lv y PS KB I a E lAst and always advertised as a true blood puri fier the most wonderful cures on record are made and the greatest sales are won by Hood ts -x if J jXSam3tirsh I I fyS fCjJ JrhA DROPSY - V Be sure to r n sKaa SarsapanSla Hoods Pills cure all liver ill biliousness Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rihjly directed There is comfort in tKoknowledge that so many forms of -sickness are not due to any actual dis ease but simply to s constipated condi tion of the system which the pleasant family laxative Syrup of Pigs prompt ly removes That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts It is therefore all important in order to get its bene ficial effects to note when you pur chase thatyou have the genuine article which is manufactured by the California 1 i r big byrup Co only and sold by all rep utable druggists If in the enjoyment of good health and the system is regular then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed If afflicted with any actual disease one may be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative then one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction Cheap Traveling August 4th and 18 Sept I 15 and 29 Oct 6th and 20th Eound trip tickets to points in Nebraska Kansas Colo rado Utah the Black Hills Wyoming Texas Okla homa Arizona and New Mex ico will hf on sale at all rail road ticket offices in Iowa and eastern South Dakota at oB WAV KATE plUS SiOO Tickets will be uood for 21 days Hall at nearest ticket office and obtain full information or write to J Fkatis General Passenger Agent Omaha Neb DUT FELIX GOURAUDS ORIENTAL CREAM OltaiAGICAIiBEADTIFlER Removes Tan Pimples Freck les Moth Patches Hush and Kl btln diseases and every isn on Beauty ana Sdefles detection It Ilba8 stood the test of Ifl years and is sc harmless -we taste it to do sure it is prop eriy maae Accep n o counterfeit o i similar name Dr L A Sayre said to a lady or the haut ton a patient As you ladies will nsAthpm recommend Gou I raads Cream as th the Skin prepara tions For safe by all Drupgiets and Fancy Goods Deal er In the United states Candas and Europe FRD T HOPKINS Proor 37 Great Jones Street N Y TREATED FREE witti Vecetahle Remedies Have 4UAUJ lUUUbttUU cases pronounced hopeless From first dose V vivii uioapijear ana in ten aajs at least two thirds of all BvraptomB are removed BOOK of testimonials c miraculous cures sent FREE Ten Days Treatment Furnished Free by Mail BR H H GREEN S SOHS SPECIALISTS ATUHTJL BEOiSIl UNIVERSITYsNOTRE DARE rA Xhe 103d Session Will Open TUESDAY ojcrxjJXXSAi 3d 1896 Full Courses In Classics Utters Science law Civil and Mechanical Engineering Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses St Edwards Hall for boys under 13 Is unique in the completeness of its equipment Catalogues sent free on application to Rev Andrew Mok eissey Notre DameInd OflilTUrDMLANDSantS aUUiriLKHHOM ES In the garden spot ot West Tennessee can be tecurecl on easy terms fertile sun ceuiai ciunato ana line transportation facilities are the Inducements that are Drummr the Northerner- here in large numbers Write SOUTHERN H03LESEEKERS IiAXD CO Somervllle Fayette County Tennessee PATENTS TRADE MARKS Examination and advice as to Patentability of inven tions Send for Inventors Guide or How to Get a PATENT Patrick OFarrell Washington DC PRINTERS Should TKrlte for onr new line of STATIONERY Isamples The comnletest ever Issued Sioux City Newspaper Union tl2 Pearl Street Sioux Citr Iowa P ENSIGNS PATENTS CLAIMS J O HN WM O R R I S WASHINGTON D C 3 jts in list war 15 adjudicating claims atty sino Snre relief t omrrw Pricc35ctsaaiiiiuaj If innCDQ DIOTil 1 CO MUUCil O rftO I ILLCObypaiL StoweUOo zlulOYraMazi S C JT u CUfltS WHEBE ALL ELSE FAILS 34 06 Beet Cough Syrnp Taates Good Use I in time oia or arnorltta A FOOTBALL HERO WAS a great cross to Mr and IT Bartlett that Roger was ap parently quite devoid of any worthy ambition Their two older boys were so utterly different Fred had been graduated from Yale with highest honors and Horace was mak ing remarkable progress at the Sci entific School in fact they were both exceptionallj fine students which made the contrast all the more strik ing For Roger was sadly unlike his brothers He seemed to labor under the impression that he had been sent to college simply and solely for the purpose of learning to play foot ball Apparently nothing else had power to kindle the slightest enthusiasm in his sluggish breast and his father and mother argued and expostulated with him in rain You are frittering away your valu able time they argued again and again and are letting slip golden op portunities which once gone will never come back to you and what have you to show for it all but a broken nose and a fractured collar bone Is there any prospective benefit to be derived from these hours spent in scrambling after a foot ball his fa ther questioned severely to which Roger merely responded in his usual off hand style Why knows but I may be elected captain of the varsity team next year Is that the height of your ambi tion his parent returned bitterly I am terribly disappointed in jrou sir Are you to go on playing foor ball for ever and ever or what do you propose to make of your life Perhaps you think that your reputation as a foot ball player will prove an open sesame to all desirable positions Do you sup pose that anyone wants a fellow who has willfully wasted his best opportuni ties 1 had hoped to make a profession al man of you not a professional ath lete and had even aspired to seeing you some day in our leading law office with my old friend Wilkinson Siual ley but its no use Smallay wants only young men of the highest prom ise and Mr Bartlett sighed wear ily It does no good to talk to Roger he confided to his wife afterward for hardly ten minutes had elapsed after I had been remonstrating with him about the evils of foot ball before he inquired if I wouldnt bring you dOAvn to see the game on Saturday and in formed me that he had saved two tick ets for us Mrs Bartlett regarded her husband helplessly What did you say to him then she queried I told him certainly not Mr Bartlett exclaimed warmly and I ex pressed my surprise at his daring to suggest such a thing Show me some lasting benefit or any abiding good that is to be derived from this ridicu lous game I told him and then come to me to abet you in such follv but not till then And so Mr and Mrs Bartlett failed to witness that memorable game in which their youngest son gained for himself such enviable laurels Once in the field Roger was like ons trans formed Keen alert cool rising splen didly to every emergency no one would have known him for the same slow indifferent easy going specimeu of hu manity who grieved the ambitious souls of his parents by his small aptitude for Greek Not that Roger was by any means a dunce for his class standing was fair ly good but what pained his father and mother was the recognition of what he might have accomplished had it not been for the arch enemv foot ball The great game over the victorious team hastened back to their gymna sium with all possible speed they had some little distance to go as the gym nasium was not very near the ball grounds so that in order to reach it they were obliged to traverse the cen ter of the town and cross the tail- TnCTQT t Vlrfc TlOr Vl3An flnfnn 3 -e-- v u -ii ucluiui ci u lim ment or so longer than the others -reached -the station a short time after J they had crossed and found the plat forms crowded with people who were returning from the game mingled with those who were alighting from incom ing drains As he stepped upon the platform he became conscious that something unusual was going on and he immediately perceived that the eyes of the multitude were riveted upon a figure half way across the tracks a fig ure pausing there in bewilderment Theres a train coming each way somebody gasped why doesnt he get off the track The station agent and one or two other officials were shouting loudly but the man who was old and very deaf appeared thoroughly dazed As he was preparing to step upon the track nearest him he caught sight of one train coming down upon him and he now staggered back and was about to plunge in front of the other down coming express when suddenly some thing very unexpected happened As the crowd of bystanders shrank back with horror stricken faces con vinced that they were about to witness the horrible fate which must instantly Fertake the old man a figure bj a II much begrimed canvas jacket sprang out from among them and clearing the tracks at a bound alighted beside the swaying form of the other A shudder and a wave of pitiful re gret swept over the motionless crowd He can never drag him back in time they breathed they will both be kill-ed-oh the pity of it But our football man had no thoughc of dragging the unsteady figure in front of either approaching engine In an instant he had tackled the man and thrown liim flat upon the ground be tween the tracks for all the world quite as if he had been an opponent on the football field then he dropped light ly on top of him and lay there motion less while the two trains thundered past on each side of them and the crowd stood waiting spell bound In much less time than it takes to de scribe the episode it was over and what might have been a tragedy had proved to be only a bit of melodrama after all yet as Roger jumped up and pulled the old man on to his feet ap plause and cheers louder than any that had greeted him on the football field rang in his ears Abashed and quite overwhelmed by such an ovation Roger made haste to elbow his way through the crowTd and in so doing nearly overthrew his own brother Fred who happened to be standing directly in his path For heavens sake was that yon Roger he cried confronting him in astonishment Do let me get out of this his brother responded impatiently they neednt make such a fuss because I knocked the old duffer over and he bolted in the direction of the gymna sium Saturday night generally brought the scattered members of the Bartlett fam ily together as the collegians always made a point of coming home to spend Sunday under the parental roof tree On this particular Sunday evening all were assembled before Roger came in Fred was all agog to describe the scene that he had witnessed but he un selfishly held his tongue Ill not spoil his story for him but will give him a chance to do justice to it he mentally ejaculated as he watched his brother swallowing his soup with un ruffled composure But Roger said nothing about the vital subject and Fred looking at him with increasing surprise as he judi cially set forth the respective merits of the opposing football teams and called attention to their most vulner able points Ill turn in early to night I think he yawned as he withdrew from the dining room I put pretty solid work into the last half of that game and he leisurely wended his way upstairs I wish that Roger would put a little solid work into something else his father volunteered as he disappeared from the room At this Fred who had in times past repeatedly scoffed at his brothers ath letic proclivities instantly fired up Father he burst forth youre making a big mistake about Roger Hes got more genuine stuff in him than all the rest of us put together and if its football thats done it the soon er we all go in for the game the bet ter and then he proceeded to give a graphic account of the afternoons experience which caused his father to blow his nose loudly and repeatedlj while his eyes glistened with happy pride and sent his mother weeping in search of the sleepy athlete who couldnt understand what he had done that was worth making such a fuss about A few days later Mr Bartlett k ceived a note from his old friend Wil kinson Smalley which ran somewhat as follows Dear Bartlett I hear that your Roger is going in for the law and if so I want him When he gets through with the law school you can hand him over to me for hes just the material that Im on the lookout for and you may well be proud of him t He scared me out of a years growth the other afternoon at the station the young rascal but in spite of that I wish you would tell him to come round and take dinner with me some night for I want to talk to him With kind regards to Mrs Bart lett believe me ever your friend WILKINSON SMALLEY When Roger came home the follow ing Saturday his father handed him the note remarking Im afraid I havent appreciated your football old man but Im going to do better in fu ture and by the way Roger I hear that youre to play in the game at Springfield next week is that so Roger nodded Very well then Mr Bartlett con tinued your mother and I would like to have you get us the best seats that can be bought for weve set our hearts upon going up to see you make the first touchdown Toledo Blade Watts Been reading anything about these Cuban atrocities Potts No Ive got a box of them at home yet that my wife bought three months ago from an alleged smuggler Cinciunat Enquirer No wonder bees re profitable they steal aJlthey eat Zrcm the neighbors JLcgend of the Strawberry Did you ever being hungry try to satisfy your appetite with strawber ries alone unaccompanied by sugar cream or any of the usual adjuncts If so you discovered that it was impossi ble for there isno nourishment in the strawbery itself The Germans explain this by a pious legend which we will give in substance A little child had strayed off into the fields He came upon a place where natures floor was enameled with bright scarlet berries He sat down on the ground and be gan eating greedily The berries were large and juicy and sweet The child was eating thus when the Virgin Mary called to him He ate on and would not stop to make answer The virgin called out to him again and again but the greedy child feasted en and answered never a word a Then the virgin emerged from her hiding place and confronted him What are you doing she asked Eating he answered curtly What are you eating Nothing he answered to make the story short So let jt be then replied the irate virgin Strawberries shall henceforth be as nothing to him who seeks to sat isfy the cravings of his stomach That is why you may eat and eat and strawberries will never satisfy your hunger Through the greed of a child the luscious strawberry was cursed with emptiness Salon American Girl Who Surprised Paris The fete recently given by the Coun tess Castellane formerly Miss Anna Gould was one of the most elaborate ever seen in Paris Three thousand in vitations were issued and the cost of the fete was not far from 100000 The event was planned to reproduce the fifth day of the fetes celebrated at Versailles on the occasion of the mar riage of Louis XIV with Marie Theresa of Austria An army of workmen were employed for a week preparing fire works and transforming the grounds of the residence in the Cercle des Acacias on the avenue du Bois de Boulogne The fete opened with a dinner accom panying which was a series of sur prises On a raised platform COO cory phees chorus men and women and the musicians of the opera reproduced the choruses and dances of the 17th cen tury After the fireworks there was dancing and the entertainment closed with a grand sudip A Handsome Illustrated Boole Free That the trade of our locality is eager ly sought by the large merchants ot the ureat cities is demonstrated by the ad vertisement of John M Smyth Com pany Chicago the largest furniture house in the world winch appears else where in this paper They announce the issue of their new catalogue of -100 pages on September 1 and ask that our renders send for a copy The book is beautifully illustrated and quotes whole sale prices to the user on household fur niture and kindred wares The John Yi Smyth Company has a record of thirty yenri and lias lurnisneu halt a million homes throughout the United States if you buy it at Smyths it is all right is the motto of the house and per sons looking for genuine bargains should send at once for a free copy of this beauti ful cataio ue to the John JI Smyth Co 150 to 16Q W t Madison Str et Chicago War Over a Trivial Cause In 1554 a Polish nobleman became obnoxious to the laws of the country He fled to Sweden whereupon John Cassimir king of Poland wrote to Charles Gustavus king of Sweden de manding the extradition of tlie crimin al The King of Sweden on reading the dispatch noticed that his own name and title were followed by only two etceteras while the name of the King of Toland was followed by three The missing etcetera so enraged the King of Sweden that he at once declared war against Poland This war was carried on with great bitterness until 1CG0 when a peace was signed at Olivia near Dantzig Special Hot Springs S D Excursion July 31st August 14th and August 2Sth tickets will be sold from Sioux City to Hot Springs and return good 30 days at rate of 1480 H C Chetnet General Agent Sioux City Iowa A Pretty Old Turtle The other day a monster land turtle crawled into farm yard near Elkdale Pa The farmers boys by hard scrub bing were able to decipher upon the creatures shell the date July 4 1S50 A farmer living ten miles dis tant carved the inscription The bovs have carved a second inscription William McKinley President March 4 1897 and set the turtle at liberty again Halls Catarrh Cure s a constitutional cure Price 75 cents Society Women Who Collect Fans One of the fans which Mrs Almeric Paget inherited from her mother Mrs Whitney has gold and ivory sticks a lace mount and is valued at the trifling sum of 1000 Among enthusiastic col lectors of fans ar Mrs Sloane Mrs Whitelaw Reid Mrs Cornelius Van derbilt and Mrs Seward Webb who owu fortunes in these fluttering bau bles Dobbins Electric Soap is cheaper for you to uce if ou follow direction than any other soaps would be If given to you forby its use clothes are suced Clotnes cost more than eoap Ask your grocer for Dobbins Take no other Almost the only monument of the Ro man dominion in Egypt the fortress of Babylon at old Cairo is being torn down to make way for modern build ings JShk JV2BSIow2 Bothtko 8ybup for Children teethinjf softenB the sums reduces inflammation allays pain cures wind colic 25 canta a bottle A Boise Idaho man having adver tised he would not be responsible for debts contracted by his wife she re torts that he never paid any of my bills for my clothes or anything else in the nineteen years I have been married to him He is now walkimr around tmrn with a suitof clothes on that I paid 15 fw 1 VA Educating ycur children is investing at a high rate of dividend Lay up in them and they will lay up for them selves If Pestered Day and Nijrht With nervousness tafce Hostetters Stomach Bitters which Invigorates and tranquillizes the nervous system The basis of recovery is a reform in errors of digestion The epigas tric nerve and brain are united In the closest bond of sympathy so that dyspeptic symp toms in the gastric region are always accom panied by hurtful rellex nervous action Both are remedied by the Bitters which also cures malaria biliousness rheumatism and kidney trouble We spend the second half of life in mowing down in our hearts all that we grew there in the first half and this we call acquiring experience i FR A Scorcher Personal ANY ONE who has been benefited by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills will receive information of much value and in terest by writing to Pink Pills P O Box 1502 Philadelphia A Chesterville Maine couple recently celebrated their g61den wedding In the very housa into which they moved on their wedding day fifty years before Pisoa Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in my house D C Albright Mifflinburg Pa Dec 11 95 The University press at Oxford has appliances for printing 150 different languages Y After Sept 1st Handsome 400 page Catalogue of John M Smyth Company Chicago the largest furniture house in the world ready Sept 1st The book is beautifully illustrated with etchings half tones and color type showing accurately many thou sand different articles of household and office furniture carpets curtains draperies sewing machines bicycles and other things indispens able to modern existence comfort and luxury fWEiAVE FURNISHED I HALF A I WMVMMWM Ill It is money in the pur chasers pocket to have this book as it quotes prices which can not be met by any other house in the world Send at once for a copy of this great book it will be sent by express to you free John M Smyth Company ISO to 168 West Madison St Chicago g ft SMMT yfo Tob acco Deal ers say that RATTLE AX is a scorcher because it sells so fast Tobacco Chewers say it is a scorcher be cause 5 cents worth goes so far Itfs as good as can be made regardless of cost The 5 cent piece is almost as large as the other f ellows 0 cent piece TUTTLE cofND SSIm ENGINE Economical Safe Cleanly Eelia ble Simple Available for Grain Elevators Creameries Cider Mills JPrlntinR Offices Grinding Mills Ventilating Fans Dyna mos Laundries Smal Factories Foundries Machine Shops etc Will run with natural gas arti ficial gas gasoline or kerosene as fuel Always ready for work re quires no attention Send for de scriptive circular and state your wants Chicago Newspaper TTnioi S12 Pfiirl Street Sionx Ciry Iowa YOU WILL REALIZE THAT THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN LY IF YOU USE SAPOLIO