U- 1 iy S r 1 n i X- K OFFICIAL DIRECTORY bTATE Governor Uctlteiiaat UQvtruor v ewenuy orsrace GVPtliriL VJaitinp tirothrcii are fraternally ptretit at the couucilsof the tribe J D Wiggins O of R BllaaATTolcbmb RotxitEJioor ttJoIa Ittfer enry iunmiiv nrm ji BJBart i icy KugMQfMoore C Rlisel ArthnrHrlmrchlll j3UptJunllcjbtruckJTrtr UeBrjBCorbett S lCHGere Uncolu L IfuruhtHD J M Halt 1 1 1 Holme T Mallalien iKLglUull 1 Omaha Alms rieroe Kearney Edgar - jCGRKSSIOKAL Sooitr V AlIcnVMadtom John M Tluiratoa ftittaba District Jee Kfltrode Lincoln ftfHid D H filercer Opiatei Third u JMoiWibn Fullertou Hoprtfrr K J Hal- m Aurora ltth Win K Andrew Haatiuga sjJxUiOtJtfauii Broken Bow JUDICIAL Supreme Court T L Norval Cblef Justice Harniji8id Jolk aasiiate6 Htotate iKidlclal Jtfstrict M T Klukald OMcal V il Woelover Kushville - v i LEGISLATIVE BreAentFtivo fifty second Dlstrjtfc - Frank EottiKUlnerK IlKoi e Senator Fourteenth District Henry O Stew art Cravrfva - LAND OFFICE Glover LongpJne iiecelver J A Kike Sewjort COUNTY Treasurer G i Crabb Jieric Gen Klliott 8heriK Mvxa Strong VJudM F MWalcoti vnrs Bmnatr ni iinru tnviteu to ue CH Thompson Sachem A F A M MInnokadusa Lodge Nol9 A F A re octs In ragiiiiirconiniuuicatiou Saturday even- iBgoiior before the full mouu in each month moinners of ortleriu goodaud inr corfliaiiy ana xraieniauj ihvucu i WM V J t j W W Tuosipson Secv O E S Northprn Star Chapter No 69 Order -of the lyUrnSlar meets on second iud tourth Tues daVeveninssof eah mouth in HornbytsjKiU TvW Thdmuson tMaoib W aixjott Secretary Worthy Matron VaTpntijie Lodge No 30 A U W meets 1 st ajul 3rtl Mouday ineacb morth Cari Dalnas Ree W iiolsclaw il W -- Bf OF II VPntlne Lodge No Degree f Honors holds regular meetings first and third day evenings of each month t Corisieusen Rec - Mrs R Robinson C of H rt i - x 0 0 p Valentine Lodge No 205 I O F meets even Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord ially livlted to attend our meetings J T Kceley NG WzbLky Holsclaw Secy G A R - Col Wood Post No 208 Department of Ne braska regular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of each nioutL at 2 d in sharp Oomrads from other Posts are cordially invited to attend J WVIuckkk Commander J0KKTCKXadJt W R C Col Wood WRC No iw regular meeting 2d and 5th Saturdays of each iteonth AmaUOa LUDWia Pre Hele Hoekey -ice i v- M W A ValenTine Camp No 1761 Modern Woodmen at - America meets second and fourth Wednesday of each month at Davenports Hall Visiting neighbors cordially Invited to attend P F Siinns Ven Counsel Splrk GieVk - - Cbrr5SjLo2gNonRKnightsof Pvthlas meets every -Tuesday ZJ jeveulng at - Davenports Hall JosTutiTecilK jjl R andS 4 Arrival and Derrarture or aiaiTs Mall east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at 800 a m daily except Suit- ShneQn Kennedy and Oasis leaves at WW aim Mondays Wednesdays and Fri- p m Tuesdays and Saturday Ft leaves daily at700 a m and 500 p m irrlves at930 a maud 730 p m Kewauee -and Sparks arrives Moudays Wednesdays aud Fridays at 609 pm and -- leaves Tuesdays Thursdays And Saturdays at s 1 l - 7 General delivery otn from 7 f9 u m t 7 00 - Tp m General delivery open oa Sundays from tto 10 a m Lock boxes opendaily form G a Dtt8i30pni W BHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MflDS C DWYER Physician tcndSureon Ofhce at C R Watsons Drug Stare Prompt attenUongiyeifto all professional calls riRVTrKK - NKhKASKA W -- ecreglar Tndritlrly Tachers Etrniitation vsrill beJheld the thirdSiturday6f each -month atfmvmceinhelGoartHouse StONlSR - - sUpt of Schools EJD CLAFtKE - 4ttpr2ieyrat Law Antntfccriegal Easiness promptly attended to m M Dame With a dollar M UnniWH nas mea nonce oi tnienuon to you will be notifiedf the fact and MJ 1UIY IVll i IL l Ot - ill C U- tUfirjnaienaeiH iimuii nuwcuuic mio mn nuu uo tuijjou reyor tiia abii Qorouer - A Lewis i - I Max vlerjcl Ooeailssloaera - M Dui ham I PSuWvau FRECINCT S creeers ci Highways It Hansen and J Bay nsttUrie R J owne Justices olttie Teace John Dunn and J M Carnm Aetisor John Dunn VILLAGE -Town Board K ESparks prrsidant C H f or- aell treasurer T C Hornby clerk 50 3 Ludwig and J W imrleicb llarabaUand Water CfrnmIsslonar R Towne school Distrit t No i F M Waleott president M V Nicholson treasurer J C Jfemjonn secw Publishers Notice In order to introduco The Valen tik Democrat into homes where iti does not now go regularly the pub- Usher will upon receipt of one dollar -- -send i the papetto new subscribers from i now until January h 1898 This offer te unprecedented for rt paper of the eijfi and quality of The Demo crat and if you are not now oa the without your knowledge The following is he program to be rendered at the ieeting of the West ern Teachers A saomtion on the 28th of November at the Ganow school house 1 oclock p m The Bnst Methods of Restricting Whispering inechool Funnia ThaRkflrfiv urv J WiBurletoh G V Crabb audl T Keoley Tfae arJ f Tmching Geography to Sooieties Imp 0 -It M fitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved iOrder of Red Meuinetts every second anil fourth Friday ol eacil nioiiin ai uavenpurta Begiuuets Laura Gmlap A Class Drill in Number Work Llu MoBsman The Method of Teaching Cube - and Square Root Illustrated by Blocks Mrs Kitty Crowe A Paper on Bank Discount Louis Spear Mattie Schreiak Secretary limtrthe Dipper Saved the Farm Father was sick and the mortgage on the farm was coming due I saw in the Ibristlan Advo cate where Miss A M Fritz of Station A St Louis Mo would send a sample combination dipper for 18 two cent stamps nd I ordered one I saw that the dipser could be used as a frrit Jar filler a plain dipper a flue strainer a funnel a gtraoer funnel -a Bl k room warming pan and a pint measure These eight different uses makes the dipper Mich a necessary article that I went to work with it and it sells at very near every house and in fotr months T paid off the mortgage- 1 thin K I can clear as much aa 200 per month If you need work you can 4a well by givlng ihls trial Miss A M Fritz Station A Ht Louis Mo will send you a sample Cor 18 two cent slumps Write at once Jox G N Wanted at Once Ten good teams to haul freight to the Brick yard and Rosebud Agency Will have hauling all winter 36 Davenport Thacher A Dttndy Thing to Sell I have been doing io well this summer selling combimfon dippers that I think it my duty to tell others about it I have not made as much monev as sime t read about but I never make less tliau3 and often S5 a day The dipper can be used as a fruit jar filler a plain dipper a flue strainer a funnel a strainer tunnel a sick room warming pan and a pint measure These eight different uses makes the dipper such a necessary article that it sells at nearly every house it is so cheap You can get a sample by sending as I did l8wo cent stamps to pay prostage etc to W H Balrd Co Station A Pittsburg Pa and thev will mail you a dipper and ym can go right to work Anyone can make 3 or S4 a day any where A Readeu Wanted Wood on subscription Dry hard wood preferred Call early and avoid the rush A Great Chance to Stake Money I want to tell you of my wouderful success Be ing a poor -girl and needing money badly I tried the Dish Washer business and nave clear ed 200 every month It is more money than I ever had before and I cant help telling you about for 1 believe any person can do as w ell as I have if they ody try Dish Washers sell on sight every lady wants one The Mound City Dish washer Co St Louis M will give you all necessary instructions so yon can begin work at ome The Disk Washer does splenul 1 work you can wash and dry the dishes in two or three minutes without putting your hands in the water at all Try this business and let us know yolir success 3 Elizabeth C Davenport Thacher tiarry a com plete line of coffias and undertakers supplies 27 The tfew Hook Spoon Free to Ail I read 3n the Christian Standard that Miss A M Fritz StationA St Louis Mo Would give an elegant silverspoon to anyone seudind her ten 2 ceut stamps -1 sent for one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends and made SI300 in two hours taking orders for the spoon The hook spoon Is a houuehold neces sity It cannot sup into the dish or cooking vessel oeingncisin place oy a nooic on ine back The spobn Is something tha housekeep ers have ueededever since spoons were first in vented Anyone can get a sample spoon by sendlnkHen 2 cent stamps to Miss Fritz Tils is a splendid way to make monev around home Yery truly Jeans ettb S - The 5emo0Rat and the Thricea week world Otte 150 iSEarfy This Girl Qtdtt Isafcrnyourpaperthat a 13 year old bov madeSttS the first hour he worked ellinu the Perfection Metal Tip I awipwiek i ordered a sample fcnd went to worsandthe first week I cleared 510 thesecond week I cleared SIS I expecttorun up to 25 a week tn the near futureis the Perfection Metal Tip Lampwick mikes sucha beautiful white light and does awaywith smokey chimneys and bud Oder and savesollutlseasytosell If vou wish to try it send l3twoeetit stamps to Miss -A M Fritz Station A Stliii3 Mo and she will send vou sample outfuVthlsis a good way to make money arbund home Miss Tina W And The Democrat still pursues the even tenor of its way gaining friends and subscribers but laying up no spondulicks If Bryan is elected and that great flhancial crash comes on as predicted -by Hanna et b1 this paper wont lose much money Now iske time to Tsnew iv Also WitHam J - U 8 Laud OIHCB Valentine Nebraska i u u n i j list this is the time to send tn your octobcr26thi89Gf TImj 6ttb8criptian price of The Democoat is 1 per year bat if sub acriptioa is allowed to become -delinquent it will be charged at the cote of 125 Tiis is done as a mesas of protection to the publisher When FINAL PROOF NOTICE Parties having final proof notices in these columns will receive a marked copy of the paper which contains first insertion of same It is the duty of each claimant to examine their notice carefully and should there be any error the fact should be reported to the land oflice and to this office at 4 ones for correction Ncce is hweov clven that William G Sawyer mttKt nimj orooi niMore mc negisier ir neceiv ei at hiH office mi Valentine Nebraska on Jrl dayithf llthtluv of December 1896 on timber ciiksre aDDllcation No 700 for the lot 4 Y aeHa nd ueseU of seetiou So i la township ro 30 N ranee no 28w Re as wit iesses Uarrey E Dewey and Charles W Dewey of Wood Lake Neflr Heneer E Dewey and Robert Qulzenberv of Oasis Nebraska Testimony of claimant will be taken before the oi ine uisinn court ot nane county at ms oniue in ueneva Illinois on uccenwern inva Also Henry Sawyer of Carpentersvillenl TrC780l foi the nVine4and nVinvrk section 25 towKshin 3UrHUce 29 w ff nma aa wirnRacpa TTnrvAtr T TAufjv I and Charles W Dewey of Wood Lake Nebr your subaoription becomes delinquent NeHSey ud Eobert Qutobeiyuf lestiraogy of the claimant will be taken before the clerk of tjiedistrict court of Katie county at msomceinucncva Illinois on uecemner eta 1896 G Sawyer of Carnentersviile - 5 - - in oneot tneowrs oi ueorce E Sawver de ceased whojnaqeT jfj entry No 7790 for the nVseM uwiiveH and scnwK section 27 town ship son raage 29w He names S witnesses Harvey E Dewey and Charles W Dewey of Wood Lake Nebr Spencer E Dewey and Robert Qulzenbery of Oasis Nebra ka Testiinony of claimant will be taken before the clerk of the district court of Kane county at hU office in Geneva Illinois on December 8 1896 C R GLOVER Register U 8 LandOttlco Valontlne Nebr t r 2Cth 1 9G f Notice Is hereby given that the following mimed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be niado before the Register and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec loth 1696 viz Wilhelrri Anderson of McCann Neb H E 8661 for the lots 1 2 and 3 section 2 and lot 5 section 1 township 32 range 31 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land viz reter iaiioway David Hendershott Tames Johnson and Avelyn TBrackett ail of McCann Nebraska C K GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb I October 27 1896 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make iinal proof iu support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentlue Nebraska ou Dec 9th 189G Viz Lars Pederson of Kennedy Nebr H E 10045 for the neMnetf section 23 nwKnuVi and nVinwU section 24 towishlp 29 range 32 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land David A Plercy Francis M Robinson Erik Ameson and iuen Bardsen all of Kennedy Nebr CB GLOVER Register U 8 Land Offlofrat Valentine Neb I Nov 4th 1896 j Notice is hereby gjveu that the followlng named settlor hs flted notice of his intention Xo make final proof hi support of his claim aid that said proef will be made bofore the Register and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec nth l9GYlz John C Nichols of Reige Nebr HE No 8S31 for the lots 3 4 and eVS swVi Sec 31 Tp 30 R 33 Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz - Daniel P White and refer Galloway of Mc Cann Neb Henry Schleleter and Peter Reimers of Reige Neb C R GLOVEP Register Land Oilice at Valentine Nebraska i Nov 9 1896 f Notice is hereby given that Mary J Storey formerly Mary J fcusley has filed notice of lu tention to mane Glial proof bofore the Register or Receiver at their onlce in Valentine Nebr on Friday the 18th day of December 1896 on tim ber culture application No 8298 for the lot 3 naUsw seuw nwsett Sec 30 Tp 32 n She names as witnesses Charles Gartslde John Nolan Lymau Storey aud Gustas Guu dersou all of Cody Nebr C R GLOVER Register US Land Office Valentine Nebr 1 Nov 14th 1896 Notice is hereby given that the following natn ed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof iu support of his claim and that sain proof will be made before Robt Lucas USCCi at Merrlmau Nebr on Dec 30th 1896 Viz Joseph A Sault8 of Pullman Neb H 9391 for the sswH and stfseJi Sec 14 Tp 29 R 37 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon -and cultivation of said land viz Charles Jacobson William Metzger and Eg bert Bounen of Pullman Nebr William Eulow of Gordon Nebr C RGLO VER Register Land Office at Valentine Nebr Nov 14th 1896 f Complaint haying been entered at this oflloe by James Euos against Znok Hurtt for aban doning his Homestead Butry No 9894 dated August 2d 1894 upon tfce wKswJi seMsw4 Sec 27 Tp 35 n R 4o w in Cherry comity Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 4ih day of Januar 1897 at 10 oclock a rn to respond and f urnrsh testimony concerntngsaid alleged abandonment lesiimony oi witnesses to tie taKen oeiore Robert Lucas UsCCC at Merriman Chctry county Nebraska Dejemoer 30 1896 at 10 a m CR GLOVER Register US Land Office Valentine I NOV 17 18961 Cdmpalnt havinc been witeted at this office by Gtrrould Fairhead against John C Potter for failure to comply with the law as to Timber Culture Entry No 2743 dated September 30 1884 imnnthR sUsnli X iwit Xm i TTr m If in noor I iILL f i T ii j couiny aeorssKa witn a view to wie uauceiiauun tn saiu euiry contestant alleg ing that the said John O Potter has failed to break or cause tobo broken any of said des cribed tract at any time and has failed at any timeto cultivate any of said tract and has -failed to plant or cause to be planted any trees tree seedsor cuttings on said tract at any time the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ofhce on the 28th day of December 1896 at 1Q oclock am to respond aud furnish testi mony concerning said alleged failure Disposition of witnesses will be taken before Robert Lucas a USCCC at bis office in LaVa ca Nebron the 24th day of December 189S at ln oclock aai C R GLOVER Register Notice for Appointment oa Admtnis trator nCounty Court of Cherry County Nebraska John G Guth surviving partner of the Urns of Guth Hare having filed in mv office a peti tion praying for the appointment of Edward J Davenport as administrator of the estate f Walter Hare deceased all persons interestedin said estate will take notice that l lave fixed Saturday the 28th day of November 1896 at lo oclock as the time and my office in Cherry county Nebraska as the place for the hearing of the appointment of such administrator Witnessmy haiid and seal of the County 3rart this lOtto day ot November 1895 I M WAICOTT County Judgs Notice The TowTtSirtrCornpanT ttf Georgia Nebraska herewith gives notice that the name of the town will be changed from Georgia to Ptipley Cherry CouxTr Land Company Election in Over And you can now make that trip -ea-you have been thinking about Re member Use Pacific Short Line leaves ONeill immediately after arrival of train from Black -Hills and saves you two hours cisae to Sioux City and the East Buy lacal ticket to ONeill This makes the lowest rate To Whom it May Concern All persons indebted to the estate of Walter Hare deceased are requested to settle promptly John J Quth is authorized to receive and receipt for same E J Davenport Administrator NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION 15b PAPERS A YEAR it stands first among weekly papers in size frequency of publica tion and freshness variety and relia bility of contents It is practically daily at the low price of a weekly and its vast list of subscribers extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign countries will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns It is splendidly illustrated and among Its special features are a find humor page exhaustive market re ports all the latest fashions for woman and a loug long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors Conan Doyle Jerome K Jerome Stanley Weyman -Mary E Wilkins Anthony Hops Bret Harte Brander Matthews etc We offer this uneqalled newspaper and The Valentine Democrat to gether one year for 150 The regu lar subscription price of the two papers is 200 SMYSER VINCENT -PROPRIETORS OF- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Good Rigs and Careful Drivers Teams Stabled At Geo Langs old stand VALENTINE NEBRASKA Pacific Short Line Passenger leaves ONeill Neb at 10t05 a m immediately after ar rival of train from Black Hills reaching Sioux City at 235 p m saving three hours time Lowest rates Purchase local tickets to ONeill and rebuy there VmfiFJr mm4Ht yjigjajQq mm m saa t Ponotbedevl anprlnif advutbomiuitatad tains yoQean getttie oettinaae finest flalslt and MOST POPULAR SEWING MACNlNt tor amere bom Bay from reliable xnaaofstveia t have rained a tepBtatlon byhonertandiwnaie geaUBp There la none Jn the world that CBi leeroal 5iiSKnIcal Ma dnrablllty of woraJne parteflnenesB of finish beanly In appearancepr has umanylmproTesoentaas the NEW HOMat WRITE FOR CIRCULARS The Hew Home Sewing Macliine Co OAwnHASs BostotMass 8UsioaSoujtKY Chicago ILL B7 Lotus Mo DaixjStexS aiKfurciscotOAZ AtLisziTOa FOR BACK BY G CARLSON Valentine - Nebraska KsoaEasassDc -d The Chicago Chronicle 18 FIRST OF ALA A GREAT NEWSPAPER JXCTDSKTALLY It lsaa advocate of diynocfacy wlh ao WnJas award populhiBj arsnseso Tixe irlumpb ot he repcclkiaa pirtrta sroefitesilal election ca a rwntt or the iUnipilon of the democrats de vol Tea upoa the 2aur lb duly of rorcillon oad r9 finlratioo oa the lloe of their orrn aai not aosm other ptyB faltb To praawlo rsaalM democracy to discountenance populism xujj t re let Ibe jscaopolLatJc tanctencSs of rtjcuoUcta Um will o Hio poUtlcal miiton of THS fcrure as It bos b va faVUi niat As newspaper THH CHttOlTICLH wl ooatlace to b ojsjpreiicaslTa aad iaierprtstar purine neither labor nor expocve to aiAie Hi reporu of ail nouwu th7 cva oT auportorC3 IcajK nadcoTorlor exhaustively tBe entirely 2tA or naT dlaooTery IcrestJoa tsdnstraaA prureaa Per oa mm a day aTary taaitly vrtthln ao auadiod cillesoX Cbioaco may hra oa tta day ot lta poaUeaUoa a opy of a great CaUr aeapasar coatU taoaia4a or v S3 PER YEAR FOB THE DAILY All aobaerlaUoaa auat be aocoaapaaled by the cash Oranoo caleaffs r New Tarlc or relatared latter Currency la ukm aattfa asuat al vaa at aaodcra rlak Sample copies sent free oa amiieii H LaV aaai m aa bbbbbI aBaaWa aV1 aV aaVsaW aa Htaaw S 01 PAID TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS Dally arily OnTar S30O j Sunday only One Yir 9200 M Mm tm Thre MontU 75 m i Thr MbnttiV 0 Qn Month 26 On Mnnfh 41 Daily arid Sunday 500 pr year Part til a year SOo pr minth Eeralt oy pottal raxpreasffiaerara while fHflaftly oafa 164H60 Washington 8t Chicago III aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW slaaaaaVsivLaL mmmWLmKSmWBmWBImWKmKFOK 98 a fnHmmmmWSSrBmmmmmm HR9raiSnnBaT tpsinjaHLgaHsuHaaxVV Vj e9RBBHBXuCVcKu373ErxBarsW SSlBaHlflQpnQVBkis h Tbd 5--- of THAT IS Where the advertiser will find himself every time in the fight for trade if he patronizes the best ad vertising medium in Valentine THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT The only Democratic News paper in Northwest Nebraska and the Best Newspaper in Cherry County Try it and see BATES SEASONABLE E BREUKLANDER BLACKSMITH and THE ELKHORN RAILROAD WACONMAKER orth Weatem line is to best Repairing a Specialty to and from the Prices Strickly Caah and Low- i er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs old stand P F SIMONS PROPIETOROF DRAY LINE NO Satisfaction guaranteed Treasonable charges SUGAR BEET FIELO NORTH NEBRASKA- Wanted ftn Idea can thlnV fioane simple wjjaieasr Protect your Ideas tbT Rar bftaff too wealth Write Jy Bays wi Hi A Onu WEDDEEBtTRSArCOi latent Atte tXtOn D C for thtl1 rt wtu nfr of fo hTudrtl fciTTOtkss TaatM