w ft 3 1 r I I I I i Di I r U tl v h t lr - m tewytfft e a jcJraaaBrawwESSsasss tail The entire stock of Clothing Hats Boots Shoes Trunks Val- SELDEN THE TAILOR jpemains with the firm Dont forget us When you want clpthikg Yours for business Q Stinard NORTH WESTEBST LIVERY AND FEED STABLE J A HITT Proprietor Barn located on the east side 6f tfrwn First class rigs and careful drivers Good accommodationfor feed ing and stabling C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND COLD BATHS Valentine Nebr O W Morey WATGHMAKER MP JEWELER Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewelry Silverware Spectacles Musical Instruments Valentine and NebvaTca j illPriecoforFxd Brn bulk 40c per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk 50e per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c 600 -bop Feed 70c 1300 Corn - - Ytew v65c THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCESSOR TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT BOBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher The subscription price of The Democrat is 1 per year but if sub scription is allowed to become delin quent it will be charged at the rate of 125 This is done as a rneis of protection to the publisher When your subscription becomes delinquent you will be notified of the fact and the 125 rate will not be charged without your knowledge is and Furnishings foriLterly o wued by OTT0 BERGER knd have niafked tl the goods a Lowest Prices pdssibfe Gome and get a bargain- Notice All persons interested in the cause 6f sound money irrespective of past party affiliations are hereby requested to meet at Cornell Hall tomorrow even ing Friday September 25 at 8 oclock p m for the purpose of organizing a branch of the American Sound Money League Committee Window shades of all kinds at C R Watsons 29 Paints oils and varnishes at C R 20 M Fitzgerald of Crookston was in town yesterday If you want to buy tame pigeons call at this oflice Read our Itferriroan correspondence It will be a tegular feature hereafter Fred Coffey of Ainsworth was in town on business Tuesday returning home yesterday morning itev u t Moore ana iamiiy ar rived in town today and will remain as1 pastor of the MJB church J A fiitt lias built a new bttggy shed on the- sbuth side of the North western Livery and Sale Stable- This Is a sign of prosperity- W Gr Mason and Frank Mygatt of Longpmey are furnishing the commis sary department of Fort Niobrara with 1600 bushels of potatoes at 38 cents The young ladies club The Mystic Six entertained Messrs W A Jack son Frank Brayton Gr W Carson John Smyser C M Sageser and W T Kmcaid at the home of Miss Edna Dwyer Tuesday eventng Eev O T Moore will preach at the ME church next Sunday at 11 in the morning and 700 in the evening Sunday school Junior League and Epworth League at the usual hours All ate cordially invited to these ser vices Mr and Mrs J A Fike and family returned last night from their visit among relatives at Centralia Illinois Mr Pikes mother who was very ill is much improved A sister of Mrs Pike- Miss Lena Hawkins accompan ied her home and will spend the winter here Richard Grooms living on the Nio brara three miles west of the Darr bridge left at this office yesterday three potatoes of the Peerless variety which weigh 7 pounds the largest one tipping the scales at 44 ounces They are smooth firm and white and a lover of the tubsrs could not ask for better ones to be set before him Mr Grooms has more just like them M P Harrington the silver tongued orator of ONeill will speak here Fri day evening October 2 on the finan cial problem Mr Harrington has re putation as a speaker which is second to none in this state and a large audi ence should greet him Some of the candidates for state offices will also be here at the same time The same speakers Will be at Wood Lake Thurs day Oct 1 Within the past two weeks the edit or of this paper has held conversations with a number of cattle men from dif ferent parts of the country on the matter of ranging cattle and we find that it is the desire of a good many that the free range law should be pass ed m this country The advantages of such a law can be readily seen and would be a great means to induce cat tle men to bring many large herds into this country where there is such an fc mimcr rnge for catfle Jinsworthl rittaai OUR - PLATFORM fPIanlc Oiie Low Prices Tlditli Tivo Best Goods Three Largest Stock Four Courteous treatment Iiic 30 Inches to a yard f Sise 1 ounces to jf pound New stock of Clothing Xew stock of Sfic es in the very latest of shapes with the fashionable fastening AT THE BIG STGfslE STORE We Have Jr sMewafc Two Conveiitns People buy of Us because we gave tlietn money There is no sentiment about it Purely business T C HORNBY P Billings aha Robert Good nomi nated for Keirsentativ The populist convention pi the 52d representative district was called to order at Sparks last Saturday after noon by D W Beatty of Norden j W Whillaus nominated Dr Beatty for chairman and V T Chambers nominated J W Whillans for secre tary Both men were elected without opposition The chair appointed the remaining two delegates Tf oersana w Jr Morgareidge as a committee on credentials The com mitte teported eight delegates en titled to seats Of this number four were present Election of a district committee was next and Geo Reinert was made chairman of same Harvey Millay was elected committeeman from Keya Paha At this point resolutions were deemed to be in order and the resolu tions adopted by the senatorial con vention were also adopted by this convention The resolutions were neither read nor presented so we are unable to testify to their worth or lack of worth A motion was made and carried that Robert Good be invited to speak to the convention which he did The tenor of his remarks will be found on the editorial page of this paper None of the delegates present disputed the facts set forth by Mr Good but they refused his proposition by a vote of 6 to 2 so an informal ballot on representative was taken which resulted O P Billings 3 L O Sparks 5 Mr Sparks in a neat little speech withdrew from the contest and requested that on the formal ballot Cherry county cast her five votes for Billings which was done The convention then adjourned The convention ot the demo6raf s of the 52d representative district Hvas called to order last Saturday by Robert G66d five of eight delegates being present The convention was small but harmonious and enthusiastic and aft organization was effected by the election of W E Haley chairman and Robert Good secretary Both gentle men accepted the position in neat lit tle speeches and the couventioti pro ceeded to take Off its coat and get to w6rk After thoroughly discussing the sit uation nominations for representative were called for and the name of Robert Good was presented Keya Paha having no candidate on motion nominations were closed and Robert Good unanimously declared the nomi nee of the convention The honor was accepted by Mr Good who promised to hew to the line and let democrats know they had a candidate to vote for in at least one district This senti ment was loudly applauded fi A district organization was effected by the election of J M Coble com mitteeman from Keya Paha and W E Haley from Cherry county These gentlemen will decide between them selves who shall be chairman and who secretary The convention having completed its labors adjourned sine die An exchange pertinently remarks The darkest hour is said to be just before dawn If the farmer feels sore ly aggrieved at the price of hogs cat tle corn wheat or anything else he may have to sell he must bear in mind that the world has often faced just such critical periods before and that this period of depression in prices must sooner or later be relieved just as the others have gone before We have all seen hogs sell lower than they are selling to day and then we have seen a good long stretch of profitable prices since that time Let every man go right ahead as best he can in his usual rountme of work with the firm belief that things will assame better shape by and by Ii is his right and duty to work intelligently and for him self and this is a good year for him to do so The Valentine Teachers Asso ciation will hold its next meeting in the High School room on Saturday Oct 10 Program next week The western division of the teachers asso ciatfen nts t Cooper on October 3 t 3fcX - WOOD LAKE DEPARTMENT Bt Kelly J H Day is living in town now Slerriflfart Mr F P Mills our merfeharit in town today so his children can attend our schools- Did you hear about Honey joining the Pops Who would have tlrnk it Mr E D Valentine went to Ains worth this morning returning this afternoon For information concerning free silver or 16 to 1 call on Honey He is a Pop and knows A Hew bell has been ordered for our school house which will be here in the course of a week Hon A E Cady speaks here tonight on the political issues of the day from a republican standpoint Several of our neighbors left moraine for Brownlee to take in this the picnic there tomorrow th 23rd David Leach only recognizes two patties m this campaign viz Ameri cans and British Tories Which shall you vote for F L Coffey of Ainsworth was in the city a few hours this morning as advance agent for the Graphophone Concert Co to show here Friday even ing Jim Steadman and G W Burge of Pass Neb were in town today with two cars of cattle also D M Sears with four cars They shipped to South Omaha today Sheriff Strong and Judge Walcott of Valentine were in town one evening last week on business They found time to discuss financial question with us a few moments before departing was Mr Joe Crowe has almost completed his new house C H and Arthur BoWring are load ing a car of hay today H Greene1 has been doing good business in the livery barn lately Mr- Claymore shipped cattle last night He will probably give us a dance before long Mr Mtfnier has put up 300 gallons of wine this fall We must all visit the old gentleman this winter The Modern Woodman Lodge is gaining ground Daniel Alder rode the Grand Bumpet last Saturday night and became a Woodsplitter The FVEMV railroad company sank a new pipe for the purpose of getting more water They sac it 120 feet arid now have an artesian well the only one in the Northwestern sys tem they aay Old Stupid East Gerihaa Precinct Hayma kers are wearing long faces on account of the recent showers Mrs Beese of Hooper Nebraska is visiting her son Frank of this place Jack Frost made his appearance last Friday night and played havoc with the gardens in this vicinity Mr Newman and daughters recently moved to town we understand to en gage in the dressmaker trade Mr and Mrs Ted Ormesher of Schlagle were visiting their niece Mra J A Adamson of this vicinity last week Henry Ballard and Lon Mosher are on this side of th river making hay They have about 200 tons of hay stack ed in the hay flats The road overseer Of Schlagle pre cinct was out warning men of German precinct to woik on the roads Funny isnt it what mistakes people will make Snow Flake No crash in banking circles can cause the Independents exchequer to suffer from a financial strain as it puts its trust in a higher power where the root of all evil is eschewed and de posits are scrupulously guarded by the sentinel of truth and righteous ness The above is from the Norfolk In dependent and yet the issue of the paper in which it appeared was com posed of only two pages whereas thB normal ftze of the sheet is eight pages We hope the Independents high bank of deposit has not closed it3 doors W L Greene Oct 17 M I Harrington Oct -1 4 4 4s 4 - - if L LOTS F THE JUST ARRIVED 4 4 tf Mi K 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 NEW GOOD I DRUGS I r t VARNISHES WATSON THE DRUGGIST OUR SCHOOL DEPARTMENT EKfA MACDOSSAIJ f ltwa The Literature elass is reading Httmlet Attendance is very good in Miss Callens room Lelah Colegrove is attending the Grammar School Baseball is the game at present among our school boys Miss Adella Sawyer intends to start to school in a few weeks Mrs Watson was a pleasant visitor at the Sigh School last week It really seems that our school boys base balls are bewitched at any rate they have a great fondness for turnips Have you noticed it KESOIiUTIOKS F KESPEBTi Whereas the grim messenger has visited oar Order and a divine Providence has removed from oar midst our beloved sister Mary Men- Therelore he It resolved by Northern Star Chapter Order of the Eastern Star that we ex tend to the bereaved husband and daughter our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this then hour of sorrow and that cmr1 charter be draped for a period of thirty day in memory of our de parted sister AbaoailCkabb i Harriet GBEissiffGEAn J Committee F H WAiiCOlT To the officers aHd members of Valentine Camp No 1751 MWA Whereas it has pleased the allwi se creator m his infinite wisdom to remove by death the be loved wife of neighbor M V Nicholson and Whereas we reanza ice great iosa ueiEuuur Nicholson and his daughter Estelle have sus tained by the death of a loviug wife and a fond mother therefore be it Kesolved that the member of Valentine Camp No 1751 MWA tender our neighbor and his daughter our sincere sympathy and condo lence in their bereavement Be it further Resolved That these resolution be published in the Valentine papers spread upon the record of our order and a copy be furnished our es teemed neighbor J C YxtTMOnir W E Haky W S Babkeb Wanted t Onfce Ten good teams to haul freight to the Brick yard and Rosebud Agency Will have hauling all winter 36 Davenport Thachek The new stoqe buildiag or Main street is rapidly assuming denntte shape and it already improves the ap pearance of the town The walls are up to the top of the firafv story jud joists are being put in PAINTS BEST QUALITIES Tk LOWEST PRICES 4 4 4 49 yes rf t -V 1 THE RED FRONT 7 lr VVVVV9V W E HALEY ABSTRACTER v aleiitine Nebraska The DONOHER M T DONOHEn Proprietor Has feeen rebuilt and rooms furnislied With NEW SUITS OF FURNITURE t Maying it tiie most complete and comfortable HOTllL IN THE NORTHWEST Mfii ROOM AND LIVERY STABLE IN G0NNEGT10N Valentine Nebraska c 4 m ft i w m 1 J fr TJ jfl m I S fff r SUNDRIES JP J3 TVnlcott The man who bears the name head ing this article was born in Atlanta Illinois 38 years ago and in 18G7 while yet a small lad moved with his parents to Jefferson county this state before the commonwealth had entered statehood In 18G8 he went to Kansas living in Smith county until 1885 when he came to Cherry county and settled on a homestead on the Loup where he farmed during the summers and taught school in Urown county in the winters until 1869 when he carne to Valentine as county judge elect by virtue of republican votes and hag ever since remaiued here Mr Walcott first took up the study of law with E M Tickler in Smith Center Kansas in 1880 and was admitted to the bar by Judge Crites of this district in 1891 while holding the position of county judge He was admitted to practice before the supreme and IT S courts in 1893 Four timea been elected judge in Cherry and is now the candidate district has he county of the republican patty for prosecuting attor ney Hi3 resord as a judge i3 well known and needs no comment Both he and Mn Thur3ton are making a clean fight for the attorneyship and neither need feel disgraced if defeated The WCTTJ will have a mother meeting Sunday at 330 p m conduct ed by Mrs Helen Hornby All and young Iadie3 are cordially in vited to attend By order of Recording Secretart Haiti h ThisT We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh which cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHBNE r CO Toledo Ohio We the undersigned have known F J Cheney fortheia3ti5 years and believe him psrfectfy honorabloin all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firra WEdT TKI7AX Wholesale Druzrfstc ToledpO WALDist KLnaMaevik Wholwala Drus gusts Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally aethsz directly npou the blood and niucou3 surfaces 01 the system Price 75c per bottI boldiby aJi druggists Testimonials frPB - Davenport TbaGhlr tayl er plete line of coffins and iaftfy supplies 2T n r f