iUmM THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCkSBOR TO - CHERRY COUP INDEPENDENT - 0BRT G005 Editor aiid Publkher Official Pnper tof Cherry teuu -4 I - ty SiebraHka 1JW gerJTevr in Avanoe FUBLIBHED EVERY THflfesDiY are but siignti r interested m Golden ilrrigationitustrict the The order of the board of foealth to citizens of Valentine should not be disregarded J4fe is precious and a little cleaning up may save mauy doctor bills as well as lives vCarpentoraarestillatwort on cabinet and changes are made everyday It is probable that McKlnley -will take a -hand about JMarch 4 and make his own cabinet With the legislature in session at Lincoln with Cleveland holding Con gress at bay and the war in Cuba to distract public attention there is no need of loyal Nebraskane dying of cnnuT ghatever that is St tPaui used the Parthenon at Athens a3 a model for her 4ce palace this wfnterbut jfor graceful outlines symmetrical proportions and general beauty it can not compare with our j There is going to be lots -of fun over the seating of lyirkpatricivjand Neville s supreme judges all departments of thestate government are to be turned WJQugifle out and thoroughly aired and sheoj will be raispd in general at the state capital so newspapers will flotWauLfar eaitorial topics during the next few months The great New York democratic Qrganization Tammany has tjeenlield up ashevorst thing ever known in politics bat when ltrcomes to spending jnoney thereformJadministraton of JJew York catf give it cards and spades and win out easily The in crgasfediCpst of She ity government jforiie yqar 1S96 ws 65196117 Suo ithan in -1895 and the taxpayers iiave been aasessqd liigher than ever before - r Jt sesms to us that the crime f rfirimmaliconspiracyls one that goes Unpunished more than any other crime By this means banks are broken husipess men ruined and thousands plunged into want and mis eryhy thegratificatjion of this wicked deske to rule or ruin Anything that tends to-make- the innocent suffer vrithjjnguilty is a blofcupqnciyiliza 4ion and a stateof things worthy of theetitmQal trpjB1 men don dmrndL -- Tho Hyannis Tribune is after stock ju8tleSjrOf all kindsand advocates a noveg5etliod 6f punjshingthe rascals It mwasitBlng inoe nor less than that allterested should petition Con jgresir5jasViatbill oiaking itaserious offence foxanyone tp drixe v hold uporiaiiyovernment land stolen stock In support of thjs method the Tribune says As it iiiow there is one connected with jfche BtiBiWot those who -axe trying to suppress it Besort to the gunning jpetod is uxiplfiasant to ail concerned And progecutiqn in the courts results in uuju6fc acquittal It is quite dis iiouragjag to oneprosecuting to spend jjjundrec of dollars to hunt - down a rustler cjsariy guilty only to have him acquitiedy a jury tof his peers who uiay4je in the ame business or have air underground affinity for it Tbo stocking cant afford to surrender and let the rustlers have a lear field cor yet jan ihey afford to put tp tsoney iqbnc Juries that in ivjlb TtTVORCE LAWS NEED SIOK -The divorce laws pf the various States should be so amended or revised that they will conform each other in essential principles if ttot entirely and to attain that end it is suggested that nnmmitteea be aoDointed by the Entered atthe PoeVoffice at vaieHttae Cherry teounty NeStaska as Second class matter This ipaper will be mailed regularly to itsinbtersuntihadgiteorder to dwiontiiueTfeceiveand all AdroriVrta rates o0 per inch per nvontk Bates per column or for long time adB madeifcaawn on appli eatioc to this office- - THURSDAY JAOTARX7 1897 897 laceoiiaaliveonce more and the war ufTubageeB merrily on The people- of Cherry county are to bs concratttlated outhe fact -feat they j - with a view to the formation of a law to he presented and passed in the states which are represented this would -at least save a whole lot of troublend prevent many people from having -two or more legal husbands or wivesrQt the same time A peculiar case WR3 recently decided in a New Tork iraurt wherein a woman obtain- ed a divorce iu South Dafeota and re i married Her husbandlived in New York and he alsaapplfed for a divorce which was granted tho judge holding thattbe divorce granted the womsn wasyroid in New Yotk and that her second marriage wastatutary grounds forthe granting of u divorce to her first husband Te question now arises Was tb womans second marrage legal Everyday almost the need of rjew divorce laws is brought out Take this case for example Judge Kinkaid grants a divorce to a certain -party Under our state law the divorced I parties cannot remarry for six months aftefthe divorce is obtained1 but in South Dakota the lavr contains no -such provision One of the parties desires to remarry and crosses the state line one week afterward andwithouteven the formality of obtaining a license is Jegaliy married The absurdity of the thing is immense Ofnvhat avail is our carefully constructed divorce law if it may be thus easily evaded Either the present law should be re pealed or steps should -be taken to makeit binding JACKSON DAY Tomorrow Eriday January 8 is the aaniversnry of the battle of New Or leans fought in 1S15 with that great democratic leader Old Hickory Andrew Jackson commanding the American forces This day has by common consent been set apart as the one -particular day upon which all democrats should show their loyalty to their party and in many citiesUt will be observed by banquets parades or speeches In Valentine we will not do eitner or tnose tilings out tins paper calls upon all followers ofJackson and Jefferson to celebrate the day by reis teringAivowthat they -will remain loyal to the party and the principles it represents that they will gird up their loins and regardless of our recent disastrous defeat will be found behind the breastworks of truth honor and honesty in politics when next assailed by the enemy The methods used in the last campaign to compass our de feat will not obtain in the next and if all remain loyal we will win the next battle even as Jackson wont the battle of New Orleans though the odds were apparently very great against hira jHurrahfor Jaoksonl Hurrah for democracy GLOVEE WAS RIGHT Acouple of weeks ago the Brownlee Horuet said The Valentine official has decided that the Hornet cannot lawfully pubjj nsh pnal proot notices for various reasons One was that it was started for campaign purposes and to secure final proof notices and that there is no support -for a paper because so few people live here and other equally absurd imaginations The fact of the matter is that very few people in Val entine realize that anyone lives down la this part of the county but the time is not far distant when they will see the error of their waysKand they will no doubt feel disposed grnt us our rights aW if the land office officials or othersthink they can kilt us off by withofdmg patronage hat justly and lawfully belongs to us we can as sure them that thev are barkinsr ud the wrohgtreef the prospects are that- isre will be here sometime yet n its last issue the same papei con tained the olio wing With this issue the -Hornet will cease to visit you - Our reasons for discontinuing the publication of ithis paper at Brownlee are that we expect to engage in the newspaper business at Springview this state The Newport Republican of last week contains an article in which the editor advocates the appointment of Mr jL P Brown qf Hammond Eock county for receiver of the U S land officetkere to succeed J A Fike at the espiration of that gentlemans term of office -Mr Brown is de scribed as an old soldier he head of a iamilv is a farmer aadas been a resident of Hock county for seven years Mr Brown may he a good mau in fast we think he is but as this is his first step in politics he may find a rough toad bstore him MkftttMNMUMBM The village board of Springyiewhaa passed an ordinance1 requiring all doga which aro allowed to run on the streets to be muzzled The treasury bureau of statistics re pent that we imparted wood and j manufactures thereof to tbo value of rious stale - legislatures wis winierj w w withOctober 896 against 17002- 270 for the corresponding time In 1895 Turning to exports of wood andmanu features thereof we find that the total value was S2yliJoy42 for the ten rv ff0ods shops lnof vonr nnrntriRr a9499Q53fl I uv jt TuMuww for the same time the year before The latest convert to the full vato assessment plan of raising taxes is tlh Alliance Pioneer Grip In cofBmewt ing on the subject theOrip says At the rate people are going soon not be enough property taxed to maintain any government at ahVall of which is a tendency iiack to barbarism and customs of the untutored savage With so many of the newspapers up holding the law and demanding its en forcement the assessed valuation of the state will surely take a raise this year plenty of cash for that purpose any i way t wil be great times for the country when everything is as prosperous-- Alliance Grip Bro G IV Fritz of Brownlee has killed his Hornet thefuneral serruoi being pronounced -last Friday H goes to Springview to engage in tin newspaper business aud The Demo chat wishes him success Mr Friz is an able young man and we like hi u even if his politics are a shade fl color This paper did all that it coul to keep the -Hornet aliv3 clippiiu therefrom freely butthe proper fooc silver and gold at a ratio of ljS to 1 was lacking and it died Papers than class are most generally sho -lived when they start with nothing hu wind and large gobs of hope for foundation but the majority have hi sacks ot gall to buoy them p vnd tbatrespect theHoruht waa lacking -KEEPING AT XT While on its deathbed last week tin Brownlee Hornet said The Demo crat ought to be satisfied with verdict or tne people on the com house question and let itrest until tlu next general election Now isnt tha pretty doctrine for a newspaper especially a populist newspaper to expound Why bless you the peo ple of this county did not know any furnished PROTECTION TO WHAT The first need of the government andof the country is more revenue Thedeficiencyin thepast three years amounts to nearly 138000000 The Treasury 4srunning behind now at the rateof 7QOOQ000 a year And yet Mr the great pur pose of the tariff bill which he is toJ frame is protectiqp - Protection- to what To the trusts and monopolies Are -they not fat and saucy enough already - To legit imate manufacturers Are not many ta them now exporting articles iu at home To lab jr Is there a siugle schedule of the present tariff in which theduties do not moTe than cover the difference in laoor cost between this country ard jEurope In many of them does not the protection exceed the entire foreign labor cost If in choosing this course the repute licans are not inviting a recurrence of the defeat of -1890 then like causes do not produce hise effects and history has lost the hafc -of repeating itself I Jrfio Ycrh World Mti i irinyiinmi hi rt i loe pnnjtBfis JrtAinnnirA i - Prtparalinn for tlm HdrinirrSfiMiii tii Regular rticloa of Trade in New XThlj 1r Xlcoi All Saints da Ydrk Shops nni Ialiaeenihcloida I near It h lr n the faslfn of reoetit Secret Store Whore Slfceplnj Potions and Qth Quark NoOTnnm Ar 80WL la a Snrreptfriouii Manner love pdfions and love charms legmlaraarticlcs of trade in many of the queer looking little shops ou New Yorks greateast side They axe to be found for the- most part in the dirty- looking groceries and There is also a constant demand for sleeping potions as well as tor various odd poisons whose ne is- little understood -by Hit medical profession here 2erhaps 3f these poisens could b traced Jtheir use might ssolve many an east si3e mystery that has baffled tin police Your east side foreigner has been hrthe habit of buying such things there m j n obscure stores in the cities and ovns where she used to live ann JZJie aemana is still supplied in one way -or another in New York The -writer dLseoered one of these secret stores in n walk on the east side It was connected with a HttSedry goods shop east of Third avenue His atten tion Was attracted to a edlleetion of amber beads which on the east side andother parts of town are freely fioldj to anxious parents who tie them about the necks of their children to keep of croup The proprietor of the shoprwho seemed to he a Uoirmnnian It may be a hard matter for people withahalf Tlussian type off ace picked to obtain or borrow meney for any up a peculiar amber n ing which he other purpose hut it isxaifact that for offered for sale as a love ring the purchasing and handling of cattle - j r o rugs are used for the purpose of ex- any responsible personcan get all the citing love in a c0 tml creieKs lover cash which he can properly handle lt Some of these drugs are made into may be for the reason that cattleds the medicines or Move - potions to be only known property that can be con- fallowed but there are many love J tr r j charms which can be made up with verted into cash at a moments notice the Amber is jewelry or worn on body with any hope of realizing as much as firmly believed by the peiissiuTs in what was paid but there seems to he southern Europe to have peculiar pow- ers m causing one wno wears it to oe loved It is made into locket or set in a ringvor carried in a bag around the neck j Anfber is also distilled into an oil and isiused as oneof the ingredients of lovo potions which are given in a liquid form to be taken It is a brown colored liquid of hot taste and a strong disagreeable odor It is poisonous in large doses butvin s cia amounts is freely used in soutlvr countries It is frequently rubbed back with wonderful effect Mist of these love potions or lore piil ters continued the old storekeeper must have originated in oriental countries where uch things have been in common use from the cst times Another new drug used to stimulate the emotions of love is a salt of gold originally discovered by the old al chemists in their attempts to make goh1 iOUtof silver or the other baser metals xifi was long agoused as a secret lore medicine and is now used by physi cians for that purpose It acts like strychnine which is one of the most powerful drugs known but it also has special action in exciting the passiorv One of the oldest of love potions i cslled the essence of pearls It date--back to the time of Antony and Cleo patra xVmong -the German peasants cor rdf strange superstitions has beep nanaea tiown wiucn ai e prncticeit ever among the Germans in New York cit r to day at least among the more igno ant A stick of lovage root is suppose- In them to be eiTjcrcious in excilin love It is used by young wives or un married girls who have doubts abou their husbands or lovers The lovapv thing about the court house question01 Ls TaAe Jnto powders and baked ir cokes given to the men to eat or pu according to the Hornet and this into wine orbeer for them to drink A paper proposes that that plea -shall not pld superstition teaches that bat hold good next time Were here to ihlood is an excellent antidote for a- stay and fight it out on this line r lo7er has- been thought to ha If the Brownlee followed his man similar p A diet of mttshr001P own advice he would never say free and truffles is recommended by the Ger slveror Bryan or tariff or anything mans as a stimulant to the emotion of else about national issues for four 15 The old Roumanian storekeener had years tocome Keeping everlastingly a curiously carved woodra chest cor at it brings success tis said and this taining several -little metal flasks with paper proposes to prove or disprove sine of these love potions which h the adage df any facts on the court hf d g f tive land Fe - also had recmes for the marufaeture of house question are wanted write tethers but these he declined to show riieeauor anacuey win De cneerruuy He seemed proud of his reputatior which had brought him patrons no only from his own people but- people of various nationalities even including Irish and negroes N Y Press An Index to Horses Character Phrenology as applied to horses is a new and interesting studj and the fol lowing maxim should be carefull studied by all lovers and owners of horses Every horse carries an index to his temper and intelligence in his 4ace The teachable tractable animal is broadand flat between the eyes the bony ridge of his face dishes slightly from the point where the face narrows towards the nostrils His ears are well set sensitive and far apart with a well defined ridge of bone extending across the top of the bead between them Al ways feel for this ridge in judging a horse The eve should be large clear auccessfel competition with foreigners and S h a prominent ridge of JSl aiUUg tUt illllVl UX4VA ArJl LUg VA the socket Westminster Gazette An Animal Census The latest enumeration of the ani mala known to science includes no less than 386000 recognized species The real number is belieed to lin very much larger It has been estimated that of insects alone the earth harbors 2000 000 species but ihe late Prof Itiley rtgarded eien that estimate as far too lfw According to his opinion 10000 000 would be a moderate estimate of the number of in ect apecies The number of individuals is of epure in- v vrvfA -HOLIDAY tlMiZS gladness THfUwWrnMft ii tars jo ljrgin J he sfison Verks he- toK Christ ut jally arro Christ mas grcuns flecoraV the s and arc disnlaved with houv aud rnitlctA are from Thanksgiving omlil the high tide of 1m holidays sets in wifJi Chnjtxnas tek All lliisr tirne the holiday feeling takes holdofall of us and for the time at lpastthe gokicn rule becomes a living prineiple Kvcryiom feels the new im jiiilse whidbinfls us closer to our fel low men Tito young who are forever hopeful are tilled with bright anticipa tions of the season The middle aged fonret their sordid cares forget al most -their struggle to keep the wolf The blessing of UiehOlidaiis is seen- abroad in the cheerfulness and selt sacrifiee -with which home people bur den themselves down -with bundles all to give pleasure to loved ones Men who superbly order all their packages sent home rake pleasure in carrying home their Christmas bundles all for the pleasure of introducing them se cretly to hide fheniaway until the day arrives There are those among us to whom Christmas brings sad memories to1 whom Thanksgiving recalls a scattered household but -we cover our cares and sorrows for this beatific season and re joice with t hose who rejoice Such sac rificu of self will he a power which shall let t4ie despondent into an atmosphere of courage and hope A large portion of these blessed weeks lie fore Christ mas is spent in preparation of holiday gifts and holiday feasts for poor chil dren There are a myriad of missions going forth on errands of mercy ot this season Thanksgiving day the first festival of the holiday season is peculiarly an American feast day Though it par takes something of the nature of the Jowish feast of the ingatherh g it is not like that ci purely rCliniousfestival It is a iMason when families that are sep arated meetagain under ihe old parental rouf Like all festivals of Puritan orgin it Ls celebrated with relhr ous observ ances in New England The Thanks giving sermon was formerly as much apart of the celebration of the day aa the dinner that followed This day has been compared to the IlarvT Homo days of theEuglish farmer or the Kirn r C Scotland I Joth the--e da s were pub lie rejoicings of the -entire community in the completion of harvest and wrr celebrated with considerable rout ard rabble These were seasons of pictur esque procession and merry drinking bout and not of religious and home ob servance Let us all rememberthe holiday sea son in the holy spirit of good will to men It matters little what our ex ternal giving may be if we give to Heaven a grateful heart for the blessings that are showered upon us Let us not profane this season by vulgar ostenta tions gifts whieh are beyond our means and serve only tc gratify our own self esteem atnd pride Let lit meet the sea son in the spirit of Tinv Tim with the prayer -God X Y Tribune bless us one SUFFERERS FROM FLAT FEET How the Breaking Down of the Arch Js Remedied Despite the fact that the beauty of a well arched foot is much appreciated by people of an artistic turn of mind hay been sung f requently by poets and versemakers there has been until late ly little interest from a scientific point of view taken in its direct opposite the UaT foot In a great number of in stances flat feet are the occasion ot considerable keen suiiering generally resulting from the breaking down of the arch that is thfc displacement of heme of the man3 little Ixme i of file foot either from overstrain or some disease of the muscular structure As the weight of the body constantly rests upon the foot there is jio opportunity for the bones to get back to their proper places The result is that these little bones keep nibbing against -each other and the pain gets more and more severe Commonly the persons afflicted in this way think that he or she has rheuma tism and let it go at that Until re cently the only remedy was a steel soled shoe that was clumsy and heavy The new device is interesting It is an insole curved to jit the foot made of a bent strip of steel and acting as -a spring It is covered either with leath er or with vulcanized rubber to pre vent rusting and needing no fasten ing but simply to be placed in position it can be changed zrom one shoe to an other at will In position it acts simply as a sup port literally holding up the bones and giving them an opportunity to slip back into their proper places While any -insole of the approximate shape ivili give relief the best results are Teaehed only when one is especially made from a cast or impression of the foot great proportion of ihn peo ple troubled with flat feet come from the north of Europe many of them from the lowlands of Germany The inhabitants of the south of Europe strangely enough are seldom troubled with anything of the sort Their in steps especially in the case of women are nearly always highly arched nad finely formed Y Tribune Heath Warrants Jn England Whtm a criminal is sentenced to death in England the judge writes op posite the name in the calendar Left for execution Fourteen clear days must elapse and then it remains for the sheriff or sheriffs to appoint a day for execution Xo warrant is is sued from the home office except for a res jsitc or reprieve The queen does sign a death warrant Chicago Cl rmieV rai f uuuJbdM A JJ03IE J0R LKPFAiS rhair Only Placo of Refuge In Thik Country cx JuHtiturlna in IotiWiuna WJior Poor Lttrortauutt A Are lli plly HftiKotl arid Carvri for tlu Perhaps few people know that the only leper home in the 1nited States is oiit recently established in the parish of Iberville not many miles above New Orleans It i a state institution its board of direetor witirely miiieiiJine but if you would kiow who rer sonal service to outasts ahI then indeed look to the women The whole civilized world has begun to take alarm at- the fart indisputably shown that lenrosv is tin- inercaso ---- it iiinf on fr6m the door and join mi the holiday - l - CIUIJHUUIU llUl lilt 1J it III I 111 ILpilUj perhaps of Scriptural days but a ease incurable and hideous enough and -only tobe stamped out by the complete isolation of its victims To this end was- the lepers home in Ixmisiana established and ha for it inmates men and women black aad w hite who have com to it from dif ferent states of the union Alter the board of directors had for mulated their plans after the funds had fbeen placed at their disposal one great diifimilty frowned on them Who could they get- to care for the lepers len Preposterous Then one illum inated director proposed that they set forth their dilemma to tlie mother supe rior of the convent at EmmitsbuirMd Forthwith thii another called on Sister Peatriee then in eharge of thehospitnl at Lowell Mass When the summons came Sister Beatrice cheerfully re- signed her charge and became the zealous and untiring superior of the lepers home in Louisiana Sister An- me Sister uiomas ana sister cyni -con joined her and together they have made this home a real home for those who dwell in it The suiters es tablished themselves in the old Camp mansion once one of the finest planta tion residences in Louisiana but now somewhat fallen inrpdecay With that genres for systematic and wise admin istration which is characteristic of the order they soon converted the dilapi dated dwelling into a comfortftblft home The house stands in the inidBfc of a grtjveof towering1 pecans and wide spreading oaks Not far from this building is a new house wherein dwelt The resident physician and a priest of the church both consecrated to the serIceof humanity In this building ak o all the patients take their raeaJs prepared by a black madonua of the pots an artist ia her - line The sisters strive to interest and amuse their patients encouraging those - who are able to sew wash cut and saw- wood and eutivate the garden There 33 a large park for their exercise and recreation furnished with swings benches and outdoor games of various kinds The lepers live in smaHcottag built on either side of a live oak avenue These houses are comfortably fur nished and spotlessly clean Each house is occupied by two pereonfi ex cept where there aro more than two members of the fame fjunily in which ease they are all permitted to live to got her In one of them live four sift tcrs ail afflicted with leprosy and each with a different lypc Among the patients is a man of 75 who does not remember when- bo was notaleper Another isa union veteran drawing a pension and still in love with life Yet another is a young mulatto who was emplo3ed as- a carpenter in building the cottages Hardly had he driven the nail when- he found himself a leper But the most inter esting patients- are- a pair at lovers the tragic pathos of whose atory is al most without parallel About six years ago in the parish of Lafourche there lived a young fellow of about 25 who was engaged to a good pretty girl of Id Almost upon the eve of marriage he made the horrible di covery that- he was a leper He re leased the girl from hex promise though she implored him to marry her He sought a clearing im the heart of the woods and lived there utterly alone As soon as the home was openhc sought its shelter His sweetheart still lovecK him still declared that some daythrj would be united Six months al terher lover entered the home she too sought it crying Unclean unclean1 Thu this woeful pair so tragically ucatd are yet forever disunited as marrythey cannot at least as long as they mates of the home They spend much of their time together and aeeja cheer ful enough Chicago Nerwa Pigeons Outwit ft Hawk An observing southern sporteraaa r J told recently about a flock of pigeont that measured brains with a hawk and -came out on top in the contest H 8 Edwards owned a flock of pigeons - which one day were cut off from their - t cote by a large hawk The pigeons knew that if the hawk once got above - them one at least of their number would - go to make the hawk a meal and ao up they flew in circles pernapegoTnghigh er than the hawk TheJatter keptun der the pigeons and leisurely followed - - their laborious movemen te Then came a curious and unexpected sight to Mr Edwards Every pigeon closed it3 wings and they appeared to be the size - - of sparrows and down they came past the hawk at a terrific rate That -astonished the hawk It actually dodged - - the dropping birds and missed haif a dozen wing strokes before it got in full chase of them When it got down to the barnyard not a pigeon was in sight some were in the cote some were in the porch two were in the well house and one in the kitchen- The hawk bad been outwitted completely It is a question how the pigeons managed to check their fall as they did not slacken up until they were about 16 or 20 feet above the ground when they scattered in all directions to escape the hawk - VIT lit A- i I-