fl 4 L ii r I K W I t IX Il I v I I j H S3i s THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCESSOR TO CHERRY COONTYJNDEPENDENT BOBEBT GOOD -Editor and Polisher Official Papfer of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 10 JPer Wer in Advance PUBLISHED ItVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Pest office at Valentine Cherry eouaty Nebraska as Second class matter Thispapefill be mailed reguJarly to itifcfsubBcribers until a flefinite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears -are paid in full Advertising rates 50 -cents per inch per month Bates per -column or for long time ads made known on appli cation to this office THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1896 MBemocratic Ticket For President wliam Jennings buyan il Lincoln Nebraska iFor Vice President ARTHUR SEWALL Of Bath Maine Presidential Electors PRED METZ O W PALM FJ HALE X P1ASCEKI N O ALBERTS S L KOSTRYZE J N CAMPBELL 31 P HARRINGTON Por Governor SILAS A IIOLCOMB Por Lieutenant Governor J EHARRIS For State Secretary W P PORTER For State Auditor JOHN F CORNELL For State Treasurer J tf MESERVE For Attorney General C J SMYTH jFor State Superintendent W R JACKSON For Commissioner J Y WOLFE For JudgesSupreme Court Long Term WILLIAM NEVILLE Short Term J S KIRKPATRICK For Uniyerity Regent THOMAS RAWLINGS -For Representative 52d District ROBERT GOOD For Countv Attorney D H THURSTON S We cannot restore confidence either -to the treasury or to the people with out a change indoor present tariff laws Major McKinley The railroads are going to do their share tor the McKinley meeting at Canton We hear that the rate from -Chicago will be IDG cents The chromo in addition will be considered later Fourteen thousand are going from Pittsburg Kentucky will send a dele gation Mark Hanna will show Mr Bryan that he carft have all the ibig meetings - No better -equipped man ould have been named forAttorney General than C J Smyth of Omaha An upright honorable gentlemen a practioner who stands high at the bar a citizen above reproach hev compares with the present legal adviser of the state -as a giant to a pigmy The duties of ttie office of Attorney General have not re ceived much of the time of the pres ent incumbent whose record as a lawyer In Nebraska l dates itrom the time when he was indicted in Iowa for appropriating to himself the wealth of another man His incompetency is notorious and the next Attorney -General will -be a clean man and a competent lawyer C J Smythj vof Omaha Wgmore Arbor State We think that Mr Bryan is making a mistake in coming back to the East and that his efforts will be wasted here -It is true some democrats are hopeful of carrying New York but we doubt think it at all probable There Is a very strong silver feeling in many of the rural counties but it is far more than overbalanced by the lieavy democratic defection in the cities Granting for the sake of argument that Mr Bryan would have a chance to carry New York yet that chance is po small that it is not worth while to go after it and neglect the West Campaigning will be much more profitable in Ohio Indiana Illinois and Kentucky Then it must be re membered that New York is notYnee essary to democratic success this yearn Mr Bryan can be elected with 9tftfc New York World t v i THEY WANT IT ALL - Atrthe populist convention held at Sparks last Saturday for the purpose of nominating a candidate for repre sentative irom the fifty second district they were visited by Robert Good as a democrat who asked them to withhold the nomination of a candidate until after the democrats had held -their con vention with a view to securing the endorsement of the democratic nomi nee This they refused to do thus rectly refusing to stand iby their oft asserted shibboleth of principle before party and indirectly challenging the democratic party to nominate a candi date for the dffice named Evidently the populists supposed iw democrat could be found- who have the temerity to run for office -on nothing but thestreugth of his democracy in a district where hisiparty -is in the mi nority and in a year when fusion seems to be the watchword of both democrats and -populists But they reckoned without their host A short time ago The -Democrat gave outv as its -sentiment When fusion fuses we ar e willing to support hybut when fusion merely means ob literation of the party it is time to kick That is still the sentiment of this paper As the fusion stood up to Saturday it was all populism and no democracy hence he kick THe democrats Kf the state of Ne i braska endorsed the entire state ticket of the populists from governor down to state superintendent Thedemocrats of the sixth congres sional -district endorsed the populist nominee for congress W L Greene Theidemocratsof the 14th senatorial district by their -silence practically en dorse -Otto Mutz populist for senator The democrats pf Cherry county en dorsed the populist nominee for county attorney D H Thurston The democrats of the second com missioner district have as vet taken no- action looking toward the nomination of a candidate for that office The Valentine Democrat is the only democratic newspaper in north western Nebraska yet the democrats have given it no candidate -to support Populists want fusion but all the fusion candidates must be populists This paper -protests that this is not Eight and democrats support it when it makes the declaration The nomi nation -of a f usien Mcandidate for lepre sestatLve would have arcpleted the fusion -chain but the populists refused to forge the last link This is apVaih statement of the facts in the -case Arguments and theories must be based upon them and no fair minded person can say otherwise than that the populists were wrong in ask ing everything without giving any thing That party is supposed to be a liberal party yet a greater example of greed and selfishness was never pre sented by the old parties However in justice to the party at large we can but think that the action of the delegates at Sparks does not represent the views of the majority FACTS TO REMEMBER It was the republican party which turned over to the Cleveland adminis tration a bankrupt treasury with con tinuing appropriations of mdlio ns iu favor of subsidized interests with public revenues depleted in the inter est -of private plunder and with the plates for therbond issue that became immediately necessary already en graved and ready for the printer It was the republican party rep reseated by the congress which by extravagant appropriations looted the treasury turning a splendid surplus into a great deficit It was the republican party which passed the McKinley protective tariff law a law which demoralized busi ness impoverished tne people en gendered labor strikes and lockouts in numerable and oppressed every legiti mate industry in order that political adventures and gamblers might ttirive on the uncertainties and distress that such measures always occasion It was the grand collapse of the re publican partys - unrestricted legisla tion in favor of -privileged classes of the republican partys wanton aban donment of the masses in favor of the classes of the republican partys rot ten financial and economical doctrines that caused all the ills from which the country has suffered during the last three years No fighting has been done in Cuba of late but both the revolutionists and the Spanisli are preparing for a series of heavy engagemettiiiiU Iipend of the war- is nafc far distant- - r v 1 frfV t -I t T- HE WILL STAT AT HOME Mark Hanna says that McKinley will not take the stump but will continue to speak to the people who come to see him Of course that is all right for McKinley and his sup porters for they can ride on palace cars passes and special trains placed at their disposal by the corporations who own McKinley well knowing that in the event of his -election should they asku favor of him it would be granted Not so however with Bryan for the people who aire fais most ardent supporters are the people who earn their bread -by the sweat of their -face and but very few of them ride on -passes or in palace cars Bryan is one of the people and is not afraid or -ashamed to mingle with them It is fitting andeminently proper that Mc Kinley should stay at home and re ceive those who have the means or who are -furnished with the means to journey So far to see this great man who proposes to enrich thefew at the expense of the many- because they ask it of him Yes it is proper that he should stay at home and not go out among the people whom -his party brands as rdpudiators and anarchists We believe that the great mass of people are glad he is staying at home and we have goodand sufficient rea son for believing that he will continue -staying at home for at least four years more Brotonlee Hornet THE AMENDMENTS The fourth proposed amendment to the constitution rprovides that the judicial power of this state shall be vested in a supreme court district courts county courts justice of the peace police magistrates and in such other courts inferior to the supreme court as may be created by law in which two thirds of the members elected to each house concur As the formation of new courts is left to the legislature aud as the legislature is elected directly by the people we see no valid objections to this amend ment The fifth proposed amendment re lates to increasing the number of judges and changing the boundaries of the various judicial districts and it requires a two 1bfeirds vote of the legis lature to do either This amendment is Eminently pioper and is necessary in order that the judiciary may keep pace with the growth of the state without the expense of amending the constitution every time a new judge is wanted Changes cannot be made oftener than once in four years The sixth amendment proposes to allow five sixths of a jury in civil cases ito ie turn a verdict and also to allow trial by a jury of less than twelve men in -courts inferior to the district court This seems to be a good amendment as it will greatly reduce the of trials and also reduce to PYnpnsp a mum the tieing up of a jury by one or two men as is frequently done now necessitating a new trial and conse quent delay HOME MARKET ARGUMENT In one of his platitudinous speeches Major McKinley declared that what we want is to protect the splendid ihome market to our own American producers The republican party has been pro tecting the splendid home market now for thirty years and the position ofthe farmer to day is worse than it has been in all that time Nor has the depression in the indus try come without warning It has pinched harder year by year for twen ty years till now with corn at about 18 cents a bushel the climax has been reached One need go no farther than Missouri to ascertain the condition of the farm er When parents of the farming class are forced to deprive their child ren of the education which had been planned because of the depression of tH6times what folly it is to talk of preserving the splendid home mar ket Mr McKinley speaks again of al most damaging competition In our home market In what agricultura products has this damaging foreign competition been noted Is it in cot ton Is it in cattle in wheat Are not all these expoited The truth of the matter is that the policy of protection has evoked retalia tory measures on the part of countries like Germany and France which by their prohibitory tariffs have prevent ed our sales of agricultural products arid thus caused a glut in the home market McKinleyism means the final destruction of the agricultural in dustry - w v w THE FAT IS FRY 7 NO The New York Worldof September 18 says Mark Hanna admits that it will take much money to educate the peopls sufficiently to insure the elec tion of his candidate and the fat fry ing is now in full blast The gigantic combines and trusts all have been benefited in the past by the sys tem represented by McKinley and hope for future benefits and already the assessment necessary has been de cided upon The trusts are expected to contribute at least 10000000 to wards the election of McKinley and as the total capitalization of the various trusts doing business in defiance of law is about l5U0UUOUUU the enor mous sum of 10000000 can be raised without a very heavy assessment About two thirds of one per cent is all that will be necessary The dressed beef and provision trust will be the largest contributer its capitalization being 100000000 The assessment for this gigantic corpora tion is therefore 665000 The an thracite coal combine will be touched up for 565000 The skewer trust is the smallest of the lot and it needs to contribute only 400 When the price of dressed beef and provisions goes up you may know that the people are paying part of McKinleyfs cam paign expenses and the next time a dollar is added to the price of a ton of coal you will know that the coal trust has paid its assessments Ten million dollars is an enormous sum and it will not all be used for legitimate purposes Such a sum offers many inducements for theft when it is handled by men who do not have to give an accounting for it Of this amount about 5000000 will be used to corrupt voters and 000000 will be stolen Architects are already drawing pUns for houses which will be paid for out of this campaign fund From all over Cherry county news comes that the people are falling m line for Bryan Not alone in one or two precincts is this the case but in all parts of the county The Demo crat hears that a Bryan club is in process of formation at Browulee and tiuit several om time republicans are interested in the movement At Simeon the same story is told and in Kewanee republicans are getting in the band wagon Right here so much progress is not being made but that is easily accounted for The Demo crat and the Thricea week New York World one jr ear 150 Uesnocratic Platform The following is a synopsis of the platform adopted by the national con vention at Chicago July 9th 1896 The plank referring to free coinage of silver is given in full Recognizing that the money qneslion is para mount to all others at this tune we invite atten tion to tlie fact that the federal constitution names suver ana goiu iogeiner as tne monev metal ol the United States We declare that tlie demonetization ol silver in 1873 has rusuheri m the appreciation of gold and a corresponding fall in the price of com nodities produced by tlie people We are unalterably opposed to a sin gle gold standard Gold mononietalism is a British policy it is not only un American but an ti American we demand the tree and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at the present legal ratio of iu 10 j wunuuc waning ior ine ain or consent ol any other nation We demand that the stan dard silver dollar shall be a lull legal tender equally with gold ior all debts public and pii vaie aud -we favor such legislation as will pre sent tlie demonetization ot auv kind of legal tender money by private contract We are opposed to the policy and uractice of surrendering to the holders of the obligations of me ijnueu aiaies tne opnon reserved uy law to the government of redeeming suck obligations in either silver coin or cold coin We are opposed to the issuing of interest bear ing oonas ot tne u nitea states in time of peace We ilemand that the power to issue notes to circulate as money be taken from tlie national oanks ana mat an paper money shall be issued directly by the treasury department We hold that tariff duties should be levied for purposes of revenue and that taxation should be limited by the needs of the government honestly and economically administered We denounce as disturbing to business the republican threat toxestore the McKinley law winch has been twice condemned by the people in national elections and which enacted under the false plea of protection to nome industry proved a prolific breeder of trusts aud monopolies enrich ed the few at the expense of many restricted trade and deprived the producers of the great American staples of access to their natural mar kets Until the money question is settled we are opposed to any agitation for further change in our tariff laws except such as are necessary to make the deficit in revenue caused by the ad verse decision of the Supreme Court on tlie in come tax There would be no deficit in tlie revenue but for the annulment by the Supreme Court of a law passed by the democratic cou gress in strict of the uniform de cision of that court for nearly one huntfred years We hold thatthe most efficient way of protecting American labor is to prevent the im portatrolrof foreign palfper labor to compete with it in our home market We denounce the profligate waste of the money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation and the lavish appropriations of recent republican congresses- which have kept taxes high while the labor that pays them is unemploy ed and the products of the peoples toil are de pressedin price till they no longer repay the cost of production We denounce the arbitrary interference by federal authorities in local aitairs as a violation of the constitution of the United States and a crime against free institutions RecogniziHg the just claims of deserving union soldiers we heartilv endorse the rule ot missiouer Murphy that no names shall be traniy dropped from the pensiou roll and the fact of enlistment aud service should be tif onwd conclusive evidence against disease and disabil ity before enlistment We extend ourtjymiiatnv to the people of Cuba in their heroic struggle for liberty and indepen dence We are opposed to life tenure in tho public service We tavor appointments based upon tiirif fWoH lirm nF nflirn uiwl curtli in ultnin lstration of the civil service laws as will afford I equal opportunities to all citizens of ascertained fitness We declare it to be the unwritten law of this republic established by custom and usage of one hundred years and sanctioned bv the ex ample oi the greatfst aud wisest of those who founded and have maintained our Kovfernmeut that no man should be eligible for a third term i oi tne presidential aiuce l Uir the Preston Mystery Ev LEROY LEACH Author of The Adventures of Don Enrique Romero etc etc Copyright 1SW by the Author All nhK IN NINE INSTALLMENTS NINTH INSTALLMENT CHAPTER XVIII TJit Solution to tlie Preston Mystery At this moment the dying opened his eyes and he gave and moan when he saw the man a start face of Henry Preston above him Preston Preston why nave you come o torture my last moments with your Accursed presence You were ever ay lifes curse my rival in every thing gasped the dying scout but after -all it matters not the life you caused the ruin of is almost at an end Tn a few short moments I will have leftithis cursed world gof disappoint mentandl thank God that it is so You wrong me Moore when you accuse me of causing you disappoint ment I had nothing to do with the workings of Fate replied Preston kindly Bah Henry Preston think you I would have become the wreck I now am had yon not robbed me of the love of Margaret Noble2 No man I loved her more than life itself and she would have been mine would have made my life a very Heaven instead of a tor ture such as it has been to me but for your turning her against me It was your dissipated habits that lost you her love Harry I had noth ing to do with her turning against you But you are dying man let us be friends Tell me for the sake of God had vou aught to do with the murder of my little daughter Isabel I did Henry Preston But I did not kill her It was a scoundrel in my employ who fired the shot which caused her death but the bullet was intended for the man with her for he was mistaken for yoa For Gods sake tell me the story Moore if you sought to thus wreck my life you succeeded but too well her loss broke my heart For more than a year have I searched for her murder er Tell me is he yet living Prop my head a little higher Pres ton and I will tell you the whole story answered the scout his wan face showing a shade of remorse Preston did what he could to ease the wounded man who finally related the details from which the following story of the mystery is written The scout Harry Moore alias Harry Lane had been a schoolmate of Pres tons in the early days when they to gether attended the little village school in Ohio and strove to win the smiles of pretty Margaret Noble Eor a time the maid seemed to favor a young man by the name of Hendricks but finally bestowed all her smiles on Moore A few years later Moore be came a hard drinker aud the maiden refused to longer recognize him finally married Preston who was of the brightest young men in town Moore swore vengeance by underhand rascality made the of Preston for the ten years that and one the and life he lived in Ohio so unbearable that Pres ton moved to Nebraska Moore did not molest him for several years but at last hearing that a wealthy rela tive of his whom Preston had at one time rescued from drowning in the Ohio had made his will in - Prestons favor leaving him the only living heir entirely out of it his rage knew no bounds Hiring two rascals and binding them by an oath to assist him to kill Pnston he started for Nebraska Each of the two toughs carried sus pended from his neck by a chain of silver a hollow silver 3 which con tained a copy of their murderous oath Moore wore the golden 3 Chancing to overhear a part of the ruffians plans the man Hendricks alias Charles Gates followed them day and night On the night of the Pres ton tragedy Moore and his companions had camped on the Niobrara not far from the Preston ranch Being short of meat they had rowed out on the river in an old canoe which they had stumbled on in the grass and while fishing had observed the forms of Powell and Isabel on the river bank Hurriedly rowing to shore the three men conceal themselves in the bushes and mistaking Powell for Preston one of Moores ruffians tired a pistol shot at him and the bullet missing its in tended mark takes effect in the breast of the innocent maid As Powell I raises the form of his sweetheart moaning her name in his anguish one of the cowardly villians staD him from behind Two bodies are thrown into 1 - the river and the murderous trio row down to the spot where they have left their horses Arriving at their camp they Bee two horsemen in the act of making off with their steeds the two strangers are Edward Belden and Charles Thompson who have ridden in this direction A fig ht ensues and the two cowboys are riddled with bullets After killing the horses of the stockmen the three murderersjmount their steeds and llee to the westward As they arrive oppo site the Preston ranch they beard the sound -of approaching hoofsand sheer ing from the roadf he men gallop di rectly aver the scene of the killing of Will and Mabel They are soon put sued by Prestonaud his menbut mafi j age to make their escape in the storm The next evening while they were eating their -supper in the river timber a shot sounds from the bushes and one of the toughs falls forwarda bullet through his brain As the other two break for the woods a shot pierces the body of Moore sremaining companion nd he alone escapes The man who has fired the fatal shots Charles Hendricks finds on the dead bodies of the two toughs the two silver 3s Losing the trail of Moore Hendicks goes to North Platte and and there almost a year later delivers to John Preston the silver 3 contain ing the mysterious couplet He who finds the proper 3 Soives the Preston mystery Getting track of Moore in eastern Wyoming Hendricks while on his trail is wounded by horsethieves and is cared for until his death by the band of Claude Duval Such dear readers is the story of the mysterious tragedy which caused the death of a fond mother three in nocent men and wrecked the life of a loving father a tragedy whi ch was for almost two years wrapped in impene trable gloom and termed the Pres ton nivsten i After telling Preston of his Yillainyi Moore breathed his last begging withr his dying breath for the forgiveness of v the man whom he had wronged The strangeness of Hendricks be haviour in not wishing to meet Pres ton is explained by the fact that they had been bitter rivals for the hand of Margaret Noble After burying the body of Moore Preston and his men bid farewell to the band of Claude Duval after thanking them for their valuable assis tance in runniug down the murderer Moore and started for the ranch on the Niobrara and after a weary trip they reached home Preston soon sold out his cattle in terests in Nebraska and accompanied by John went back to Ohio i - Let us lift the curtain which has f al- len between us and the heroes of our oer true tale for a parting glance at them dear reader In a pleasantly situated spot on the banks of the Little Miami river near Cincinnati may be seen a comfortable looking residence surrounded by lovely grounds It is the home of John Preston On a certain summer evening a pas serby might have observed John and his pretty wife seated on the verandaT A short distance down the garden can be seen an aged man He is leaning on his cane and as the rays of the set ting sun fall on his uncovered gray locks they also fall upon a neat marble slab at the head of a flower strewn mound As the old man sadly kneels in prayer over the grave we may read the inscription on the marble Sacred to the memory of Isabel and Margaret Preston Moving now among Gods angel3 In the heaven of the blest Where the wicked cease from troubling And the weary are at rest the end It is calculated that at least 20000 democrats did not vote in Maine There are 55000 democrats in the state and only 34000 voted It is useless to deny that Bryan is wasting time in the east The central west ern states is where the battle is to be fought Illinois Kentucky Indiana Michigan and Iowa are the pivotal states New York will go for McKin ley and Bryan does not need the stata to lnsura his election