The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1897, Image 7

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Husband and Wife Restored to Health
by Hoods Saraaparllla
J Impure blood is often the cause of a
long train of ailments The blood is
the vital fluid upon which all the or
gans depend for nourishment When
this nourishment falls to be supplied
properly the whole system feels ti
ifect Read this letter
Several years ago I was taken with
the grip and I was sick all winter I
had nervous prostration and a long
4 v
ft train of ailments that rouow cioseij
with that rerrible malaay Last winter
It seized me again It went to my lunge
and I had congestion of the lungs and
kidney and liver trouble When I felt
its approach I
Quickly Resorted to Hoods
Sarsaparilla and a glorious result
followed I was on my feet the
first winter for seven years The symp
toms of the disease left me and the
ailments connected with it For sev
eral years my husband was a sufferer
with rheumatism and neuralgia He
was all run down and in a very bad
way He took many kinds jof medicine
without any permanent benefit until
he began taking Hoods Sarsaparilla
This medicine cured the pains of rheu
matism and neuralgia and he said he
felt like a new man If all those who
ar suffering from nervous troubles or
rheumatism would give Hoods Sarsa
parilla a trial they would find that it
speaks for itself Mrs F G Pratt
Vheaton Illinois
The Somewhat Despised Vegetable Is
Useful and Wholesome
Few realize that perhaps the most
useful of all vegetables to the cook as
well as the housewife is the savory
and healing onion Soups sauces
chowders made-over-dishes in fact al
niuit every meat or fish dish that is
served Is seasoned with a few drops
of onion juice and one would wonder
what was wrong If this juice was omit
ted History classes the onion among
the oldest vegetables known and it Is
spoken of with deference The onion
was among the things the Israelites
longed for while in bondage and a
tourist traveling through the eastern
countries writes that it is not to be
wondered at as the onions grown in
Egypt are most delicious A celebrated
medical authority says
Onions make a nerve tonic not to be
despised No other vegetable will so
quickly relieve and tone up a worn
out system and they should be eaten
freely particularly by brain workers
and those suffering with blood and
nervous diseases He further says
Nothing will clear and beautify a poor
complexion sooner than the eating of
onions in some form
If onions are prepared properly there
Is little or no odor from them left in
the breath and for lovers of uncooked
Vsliced onions it is well to know that if
sT1spchj of parsley is clipped in vinegar
and eaten no unpleasant odor in the
breath can be detected With so much
to recommend it the onion in some form
should be found frequently upon the
daily menu
Onions should be cooked always in
agate or porcelain lined vessels for
Ironware Is liable to make them dark
colored If the onions are held under
water while peeling there will be no
shedding of tears To extract the juice
from an onion cut a thick slice from
one end of the vegetable and press the
cut surface against the coarse grater
moving the onion a little and letting
the juice run from the corner of the
grater Cut off another slice of the
onion and repeat until you have the
desired quantity
They are best suited to be happy
who are neither too high nor too low
high enough to see models of good man
ners and obscure enough to be left in
the sweetest of solitudes
ImAo Principal TliMntnT V S Fadaa Bmbma
3 jrs ia last xrar 15 aodKikig mUy riaM
VI IVlVICnrodlalOtaOeDaTs HaPfcrUH
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use j
lntroe Bow by arucKlsta
ft PC
AM Dflwtfl
Their atsiaiDMli toIDeatnxctloa W3mr
JQne peculiarity o the buffalo inow
almost extinct -was 4ts habit when
stampeded of dashing blindly forward
against over or through anything that
might be in the way When running
a herd of buffalo followed its leaders
and yet these leaders lost tke power of
stopping or even of turiilag aside be
cause they were constantly crowded
pon and pushed forward by those be
hind Tills explains why herds would
dash into mire or quicksands as they
often did and thus perish by the thou
sands Those in front could not stopk
while those behind could not see the
danger toward vhloh they were rush
ing So too tboy ran into rivers or
into traps made for them by the In
dians or against railroad cars or even
dashed into the rivors and swam blind
ly against the 6idee of steamboats
Tlie buffalo were fond of rolling in
the dirt and to this habit practiced
when the ground was wot are due the
buffalo wallows which so frequently
occur in the old ranges and which
often contain water after all other
moisture except that of the streams is
dried up Thes wallows were formed
by the rolling of a succession of buffalo
in the same moist place and were often
quite deep They bare often been de
scribed Less well known was the hab
it of scratching themselves against
trees and rocks Soinetimos a solitary
erratic bowlder five or six- feet high
may be seen on the bare prairie the
ground immediately around it being
worn down two or three feet below the
level of the surrounding earth This is
where the buffalo have walked about
the stone rubbing against it and where
they trod loosening the soil which has
been blown away by the wind so that
in course of time a deep trench was
worn about the rock Often single
trees along streams were worn quite
smooth by the shoulders and sides of
the buffalo
When the first telegraph lino was
built across the continent the poles
used were light and small for trans
portation over tho plains was slow and
expenive and it was njpt thought sec-
essary to raise the wires high above
the ground These poles were much re
sorted to by the buffalo to scratch
against and before long a great many
of tiiem were pushed ovor A story is
told of an ingenious employe of the tel
egraph company who devised a plan
for preventing the buffalo from dis
turbing the poles This be expected to
accomplish by driving Into them spikes
which should prick the animals when
they rubbed against them The result
somewhat astonished the inventor for
it was discovered that where formerly
one buffalo rubbed against the smooth
telegraph poles ten now struggled and
fought for the chance to scratch them
selves against the spiked poles the
iron furnishing just the irritation which
their tough hides needed
Cecil Rhodes Dislike t Women
Often mentioned is Cecil Khodes dis
like to women and the fact that he
will not allow a female to serve him in
any way He had a secretary to whom
he was much attached One day he
announced the fact that he was going
to be married The chief was thunder
struck and after glaring at him for a
second growled out Where the devil
am I to get another secretary and
then walked out of the room and
banged the door Hia innate goodness
of heart however prevailed after a bit
for he presented the bride with some
lovely diamonds and when soon after
he left for England he lent the young
couple his carriages and horses so that
the offending bride was enabled to re
turn her wedding calls at his expense
It never occurred to him however to
keep his favorite secretOiry on The
mere fact of his marrying put that quite
out of the pale of possibility
The man who scoffs at the friendly advice
to take something for that cough will keep
on coughing until he changes his mind or
changes his earthly residence A great many
scoffers have been converted by the use of
the standard cough remedy of the past half
century Ayers Cherry Pectoral But some
are scoffing and coughing yet They wheeze
with asthma bark with bronchitis or groan
with the grippe Singular is nt it the number
of stubborn people who persist in gambling
with health and perhaps life as the stake when
they might be effectually cured of cough cold
or lung trouble by a few doses of
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
More particulars ttboat Pectoral ia Ayerja Curcbook xoo pages
Sent freA J C Ayer Co Zrowell Mass
Vfc szSS ytfScV fjrSL jiSi
1 i
A Generous Senator
Senator Ben Wade of Ohio one of
the- intellectual giants developed by the
civil war carried his brains in a head
as bald as an elliptical billiard ball
But he always wore a beautiful glossy
wig of jet black hair One day just
after he had concluded a very strong
speech in Congress he was waited up
on in the lobby of the Capitol by a
young woman
Senator began the young woman
I have listened to every word you
have uttered to day with the greatest
of interest and ohl what a galant man
you are Would you object to give me
a curl of your hair to carry home to
Ohio with me
Why certainly madam you can
have it all answered the Senator re
moving the wig and handing it to the
astonished woman
coff and Coush
To gaze upon the latest style
Sometimes one has to pay
Last night I viewed a lovely hat
But did not see the play
Is Wheelbed a man of his word
I fear not He says he has a bicycle
lamp that never goes out New York
Evening Journal
What is a coign of vantage papa
Something American girls use in
catching foreign husbands my son
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
He cautiously If I should propose
would yon say yes She still more
cautiously If you knew I would say
yes would yon propose Truth
That horrid Miss Blumers tries to
be so mannish She actually smokes
cigarettes I dont see anything man
nish in that Indianapolis Journal
Benedict That adageMarry in hast
and repent at leisure is all bosh Sin-
gleton Why Benedict -Because mar
ried men have no leisure- oston Trav
Did you hear what Brief the lawyer
has for his motto No What
Where theres a will theres a way to
break it Cincinnati Commercial
Wiggles Hang it all Ive got a cold
coming on Waggles sympathetically
Yes just think of all the advice that
youll have to take about it Somer
ville Journal
And you broke off the engagement
said one young man Yes not brutal
ly you know But I managed it
How Told her what my salary is
Washington Star
George Is it true that your cousin is
in love with Jack Fitzbooby Fred
You can judge for yourself She eats
her dinner before she opens his letters
Roxbury Gazette
Any diversions at your boarding
house Widdleton Yes every morn
ing at breakfast we all quarrel about
whether the weather is colder or warm
er Chicago Record
Bufferton married a highly intel
lectual woman She doesnt ever
have much to say No but she sees
that the carving knife is always kept
sharp Chicago Record
It is indeed hard said the melan
choly gentleman to lose ones rela
tives Hard snorted the gentle
man of wealth hard It is impossi
ble Cincinnati Enquirer
Excited Traveler Get me to the sta
tion in three minutes and Ill give you
five dollars Driver Cant do it sir
ye might bribe me but ye cant corrupt
me horse Detroit Free Press
Prohibitionist If you didnt drink
you might be worth five thousand dol
lars Arid Atkins I know boss but
wot good would five thousand dollars
do me if I didnt drink Puck
Magistrate Do you mean to say such
a physical wreck as he is gave you that
black eye Complaining Wife Sure
your honor he wasnt a physical wreck
till after he give me the black eye
Walker Rownde Say Ploddy what
would youse do if youse had Vander
bilks income Plodder Pyke Dafs
dead easy but what would Vanderbilk
do if he had mine Baltimore News
Perkins to tramp Get out of this
now we dont permit anybody to lie
around here Tramp Excuse me sir
Didnt know it was you or I wouldnt
thought of competing Boston Courier
How oft do Congressmen awake
To find their hopes have fled
This is the speech he thought hed made
t t I t
And this is what he said
I second the motion
Washington Star
Papa I understand that the young
man who is calling on Mabel is a little
wild Jack Not at all Every time
Ive been out with him when it got to
be 3 or 4 oclock he wanted to go home
Dick Hicks watching he orchestra
Those musicians dont care anything
about the director Mrs Hicks How
do you know Dick Hicks The more
he shakes that stick at em the harder
they fiddle Puck
Dablin The members tell me that
Fadaway Is one of the best members of
the Rockrib Athletic Club Wablin
Why hes no athlete Dablin Thats
true but then he pays his dues regu
larly Roxbury Gazette
Speaking of the financial policy of
the incoming administration began
McSwilligen when Squildig interrupt
ed him Awfully sorry old man but I
havent a dollar about me now I shall
be broke until payday Pittsburg
I wonder what that man is so angry
at himself about said the mosquito
during the half hour I have been fly
ing around his head he has done noth
ing but hit himself in the jaw every
half minute or so Indianapolis Jour
So you were at the opera last
night Yes How were the
voices Excellent The way those
boys rendered Opera books lxwks of
the opera left an impression on the
audience that will not soon be for
gotten Roxbury Gazette
Judge to defendant You are accus
ed of having terribly beaten two night
watchmen last night What tempted
you to do this Defendant My feeling
of humanity judge because for one
night watcJumen that clubbing would
have been too much German ex
The Army Uniform May Bo Gray
It may be some years yet but I would
not be surprised if the time came when
the color of the uniforms of all armies
that Is the uniforms of the fighting ar
mies would be changed to gray or
what will be better a dried grass color
says an army affieer who has given
much attention to the subject In an
official way Statistics show the pro
nounced colors in uniforms operate
against their wearers in that it makes
them conspicuous Many of the longest-headed
officers of our army favor
a change of color for the uniform that
is the uniform for fighting service For
dress parades of course there Is no
need of changing the blue Our senti
ment is strongly in favor of it and will
continue that way though our experi
ence has been that blue and especially
dark blue has caused the death of
thousands of men who might have es
caped death were they not so easily
0e Secret of IiOHKOxitr
Those anxious to prolong this rapid transi
tory existence f onra beyend tho average
span should foter his digestion negatively
ly abstaining from indiscretions In diet and
afllrmatlrely by the use of that peerless
stomacfile Hostetters Stomach Bitters
when he experiences symptoms 9 indiges
tion The Impairment of the digestive func
tion Is fatal to vigor Subdue with the Bit
ters also fever and ague biliousness and
Early Ue of thp Flxrrr
Plowing was undoubtedly first done
with a forked stick the long arm be
ing harnessed in some primitive way
to an ox or team of oxen and the short
arm pointed for the purpose of pene
trating th ground The plow Is one
of the oldest of agricultural imple
ments and it is a curious faot that in
Oriental countries the same kind of
plow is used now as was described by
the writers of 2000 years go The
plow represented on the Egyptian mon
uments or auuu a u may De soen in
the Valley of the Nile to day Our
patent office has over 10000 models of
plows In Egypt Syria and India there
is but one and that the one which lias
been in use for -thousands of years
The plow described by Virgil 81 B C
is In use in many country districts of
Italy to day
Tho Best Roofing Material
The problem of roofing is one that has
foug received the attention of builders
and property owners generally To find
a material that would resist the action of
the elements prove impervious to the ac
tion of gases so often generated in man
ufacturing establishments and that
could be relied upon under the meet trying
conditions has received much attention
from ambitious inventors From the
thatched roofs of the early settlers the
evolution slowly progressed through vari
ous stages of shingles tin tar and iron
all of which have been found wanting in
many respects To day after long ex
perimenting it is conceded that the only
material meeting all the requirements of
the perfect roof is Fays Manilla Roofing
This material looks and feel like leather
will not rust or corrode is impervious to
the action of gases and is absolutely
water proof It will outwear the roof
of tin or iron and in eyorv way is by
far the most economical - It alto forms
a durable substitute for planter on walls
and is largely used for this purpose Ev
eryone who is interested in roofing on a
large or small scale can secure samples
of this material by addressing The Fay
Manilla Roofim Co Camden K J
Will Choose Her Own Husband
Wilhelmiua of Holland will be of age
next August and will then bo crowned
Queen For boh time rumors havu
been circulated reporting her engage
ment to this or that prince but these
rumors are premature More than once
she has declared that she would prefer
to remain single as long aa possible
At any rate It is certain that the Queen
will choose for herself Only recently
she said I love my loyal s nbjeots and
hope to please them in every way But
if they believe they have a voice In tho
choice of mjT husband they the decided
ly mistaken If extreme measures
should be resorted to against me 1 6hall
be more energetic than v I will not
be married against my will and I will
not be married at all if 1 am not allow
ed to have a voice in the matter
Catarrh and Throat Specific
There is perhaps no other remedy be
fore the public that has given such uni
versal satisfaction in the relief and per
manent cure of catarrh and throat troubles
as the renowned Cutlers Inhaler so
simple in its application and yet so effi
cacious in its results For over twenty
years this remedy has been in use until its
popularity has made it a household neces
sity for the ailments named The remedy
is put up by the well known firm of W H
Smith Co Buifalo N Y who send it
by mail on application or it can be pur
chased of all druggists
The orbit of Mars Is so elliptical that
the planets distance from the sun
varies to the extent of about 26000000
miles Since the earths orbit does not
differ greatly from an exact circle its
distance from that of Mars varies at
different points fo about the same ex
nails Ilair Renewer is pronounced the
best preparation made for thickening the
growth of the hair and restoring that
which is gray to its original color
Circus rings always are uniform in
size Circus horses are trained to per
form in a standard ring forty two feet
in diameter In a larger or a smaller
ring their pace becomes uneven Irreg
ular and unreliable and the riders in
turning somersaults are liable to mis
calculate the curve and miss their
I believe Pisos Cure is the only medi
cine that will cure consumption Anna
M Ross Williamsport Pa Nov 12 95
You may pulverize ice but it is ice
still but let a sunbeam fall on It and
it is soon dissolved Abuse however
severe and humiliating never softens
men but kindness will melt tbe most
L Waxt to Buy a Fabm J Map
Wankejcan 111
Vladimir II of Russia had but one
arm his right having been taken off
at the shoulder by a blow from a battia
DeaJnoos Cant JJe Curat
By local applications as thoy cannot reach the
diseased portion of tho ear Tbero is only one
way to euro deafness and that li by constitu
tional xeinedloa Deafness Is caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tuba When this tube gets In
tiuuicd you have a rumbling lound
hearing and -when it is entirely closed
Deaf uo88 ia tho result and unlws the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tubo restored to
its normal condition hearing will bo destroyed
forever nine cases oat of ton ara caused by ca
tarrn wbiob U nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous uurfacos
Wo -a ill glT Olio Hundred Dollar for any
caso of Deafness cauiHtl by catarrh th tt we
cnnot cure by taUiig Halls Catarrh Cure
Send for circulars it9
P J CHXH3Y CO Toledo O
Bold by Druggists 75c
At the average intervals of about two
years and fifty days the earth passes
between the planet Mars and the sun
bringing It into opposition to the
sun at which times we make our near
est approach to the planet
You Want a Farm
We have fifty miles went of Houston at
Chestervile the best tract in Texas Jligh
prairie well drained abundant rainfall
good soil low prices and cay terms Write
and receive our book Fertilo Farm Lands
lree and information as o cheap excur
sions and tree tare Address Soutiikrk
Texas Colonization Co John Linder
holm Mgr 110 Kialto Building Chicago
About ten millions of dollars In gold
is now concealed in the teeth of people
In the world
You wear out clothes on a wash board cm time as
much as on tho body HuvfooiU BurDobDlns
Elocrlc Soap of your grocer aca bare this Usolciut wear
Hade cer since 1805 Dont take Imitation Thera
are lots of uiom
A He is always an enemy no matter
how friendly it may look
Mrs Wlnalows Bootbixo Dibit for Children
teething softens the Kum rsauco luflcmniatloa
alUyg pain cure lad colic V cenfd a bottle
A PROHPtAND certain cure no one
iBfc0jj2al I fflffi
QmrMpzik WpJ 1J21A
And true Is tho verdict of the people regarding
Hoods Sarsaparilla Catarrh scrofula rhsu
matlsra dyspepsia nervous trouble yield to
d s
Trio best Id fact the uuu True Blood Iurlller
Hnnrfc Dllfc cure nausei ludlceitlon
11UUU Xiils bulousneis 2fi cents
CUrrh Incipient con
a tmpUou and bronchi
tis can be cured in 3
months t km e by our
course of treatment
Inhalnrbr mau
i i i - ii i ii Mn
Wot affected
So TLX1HT nop TZATTIH Oullastt tin or iron
i Durable nbithiitoTor Plastcron walls
Vator Prof fclieathlntr f me material ths
beatohsapstD tbemarVetWrits forsamplMotc
Examination and advlca as to Patentability of lnren
yens Send tor Intkntors Ouidk or How to Qbt a
pXTBtrr Patrick UFarrdl Washington OC
2 7
yW2ilSre relief i ommri
R5gggag3g52B3Cbrleown uoco
There are no excuses not to use
T 1TJ7 -- r - - g
L ii
refuses z
m b t iumiiQ iiHPni
Important Notice
HOW did Ee t tfee Once a vigorotis
prosperous wistaess man How did he
ore triers Bv cettinor In the Humos
jJNwhen his Iivcc was lazy losing nis temper
i losing his good sense losing his Business
When Yon Feel Mean and Irritable
send at once for a box of Cascareta Candy Cathartic the
kind you need in your business JOc 25c 50c any drug
store or mailed for price Write mrbookktandfrccsampk
The only genuine Bakers Chocolate
celebrated for more than a century as a de
licious nutritious and flesh forming bever
age is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel
low Labels Be sure that the Yellow Z
Label and our Trade Mark are on every
WALTERBAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass
Mifrg iosS frg esm I ft I i 1 8 0
A literary man used to the niceties of expression and fond also of the
pleasures of the table in speaking of
says CI couldnt recommend this remedy as heartily as I do if I didnt
believe in it I am not much of a medicine taker I am opposed to
medicine on principle There ought to be no need of mediclne just
as there ought to be no poverty but there is If people lived right
they would be well Sunshine air exercise fun good food plenty and
not too much are the best medicines the natural ones but men are tied
to their desks and women to their home cares and both are tied to fash
ion Civilized existence is artificial and needs artificial regulators I
recommend RlpansTabuIes and take them myself I know they are both
harmless and effective XI know what they are made of They are the
best remedy I knownythin about for headaches or indigestion or
biliousness or any sort of sluggishness in the system And they are in
tho handiest possible shape to carry in the pocket