The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 19, 1896, Image 4

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iW Z
sni WH1
EOBBRT GOOD Editor -and
Official Piwpef of Cherry Coma
ty Nebraska
ISlOO Per Year in Advance
Entered aCthe Post office at Vclentrao Chdrry
-county NofeB3a m Seoond clasa matter
This paper will fce mailed regularly
to its subscribers -until a definite order
to discontinue is received and -all r
rearsre paid iutfuli
Advertising rtes 50 cents per inch
iper nsonth Kates per column or for
long time adamade known i appli
catioa to thia offlfee
The republicans -will have a big
parade tonight in Valentine but -a
bigger one will take place in Linsoln
ttarting from the state capitol on the
enth dayof Sanuary 1897
In Sheridan county a proposition
was submitted to the voters providing
tor the payment of a bounty on wild
Animal scalps Out of a total of 1515
votes cast only -563 voted on the ques
tion 388 vfor the -bounty and 175
-against it vQueryirDid the propopi
ion carryordidiitfnot
The mew state officials will take possession-of
their offices on the first
Thursday after the first Tuesday in
Januaryvthe 7th It is rumored that
in order to inconvenience the new
officers every republican clerk will re
sign on that day This ishard to be
diave as arepublican was neverknown
to givenpan oflice tmtil he had to do
J AM3affm who has before been
speaker of the Nebraska house of rep
resentatives is being boomed for the
position once more Mr Gaffin is a
good manand comes from Saunders
county but this paperwouldjike to see
aweBtern man fill that -position once
ustfor a change Whats th6 mat
ter with Col A E Sheldon of
TheGreat Northern railroad will
builda line from Yankton S D to
Norfolk vNebr the -coming season
This will give Omaha a chance to push
her wholesale trade into eastern South
Dakota whereshe is now barred by
reason of poor railway facilities
Omaha is making a strong pull to cap
ture western trade whiGh has been
jgoing to Chicago and she bids fair to
become a formidable rival of the city
on the lakes
The Democrat solicits letters on
any subject of interest and will give
attention to all received If you are
itmrdened with a grievance or if you
have a thought that may prove a bene
fit to your fellow men write this paper
Sugar beets court house free range
tdivision monopolies and other subjects
dffefa wide field for correspondence
While this paper prefers its correspon
dents to touch lightly upon politics the
fact that politics are mentioned in the
communication will not bar it
Nebraskas new lieutenant governor
-is a preacher and has lived among
and preached to the people of Xemaha
county icr eleven years Elder Harris
will be the eighth lieutenant governor
ofthestata although the common
wealth has been ruled by fourteen
governors including the territorial
-governors His predecessors were
Otterman A Abbot 1877 Edmund C
Cams 1878 A W Agee 1882 H H
Shedd 1884 Geo D Meiklejohn 1888
Thomas J Majors 1890 R E Moore
Iauren Jones as has been before re
marked is editor of the -Gordon de
partment of the Rushvilie Standard
and he gets off lota of good things but
last week hemade a mistake when -he
An editor doss not need nearly every
week to be telling his readers what a
jgreatjman he is and what a great pa
per he is running They will find it
if he and his paper really deserve
That strikes at the foundation on
which most newspapers arereared viz
the sdfertising -patronage Why not
say iercbantneeds not tell bis
good thiugs be has for sale
Can -any pewspapor man
countenance tbebarve statement made
14 -
In an interview predicting and fa
voring an extra sestton ot Congress
SsnUtbr Sherman has said MYu have
jplenty of money and plenty of gold in
the Treasury and I do not think that
Gdngress is called npon to tafce up the
consideration of uy radical change in
otir present financial system
This is a practical admission by the
selor in tiaancial matters of the repub
lican party that no necessity exists for
an eitra session
The only substantial reason tirgsti
for the -calling of an etftrasession -was
the need of revenue to -protect tbegold
reserve and prevent the issue of bonds
If there is plenty of money in the
Treasury and the gold reserve is in no
danger -this reason is removed
Theonly object of au extra session
therefore would beto pass a tariff bill
not for revenue but for protection in
other words to keep pledges of
i w
fits made to the bounty interests in re
turn for support in the campaign
In doing this the republican admin
istration will notonly offend the great
body of voters who oppose high protec
tion and supported McKinley on ac
count of his financial policy but will
give a color of -proof to the charges
that the Hatma syndicate have a
mortgage on the McKinley administra
More than this an extra session will
aeain bring a disturbing factor into
business What the business interests
need more thau -anything else now is
complete relief from all political agi
tation and menace The prosperity of
the country depends upon the business
men getting ample time to establish
renewed activity without the fear of
political tinkering
If the republicans care for the good
will of the country the will drop the
subject of extra session St Louis
We always said McKinley was bet
ter than Tom Piatt and the gang that
shoved that gold plank under him and
hei8 likely totdisappoint thesefellows
That is why many republicans stayed
by him Jt is his chance to show his
manhood We shall be glad if he dis
appoints his enemies and shows that
they failed to read him aright
Lelphos 0 Courant
Bro Walkup shouifi get off the
dump pretty soon if he really tbelieves
in free silver There is no
abijity of Mckinley doing something
for -silver than there is of Mart
Hanna goingto heaven Bro Walkup
krone of the many men who claimed
to be in favor of free silver yet had re
publicanism so thoroughly ground into
their natures that it would not allow
them to support anything which
savored of democracy
How long oh Lord will it take some
men to find out that the republican
party is not to -be depended upou
Even after the repeated assertions of
Major McKinley that he was in favor
of a gold standard there are thousands
of good republicans who do not be
lieve he meant it They have become
so accustomed to their leaders saying
one thing and doing another that they
cannot believe McKinley was in ear
nest Upon that point this paper
agrees with them McKinley at heart
is a silver man but he is so badly
mortgaged that he will not fail to do
the bidding of his masters Even the
international agreement plank will
soon be lost sight of in the scuffle
which will insue over the attempt to
re enact the McKinley tariff law
A heated and in many respects bit
ter campaign conducted largely on
new lines has closed with the elec
tion of McKinley bya large majority
in both the Electoral Gollege and the
popular vote Underthe administra
tion of Mr McKiuley we may look for
an era ot trusts and high protection
His name is identified with an vexces
sive tariff and there is nothing in his
history to show that he is unfriendly
to oppressive corporations and aggre
gations of capital
Many of the grievances of which the
people -have complained and com
plained justly are likely to be in
creased before 1800 It therefore be
comes the democrats to guit chasing
rainbows and get together The demo
cratic party has sustained a severe de
feat but it has sustained severe de
feats before and risen triumphant
from its fall It can do it again It
is now asit has always been the party
of the people of popular rights and
though itmay wanderfrom the path
and be beaten at times destiny and the
course of civilization are with it
New York World
The legislature will meet on the 5th
day of next January and then the fun
Meat wanted on subscription and
wanted bud Norden JSorealis
And its dollars todoughnuts that if i
some subscriber brings in a hara that
is a little off color and has a queer
smell the editor of the isoreahs will
kick and kick Kara although his ad
vertisement expressly stipulates that
tp wants his ineatfbud Evidently the
selection was too for our
Ohio Senator who is the chief coun f brother journalist -and he forgot that
Harvey and trreene and otherstnake a
distinctioubetween an adjective and
an adverb
Two weeks ago this papsr called
upon C P Wiltss editor of the New
pert Republican to prove the charges
which Ifrraade against E B Brain and
stated 5how acceptable proof could
easily be obtained He has not yet
done -so Two weeks more will be
Ifris Hanna and not McKinley who
is stilllooked to and courted by the
politicians Hanna went to New
York la3t week to attend a Belshazzar
banquet at which the make up of Mc
Kinley s -cabinet was discussed Hanna
himself told the reporters that the
cabinet was the subject of discussion
and so did -several others of the ban
queters Ontthe other hand McKin
ley two days afterward stated publicly
to the newspaper correspondents at
Canton that he had made no tender of
a cabinet positionto an one and in
fact had not given a moments con
sideration to the -question of who
should constitute his cabinet
The Ainsworth Star Journal sas
the first paperin Nebraska to hoist the
name or William Mciuniey lor presi f
dent This wasdone over three years
ago Reward comesever to the faithful-
Wonder what it is that Bro Berkley
wants Perhaps it is the oostofflce or
something like that But isnt it
amusing to see him try to ciaim credit
for something which lie tried his bist
to prevent True it is that the
worth Star Journal was the first paper
in Nebraska to hoist the name of Wm
McKinley for president but the paper
was then and for two and one half
years afterwards under the control of
JE B Good Has Bro Berkley for
gotten free silver or that Senators
Allison and Manderson coveted the re
publican nomination for president
David R- Atchison a Missouri
statesman of fifty years ago has been
exhumed from oblivion as the man
whovthough his name does notappear
in the list of this countrys presidents
was for twenty7four hours the posses
sor of all the rights and powers inci
dental to that great office President
Polks term expired in 1849 one of
the rare years when March 4 falls on
Sunday He became a private citizen
of the republic at noon on that day
and as President elect Taylor refused
from religious scruples to -take the
oath ot office on the holy day Atchi
son as president pro tempore of the
senate was constructively the nations
chief executive until the next noon
when the conscientious general
sworn in March 4
next comes on
Sunday in 1921 and then there will
again be a president for a day
With four people out of five against
plutocracy the plutocrats won The
people could not be united ir the dis
graced traitorous democratic party
Populists it is true in some of the
states voted almost solidly for Bryan
taking the bitter dose of the demo
cratic party Missouri World
It was by papers and men of the
above class giving utterance to state
ments like the above that Bryans de
feat is largely attributable Men and
papers who claimed to place principle
above party constantly gave utterance
to such remarks They claimed to be
populists and claimed to be supporting
tbe ticket they supported it in such
a way that they did more harm than
good They constantly said to popu
lists Democracy is a nasty dose it is
a nauseating remedy we wont stand
a show if -Bryan is elected but perhaps
wed better vote for him That was
encouraging wasntdt And it showed
a true devotion to principle tool True
populists will not soon forget -these
men and papers who called Senator
Allen a bulldozer and XJbairman But
ler a traitor to the peoples party and
never lost an opportunity to slander
Bryaa in an underhanded way -Paul
Vandervoort aad hisvilk should
Effect of the Wheel on the Demand
for Literature
New York BooksoUuia Buy Their Boalnfcw
Been Seriouajy iie
by tne Bicycle Epi
Among the
nlain of the
many trades that
havoc that lias
affirmative JNot only the booK rraue
but all -other trades that havtfuecn in
terviewed on the subject clahn to suffer
fn Vip hievclimr epidemic- Though
much of this wailing is perhaps ex
amieratea it is not altogcthpr based on
Imafrination It does not for instance
peem unreasonable to assume when
confronted with the report that nearly
2000000 are invested in the-manufacture
of bicycles in and near New York
city aloneand that nearly200000 per
sons in the same locality -are already
addicted to wheeling that the wheel
does affect retail trades in general
nd noticeably the book trade which
depends upon sedentary rather than
perambulatory habits
However there seems to be some
hope left One of the booksellers in
terviewed himself an enthusiastic
wheelman is of the opinion that the
present effect of bicycling on the book
trade must be only temporary His
theory is that the increase of wheeling
means at the same time an increase of
vigor and good health among the peo
ple Once the first and present phase
of wheeling is over this renewed vigor
will exhibit itself in a practical manner
iiitiim lira nrni - J
wrought among them by -the craze for
bicycling is that of tiie dooksuuct
who says that at present at leasts peo
ple would rather -wheel than read
The Publishers Weekly treats of the
matter editorally in rather a despairing
vein though it sees some light far
ahead and meanwhile advises the weep
ing bookseller to add bicycles to his
stock Itays
M Do bicycles hurt books was the
momeutons question recently put by
the New York Times to a number of
booksellers in New York city and the
allowedhinvsnd then if proof is not weight of opinion seemed tc be in the
forthcoming this paper will proceed to
show not only C P Wiltse but the
author of the charges in his true
light The Democrat takes this
stand on its own responsibility as the
editor is not and has riot been in cor
respondence with Mr Brain
ITow the Keroen of Hi South Pi
TlifiuJRUf d j
One of the most remarkable myste
ries connected with the life ot Urn
southern negro 5peciujiy Um- of
Georgia and Florida is the wonderful
and-abiding- faith they have i the
power of the cunger hag When
cornered however with the qintion
as to whether they carry conceuled
about them an article of the kind or
whether they ever pay u visit to the
doctor every last one of theui will
stoutly deny the soft impeachment
yet as annatter of facUalarge percent
of the colored population of the south
are firm believers in voodooitsm and
faithfully spend a portion of their earn
ings eaclrmonth in procuring imagined
security front enemies and evil spirits
or in laying up a supply of good luckrfor
future use
dinger bags are of two kinds The
one made of jellow flannel is to -ward
off evil spirits the other of red flannel
is supposed to insure good luck or
bring to pass some cherished desire of
the owner The contents depend upon
circumstances and the cost is from 25
cents to a dollar
The doctor hears the visitors story
and after deciding what the remedy
shall be selects a small bag of the
proper -tint of red or yellow and puts
into it something like the following
A piece of hair or whiskers some
earth that the right or left foot has trod
at the hour of midnight at a certain
designated spot a relic of a dead
friend -a clipping of the applicants
finger or toe nail a piece of money
from the person or belonging indirect
ly to the candidate which must be
soaked so many hours in vinegar alco
hol or whisky a few watermelon
seeds a little gunpowder perhaps or
maybe a pinch of snuff or a piece of
Little David root will do the busi
ness What Little David root is no
mortal but a voodoo doctor has ever
been able to find out and yet the great
est possible faith is placed in its powers
by the superstitious darkies who be
lieve anything the docr tells them
It is a peculiar growth that looks very
much like slippery elm and the secret
of its origin or place of hiding is held
as the people once more return to their iu common only by the doctors and the
libraries and books in better health and priests who practice this style of black
better prepared to enjoj them Like art
all fads bicycling will reach a climax Amongother things that an applicant
and then the reaction will set in How is told to do is to place a piece of
nearly that climax has been reached this root in his or her mouth
fit would be rash to say but the j it is almost immediately dis
tiona are that it is not yet in sight Thesoivea nto kind of soft paste
manufacturers of bicycles have not yet and when pressed between the palm3
touched bottom so far as prices are the future can be as easily foretold as if
concerned and until they do there will
still be millions to pass through the
craze -which for the time being is de
moralizing the equilibrium of trade
We note in this connection the pro
posal of a bookseller that the book trade
add bicycles and thdir concomitants to
its stock Drj goods stores the depart
ment stores generally says our friend
besides a number of miscellaneous
stores among the latter arementioned
even several drug stores in New York
city already do a thriving business in
bicycles If the bookseller is for the
moment denied the privilege of furnish
ing his fellows with lamps to their
feet why he claims should he not
keep lamps for their wheels and so
bind them to the habit of buying at a
book store The Prophet Nahum thou
sands of years ago lamented that the
city is full of the noise of the wheels
And the world still moves Wiry then
should booksellers iriope and be unhap
py Let them take Launces advice and
help to set the world on wheels At
this fin de siecle everything does
Caps and bells will be called in by
the inexorable decrees of fashion but
of the making of many books there will
be no end nor of the selling of them
either 1 Literary Digest
You Cover -Distance of 83903 fifties in
That Time
Have you ever thought of the dis
tance you travel while you are out for
an hours stroll Possibly you walk
three miles within the hour but that
does not by any means represent the
distance you travel The earth turns on
its axis every 24 hours For the sake of
round figures we will call the earths
circumference 24000 miles and so you
must have traveled during your hours
stroll 1000 miles in the axial turn of the
But this is by no means all The earth
makes a journey round the sun every
year and a long but rapid trip it is The
distance of our planet from the sun- we
will put at 02000000 miles This is the
radius of the earths orbit half the di
ameter of the circle as we call it The
whole diameter is therefore 184000000
miles and the circumference being the
diameter multiplied by S 1416 is about
This amazing distance the earth
travels in its yearly journey and divid
ing it by 365 we find the daily speed
about 1584000 Then to get the dis
tance you rode round the sun during
your hours walk divide again by 24
and the result is about 66000 miles But
this is -not the endof your hours trip
The sun with its entire brood of plan
ets is moving in space at the rate of
166000000 miles in a year This is at
tihe rate of a little more than 454000
miles a day or 18900 miles an hour
So adding your three miles of leg
travel to the hours axial movement of
the earth and to the earths orbital
journey and that again to the earths
excursion -with -the sun and you will
have traveled in -the hour 85903 miles
St Louis Republic
Value of Newspaper Advertising
The advantages of advertising were
recently illustrated in London A man
advertised for the return of a loatcat
In less than a week 322 of them were
brought to hi3 house
Londons Bistlock
Each minute space of Londons great
j clock BigHJen is a foot and the figures
oc the clock face are feet long
read from so many pages of typewrit
ten manuscript At least the aston
ished negroes think so and thoroughly
Ijelieve in it Little David root is
responsible for a great deal of supersti
tion in the south
There is now living in a suburb of At
lanta Ga a fine fat negress weighing
250 pounds or more who has the repu
tation of being the most successful voo
doo doctor in these parts Her cabin is
a veritable curiosity shop which is
hung about with more symbols and
charms than an Indians wigwam
Among other things her supply of
cungprs is unlimited and these are
sold -to visitors unbelievers included
at an average rate o 30 cents each If
a higher degree of potency is desired of
course the charge is higher St Louis
Deaf Mutes- Ideas
The testimony of educated deaf
mutes regarding someof their ideas be
fore instruction is very interesting
Some fancied the wind was blown from
the mouth of an unseen being A num
ber supposed that rain and lightning
were caused by men in the sky pouring
down water and firing guns One who
bad seen flour falling in a mill thougnt
that snow was ground from a mill in
the sky Some of the stars were can
dles or lamps lighted every evening by
inhabitants of the heavens Only one
said she had tripd to -think about the
origin of the world and its inhabitants
All lrnd a great terror of death and be
ing put in the grave one had been
haunted by fear that she might awake
in the grave unable to call for help
One thought death was caused by med
icine administered by the doctor Deaf
mutes have refused to go to bed when
ill from observing that sick persona
have taken to their beds before death
Those who were taken to church by
iheir parents said they had little idea
before education of the purpose of this
assembly One testified I thought
that the people were in the church to
worship the clergyman of the greatest
dignity and splendor jST Y Times
When William Hunts
When the German emperor gos
hunting he arrays himself in such gor
geousness that the gasD ought to be
proud to fall beforer so magnificent a
conqueror Hianunting costume was
designed by himself and he is Baid
to be so much taken with it that he
omits no opportunity of wearing it
It consists of a bluish gray tunic with
a short cloak of the sanie material both
garments having green facings and
broad epaulettes The emperor has
around his waist a broad belt of green
leather from which hangs a huge
hunting knife the handle mounted
with the imperial crown of gold IIQ
wears very high lacquered boots gold
spurs and a Tyrol ese hat of gray felt
edged with green and adorned withon
enormous plume of feathers which
quiver at every step Troy Times
A Sure Match
Seeker Do you think Jowlers atten
tions to iliss Fender will result in a
Sabftman Beyond a doubt
I dont ee how you can figure it j
out The old mans -unalterably op
posed to it and was Clever known to
give in to anyone
Thats -why I say it -will result in e
match Hes obstinate and determined
and go is Jowler and oefore they get
througn with it there will be a slug
ging match you4canljetonit Boston
tMjyjy ii iiiiwfcJ
a i m
lT Tl A nvnv ni ArJ i
Wbnderfai JSTow Materials
A Remarkable tfoHipound That Takei on
the Texture of An7 S a balance
Some of the Wooden
1 erf armed
Prof Woods a Washington chemist
has discovered a suhstance which can
be made to resemble any metal oi
marble in color and texture it chji
be molded into any form takes a high
polish Txroduces the patterns of the
roughest stone or most delicate lace is
acid proof imperishable unbreakable
and is probably destined to bring abo it
a revolution in arts and architecture
The compound which has been tho
result of jears of study is a metalloid
in its nature and has been named pro
tean plastic from its adaptability to
every metal and Stone with which it
is brought in contact and also from the
innumerable uses to which it can be put
The astonishing changes by which it
will take on the texture of any sub
stance is its greatest advantage- aad
it is by this means that it can be made
to resemble gold silver copper iron
Steel brass glass granite marble onyx
and numberless other minerals The- M
laboratory in whicli arelceptinany mod- W
els of this new discovery is on one of
the 1 usiest streets of the capital Scat-
about the room are molds of thejjjjjl
plastic in every form here a cameo
of gold there a bas relief of bronze
while on a long table is arranged a
collection of figures in every known
metal iron and shining gold resting
side by side with marble and mosaics
of highest polish
All of the objects are made of the
same substance the changes in its ap
pearance and color being brought about
by a chemical formula which is known
to the inventor alone
The plastic is a metalloid as by its
nature it partakes of the nature of a
metal Prof Woods however states
that the base of this plastic is of very
finely powdered stone known as steat
ite a variety of soapstone known to
commerce This with other elements
he places in a crucible and subjects to
a heat of nearly 600 degrees adding at
pleasure the substances with which
he varies his formula to produce the
different effects
This liquid which is of about the
consistency of thin molasses is poured
into a mold and as soon as cooked is
ready for market By mixing a pe
culiar compound containing gold dus
the work will come out with a golden
surface it will be not gilded wood or
marble but a metal as hard as gold
of the same color and possessing all the
properties of the most precious ore3
except that it is not quite so heavy
But it will not corrode and will last
With this golden metal which is one
third cheaper than real gold we could
have our home fashioned into bowers of
oriental luxury The houses of the
future can be filled with golden stat
ues exact copies of the ancient Greeli
art the tables and service can gljfjter
with yellow luster and even the doors
and windows may be made to seem
parts of Aladdins fabled palace
The daintiest laco will be reproduced
on this golden surface with every fiber
of the thread showing in its outline
as fine as a hair the- bowls and the
thousands of utensils can be equal to
the dishes of Midas of old
If wo wish to have a home which will
flash back the sunshine from Parian
marble this counterfeit compound can
be mixed in a certain consistency and
we have but to pour it into a mold and
there we have the shape of the purest
of stone of what we wish No cutting
for days with a slow saw by the old
process no filing away of the precious
stone but what seems to be the fairest
of Italian marble will spring up out
of the crucible and cool into beauti
ful ehapes within our sight in a few-
Silver and other metals and rocks
and granite blocks can be imitated ex
actly the same way for when the plas
tic is removed from the molds it will
be found to have copied the color and
the texture of the metal or stone to
perfection It will resemble steel so
closely that an expert could not tell
the difference It is hard and yields
to the file as slowly as the real metal
In bronze work or statutes it will be
The brick of which houses are now
uilt can receive a coating of this com-
pound in any color stone or metal
wished and will last forever For
burial caskets particularly in such
countries of low marshy land as New
Orleans it will spring into instant use
In water piping and sewering it will
be found invaluable as no dirt can ac
cumulate nor can any acid corrode its
surface Neither can it be broken any
more easily than iron Philadelphia
The Atmosphere
Even if it were possible for man to
live without breathing air he could not
exist on the earth if it were without
an atmosphere Plants derive carbon
the most important element of their
food from the air and without plants
there could be no food for animals and
therefore no human beings Water also
comes from the atmosphere but if there
were no water there could be neither
plants nor animals If food and water
could be supplied in some other way
the world would still be uninhabitable
by plants and animals owing to the
severity of the cold Without an atmos
phere there would be no winds and
consequently no waves or ocean cur
rents The sea if we may suppose one
to have been supplied by some unknown
cause would be a stagnant pool un
inhabitable by seaweed or fih De-
troit Free Press
ThefJreeks ascribe the invention of
draughts -to Palamedes who seems t
have been e sharp among the
heroes who Miled against Troy