The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 12, 1896, Image 7

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L jijl
r -
Of All the People of
the World
in 1000
j A great undertaking has been plan
lied to mark the closing of the nine
teenth century being no more nor less
than a count of all the people in the
world at the same time in order that
the present century may turn over to
Its successor an account of stock as it
were The magnitude of the task may
be seen from the fact that six years
have already elapsed since the taking
of the last census of the United States
and the last reports have not yet been
published At this rate how long will
it take to give to the world the results
of a census of the whole world
I The scheme got its real inception at
the biennial meeting of the Interna
tional Statistical -Institute recently
held at Berne Switzerland At the in
stance of Dr Guillaume director of the
statistical office of the Federal Govern
ment a committee of distinguished sta
tisticians scientists travelers and geog
raphers was appointed to begin the
work by collecting all the information
possible as to the best methods of tak
ing this worlds census and to report
to the institute at its meeting next year
The population of the earth is now es
timated at 1700000000 These Ggures
weiu uiveu uv riui niiuui uiiu a-
ner of the University of Gottiugen
who have from yenr to year published
their calculations in a journal called
Jle Bevolkernng der Erde Their esti
mates are basod upon the best informa
tion Yet Behm and Wagner frankly
acknowledge that they have had to fill
up many of their columns with nothing
better than guesses guesses founded
upon the observations of travelers and
upon other guesses mentioned in treat
ies given by such countries as Ghina
Persia Arabia Turkey
In the most populous country of the
world China they state that their fig
ures may be 200000000 more or less
than the actual number of people In
Africa they may be some 50000000
astray and in Asiatic Turkey Persia
Siam and Afghanistan the figures are
probably equally uncertain China
they are now assured will take an offi
cial census and the governments of
Turkey Persia Siam and Afghanistan
will also be asked to give their assist
ance to the agents of the institute with
a view to making some districted enum
eration of their peoples The accom
plishment of this will require a large
amount of diplomacy as well as of
money and the widest possible knowl
edge of these half barbarous localities
The most important feature of this
worlds census will be the S3nchronous
counting of the civilized people of the
earth The plan is to have all the
States of Europe and America and all
ihe colonies and dependencies of civ
ilized governments and such States as
Japan make a comprehensive and uni
form enumeration of their population
their industries homes families re
ligions and a hundred other minor
njacinjr every point needed to be com-
piled in the different languages and
submitted to the various sovernments
Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yonr
Life Away
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever regain lost manhood be
made well strong magnetic full of new
life and vigor take the won-
der worker that makes weak men strong
Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over
00000 cured Buy from your
own druggist who will guarantee a cure
Booklet and sample free Address Ster
ling Remedy Co Chicago or New York
Whem the Emperor of Ghina Dies
- When a Chinese emperor dies the in
telligence is announced by dispatches
to the several provinces written with
purple ink the mourning color All per
sons of rank are required to take the
red silk ornaments from their caps
with the ball or button of rank all
subjects of China without exception
rare called upon to forbear shaving their
r pleads for 100 days within which period
Jjtone may marry play upon musical in
struments or perform any sacrifice
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the fin
est liver and bowel regulator ever made
I will make a free confession said
the client to the lawyer Free sir
Indeed you wont sir roared the law-
rtp yer Say whatever you may youll
De charged 13s 4d for this interview I
Late Principal Examiner V S Pension Bureau
3yrs in last war 15 adjudicating claims atty since
sStrre relief nmnui
Ayers Argument
If there is any reason why you should use
any sarsaparilla there is every reason why you
should use Ayers When you take sarsaparilla
you take it to cure disease you want to be cured
as quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible
That is why you should use Ayers it cures
quickly and cheaply and it cures to stay Many
people write us I would sooner have one bottle
of Ayers Sarsaparilla than three of any other
kind A druggist writes that one bottle of
Arers will give more benefit than six of any other
kind If one bottle of Arers will do the work
of three it must have the strength of three at the
cost of one Theres the point in a nutshell It
pays every way to use
Ayers Sarsaparilla
Teaming There Ts nn Occupation of
Dreadful Fatality to I5orncs
The deadliest occupation for men or
horses is teaming in the borax fields
of Death valley in the great American
desert There the longest teams in the
world are employed Scientists de
clare that the fierce heat in tills nar
row rent in the cracked surface of the
earth is not equaled elsewhere in the
world When the thermometer often
registers 140 degrees of heat unre
lieved by even a breath of air where
men sleep at night in shallow ditches
filled with water in order to avoid dy
ing from collapse the necessity for
tlie longest teams of mules and horses
ever harnessed to draw the groat borax
laden wagons is apparent
The percentage of deaths among the
horses used in teaming la greater than
that of domestic animals used In any
other calling Forjy to sixty horses
are often hitched to one of the lum
bering vehicles in which the borax is
slowly dragged aeross the sun baked
alkali plains The average life of oven
the sturdiest horses used in this work
is six months for in this length of
time they either become broken-winded
consumptive from inhaling the
deadly dust of the desert or are driven
crazy by the frightful heat
A man there though protected by
the wagon awnings from the suns
rays cannot go an hour without water
without danger of death When a
team breaks down and the water sup
ply becomes depleted the men ride at
top speed for the nearest source of
supply and often when they return
they find that the remaining horses
made mad by thirst have broken from
their harness and dashed off only to
find death in the desert
The borax wagons weigh 8000
pounds aad carry 20000 pounds at a
load Behind each wagon is a tank
containing hundreds of gallons of wa
ter The horses are harnessed in pairs
the trained ones in the lead and the
next in intelligence just ahead of the
tongue while the unruly and the
youngsters are hitched between The
nigh leader has a bridle with the strap
from tlie left jaw shorter than the
other and from this bridle runs a
braided rope which the driver perched
on the wagon seat holds in his right
The rope is called the jerk line
and is a little longer than the team
which stretches out several hundred
feet in front of the wagon During
the busy season the borax wagons
make an almost continuous train and
the horses alone if placed in single
file would make a team more than a
hundred miles long
Besides a little food and water the
poor animals get no care They curry
themselves by rolling in the burning
sand After a few months of this kill
ing labor the poor creatures become
unfit for service A kindly rifle ball
then ends their agony and their ema
ciated carcasses are left alongside the
trail to furnish scant picking for the
hovering vulture
I De Dews Gift to an Unknown Bride
You must receive a great manji
queer letters said a young lady who
sat next to Chauneey M Depew at ti
dinner party a few weeks ago
Yes said Mr Depew I do Ij
just answered one of the most peculiar
I ever received this afternoon A youug
lady who lives at a little town up in
the Adirondack mountains that I had
never heard of before wrote and asked
me to send her money for a wedding
For a wedding trousseau exclaim
ed the young lady
Yes She said I would not miss
150 and it would make her very happy
to have that sum and it would pay for
all she needed for her wedding outfit
After explaining that her parents -were
opposed to her marrying the man she
loved simply because he was not rich
she went on to say that -she was the
prettiest girl in town that she knew if
I could see her as she sat writing I
would let her have the money for her
And did you send it to her asked
the young lady
Yes said Mr Depew And why
do you think I did it
I am sure I dont know said the
young lady perhaps Because tlie re
quest was such an unusual one
No said Mr Depew It was be
cause the young lady stated with such
frankness and evident conviction that
she was the prettiest girl in town
Every woman who has fallen off in
her looks has an indistinct idea that
slaving for some man caused it At
chison Globe
Many Stylish Frocks Can Be Made
from Mammas Old
Dresses Sunday Dresses- Hats Boots
Cloaks Gloves Etc
Fashion Gossi3
New York correspondence
V 5 2
out of mammas
iBASONS by the
dozen there are
that may interfere
with mammas
having a new fall
dress but the lit
tle folks must not
suffer - Many a
household is1 nt
having any new
clothes this sea
son except those
for the children
and then the case
Is of ten that which
little Frattlepate
disclosed by say
ing Thats made
Not all of mam
mas dress was needed for Prattle
pate is a wee lassie and only as little
bit of stuff is required to make her a
6lip that hangs from her shoulders and
shows her chubby arms and fat legs
complish it Little slippers are the
right thing for house wear the old
fashioned sort with an ankle strap and
yery low heels Lace shoes for walk
ing and outdoor use are shown with
ankle reinforced by rows of whalebone
these of course for children whose an
kles need support For school high
button boots made according to a per
fectly fitting model are the usual
choice no eccentricity of pointed toes
or high heels being permitted Over
boots buttoning high rubber soled and
protected about the toes and heels are
fleece lined and are worn In cold wet
and snowy weather If mamma can
afford- the outlay the little daughter
will be comfortabley no matter how
hard the season
The prettiest cloaks are generous
loose ones reaching to the boot tops
made to loosely cover any cut of dress
At the left in the third illustration is
a garment of tills sort which was found
in Scotch plaid with collar of green
velvet trimmed with a green silk ruch
ing and having just a touch of strap
garniture Jaunty little jackets for
maids of twelve match their skirts and
are worn over blouseswlth softly turn
ed over collars The central figure of
this sketch presents this type of rig
which in this case was brown cheviot
a white silk blouse coming beneath the
blazer The latter had a velvet coljar
and velvet tab at the waist The fin
ish of this rig was in machine stitching
and Its wearer will no doubt allude to
above the socks Kate Greenaway
long gowns are pretty but as long as
babies have adorably dimpled arms
and knees and little bright colored
slips under a lawn over slip dress them
so prettily there will be mothers who
will adhere to barbarously conven
tional dressing for their little ones
Prattlepate is put into this small pic
ture and into the sort of gown as to
6tuff and cut as that described but
in the original of this sketch the little
dress was new throughout Her older
sisters dress too was new but a
stunning school suit just like this one
can be made out of mammas yacht
ing dress The blue serge is all bourid
with red braid a little scarlet petticoat
it proudly as her tailor gown A wise
choice of goods for this season Is a
heavy English checked suiting It
might be trimmed as was this right
hand gown with a center panel of vel
vet on the bodice a box pleat coming
at each side Turn down collar and
sleeve caps were of the goods and the
belt was velvet In her ornamental
buttons the owner of this dress will see
a copying of mammas button garni
ture and be proud of the fact Such a
dress Is warm enough to be worn with
out a cloak until severe weather comes
and so the cost of a fall coat is saved
The latest vagary of fashion is the
addition of padding around the hips of
shows in front and a scarlet blouse is
beneath the jacket This combination
of blue and red is much liked for littie
misses before they get old enough to
tease their distracted mammas to let
me dress all in black oh do
No risks are taken now and she will
have a dainty pair of feet when he
comes out if early attention caa ac-
dress skirts and the promise of bustles
in the near future A little bustle at
the back Is generally an improvement
but let us hope that the large one of
some years ago may never return
Loops of broad black velvet or satin
ribbon are used for epaulet decorations
on evening and dinner gowns
I hear that Mrs Juneberry Is in a
tprecarious state of health They say
that she has got so she faints every time
she Is the least bit shocked or started
Thats because Juneberry wont let
iher wear bloomers What Be
cause be wont let her wear bloomers
p said She says that If she has to be
one of the old fashioned shrinklng
vlolet kind of women she will play the
Btring clear out Indianapolis Journal
Left Destitute
Not of worldly goods bat of all earthly com
fort is the poor wretch tormented by ma
laria The fell scourge Is however shorn
pf its thong In advance by HostetteifB Stom
ach HJtters Its only sure preventive and
remedy Dyspepsia biliousness constipa
tion rheumatism nervousness and kidney
complaints are also among the bodily afflic
tions -which this beneficent medicine over
tomes with certainty Use it systematically
The crown of Ctiosroes tbeEing of
Persia wns hidden in nn Arabian fort
ress and remained concealed for near
iy 1000 years
6100 Rovrard 8100
The- readers ol thlB paper will bo pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
aisease that science has been able to cure
in all Its stages and that is Catarrh
Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure
now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a con
stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is
taken internally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous BurfaceB of the system thereby
destroying the foundation of tne disease and
giving tho pationt strength by building up the
constitution and asBlBting nature in doing its
work Tho proprietors have 80 much faith in
its curative powers that they offer Ono Hundred
Dollars for uny case that it fails to cure Send
for list of testimonials
Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O
JKS Bold by Druggists 75c
Bobby Pa they call lawyers legal
lights dont they Pa Yes Bobby
Bobby Well pa why aint Mr Edison
an electric light Judge
Cascarets stimulate liver kidneys and
bowels Never sicken weaken or gripe
Judging from several tragic experi
ments at agricultural fairs this au
tumn the rope and the parachute re
semble the fool and his money Bos
ton Advertiser
There is no excuse for any man to ap
pear in society with a grizzly beard since
the introduction of Buckinghams Dye
which colors natural brown or black
The Roman naval crown was given to
the Admiral triumphant at sea It was
of gold and its decorations were the
prows of ships
Two bottles of Pisos Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bad lung trouble Mrs
J Nichols Princeton Ind Mar 26 95
The ovation crown in Rome was
made of myrtle An ovation was a
lesser species of triumph
When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret
candy cathartic cure guaranteed 10 25c
x The civil crown was a Roman honor
given to the soldier who saved the life
of a citizen by slaying an enemy
All that ice can Bay as to the merits of Dobbins
trie Soap pales into nothingness before Uie story it wll
tell you itsetfiOt its own perfect quality If you will give
it one trial Boat take Imitation there are lots ot
The Prussian crown is very plain
the royal house of Prussia having been
celebrated for Its economy
Mrs Wlnslows Boothiwo Byhut for Children
teething softens the gums reauces inflsmmatioa
Hays pin cure wind colic 25 cents a bottla
The English ducal crown Jhas eight
strawberry leaves round the rim
Ceo Special Ofler Below
12 Color
Fact is worth a column of rhetoric It Is
a fact established by the testimony of
thousands that Hoods Sarsaparilla does
cure scrofula salt rheum catarrh and
other diseases and affection arising from
impure state or low condition of tho
blood It also overeomep that tired feel
ing creates a good appeite gives strength
to every part of the system Get only
1MBJM pflissW jrfVssssssw j4scW
Iho bast in fact tho Ono Truo Blood Purifier
lJlrrf1c DiHc euro Liver Ills easy to
11UUU rliii take easy to operate 25c
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills which vanish before proper ef
fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed There is comfort in
the knowledge that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system which the pleasant
family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt
ly removes That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families andis
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts 1 1 is therefore
all important in order to get its bene
ficial effects to note when you pur
chase thatyou have the genuine article
which is manufactured by the California
Fig Sj rup Co only and sold by all rep
utable druggists
If in the enjoyment of good health
and the system is regular then laxa
tives or other remedies are not needed
If afflicted with any actual disease one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians but if in need of a laxatn e
then one should have the best and with
the well informed everywhere Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
used and gives mos general satisfaction
Examination and advice as to Patentability or inven
tions Send Tor Inventors Guide or How to Get a
Patxnt Patrick OFarrell Washington DCr
lllWfS WHfHP All F1S
40 90
fails ea
Best Coczh Syrup Taate Good Use
in tuna aow t7 aracguu
Fully 200 of tho Most Faaoas Hen sad Women of bota con
tinents h79 contribute to Uao nazt years Volume of
Celebrating in 1897 its seventy first birthday
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