i i V ffH aja four blood Words of wisdom at thfs season During the winter months Im purities have been accumulating in your blood owing to diminished perspiration close confinement and other causes These impurities must now be expelled Now is the time to purify YoiirB lood By taking a course of Hoods Sarsaparilla Thi medicine makes pure rich nourish ing blood It thoroughly eradicates the dangerous poisons with which the blood is loaded It invigorates the system and builds up and sustains all the organs by leeding them upon pure rich blood Sarsaparilla Is tlio best in tact the Ono True Blooi Purifier Hnorle OiIIc act harmoniously with Iloods Sarbuparllla The Coyotes Were Too Cute An n musing Incident occurred the other day on the Lemon farm near Garfield Wash Burt Lemon and nn employe of the farm were plowing when they came across three young coyote pups which had not yet opeued their eyes While they were ing them the old ones appeared and approached to within fiitj yards Mr Lemon went to the house for a gun and a sack and placed the young ones in the sack which was tied up and left in the field until time to go in from work The old covotes kept a respectful dis tance from the rifle but hovered around Several turns of the field were made with the plow and finally when the men came in sight of where they had left the sack containing the young coyotes they saw one of the old ones with the sack puppies and all streak ing it over the hill and that was the last seen of them Spokane Wash Review 209 Bushels Oatn 173 Bushels Barlsy M M Luther East Troy Pa grew 209 bushels Salzers Silver Mine Ooats and John Breider Mishicott Wis 173 bushels Silver King Barley per acre Dont you believe It Write them Fodder plants as rape teosiute vetch spurry clovers grasses etc in endless varieties potatoes at 150 a barrel Salzers seeds are bred to big yields Americas greatest seed cata logue and 12 farm samples are sent you by John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis upon receipt of 10 cents stamps worth 10 to get a start Unhappily Expressed Jilson has a most unhappy way of expressing himself He told me he was going to propose to that charming grass window from Chicago He did But his clumsy effort to be j joffhand and easy spoiled it He had read these allusions to Chicago divorces until he thought they were true What did he say to the widow He asked her if she was engaged for her next wedding Washington Star An Atlas of the Northwest including maps of the United States and of the world giving a full detailed descrip tion of each of the northwestern states population history business interests etc Absolutely correct and brought down to date Size 15x20 A valuable addition to any home or office Can be had for 25 cents in postage bv applying to W B McNider G P A S C X R R Sioux City la Trying to Suit Him Josiar said the young mans fath er do ye remember what ye said the other day bout not bein able ter do what I asked yer to round the farm sence ye got eddicated cause ye want ed suthin deep ter occypy yer ten tion Yes father Wal Ive got the very thing fur ye Ole man Tunkins is diggin a o 1 ji Washington Star Just try a 10c box of CwArets candy cathartic fin est liver and bowel regulator made An Aboriginal Order Fire Water The shriek sounded through every portion of the big hotel Chaos ensued But through it all the night clerk re mained perfectly calm Here boy he said take a bottle of best Kentucky to that gentleman from the West New York World- Iowa farms for sale 1 per acre cash balance a crop yearly until paid for J Muliiall Waukegan 111 The exapt length of time it takes the moon to complete one revolution around the earth is twenty seven days seven hours forty three minutes and 11545 seconds The second figure of the frac tion is known to be absolutely correct When bilious or costWe eat a Cascarot candy ca thartic euro guaranteed 10c 25a No man likes criticism and he par ticularly dislikes it if he deserves it Atchison Globe flUAUTEll OF CHNTURY QIP WlBaSlS iS slMGWATERFROOFr No RUST nor RATTLE OutlaiU tin or iron A Durable Substitute for Platter on walls ater Proof SheatlilnR of came material tha best t cheapest in tho market Write for samplesetc The FAT MAXILLA B00F1XQ CO CAHDEX S J MVERTOR s nn kv from the iack f I ULLnl funds may lose a I fortune Tbouirh yon cant k afford natrtit now the law - - - T V A protects ii you iaie proper steps Kegister yonrinven iloa and thus secure yourself at trifling cost Highest references Inventors Register 97 Clark St Chicago fl flDini For rellablo information in reference to f LllmUn Florida apply for same and lithograph amps to Flobiia IIoxiiSTEAD Co Tampa Florida CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in tuna boia cy aruBjrists DEADLIEST WEAPONS KNOWN Probably Made to the Special Order of Pome Coldblooded AKsaasin Two of the most beautiful and at the same time murderous objects I have ever seen in all my travels I picked up in Paris during my trip there last sum mer said J V Atkinson of Savannah Gn to a friend I bought both of them from an old gunsmith in the Quartier Latin and Ihe assured me they were without doubt the only ones in existence as far as his knowledge of death dealing instru ments went and he also told me that he had puFchased them of an old Span iard who had spent most of his life in the South American countries and had never seen anything that would in any way approach them for villainous mur iderous purposes The first as you see looks innocent i enough and when I ask you what you think it is you will reply A silver matchbox answered the reporter as he gingerly handled the beautifully chased silver object Touch that spring At an easy touch the lid of the box flew open on a powerfully hinged spring and disclosed the interior and in a compartment about one half of the capacity of the box were a dozen wax matches Now youll find a tiny bottom on the side next you and near your thumb Tust press that lightly As the suggestion was followed a lit tle sharp pointed creamy white curv ed object popped into view from that portion of the box now occupied by the matches What is that That said Mr Atkinson is no more nor less than the fore fang of the Great American rattlesnake You will notice that the fang is sharp as a needle at its point that it is silt for a distance up the middle and that it is hollow You will also observe that a fine amber colored jelly like substance is contained within the hollow of that fang That is nothing less horrible than the venom of the rattlesnake and the rankest poison the most deadly of ageuts known to man A couple of scrapes on a mans hand or face means a certain and a horrible death Nausea rand vomiting retching convulsions semi paralysis complete paralysis state of coma death in a most horrible form and the swelling to horrible pro portions of the corpse as it rapidly turns black from the virulence of the venom You can readily see what a terrible weapon it would be in the hands of an unscrupulous villain A scratch or two and the deed would be done while the victim would simply imagine that he had been scraped by a pin Its companion piece of devilish in genuity is a needle gun Peculiar look ing thing is it not asked Mr Atkin son as he passed a richly engraved and silver mounted object that looked like a cross between a miniature double barreled shotgun and a revolver to bis friend wlio handled it with extreme caution That little gun is but five inches over all and yet it contains within those chambers in the box like part between those fine watch spring steel barrels and the pistol grip enough of fiendish mischief to lay out a dozen strong men The charge is a strong and powerful cartridge made of a highly explosive chemical which by the peculiar con- NEEDLE GUN AND VEXOM BOX struction of the chambers makes so little noise that it could not be heard by a person ten feet away The Instru ment of destruction is a bunch of fine cambric needles that have had their heads flattened to offer resistance and catch the propelling force and their points have lain in the very same sort of venom of which I spoke until they are thoroughly corroded with it As they leave the gun they scatter and penetrate to the most vital spots where their terrible work is quickly done Nothing short of a post mortem examination of the most rigid kind would betray the cause of death The Saleswomans Hard liife The average age of our saleswomen is but 22 years and it is rarely the case that a woman finds employment in any establishment for many years In one establishment it was rumored that a recently retiring partner was to give 50 to all employes who had served him for ten years and by actual count it was found that out of 2000 employes but forty seven had served that length of time As a rule employes are seldom retained for more than five years and length of service often is made a reason for dismissal it being feared that they may acquire the idea that they have a claim upon the firm Those then who enter mercantile establishments with the idea that they may rise to superior positions usually meet with disappoint ment One rarely finds the samp onh children for two seasons in succession At the close of the holiday season from one third to one half of the employes are discharged without regard to length of service only the brightest and shrewdest being retained Under the severe discipline enforced only the strongest can endure thi life for any length of time Investigation proves that few can stand for more than two years without suffering from impaired health The law regarding seats has not been generally observed and in some establishments where seats were provided saleswomcm have been fined if found sitting While it is gratifying to know that women can fill these positions satisfac torily yet through accepting low wages and submitting to severe disci pline they are depriving other women of employment and since their en trance into mercantile establishments the wages of salesmen have been re duced 40 per cent Altogether the posi tion of the saleswoman is not an envia ble one and the wise young woman will give time to learn a trade Inde pendent NO PATENT ON THIS An Up-to-Date Girl Who Has a New Way of Keeping Her Skirts Clean She was a strictly up-to-date girl and she attracted no end of attention as she walked east on AVashington avenue says a St Louis paper She was dress ed in the height of fashion she had a bearing as stately as that of a queen and her face was fair to look upon But it was not her face her dress or her bearing which attracted attention Not either nor all three of these It was the novel way she had of holding up her skirts or rather of having them held up for her Did she have a maid or a page to carry her train like the maidens of high degree of a past age No but just a cunning little woolly Scotch terrier Whether he had been trained to the NEW SKIKT nOLDEB work or had picked up the skirt in a spirit of canine playfulness are unsolv ed problems But doggy did his work as though he was used to it and he did it well He picked up the hem of the skirt in front with his teeth and am bled along beside her as though he way stuck on his job Anecdotes of Beard While the late James H Beard fath er of Dan Beard the artist was paint ing a portrait of Zachary Taylor he said to him Well General I suppose you are to be our next President I hope not grunted the bluff old hero no military man has any busi ness in the Presidential chair but if they offer it to me I suppose Ill be fool enough to accept it And he was Shortly after Mr Beards marriage to a niece of Col Carter in 1833 he made the Southern campaign tour Tom Marshall of Ken tucky was then running for Congress He was defeated by a song which Beard wrote and this brought a chal lenge to a duel Eighteen boon com panions of the rhymsters answered the challenge and told Marshall that he must fight all of them singly or all at once but the eighteen men he must meet Somehow this duel never came off and Marshall never afterward al luded to it but once and that was when he first saw Beards canvas The Last Victim of the Flood Standing before the painting Marshall seemed visibly impressed Finally drawing himself up to his full height he turned to the artist and said Beard youre a mighty good painter but youre a poor poet It Meant Everything The man in the bicycle suit laughed heartily Very funny he said What asked the man with a large section of skin gone from his nose Why these Donts for bicyclists replied the man in the bicycle suit Lets see them said the man who was short of skin The man in the bicycle suit handed him the paper The best one isnt there said the man with the fantastic nose shortly If it was the rest wouldnt be sary What do you consider the best one asked the man with the bicycle suit Dont ride answered the man whose nose stood in need of grafting and then he carefully put a large piece of court plaster where it would do the most good Chicago Tost Bostons Library a Bad Job The great new Boston public library bas already been found to have been ill planned and inadequate It cost 2 500000 and now 25000 is about to be expended to construct a suitable read- A gray unsized blotting paper was sold in England- according to Rogers in his history of prices as far back as 1465 LOST AND FOUND THE STORY OF A YOUNG GIRLS TRIALS From the Xeics Tribnne Mxtscahne iotra Miss Mae Gatten hvim near Musca tine Iowa has had a remarkable expe rience Three years ago last apring Miss Gattens parents and many friends no ticed a peculiar change in her She was not the pleasant wide awake girl of old Her mother was not alarmed at first thinking after the March winds and April storms were over the color would rerurn to her cheeks But May June and Inly passed and Maes cheeks were only grow ing more thin and pale every day One part of her work after another was given up Then too her irregular at tendance at church made it necessary tor her to give up her Sunday school class When coming from town one day her father met her music teacher Miss Jones in tears going slowly from the house He spoke to her as usual and then inquired of Maes progress when to his treat aston ishment Miss Jones told him that Mae had not been able to take a full lesson for weeks This seemed to awaken Mr Gat ten to the real state of affairs and he hastily sent for the family physician With the chilling winds of autumn Mae grew much worse The doctor pronounced it bronchial trouble with serious female weakness During the following winter they changed doctors and as their be loved daughter grew worse from day to day they consulted the best medical tal ent to be had in that section Thus mat tors went on during the entire winter The next spring a young lady relative of the family made them an extended visit She had been wonderfully helped by Dr Williams Pink Pills and always carried some with her She was so en thusiastic that she soon had Miss Gatten trying them and insisted on her jMvinir them a fair trial She finished one box and said she felt some better Her father was pleased and purchased more One cannot imagine the complete sur prise and delight of that glad father and mother when they found their daughter kept on improving Six boxes were used and Miss Gatten was able to walk around a pleasant happy girl of IS summers Two more boxes and she declared herself perfectly well cured by Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are nlso a specific for troubles peculiar to females such as suppressions irregu larities and all forms of weakness In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry overwork or excesses of whatever nature Pink Pills are sold in boxes never in loose bulk at HO cents a box or six boxes for S2f0 and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr Williams Medicine Com pany Schenectady N Y Yvettes Fairy Talcs One of the absurd things that Yvette Guilbort told the Paris interviewers was that she had brought back with her to France 34000 as the result of her visit to America Beyond the 310 000 paid to her for singing in New York her earnings did not amount probably to a quarter of that sum The mana ger who engaged her for New York es timated very well the length of time she would prove an attraction heiv The attendance at her performances began to dwindle before she left and there has been no marked demand for her services next year New York Sun Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by takius HallH Catarrh Curo F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Chonoy or the last fifteen years and boliovo him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm Weat Triiax Wholesale DrucKists Toledo O Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Drug gists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting diroctly upon tho blood and mucous burfucos o hosystem Price 75o per bottle Bold by all DruRtiiata Instances of illness following the free use of a delicious product of the fatted goose may have at time a raison detre in the fact that some goose farmers have been found to possess a secret of securing enormous livers in their stuffed fowls by administering the acid oxalate of potassium a powerful poison Special ltat to Washington 17J50 Chicago to Washington and re turn via Monon C H D B O S W and B O Sleepers through without change Tickets good going March 1 2 and 3 returning March 4 to S Ticket office 232 Clark street Depot Dearborn Station Chicago The Best They Could Bo I found a fishworin in my dydrant iis morning said the wrathful citi zen Yes said the official of the water company that is the best we can do just at present We cant afford to inr nish fish All we are able to furnish is bait Indianapolis Journal for Fifty Cents Over 400000 cured Why not let repulate or remove your desire for tobacc Savo money makes health and manhood Curf tuarineed 50c and 1 all druggist Plnys by Women Interesting evidence of womans present prominence as a playwright was offered in London Christmas week when three theaters in the Strand the Globe the Opera Comique and the Olympic presented plays written by women To retain an abundant head of hair of a natural color to a good old age the hygiene of the scalp must be observed Appl Halls Hair Renewer Tops are cut from pieces of box ebony or other hard wood by a turning machine The machine is automatic and turns the top complete from the handle at the upper end to the tip The metal point is afterward put in by hand Two bottles of Pisos Cure for Consump tion cured me of a bad lung trouble Mrs J Nichols Princeton Ind Mar 2G 95 Lifetime of a Coin A gold coin passes from one another to 2000000000 times before the stamp or impression upon it becomes oblit erated by friction while a silver coin changes between 3250000000 times be ore it becomes entirely defaced cascarets 6timuate lver kidneys and bowels Kev rbicken weaken or gripe 10c The Umbrella I see by the papers that an umbrella Factory in Philadelphia has failed re marked the veterinary I have noticed replied the entomol ogist that with umbrellas it is either put up or shut up Pittsburg j The Spnrtnn Virtue Fortitude Is severely taxed by dyspepsia But good digestion win wait on nppvtltc and health on both when Hostetters Stomach Bitters Is resorted to by the victim of Indigestion Heartburn flatulence biliousness will cease tormenting the gastric region and liver If this genial family corrective meets with the fair trial that n sterling remedy deserves Use It regulnrly not spasmodically now and then It conquers malarial kidney nervous and rheumatic aliments The dentists almost to a man are in favor of candy as it makes liberal ad ditions to thel business all the year round Mrs Wlnfunwn Hoo miKi Srnrp for Chllrtreu Wtiilnc soften ti e maun uinrrnmatica Ilavx ialn cure iw rntc IS at a bottl i n o o T m m m 10 4 25 50 V3 f u tk u - rjri x-v-v w l i xjwA f lewtt soegtoaMsgg s B 9 fciv k DltUMrk CiK Htbr JOII5 A ARSOLTITRrY GnflRflNT constipation - v x vv vutuaiiuw w m mm w v a mmmm w w a A FOR 14- CENTS Wo wish to icaln 100 0O plowed cutomer In 17 aiulhewce offer SvTftiWrii 2ffiBsisrwi Si m 9 HStlrjBfittl fc tfi nV Earl cut nrrot MwrvfiiDwin uhom Farllen Mpn 11 Hay KndUh Ilrllllant 1lowcr Sc Worth 100 for tvU Aboro 10 worh 1100 we mall you frte together with UTIG I fe SF coHsriPATioM V JifrAsaYlfM II1MABI AtlTTX SguBr4i3 M wicl S ljyiai5 i rrn ltni rji lie lOo 10c lie 10c c 10 lie will our Treat plant an J iml catalogue upon receipt of thU notice ami lie poit atre How can e tlo 111 Cecamewe want new cuntnnicrs and Scnow If you 1 once try Salzer el youll noTer never zet alone wimout tnm -- Catatonic alone c pottage C N tIZKt ShKP 0 LA fil5K 1 es03809 ALL DRUGGISTS rnfunrnln m va f a VIahI T vujtaitia ntr uicjuu rfLl I pie and booklet free Ad STERLING RE3IEDY CO- Chicago Montreal Can orSeir York 317 3 Master To master is to overpower J ST JACOBS t MasterCure of SCIATICA S It overpowers subdues soothes heals cures it ivie0f3tyirvvty avoataXAnA 1 eraiKt4DO ANDY CATM Ironing is hard enough Save your strength for that Make the rest ot the washing easy with Pearline O 1 T M 1 11 ouaK doh rinse mat is an mere is t0 lt e cotes are cleaner and whiter than in the old wav colored goods are brighter flannels are softer 1 and won t shrink Use your Pearline just as directed on every package and youll get the best results Dont use more that onlv wastes it dont use less that only increases your work Use it alone no soap with it nothing but Jrearlme VmmrV 5 5 5 631 37 MM I til S 1 1 1 1 OS lill iPSs gggljBSgsaS For the last 20 years we have kept Pisos Cure for Con sumption in stock and would sooner think a groceryman could get along without sugar in his store than we could without Pisos Cure It is a sure seller RAVEN CO Druggists Ceresco Michigan September 2 896 tt Use the Means and Heaven Will Give You the Blessing Never Neglect A Useful Article Like S C X u r l i - I I Il - W M UM An Alabama druggist reports the case of an old confederate soldier who when buying For a neighbor wlio lived out by him in the country told Irs own story as follows Ever since I wis in the army where I contracted indigestion and dyspepsia from eating hard tack and sow belly I have suffered much from those and kindred ailments A son of mine told me while home on a visit over a year ago to get some Ripans Tabules and take them I did and in a very short time I was benefited I have felt better ate more and relished it better than at any time since the war and am doing more work now than I ever expected to do again I tell you they are the GREATEST MEDICINE FOR A FELLOWS STOMACH I ever saw We always have them at home and I always recommend them when a fellow complains about his stomach hurting him DR TAFTS ASTHMATEJTE DHOUREO ever Jfails SeudA urddreS Wewlllmallairla bntlo DR TAFf BROS 45 fclai St Bcchester N Y FREE 9 97 B l9lWSCnredlal0toQ0Daye NoParUU Cored DR JLSTEPHENS LEBAKOMouo J f in 1 to 5 i Irrtl Qcrnited IlCi not to itnstor l4Prtreau conixjloa lScTHE V VC1HCWHATI0I J V u s y r V J CURE YIHJHSELF Use Big G for nnnatnrat discharges inftamiaution irritations or ulceration of in neons membrane rainless and not EvansChEHICAiCo gentorpoisonona Sold by UrugsixtM or Bent in plain wrapper by express prepaid tor Jlon or 3 bottles 275 Circular sent on rcqaoitJ