V f K A REMARKABLE CASE Mrs BJnry Norcn Wife of a Well Known Fcrnier Near Valparaiso Broujjb t liack to Health and Strength by a Popular Remedy Her State ment of the Cure From the Star Valparaiso 2nd The attention of the Star having been t called to several cases of radical cures ef fected by Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People it was determined to inves tigate some of the more notable of these cases with a view to disseminating exact information on the subject and benefiting others who were suffering Prominent among those who had experienced bene fits from the use of this remedy was men tioned Mrs Mary Noren wife of John Noren a prosperous farmer living north east of Valparaiso Ind and to her a re porter was accordingly dispatched Mrs Noren was found busily engaged in household duties but she found time to detail her experience and waa willing and lv even anxious that the benefits she had felt f v should be told for the benefit of those who UUU bUUULUU AO DUU urn I had been ill since girlhood with a complication of complaints said Mrs Noren never so much as to be confined long in bed but I suffered intense misery My chief trouble was with my stomach 1 felt a constant gnawing pain that was at times almost distractiiij and which had been diagnosed by different physi cians as dyspepsia and sympathetic de rangement dependent on the condition of the generative organs I had pains in the back sometimes so great as to make me unable to work and frequent bilious at tacks I also suffered greatly from con stination from which 1 never could find permanent relief Then these symptoms averts aggravated by rheumatic pains be klnfen tln shnnlrlor blades which were lUw most excruciating in damp or cold weather I i7 A ftir niv tnnrriiup nhnut vpjits niro 7 - - - ants when my baby was horn the trouhie seemed to increase and I was frequently so sick that I could not do my household work I tried different physicians and used numerous remedies but all in vain until one day last fall I happined to read of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple My husband got three boxes from Mr C D Kushtou the druggist and I began to use them From the first I be gan to feel relief and before three boxes were gone 1 was nearly well The con stipation was cured and the other trou bles were so much relieved that I felt better than I had felt for years As I continued in the use of the pills I grew better and strong my appetite was more natural and my flesh increased until I am in the condition you see me now Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis St Vitus dance sciatica neuralgia rheuma tism nervous headache the after effect of la grippe palpitation of the heart pale and sallow complexions all forms of weakness either in male or female Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100 by ad dressing Dr Williams Medicine Com pany Schenectady N Y Astronomers say there is every reason to believe that human life on Mars is much like it is on this earth That Joyful Feeling With the exhilirating sense of renewed lieath and strength and internal cleanli ness which follows the use of Syrup of Figs is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medi cines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well in- AformeiL White tar is one of the latest Inven tions or discoveries It is claimed that it will not become soft under the suns rays in any climate Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your life Away If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever regain lost manhood be made well strong magnetic full of new life and vigor take the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over 400000 cured Buy from your own druggist who will guarantee a cure Booklet a id sample free Address Ster ling Remedy Co Chicago or New York A set of mortals has risen who be lieve that truth is not a printed specu lation but a practical fact Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internal Price 75 cents The Armenian language at present in use among that oppressed people is said to be a close approach in construe J tlon to the Syriac and Greek The lover writes sonnets to the fair grace of his adored one who has been made bewitchingly beautiful by the world renowned Glenns Sulphur Soap Only in a world of sincere men is unity possible and there in the long run it is as good as certain Cascarets stimulate liver kidneys and bowels Never sicken weaken or gripe r In the private schools of China a teacher is paid about 1 cent a day for eacn pupil The Cyclists Necessity Jh 1 BOTTLE Plii Is the REPAIR KIT for all AOCIDENTS Unequaled for Quickly Healing Lameness and Soreness of fiuscles Wounds Bruises Stiffness Rheumatism Rub thoroughly with PONDS EXTRACT after each ride to keep muscles supple pliant strong fly Panis Extract Ointment for Piles Avoid Substitutes Weak Watery Worthless Ponps Extcact Co 76 Fifth Avenue New York FT3 tufl nti93 tVKfPt All ctec cjiio kJ Beet Cousb Sjrup Tastes Good Use fcrj in liiw eoia or arnffsuu BRYANS APPEARANCE WPON THE SPEAKERS STAND IN THE ST LOUIS AUDITORIUM u MBBECMMJaagMi 11 imimiiiii if I II - hi 1 -I yJ5C u 4F III YNi -7 vr t I I He was introduced to the magnificent audienco Permanent Chairman H D Money presiding over the convention of the National Association of Democratic Clubs then in Session THE ISSUE IS CLEAR The politicians eminent and other wise who have bolted to McKinley appear generally to be of the modest opinion that the Democracy must go to pieces for want of their leadership Because of their narrowness and ego tism they are incapable of compre hending the present situation The real cause of their defection is that the Democratic party has become too dem ocratic to suit them There is a wide difference between the average bolting politician and the citizen wTho believing in the gold stand ard has resolved to cast his ballot for the Republican candidate The politi cian as a rule finds small difficulty in accommodating himself to any plat form so long as compliance holds out the prospect of personal reward but a platform which cuts the Democratic party loose from the plutocracy and in vites the hostility of the predatory rich is one that seems insane and suicidal to the regulation politician Where are campaign funds to come from if wealth is antagonized Principle and devotion to the interests of the common people are all very well for oratorical purposes but a party without a full war chest offends every native and ac quired instinct of the practical politi cian The Democratic party of the United States knew what it was about and knew what it would have to face when in national convention it declared for free silver and gold and a stable dollar It knew that it would have to meet all the tremendous power of the whole privileged class who have come to be lieve that they possess license to prey upon the masses A nation of twenty six millions was taxed to starvation to maintain the two or three thousand aristocrats who glittered around Louis XIV and Antoinette at Versailles and those gorgeous gentlemen and ladies were not more profoundly convinced that Providence had created France for their benefit than are our own money grandees that their special interests are paramount to all other conditions That they should rise in a body against the Democracy when it has the cour age to declare war upon their unjust privileges is only natural It is only natural too that all the faithful re tainers of the plutocracy should draw the sword and charge upon the Democ racy with a fury superior even to that of their masters It has ever been so with retainers There are multitudes of dependents on the wealthy who are more capitalistic than the capitalists Such of these dependents as have call ed themselves Democrats obey the law of their parasitic being by going over to Hanna advance agent of the plutoc racy wrho is wallowing in money But as the United States happens to be populated chiefly by men not coolies the Democratic party asks with confi dence for the support of the plain peo ple whose battle it is fighting The contest is between those who make things and those who take things The issue is too clear to be obscured On the Republican side are ranged all the men whose hands are habitually in the peoples pockets all the men who seek to use the power of the Government to further enrich themselves all the shear ers of the wool of the labor sheep all the men who understand and practice the art of getting much for little These are tle Kind of enemies the Democracy is and ought to be glad to fight They are the natural foes of the Democratic idea and their success in this campaign would advance prodig iously the movement for turning the republic into an oligarchy The plain people are not to be deceived They know with which party their interest the interest of the country lies in this great struggle for the supremacy of manhood over money As for the lead ers who have gone let them go Gen erals who deem it wise policy to be friendly with the enemy are not the sort of generals who win victories that tell for Democratic principles and the welfare of the masses The party is better off without them Every man who owns himself and stands by the doctrine that the ma jority of citizens should rule the re public for the common good will vote for Bryan equal rights for all privi leges for none that is true Democracy San Francisco Examiner The Three Platforms The three political platforms under consideration and discussion before the American people present three different lines of policy to be pursued upon the silver question 1 The Democratic platform declares for resuming the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the relative rate of value fixed at the foundation of our government with awaiting the concur rence and consent of any other nation on the face of the earth Consequent ly it proposes an addition to the amount of money which is now in cir culation in this country and the aggre gate of which has been diminishing thus making gold dearer and more valuable ever since the repeal of the Sherman coinage law 2 The Republican platform declares for a resumption of silver coinage whenever the British and other foreign capitalists shall be willing that we should do so and not otherwise It therefore proposes no relief for the in sufficiency of money in this country unless foreign powers consent to take pity on us 3 The platform of the Bolters and Bankers party organized at Indian apolis opposes the coinage of silver whether approved by foreign govern ments or not and thereupon differs from both the others which contem plate it either with or without such approval it consequently upholds gold as the only primary money This would maintain the present stringent conditions of monetary affairs with out change or any hope of change As Candidate Bryan says it only re quires ordinary intelligence to under stand the questions at issue and to de cide which would be best for the coun try and for its citizens It is only a question of good times or hard times of money plenty or money scarce ev ery man pinched or every man flush and comfortable Nothing can be plainer Conspiracy Against Silver My friends the conspiracy which ive have to meet is a conspiracy which has for its ultimate object the striking down of silver as one of the standard moneys of the world And that can only mean a gradual and continual in crease in the purchasing power of the dollar and that means an indefinite season during which the holders of fixed investments gather more than they loan and during which those who owe debts will pay more than they agreed to pay an idefinite season dur ing which it will be more profitable to hoard money or to loan it than to in vest it in enterprise or property Mr Bryan at Syracue N Y The Same Old Fight The Democratic party would have been untrue to itself its history and its greatest leaders if It had surrendered to the interests which demand that it shall abandon its historical policy of bimetallism to make cornered gold the basis of paper credit money for circuv lation among the people Jefferson its earliest leader denounc ed as unconstitutional the Hamiltonian policy of creating banks to issue money Jackson its most fearless and aggres sive statesman gave vital force to its doctrine and belief by striking down the United States Bank an institution which had grown so rich and arrogant as to menace the Government In the Post Dispatch to day appears a concise history of Jacksons war on the United States Bank It is of sur passing interest at this time not only for its citation of historical facts but for the parallel it shows between the plutocratic campaign methods of 1S32 and 1S9G Then as now those in enjoyment of special privileges and extraordinary emoluments were crying anarchy and incendiarism at those proposing to assert the higher interest of the peo ple Then as now those who wanted to manufacture money out of paper de clared that it was the only sound money and denounced propositions to coin money as schemes of inflation And then as now the beneficiaries of the law were unable to realize how the law could be objectionable to the peo ple and deluded themselves to the last with the idea that Jackson and his party were doomed to defeat Will the people be as true to them selves now as they were then Will they avert now as they did then the dangers which Jackson in his bank veto pointed out as threatening the country Why not They are the same people St Louis Post Dispatch POLITICAL OBJECT LESSON Pitiful Condition of Both Farmer and Laborer in Gold Standard Times m TO - tdutfctUjp J Alvettu Wtfa Z75 ArtLLL v r W frtLJyu o Jill Jte This Rectory mZxmSP III RUN on HMF TIME FtR 1 llSJ J WANT OF ORDERS fflic w f THERoWsNMJVaf9 Uf v It JL l t 3jr2iSzp52 AT New Yosk Journal Reforms Need More than n Day To bring them about and are always more complete and lusting when they proceed with fcteadv regularity to a consummutlou Pew of the observant among us can have failed to notice that permanently healthful changes In the human system are not wrought by abrupt and violent means and that those are the most salutary medicines which are pro gressive Hostetters Ktomach Bitters is the chief of these Dyspepsia a disease of ob stinate character Is obliterated by It Believing right has everything to do with feeling risrht A Household Necessity Cascarets Candy Cathartic the most wonderful medical discovery of the ug pleasant and refreshing to the taste acts gently and positively on kidneys liver and bowels cleansing the entire system dispels colds cures headache fever ha bitual constipation and biliousness Please buy and try a bos of C C C to day 10 25 50 cents Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists Conscience is very often confounded with opinion Pisos Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since 1SG5 rJ R Madison 2409 42d ave Chicago 111 Reach for fame and you grasp a bubble Bobbins Floatlnir Borax Is 100 per cent pure antl do nt turn jcllow with age It 1 not an Imitation if anything but better than any other floating soap made Jjo sure above name Is on each wrapper nnd cake Ked wraDiieM only Quercite is a kind of sugar found In acorns Mra WInslowa Soothing Syiiup for Children teething softens the gums reaticen inflammation allays pain cure lnd coile 25 cents a bott if Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the fin est liver and bowel regulator ever made The honey bee has three simple or single eyes arranged In a triangle be tween the two large or compound eyes When bilious or costive eat a Cascarets candy cathartic cure guaranteed 10 25c xhe remedy for Injuries Is not to re member them I SI1C6 Care of your health at this season Se that your blood is pure appetite good and all the organ in a healthy condition Hoods Sarsaparilla is the great building np and blood - purifying medicine and therefore it is the best medicine to take in the fall when the atmosphere is laden with disease germs from decaying vegeta tion Hoods Sarsaparilla prevents colds pneumonia bronchitis and fevers Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier Hnndc PSSJq tll bost family cathartic ilUUU fillb and liver stimulant use - C N U 43 06 H Habit Cored Est In 1871 Thousand auu oesi cure jtree TRI AL statocaso DuilAB3HQuIncy3Uch m M e PITto H f 14 9 T A little bit oi pension goes a long way if you chew u Battle Ax The biggest piece of really high- H gjrade tobacco ever sold for 5 cents i almost twice as large as the other fellows inferior brand I ne Ula oolaier s ravonte m HHj H tM Kh M m IPOnniUlDTV TTJDJlHrU7In to care anrcaaeof constipation Coscarett ara tha Ideal 5l v TRffcfcw IdTl i AUUUliUlJjlJl UUflluinillLU tire nerer ffrin or rrinebnt cans aaar Bfnral ntsnlta fn pie and booklet free Ad STERLING REMEDY CO Chicago Montreal Can or Jforr York 31a N 5 With a sharp stick you can turn up the dirt and get ground ready for planting but what a clumsy slow ous lnenective way of going to work JNot vi w mucn more so tnougn tnan tne old- M iMWtyll x ldMlloneQ way oi wasning lninic JW ofitl Grinding the clothes up ana aown on a wasn ooara witn nothing but soap ana mam strength to get out the dirt Then tninic how simple and easy is Pearline s way soaking boiling rinsing You need Pearline for all your washing and cleaning You need something better than w soap or a sharp stick when youre dealing with dirt 5irf vhLVx iwl tor i - SSSSSSSS3bMSX7 Me that Works Easily Works Suc cessfully Tis Very Easy to Clean House With APOL 4 r