The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 21, 1897, Image 5

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Governor SUagAHolcomb
Lieutenant Governor James E Harris
Secretary ol State WF Porter
Treasurer JNMeserve
Auditor JohnF Cornell
Cora Lands and Building Jacob V Wolfe
Attorney General Constantlne J Smvth
Supt Public Instruction W It Jackson
f ItA Hadley Scojla
1 C WKaleymRed Cloud
Regents University J Shos Rawlins Wakef id
1 Cbas Weston Hay Spgs
1 H L Goold Ogaialfa
LCH Morrill Lincoln
Senators Win V Allen Madison John M
Thurston Omaha
Kspresentatlvcs First DIsti let Jesse B Strode
Lincoln Second I 11 Mercer Omaha Third
feoDMciklejnlin Fuller ton Fourth E J Hai
jjfr Aurora Fifth Wm It Andrews Hastings
Hfxtli O M Kern Broken Bow
Supreme Court T L Norvil Chief Justice
fiarrison and Poll associates
Fifleenth ludlcial District- M P Kinkaid
ONeill Wn Westover Rusliville
Representative Fifty second District OP
Blllincs Nordcn
Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz
Register C R Glover Receiver J
A Fike Newport
Treasurer G P Crabb
Jlerlc Geo Elliott
Sheriff Amos Strong
Judge W R Towne
County Attorney FMWalcott
County Superintendent Lillian Stoner
purveyor Chas latt
Coroner A Lewis
Max vlertel
Commissioners W A Paiker
Ovnrseeis or Highways R Hansen and J Raj
Constable R Towne
Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M
Cam in
Assessor- John Dunn
Town Board E Sparks president C H Cor
nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwlg
and P F Simons
Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry
school District No 1 F M Walcott president
M V Nicholson treasurer J C Pettijohn secre
tary W S Jackson G P Crabb and J T Keoley
Imp O RM
sitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of
Red Men meets every second and fourth Friday
evening of -each month at Davenports Hall
Visiting brethreu are fraternally Invited to be
prfsent at the councils of the tribe
1 H Sears - FH MXrcii
Chief of Records- Sacbem
atS ia
siAftnniiSadnsa Lodge JJosa p fir A i
unieetsin regular communication nairiay
ingronor berortfthe lull moon iueaefc jutli
ninhirji nf lha ordarin irOodaridrexularK nnH
lng cordlaHy aucLf raternally invited t attensx
jjxkkelkt wm4
w w xhompsojj oeoy
0 B S
Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of the
Eastern Star rnCets oaecond and fourth Tues-
day evenings of each mouth In Hornbys hall
W W Thompson- Magcie WaIjOott
Secretary Worthy Matron
A 6Pu W
Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets
on i st and 3rd Mondays of each month
J C Pettijohn Rec O W Hahx M W
Valentine Lodge 3STo Degree of Honor
holds regular meetings first and third
day evenings of each month
M Mrs J C Pettijobn
Recorder Chief of Honor
- I O O F
Valentine LodgeNo 205 I O O F meets
r every Thursday awening Visiting brothers cord
r tally nvlted toattend our meetings
t D H Thurston Frakk Bratton
v Secretary Noble Grand
Col Wood PestNo 208 Department of Ne
braska regular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of
each montl at 2 d m sharp Comrads from
other Postsare cordially Invited to attcnd
J w Tdckkr John- Dunn
Adjutant Commander
- - MvV A
ValenttncCamD No 1751 Modern Woodmen of
- America meots second and fourth Wednesday
evenings each month at Davenports HalL
Visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend
Cerk Venflrable Cauasel
l Cherry Lodge No 169 Knights of Pythias meeta
every Tuesday evening at Daventibits Hall
- K oIi and 8 Chancellor Commander
- Arrivotanrt Departure of Mails
Mall east and weattiloses at 8 p m
Rosebud leaves at 800 a m dally except Sun
s dav and arrives at 500 p m
Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves
at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri
days and arrives- at 700 p m Tuesdays Thurs
days and Saturdays - -
Ft Niobrara leaes dairy at7 00 a hi and
500 p m arrives 3t maud 730 p m
Kcwanee and Sparks arrives Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays at 500 p m and
- Jeavra Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at
i o a m i
- General delivery open from 7P9 a m to 700
p m General delivery open on Sundays from
sto io am Lock boxes opendaily form 6 a
m to 300 p m
- WiEHALEXPostmastcr
L - i
v AWklndsof lega1 business promptly attended to
valentine Nebraska
- and Surgeon
- Qmce at C K Watsons Drug Store Prompt
- 5 attentlougtven tof all professional calls
Teachers Examination
VThe regular monthly Teachers
Examination will be held the
- of each
-third Saturday xnonth
kjat my bficein the Court House
T - Siipt of Schools
propritor of
Satisfaction guaraateed
Seasonable charges
Many Measures of More or Less Im
portance Being Introduced at the
Present Session of the Sunflower
The oratorical talent of the senate was
given a chance to show itself on the 12th
immediately following the reading of the
journal A debate was precipitated by a
resolution offered by Mr Farrell of Mer
rick providing for the appointment of a
committee of three to act with a like com
mittee from the house to take action in re
gard to printing the governors message
The resolution was carried and the com
mittee appointed Another lively tilt was
had on the matter of the state furnishing
members each daily five 1 cent wrappers
and ten 2 cent stamps and was finally laid
on the table After a Jarge number of
bills had been introduced the standing
committees were announced the name of
the chairman of each of which is given
Judiciary committee McGann finance ways
and means Feltz public buildings Johnson
agriculture Miller accounts and expenditures
Gondrlng military affairs Weller municipal
affairs Howell internal Improvements Ritchie
school lands and funds FarroII public printing
Watson enrolled and engrossed bills Mutz
counties and county boundaries Lee educa
tional Canaday library Canaday claims Dear
ing banks and currency Weller railroads Os
born miscellaneous corporations Fritz state
prison Lee university and normal school Gra
ham constitutional amendments and federal
relations Ransom public charities Dundas
privileges and elections Dearlng live stock and
grains Heapy miscellaneous subjects Johnson
medical societies Grothan asylums industrial
homes reform schools home fdr the friendless
Institute for feeble minded youth Grothan Im
migration Muflly mines and mining Talbot
manufacturers and commerce Beal labor Ran
som revenue Beal rules Beal soldiers home
Sykes Irrigation Feltz standing committees
Dearing highways bridges and ferries Schaal
The regular order being disposed of the
senate adjourned until 10 oclock Wednes
day morning
The house on the 12th reached bills on
second reading and thirty eight measures
were ground through the mill Cronks
bill house roll No 35 incorporates the
movement to prohibit gold Democrats from
securing recognition on election ballots
Sodennan of Thelps had a woman suffrage
measure Its provisions do not include the
privilege to vote at general elections for
Cue entire ticket but only for certain
The Douglas County election con
test was brought up by a communication
x4rom Secretary of State Piper Jenkins of
Jafferson will lead in the defense of the
Republican contestees Two bills were
introduced by Edson Rich one of which
authorize the printing of applications for
saloon licenses in any newspaper of gen
eral circulation House roll So 63 by
Rich relates to the construction of
roads and btidgP3 m Douglas County
Fouk of Gage imoved that Colonel Iloag
land be given tup minutes in which to ad
dress the house ou the merjts of the curfew
law as applied to cjties in Nebraska
Wooster and Follard opposed the motion
on the ground tha no bill covering the cur
few law was yet before the house When
a vote was taken however It was found
the house was largely in favor of granting
ten minutes time fo Colonel Hoagland
Jenkins from the committee on ruies of
which the speaker is chairman reported
that the rules of 1895 had been adopted
with several amendments and eliminations
Rule No 19 gives the privilege to each
member to refrain from voting As changed
it compels each member to vote on all bills
and questions Wooster and Loomis op
posed the change but it was the sense of
the house that rule as changed should pre
vail In the midst of the debate on house
rule changes the secretary of the senate
appeared and informed the speaker that
the senate had appointed a committee to
act with a like committee from the house
to consider the question of printing 1000
2000 or 5000 copies of the governors mes
sage Adjourned
The reading of the journal in the house
on the 18th was dispensed with without
much friction The Grst business taken up
was the motion made Tuesday evening to
indefinitely postpone action on the contest
case against the four Republican members
from Douglas County This motion was
carried Clark of Richardson then moved
to refer the question to the committee on
privileges and elections carried Action
taken Tuesday regarding the printing of
the governors message was reconsidered
and a motion to print 5000 cqpies was car
ried by a vote of 7 1 to 19 Straub of
Otoe presented a joint resolution on the
Maximum Freight Rate kaw and the
house concurred This resolution had been
previously offered In the Senate The com
mittee on supplies reported to the house
that they had found supplies sufficient to
carry on the business of the house with the
500 already expended The report also
stated that a large number of paper baskets
cuspidors and other articles of furniture
had been carried off by members of the last
house The report was accepted after con
siderable talk on the question of theft The
bill appropriating 90000 for expenses of
the Twetyrfifth session of the legislature
was ordered engrossed for a third reading
by suspension of the rules The jouse then
The senate was not in a talkative mood
on the i3th and what little business pre
sented itself f or consideration was tran
sacted speedily Mr Weller of Otoe asked
far the enforcement of rule 43 which de
nies ajjjttance to the senate floor to all
persons not numbers or employes of the
senate unless pfovfded with a ticket signed
by the president of the senate ifr Gra
ham of Frontier presented the jjsp of
emploj es agreed upon by the joint
Populist and Democratic caucus and
they were sworn in The postage mat
fer was brought up and the members voted
themselves five 2 cent stampls daily during
the session A number of bills were read
the first and second times On motion of
Mri Murphy the lYsc of nding commit
tees was ordered printed for theconypni
HCf the senate Mr ITowell of Douglas
moyedjthath pjjairman of each committee
to whom bills are lefbrrad shall be required
to notify the introducer of bjlls fco bp present
at the maetinof the committee at the time
said bill may foe sidered Agreed to
The senate committee Jistinpd to the re
port of the committee to chepk up the prop
erty belonging to tljo eenato Everything
was reported as being accounted for The
senate then adjourned
The Ugojs on the 1 ith decided to permit
the state to buy postage stamps for the
members sat down on a proposition for
free daily and weekly newspapers had a
photograph taken en group and turned
over to the committee on privileges and
elections the papers in the Douglas County
contest cases The most important bills in
troduced are as follows to prevent extor
tion and injustice in the collection of debts
providing for the establishment and main
tenance of a county college of science art
and industry within the several counties of
the state vesting a right in the voters of
the state of Nebraska to by a petition refer
any law enacted or proposed by the legis
lature to a vote of the voters of such state
and to reject the same by the ballot vest
ing a right in the voters of the state of Ne
braska to propose laws and enact the same
into full force and effect for the govern
ment of the state by direct vote of the
people who are qualified to vote for state
officials to prescribe the manner of such
legislation and provide punishment for all
offenders against the provisions of this act
to provide for the temporary issue of non-interest-bearing
warrants upon the state
treasurer and to provide for the redemption
and re issue of same to provide for a pre
sentation of the products resources and
possibilities of the state of Nebraska at the
Tennessee Centennial Exposition to be
held in Nashville Tenn May to Novem
ber 1897 to provide for the redemption of
all real estate sold on execution order of
sale and decree of courts and for the repeal
of the general stay law in the state of Ne
braska relating to real estate sold on exe
cution and order of sale
A number of bills were introduced in the
senate on the 14th and read for the first
time The bills offered on the 13th were
read the second time and referred to com
mittees After the noon recess the sena
tors sat in their places while a local photo
grapher took a couple of views of the sen
ate chamber Motions were agreed to
placing all employes under the direction
and control of the sergeant-at-arms and
also requesting the mayor of the city of
Lincoln to appoint the night watchmen of
the senate members of the city police force
without pay Mr Dundas of Nemaha of-
fered a resolution by request making the
salaries of state and county officials 80 per
cent of what they now are The senate
then adjourned
The bill appropriating 90000 for salaries
of members and employes were distributed
among the members of the house on the
15th This was the first bill printed It
was put upon its passage and passed Fol
lowing are the most important bills offered
in the house Relating to school lands and
funds to prevent the further sale of school
lands and to repeal said original chapter
to authorize the state of Nebraska to erect
maintain and manage a beet sugar factory
providing for the payment of taxes in in
stallments of not less than 25 per cent of
the amount due at time of payment and
repealing all acts in conflict therewith to
punish hog stealing and to punish persons
receiving or buying stolen hogs and to
punish all persons harboring or concealing
hog thieves A motion to adjourn to Mon
day was defeated so adjournment was
taken till Saturday at 10 a m
The senate was unable to take up leg
islative business for actual consideration
on the 15th because of the lack of necessary
facilities The resolution offered by Sen
ator Dundas relative tq a 20 per cent cut
in state and county salaries was made a
special order for Tuesday morning at 1Q
oclock The consideration of the gov
ernors message was made a special order
for 2 oclock Tuesday afternoon The fol
lowing bills were introduced To amend
the code of civil proceedure so as to provide
that the ovfner of any real estate against
which a decree of forecloseure has been
rendered or of any real estate levied upon
to satisfy a judgment or decree of any kind
may redeem the same at any time before
the confirmation of such sale by paying in
to the court the amount bid for said real
estate by the purchaser thereof together
with the interest accruing on such decree
or judgment to require owners or con
structors of irrigation ditches to construct
bridges over the same when such ditches
or canals cross a public highway to fix
commissions for selling live stock in the
state of Nebraska to prevent cruelty to
children in certain cases to prohibit the
employment of any child under the age of
Id years m any store office shon faotnw i
mine or other place to exceed three months
in any one year adjourned
The attemp fc to shut off the reading oi
the house journal on the 16th was a pro
nounced failure Consequently it was af
ter 11 oclock before Wooster of Merrick
moved that at the hearing of the Trans
Mississippi Exposition matter the opponent s
of the bill be given equal time by the
linance ways and means committee with
those who favored the measure Hull and
Harlan said that the hearing should be
held for the benefit of those who favored
the bill Wimberley of Lancaster was oi
the opinion however that boosters mo-
tion yas all rjght and when a yote was
takep it was found that a large majority
were with hiin Prepeding adjournment
until 2 oclock p ni Monday the following
bills were introduced To regulate tft
manufacture and sale of cidor tq prevent
adulteration deception and fraud therein
and to provide penalties for violations
thereof to define the liability of railroad
companies for damages sustained by em
ployes by reason of the negligence of other
employes to provide for the destruction of
noxious weeds and for the collection of ex
penses incurred thereby to fix penalties for
the violation of this act defining what shall
oe legal tender in tne payment of debt pro
posing an amendment to section 1 gf article
yii of the constitution q the state of
NebrHsHa relatfng to woman suffrage
to amend seotjon 189 of chapter xlx of the
Criminal Code entitled Offenses Against
Election Laws and to repeal said section
to assist and develop the Iowa Lake Shore
Gulf railroad in the state of Nebraska
to collect a direct tax on dogs for the pur
pose of creating a fund for the payment of
the bounty on wolves coyotes andwM
cats and the sunpmssjipu dQgmris
ance to preveiftdgsecratiqu oi the Ameri i
can flag tq anond section 4 ofphptey
lxxxix of the Compiled Statutes of Ne
braska of im entitled HSwamp lands
and to repeal said oricinal sentinn vrtL
roll No 108 to provide for Improving
and maintaining public roads
According to Mulhall the consump
tion of sugar per inhabitant in the vari
ous lending countries of the world is
as follows Sixty nine pounds iri th
United Kingdom of great Britaip and
Upland p ppuncls ip Denmark 2Q n
Poland 28 in France and Switzerland
IS in Sweden 1Q ip Belgium 15 in Ger
IPfiny 18 in Austria ll iu Norway
S in Russia 7 in Italy and o pounds in
Bpain and Portugal
What do you think of this scheme
of saving doctors bills by walking
barefooted in the grass Well it
saves shoemakers bills anyhow-
Philadelphia North American
Detailed Proccedmsrs of Seaate and
House Bills Passed or Introduced
ia Either Branch Questions of Mo
xaent to the Country at Iiarse
The Legislative Grind
The House witnessed a sensational
episode Tuesday Mr Johnson Cal
who recently made a bitter attack on Ed
itor Hearst of San Francisco and New
York was himself made the target of
denunciatory charges by Mr McGuire
Cal The wordy duel grew out of the
publication the Congressional itecord
as a part of Mr Maguires remarks on
Mr lounsons speech in which Mr Ma
guire defended Mr Hearst and without
the mention of Mr Johnsons name de
tailed some matters in Johnsons early
life when he resided in Syracuse N Y
Mr Johnson got the floor on a question
of privilege He was at times dramatic
He denounced Mr Maguires attack on
him as wanton and cowardly and told the
story of his indictment thirty four years
ago in New York for forgery and how
he had gone out to California to rear a
new homo and make a new name Then
with a bitter invective he paid his re
spects to Mr Maguire and Mr Cooper
of Wisconsin who characterized his at
tack on Mr Hearst as cowardly In re
ply Mr Maguire said He whines at
this attack on himself He thinks only
of himself Tie does not think of the
grief and anguish until it strikes him
self Why did not he think of these
things when he made the attack on an
other who was not present and who was
not a member of this body Those
charges are false and it ill becomes the
author of those charges to whine because
I reply Futile effort was made to hare
thejremaTks of both stricken from the
Record The Senate passed the day in
lively political debate upon the free
homestead and fourth class postmaster
The Senate in executive session Wed
nesday had up for a time the nomination
of David R Francis to be Secretary of
the Interior but no action was taken
Senator Vest of Missouri was the prin
cipal opponent of confirmation but he was
seconded by Senator Pugh of Alabama
Senator Gear introduced a new bill for
the settlement of the Pacific railroad in
debtedness constituting the Secretary of
the Treasury the Secretary of the In
terior and the Attorney General a com
mission with full power to make a set
tlement of the indebtedness of all the
bond aided Pacific roads to the govern
ment upon approval of the President
After a very dull day devoted to passing
bills of minor importance the House
plunged into a warm controversy over
a bill to tax oleomargarine and other
imitations of dairy products
The Senate Thursday passed the free
homestead bill It is a measure of far
reaching importance to the West The
effect of the bill is to open to settlement
all public lands acquired from Indians
free of any payment to the Government
beyond the minor office fees and to re
lease from payment those who have here
tofore settled on these lands The num
ber of acres involved is 32252541 which
would have yielded the Government at
the prices heretofore established 35
343000 The lands are mainly arid and
those who have settled upon them are un
able to make payment by reason of the
scanty products of the soil The Senate
adjourned until Monday The House
spent almost the entire day debating the
Grout bill to subject oleomargarine tnd
other imitation dairy products to th uwa
of the States into which they are trans
ported The bill was passed by a vote of
12G yeas to 9G nays The advocates of
the measure took the viw that the States
should be allowed to regulate the sale of
a product saHing under false colors and
the opponents that the bill would estab
lish a dangerous precedent and invade the
power of Congress to regulate interstate
commerce In a speech in support of the
bill Mr Henderson of Iowa said with
much emphasis The opposition to thia
bill comes from the capitalized in
tions in Chicago and Kansas Qy fc
comes from men like Armpw and Swift
who are destroying th great cattle in
terests of my Sliaee and other States by
keeping iovn the price of heeves and
keeping up the price of beofateak
The proceedings in the House Friday
were very tame It was private bill day
but the whole time was consumed in pass
ing House bjlls favorably acted upon in
committee of the whole before the holi
day recess The widow of the late Maj
Gen John Gibbon wfis the beneficiary of
one of the bills passed carrying 100 per
month and the widow of Brevet Gen W
A Nichols of another carrying 75 per I
month The free homestead bill whicM
came back to the House with Senate
amendments was referred under a ruling
of the Chair to the Commit on Public
Lands At the evening sssion fourteen
private pension U were reported with
a faYp recommendation Among
Jhem were bills granting a pension of 50
per month to the widow of Gen Green
Qiay Smith and 75 per month to the
widow of Gen Henry A Morrow The
last mentioned bill was advocated by ep
resentative Mercer who had the amount
increased fjom 50to the amount named
A bill has been repor ift the House for
a subsidy of SPW a year to the Pacific
Cfle Company r New York in which
3ames Scrymser and J Pierpont Morgan
are interested
Notes of Current Events
It is said that Adelina Patti ia
iaus to secure the decoration of the Lo
gion of Honor
Thethird and last of the torpedo boats
being built for the UnUed States at the
Columbian Iron Works was successfully
launched He total cost will be 97500
She is 160 feet long and sixteen feet
Frederick A Gregory private secretary
of Proprietor John Hodd of the Tifft
House at Buffalo and chief clerk of that
establishment has disappeared leaving
behind numerous bad checks and taking
with him it is alleged several thousand
dollars of his employers money
Dr Callot read before the Academy of
Medicine at Paris a remarkable paper
describing a decades experiments h
straightening the spines of hunchbacks
by pressure The novelty consists of the
means adopted to keep t spioe straight
for ten months by which time a cure is
4xj fl frx ttX ttx y ffyttflffif -x
Notary Publi
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
Office in JP O Building
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated
making it now more than ever worthy of the
reputation it has always borne of being
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Eoom Good Sample Boom
M JT DONOHEB Proprietor
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent withconservative banfetag
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
C a CORNELL President M V NICHOLSON Cashie
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York iflrst National Bank Omaaft
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats
Smoked Hams Breakfast JBacon and Yegetables
At StetterBOld Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA
Of the Choicest Brands
that this office is fully prepared at all times to -turn out
on the shortest notice in the most artistic and
workmanlike manner all kinds of
Job Printing