by passing the senate international monetary conference bill Despite the seeming wide divergence of views on the money question the bill was passed after a lively debate of two houra by a vote of 279 to 8 It was supported alike by Republicans silver Republicans gold Democrats and silver Democrats The silver Democrats and silver Republic ans disclaimed any faith in the at tempt to secure bimetallism by an interna tional agreement but they express them selves as willing and anxious to have the test made Mr Quigg Repuhlican of New York and Mr Johnson Republican of In diana both made vigorous speeches in opposition to the bill Among those whe spoke for the bill were C W Stone Re publican of Pennsylvania and Mr Wat son Republican of Ohio One hours debate on a side was allowed on the monetary conference bill The house amendments were added to give the bill greater efficiency Mr McCreary Demo crat of Kentucky who was a member oi the last international conference gave hearty support to the bill Thirteen Murders in a Day The unlucky number 13 figured in ino annals of crime in Guadalajara Mexico in that there were thirteen murders within her walls during the day Friday This would be considered rather excessive in any country but that but there it excites no comment and a stranger would know nothing of it were he to depend upon the newspapers for his information for not a line in either of them tells of a sin gle crime Ordinarily one would think that so many murders were indicative of a quarrelsome people but here it is not the case most of them arising from the too ready use of the knife and one in partic ular being done in pure wantonness where a man disemboweled a total stranger through a drunken freak Of the 1500 prisoners in the penitentiary there more than 1000 are under sentenee for murder or murderous assault Big Seizure of Opium The largest seizure of opium ever made at the of San port Francisco was accom plished Monday afternoon by four special agents of the treasury The opium is val ued at 400000 and was seized because of a violation of the customs rules which pro vmes mat no Chinese shall drug import the MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 5350 to 550 hogs shinning crades 300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 200 to 450 wheat No 2 red 73c to 74c corn No 2 22c to 23c oats No 2 15e to lGc rye No 2 32c to 33c butter choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh 15c to 16c potatoes per bushel 20c to 30c broom corn common short to choice dwarf 535 to 580 per ton Indianapolis Cattle shipping 5300 to 5525 hogs choice light 5300 to 5375 sheep good to choice 5300 to 5400 wheat No 2 S2c to 84c corn No 2 white 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 20c to 22c St Louis Cattle 5300 to 5525 hogs 5300 to 5375 sheep 5300 to 5450 wheat No 2 S8c to 89c corn No 2 yel low 20c to 21c oats No 2 white 16c to 18c rye No 2 31c to 33c Cincinnati Cattle 5250 to 5500 hogs- 5300 to 400 sheep 5250 to 5450 wheat No 2 SSc to 90c corn No 2 mixed 22c to 24c oats No 2 mixed ISc to 19c rye No 2 35c to 37c Detroit Cattle 5250 to 5500 hogs 5300 to 5375 sheep 5200 to 5425 wheat No 2 red SSc to 86c corn No 2 yellow 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 19c to 21c rye 34c to 36c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 86c to 88c corn No 2 mixed 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 17c to ISc rye No 2 35c to 37c clover seed 5470 to S4S0 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 73c to 74c corn No 3 18c to 20c oats No 2 white 17c to 19c barley No 2 28c to 33c rye No 1 34c to 35c pork mess 5750 to 5800 Buffalo Cattle common to prime ship ping 5250 to 5500 hogs medium to best 5300 to 54 25 sheep common to prime natives 5300 to 5475 lambs fair to extra 5450 to 5525 New York Cattle 5300 to 5525 hogs 5350 to 5450 sheep 300 to 5475 wheat No 2 red Sic to S2c corn No 2 2Sc to 30c oats No 2 white 21c to 22c butter creamery 15c to 20c eggs West- UU AVfc IV wraaTrrjwtaaan STATE m NEBBASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM As the Result of the Formation of a Dancing Club Weeping Water Congregationalists Are Split Into Two Factions Dancing Club Disrupts a Chnrcn A great battle is at present being fought in Weeping Water which may result in the disruption of one of the local churches The trouble is the outgrowth of a dancing club organized two seasons ago to afford amusement through the winter months The club contained among its members several members of the churches The Methodist Episcopal Church people took steps immediatel y to stop those of its mem bers who participated but after being con fronted with letters of resignation dropped the matter This season the Congrega tionalists have taken the matter up The pastor has preached sermons touching on the question special prayer meetings have been called to pray for the sinners committee meetings have been held to devise means of preventing the dancing and finally a new church manual was sprung which prohibits members from Playing cards attending 1jh aajJmirett amusements ana to hereafter vote and work against the saloon This did not meet altogether with favor for there are polticians who feel they could not vote the Prohibition ticket Others enjoy a quiet game of cards and still others insist on dancing and a few wanted inserted the payments of debts Two more special meetings were held another sermon preached on the subject but the old manual is doing service yet Everywhere the subject is discussed Those favoring the change openly declare they will not help support the church if its members persist in dancing while the other side de clare they will not sign a new constitution and will withdraw their support if it should be voted by a majority to go into effect Thus the matter stands and the question as to whether church members can dance play cards and vote according to their wishes remains unsettled HIS HOBBY IS FLYING KITES Juniata Man Who May Be Able to Explain Airship Stories An interesting story is told of a Juniata station agent who flies kites This is his hobby and inasmuch as his duties as station agent do not require much of his attention he has plenty of time to devote to his pet diversion This man J R Mc Leandoes not do his kite flying merely to satisfy an idle whim however He bases his experiments upon scientific grounds and is demonstrating some interesting things in connection with aerial fight He uses several different kinds of kites and all are without tails The box kites are the most interesting from a scien tific point of view They are composed of a series of planes set at slight angles which present considerable resistance although not taking much room A kite which Mc Lean exhibits in a photograph is of the common kind of tailless kites It is over eight feet high and five feet wide Mc Lean occasionally sends up his kites a half mile and at night he attaches a lan tern to one of them He perhaps could explain a number of the mysterious heavenly lights which have been startling ueople in that part of the country recently RECLAIMS HER CHILDREN Secures a Writ of Habeas Corpus to Take Them Oza A Vaughn made application in the district court of York County for a writ oi habeas corpus for her two children Glen and Robert Vaughn who have been in mates of the Mothers Jewels Home at York She claims that she left them at the home of a neighbor near Goodland Kan temporarily while she sought means to provide for them During her absence her husband took the children and placed them in the orphanage Presiding Judge Bates granted the writ Brothers Take Up the Fight The brothers of the two men who fought a street duel at St Edward over an old grudge met on the street a few nights ago and attacked each other with their fists The tfight was keen and each of the combatants was considerably scarred up Two more brothers have signified their intention of continuing the series of duels and as each family contains five or six able bodied men -the trouble may continue for sometime There is no marshal in the town to inter fere Need Money for Irrigation The Nebraska Irrigation Fair uuu ueiu us regular annual mpoHn North Platte and elected a board of in man- 84rtTLY 13 TAKEN Criminal Proceeding Commenced Against Ex State Treasurer Ex State Treasurer Joseph S Bartley was placed under arrest Saturday after noon formally charged with the embezzle ment of state funds to the amount of 537 76293 No formal arrest was made nec essary as Mr Bartley shortly after being notified by Sheriff Trompen that the war rant had been issued walked to the sher iffs office at the court house in Lincoln and surrendered himself Later in the day he gave bond and his case was con tinued The arreit of the ex treasurer created no surprise It had been expected for some days past that prosecution would ensue The complaint prepared by Attorney General Smyth was filed with the judge of the comity court of Lancaster 20un ty a few moments before noon on the of last month and the warrant issued and placed in the hands of the sheriff Mr Bartley had been notified and sent word hat he would be at the court house to ae jept service at about 2 oclock At that hour he had not arrived but no anxiety as to his whereabouts was expressed as it was known that he was busily engaged in conference with his bondsmen A few moments after 3 oclock he arrived at the court house and accepted service on th warrant Ex Treasurer Bartley was at the office of his attorneys Harwood Pettis ifcAmes uitl after 12 oclock Saturday niit County Judge Cochran came down from his residence and a bond for 50000 was fixed up and signed and the prisoner was released Think It an Airship For three or four days the past week there has been more or less speculation and interest at Kearney in a mysterious ight seen in the west between 7 and 10 jclock in the evening It has appeared in die west and seems to grow from a small faint light to a large bright one and then diminish again On two occasions it has remained apparently stationary for an Hour or so and then would take an un dulating motion and disappear to the north Some think it an airship and others who are more superstitious think it a sign of lomedire disaster The light has been jeen by some reliable and responsible per jons of that city A satisfactory explana tion of it would be gladly received by many as they are getting considerably worked up over it Dattle Thief Escapes and Is Chased There was great excitement at Hay Springs a day or two ago when it was earned that W H Cameron the man under arrest for stealing nine head of cat tle from a ranchman north of town had made his escape The cattlemen think he yas allowed to escape purposely and are very indignant and will make a thorough investigation and if possible bring the guilty men to justice A posse started in pursuit armed with rifles determined to oring the fugitive in dead or alive Gets Damages from the Railroad The past two days in the district court at Nebraska City have been occupied in hear ing the case of A Tipton against the Mis souri Hacific railroad wherein the plain tiff sued for 2200 damages which he alleged were incurred by an engine setting fire to grass in his orchard whereby sev eral acres of fruit trees were killed The sheriff took the jury out to view the prem ises At a late hour Thursday evening the jury returned a verdict for the plain tiff for 1064 agers for the ensuing year The hnnrri r H argea lvitn threatening to take the will OInaes L Moore was dismissed for managers meet next month ani w omcers ior me association and start the work for a big irrigation fair this fall The association is hampered on account of a lack of finances and passed a resolution asking for the passage of a bill appropria ting a sum for their assistance Incendiary Fire at Adams A message received from Adams in the northwest corner of Gage Countv states that the post office State Bank and Shaw Pearsons stock of general merchandise were destroyed by fire Shaw Pearsons loss is 54000 with partial insurance There is no insurance on the postoffice building The file is supposed to be in cendiary Jury Refuses Damages to Roh The jury found for the defendant in tne damage suit of Roh against Holthus in the district court at Tecumseh and the Tiinin tiff will have the costs to pay This was the case where Dr Carl Roh brought suit against Louis Holthus for 5000 for caus ing his wife to leave him and defaming his character Holthus is the father of Rolfs divorced wife Hold Joint Revival Meetings The Methodists and Baptists are holding a three weeks revival at Bloomfield The Baptists organized their church with twenty members Mucli Corn Will Spoil An Antelope County grain dealer esti mates that 100000 bushels of corn in that county have or will spoil by being piled upon the ground because the owners have not crib room for it and it got into un marketable condition before it could be hauled off Tried to Reach the Prisoners ac muinignt the other night Sheriff Woolsey discovered someone trying to communicate with the prisoners at the county jail in Tecumseh The sheriff cave lack of evidence The threat have been made in church was said to Three Candidates ibr Postmaster- There are several candidates for the post office at Republican City The most prom inent are Mrs J Reynolds C W Yhitnev and A T Smith Find the Stolen Goods The goods stolen from C Roupps hard ware store at Bloomfield recently were found in a haystack west of that town Nebraska Short Notes Ten head of cattle belonging to Brown Fletcher butchers at Seward broke through the ice in the Blue River and were drowned F A Nolan of Norfolk and George CIai f Sutton have wade a match at 100 live birds each for 100 a side The match is to be shot off at Columbus at a date to be agreed upon later J L Dollins of Cozad shipped 400 bush els of onions to the Omaha market Onions were quoted at 125 per bushel which would mean a handsome figure for the lot He raised 800 bushels last vear off seven acres of land devoting his own time to the onion crop and renting the balance of his aiu wiiiuu was pianteu to corn his shar being 3000 bushels He Irrigated bSS crops The coat tail of Henry Clifton of Gretna got tangled up in the shafting in an eleva tor and he was whirled around prettv lively before the machinery could hi stopped Beyond a few slight bruises he was not injured Bishop Worthington dedicated the new Episcopal Church at Wahoo last SmidaT Mr and Mrs T M Miller of Crete cele brated the twenty fifth annlve SSl marriage recently The dining room was ru guests and friends of the family covers for seventy five guests chase for a block and fired two shots at the I until late hm w l asted man but he got away from all partr - presents came J Few Converted at North Ijotip v A 1 he revival meetings at the Methoaist A church at North Loup are still in progress this being the fourth week Unless some unusual interest is manifested it is the in tention to discontinue services nftor the close of the present week Though many stirring appeals and earnest efforts have been made no great number of converts has resulted Grip Epidemic at Belgarde An epidemic of the grip has prevailed at Belgarde for the past month frequently accompanied by pneumonia Several deaths have occurred The doctors are all worn out and medical aid lias been sum moned from adjoining towns It is now somewhat abating and hopes are enter tained that the worst i3 over Gets His Fingers Mashed Charley Scheckler a Burlington hrake man got the two first fingers of his right hand so badly mashed between the bump ers at Tecumseh while making a coupling that amputation was necessary He Had an Object A Tecumseh man worked out poll tax for several whopreferred to pay the money Then when lie was warned to work his own he surprised the street commissioner with a certificate of disability Dismissed for Lack of Evidencev The case against J B Cvnhor t rmc J A m