iA2jxiSBcifittjrttr ftJ - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT utroofcssbB to CHEfHYWUHTYlHOEPEWSHT JKBBT GOOD Editor sad Publisher VALENTINE CONTKffUED from first page paid to Indians aboat 17500 The government maiatafes a telephone line between this point atfd the agency giving connections with the agents of fice and poetoffice -St Rosebud and the telegrph offioe and warehouse here jin T 0 HORNBY The Use will fee in a short time to include tihe signal service and weather bureau The warehouse -here holds the ncorfor the largest -single days business dene 95 loads of freight having been dispatched for Rosebud on October 9th weaele Everyodyis interested in he kind Of weatl ler we have had and -for that reason TT S Weather Observer C R Watson kindly furnished us the fol lowing fcgaros Moi th Max Min Avg Precp Janu try- 66 February- 67 March 79 Apri 1 86 May 91 Junes 92 July 98 Aujjust 95 Sep temper 91 Oc 86 Nc jvensber 55 Di jcemer 59 3Tarly Avffbl 115 2G 36 1 -32 25 S 27 181 9 46 -288 32 62 67 43 68 448 -51 73 431 44 71 77 37 -59 273 17 4S 35 18 19 257 6 54 46 45 47 2162 lelcw zero ft Total for the yecr Charley has given ls the -best weath e r he eould but we are heartily a sfeamed of the November record In tavelTyears residence in Nebraska November was the -worst vmonth we twer f8aw for mean weather and But you will no- tice 62te weather averages up all right TFICHIGHT KSOEIVED tBeiew will be found the amount of Meghtcceoeived at the F E M V depothtiiug the -past year as reporc dby igent T C Northrojv -January IL745851 February 1651324 March 1657417 April 4369838 May - -1476705 June 1343001 July - 1311955 Atigest 1265274 September 2905148 October 5361680 Novonfcer -4706815 - - Saececiber 3789419 TofeL Z28SS0127 AWowiug one tonto the load this would ncaaKe 14jS90 -wagon 4oaas which blowing SJfeet rto eacb syagon and teasi would makearain Slmiies long Chink of it Sdoubleline from here taLosebudiWitbten mile lap or a single string alaaestito Stuart on -the pastier Gordon on the west TAXES PAID Cauutiyeasurer Crabb furnishes the following statement fof taxes paid each moRth December does not ap pear as tfee -accounts We not opted- up but ta6 for that month amount to almost asOiuch as all other months joombiued aiauary - -- -2474 5t iF cbruary 257657 March 2233 16 Apxil ZooJ 43 Mar- V d2141 35 Jun - 3612 47 July 1617 03 August 2343 39 September - 663 25 October 3557 82 oyeeiber 3750 38 rMORTXAGS RECORD JEuvidectly people with money p leqd sre cot afeaid of Oberry county prop erty if the rnojtgaga record for the lasfc year a any criterion kunty lerfc 5eor EHiott famishes us ith the fojjowingstatistips Filed fcarm wn o 62 - niouitt 50330 Satibtied 10 H 7m Chattel 230366 To - 395 Atnotint 24M5 212000 That investors are willing to leud 50000 on Cherry county farms h tjyly aiauoe fr piule aud ljj3 rcpurd v j klLl nifliiviiirhfrirfa i NECKWEAR W riave just received the fittest and most complete line of Neckwear ever seen in Valentine We have in the 518801 toent Windsors Four-in-hands Bows Bcarfs Flifcs LG CtC And we liave them in all colors and qualities Some of the hattclsomestties everman aetured See them D Stinaro THE CLOTHIER MAIN STREET - - WALEHSiNE personal knowledge -of over 6000 worth of chattel mortgages which were paid last month but owing to neglect were not released and do not appear in theabove figures MSm TOSHES A1H PIANTS A full line FRUIT TflfEES of best vari eties at iTARD atfMES prices Small fruits in large supply Millions of Strawberry plants very thrifty and wcllrooted Get the best near horns and save freight or express Send for price list to Nojitii JBed Nurseries North Bend DodgeCounty Neb of ehattel mortgages shows-that-stock-men-are gradually doing morebusiness on their own money The writer has MARRIAGE licenses Judge Walcott issued SB iciarriage licenses during4he year or an average of three per mouth Next -year we hope toxbe able to record an average of oneipex week owing to the married couples by35HE Desioorat Bert Hammond todk aeouple of young men to Springview Sunday He ays -someone broke intotthe Pres byterian church at JTorden -the other night and almost ruined the organ Contractorin Trouble Tb Omaha Bee of -this morning contaiasadispatch from Washington whick alleges that Owen Hille who havetae contracts for building the Indian schools at Rosebud -and iPine Ridge3btaiued the same by unfair methods Charges were made to the commissioner of Indian affairs hat all was not right and that gentleman has annulled the contract for Pine Ridge andsu8peudedtbatfor Bosebnfi pend ing aninvestigation Kesklovineda StoLcsHerse Judge Walcott heard a replevin case Tuesday wherein Alex Oharboaneau was plaintiff and Messes iEddinger and Sfeathswere defendants tftseems thatithe aaimaliin question was stolen sfrornfr fGharbonneau by an vlndian and being found in the possession of the defendants was replevined 2he horse bad -passed through numerous hands befQseat reached them but it was learned that jElmer Bristol wss the first pjucfcaser of the animaland sfchat gentlepian promptly naid the costs pf the ease and the judgment qf J 120 thusaavig alqt of litigation We cordially invite pll interested in edueational worfcyto attend our teach ers acsqeiation to e -held in Valentine in the High School touilding Saturday an 9il597 at 130 p m he fol lowng program wilijbe given ChildrQu Jleading and Literature Cd i5tidyl hap II - Mrs Belle Hornback Spyrce Method n History Miss Etta Brown The Personal Habits of the Teach er Miss Lottie Hubbard The Teacher as a Factor in Char acter Building Mary Hurley Professioqal Advantages ot the fteudjng Circle D H Thurston J3 CgjiriLi i X J Wished you all a very happy New Year thanks you all for the exceptionally large trade he has had and ASSURES YOU That in the future as in the paBt hoth in quality of goods and in low prices L70 AT OUJt 1UBB0N WINDOW u J - HE WILL LEAD Flatted Tor Stffcbiers P T Barnum was right when he Baid the American people like to be humbugged The truthfulness ofJthe recaark is exemplified Very ay and it does sometime seem as though the bigger the humbuggery the better the people like it Last week Dr B H Westfalls Herbs of Health Company entertained the people of Valentine with a lot of chpap and vulgar wit and prevailed upon numerous persons who are strange to say perfectly Sane to make them donations of various sums amounting to from 1 to 25 each Of coursethese persons received some thing Tor their money in the shape df adviceand medicineS Dr West fall -announced on his first night here thathis preparation Herbs of Health preparation but to advertise It would for that night only sell it ior 1 per -box Of source the price was never raised to 3 and on the third night he sold it forl and gave in ad ditions 50 cent bottle of oil whichwas guaranteed to cure anything from a sprained neck down to a corn or bunion Why it is that people wuTbe so foolish as to patronize these travel ing fakirs wheirtheir own townrissup plied with excellent physicians and pharmaciesis beyond comprehension Dr Westfalidid not make so much money from the public sale of his remedies as he did from the suffering humadifcywbo consulted himand his wife privately That seems tobe their greatest scheme even as it is the worst This paper says -nothing against the efficacy of the remedies sold but the chances are that they are worthless Preparations introduced under false pretences as these were are -generally goodfor nothing A6citlcntto Rosebualtace While maKinghis regular trip to Kosefeud last -Saturday Jas Wellford had an experience with ia -runaway team which might have proven serious Ashort distance beyondJD D Dunns the load on his stage began- to -shift and he stopped the team for the pur poses rearranging it While stand ing between the wheelsthe team-started to run throwing Mr Wellford to the ground overturning- the stage de molishing the top and spilling the ex press Kver all the couutry around The team ran into a fence a mite or so away vaud stopped The driver se cured -the animals picked up the scattered freight and went on to the agencyarriving there Sunday noon MessrsHugh McKeever Klent Hickson driller and Daniel bowler assistant nd provider of provender of theartesian well on the t Rosebud reservation spent New Years day inTjalentine and incidentally told a little -news regarding -their work Thegovernment has been driliing this wellf or about two years and the drills arenowdown about 2410 feet and -still goiqg Pipe used is six inches in diameter and five men are employed Indications f or striking a good flow of water were never better and the men are full of spirits inconsequence Mr iFowlen tells is the water which comes up in thebuckets let down is so hot a man cannothold his hand in it The JScys JRntertatn The young men of Valentine who have so often been the recipients of the hospitality of the Mystic Six en tertained the ladies with a card party and supper at The Donoher New Years night Eight couples- were present and jhigh five was the tgame played Four prizes were a warded NelUe Bullis and Dr Donoher won the rst prizes a handsome jewel box and scarf pin and Mac GSulltvan and Jgs Yeast captured the boobies one a doU in long clothes and -the other a Brownie man O A JS Offijpers Col Wood Post No 208 Department of Nebraska Grand Army of the Re public selected the fdltowmg officers last week and same w ill be installed Saturday afternoon Cowijyander John Duuu Chaplain H Razev Quartermaster W 11 Towue Adjutant J W Tucker The nojit holds reffular nittetinis on x- a j the second and fourth Saturdays of taci uiuuLli Wood3atike Xo 2 Jaouary 5 1897 The dance at Johnsons ranch was a grand fizzle Several more new scholars started to school Monday Mell Hanna and wife were seen on the streets Tuesday E D Valentine made a flying trip to Valentine yesterday Mrs C M Baily is very sick but we hope it is nothing serious C A Johnson and wife expect to start for Arizona to night Chas Day is with us again but -for how long we have not learned Miss Florence Reean left for her the people all well again we will try and send afew items Will Morgareidge is home on a months visit after which he will return to his school Will is a -good school maam The big girls in the neighborhood say there is no use of them going to a dance for all they can do is to sit in the corner and watch the little girls dance There was a- dance at J B Lords New Years night There was not a very big crowd on account of the bad weather but those there had a grand time Oscar 3Bii JPrecincr Hello Bob Mrs Heckle and son Willie were in Valentine last week The young if oiks enjoyed a dance at Len Winslovs after the l Christmas tree Friday night Mrs Nichols and family ArSteeles Bovils and Morse -each devoured a turkey Christmas Chaslticketts andWm Wilsomwere driving around on the river Sunday in search of Santa Claus James Lawriedrovedown from the west part of the county to spend Christmas with his bestgirl FRYanish and wife Obe Church and family J B NicholB and John Bails spent Christmas inGordon The Christmas tree and entertain ment at the Garner -school house Christmas night was a great success When it coraos to gettingup an enter tainment MissJsis Lincolnds hard to beat -Sandy East German The bachelors at the -falls-are having a- big time these days Dicksays he can turn pan cakes as well as he could a year ago Lon Mosher and Henry Bdllardliave gone to thesflats to finish -stacking hay Bev Johnston has biscorn gathered The neighbors turned out and gave him a lift Frank Eeece was home last week but returned to Valenbine He is freighting ito the ibrickyard Snow Flake Dan Sears has gone to Loup -county Mjrs J Gee and daughter are on the sick -list R Stilwell is carrying the mail to Kennedy Ex Postmaster Capt Doc D A Piercy is reported sick M Duuhdin and his children are re ported sick Erick Arneson has taken Mr Dunhams place carrying the mail JStiuurd uii Camel in his store It RED FR l home in Iowa one -day last week Clarence Walcott and wife are visit ing friends in town for a lew days The Dentist Dr Nicholson is in town today Come everybody -that wants to be murdered MrH R Spilman stopped here over Sunday He brought his little son back with him and left him in the care of Mrs H E Dewey and daugh ter Sadie Kellys Aunt Simeon Bob Thompson is suffering with a bruised hand I wish some nice girl would take pity on Harvey Clarence Carson is baling hay for Frank Thompson The smiling face of C Ainsley was seen in town Saturday Charley Bennett lost a -fine yearling last week with the black leg Mrs Stratton has moved to Simeon for theiemainder of the winter Well asthe busy time is over and W E HALEY 0NTV Will be in Line From now until the end of tinid To supply your wants in Dress Hoods Consisting of Serges Cashmeres Sackings Fleeced Persians Flannelettes I00TS SHOES GROCERIES NOTIONS jgents for the celebrated FLEXIBONE Corsets wliieli we carry in stock E n 55 J ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska The u DONOH 31 vjT frWXOHEJl JvQpiciG Has been rebuilt and rooms ftiraiSied with NEW SUltlS GXF EUiKrTITTJRE MaMngit the met completefand comfortable -HOTEL IN T HE NORTSWEST SAMPLE MM AND LIVERY STABLE E GONNEGTtOM Valentine Nebraska in toilet goods Sphodl Beport of school in district No 34 for the month ending December 25tb 1896 Number of pupils -enrolled 23 Names of those not absent during the month- Oscar Smalley James Hunt Ransom Hnnt Cena Hunt Emma Hunt Bertha Alder Roy Alder Grace Dahlgrin Arthur Dahlgnn Alfred Dahlgrin Andrew Dahlgrin Golda McNamee Harry Heath Pearl j Speace Names of those not tardy during the winter Bertha Alder Essa Alder Roy Alder Oscar Smalley James Hunt Ransom Hunt Elma McNamee Lulu Sellers Lee Sellers Lura Gallop Teacher 31 i 1 1 1rlaeujor JFeert Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c 600 - Chop Feed 70c 1000 Corn 50c oriis Joe i i i - TO GO -And in ifhrtt respect he is likfe C R WATSON J our line of TOYa DOLLS FANGTaOODS ETC ETG Out of the immense stock we carried before Christmas there are a number of choice articles left -and they must go though prices have to be reduced to -coat Ev erything is up-to-date Come in nd see Some excellent bargains Another thing woriih noting is the fact that we carry a full line of drugs and proprietary medicines and yon need not TRY AM EXPERIMENT When you wish -to get rid -of that simple ailment of yours A complete line of all the standard remedies constantly -on hand It is a matter of pride as well as bus iness with us to always ha ve what you want G M SAGESER 1NS0R1AL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W II Mose3 building HOT M 010 BATHS Taleatiae Nebr LADIES 16- GOLD -16 WATCH O W MOEEY j m A