a 1 I i J B 5 i i IS i I J W h v unnoiML uiHtuiUKT STATE Pernor BIJas A Holcomb lieutenant Governor James E Harris 6crfetafyoI State W F Porter- jCreaiurer JNMeservei Auditor John F Cornell Cora Lands and Bulldlngii Jacob V Wolfe Attorney General Constantlne J 8mvth Supt Public Instruction W It Jackson flEAHadley ScojW ICW KaleymRed Cloud Eegents University BajsrtlnsWaketld I ChasWetotfHajr 8pg I H L G oold Osratall a ICH Morrill iSncoln1 CONGRESSIONAL 8enators Win V Allen jMadlson John M Thurston Omaha Rspresentatives First District Jesse B Strode Lincoln Second D H Mercer Omaha Third JeoDMeIklejphnFullerton Fourth E J Hai ner Aurora Fifth Win It Andrews Hastings Sixth O M Kem Broken Bow JUDICIAL Supreme Court T L Norval Chief Justice Harrison and Tolk associates Fifteenth Judicial District M P Kinkaid OVNcllI W H Westover RuBhvillc LEGISLATIVE 0 Representative Fifty second District OP Billings Nordcn Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz Spriagvlew LAND OFFICE Begister C R Glover Longpfne Receiver J A Flke Newport COUNTY Treasurer G P Crabb Jierk Geo Elliott Uherlff Amos Strong Judge W R Towne County Attorney F M Walcott County Superintendent Lillian Stoner Surveyor Chas Tait Max viertel Commissioners W APaiker I P Sullivan A PRECINCT Overseers of Highways R Hansen and J Raj Constable R Towne Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M Camm Assessor- John Dunn 1 f VILLAGE 4 Town Board E 8parks president C H Cor nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwlg and PF Simons Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry Eatey school District No l M Walcstt president M V Nicholson treasurer J C PettlJohQ secre tary i W S Jackson G P Crabb and J T Keiley SOCIETIES Imp 0 RIM Sitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of Bed Men meets every second and fourth Friday evening of each month at Davenports Hall Visiting brethren are fraternally Invited to be present at the councils of the tribe J H Sears F M March Chief of Records Sachem A F A M Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M meets irregular communication Saturday even ing on or oeiore tne iuu moon m eacn montn members of the order in good and regular stand lng cordially and fraternally invited to attend J T KEELEY W M W W Thompson Secv 0 E S Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of the Eastern Star meets on second and fourtji Tues- day evenings of each month in Hornbys hall TV W Thompson Magoie WAXajTfc Secretary Worthy Matron a 67v w Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets on l si and 3rd Mondays of each month J C Pettijohx Rec O W Hahn M W D OF H Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor holds regular meetings first and third Wednes day evenings of each month M Christensex Mrs JCPettuobn Recorder Chief of Honor I O O F Valentine Lodge No 205 I O O F meets every Thursdav eveniug Visiting brothers cord tally nvlted to attend our meetings J H Thurstox Fraxk Brattok Qoirofq Secretary Noble Grand G A H Col Wood Past No 208 Department of Ne braska regular meeting 2d and 4th gjrtrdays of each montL at 2 o m sharp Comrgas from other Posts are cordially Invited to attend J W Tucker JOHk Duxx Adjutant Commander MTT A Valentine Camp No 1761 Modern Woodmen of America meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at Davenports HalL Visiting neighbors cordially invitetd to attend IW S jicKsox W E HAfiEt Clerk Venerable Counsel kToFp Cherry Lodge No 69 Knights of Pythias meets every Tuesday evening at DaveflpMts Kail W S Jackkox E P Roberts K of R and S Chancellor Commander 5 Arrival and Departure of Mails Mall east and west closes at 8 pm Rosebud leaves at 800 a m dally except Sun day and arrives at 500 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays Thurs davs and Saturdays- Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and 500 p m arrives at 930a in and 730 p m Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 603 p uland leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7o a m General delivery open from 760 a m to 7Q0 p m General delivery open on Sundays rqm s to 10 a m Lock boxes opendaily form a a to 800 p m w iiAJLii rosimasicr at A PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS I I D CLARKE Attorney-at-Law Uklnds of legal business promptly attended to Valextixb Nebraska T C DWYER y Physician and Surgeon Omce at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valentine - Nebraska Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools PFSIMONS PROPRITOR OF DRAY LINE NO I Satisfaction guaranteed Seasonable charges 7 NEBRASKA CONQRESS DAILY REPORT OF WHAT IS BE ING DONE Many Measures of More or Less Im portance Being Introduced at the Present Session of the Sunflower legislature Tuesday Senator Mutz asked for a great deal of information on the 26th The senate record is tolerably clear up to data and is as fol lows Up to date there have been intro duced in the senate 173 bills Of this num ber 159 have been read the second time and referred to standing committees Of this latter number 117 have been printed and are in the bill files on each senators desk and forty one are still in the hands of the printer Of the bills referred to standing committees four have been referred back to the senate and are now on general file Senator Dearing introduced a bill for the regulation of telephone companies fixing the rate of charge per phone at 2 per month Senator Beal introduced a bill providing for the appointment of clerk of the district court in counties which have attained a population of 8000 or more the present law requires that they be elected Senator Metz introduced a bill for the re districting of the judicial districts of the state it makes sixteen districts instead of fifteen as at present Aside from voting tV tthe repeal of the beet sugar bounty law the hoifseon the 26th devoted the greater portion of the time to fighting for and against Soderraans line of bills looking toward a reduction of salaries in several of thostate institutions An at tempt was made to pass house roll No 19 which aims a a reduction of salaries in the Industrial School for Boys at Kearney Typographical defects in printing amend ments delayed Litis measure The house then took up house roll STo 29 attacking the salaries of the superintendent and em ployes of the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha The bill passed A bill to establish a State Board of Engineers was introduced It provides that this board shall cousist of the governor attorney gen eral and secretary of state They have power to appoint three secretaries The proposition to recount tle votes on the constitutional amendments was the subject of several conferences caucuses and committee meetings Tuesday some of which were in progress till midnight The senate committee on constitutional amend ments held a protracted session and listened to a verbal opinion from Judge M B Beese In brief Judge Beeses opinion was that in order to carry out a constitu tional amendment it would require a ma jority of all the votes cast at the election In this case it would require a majority of 230000 Wednesday Eighty four members of the house re sponded to roll call on the 27th The read ing of the journal was dispensed with Immediately Bicli of Douglas moved that the house adjourn until the 28th at 10 a in This was seconded but Jenkins of Jeffer son moved to amend by making the hour 2 oclock in the afternoon The test vote came on Jenkins amendment which was -defeated by 52 to 25 The house then ad journed until 10 oclock Thursday morning The object to be accomplished was the pros ecution of the Douglas County contestcase The whole morning session of the senate on the 27th was taken up with the consid eration of a motion offered by Senator Mutz of Keya Paha requiring all standing committees of the senate to make an imme diate report on the status of bills in their possession The motion after a protracted discussion was agreed to and enforced After recess the senate took up bills on third reading and in so doing very nearly administered a death blow to one of Mr Hansoms measures affecting Douglas County The bill was senate file No U providing that the number of county com missioner in Douglas County be reduced from five to three Senator Kansom barely saved the bill by requesting just before the vote was announced that it be recommitted to the judiciary committee Agreed to The joint resolution directing Senator John M Thurston to vote for any and all meas ures favoring the free and unlimited coin age of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1 was placed on its final passage Before the ayes and nays were called Senator Murphy ltepublican of Gage was recognized and spoke in opposition to the resolution A letter written by Mr Thurston in 1895 was read to the senators after which several other members took turns in the debate The resolution was agreed to by a strictly party vote Thursday The senate on Thursday contented itself With routine work The first thing re ceived by the senate was a petition of much importance to the fanning industries of the state and related to the beet sugar industry The petition was referred to the committee on agriculture The judiciary reported a number of bills back to the senate with the committees recommendations Twelve new bills were introduced Spencers con current resolution undertakes to pledge the senate to the payment of the bounly already earned by the beet sugar manufac turers under the law passed two years ago came up and its consideration provoked a discussion of wide range The matter was not settled when adjournment time arrived The attempt of Pollard of Cass to procure judicious legislation in favor of the beet sugar industry showed that considered as an enterprise it had few friends among the majority of the house House roll Xo 127 by Smith of Richardson is the only remaining measure to attract consideration It provides for the issue of 250000 in state bonds for the erection of a factory to be un der the direction of the governor who has power to appoint a manager and other officials All past legislation received its death blow in the indefinite postponement of one bill to prohibit railway companies from granting transportation to others than employes and of another to compel them to do that very thing for state officers and members of the legislature Eecent at tempts to reduce salaries received another impetus in the action of the house on ShuU s bill to reduce the salaries of the state board of transportation This was reported by the committee for indefinite postponement but Shull got through a mo tion to non concur and place the bill on general file The concurrent resolution attaching the financial record of Senator JohnM Thurston from the senate was read for the first time and passed to a sec ond reading A large number of new bills were introduced Friday Senator Ransom continued his remarks in he senate on Friday morning on his motion to indefinately postpone the Spencer reso lution relative to the payment of the beet sugar bounty At the close of his remarks the previous question was ordered and the yeas and nays were called on the motion to indefinately postpone the Spencer resolution The motion was adopted by a strict party vote The senate then went into committee of the whole for the consideration of bills on general file The first bill taken up was introduced early in the session by Mr Murphy of Gage Itmakes a radical change in the matter of summoning juries for dis trict courts The committee voted tp rec ommendthe bill for passage Senate file No 46 to require street railway companies to vestibule their cars was recommended to pass Concurrent resolution No 1 of fered by Senator Dearing of Cass directing the attorney general to institute legal pro ceedings to enforce the statutes against the elevator trusts was recommended foipas sage Senate file No 18 introduced by Senator Ransom of Omaha was after a brief debate recommended for passage Senate file No 14 also by Mr Ransom was after a long discussion recommended for passage This is the bill which nar rowly escaped defeat the other day It re duces the number of county commissioners in Douglas County from five to three The senate then adjourned until 10 oclock Sat urday morning Ninety seven members answered to roll call in the house on the 29th The gavel of Speaker Gaffin fell at 1045 Following the reading of the journal Mr Sheldon at 1110 moved that the house go into committee of the whole to consider bills on general file and the motion prevailed The house after some discussion adopted the report of the committee at the after noon session Speaker Gaffin then an nounced bills on third reading Clark of Lancaster then demanded that a reportbe liar frnm tlin fnmmitfoo nn onrnllorl oi engrossed bills Clerk Eager read the re port to the effect that house roll No 5 which provides for a recount of the vote on constitutional amendments had been found correctly engrossed and enrolled Clark of Lancaster moved that the bill be imme diately recommitted for amendment Hull raised the point that the motion was out of order and that the bill must be recommitted to the committee of the whole for amend ment The point of order was declared well taken The question was on the mo tion and the ayes and nays were de manded Result 61 to 34 Then Jenkins moved that the house go into committee of the whole for the specifiic purpose of correcting house roll No 5 Defeated by a vote of 62 to 32 The major ity and minority reports of the com mittee on privileges and elections were then presented and read The following bills were indefinately postponed Providing for investmsnt of funds of life and accident insurance companies providing for re duction in fees and salaries of county offi cials providing for a state beet sugar fac tory providing for the maintenence of of farmers institutes The house then ad journed until 10 a m Saturday Saturday The senate met with many members ab sent on the 30th but in spite of several at tempts at adjournment remained in session until noon Aside from the proceedings with reference to Senator Ransoms bill to reduce the number of cjommissioners oi Douglas county little else was done A petition from a few residents of the north ern part of Dundy County was presented The petitioners ask the legislature to make an appropriation to pay for the freight on shipments of corn donated by farmers in the eastern part of the state to the desti tute of Dundy County It was re ferred to the committee on charities A communication was read from ex-Governor Robert W Furnas enclosing the resolution adopted at the recent annual meeting of the State Board of Agriculture asking the legislature to make an appro priation for the Trans Mississippi Exposi tion The senate spent some time in com mittee of the whole in the consideration of senate file No 178 providing for the col lection of an annual tax from state banks such tax to be held by the state treasurer as a safety fund for the protection of de positors of insolvent banks Senator Gond ring of Platte spoke in opposition to the proposed law At the conclusion of his remarks the senate adjourned until Mon day afternoon at 2 oclock Following suspension of the reading of the journal in the house on the 80th the speaker announced that the introduction of bills was first in order Speaker Gafiin then announced that the hour set for the special order of the day the Douglas Coun ty contest cases had arrived and that the vote would be taken on the adoption of the minority report signed by Rouse By ram Sheldon and Eager The original vote re sulted Ayes 42 nays 65 When it was seen that the minority report was defeated all the Republicans with the exception of Sutton and Ilolbrook changed their votes from aye to nay This left the vote on the minority report Ayes 11 nays 87 A motion to postpone the majority report in definitely was made and after debating the motion at some length a vote was taken resulting in 55 for and 43 against Then the vote on the adoption of the report was had Ayes 55 nays 43 At the afternoon session the following bills were read the first time By Webb house roll No 387 authorizing the appointment of a state printer and sta tioner and defining his duties and to pro vide for the manner of contracting for and purchasing state printing binding sta tionery and office supplies and the dis tribution of the same and to repeal sec tions 4422 to 4436 inclusive of chapter li of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska of 1893 to provide for the administration of the state penitentiary and the government thereof and of prisoners therein and to re peal chapter lxxxvi of the Compiled Stat utes of 1893 to provide fortownship boards to purchase real estate a resolution to amend section 1 of article xii of the con stitution of the state of Nebraska relating to municipal corporations requiring com mission merchants receiving consignments of live stock grain wares or merchandise of any kind to act as the agent of the shipper prohibiting the deposit of the pro ceeds of sale in any bank to the credit of any such commission merchant and pro viding for remittance by draft payable to shippers order without endorsement Mozart was the greatest writer of opera and the father of the modern school He was in most respects the the greatest musical genius who over lived At the age of 5 he wrote com positions of much beauty and died at 36 leaving over 800 finished composi tions It is said by philologists that there are thirteen original European lan guages the Greek Latin German Sla vonic Welsh Biscayan Irish Alban ian Tartarian Illyrian Jazygian Chaucin and Finnic The stock of Europe consumed 47117 tons of American hay for which the Maud Mullers of this country and their fathers and brothers received S699020 ALGER GETS A PRIZE MICHIGAN MAN IN MKINLEYS CABINET Is Offered and Accepts the Position of War Secretary Has an Honorable War Record and Has Been Governor of His State To Succeed Lamont Gen Russell A Alger of Michigan is to be Secretary of War in MeKinleys cabinet Gen Alger was summoned to Canton where the portfolio was tendered and accepted In speaking of the matter Gen Alger said that not until the inter view were there any overtures made to him in connection with the cabinet He said also that none of the appointments of his department had yet been disposed of or decided upon and that it would be some time before any announcements in that line could be made Gen Russell A Alger was born in La fayette township Medina County Ohio Feb 27 1836 His grandfather served in the revolutionary war and is claimed to have been a descendant of William the Conqueror When 11 years of age both his parents died For the next seven years he worked on a farm earning money to defray his expenses at the Richfield O academy during the winters Subse quently he taught school antl in March l857 entered a law officenn Akron Two - wTw GEN KUSSELI A ALGER years later he was admitted to the bar but abandoned the practice of law the fol lowing autumn on account of failing health and moved to Grand Rapids Mich where he engaged in the lumber business and where in 1S61 he was mar ried to Annette H Henry In 1S61 Alger enlisted in the Second Michigan Cavalry and was made captain of Company C He was wounded in the battle of Booneville Miss Owing to his part in this engagement he was promoted to the rank of major In 1862 he became lieutenant colonel of the Sixth Michigan Cavalry and in 1S63 was made colonel of the Fifth Michigan Cavalry his regiment being in Custers famous brigade In 1864 failing health induced him to retire from the service He was breveted brig adier and major general for gallant and meritorious services and was on private service in 1863 4 receiving orders per sonally from President Lincoln In 1865 he removed to Detroit where he has since been extensively engaged in lumber and pine land business Gen Alger was elected Governor of Michigau in 1884 receiving a plurality of 3950 rotes over Begole fusionist His ad ministration of State affairs was consid ered highly successful In 188S he was one of the leading candidates for the Re publican nomination for President Gen Alger served one term as commander of the G A R The cases of cholera on board the Nu bia at Plymouth have been confined to the troops Queen Victoria has donated 500 to the India famine relief fund which has been opened by the Lord Mayor of London Serious floods have occurred in the Isl and of Montserrat resulting in the loss of seventy five lives and the destruction of roads and bridges The revenue of Newfoundland for the firat six mouths of the fiscal year exceeds that for the same period of the previous year by S100000 Hungary has given formal notice to Austria of its intention to terminate the customs and commercial convention be tween Austria and Hungary The lighting of certain of the London prisons by electricity is under considera tion and it is proposed to erect a special description of tread wheel to supply the motive power The Italian general medical council has just presented a request to the Govern ment the effect of which is that all for eign doctors shall be prohibited from prac ticing in Italy A great bush tire has been raging in the county of Montagu in Tasmania and the township of Pengana has been nearly de stroyed Hundreds of people have been rendered homeless and the damage done is estimated at 15000 A few weeks ago the German firm of Friedrich Krupp prespnted 10000 to the workmens pension fund of their works and now a further donation of 25000 has been made to the fund for the widows and orphans of their officials It is reported that Count Muravieff the newly appointed Russian minister of foreign affairs has been charged to for mally invite President Faure to St Pet ersburg Gustaff Wolff acting German consul at Tacoma Wash was married to Miss Christiana Smith of Chicago who arriv ed from the East a few hours before the ceremony Intimate friends of the late Alexander Dumas fils have resolved to keep the re membrance of the dramatist alive in their minds by a special dinner every three months in Paris PLAIN OR FANCY P RINTINQ QUICKLY SIS SPECIALTIES BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS - NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES INVITATIONS PROGRAMMES MENUS LARGE POSTERS BUSINESS CARDS SMALL POSTERS CALLING CARDS SALE BILLS ETC CHROMO CARD84 Notary Public W E HALEY Real estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Filed Office in IP O Building 9i The DONOHER Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated making it now more than ever worthy of the reputation it has always borne of being THE MOST COMPLETE AND COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Eoom Good Sample Room M J BONOHER Proprietor Q KERRY QOUNTY ANK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent withjeonservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good securitysolicited at reasonable rates County depository B E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE C H COUNELL President 31 V NICHOLSON Cauhier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York V irst National Bank Omaua CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FISH AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At StattersOia Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS OJ the Choicest Brands Valentine - Nebraska Remember ft that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn Vut on the shortest notice hi the most artistic and -workmanlike manner all kinds of Job Printing