The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 12, 1896, Image 5

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IM j mm
Governor SUas AIIolcflVAb
Lieutenant Governor E Mtforo
Secretary ot Sfcfro Joel A x
Treasurer I 8 Hartley
Auditor Eugene Moore
Coin J andsasri Buildings Henry Cltussell
Attorney Garal Arthur SClrarchill
Snur3nllk Instruction Henry KOprbett
L fturnhom Omaha
i JMHait AIma
1TET Holmes- riortoi
1 Mallalieu V rtiTn
Ed gar
Allen Madison John 11
TFbnritsn Omaha
KstfesuraUves KrstDi8ti IctOesse U Strode
Xtttcoin In eotid DH MerCer Droaha Tljird
- t w MeikleJohnFullerton Fa dirk E J
niiSurora FithWm Iv Andnftv Hastings
aixtt O M KemBroken Bow hit-
uiieiii rourt T L KorvafClilcf JCaUci
tiftrrisonnucinoik associates
thirteenth tntitelal District M 1 Kinkaid
QrSeul W HAVjtAtover Kushvttk
Reirfseutttr3 Fifty secoqa taTsJtricl Frank
Senator fourteenth District Henry G Stew-
art Crawford
Kcclstpr 0 K Glover lteceiver J
- AFikv 2u vrorl
sreasun r
ierK -
nil en ii - -
County Attorney
County Superintendent
G r Grant
tteo Elliott
Amos Strong
Ed Clarke
Lillian Stoner
A Lewis
AX viertel
Ovcr cors of Hitf Hansen and J Hay
Coimtstble K Towne
Justices of the 1ejtee John IJnnn and J M
Assessor- John Dnnu r
Town Jtoard E E Suaks pn slficnt C II Cor
nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk I S Luirwig
and 1 W Uurlelch
Marshal and Viter3rriinissioner It Towiie
c1kk1 District No 1 1 M V Jtt president
IVI V Nicholson treasurer J O Petti John secre
tary 4V ISurleixli G 1 CrtliDand 1 T Keeley
lsflV O 11 M
litt ms Ihill Tribe No 22 Improved Order of
I Jted Men imets every scond and fourth Friday
evening of nrli mouth at Davenports Hall
lsilin oixiunii we uavuiiiiiuv unutu iu u
present at ilie eouneilsof ihe tribe
J 1 AViains C of It C II Thonipson
Minnekadusa Lodge o 192 A F A
meets in regular comnmuiflation Saturday even
iiig unor before the fullnoonJn each month
juoirbois of the order iuood and regular
lnDcorxiially and traleraauy iuywea to auenu
JT Keeley W M
AV W TuoitisON Seev
Northern Star Chapter Ko rilj Grdcr of the
Eastern Star meets on second uudlourth Tues-
lav evenings of eah anonth inHojrJihys hall
v Tlvompsou MAfcmVrAiroTT
Secretary Wotthy Matron
a o u vr
Valentiue IwlseKo 70 AOIL W meets
1 si mil ird Monday in each month
Carl Danas 1 tee W Holselaw AI W
Valentino Lodgeo Degree of Honor
pliolds regular metliugs lirst and iiurd
ilav evenings of eutUuitonth
71 Clirioteuseit Kee Mrs It ltohuisoii C of II
I iQ O P
YalentineLodjieNo203 T O O F meets
cverv Thursdav evening Visiting brothers
lallvnvited toatteud our meetings
IT Koetev hG
Wkikv IIoimkaw Secv
G A 11
Col Wood Past No 20SpJVpartmet ofNe
t braskaivi3ilarnieetiug2dantlrUh Saturdays of
aeh montUat in m sham Comrads from
i invited to attead
J VlV KiviConunaJuder
JoiiX jlXailjt
- YT 11 C
Col Wood WM V Nol79 njilar -meeting
- Sd and 4thSaturlavsof eh mouth
Amanda LumviflPre
Hirix Honxrv See
Valentine Camp No ITrl Modern Woodmen of
Amwea meets Meond ami fourth Wednesday
v ve1iing of eaeli mouth at Davenports Jlall
- I 11 1 tn itlnl
P F Siniiis A en Couusel 1
J wSftirk Merk
K of P
Che rv Lodge No nsi Knights of Pythias meels
ery l uesitay evening ai uavenpmi s nau
i a ivceij iso
of II andS
rival anil Rcparture of Slails
Mall east and west closesat s pm
Hos hid leaves at S oo ajn daily except
aajvaniariJeiuouiii in
Simeon ICennedy and Oasis leaves
m Mondays Wednesdays and ri
davs lUid arrives at 7 00p m Tuesdays and
Ft Niobrara Ieavesdplyat7 00 ajn and
500 p in arrives at 930aniand 730 pm
v Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays at 509 pm and
leaves Tuesdays Thursdays And Saturdays at
General deliveryoueurom7o am to 700
p m Geueral deiiverypen on Sundays from
8 to 10 ain Lock boxes opendaily form G a
m to 830 pm
W EALE Postmaster
professional and business cards
V 4
JPftysiciaJiantl Surgeou
Oflice at C R Wats pas Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional calls
Valektixk - - - Nekkajska
Theregular nipnthly Teachers
Examinttiarwill be held the
ihird SaturdayoT each month
-at my office inthe Court House
of Schools
Attoxneat LaV
AHklnds of legal to1
Sips Through t ho AVlldenieSS Engraved
oti iBiirly Colonial Horns
The Jittrtinailiiaud dueohitcd duTicg
life pcTicfd of early lrdich coloiwal
Avurs fiiri 1739 lo 1715 wlftii the fight
ing wasUa the New England states are
vauite plain when compared iiUi those
used in the- French nad Ind iam war i novv
vlicn thcunest aim nrost artist r e work
ivas done far fiiirijsiiig the tevolu
tionairy war produelions
The British coat or arms wasvi prom
inent feature covering a largcspaee of
the Surface and making a very beauti
ful kieeoration Iil 175 whim th lasts
A RimaTlalie Socf Kecontly Iteeognizcd
by the Bishop of Itome
In ITindoostan on the const of Mala
bar says a teleprrnm from Home there
is i Catholic community of natives who
are supposed to have ornjinally come
from Clmhlcn nnd a k have In fact
conserved with few chanffes the Chal
dean liturgy They amount to about
20i0u people and although forming
i detached branith pi the oriental
they Avere ip to the present
o the hierarchy
on the tvw iiostolie vicars of Latin dite
There About six months ag o
they uldrcssed a etiton to the Vatican
as king indejicndenee from the Latin and
to have a juriKlietion of their own with
bishops of tiieir rite and nationality
Informed ot this step the Chaldean
patriareli addressed also a petition to
the holy see in order to have the com
munity nniler his jurisdiction but
after long- consideration by the propa
ganda Cardinal Ledochowski tnought
it was not prudent to atach the Clial
deans of Ilindoostau to the patriarchae
of the same rite which is in Turkey and
governs at present only 50000 of the
faithful Leo XLTI juixipus as he is to
augment nsvprnch possible the au
tonom3r of -the oriental Catholic com
munity respecting their usages and
rites intervened in the matter and find
ing the petition of the Malabar Catho
lics in perfect concord with the move
ment he has inaugurated seems to have
decided to constitute the Hindoostani
Catholics in a new community having
-a special patriarch of their own and
olieir own bishops Pall Mall Gazette
A Fathers Authority in France
This father has full and complete au
thority over them anvl demands strict
forms of respect In IJranee a good son
subordinates the important acts of his
life to his fathers consent even more
than he should in some eases On the
other hand the blind and tender de
sire that till parents without exception
have of keeping their children near
them of not letting their sons wander
about the world or risk the patrimony
of their ancestors has brought about
a mania for finding employment in gov
ernment offices in preference -to em
bracing a liberal career The whoh
nation has the same stay-at-home and
exclusive tastes This permits foreign
ers to bring France 4ill that is worst
among them while it does not send her
sons to seek the great good things there
ma3 be in other countries If a life of
perpetual wandering finally becomes
useless and sterile itis equally true
that it is debilitating and unwholesome
never to have a chnnge of air Trench--men
do not seem to notice this Th
Bentzn in Century
A Candid Expression-
Pirst Artist Congratulate me old
Vnan Tve just sold my masterpiece to
TJankcrParventi for 3000marks
Publishers Xotice
Preach wir bega ono of fhe objects jame with a dollar
ottue British armies was to force the
French out of every post south of the
St Lawrence river and finally tadri
them from Canada The fighting
throughout this campaign took placean
Pennsylvania 31aryland and New York
he mterior6I these stares lelng then
comparativtnvilderness and the
routes Ixiinsf almost unknown ex-
cepttothe fur traders This fact caused
a new f eal ure to appear on the horn of
the- soldier a map of the route Such
horns showing the rotrbesof GeiuSrad
doeks andfCol Bouquets expeditions
are quite rare while those showing the
northern routes are numerous the coun
try portrayed varying greatly in extent
Many begsn with the city of New York
showing its churches and other prom
inent buildings and its harbor and ship- j
ping Albany was pictured eurrouiided
by a stockade and crowned bya fortou
uphill and its chtjrch steeples topped
Toy the con von t ional weathercock Then
came Schenectady and the numerous
forts and military pdsts Such maps
include die Hudson and Miohawk river
regions the country and lakes in New
York amd sometimes the intervening
sections -of Canada to Montreal and
These were not- only handsome in
appearance but extreme useful to
loth the officers and the meai as the
maps showed the roads and told where
supplies could be obtained when needed
At that time few printed maps existed
even for the use of the higher officers
who were forced to depend on these
horns for maps of the- wilderness
showing the routes of the
tur traders from Canada to New York
and giving the various camping places
The maps also told where boats could
be obtained to malic the voyages easier
and to make the land journey as short
as possible for roads were almost un
knownand the trails wore often very
rounflaliout A soldier placed the great
est value upon the implements lie car
ried considering his musket or rifle
and his powder horn his companions
during yeans of dangers and hardships
as his greatest friends He learned to
love and -cherish them and at the close
of the war he hung thc m upon the wall
of his home ovor the groat fireplace
vvhere they wem constant reminders of
his war experiences lie never parted
vith them but- at lifes close willed
themto hisdescendants or to some dear
friend J L Sticht U S N in St
In order to introduce The Valen
tine Democrat into horae3 where il
does not now go regularly the pub
lisher will upon receipt of one dollar
send the paper to new subscribers from
until January 1 1898 This
offer is unprecedented for a paper of
the size and quality of THE JDemo
ckat and if you are not now -on the
list this isthe time to send in your
The subscription price of Tide
Democrat is 1 per year faut if sub
scription is allowed to become delin
quent St will beeharged aft the rate of
12 This is done as a means of
protection to the publisher When
your subscription becoiraes delinquent
you will be notified of the fact and
the l25 rate will cot be chtrged
without your knowledge
10O Jtetcxtt a 100
The readers of this iraper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one droddeil disease
thit science has been ble to cure in all its
staires anil that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only postlvecure known to the med
ical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional
disease reijuin s a1 constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting
1 reedy upon the bleofl and mucous surfaces of
so much laith in ibteiiKitive powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollar fur any case that it
Sails to cure Sendfor list of testimonials
Address F yI CinefEV Co Toledo O
J3Sold by Druggists 75c
CJntrniiiu Done in One Minute
I have tried the Lightning Churn you recently
described in votir paper and it is certainly a won
-de 1 can churu in less than ona minute and
the butter is eiegaut and jou get considerable
more butter than- when you ube the common
churn I took the ageii y for the churn here and
every bin ter maker that sees it buys one I
have sold three dozen and they givo the best
satisfaction I Know 1 can sell 100 in this town
ship as they ehurnso quickly make so much
more butter thuircoiumon churns and are so
cheap Some ona in every township can make
two or three hundred selling these churns By
addressing 1 F Casey Co St Louis you can
get circulars and full information so you can
make big money right at home 1 have made S80
the past two week and I have never sold any
thing in my lilebefore 1 A Faiuiku
Wanted at Unne
Ten good teams to haul freight
-The Democrat and the
week New York World
the Ml rick yard a ud Rosebud Agency
WilUmve hauling all winter
30 Javenpout ThachePw
1 JlieIfjfual to n Gold Mine
Will some of your readers give me a good re
cipe for making a cold starch- I am selliivg
self heating ilatirons and iron a little at every
house and have to use some starch at every place
and want to knowhov to make good cold starch
My husband wasin debt and I being anxious to
help him thought I wouid sell selfheatiug Hat
irons and I am doing splendidly v cents
worth of tuel will dieat the iron for a hours so you
have a perfectly tven heat Vou can iron in half
the time and ntVilanger ot scorching clothes as
with the nKi iron and you can get a beautiful
gloss 1 sell at nearly every house as the iron
saves so mush fuel everybody wants ono I make
SI to on each iron and have not sold less than 10
any day I worked My brother is doing wvli and
I think anyone can make lots of mouev anv
where sellini irons 1 F CASEY CO St
Louis iMo will start anyone in the miriness a
they did me if you will address them
x Mits A KussKin
Davenport dfc Thsicher csirry a com
plete lineof eollius and undertakers
Jit liner Millie foiic TJany
Jilt ElUTois Ttjiave readlww Mr C rE H
madeso much mom y in the Dih Washer busi
ness and think I Jiave beat mini 1 am veiy
young yet andJiave had little experience in sell
ing good but Jiave made over eight hundred
dollars in ten weeks selling Dish Washers It
is simply wonderful how easy it is to sell them
All you have to do is to show the ladies how
they workuud they cannot help but buy one
For Hie benefit of -others I will state that I uot
my start from the Mound City Dish Washer Co
St Louis Mo Write to them and they will
send you lull particulars
Lthink 1 cau clear over 000 the coming year
and 1 am not going to let the opportunity pass
Try itnml publish your success for the benefit of
others t J F C
We Glutllu Aucept Silver
Sold or any oldJciud of U S cur
rency when tendered in payment for
tickets over our line besides making
your money worth more than via other
lines for lime is money and we save
you three hours time to Sioux City and
Buy local tickets to ONeill and re
buy there via thePacific Short Line
Immediatp connections every day ex
tcept Sunday
The Netr Monk Spoon Free to All
I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A
M Fritz Station A St Louis Mo would give
an elegant silver spoon to anyone sendind her
ten 2 cent stamps I sent for one and found it
so useful that I showed it to my friends and
made S1300 in two hours taking orders for the
spoon The hook snoon is a liouuehold nece
Lsity It cannot slip into the dish or cook4ng
vessel being held m pjace by a hook on itbe
baek The spoon is -something tha housekeep
ers have needed even since spoons were first in
vented Anyone can get a sample spoon bv
sending ten 2 cent stamps to Miss- Fritz This
4sa splendid way to make monev around home
Very truly Jeankette S
one year
Mart Thin Girl Quiet
I saw in jour paper that a 13 vear old bov
mjide 5L25 the first hour he worked sellimr the
Perfection Metal Tip Lampwick I ordered a
sample and wentto work and the first week I
cleared 10 the second week I cleared S15 I
Bxpecfto run up to S35 a week In the near
Uiture us the Perfection Metal Tip Lampwick
makes such a beautiful white light and does
Away with smokey chimneys and bud Oder and
saves oil it is easv to sell if vnn tpI1i tn
Lsend 13 two cent stamns to Miss a m kVht
Station A St Luis Mo and she will send voii
sample uuuu ims is a goou way to make money
around home vinss tixa W
And The Democrat still pursues
the even tenor of its way gaining
friends and subscribers but laying up
no spondulicks If Bryan is elected
and that great financial crash -come
Second Artist Glad tohear it the on predicted by Ilanna et
miserable skinflint deserves to be stuck FaPer wont lose inuch mone
FUegeBdcrlnttcr is jhe time to renew r
al thkf
Parties having final proof notices in
these columns will receive a marked
copy of the paper which contains
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each claimant lo examine their
notice carefully and should there be
any error the fact should be reported
to the land oillce and to this office at
once forcorrectioti
Land Ofllce at Valentine Nehr I
October Gth 1S9U f
Notice is hereto Kiven that Robert T Brown
has filed notice el intention to make tlnal proof
before the itejistcr or Keeeivcr at his office in
on Wednesday the ltlv day flf
NoveniberUJftf on timber culture application
No7730fora esVsseJ4 and V sw quarter of
section 1vo 31 iaTwp No 28 n Kange No pi w
-He names as witnesses Joseph Kennedy
John Clialoud JosephXiUbertson and Samuel
S MeClean all of Pullman Nebr j
Testimony of Claimant will be taken before
the Clerk ot the District Courtof Lewis County
at his office In Chehalis Washington on Novem
ber 13lllffS9G
Also Samuel MeClean of irullman Neb TC
7731 forhe sA soft and s sw H Sec 22 Twp
8 Itange ai
lie names the following witnesses Thomas
iMeOlearij of Ilruwulee Nebr Joseph Iven
nedy John Ohaloud and William C Bell of
Pudniau Kchr
CK GLOVEIl Eegister
US Land Ollice Valentine Nehr
Oct 7th 1890 f
Notice is herebv lziven that the followine nam
ed settler has tiled noticeof his intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Nov 24th
rJohn WSesrs of Kennedy Neh
51 E 8795 for the nwr Sec 33 Twp 29 R 30
jHenames the following wituesses to prove his
said laud viz
Geonre W Bunre of Pass Neb Henry F
Kime Alexander B McAlevy and Samuel E
McAIevy of Kennedy Neb also
Samuel E McAlevy of Kennedy Neb
mesvsiem uiereuy aeMrojiiiir me lounaauon H w mAi fortlif sVi npU and s nwU Sec B
vvbvr r vrT two 28 it so
uv ounuii ir un me eonsiiimion aim aas sum rt i rns i
nature in aoingits werk The proprietors have S - SEKSlSffi of
rsaid land viz
Geonre W Bunre of Pass web jonn w
Sears Henry F Kime and William Errickson
Vol Kennedy Neb also
Alexander 13 McAlevy of Kennedy
H E owo for Ihe ne Sec 32 Tvp 20 P 30
He names the following wituesses to prove his
continuous resideuce upon- and cultivation of
said laud viz
George V Burge of Pass Neb John V
Sears Henry F Kime and William Errickson
of Kenuedy Neb
C IiGLOVER Register
U S Land Ofllce Valentine Nebr I
OctG 18JGf
Notfce is hereby given that Lulu E Hilt form
erly Lulu E FundYr otlullman Nebr has filed
notice bfintention to make linal proof before
the Eegister and Receiver at their ofllce in
Valentine Nebr on Saturdav the 21 day of Nov
180C on timber culture application No 7545 for
theirfe se4 054 swJ4 and lot 3 quarter of section
30 in 1 vp No i7 Range Now W
Shenianies as witnesses Jacob W McAilams
John W Finipl James Pimple Clarence K
of Pullman Nebr
C IKLOVJvIMtegister
US Land Ollice Valentino Nebr I
OctK IPiWf
Notice is hereby given that
settler has filed notice of hit intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Dec
llth 1890 viz
Michael Schneider of Jenzel Neb
II E 8510 for the s swfi ami si se i Sec 9
Twp 3 R T2
He names the- following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said audviz
iottlieb Qundc Andrew Koralowski
and Edward Satterlee all ot
Neii7el Neb also
Andrew Koralewski of Xenzel Neb
II E 8710 for the nwli See 15 Twp H R i2
He names the following witnesses to prove his
C irinuous residence upon- and cultivation of
- iand
Mii hafl Schneider Iottlieb Quade Stanis
ians Kiajewski and Edward Satterlee all of
Jem el ib
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Oilloe Valentine Nebraska i
October 2Gthihii
Notice hereby given that William I sawyer
of Elgin Illinois has filed notice of intention to
makiHliual propf before the Register or Eeceiv
ei at his ofllce in Valentine Nebraska on Fri-
dayfthe llth dav of December ISitu on timber
culture application ao TiOO lor tne tot i -
seii and neJiseH of section No 32 in taw nship
iso o ft range ro 2sw
He names as witnesses Ilarvev EDewcv
and Charles V Dewey of Wood Lake NeDr
Spencer E Dewey and Robert Qiuzenberv of
Oasis Nebraska
Testimony of claimant will be taken before the
clerk of the district court of Kane county at his
ollice in Geneva lllinoismi December s 1890
Also Henry G Sawytriof Carpentersville Ill
i vsui ioi rue iineii aim nsiiwi seciionio
township 3un range 29v
He names as witnesses Harvey E Dewey
and Charles W Dewev ot Wood Lake Nebr
Spencer E Dewey and Robert Quizenbery of
jasis iNeurasKu
Testimony of the claimant will he taken before
the clerk of the district court of Kane county at
his ollice in Geneva Illinois on December Stli
Also William G Sawyer of Carpentersville
111 one of the heirs of George E Sawyer de-
ueaseu who tnuue x entry so 77iu lor tne
nM1 swmik1 and seiiiwa section town-
siiip oun l ange juw
lie namesiS witnesses Harvcv E Dewey
and Clsarles W Dewev of Wood Lake Nebr
Spencer E Dewey and Robert Quizenbery of
OasisNebra ka
Testimony of claimant will he taken before the
clerk ot the district court of Kane county at hi
otllce in Genea Illinois on December 8 IfetW
C It GLOVER Register
S iJiud Ollice Valentine Nebr I
uct0Dcr2Gth im
Notice is Jiereby given rtpat the following
named settler has filed noticeof hisintention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will he made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec 10th
ink viz
Wilhelm Anderson of McCann Neb
JT E 8GCl for the lots l Sand 3 section 2 and
lot 5 section l township 32 rango 31
He names the followine witnesses to nrovc his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
Peter Calloway David Hendershott James
Johnson and Avelyn IBrackett all of McCann
C R GLOVER Register
U S Lajtd OFFiCKvValentine Neb
October 27 189S f
Notice is hereby given ttat the following
named settler has filed notice ofhis intention
to make final nroof in sunnort of his claim and
I that said proof will be made before Register and
receiver at vaienxine JNenraska on Dec 9th
iSQG viz
Lars Pederson of Kennedy Nebr
H E 10043 for theneJ4neM section23 nwhaoH
apd niJnwJi sectidn24 township 23 range 32
-He names the following wituesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land Viz - - -
David A Piercy Francis M Robinson Erik
Arnebon and 4nen Rardsen all of Kennedv
Nebr C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Ofllce at Valentine Neb I
NOV 4tli JSJHJ f
Notice is hereby given tliat the following
named settler hs filed noticeof his intention
to make final proof hi support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec llth
John C Nichols of Reige Nebr
HE No 8831 for the lots 3 4 mid n vri
-Sec 31 Tp SO R 33
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said laud viz
Daniel P White and Peter Gllowav of Mc
Cann iNeb HenrySchleieter and PeterKeimers
of Reige Neb
R GLOYEP Eegister
Land Ofilce at Valentine Nebraska tw
Nov 9 1S9C j
Notice is hereby given that Mary J Storey
formerly MnrfJ Eusleyhasflleil notice of in-
tentlonto maKe tliml proof before die Reglater
orltecelver at their ofllceJn Valentine Nebr on
Friday the 18th day or December issa on um
ber culture application No S253 for the lot 3
neswi seVinwji K nwseji sec m xy
R 40 Vtr
mifrinmiq n witnesses Charles JartSlde
John C Nolan Lyman Storey and Uusfcu
of Cody Nebr
u it uxj liUK131
jl Omaha ebv Oct 24 18W iicaled pror
nosalsln trmlicate will bereceieii nere untux
rvfnln1 t rn X WSS WXO tllBtf
i visvr f ----- -
opened for lumlshtne Shellea cornrequirea3
in Departmental me riauo aurinK uscm jvri
ending June 304897 U S reserves the right to
reject or accept any or all propolis or any part
thereof Information furnished on applicatlou
here or to post and depotquartermasters where
ninnliuo urn nortiUil tfnvlnrw pnnLiliitii
Dosals will bo endorsed Proposals for COnt
at and addressed to D D WHEELER
PROPOSALS Department of the
Platte Ollice Chief Commissary or 5ubsisteu2e
Omaha Neb October JSi 1K9G Sealed proposal
in triplicate accompanied by written guarantee
bonds in duplicata will be received at this
office until It oclock am central standard
time November 19 189G at which time and
place they will be opened in presence of bidders
for furnisning such quantities of fresh beef and
mutton Tor issues as mav be required by the
Subsistence Department US Army at Omaha
Nebraska Forts Crook Robinson and Nio
brara Nebraska and Ports D A Russell and
Washakie and Camp Pilot Butte Wyoming and
Fort Meade S I during the period commenc
ing January l I897aud ending June 30 1897
Proposals will also be received until lo oclock
am mountain standard time and opened at
the postsof Forts Niobrara Kohinson D A
Russell Washakie Meade and Camp Pilot
Butte by the respective post commissaries of
such posts each commissary receiving propo
sals for his own post only 1roposate wilt alxo
ht received stating thc pricc al which the bid
der will deliver fresh beef nr mutlan of the
character xtaled in thenptciftcatioms and 4a be
delivered of temperature not arcatcr than co
degrees Fahrenheit Full information furnish
ed on application here or to jommlasary at any
post authorized to open proposals Government
reserves right to reject any or all proposal or
any part ot any proposal Envelopes containing
proposals should he marked Proposals for
Fresh Beef and Mutton and addressed to un
dersigned or Commissary at post authorized to
receive proposals FRAITK E HXE Major and
The Town Site Company of Georgia
Nebraska herewith gives notice that
the name cfrthe town will be changed
from Georgia to Ripley
Cherry County Land Company
The Crookston Division of Cherry
County Teachers Association will
meet in Orookstoircn the third Satur
day of Noverber at I 30 pm instead
of fourth Saturday n account of the
NWT A meeting at Hay Springs on
that date AH are invited to attond
Kie following will bethe program
Song America Tiy Association
Recitation Jy Pupil
Advanced History Celia Vaughn
Music in the Country School
Mrs Vivinn Lawrie
Primary Reading Mps Scliopp
How to explain the GCJ aud
andLCM and why we in
vert the divisor in divison of
Common Fractions J L lJalUvrd
Spelling Miss Lottie Hubbr 1
Music TJy Association
PitOGUAM CoriariTTKi
Valentine TeacIierH Awsoeiation
We cordially invite any interested in
school work to bo presentat our teach
ers Association to be held in the high
school building Saturday Nov 14
18i6 at 150 p in The following
program will be given
Roll Call Response by quota
tions from the subject Na
A Review of JTracys Psychology
of Child Study Section I
Chapter 11 V Mary ILurley
Proper and Improper incentives
in school work U G Stevenson
Book Review Florence Hauiar
What kind of Opening Exercises
are conducive to the highest
Moral and Mental develop
ment of a Child Mrs Laurie
Music in the schools Principles
or songs Relle Gallon
Pagific Short Like
Passenger leaves OTeill Neb
at 1005 a m immediately after ar
rival of train from -Slack
Hills reaehing Sioux City at 235 p
m saving three hours time
Lowest rates Purchase local tickets
to ONeill and rebuy there
Ifri Mails you
H ftJPi
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Have you a feel
ing of weight in1
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Bloating after
eating Belch I
ing of Wind
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Waterhrash j
Taatcin the Mouth
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Heart dueto Distension of Stomach i
Cankered Mouth Gas in the Babels
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ixepressea lrntanle Uontlit on of the
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Western Line is to beat
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Donot bo decelyed by dUnrine RaTerUmapnlsM
think you can gcttae oest made finest finish ae4
or amcro bodjt 3ny fromxellat la Tnannfactacr
partfflnnnesaotflnlah beonty lnppoarfiaorM
asiaznj lmprvnaoeaisaa ine HbW HOMI
Be Hew Home SewiDg Co
Cmcxooizx ftrvovmllo n alios Taxis
Bepairingra Specialty
Prices Strickl y Ca a -and Low
ei tiiaiTvar
SHOPon Cherry opjiositeLangd
old stand
Satisfatitiin misranteed
llijsvwiiiv charges
n m3 tu i
Who eanttlik
Protect your Idcfac t r7jliHnx yoa wolts
Wrte iomiVnnjVTAiKVRU ScCOf PatflDt Attor
neys WaahhJfftonpD for tiufirtglaoo prleo otloe
and llatof two bundrad lurtaUons waafed
m a
of -the Northwest
VMH be -sent postpaid to any
address six 6oy ia week far
one year for
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lation exceeding IOO000
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day 40 to 48 pases
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