The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 24, 1896, Image 3

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Ulan Who Is Alleged to Have Led
Gen Maceo to His Death
Dr Maximo Zertucha the supposed
Benedict Arnold of the Cuban revolution
who is alleged to have betrayed the gal
lant fearless Maceo and his staff to
death looks like a man who would not
only betray his patient and see him
nit arvxiMO znnTiTcnA
slaughtered but would present a bill to
the widow for professional services
After Maceos death he surrendered
himself to the Spaniards and was pro
tected by them It was on the informa
tion given them by Zertucha that tin
story sent out by the authorities at Ha
vana was made up The doctor in tell-
ij ing how Maceo met his death said that
me yeneriu uaa a xorce 01 mu Cubans
who were attacked by GOO Spaniards
v Maceo and his staff were in the center of
the forces In the battle that followed
Maceo and his entire staff were killed
The Cubans fled Dr Zertucha say the
Cubans has been variable in his sym
pathies for years at one time holding to
Spain at another allying himself with the
islanders The doctor was formerly a
surgeon in the army of Spain Many
years ago he went to Cuba and by po
litical intrigue was made the mayor of
the town of Melena in the province of
Havana He has been more or less in
timately associated with every political
party in Cuba When the present revolu
tion was sprung Zertucha changed into
an outright rebel and offered his ser
vices to Maceo He freely gave his ser
vices for the cause of liberty but his al
leged treason has made his very name
odious throughout the world and it is
thought vengeful Cubans will never be
satisfied until his body fills a dishonored
Newest Addition to the Navy Turned
Over to the Goverment
The fighting cruiser Brooklyn the new
est addition to the United States navy
was towed from Cramps shipyard to
League Island navy yard Tuesday where
she was formally placed in commission
Blowing of whistles ringing of bells and
the shouts of thousands gathered on the
boats and docks marked her progress
down the Delaware
After the commandant at the navy
yard Commodore Howell had receipted
for and taken possession of the Brooklyn
for the United States Government Capt
F A Cook Commodore Howell and the
ships officers gathered on her deck and
went through the ceremonies which for
mally placed the shin in commission
The flag of the Union was run up at her
Uncle Sam Gol Darn It 1 Cant Hold These Doss Much Longer
-Chicago Journal
The Brooklyn is an armored cruiser of
the same general type as the New York
There are improvements of an important
character which will give her a big ad
vantage in time of war over the sister
ship The cost limit not including ar
mor is 3500000 and the contract price
2980000 She is designed to have a
minimum speed of twenty knots an hour
with a displacement of 9130 tons Four
triple expansion engines which will work
in pairs on the twin screws furnish the
tremendous power required The battery
of the Brooklyn will comprise eight eight
inch guns mounted in four turrets ten
five inch guns mounted in sponsons on the
gun deck similar to the four inch guns of
the New York and sixteen six pound rapid-firing
machine guns
Although the full complement of men is
300 there is room for the accommoda
tion of 3000 In time of war this feature
would be of tremendous value at distant
stations enabling a considerable reserve
force of enlisted men to be carried for any
squadron of which she may be the flag
ship There are two evaporators and two
distilleriesonboardwhich have a capacity
oi 10000 gallons of potable water daily
and a refrigerating plant which will turn
out 2000 pounds of ice every twenty four
hours Electricity will be used in light
ing the now cruiser The Brooklyns
coaling capacity is 1750 tons of coal or
470 more than that of the cruiser New
York Two hoisting engines each capa
ble of lifting 1000 pounds at the rate of
300 feet a minute will handle the coal
aboard ship
Brazil and Holland Make Acceptance
Nearly Universal
With Brazil and the Netherlands the
latest additions to the list of nations
which have accepted the new rules of the
road at sea practically the entire tonnage
masthead the sailors were lined up for a
Ealute to their commander and the Brook
lyn was a part of the navy Much of the
provisions and furniture as well as the
ammunition for the guns has been at
the yard for some days and it is ex
jpected that all will be in readiness to sail
In about two weeks
the intention of the President and the
heads of all the other governments which
have agreed to the proposed changes to
issue a proclamation early in the new
year setting forth the new rules and di
recting their observance by the shipping
of the several nations interested In the
Comptroller Eckels Annual Keport
Suggests Several Changes
The annual report of James H Eckels
Comptroller of the Currency submitted
to Congress contains information in de
tail in regard to the organization super
vision and liquidation of national banks
for the year ended Oct 31 1S9G
The Comptroller suggests the following
amendments to the national bank act
That the loans and discounts of banks
to their executive officers and employes be
restricted in amount and secured by prop
er collateral
That no loan be made to a director not
an executive officer of the bank except
upon collateral security or a satisfactorily
indorsed note
That directors be required to make an
examination of their banks once each
That in places having a population of
less than 2000 inhabitants national
banks shall be permitted to be organized
with a capital stock of not less than
25000 and with a corresponding reduc
tion in the amount of bonds required to
be deposited
That national banks be permitted to es
tablish branch banks in towns and vil
lages where no national bank is estab
lished and where the population does not
exceed 1000 inhabitants
That tlie semi annual tax on circulation
be reduced to 34 of 1 per cent
Concluding he says It is respectful
ly submitted that legislation by Congress
based upon safe and prudent lines having
in view the gradual payment and cancel
lation of the credit currency now main
tained by the Government and the issu
ance hereafter of all such currency
through the banks with full responsibili
ty therefor placed upon them should be
had at the very earliest practicable mo
ment The results which would follow
Cuban Resolutions Adopted by the Senate Committee
X J KA 1jtSiMM -
liSKoVyi T-7- -
By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
RESOLVED in Congress assembled That the independence of the Kepublic
of Cuba be and the same is hereby acknowledged by the United States of
Section S That the United States will use its friendly oilices with the Gov
eminent of Spain to bring to a close the war between Spain and Cuba
of the world will obey these rules when
they go into effect on July 1 1S97
The State Department is informed of
the official acceptance of Brazil and the
Netherlands The latter government it
was thought might refuse to join in the
movement but the authorities were not
greatly concerned about the matter in
view of the fact that her tonnage repre
sented only two per cent of the total ton
nage of the world
There are still a few more governments
such as Siam and China having practic
ally no shipping to be heard from re
garding their attitude in relation to the
new rules It will make no difference
however what action they take as it is
IkI kKV SlftSt
f w viisgyfczsr
such nactments worfld be beneficial and
neither would monopoly be created nor
favor shown thereby
Cuba in Brief
Debt 270000000
Population 1000000
Revenue 25000000
Expenditures 35000000
Area 40000 square miles
White population 1000000
Population of Havana 200000
Population of Holguin 35000
Population of St Jago 27000
Population of Matanzas 27000
Population of Santiago de Cuba 70000
Population of Puerto Principe 46000
Mileage of Cuban railway about 1000
Average annual export of cigars 200
Average annual sugar production 900
000 tons
Average annual export of tobacco 200
000 bales
Total exports of Cuba in a good year
Estimated value of the landed estates
Average sugar exportation to the Unit
ed States 700000 tons
Number of vessels trading with Cuba
annually 2000 tonnage 2500000
Honduras after having tried five men
for the murder of Charles Renton an
American citizen in Brewers lagoon
three years ago now asserts that Renton
guilty and given sentences varying from
five to ten years The present claim is
set up to avoid paying indemnity to Mrs
Agnes and Mary Novock children died
at Solvay near Syracuse N Y pre
sumably of arsenic TnoonV
Reading Work Is the Most Far
Reaching of Any in the School
Lafayette Collece to Suppress Haz
ing Truant School at Buffalo
Some Simple Devices
The work in any school which is the
most far reaching is the reading work
The teacher combines her reading and
nature work It is always a language
lesson Now to determine one of the
most useful devices that is one of the
most general all purpose materials
to have on hand it will be worth while
to examine some of the aids offered for
the reading work
There are charts that are to be used
during the reading recitation There
are many advantages to be derived
from this chart but many of the most
sucessful primary teachers prefer to
make the lessons themselves which
they wish to use Then all the mate
rial the children bring to school all
the holidays and circuses can be util
ized and the interest in the reading les
son be increased Probably the most
useful material is made by having the
letters of the alphabet printed on card
board and cut so there is but one let
ter on a card We have our alphabets
printed so the small letter is on one
side of the card and the corresponding
capital on the other There are three
es two each of the as os and us and
one each of the consonants of the al
phabet The letters should be good
plain type about a half inch long
Eight or ten of these alphabets put
into an ordinary spool box which is
thrown away at the dry goods stores
are prepared for each child This kind
of work is suitable for the First Read
er children so it does not require very
The busy work with the very small
est pupils may consist in having the
children make lessons from the readers
or from the board on their desks each
using the letters from the box given
him A little later the teacher may
put stories on the board leaving blanks
to be filled which the children make on
their desks putting in the proper
words Still later when they have
learned to spell or when they can hunt
up words which they cant spell they
can make their own stories about the
flower the bird or the squirrel There
are teachers who object to having the
children do any of this purely copy
work in making their stories exactly
like those of the book or on the board
Of course such work as this is most
elementary and just as soon as the
children can spell the necessary words
they should be encouraged to give sto
ries of their own When they put these
stories into letters they frequently wish
to ufce words they cannot spell It is
hardly advisable for them to spell the
words as they may think them likely
to be It is better for them to leave
blanks and read the stories just as if
the words were really there If a word
is misspelled for a few times it is a
very hard matter to correct Inland
Suppress the llazers
Lafayette is dealing severely with
those engaging in hazing at the col
lege this year This is right The
boy who is not civilized enough to be
have himself and guard instead of in
vade and abuse the rights of others is
not worthy the money spent on him to
give him a collegiate education The
chances are against his being a useful
citizen in the future The old adage
Ibat you cannot make a silk purse of
a sows ear has no more forcible ap
plication than in the case of the college
yearling who makes his cowardly at-
j tack on the new students at the insti
tution Any college that suppresses
hazing deserves credit One of the
city papers in speaking of the hazing
at Lafayette says
These hazings are reported to have
been in some cases of a most vulgar
nature The faculty is intent on break
ing up hazing and it was thought it
had been driven from Lafayette for
there- was none for a year that was
worthy of notice of action by the col
lege authorities but it has suddenly
DroKen out again and the faculty will
take heroic steps to stop it
And yet these young men would be
surprised if the world at large would
call them rowdies instead of gentle
men Educational News
Education in China
They have no conception of learning
as understood in the West of mathe
matics chemistry geology or kindied
sciences and of universal history ln
Jeed they have a very imperfect knowl
edge of geography Their curriculum
Df study embraces the Chinese classics
and philosophy a voluminous compila
tion especially holding in eminence
the teachings of Confucius the theory
of government and Chinese poetry and
history It is the standard fixed 2000
years ago and has undergone little
change in the succeeding centuries
Oneof our diplomatic represenratives
tells f a conversation had with one
of the most distinguished scholars and
highe t officers in the emniro in
j AAiji
canvassed their respective
is still alive All the men were found L Y eaucatlon and he reports that
his Chinese friend had iionri rf
Yirgil or Shakspeare knew
something of Alexander having cross
ed tht Indus had a vague knowledge of
Caes and Napoleon but none what
ever Hannibal Teter the Great Wel
lingtc i or other modern snhiiprc oi
Novock the father and the mother and he ws Oiant of astronomy mathe
three older children are very ill maticsand the modern sciences When
cion attaches to a woman living in the the American Minister expressed
vTiWoca a lit-
It is said that St Louis is to have a
these defects in Chinese educa
tion tie mandarin replied That is
your evilization and you learn it we
iuuuuuu piate giass have Oirs and we learn it for Centuries
PanF - We hae nnp nn cotiofln x
v I - a uo ciouuvi tu KnOW
what we know Why should we enro
to inow what you know
Yet it must be conceded that the Chi
nese scholars and officials are usually
men of decided Intellectual ability and
cannot be set down as uneducated
because they have not followed tue cur
riculum of study marked out by Euro
pean civilization It is a source oZ nat
ural pride that they possess a literature
and philosophy older than any similar
learning in the West which even at
this daj are not obsolete but exercise
an elevating moral and intellectual in
fluence on a vast multitude of the hu
man family The Century
A Truant School
Buffalo X Y is to have a truant
school which will be a temporary home
for boys who persist in running away
Arrangements are being made to en
force the new truant law Eveiy pa
trolman will carry a book of blank re
ports which will be filled out and re
turned each day to the superintendent
of schools These reports are worded
as follows The following children
apparently between the ages of eight
and sixteen years have been found
wandering about the streets and public
places of the city during the school
hours of the school day having no law
ful occupation or business and grow
ing up in Ignorance and are reported
as proper subjects for investigation by
an attendance officer of the department
of education Each truant
officer is required to send a written no
tice to the parent or guardian of a non
attendant If the notification be to an
employer of child labor it is sent by
the superintendent and warns the em
ployer that if he continues to employ a
child who has not attended school
eighty consecutive days during the pres
ent school year he will subject himself
to a fine of 50 When the parents or
guardians are unable to compel the
child to attend school they must pre
sent a certificate to that effect to the
superintendent who will send the boy
to the truant school
Biff School Debt
The Connecticut School Journal says
The good people of Now Haven are
worrying over their school indebted
ness which now amounts to nearly
SOO000 Thats a pretty big load to be
sure but it isnt necessary that this
generation should pay it Twenty years
ago the indebtedness was only 20000
but would the voters of New Haven
exchange the assets represented by
their magnificent schools and the intel
ligence of the young men and women
of the city for twice or thrice S00
000 It adds the good advice Dont
worry Why should the present gen
eration take on itself the responsibility
of paying the debts of the future The
coming generation will be all the strong
er for having something to do for itself
Poor Stuff for Childrens Books
Nothing is inore unwholesome than
dejection nothing more pernicious for
anjT of us than to fix our consideration
steadfastly upon the seamy side of life
Crippled lads consumptive mothers
angelic little girls with spinal com
plaint infidel fathers lingering death-
ueub iiumsueu lamnies innocent con
victs persecuted schoolboys and friend
less children wrongfully accused of
theft have held their own mournfully
for many years It is time we admitted
even into religious fiction some of the
conscious joys of a not altogether mis
erable world Scribners
Mrs Hearst wife of the millionaire
Senator from California gives a large
share of 4000000 which has recently
been given to the University of Califor
A Western farmer wrote to his law
yer as follows Will jou please tell me
where you learned to write I have a
boy I wish to send to school and I am
afraid I may hit upon the same school
that you went to Yonkers States
A new scheme is proposed for grading
salaries of teachers in New York City
The grade in which the work is done
is not to be taken into consideration
The points that are to be considered
are length of service and excellence of
work The maximum salary is to be
reached in twent years
Laundiy classes at which pupils may
acquire at least one useful accomplish
ment have been established in various
parts of London and according to the
annual report of the school manage
ment committee have proved thorough
ly satisfactory During the year they
were attended by 12202 aspirants to
proficiency in the art of cleansing and
beautifying articles of every day wear
School Register
Lounger of the Critic who has
been passing a vacation abroad savs
that while the better class of English
people have learned that America Is a
big country and has in it more than
one big city there are still many to
whom such knowledge has never pene
The neat little London chambermaid
who slopped my room I use her own
word told me that she had an aunt
and a cousin in America
Indeed said I and whereabouts in
In Cherry street answered the girl
In Cherry street But where
I have forgotten the number We
avent eard from them for many years
though we ave sent several letters to
Cherry street
I tried to explain to her that America
was a big place much bigger than all
the British Isles put Together but I
dont think she believed me The fact
that I didnt know Cherry street nm
ed me an Ignoramus
Women may claim that tlvey like a
man who always keeps his temper but-
they dont
One on the Expert
Several years ago the suit of
mlth versus the Chicago City Railway
Company was on trial A pompous and
pretentious doctor was placed on the
ttaud by the plaintiff lie described
the Injuries sustained by the plaintiff
as permanent and employed a large
number of long medical term conclud
ing with the statement that the plain
tiffs legs were atrophied and that this
condition of atrophy resulted from tho
fall the plaintiff sustained
In the cross examination A S Trade
the defendants attorney asked
if such physical condition had
ever arisen in his practice
No replied the pompous medical
but I have read of a number in tho
medical books
Are you perfectly familiar with med
ical authorities the witness was ask
Yes sir all of them replied the
witness with an air of great wisdom
Is Professor Grey a well known
thority and do your views and his co
Yes sir ierfectly
Doctor have you read Lived
Can you point out any page in
No both are large books and I
havent the time
Doctor will you swear you ever saw
a book edited by Lived
Why certainly
Spell for the court Lived backward
At this question the judgo and jury and
people there craned their necks won-
dering at the meaning of such proced
slowly spelled the wit
Now if the court please if the wit
ness will find such an author as Lived
I will give up the case and allow a ver
ditc for the full amount sued for by tho
plaintiff concluded Mr Trade
The jury and spectators broke out m
laughter while the pompous medical
expert resembled a punctured bal
Joan of Arcs Strategy
At this epoch when the art of w
was in a rudimentary state when haz
ard was counted the chief element of
success Joan was to discover and
practice strategic measures as new to
her time as were those which gave
Bonaparte victory over Austria at the
time of the Italian campaign First
of the warriors of the middle ages
Joan appreciated the advantages to
be gained by reiterated attacks on an
enemy already shaken and demoral
ized without leaving him the time
between action to recover and reor
ganize And this was not the effect
of happy accident during the entire
campaign in every circumstance she
again and again gave proof of the
superiority of Jier intelligence and
this despite all difficulties in the face
of the ill will of her officers jealously
indignant of being superseded by a
mere girl of low origin hampered by
the indolence of the king and carry
ing on her frail shoulders the weight
of all decisions and the responsibility
of all initiative effort To the chiefs
who sought to make decisions without
consulting her she proudly asserted
Hold your counsel together I will
hold mine with the Lord God and his
will prevail The ardor of her pray
ers moved at last the coward indo
lence of the king and she succeeded
in making him share her enthusiasm
warming his cold heart at the fire
which burned within her Century
The Honey Guide
In some parts of South Africa there
Is a little brown bird whose mission
is to lead the wayfarer to a nest of
bees Hence he is called the honey
guide although Sir John Kirk de
clares that it is the young bees and
not the honey which he looks for as
his reward It seems certain how
ever that he does not object to plunge
his bill into the comb Anyhow the
birds first object is to attract the trav
elers attention by ceaseless chirping
and chattering If no heed is paid to
him he shows his anger at the neglect
by uttering excited cries but if he
is followed he Avill sooner or later lead
the follower to where honey is It is
on record that he has even conveyecL
by a very roundabout road the owner
of some beehives to his- own hives
And that is the only fault that is found
with his guidance He doesnt know
how could he a kept hive from a
wild bees nest The natives accuse
him of decoying people to the lair of
the leopard or the snuggery of th
snake But the charge is false
The Alphabet
Besides being an Archer and art Apple-pie
A enjoys the even greater dig
nity of being the first letter in almost
every alphabet throughout the world
living and dead It takes a back
seat in some African tongues and
among some very ancientpeoples who
Avrote by signs it is not easy to say
where the letter comes in But it is
nearly wholly trne that A is the head
and front of the alphabets of civilized
races It owes this proud position to
the fact that it is the simplest as it is
the fullest and strongest of sounds
for so easily can it be produced that
the child has hut to open its mouth and
breathe and out will come one or other
of tliesA sounds
Possible Polntion
Circe said the lecturer as you no
doubt remember turned men into
I wonder if she did it by starting a
street car line mused the woman
who had hung to a strap all the
to the hall Cincinnati Enquirer
Analysis of Wheit
Wheat in 100 parts contains 144 of
water mineral elements 2 album-
noids 13 corbo hydratesr 676 crudej
fiber 3 and fats 15