The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 24, 1896, Image 4

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EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Offcteil JLafr of Cherfy
VjMM JPcr Sfcccr in JUfrzwce
- - -
Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry
Vnuuty Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed Tegularly
to its subscribers until a definite orddr
A discdmtinue is received and -all ar
rears afe paid in fulL
50 cents per inch
Ier hioEth per column or for
long tjaaeuds made known on appli
cation to thirofQce
The Democrat wishes all its read-
eraaicerry Chlstmss and happy
New Year
Evidenceof prosperity i not
amount erf money in banks it is
amount in circulation
of Your Uncle -St Loute Republic
Cherry county should make up and
organize a county fair -association
Almost every county in the state has
an association of this kind
Your Uncle Samuel has within the
short space of a year twisted the Brit
ish lions tail tweaked the nose of the
unspeakable Turk and put a chip on his
shoulder which he has dared Spain to
knock off but with all this spilln for
a fight the prospects of battle seem
slim Everybody is evidently afraid
The Sultan of Turkey claims that he
has been abused by the cruel Arme
nians bullied by John Bull and snub
bed by Uncle Sam Poor devout man
His home is heaven and some admirer
should present him with enough dyna
mite anonymously through his win
dow at midnight to purchase him a
passport to the pearly gates Stuart
McKisiteys boasted million-and-a-half
SHaJority lias dwindled - td 307
627 according to official figures re
ceived from all the states and hi3
plurality is 600799 This is a decrease
of only about a million votes from the
estimate so his supporters need not
feel blueab jut the reduction A small
falling oif like that is not worth
worrying about
It is not the mean things an editor
says about a person that hurts its the
good things he dontsay that worries
people most When a fellow gets mad
and stops his paper because his politics
is worse than oura we dont do a thing
bat -shut up He generally gets sick of
theealfaiayear or two Some of
oar most appreciative readers are per
sons who once stopped their paper to
get even with the editor Gordon
Following the lead of the Eushville
Standard The Democrat will in the
future assist all newly married couples
in their effort to establish well regula
ted households by furnishing a copy
of the paper free for one year The
only provisions are that the couples be
married in Cherry county some time
after the publication of this notice
and that they make application to this
office for the paper either in person or
by letter
r Dormg the last campaign the popu
list state central committee of Kansas
fan into debt about 500 worth and
toraise money to liquidate their obli
gations they charge every applicant
for office the small sum of -1 upon
payment of which the office seekers
enrolled m a big book of ap
plications and is never seen again
It is expected that enough money will
be raised in this way to not only pay
the present debt but there will be a
Burplus for next year
The villain of all villains is the
elanderer God pity the individual
whose mind suggests and whose tongue
conveys to others the damnable
ations and unjustifiable conclusions re
aulting from the exercise of an imag
inative and diseased brain If there
is a warm corner set apart any where
2i space for the purification or total
destruction of transgressors such vil
lains will fill it full Ordinary crimi
nals such as murderers thieves and
hugs will be shut out in the cold for
wnt of space Longpine Journal
Two weeks ago The Desocrat
liad occasion to criticize an article
which appeared in the Chadcon Signal
Recorder and in doing so this paper
credited 13ro A E Sheldon with hav
ing Written the article It now tran
spires that the other man E S
Kendall wrote the article and in a
very gentlemanly way he corrects the
mistake in the last issue of his paper
and offers further explanation that the
article in question was not aimed at
the democrats who supported Bryan
but was intended for that faction of
fthe party who whooped er up for Pal
mer The apology is accepted but
Bro Kendall should be more particu
lar in the future and specify which
kind of democrats his scalping knife
is oaing used upon as there are at
least twoor three separate and dis
tinct kinds of democrats known to the
politician of the present day The
breeds all come from the same stock
and are in truth theeame except as re
gards their markings
Bro Kendallgrows wild however
when he tells of how the democrats
used alHheir influence which he hiuts
was not small toward preventing the
nomination of a populist for vice presi
dent and says things which do not at
all reflect credit upon the party he rep
resents It is a poor party which will
allow another party to dictate its ac
tion in a national convention If the
men there assembled were out fur
ciple alone why could they not have
supported the entire democratic ticket
But theres where the rub came love
of principle was overshadowed at St
Louis even as it has been in divers
other places by greed for office Bro
Kendall admits that Brytin was de
feated by populist or rather lack of
populist votes for he says
Ilad they been willing to treat popu
lists fairly and not have tried to use
thpm as a means of electing an entire
democratic ticket enough middle-of-the-road
populists would have been
saved to us to have carried the states
of California Washington Kentucky
Indiana and probably enough more to
have carried the reform forces into
What difference did it make from a
populist standpoint who the men wer
that composed the ticket so long as
they represented the principle It was
principle not the man that elected W
L Greene to Congress it was princi
ple that sent Otto Mutz to the senate
it was principle -that elected the en
tire Ktate ticket then why should not
principle have elected a vice president
especially when his election depended
upon the votes of men who believe in
principle not party
When the commissioners meet one
week from next Tuesday on January
5th 1897 one of the first things that
will come up for their consideration
will be the resignation of County
Judge E At Walcott who was elected
on the 3rd of November to fill the office
of county attorney There is no doubt
that the resignation will be accepted
and it will then be the duty of the
board to appoint someone to fill the
unexpired term of county judge This
term ends one year from next month
and the appointment will be made for
that length of time
There is considerable -speculation
over the probable action of the com
missioners in the matter of appoint
ment but all is mere theory at this
writing The board is composed of
one democrat one republican and one
populist and the candidates for the
place consist of one democrat W E
Towne one republican J Wesley
Tucker and one populist D H Thurs
ton This makes things rather com
plicated as it is almost certain that
each commissioner will favor the can
didate of his own political complexion
The best way out ot the dilemma is for
all the commissioners to support W It
Towne and many reasons can be pre
sented for them to so do
Uncle Dick Towne is one of the
best known men in Cherry county is a
staunch democrat but not a rank par
tisan is one of the first settlers in this
section of the country and his integ
rity and honesty have never been ques
tioned His age and expenence make
him peculiarly fitted for the office and
in addition he was the democratic can
didate for judge last year All in all
a better man could not be found for
the position Besides this both the
republican and populist candidates
have friends in authority who could
and undoubtedly would help them to
positions above the plane of county
The pension bill this year which has
already passed the lower house of con
gress carries an appropriation of
141263880 and 970078 pensioners
are on the rolls
Mr I lllllfflliH idtWftMntttgr
RnmnHinrr e nrrn i Ohio L i SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY
i I if onlv
w w v 14 iiiuiir ill I - - -
cratictdlectors from Arkansas until the
There are grave suspicions that sena
tors are not always elected as a result
of popular choice but rather by meth
ods produced only by afatpocketbook
In other words the charge is frequently
made that seats in the senate are
sometimes purchased outright Were
cand idutes for the senate voted for as
ar our governors and other state
officers we should be very much nearer
arriving at a popular choice The in
dependent voter with a mind of his
own holds a vast power these days If
a nomination is made by fraud or by s
rank display of bossism he resents it
at the polls
Wanted By millions of people
throughout the world a friend one
who will speak to them when their
clothes are shabby who will hold out a
helping hand when trouble is about
them and not be so ready to kick
them still further down the hill of mis
fortune One who will visit thera
when they are sick and fight for them
when the odds are two to one against
them who will speak the same behind
their backs as they do to their faces
w ho will lend a dollar and not want
five in return who will overlook faults
and personalities and be true blue
every day in the week If you happen
to meet a specimen of this rare bit of
humanity dont be backward in appre
ciation They are worth more than all
the sound money or free silver in the
world Minneapolis Press-
The republican legislators of two
years ago thought they were doing a
real cute thing when thny voted to pay
five eighths of a cent per pouud for all
sugar manufactured in this state and
put off the work of making an appro
priation for payment of the bounty un
til this year but it seems that in this
instance they reckoned without their
host The supreme court of the state
has decided that the warrants issued
by the state treasurer are not valid
because they were not authorized by
law no fund having -en created for
their redemption It is therefore
argued that the entire law is null and
void and is in fact nothing but words
meaningless words
But nevertheless the incoming legis
lature will be confronted with the
iproblem of whether or not the state
shall pay this bounty the sugar men
arguing with a good deal of truthful
neas that the state is morally if not
legally bound to pay them the bount
The law which provided for the bounty
that it may fulfil its part of fthe con-
sciences and
sugar men
will sit
on the
factories are entitled to redress for the
states breach
xrKzzjtBtalnit Mrtiia
eignt monsana patriots have un to Water power s u privets irom uu
date signified their willingness to assist evaporation of wtv by the suns heat
ad smn the llJUnf3s ln
Major fflcKinley to Tun the govern- I Jts
form of rain
men t for the four years commencing
March 4 1897 The people of Ohio
should get into line and show that
they are willing to serve their country
even to the extent of accepting fourth
class postofllces
When the official returns of the vote
in Arkansas were sent in it was found
that 86 persons had voted for Jeff
Davis as one of the presidential
electors and much hilarity was -created
in tbe republican camp thereby
our friends declaring that democrats
in Arkansas so loved the bid Confeder
al e that i hey could not keep from vot
ing for him Ifow it is learned that
Col Jeff Davis was one of the demo-
the snow or
Coral does not grow below 40 fath
oms Placed deeper it dies Coral found
below 40 fathoms indicates either that
the bottom has gone down or it has
fallen from the 40 fathom depth
No animal tissues are stronger than
the tendons and ligaments which bind
together the ankle of the horse It
is this strength wbich enables -the ani
mal to support his own great weight
for many hours -without fatigue
French and Belgian capitalists are
to construct large alkali works near
the newly discovered rock salt deposits
at Pola in Central Asia There is a
good coal at Bardimkul near by The
salt is of very fine quality with no ad
mixture of other chemicals
German excavations in the island
of Santoria have now been completed
Dr Btller von Gaertringen has identi
fied the city on the Blopes of Mesa
Vouno as the ancient Thera and the
fusion with the populists when he re- remains on the seashore near the mod
signed 86 of
voted for him
his frieuds however
cm town as those of the city of Oea
Mr Mlver director o th rQreat
Western railway of Engl and making- a
presentation at Liverpool the other day
to the district goods manager 3fr
Steele said the Great Western had 2500
miles oi rails employing 52000 men
had a weekly revenue of 200000 and
a subscribed capital of over 80000
000 all yielding dividends
According to Engineering some re
cent researches by Capt Abney show
that the light of the starry sky is to
that of the full moon about as 144000
The latter is usually considered to be
about 1000000 to that of the sun at
noon so that we receive over 13000
000 times as much light as from the
stars taking both hemispheres into con
Lucium a new element discovered
by M P Barriere in monnzite sand
dissolves in sulphuric nitrlr or acetic
acid forming soluble salts eit her v ite
or slightly rose tinted Its acmie
weight is calculated loJ
proposes to use the substance for
an incandescent gaslight on the Yis
bach principle
The Infant Mortality During i ho Hot
Spell Wim Ktimarkioly Imt
The appeal to the public concipnee
told at last With that attack iu the
churches which ha not bicn vithout
blame the new era 1 an That year
1S79 a public coinpc tit on eoiu the
present tj pe of tentLicnt far r ova per
fect but an immense improvem rt on
the wicked old barreks The h ntary
reformers got the upper hand I4 heir
work told The deah rate came tiovn
slowlj It io to day at the end of 30
years quite 25 per cent lower than
when the health department was or
ganized and New York has been re
deemed trom a reproach for whih
there was no excuse for no city in the
world has such natural opportunities
for good -sanitation
The immense stride it has Taken was
measured by the mortality during the
unprecedented hot spell of iaf sum
mer It was never so great as indeed
there never was an emergency like it
since records were kept During the
ten days it lasted the heat claimed many
more victims than the last choleia epi
demic during its whole season Yt be
yond those killed by the direct effects
of the sun the mortality was singularly
low the infant mortality ever the
finger that points unerringly to the
sore spots in a community if any there
18 was so noticeably low as to cause
a leelmg almost of exultation among
the sanitary officials And if was shown
by comparison with ea lier hot spells
that the population yielded more slow
ly to -the heat Where it had taken two
or three days to reach the climax of
sunstroke it now look five The peo
ple better housed better fed and
breathing clean air in the clean streets
nad acquired a power of resistance to
which the past had no parallel The
sanitarians had proved their case
Jacob Eiis in Century
A Breathing- WeU
In San Luis Obispo county Gal there
is a gas well whose strange conduct
is described by a correspondent The
well is 6 incites in diameter and 35G
feet deep During settled weather it
blOWS OUt ens for threp hours nnrl
provided also that the sugar factories then sucks in air for an equal period
should pay at least 500 a ton for al of une and this regular breathing
beets from which the sugar was made contines without interruption until
a change of weather Before a storm
that they Should furnish wethers in when the barometer is falling the
spectorsetc and do sundry other time during which the well expires gas
things ere the bountv would be paid greatly increased and sometimes the
outbreathing continues for 24 hours
law less than
The was no mure nor
After the passage of the storm and
between the state and iT
contract the
wth the 10 risinc the inhala
factories and the factories are said to fkm of air is similarly jrolonged If
have complied with the part of the the air is shut off when an inhalation
contract which referred to them No is aut to take Place the as after
ward ceases to flow so that the well
jf they have done so the question
mnst aJIowed to perform Tegn
arises Is not the state in duty bound ar breathing in order to continue its
to so revise the law of two years ago yield of gas An automatic valve has
been placed at the mouth of the well
to permit the ingress of air and when
t the oneninEr is restricted the inward
This is a question whieh will give suction causes a loud sound as if the
our lawmakers a great deal of trouble well served for nostrils to a
t J -JO J3 ur
this Winter aud those who Oppose the ean monster amicuja wiin snoring
bounty hope they will not be troubled
with such burdensome things as con-
Unburicd Slain
The war between Chili and Peru is
ilrendv ATifiiflTit histvrv hnt n traveler
As a democratic organ Who lately returned from South
this paper is opposed to bounties of ica states that on the battlefield of
this nature but it is first of all in favor Tarapaca the dead are still lying just
- fi LI as they fell There were 4000 of them
of justice regardless of polities As
and nery 1000 horse5 areaIso lef t
the matter now appears fcha sugar buried It never rains at Tarapaca and
the sun has dried the corpses and the
Of contract although nitrate in the soil has preserved them
- and up on tne plateau ouuu mummies
be brought out tfhich will
points may
Jje in usion with thebroken
cause a change of opinion tChe law- swords and bayonets as fresh-looking-makers
should not take iUalvised or j bs the day of the memorable fight N
-- t oiftnn in ffeJo rnaHflrf Y Ledger
fyl ujviju aix uuu
- - Crar -1
Mechanical Devices That Bring
Ills in Their Train
The Foot freleplume ICar
Bicycle Toe and Telegrapher
unci Typewriters Cramp Jl
XalutUl iLlst
Just as the Inventive genius of the
age has forced novelties into the higher
professions and ithe expert mechanic
finds his field growing larger continu
ally -so the jmysicum sees new -or spe
cial diseases confronting him resulting
from new conditions in modern life
These new diseases receive names from
the lay -world whiohare adoptedby the
scientific people
That has been done beforethough
said a physician and JailroadFpine
housemaids knee engineers ear and
painters colic are designations which
would probably never have been given
to certain complaints if they had not
been suggested by laymen Ofcourse
there are scientific names for all he
added but they are not used
txoi fcUTsxpresive -what Tatm scientific
term could properly express police
mans sleep that condition between
sleep and wakefulness whan amanonay
stand or walk and still be unable to see
a side door open or to hear the growl
of the growler
Among the new maladies which the
physicians attribute to recent mechan
ical and scientific inventions is the
trolley foot Themotorman on elec
tric and cable cars rings the warning
gong by pressing his foot upon a knob
or button and it is said that the con
stant pressure produces an ailment
which had never been known until the
new cars came into use
In the firt place said a irotonnan
it wears out the hoe ruiiler thnn
you June ui idea but thats 1heslioes
fault Then tapping thf knob pro-
duis a sickling j Tsation at first mil
tin n the foot get irihuned O eotirse
we know that il cant be anything
Oi4 uvd keep right on lVing the
ihlinr aid irfter a few days the hilani
tnafion wears off the skin get liard
and v c think its all over and that
well haw no more trouble But thats
a mistake Shooting pains and nervous
twitching follow and these are worse
w iien one is off duty then when kicking
the gong It was explained that iu
most instances the difficulty
away but that trolley foot has
caud many men to quit the service
of the railroad corporations
Telephone ear as a result of constant
use of the telephone has given the oar
spceLalists considerable work The
structure of the ear is not in any -way
affected by the use of the instrument
but the unnatural use of the organ
frequently causes a nervous strain
vUiieTj is reflected ir the aural nerves
When asked alxmt the cure for tele
phone ear an otologist said
I have never seen a case which was
not cured in a short time after the
cause was removed When the patient
stops using the telephone the ringing
noises and the headaches soon
Bicycle back and bicycle toes arc
among- the ills which are charged to the
improper use of the bicycle The roam
rfm r rirT i iTitrittTi Xsttv
The Only Thing Lett Director
Shes positively getting too old for the
ballet Manager Give her the part
of the child wonder Detroit Free
Jf you had half the nerve this
tooth has said the dentist to the quiv
ering wretch in the chair you could
have this all over in about five seconds
Chicago Tribune
Police Magistrate It is a long time
since I saw you here last You hoveev
idently tried to be good Burglar
Oh Mr Judge I have been very ill
Fliegende Blaetter
Late What Have all your
daughters become engaged this sum
jner I wished to ask for the hand ot
Praulein Marie myself 40h she is
the most engaged of all Fliegende
Bunson amazed -That your un
cle Why man you told me your uncle
had both his legs carried away at Se
dan Jimson So he did He carried
them away himself pretty fast I tell
you Tit Bits
- - iticco
Tlollar I want you to marry me Heir
ess Oh count I am speechless with
surprise The Count Zat is all right
3our money talk N Y Commercial
Prostrated -What are you doing
with a Turkish lounge in thi6 coal of
fice Our bookkeeper writes poetry
and we had to fix up a place for him to V
lie down when his manuscripts
back Chicago Record
She And now Charlie I suppose
to morrow you will have to speak to
papa about our engagement He
Yes dearest rsuppoe I must After
a pause Has your father got a tele
phone V SomerviTlc Journal
A judges little daughter who had
attended her father court for the first
time was verv much interested in the
proceedings After hor return home she
toIT hM mother Papa made a speech
find several othr me made speeches
n f men w ho Qaf all together and then
I 4 I1 f - 1 t
j Jisvii n nv ut ill il uurlx
Per to ne developed Pittsburgh
h ronivle rflcgraph
fraiijy Vt Your Timepiefv at N ljht ir 3fo
VjiJao It
To most people the w ijjms and ca
prices of a watch nre a deep mystery
One very common eaut of the watch
wears pacing or losinr is the disposition that
is made of i at night i you wear a
watch next to your body during the
day and put it on o old marble mantel
piece at night or iu fact anywhere in a
cold room the watch Ls sure to either
gain or lose
Everybody know- that the proximity
of a dynamo will magnetize the steel
parts of a watch and ruin it for the time
being A watch may be affected by
eleetncty without the owner having
been neir dynamo The amount of
electricity in some people is so great
that it can seriously affect the steel
parts of a watch A dbvvmtowtfwatch
maker told a reporter that he often had
examined watches which wem vptv
slightly magnetized He used tode
magnetize them and return them at the
same thin cautioning the wearers not
to go near a dynamo Wnen a man has
the same trouble with his watch con
tinually it is a proof tffiat the static
hlS hJy h aiected th
bies up on a wheel cannot escVe the wCty
bicycle back if he lives Jong enough mtBt x
and the coward on a bicycle is apt to J ntnfaaf -hat dark peo
to effect
controct the bicycle toe which results Kl 7
in thlRy and
from curling up the foot It is a atrfes women more
L e nonnt of electrici
strange thing added but it is -
rrue that the nervous rider who con- g J tJ of C0ursVe
srantly thinks he is about to tumble 17 ZTl
will have excruciating pains in his toes f
after a short ride and he will be SwYth ZT J
bled that wny until he gains eonildence tV Zl bPe
enough- in himself to stop the nervous a hn
contraction of his feet As to tite Aj TT hT
7 on tally at night but should altvavs be
t t 1 -
bcyele bank it is sunply a natural h
a Change of position
consequence The men who work m win nol affect a meccalIperfcct
mines and
watch hnt mch a watch Ls
hours at a time ha e w hat is known as
hWi Thieh isidettti f is well known that a watch will
SirSi for unexpected reason and
Telegraphers cramp is another one slight jolt The same trouble may not
of the modern complaints It results occur again for years This is an a ccl
from the manipulation of the dent to which all walches are liable
graphic key and affects the sufferer when carried around on the person Tt 1
an the same way as writers cramp is due to the hairspring stud or the
The fingers which are nsed on the key regulator pins The cause is a sudden
and the whole forearm are frequently iump or quick movement suchas get
made useless and are restored to a tmir on n a j t Jl
normal condition only after scientific the balance wheel and hairspring and
treatment by gymnastics and massage this renders the catch ingpossibler The
Typewriters cramp is much like the jolt must come at a particular fraction
telegraphers cramp but as both hands of a second during- the revolution of
used in writing on the machine the balance wheeL otherwise the sprmrr
hands often involved in will
so both aire the
abnormal condition Y Tribune
A Dainty Snlad Course
Bemove the shells from as many hard
boiled eggs as there are persons to be
served Beginning at the small end of
each egg cut the whites lengthwise
into fifths almost to base taking care
to leave the yolks whole Turn back
the petals thus formed so as to make
each egg simulate an open pond lily
With a small soft paint brush dipped in
beet juice color the petals pale pink
Roughen the surface of the yolks with
a fork Place these imitation pond
lilies not too near together on lettuce
leaves spread on a platter or prefera
blj a shallow flat bottomed dish of
clear white glass or best of all a large
table mirror Serve with mayonnaise
or French dressing cheese If you like
nnd bread and butter crisps The
bread and butter crisps are made
taKing a rresn loai oi oaner s cream
bread the flat topped nearlv souare
about 30
not catch -X Y Journal
Becoming to a Widow
For widows weeds nothing vnll be
found the equal of crepon Itwasmade
primarily for mourning and nothing
has been found better It has the
crinkled appearance of crepe without
being as crushable A widows gown
of crepon was made princess shape
front and back The sleevea wpm
drooping and full and on the shoulders
were double capes of the chiffon each
cape edged with white taffeta ribbon
The waist has a yoke outlined with
talfeta The ribbon came to points in
the front At the lowest point a little
bolero jacket opened into a lapel and
was finished with a border of the taffeta
To make the waist very slender a
point of taffeta was brought down a
little below the waist line A widows
costume being all of black and white
will stand a deal of fussiness that would
not be becoming to other materials
St Louis Eepublic
Kinu no ouier win cio xnm on ail Crisp
the crust Butter one end of the loaf Mix together thoroughly ly enpf uls
and with a sharp knife cut the thinnest of coarse graham flour and one half
possible slices Roll the slices closely j cupful of hickory nutmeal prepared by
and fasten each one with a wooden pressing the chopped meats of nuts
toothpick Brown on a tin plate in ihe j through a fine colander Make into a
oven When brown remove the tooth- rather stiff dough with ice water knead
picks and serve the crisps either hot well roll into a sheet as thic as brown
or cold One loaf of bread will make naoer cut with a knif irt cto
crisps Ladies Heme Jour- and bake on perforated tins
y browsed on both fides ood Health