The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 04, 1897, Image 4

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I1 1
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Escaped from Jail While Under
Sentence to Hang Crime One of
the Most Brutal in the History of
the -State
Meeks Murderer Caught
George Taylor wanted in Carroll County
Ho for themurder of Gus Meeks family
Is believed to be under arrest at Hanford
3al He -was identified by BF Lane a
-Witness against him on his trial in Mis
souri Taylor refuses to talk
The murder of the Meeks was one of the
atrocious Crimes ever committed in
Missouri Oathe morning of May 11 1894
the people of Browning Linn County
were startled by the discovery of the bodies
of Gus Meeks bis -wife and two small
children in a straw stackinGeorge E Tay
iorscorn field lourmiles southeast of that
place Nellie Meeks aged 8 years who
ad been struck on the head and left for
dead recovered -consciousness early in the
morning and she told the story of the
rime George Taylor and his brother W
P Taylor fled -and did -not return until
after their capture by Jerry South of
City Ark two months later
The brothers on trial were convicted of
the crime and sentenced to be hanged on
April 30 1896 They were confined in
Caxrolltown Mo jail and on April 11 1896
made their escape along with another man
charged with the crime of murder Bill
-Taylor was soon retaken and at 1058 on
the morning of April SO was hanged in the
jail yard at Carrolltown The Taylor
brothers were wealthy at the time of the
3Ieeks slaughter and among other interests
conducted a bank at Browning
iJnnatural Growth of Bone to Be
Removed from His Head
A dispatch from St Petersburg says that
the -czars recent appointment of two new
3xdy physicians has been made in view of
the inevitable operation necessary for the
xemoval of an unnatural protuberance of
ttfae bone from the head of his majesty the
result of injuries received at the hands of
a Japanese fanatic while on his tour around
the world This dispatch was sent by an
-indirect route from St Petersburg for the
purpose of avoiding censorship
lowaa Will Be Secretary of Agricul
ture in McKinleys Cabinet J
A Washington dispatch says that
ator Allison has received a telegram from
Hon James Wilson saying he has accepted
-the secretaryship of agriculture in Mc
iKinleys cabinet Mr Wilson has also
-written friends in Washington confirming
toe report that he has been tendered the
fofficeof secretary of agriculture in the
aiext administration saying he has ac
cepted the office
Sirs Carew la Found Guilty of
Poisoning Her Husband
A dispatch from Yokohama of Feb 1
says Mrs Carew who has been on trial
-on the charge of poisoning her husband
Walter Raimond Hallowell Carew secre
rtary of the Yokohama United Club was
lounLguilty today and sentenced to death
The sentence is subject to revision by the
the British minister The trial attracted
imuch attention on account of the Carews
social prominence
Chinatown Celebrating
Firecrackers and fireworks have been de
livered by the truckload to the Chinese
merchants of South Clark Street Chicago
during the past week and the denizens of
Chinatown aie in readiness for the proper
celebration of New Years day New
Tears day on the Cllinese calendar began
Sunday night and will continue for fifteen
American days and will be a noisy demon
Bank Wrecked with Dynamite
Early Monday morning a stick ofdyna
jnite was forced under the front door of
the bank building lately occupied by
Gardner Morrow Co private
Horlidaysburg Pa The windows ofi
fevery establishment on the square were
shattered by the concussion The bank
oor was burst open and the floor torn up
hut the vaults were not damaged
Warned Against South Dakota
The emigration officers in London actng
upon information furnished by A J Yan
Stittart British consul at Chicago have
issued a warning advising Englishmen
against emigrating to South Dakota under
conditions involving payments to coloniz
ing agents of companies
To Succeed Eckles
Charles C Dawes of Chicago said to a
jpaewspaper correspondent Monday that thej
teport that he had been tendered and ac-
the appointment of comptroller ot
the currency was true
Light Rains Fall in India
The British official weekly bulletin re
garding the situation in India shows that
flight rains have been general throughout
ffhe provinces Spring ciops have im
Two Trainmen Killed
Tn a collision Friday nightbetween a
igeght train and a snow plow near
Bocliester X Y Conductor nenry Snyder
jrfhd Brakeman GeorgeGraston were killed
fireman McLain fatally hurt and three
other trainmen less seriously injured
Kelief for Famine SufferersJ
At a meeting of citizens held in San
to devise ways and means for
f a n Y r t Zv
flie relief of sunerers iroui uu xai u
fidia Mayor Pbelan presided A commit
tee of fifty was appointed to collect sup-
es and money -
Senate Adopts the International
Monetary Conference Bill
By the decisive vote of 46 to 4 the na
tional senate on the 29th passed the bill
for the appointment of commissioners to
an international money conference The
closing of debate brought on several nota
ble speeches including those of Senator
Hoar of Massachusetts Senator Yilas of
Wisconsin Senator Jones of Arkansas
Senator Allison of Iowa and Senator
Carter of Montana It disclosed that lit
tle opposition existed to the bill the
only division being as to the expediency
of seeking bimetallism through inter
national agreement As voicing the gen
eral view on the democratic side of the
chamber Senator Jones favored the adop
tion of the measure exactly as republican
senators desired in order that the respon
sibility might be theirs Senator Hoar
expressed the conviction that the four great
nations the United States Great Britian
France and Germany were fast and inev
itably tending toward a bimetallic agree
China Proposes to Replace the Navy
Destroyed hy Japan
An outline ot the plans of the Chinese
government in the direction of the con
struction and replacement of the navy de
stroyed and captured by the Japanese -during
the late war has reached the navy -department
through a report from Com
mander FM Barber retired who was
invited to -address the Chinese
-or imperial council last fall
mp6hthe fea8ibility of securing ships in
the United States He was informed that
China proposesto reconstruct her navy and
become first class naval power in ten
tyears The bay or JSaa enow on tne soutn
side of Sbang Tung is to be thoroughly
dredged and fortified for a great naval de
pot and the arsenal at Foo Chow is to be
reorganized and enlarged under French
epgineers so as to be capable of construct
ing modern vessels of war of all types
Krueger Is Indignant
A dispatch to the London Telegraph
says that after the interview between J
B Robinson the millionaire mine owner
and President Krueger of the Transvaal
republic the correspondent of the Tele
graph handed the president a copy of the
eabled report of the speech of the Hon
Joseph Chamberlain in parliament when
the discussion of the question of the ap
pointment of a commission to inquire into
the troubles in South Africa were renewed
After reading the speech carefully Presi
dent Krueger rose and with a show of
great indignation giving his hearers the
impression of a lion at bay exclaimed
Let them come if they want to take my
Ten Millions For Heirvs
Mrs Anna K Allen reputed to be the
Wealthiest woman in St Louis Mo who
tdied at PittsfieldlMass is said to have left
no will Her estate is valued at 10000000
If there is a will it has been made within
the last few weeks at Pittsfield Mass
where Mrs Allen died In this case the
instrument would have been drawn up
without the assistance of Hiram J Grover
who for years has been Mrs Allens attor
ney or without consultation with J W
Wallace secretary of the Southern Hotel
Company and manager of Mrs Allens
estate -If there is no will the estate will be
divided among the heirs twenty nine in
Hopes to Save His Neck
A motion for a re hearing in the case of
Millionaire Arthur Duestrow of St Louis
Mo conyicted of the murder of his wife
and child and sentenced to hang has been
filed in division No 1 of the supreme court
at Jefferson City Action on the motion
will probably not be taken for two weeks
The motion makes the declaration that the
members of the division of the court de
ciding the appeal did not examine the rec
ord in the case as required by an express
statute of this state but overlooked it alto
gether with questions based upon it duly
prescribed by the appellants counsel
Mut Furnish Sufficient Gas
The Indiana supreme court has held the
Indianapolis Gas Company liable for the
death of the daughter of James B Coy a
Haughville child frozen to death in 1892 on
account of the insufficiency of gas during
the cold weather at Christmas time It
was claimed that the gas company could
have furnished gas btu failed to do so
through negligence
One Killed and Ten Hurt
As thirty coal miners were going up one
eide of a gravity road in empty cars drawn
by the weight of descending loaded cars on
the other side near Grafton W Va the
loaded cars broke loose and crashed into
the up bound cars in which the men were
riding One miner was instantly killed
and ten others seriously injured two prob
ably fatally
Trying to Kill It Indirectly
The London Daily News commenting
on statements cabled by the New York
correspondent of the paper says that the
United States senators are trying to kill
the Anglo American treaty indirectly
This they fear to do directly because the
pubUc sentiment of the people of America
is in favor of the measure
Russia to Encourage Trade
The Kussian government is about to es
tablish for the purpose of encouraging
trade commercial agencies in all of the
European capitals as Well as in a number
of the largest cities of the United States
Fire Chief Suicides
William Porter chief of the Chattanooga
Tenn fire department suicided Friday
morning by shooting Insanity the result
of an injury received some yearsago was
the cause
Turner Elected Senator
In the joint assembly at Olympia Wash
Judge Turner received 68 out of 87 votes
of the fusionists for senator or 11 more
than a majority of the entire legislature
Plague Breaks Out in Formosa
The officials of the Japanese legation in
Washington confirm the report that the
plague ha3 broken out in the Island of
Senor Azcarrago to Be the New
Governor General of Cuba Ameri
can Prisoners on the Island Are
Also to Be Released
To Succeed Weyler
A Madrid dispatch announcing the ap
pointment of Weylers successor as gover
nor general of Cuba is considered in Wash
ington as absolutely authentic A week
ago Senor de Lome communicatedto Sec
retary Olney that Senor Azcarrago had
been tendered this position but no definite
action had been taken
All American citizens now in prison in
Cuba as suspects will with few excep
tions be given their release some time dur
ing the coming week
This information it is said has also been
conveyed to the state department
by the Spanish legation The whole
Competitor crew it is understood is in
cluded in the amnesty and there is a pos
sibility that Gen Julio Sanguilly and
Louis Somellirn may also be freed
The state department has for some time
been conducting correspondence with the
Spanish authorities negotiating for the re
leases of the imprisoned American citizens
The department has impressed the fact
upon the Spanish government that if it
would release the imprisoned citizens it
vwould go a longiway toward allaying the
feeling of the United States toward Span
ish rule in Cuba State department offi
cials have been confident that they could
persuade the Spanish government to take
this view of the situation and they it is
said have succeeded at last
Cruiser Brooklyn Strikes a Sunken
Ledge in Delaware River
The United States cruiser Brooklyn the
latest pride of a peerless navy calculated
to withstand the fiercest onslaught of shot
and shell lies almost utterly helpless be
cause of a narrow ledge of sunken rock in
the Delaware River above Marcus Hook
Pennsylvania on which she struck
heavily Saturday afternoon Her
lower double compartments forward
were completely stove in and it was
only by the merest good fortune that
the big vessel did not sink This would
undoubtedly have been the result had not
her inner compartments successfully with
stood the shock Asit was she was pulled
clear of the rocks and is now tied
to the big stone ice breakers at Marcus
Hook protected from the heavy ice gorges
in midriver
The big vessel is seriously damaged and
it is impossible to say when she will be
able to go into active service At present
she is in no danger of further damage
being fully protected in the safeanchorage
afforded by the ice breakers How the ac
cident occurred can only be established by
a court of inquiry and this Capt Cook of
the Brooklyn has already asked for
Secretary of Peoples Party National
Committee Issues an Address
Joseph A Edgerton secretary of the
national committee of the Peoples inde
pendent party has issued an address in re
ply to the one recently made public by
National Committeeman G F Washburn
of Massachusetts Mr Washburn recom
mends that the Populists drop the fight
for silver and take up government
issue of paper money and government
ownership of railroads Mr Edgerton
says no change is needed in policy as these
questions are identical in the Populists
general plan The silver issue must not be
abandoned McKinleys election was not
the deliberate verdict of the American peo
ple The reform sentiment of the country
is turning to the Populist program in its
entirety The fight must be made over
and the next time he says it will win
New Scheme of Huntingtons
It is stated that Collis P Huntington has
a corps of engineers in the field making a
preliminary survey for a railway from the
port of Alvarado south of Vera Cruz
Mexico to the port of Salina Cruz on the
Pacific coast and that if he can secure an
advantageous route he will ask the gov
ernment for a concession for operating the
line in connection with the Pacific Mail
steamers thus doing away with the Pana
ma route
Hard on Bank Wreckers
In the federal court at Denver Judge
Hallett sentenced O E Miller president
of the Miller Hernia Treatment Company
to imprisonment at Hard labor for ten
years C H Dow seven years S E Mc
Clurkem five years They were convicted
of wrecking the Commercial National
Bank to which Miller was indebted 125
000 Dow was president and McClurkem
his brother-in-law receiving teller
Confessed to Murder
William Albert Cunning who murdered
Mrs Mary Denning in Chicago Friday
last and then turned his revolver upon
himself died at Mercy Hospital Two
hours before his death Cunning signed a
sworn statement in which he confessed to
the shooting but gave no motive He said
he had sustained the relations of a husband
with the dead woman for two years Cun
ning formerly lived in Cincinnati
Failure of an Old Bank
Judge Freeman has appointed Ralph
Metcalf receiver of the Dime Savings
bank one of the oldest and most promi
nent savings institutions in Chicago It
has 4000 depositors to whom about 360000
is due It is said that outside the deposits
the bank does not owe over 1000 and
that it has 125000 cash on hand It is ex
pected all the depositors will be paid in
Hanged for a Triple Murder
Edward W Perry murderer of the Saw
yer family father mother and son was
hanged at Ava Mo Saturday afternoon
The murderers neck was broken by the
fall and he was pronounced dead fourteen
minutes later
K --
Extra Session Will Not Consider Any
Other Legislation
Chairman Dingley of the ways and
means committee of the national house of
representatives has outlined the program
of the administration at the extra session
of congress Said he
There will be no general legislation dur
inggthe extra session President McKinley
will call congress in extraordinary session
for the specific purpose of passing a rev
enue bill When we meet in March the
bill will be ready to present to the house
and it will be passed within thirty days
and sent to the senate Nothing else will
be done by the house We will adjourn
from day to day or take three days ad
journments according to the provision of
the constitution The eyes of the country
will be on the- senate alone The house
will not consider pension bills nor enter
into any general legislation We will
simply remain nominally in session until
the senate reaches a conclusion on the rev
enue bill and then the measure will go
into a conference where it will be perfected
in a manner to suit both houses of congress
I do not believe that the senate will force
a long session when nothing is under con
sideration except the tariff bill
Says January Has Been a Mou
R Dun Cos Weekly Review of
Trade says January has been a month of
disappointment but of real gain Wheat
has declined severely cotton has
scarcely risen enough to pay broker
age wool holds steady in spite of
enormous buying woolen goods hardly
change in price iron and its product
decline leather is sluggish hides are
lower for some shoe manufacturers accept
a shade lower prices the average of rail
road stocks is slightly lower than it was
December 31 and the advance in trust
stocks has been small To traders in such
properties the month has been disappoint
ing Yet during the past week the record
shows that ten iron works have started
and only two have stopped thirteen
woolen works have started and nine more
are about ready to start while three have
stopped Similar things are seen in other
industries and the additional establish
ments are not starting without some in
crease in orders received
The Nevada Measure Approved by
the Governor
The bill intended to permit Corbett and
Fitzsimmons to fight in Nevada is now a
law the governor having signed it When
asked if he had ever had any thought of
vetoing it Gov Saddler replied
I waited to see what a majority of the
people seemed to want intending to be en
tirely guided by their wishes This policy
1 have pursued to the end and because the
people were in favor of the bill I signed it
Of the merits of the argument made against
the bill I have nothing to say A majority
of our citizens seemed to wish it and I
have signed it and that is all there is to it
Company to Go to Cuba
Dr C H Bulson late of the National
Guard of California where he held the
rank of major is gathering a company of
men in San Francisco to help the Cubans
Bulson is said to be acting under a com
mission from Gen Colby of Nebraska who
is stated to be at the head of the American
Cuban volunteers Bulson admitted that
he had thirty or forty volunteers and
wanted sixty eight He said he hoped to
leave in a few weeks for Tampa or Jack
sonville Fla to embark with the rest of the
Cuban volunteers for the scene of the war
He said he was not organizing a military
company as it was against the law but the
volunteers would all take passage for Flor
ida together nominally as private citizens
Tackles the Trocha
A dispatch from Key West Fla says
A daring attack was made on the trocha
west of Artemisa last week A strong
force of insurgents under Col Pedro Nodars
attacked Fort No 10 and after two hours
fighting dislodged the garrison At Fort
No 7 a stout resistance was made but two
shots from the dynamite gun com
pelled them to surrender The gar
rison was allowed their freedom
At fort No 6 strong Spanish reinforce
ment had been received and the Cubans
moved off This leaves the trocha open
for any Cuban band that may desire to
pass through
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 550 hogs shipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 400 wheat No 2 red 72e to 74c
corn No 2 22c to 23c oats No 2 15c
to 17c rye No 2 34c to 3Gc butter
choice creamery 19c to 21c eggs fresh
17c to 18c potatoes per bushel 20c to
30c broom corn common short to choice
dwarf 35 to 80 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep good to choice 200 to 375
wheat No 2 S5c to S7c corn No 2
white 20c to 22e oats No 2 white 20c
to 22c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 wheat No 2 S3c to 85c
corn No 2 yellow 19c to 21c oats No
2 white 16c to 17c rye No 2 33c to 35c
Cincinnati Cattle 25ato 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 85c to 87c corn No 2
mixed 22c to 23c oats No 2 mixed 18c
to 20c rye No 2 36c to 38c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 200 to 375
wheat No 2 red 85c to 86c corn No 2
yellow 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 19c
to 21c rye 35c to 37c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 86c to S7c
corn No 2 mixed 21c to 23c oats No
2 white 17c to ISc rye No 2 37c to 3Sc
clover seed 515 to 525
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 71c
to 73c corn No 3 19c to 20c oats No
2 white ISc to 20c barley No 2 2oc to
34c rye No 1 36c to 37c pork mess
f50 to S00
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 200 -to 425
wheat No 2 red 92c to 93c corn No
2 yellow 25c to 27c oats No 2 white
21c to 23c
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 200 to 450
wheat No 2 red 82c to 83c corn No 2
28c to 30c oats No 2 white 21c to 23c
butter creamery 15c to 21c eggs West
trn 15c to 19cl
The Magnificent Coach Shop of the
B M Railroad at Plattsmouth
Destroyed by Fire One Employe
Killed While Fighting the Fire
Bad Fire at Plattsmouth
Plattsmouth was visited on the evening
of the 25th by one of the most disastrous
fires that the city has ever been afflicted
with and the magnificent brick coach shop
of the B M railroad was turned into a
pile of ashes in less than an hour
It was just 8 oclock when John Segraves
one of the night watchmen in the shops
discovered flames His efforts to subdue
them were futile unfortunately and with
his clothing on fire he rushed out to sound
the alarm Afire brigade was organized
and the men worked heroically They
were fighting for the companys property
as though for their lives and their exer
tions and well directed efforts saved the
paint shop and thousands of dollars worth
of property About seventy five men were
employed in the coach shop and all of
them have lost their tools some of the kits
being very expensive The total loss to
the company is estimated at 138000
The fire was attended with one fatality
George Fletcher assistant foreman in the
freight car shops being the unfortunate
victim He was picked up insensible near
the planing mill and carried to General
Foreman Helps office when life was
found to be extinct ATJie doctorexamined
the body butbeyond a slight abrasion over
the right eye no bruise or injury was found
It is believed that his excitement and dis
tress affected his heart to such an extent as
to stop its functions The deceased was
about 46 years old was a member of the
Burlington Volunteer Relief Department
and leaves a daughter 18 years of age
John Wideroder Winds Up a Spree
in a Dangerous Way
John Wilderoder is in jail at Fremont on
a charge of assault which may develop
into something more serious He accumu
lated a good sized jag and went into Fred
VVeis store and soldhim a second hand
overcoat After paying for the coat Weis
sat down near the stove Wilderoder
grabbed a piece of wood and struck Weis
who is quite an old man on the head
nearly knocking him from the chair For
a few minutes Weis did not think himself
seriously hurt and walked to Dr Devries
office to have the wound dressed He had
a scalp wound about an inch and a half
long and the doctor fears that concussion
of the brain will follow When Wilder
oder was taken to the city jail he set fire to
his mattress and later tried to hang him
self with a rope made from tearing up a
quilt but lost his nerve when he began to
choke and got on his feet again Wilder
oder says he is sorry he didnt take better
Cuts Off Coal Contracts
The new board of purchase and sup
plies held its first meeting on the 30th at
Lincoln in the office of Land Commissioner
Wolfe The meeting was a special one
and was called to consider the Question of
coal supplies for the state house and some
of the state institutions It appears that
in January last the old board let contracts
for coal for the penitentiary hospital for
the insane at Lincoln and capitol building
to the Whitebreast Goal company and the
Sheridan Coal company Since that time
it has been learned that the officers of the
asylum and penitentiary could buy the
same quality of coal in the open market for
25 per cent less per ton than was charged
by the contractors with the state These
pontracts have some time to run yet The
old contracts were annulled and bids asked
to supply coal for the remainder of the
Decision Favors the City
C WSeymourcity attorney of Nebraska
City has a copy of Referee Marples decis
ion in the case of Nebraska City against
the Water and Light Company which was
recenty submitted to the United States
court The referee finds that the contract
is valid and that the Water Company has
no alternative except to comply with its
terms The costs in the case are assessed
against the Water Company This is a
victory for Mayor Stahlhut and his city at
Preparing for the Chautauqua
The Chautauqua officials at Beatrice are
busily engaged upon arrangements for the
assembly of 1897 and the program will be
fully up to any that has preceded it Rev
T DeWitt Talmage is among the many at
tractions already secured Dr Davidson
than whom there are no better Chautauqua
directors anywhere is assisting in the work
of securing talent
Loses His Life in a Hotel Fire
Emory A Mullison of Fremont lost his
life in a fire in the Windsor notel at Fort
Smith Ark Mullison was 27 years old
and unmarried He had resided in Fre
mont about ten years At the time of his
death he was employed as a traveling
salesman for a wholesale stationery house
Beet Sugar Factory Will Soon Close
The Norfolk Beet sugar factory which
Jias been in continual operation day and
night since last September sliced its last
beets on the 28th and will close down for
the season The factory has had a long
and successful run and will turn out about
7000000 pounds of granulated sugar
Kill a Large Timber Wolf
One of the largest timber wolves ever
seen around Fort Calhoun was killed the
other day When killed it had upon one of
its forelegs a large wolf trap having broken
the chain and escaped only to get the trap
entangled in a wire fence where it was
Wood chopper Killed by a Tree
A fatal accident occurred north of Hay
Springs A farmer by the name of Marion
Price while cutting down a tree was
caught by the tree falling in such a manner
as to sever his leg from his body He bled
to death before medical aid could reach
Ask for the Receivers Removal
The creditors of the wrecked State Bank
of Ainsworth have filed a protest against
the approval and allowance of the report
of the receiver and have asked that he be
removed an R S Rising president of the
Bank of Ainsworth be appointed in his
Trial of Steer Thieves Postoned
The preliminary hearing of Messrs Oaks
and Haney who are charged with stealing
a steer from Louis Dunbier a Polk County
farmer has hefin Tmstnnnpfl until Fphmarv
War on High Hats
The city council of Lincoln has instructed
the city attorney to draft an ordinance
prohibiting the use of enormous headgear
in places of amusement The following
introduced by Councilman Webster were
unanimously adopted
Resolved by the mayor and city council
of the city of Lincoln That it is the sense
of this body that the wearing of high and
broad hats at public entertainments such
as theaters and like places of amusement
should be abolished and be it further
Resolved That the city attorney be in
structed to draft an ordinance similar to
the measure adopted by the city of Chi
cago prohibiting the wearing of headgear
of the above description at tne places-
Little discussion followed the reading of
the resolutions but it appeared the uani
mous sense of the council that theater
goers after paying as high as 150 for
tickets should have the privileges they
have bought
Commandant Culver Resigns
The resignation of Commandant J H
Culver of the Milford Soldiers and Sailors
Home has been filed with Land Commis
sioner Wolfe of the board of public lands
and buildings The resignation takes
effect on March 31 next Commandant
Culver states that this date is fixed as being
the most canvenient period to make the
change as all government and state report
may be closed and under existing circum
stances will be most favorable to his suc
cessor At a late meeting of the board of
public lands and buildings it had been de-
termined that Commandant Fowlers term
should begin on February 1 There wll
be a February meeting of the board wldjch
will settle with Commandent Culver and
act on his report
Well Paid For His Day in Jail
In the damage suit at Beatrice of David
Nehr against John A Dobbs the jury
awarded the plaintiff damages in the sum
of 125 which of course throws the coste
upon the defendant The Dobbs Nehr
dog case as it is known has become
famous in Gage County Nehr shot and
killed a valuable dog owned by Dobbs for
which he was arrested tried convicted
and sentenced to one day in the county
jail which sentence he served The case
was taken to the supreme court and re
versed whereupon Nehr brought suit for
10000 damages against Dobbs with tho
result above mentioned
Senator Allens Daughter Weds
Miss Lulu V Allen eldest daughter o
Senator William V Allen was married at
her home in Madison on the 26th to Daniel
Lynch of Platte Center The wedding
was a very quiet one only the immediate
friends of the family being present The
ceremony was performed by Rev Father
Jerome of the Roman Catholic church
The brides father Senator Allen did not
come home to attend the wedding The
groom was formerly a banker of Platte
Center and is a Roman Catholic while the
bride has been brought up as a Protestant
Womans Dress Talces Fire
While Mrs Carson Foster of Fairmont
was preparing breakfast over a gasoline
stove the back of her dress caught fire
She carried a plate of cakes into the dining
room when Mr Foster discovered the
flames Hejpushed her into the kitchen
and tore the clothes off her Mrs Foster
was not injured but Mr Foster had his
hands and face badly burned But for his
presence of mind she would certainly baye
been burned to death S
W C T U State Officers Meet
The state officers of the Nebraska Wo
mens Christian Temperance Union held
an executive meeting at the home of Mrs
E M Cobb state treasurer at Yori
Matters of importance were discussed
Those present were Mrs S M Walker
president Lincoln Mrs Clemmons cor
responding secretary Fremont Mrs
Ella Watson recording secretary Lincoln
Church Dedicated
Sunday occurred the dedicatory services
of the new German Lutheran church nine
miles southeast of Tecumseh Rev Mr
Atal of Sterling and Mr Reidheimer of
Falls City were the principal speakers
The new church is a handsome structure
Fire destroyed a similar building for this
congregation last spring and hence the
erection of this new building
Hog Thieves Give Farmers Trouble
Hog thieves are causing considerable
trouble just west of Lyons B R Rusco
lost two fine hogs one day last week The
hogs were tracked to Bancroft where
their trail was lost
Nebraska Short Notes
The residence and granarv of
Nelson a Cuming County farmer were to
tally destroyed by fire recently
Thomas Chambers of Cheyenne County
has made a reservoir from which he ex
pects to irrigate about forty acres of land
A dentist named Jones of Ewing has
been arrested on the charge of practicing-
ins profession without the proper author
The Union Pacific has had some of its
employes at North Platte on the rack for
supplying their private coal bins at the
companys expense
Three parties who were traveling through
Nebraska in a wagon camped recently
near Chapman While temporarily absent
from their wagon they fixed a set gun to
protect their property from thieves A
horse with an inquiring turn of mind
sprung it and was killed
There is a large amount of sickness in
and around Geneva at present
Humboldt people complain of the quality
of illuminating oil sold in that place
Since December 1 there have been 150
cars of corn shipped from Hebron to south
ern ports
The Hosford House at Rulo was entirely
consumed by fire Loss 8000 partly in
A wolf hunt at Ansley did not result in
the death of any wolves but over 100 rab
bits were killed
A renter named Sam Johnson living
near Cortland skipped out leaving about
1000 worth of debts behind
The Hastings police judge announces
that lSyti v as one of the poorest years on
record for business in his line
A creamery will be started at St Paul if
the milk from a sufficient number of cow3
can be secured to render it profitable
Over 2000 fat sheep were shipped out ef
Dodge County last week
A Stockville man recently killed a
beaver and sold the pelt for 12
J A Harberger and Harl Myers of Chad
ron have started for Honduras Central
America to establish an American colony
Gretna farmers complain that an ele
vator man who contracted for corn at U
cents early in the fall now refuses to lh
up to the contract
A hnJ Vhe faril of Patrick Gleason
18 The case will come up before Judge I near 9akland waa burned but most of the
household goods
j were saved Loss 300
1 partly insured