I H II i H H s Hi S m ffo iknHne tmaimt SUCCESSOR TO CHERRY COOKTY INDEPENDENT ROBERT B GOOD - Editor Pbop VALENTINE NEBRASKA MANY AEE HOMELESS FLOR1DANS RENDERED DESTI TUTE BY THE HURRICANE Without Food Cotton Destroyed and No Resources Special Session of the Legislature to Provide for I Theni Advocated Thousands are Destitute Jacksonville Fla The big storm left the people of western Alachua and Levy and the eastern part of Lafayette Counties homeless without food with cotton destroyed and no resources Peo ple who have visited them earnestly ad vocate a special session of the Legislature to provide for them In western Alachua County thousands of people lived most of them well to do iarmers All their homes were destroyed together with their winters provisions At Yule a place of 300 inhabitants everything is gone Not a store lemams Some parts of the buildings were carried three miles Dress goods were found live miles away The people gathered what lumber they could find and made a shelter for the women and children who number hundreds Food is nearly gone Nearly every house in Lalayette County was de stroyed Nothing was left of JMaro the county seat East of the Suwanee River the loss to phosphate plants was 500000 Lafayette County lost stock killed by the hundreds All the crops were destroyed Hundreds of people have no homes and nothing to eat The turpentine men on either side of the Suwanee River aie financially ruined Twenty live hundred employes were made idle Most of the laborers must live on charity until they can find something to do Utzens have appointed committees at various points to solicit aid for the suffeiers Contributions from other states will certainly be required Whole Family Slain Little Rock Bud Chaffin and five children of Duvalls Bluff are missing Evidence of a terribte butchery at their house points to murder Suspicion rests on Mrs Chaffin and John King the hired man her paramour They are also miss ing Neither King nor any of the Chaffin family have been seen since September 21 that day King and Mrs Chaffin were seen driving away in a wagon As they did not return and nothing was seen of the other members of the family neighbors began an investigation When the Chaffin house was opened blood was found spat tered all over the floor but no bodies were found The theory ot the officers is that the bodies were thrown into the river An effort is being made to locate King and Mrs Chaffin AVill Not Be Pardoned Washixgtox In denying the appli cation made for the pardon of Irving A Pulze sentenced in northern Illinois to one year and five months imprisonment for embezzling postal and money order funds while postmaster at Glen Ellyn onya Xu pitlX Tile embezzlement of Government funds by postmasters is so common that I do not feel that I ought to interfere with the lenient sentence imposed by the court I believe that any deliberate embezzlement of public money by a postmaster is lightly punished by one years imprisonment Tynan Set Free New York A cablegram has been received by friends of J P J Tynan that he has been released from prison at Boul ogne France and is now on his way to this country John Kearneys wife has also received a cablegram lrom her hus band at Rotterdam saying he is about to start for this country It is expected that the other suspects in connection with the alleged dynamite plot will be released soon Fire Fighters Celebrate Eastox Pa The centennial anni versary of the Humane Fire Company of Easton which marked the one hundredth anniversary of the organized fire service in the Lehigh Valley was celebrated here recently by a parade in which 4000 men participated Companies from New York City and many cities and towns in Penn sylvania and New Jersey were in line Philadelphia Refinery Opens Philadelphia The Spreckels sugar refinery operated by the sugar trust which has been closed several days has again opened It is stated that simul taneous with the opening of tha Spreckels refinery the Franklin refinery which is also operated by the trust will shut down for an indefinite period Exports Have Decreased Sttffjflelp The exports from this place to the United States for the third quarter of the present year amounted to 500695 a falling off of over 100000 when compared with the same period of 1895 The decrease is attributed to doubts as to the leault of the presidential election Murder and Suicide Peosia 111 The bodies of Charles Williams and his wife Belle bothjcolored were found alongside the liock Island Bailroad tracks Each died from bullet shots in the head and the coroners verdict was murder And suicide Jealousy is the supposed cause Weekly Bank Statement The -weekly bank statement shows a reserve increase of 2310000 The banks now hold 10520 000 in excess of the legal requirements Gifts for Mount Holyoke Chicago Dr D K Pearsons who promised 10000 to the trustees of the Mount Holyoke Association has agreed to give 40000 for the building fund Gets a Valuable Collection San Diego Cal The junk Alta has arrived from Lower California with Prof Anthony who went there in the interest of the Smithsonian institution He brings hack a quantity or sneils mosses sea flora and natural history specimens many entirely new to n aturalists Serious Rioting in Posen Loedox The Berlin correspondent of the Standard says there has been ser ious rioting and bloodshed in theprovince of Posen and the old question of partition ing it among the neighboring provinces is being ventilated- Bradstreots Review New York Bradstreets says Cooler weather and continued purchases by in terior merchants notably west and south continued the slight improvement in trade recorded in preceding weeks Mer chants at primary cotton markets and at large centers in the spring wheat region report a better movement of staples due to unusually heavy receipts of those crops Mercantile collections continue slow and as difficult to make as heretofore ex cept in the cotton states and at some points fn the northwest where heavy crop receipt have enabled interior mer chants to liquidate long standing accounts The more conspicuous demand at large interiorjeities is for dry goods clothing shoes hardware leather and lumber There is also a better demand for pig iron and steel Business in cotton goods has been checked by the advance in prices and mill stock tends to accumulate again Exports of wheat flour included as wheat from both coasts of the United States and from Montreal this week amount to 4215794 bushels the largest weeks export of wheat since the second week in September 18U3 The total number of business failures throughout the United States from Jan uary 1 1896 to September 80 1895 is 11280 the largest aggregate reported for a like period since records of this charac ter have been compiled The next largest corresponding total was 11140 for nine months of the panic year of 1893 Fabulous Gold Deposits Tacoma Wash An immense bed of ore carrying rich deposits of gold and silver has just been located on the west slope of Mt Tacoma near the snow line C JI Talbot a civil eugineer of this city wio returned recently from the Gold Hill mines in the Pacific forest reserve says that this one particular bed has in sight over lO0000J tons of ore which runs 30 per ton The ore is accessible being within four miles of a railroad track Several other rich finds have also been reported in the vicinity of Mt Tacoma and Mt St Helens a large number of Michigan men being interested in the latter Gold silver copper nickel cobalt and arsenic appears in most of the new finds and in one granite and lime forma tion the gold and silver deposits assay 5300 per ton A stampede of miners and idle artisans has set in the direction of the new mines and the excitement has spread to other mining districts A pack train of fifty horses and men amply provided with supplies for remain in the mountains all winter started for Gold Hill mines from the nearest rail road station Interested parties have kept the discovery a secret and have located all the valuable claims thus far dis covered Talk Through the Human Body Minneapolis On one of the tele phone lines running to this city from the southern part of the state a curious exper iment was successfully tried last week The line running from Rochester to Rock Dell was broken and previous to its re pair two young men of Rock Dell thought they would see the capacity of the hum an body to transmit sound One took the euds of the wire in either hand and alter comparing watches his comrade went to a stition and rang up a town on the line beyond where his friend was stationed The latter received a somewhat severe shock but held the lines and the message was clearly conveyed through his body Several other attempts were made and messages were sent over the long distance lino toHodgo Cotr ind Austin and ill each case the words were as clearly con veyed as if the line extended unbroken and connections were not made through arms and body At the time of the exper iment John Lindale who held the ends of the wire was four miles fiom the point where his friend Torger Anderson talked through him Vera 111 Postoilice Robbed Yandalia 111 The postofficeatvera his county was held up and robbed ot 110 D S Theman the postmaster was locking his store in which is located the postoffice and was about to start for home when a man wearing a mask ap proached him and at the point of a re volver told him not to be in a hurry as he had important business with him The robber then told Theman to open the door and when inside caused him to open the safe also and took from it all the money The robber took the key locked the post master in the room and fled Ovation to Admiral Montt Valparaiso Chili Admiral Montt formerly president of the republic ar rived here the 29th from Santiago Throughout his progress he received a genuine ovation the people everywhere showing by their acclamations that they thoroughly approved of his course as their official leader It is reported that Admiral Montt will be appointed director of the Chilian Naval School now regarded as one of the best colleges of its kind in South America Found Dead in a Cornfield Wabash Ind Isaiah Stands a promi nent farmer of Chester Township this comity was found dead in a cornfield near Elko the other morning He went to work the morning before and when he did not return at night a searching party went out and he was found lifeless in a sitting posture near a corn shock He was 70 years old Death was due to heart disease Was Sandbagged at Canton Woosteb Ohio A man named Ed ward Andeison lrom Chicago was picked up by the police here in a demented con dition He claims to have gone from Chi cago to Canton on a McKinley excursion several weeks ao He fell in with toughs at Canton who sandbagged and robbed him of his ticket money and pait ot his clothing New Building for Yale Men New Haven Conn Ground has been broken for the construction of York Hall the new 4Shef secret society dormitory and -chapter house This will be one of finest society buildings and will cost about 500000 According to the terms of the contract the building must be com pleted in seven months Naval Paymaster Robbed Sax Feancisco The steamer Empress of China brings news of the robbery at Shanghai of the paymaster of the United States cruiser Boston of 1000 by two able seamen named Hendricksen and Cooney both fiom this city The thieves escaped after their bold robbery but were cap tured at Nagasaki Owens Stock Barns Burn Palestine 111 Fire destroyed three of the barns and a dwelling at Owens stock farm The origin of the fire Is un known The loss on the buildings and their contents will amount to about 3500 with no insurance 1 Mum mmi iimnfit - Thirty Are Hurt Bublington During the parade at nooh on the 1st the reviewing staud con taining Vice President Stevenson Gov ernor Drake and staff and many promi nent people collapsed throwing all to the ground and injuring thirty The Vice President and Governor Drake escaped with slight bruisps Major Wynian was dangerously injured County Treasurer Burris of Burlington had a leg broken J D Rowen of the Governors staif ex Governor Sherman of Vinton and Rev Dr Fellows of Iowa City were all pain fully bruised Many others received cuts There was the greatest excitement for a time but cool heads prevented a stam pede The accident had a frightful appear ance to the spectators The Vice Presi ilent and Governor went down clinging together and it was several minutes be fore they could be extricated from the struggling mass Ex Gov Sherman was found lying under the debris with a large plank across his neck but was rescued without serious injury Miss Drake the Governors daughter was not injured as first reported All the participants in the afternoon exercises were ablo to tako part The Vice President was taken in a car riage to the hotel where he recoveed from the shock He was not hurt and took the accident good naturedly Great Fortune Is Involved Napoleon Ohio The descendants of Captain Jonathan Carver now known in southwestern Ohio by the name of Gunn liave engaged an attorney and will commence legal proceedings for a great fortune Capt Carver was one of the early explorers of the headwaters of the Mississippi River and being in the employment of the British Government as agent to deal with western Indians made peace during his tour between sev eral tribes among which was the Monde wissi Indians who deeded to him a tract of land sixty miles square on the site of where St Paul and Minneapolis now stand This vast estate still remains un settled and the heirs will now endeavor to prove their claims The event is looked forward to with great interest and it will bemade a memorable affair in the history of the Gunn family In the family are many documents which will go toward proving the identity of the heirs and establishing their claims Among other relics of early days possessed by the family is a letter written by Gen William Hull in 1811 to Whitmore Knaggs The letter possesses much historic interest in asmuch as it gives unpublished facts con cerning the great northwest Mangled by a Vicious Dog t Maeyville Mo A vicious St Ber nard dog attacked a party of school chil dren here and two were so badly injured that they will die Laura Baumann aged 7 years was bitten about the head and lace she will probtbly die Baby Kuchs was almost torn to shreds arms and breast terribly bitien she cannot recover Albert Kuchs was bitten through the wrist will recover unless rabies follows Eva Hawkins was bitten in the ieg will recover Freight Trains Collide Tittsbusg Two freight trains collid ed 124 miles east on theBaltimore Ohio making a very bad wreck One trainman was killed two probably fatally injured several are missing and probably under riie wreck The grade at that point is steep and one train became unmanage able dashed down the incline crashed into the other at a high rate of speed and both trains were smashed The wreckage was piled as high as the telegraph poles Fire Claims Six Victims Pottsville Pa The recent storm blew down the coal breaker at Matalle belonging to the Pennsylvania Anthra cite Coal Company Six tenement houses belonging to the camp were destroyed by fire and six children lost their lives The lire originated from a stove overturning in one of the summer kitchens from tho shaking by the wind Elopement Ends in Murder Somerville Tenn Peter D Craw ford a well known citizen of this place was killed by J II Winfrey jr Craw fords niece and Winfrey were trying to elope when Crawford intercepted them whereupon Winfrey shot the old man t death Race Track Judge Arrested Cincinnati James H Bees presiu ing judge at the Oakley races has been arrested on the charge of criminal libel preferred by Mrs Dorsey mother of Jockey Dorsey More Gold from Australia Sydnet N S W The British steamer Monowai Captain Carey sailing for San Francisco took 2375000 in gold MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 350 to 525 hogs shipping grades 300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200 to 350 wheat No 2 red 67c to G9c corn No 2 22c to 23c oats No 2 17c to 18c rye No 2 35c to 37c butter choice creamery 14c to 16c eggs fresh 14c to 16c potatoes per bushel 18c to 30c broom corn common short to choica dwarf 25 to 60 per ton Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 500 hogs choice light 300 to 375 sheep common to prime 200 to 350 wheat No 2 6oc to 67c corn No 2 white 22c to 24c oats No 2 white 19c to 20c St Louis Cattle 300 to 475 hogs 300 to 375 wheat No 2 69c to 71c corn No 2 yellow 20c to 22c oats No 2 white 16c to 17c rye No 2 32c to 34c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 475 hogs 300 to 375 sheep 250 to 350 wheat No 2 72c to 74c corn No 2 mixed 24c to 20c oats No 2 mixed 17c to 18c rye No 2 36c to 37c Detroit Cattle 250 to 475 hogs 300 to 375 sheep 200 to 325 wheat No 2 red 70c to 72c corn No 2 yellow 24c to 25c oats No 2 white 21c to 22c rye 37c to 39c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 73c to 74c corn No 2 yellow 22c to 24c oats No 2 white 17c to 18c rye No 2 37c to 3Sc clover seed 415 to 425 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 65c to 67c corn No 2 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 19c to 21c barley No 2 2Sc to 35c rye No 1 36c to 37c pork mess 575 to 625 Buffalo Cattle 250 to 475 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 200 to 375 wheat No 2 red 74c to 76c corn No 2 yellow 27c to 2Sc oats No 2 white 23c to 24c New York Cattle 300 to 500 hog 300 to 475 sJieep 200 to 400 wheat No 1 hard 75c to 77c corn No 2 27c to 29c oats No 2 white 20c to 22c butter creamery 12c to 17c eggs West era 15c to 19cV rtrViT - A SUGAR BEET CHOP NEBRASKA FARMERS MARKET ING LARGE QUANTITIES Factory at Norfolk Begins Opera tions with Three Hundred and Fifty Employes Yield Is Large and of Fine Quality The Norfolk sunar beet factory has started receiving beets and each day the farmers of that locality have been deliv ering lrom 250 to 350 wagon loads for which they received 5 per ton In addi tion to those delivered by wagon great quantities of beets have been brought in by rail This has been a very favorable season for sugar beets and they are test ing very rich in sugar nearly the entire crop being ripe and ready for market There are nearly 5000 acres contracted tor this factory and the campaign prom ises to be a long and profitable one The factory employs about 300 men All this helps wonderfully to relieve the hard times and gives Norlolk quite a busy ap pearance Boy Killed by a Street Car Amo Carlton tho 5-year-old son of Her man Carlson was run over by a street car at the intersection o 29th and O Streets Lincoln and instantlylkilled According 10 all the evidence intro luced the killing Was purely accidental and not a case of contiibutory negligence on the part of the motorman The car was running at the rate of seven miles an hour when the ac cident accurred and the car was brought to a standstill within twenty three feet of the scene of the disaster The boy was stealing rides oi various vehicles as he re hired fiom school He was riding on the rear of a mail cart going in the same di aection as the car Spying a piano van across the tiacks going in an opposite di rection from the car the child loosed his hold on the cart and dashed across the track directly under the wheels the head and trunk being badly mangled The jurys verdict completely exonerated the motorman Were Stealing with a Pole Mr and Mrs Phil Bourgene were placed under arrest at Hastings on the carge of robbery and are now lodged in the county jail The proprietors of the Black Flag Store have been missing goods almost daily The other night a couple of clerks were stationed m the rear of the store to await results At about 2 oclock in the morning they heard a rattling near the skylight and directly a long pole with a hook on the end was lowered into the room and hooked into some goods Four shots were fired by the clerks The police were on hand and the Bourgenes who live above the store were placed under arrest When their rooms were searche about 40 worth of stolen goods were found and it is thought that they have more stowed away Cattle Hustlers Active at Chadron William Martin was bound over lo the district court at Cha iron on the charge oi cattle stealing His bond was lixed at 500 It is claimed by several prominent stockmen that a well organized band oE rustlers who opeiate throughout that sec tion and as Jar north as Montana are at present making this part of tfie country their headquarters There is aIo talic among them of organizing a vigilance committee to look after rustlers it being thought that the action of judge lynch on a few of them will have a good effect and that so many stray cattle will not be picked up Petty Thief Pleads Guilty For months it has been unsafe to leave robes or whips in buggies which were hitched to the public square at Stroms burg on account of the depredations of an organized gang of petty thieves Marshal Nuquist arrested the leader of the gang while he was in the very act of stealing a buggy whip The prisoner pleaded guilty and was assessed the regulation fine for petit larceny Investigating the Irrigation Fair J 13 Carmtchal of Omaha is at North Platte looking up the irrigated country and posting himself about the Irrigation Fair which is to be held there October 9 to 16 Mr Carmichal is making arrange ments to bring an excursion of landseek ers from Iowa and other states to see the fair and the irrigated lauds surrounding North Platte Sentenced to the Pen lMstrict court which has been in ses sion at Ited Cloud lor the last two weeks adjourned on the 1st A large amount of business has been transacted and at least one important criminal case disposeu of George Drake accused of criminal as sault was convicted and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary Burglar Given a Chase The residence of W L Lee at Fork was robbed the other morning and 35 taken Lee was awakened by the noise of the burglar and upon discovering the intruder gave chase Several shots were fired without effect by the pursuers The burglar gained an entrance to the house by picking the lock Jail Birds Dig to Liberty J D Haukms and Henry Webber who nave been in jail at Nebraska City for some time charged with selling mort gaged property made their escape at an early hour the other morning by digging their way out through the brick wall ot the cell in which they were confined Elder Marquette Hurt Elder Marquette ot the Methodist Epis copal Church of Neligh was severely in jured the other night While on his way home from the depot he collfded with a lare boy was knocked off the sidewalk and his leg broken just below the thigh Fine AgriculturalExhibit The county fair now in progress at Beaver City is the best in the history of the association The agricultural and line stock exhibits are exceedingly good Charged with Murderous Assault J T Foster living near Trenton has sworn out a complaint lor the arrest of T E Wellman charging him with as sault with intent to commit murder Endeavorers Organize A county organization of Christian En deavorers was consummated at Berlin the 29th by the election of officers and ap pointment of necessary committees There was a good attendance from outside points and lively interest manifested in tho work Sibleys New Church The 11000 new Methodist church at Sibley was crowded Sunday at the dedi cation services conducted by Dr Ives of Auburn N X To complete payment for the church over 2500 was subscribed at the service Jail Birds Working for Liberty Anothe desperate bur futile attempt was made by Prisoners Clark and Gilles pie to escape from ilu coun ty jail atPlatts mouth and only by chance was the scheme discovered The two men ap parently have friends on the outside who furnish them with the necessary tools as a couple of new steel saws were in their possession when searched The had sawed the bar and padlock bolt almost in two and but for the inspection of Jailer Halloway would have escaped When the jiiler went in the other night to look around he noticed the peculiar actions of a coupl tof other prisoners who appeared to be almost scared to death He went to open the cage door and the padlock fell into his hand completely cut in two The prisoners have been securely locked up in separate cells and as soon as Judge Ram sey passes sentence upon Gillespie they will be taken to the penitentiary Western Travelers Association The fourth annual meeting of the Western Tr vlers Accident Association was held in Grand Island last week a good attendance being present President Stevens being absent W H Harrison of Grand Jsaid presided Eeport of secre tary A L Sheetz showed a member ship of 1500 representing forty states Out of the- 559 members in Nebraska Omaha has 178 and Lincoln ninety three During the year 151 accidents were re ported 121 claims for weekly indemnity were paid amounting to 1031016 Fif teen claims were rejected and fifteen withdrawn Expert Accountant A E Towlie who was employed by the presi dent ot the association to audit the ac counts of the treasurer made a report showing the receipts of the year amount ing to 1170818 and the disbursement1 amounting to 1329141 leaving a cab balance of 140874 Protest Against the Purchase At tho regular meeting of the Fremont city council a remonstrance against the purchase by the city of the Chautauqua giounds for a park signed by over 800 ct izens and voters was presented It was referred to the committee appointed at the last meeting A strong opposition is de veloping against the plan as it is thought by some to be in the interest of only a few individuals and it will probably be de feated Bridge Goes Down A part of the Parcel 1 bridge five miles east of Fremont broke down while Chas Olson an employe or Charles Johnson an Elkhorn farmer was crossing it with a load of chicory Olson and the load went with it The load of chicory which was worth about 15 was lost and the total damages he sustained were about 75 Ho escaped with a few slight bruises Hug hey Jackson Owns His Guile Hughey Jackson the man who held up John Beyerly in his room at North Platte Thursday night has been apprehended Beyerlys watch was found on his person and he admits his guilt of this charge but denies all connection with the burglary of Einsteins clothing store He says that the livery mans team got away from him Demented Farmer Located William Bredehaft the farmer whose mysterious disappearance occured a few days ago at Berlin has been located at his uncles at Crete from which place a letter was sent to Glaus B his father lie seems considerably demented and says ho walked all the way Boy Charged with Burglary Emil Speth 19 years of age was ar rested near Creighton on a charge of burglary He is charged with taking about 21 worth of goods from the Iwrl ware store of William Saunders at Bazile Mills The goods were found concealed in a hay stack Marquette Business Houses Burn Mai quette was visited by fire a day or two ago destroying the general merchan dise store of 11 D Hall Co J J Luff druggist Hans Luff boots and shoes J A Waddell postmaster II K Hugno two buidings Total loss 5300 Origin unknown Charged with Horse Stealing D W Ilulbert was arrested at Goinng on a charge of horsestealing and bound over to the district court in the sum ot 500 bonds The Live Stock Association is said to be behind the prosecution and to be sanguine of conviction Working for a Forgers Pardon A petition has been presented to Gov Ilolcomb asking that a pardon be granted J T Phillips sentenced to two years in the penitentiary upon a charge of forging city warrants while ciiy clerk at Beatrice Child Drowned A 4-year-old child named Bennett who has been visiting with the family of Ben Myers six miles south of Stromsburg was drowned The child climbed up to look into the water tank and fell in Receiver for a Defunct Bank H L Gould President of the State Loan and Trust Company Bank at Ognl lala which closed its doors on August 31 has been appointed receiver by Judge Grimes Street Car Employe Killed J ohn Carlson a young man in the ei -ploy of the Street Bail way Company at Lincoln was killed at the intersection of Eleventh and O Streets PERSONAL MENTION Siams king has left Bangkok for a two months vacation in Java He wilj stop at Singapore on the way Prince Bismarck is to have another statue This time it is to be at Leipsie The city has commissioned Sculptor Lehnart to execute it J W Bradbury the oldest living of the United States celebrated the ninety fourth anniversary of his birth at his home in Augusta Maine The borough of Kings Inn has de cided to present Princess Maud of Wales on the occasion of herimarriage with a private omnibus for use be tween Appleton hall and jWolfertoij railway station Ex United States Senator JEdmunds of Vermont resists all attempts made from time to time to induce jhim to use bis tremendous influence in the politics of his State lie has a splendid law practice and is glad to be out of politi cal life Paul Bourget has brought suit against Lemerre the publisher whG made his reputation for hn account ing He claims the right tolhave all the publishers account books for the last twenty two years examined in order tc trace what became of every copy of bis work The London Literary World is au thority for it that the poem The March of America written by Stanley Waterloo of Chicago promises to at tain the glory of becoming the na tional anthem A London newspaper the Family Circle has just offered a prize of 25 000 with 5000 additional to be given to a certain London hospital That discounts anything in the literary prize lire to be found on this side of the At lantic Not since Thomas Bailey Aldrich pur lished his Mercedes has he under taken so ambitious a theme as that of Judith and Holofernes the dramatic poem The work is awaited with deep interest Mrs Amelia B Barrs new story is called Prisoners of Conscience and its scenes are laid in the Shetland Isl ands Its characters are fisherfolk rigid Calvinists hedged about with phantoms of a gloomy creed The results of Bret Hartes four years in London are novr to be made more apparent by the publication of a new volume of poems a new group or collected tales entitled Barkers Luck and Other Stories and a paper cor ered volume of his longer tales with the title Devils Ford Emile Bourgeois work Le Grand Siecle which met so great a reception when published in Paris last year has been translated into English by Mrs Cashel Hoey and will appear in Eng land and America during the coming season under the title The Century of Louis XIV Needless to say the Grand Monarque is the central figure Hamlin Garland was recently dis cussing literary topics with Joel Chand ler Harris In Atlanta and had a good7 deal to say about writers getting away from the soil I was born to the soil he repeated and shall stick to it till I die A rural visitor sitting near became interested irir this Western strangers talk about the soil and af ter Garland had left he thoughtfully remarked I wonder how many bales o cotton he makes ter the acre Preaching with Pistols The war of the revolution like our civil war separated friends and divid ed households One of George Wash ingtons intimate friends was the Rev Jonathan Boucher a clergyman of the Church of England who had come to the colonies while a young man When the troubles began which led xo the war the two friends took opposite sides and their friendship was sus pended The young clergyman believ ing in the divine right of kings was an uncompromising loyalist He was as bold in the public utterance of his sen timents as was Patrick Henry in de claring that George III misht leara from the king who lost his head jf The young cleric preached openly against the doctrines of thejcevolution Such was the popular excitement that he often ran the risk of personal vio lence His last sermon in America preached at Annapolis Md ignored the Beatitude Blessed are the peace makers On the pulpit cushion were a brace of pistols and he ended tho sermon by this shout of defiance As long as I live yea while I have my being will I proclaim God savo the king The pistols recall another bold cler gyman a Presbyterian of Kentucky who was a prominent leader in the movement to abolish slavery from the State Once when he had been an nounced to preach an angry crowd of opponents gathered about the meeting house long before the hour for begin ning the service of worship When the clergyman appeared it was seen that he carried a pistol in eacb hand As he walked toward the church door the crowd opened and he bowing said You see gentlemen that I dont be long to the Peace Society I He preach ed without being molested To Prevent Pilfering Probably one of the best schemes Tor preventing the opening of boxes with out discovery is ured by a firm in Phil adelphia The firm are wholesale ci gar dealers and ship their goods throughout the neighboring States Tt used to be their custom to place about fifty boxes of cigars in a large case but quite frequently the cases were opened and several boxes removed the cases being nailed tight again Now their cases are made out of about a dozen boards and a single piece of heavy twine is run through an auger hole in each board The two ends of the twine are sealed with a piece of lead bearing the firms name and this method has proved effective against stealing An Indian Trained Nurse The distinction of being the first In dian woman to graduate as a trained nurse is due Miss Nancy Cornelius of the Oneida tribe of Wisconsin She has made for herself a most enviable reputation in this work She was one of the most promising pupils in the school on the Oneida reservation and was sent from there to the training school at Carlisle Pa After spending a few years there she entered the Con necticut training school and graduated from it in 1SS9 She says she sees no good reason why she should return to the reservation especially when cir cumstances are so unfavorable Safe Love Letter Int Ink suitable for love letters Is ad vertised by a Parisian stationer It is made of a solution of iodide of starch and characters written with it enti5 ly fade in four weeks S 4 A r v - 4 rfkj j j A s n I x -