m M THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCESSOB TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT BOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 100 Per Year in Advance PUTJLIBHED EVERY THURSDAY -Entered at the Post offlce at ValeHtine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar irearsvare paid in full Advertising tates 50 cents per inch per month Kates per column or for long time ads made known on appli cation to this office THURSDAY AUGUST 20 1896 Democratic Ticket Por President WnIAMfENNTNGS BRYAN Of Lincoln Nebraska For Yice President ARTHUR SEWALL Df 3atb Maine Down with trusts Down with plutocracy Down with monopolies Down with all forms of organized oppression to labor Honest poverty and honest property are alike to be respected Equitable taxation is just taxation and people should be taxed in propor to their ability to pay The tariff is taking a rest McKinley hasnt made a speech for two days Prof Hicks predicts earthquakes for September and The Democrat pre dicts cyclones and snow storms and land slides in November It was under the McKinley act that the great panic of 1893 occurred yet there are a few tariff fanatics possessed bf enough imbecility to claim it was the direct result of the Wilson bill According to rules and regulations tiiis is the year for Keya Paha to fur nish a candidate for state representa tive from this district Up to date we have heard of but orie candidate for the office a populist 3he Advance Agent says that with the reenactment of his high tariff bill factories would resume business wages would rise and farm products would increase in - value But then you know Mac kin lie An Ohio man has invented a which he says will carry a man safely through the air at the rate of 100 miles a minute McKinleywill be lookiug for that man directly after election when he will make the trip to St Helenas lovely isle Li Hung Chang the great Chinese statesman and diplomat has been toasted and feasted in all the Euro pean countries he has visited but it is verv likelv when he reaches the United States he will be roasted in stead Much speculation is being indulged in over the probable action of the democrats in the matter of nominat ing a man tor county attorney but nobody is saying nothing just now lhere is not a democratic attorney in the county and it is very likely that that the boys will pass the nomina tion P L Hughes chairman of the South Omaha republican city central com mittee has resigned his position and announces his determination to work for Bryan Rev TDeWitt Talmage is for Bryan and Sewall There may not be much connection between these two iiacts but they are significant nevertheless It will be President Bryan after the 4th of next March and sleepy com merce will get up and rub its eyes and prepare to exert itself industry will throw off its cemetery robes and pre pare to convert the old grave yard in--to the park of peace prosperity and plenty Poverty and pauperism will begin to shed their rags and look respectable prophets of disaster will blush with shame for their exposed ignorance Rushville Standard BpjWSJWW TEE NEW YORK WORLD TO WILLIAM J BRYAN Wednesday August 12 the New York World addressed an open letter to William J Bryan which is so good that The Democrat cannot forbear reproducing a portion of it The let ter occupied nearly- a page of The World and is consequently too long to xeproduce in its entirety The article was based principally on Mr Bryans attitude on the money question the World apparently agreeing with him upon all points in the democratic plat form excepting that relating to free coinage With that part of the article eliminated it is practically as follows Upon many grounds of sympathy The World stands with you It is as you have remembered for an income tax It believes that unnecessary tax ation is unjust taxation and that just taxation is based in some measure at least upon ability to pay and benefits received from the Government Ic declared for this tax thirteen years ago and was thejrsfcand -nearly -he only newspaper in the east that persistently urged and defended itx It believes and has repeatedly said that the selfish short sighted and unpatriotic nullifica tion of this just tax by a conspiracy of rich men contributed potentially to the prevailing discontent of the masses The World is opposed as you have declared yourself to be to a restora tion of the McElnley tariff or to any agitation for further changes in the tariff laws at present The existing tariff is high enough for protection It has not had a fair trial as a producer of revenue though yielding in its first two years nearly as much as the Mc Kinley tariff did in its last two Por the additional revenue needed to meet our expenditures internal revenue taxes on a few articles of luxury or convenience of wealth should be levied if the public revenues were ample most of our present financial troubles would disappear No paper has insist ed on this more strongly than The World or has denounced more strenu ously a tariff for monopolies bounties protection for trusts and legislation for privileged classes We are first of all the most deter minedly opposed to trusts and mono polies One of our objections to the Chicago platform is that it did not more specifically denounce the evils and wrongs suffered by the country from these sources and pledge7 the party anew to correct them It was a leading issue in the successful demo cratic campaign four years ago It should have had first place now The World is opposed with you to the issuing of bonds in time of peace except under explicit authority of con gress It believes that the people should rule- not a single man even though that man be president and the people for the moment be wrong It is the business of congress to legislate It is not the business of executives to act against the expressed will of Con gress The World is as much opposed as you can possibly be to the control and guardianship of the Treasury by a Wall street Lord Protector This humiliating spectacle was seen in the forced secret bond sale and is again witnessed in the present prudent but paternal charge of the governments gold reserve oy a syndicate of the very same financiers who have twice deple ted it to force a bond issue The in dignation expressed in the Chicago and the last St Louis platforms in de nouncing this partnership and protec torate is but an echo of The Worlds exposure of the conspiracy in 1895 and its successful protest forcing a I public sale of bonds in February last These are -true and fundamental and far reaching issues They go deep er and are more vital than the silver question But for the moment and for the campaign unless you shall by wise and courageous words help to change the situation the extraneous and temporary issue of free coinage will dominate the canvas Will you consent to broaden the issue Will you help to array democracy against republicanism upon the basic princi ples and the actually dangerous ten dencies of the government Will you aid in allynmg the people against Plutocracy The World holds that plutocracy or the rule of tariff-and-trust-organized-and-privileged wealth is a conspiracy against property as well as against equal rights But it regards as equally indefensible and dangerous a movement of which there were 1 deuces recently at St Louis not JT V i TTBaTTrVr merely against plutocracy seeking to subvert free government but against property as such Industry is not a vice Thrift is not a crime Accum ulation is not a wrong Aye even capital has its rights It is as neces sary to protect the just rights of prop erty as it is to resist the attacks which plutocracy makes upon all property except its own The World is equally the defender of honest property and honest poverty It will not favor a policy that would deprive a rich man of his just due any more than it will approve a course that would cheat a poor man with a cheap dollar Do you not concede the justness of these distinctions Can you not make it clear that to resist plutocratic encroachments is not to favor either anarchy or communism George W Fisher the well known cattleman of Antfam precinct called at this office Tuesday George states that over in his neighborhood tne peo ple are nearly solid for Bryan and free silver while in Pall River county South Dakota the republican candidates for county offices are afraid to run without first announcing that they are for Bry an Chadron Signal A public meeting was held in the county attorneys room at the court house last Monday night for the pur pose of organizing a Bryan club About forty persons present represent ing all parties J G Armstrong was chosen as chairman and J P Asay secretary of the meeting Thirty two free silver men filed up and signed Bryans roll of honor Rushville Re corder Alexander wept for other worlds to conquer after he had carried his vic torious banner throughout the then known world Napoleon re arranged the fmap of Europe with his sword amid the lamentations of those by whose blood he was exalted but when these and other military heroes are for gotten their achievements disappear in the cycles sweep of years children will still lisp the name of Jefferson and freemen will ascribe due praises to him who filled the kneeling subjects heart with hope and bade him stand erect a soverign among his peers William J Bryan TARIFF FACTS All that the republican whov is not McKinley mad ought to ask for is tariff enough to protect home manu facturers from foreign competition and we have that now Our imports are less than they were during the days of McKinleyism and our exports are more the balance of trade thus being largely in our favor During the years of 1891 92 93 and 91 our im ports were 1669279789 or an aver age of 417319947 free of duty During the same time goods valued at 1479910136 were admitted on pay ment of duty or an average of 369 977534 annually Last year our im ports were 376890100 free of duty and 354271995 on which duty was paid Here is a falling off from McKinley imports imports represents ing foreign competition of 40000 000 annually on free listed and 15 000000 annually on dutiable goods Democrats are accused of being free traders but when free trade reduces our imports and increases our exports isnt it a good thing to have NEBRASKA IS FIRST The Iowa State Register deplores the fact that Iowa can no longer boast of having a smaller per cent of illiter ate people than any other state in the Union Nebraska teads the list with a populace of whom only 31 per cent are illiterate Iowa comes third with 36 per cent of illiteracy These figures refer to those who are over 10 years of age This is a fact which was developed by the census of 1890 but it is not generally known and The Democrat is proud to present the figures to its readers Louisiana comes lowest on the list with a population 458 per cent illiterate while South Carolina is credited with 45 per cent Our neigh boring state of Kansas has 4 per cent South Dakota has 42 Colorado has 52 and Wyoming has 34 These are the states where hot winds grasshoppers cyclones and populists flourish- but these all seem to have a tendency to educate people rather than otherwise and so are not an unmixed evil Worlds of comfort to Nebraskans are found in the foregoing figures and every resident of the state should take pride in them Stand up for Nebraska j f - r T CHAPTER X A Moonlight Spectre After a pow wow the Sioux arose and half a dozen braves unbound the prisoners while the remainder of the band commenced gathering the horses Three of the ponies were brought up and the two Prestons and Dick were told to mount On doing so they were surrounded by the entire Sioux band and the cavalcade started up the Nio brara in a westerly direction They traveled steadily forward until nearly mid day when they came in sight of an Indian village of some size where they halted Jones and his companions were marched to trees on the river bank and there bound and a guard of six war riors placed over them They were however within a short distance of each other and could therefore easily converse Nice mess to be in isnt it snort ed Dick to John I wish I was at liberty for a few moments and I assure you daylight would soon be shining through several scoundrelly Sioux I guess under existing circumstan ces we will have to be patient Dick perhaps something may turn up in our favor ere long and give us a chance to elude our red brethern Something turn up snorted Jones Most likely something will turn up but Ill wager it will be our toes The elder Preston said nothing and glancing in his direction Dick saw that his face wore a very patient expression which he thought was most remark able under the circumstances seeing that he was so anxious to reach the peak on the Minnekaduza Soon after dark the full moon rose in all her silver glory over the distant eastern hills flooding the wild prairie country with her bright clear light The river made a sharp bend direct ly to the northward opposite to where the prisoners were bound and the moon shone directly across the canyon her light shining weirdly through the river pines making fantastic shapes of the more distinct ones Preston as he faced the glorious sight seemed strangely affected and after a time he addressed his com rades It was on just such a night as this that the cowardly assassin killed my little Isabel boys the moon I remem ber shone down with the same calm light that now falls on the form of a man with a broken heart How long dear God must I search I grow weary weary of this life that is worth not the living it is but a torture to me now that all I held dear on earth is gone The voice broke and the bent form shook with grief Prestons comrades sought to- com fort him and the night wore slowly on Toward midnight a red haze drove be fore the face of the moon and her light shone bloodred through it- not a leaf was stirring and the air seemed close and stifling Unable to sleep Jones opened his eyes with an excla mation of impatience and the next in stant his comrades were startled by a yell of terror There on the opposite bank of the stream was a sight surf ficient to freeze ones blood Allgiire of gigantic proportions showing a ghastly red in the weird moonlight stood silently one arm outstretched toward the three men who with eyes starting with tenor gazed fearfully at this hideous spectre With whoops of wild terror the Indian guard instantly prepared to bolt but their leader who seemed to have some pluck gave an order in Sioux whereupon the other five follow ed him toward the river bluff Stand ing on the bluff edge the Sioux com menced firing at the silent figure op posite With a bloodcurdling shriek the weird figure threw its arms wildly above its head and as it did so a flash dazzling in its awful brightness lit up the river canyon while an explosion the force of which loosed great rocks and echoed in roaring volume crashed out and a if by magic the Indian t - t he Preston Mystery By LEROY LEACH - Author of The Adventures of Don Enrique Romero etc etc Copyright 189C by tlie Author All rights reserved IN NINE INSTALLMENT The Democrat offers a prize of 500 for the best solution of the mys tery on which this story is based A prize of 300 will be given for the next best solution 200 for the third best one years subscription for the fourth and six months subscription for the fifth best solution guard disappeared while Preston and his comrades were rendered insensible by the awful force of the concusion Instantly the Sioux camp was in an uproar with dogs barking ponies neighing warriors yelling in terror it seemed as if pandemonium reigned Bundling up their tepees and catching a few horses the Indians fled in wild disorder for the hills a flight which was accelerated as they cast back terrified glances at the silent spectre still stand ing on the river bank CHAPTER XI Tlie Strange Peali When Preston opened his eyes he gave a start of surprise He found himself lying on a blanket his two comrades near by their fire arms in a heap beside them while their three horses were quietly grazing a short distance away Overcome with aston ishment Preston rubbed his eyes and gave an exclamation as he observed distant perhaps half a mile showing golden in the rays of the rising sun the the top of the peak he sought The cry he gave awoke his comrades who sat up in astonishment Jones in stantly struck up another song of his entitled How Surprised I was but his comrades choked him off Well if I cant sing I would like to listen while someone tells me just how and when we arrived here It is evident that we came or we wouldnt be here but as for explaining the means of transportation I passrt So will I Dick said John The last thing I remember is staring my eyes out at that ghastly spook across the river and the Sioux peppering away at it with their Winchesters The next thing I remember is feeling as though something was hurled vio lently against me and well here I am Saved us a long ride in the hot sun anyway said philosophical Jones with a resigned look and here the sub ject was dropped After a hurried breakfast the men saddled up and rode down near the mound and dismounted With a short camp spade Preston then led the way up the steep side of the peak It proved to be about a hundred feet in height and was surmounted by a tip Of limestone of perhaps fifteen feet in height How to climb this was the knotty point as it was perfectly per pendicular on all but one side where it had caved off with a slight incline but Preston solved the problem by dig ging steps in the soft limestone with the spade After a half hours work the men were enabled to gain the top i of the hill and take a fine view of the surrounding country Preston without a moments delay set to work digging in the center of the tip After a few minutes work the spade struck some thing hard which being pried up prov ed to be a small wooden box Prying open the lid it was found to contain a second silver 3 and a note which read as follows Henry Preston When you find this 3 you may know that the Pres ton mvstery is soon to be explained Recall your men or join them as they waste their time in the wilds of Wyom ing Go to Cheyenne where further instructions await you Be patient and your mystery will be cleared up within two months No Name As Preston ceased reading some thing whizzed through the ah and struck with a thud at his feet It was an Indian arrow a paper pinned- to its feathered shaft Unfolding itr Pres ton read these lines r I aided you to escape the Sioux how it matters not Some day all will be explained to your satisfaction For reasons that will then be made plain I do not care to meet you You have done well to follow my directions Continue to do so and ail will be well No Name Well said the irrepressible Jonesr as he finished reading all I know is this If I could shoot a three foot ar row as straight as brother No Name it wouldnt be a great while until I would have a better name than No Name Oh dry up Jones put in John at this juncture I believe you would joke in a graveyard Just what I am doing now John for if this peak dont cover the bones i of a moundbuilder Im a Dutchman I would dig down and discover if your scientific theory is correct Mr Jones were it not for the fact that my uncle has already taken his- departure bearing with him the spade answer ed John smilingly as it is I think it would be proper to follow him With a grin Jones led the way down the peak to where Preston was stand- ing beside his horse with a troubled- brow He seemed disappointed over the result of the trip to the peak Well boys said he as they came up how would it be best to manage Shall we all go for the boys in Wyom ing or shall one of us go for them while the other two make for Chey enne I will go for the boys Mr Preston said Jones And so it was arranged Jone3 after a handshake headed his horse toward the southwest having to cross the Niobrara before heading westward Soon after the others headed for the ford some distance east of where Jones would cross and were soon on the southern bank of the Niobrara to be continued One of the funniest papers along the line of the FE railroad is the Star Journal published in the pretty littler town of Ainsworth in the county of Brown Prof Berkley is the nominal proprietor and editor of the sheet but it does seem as though A the Professor lets his friends take turn at editing while he is away disporting himself in white duck pantaloons and such things and thereby hangs a tale While on one of these excursions recently the Professor was imposed upon and made to stand sponsor for a pretty good free silver article and this paper as a of friendship merely called his at tention to the imposition and said the world would be looking for the name of Wm J Bryan to appear at the head of the Star Journal columns And Prof Berkley got real mad at this paper and claims that he hasnt changed his opinion one bit and talks about shells and repudiation an5 dillitante honesty though what that means nobody knows and calls us Bobby just as though he were tfying to teach school again and thought The Democrat was one of his pupils But nevertheless the Star Journal did say that if we were to have free coin age the country would soon settle down and every dollar would be full valued and that a full valued coin1 is one whose commercial and coinage value is exactly equal the same as a gold doilar is now The Brownlee Hornet is the latest addition to our list of exchanges The Hornet is a 6 column folio and is edit ed by G W Pritz who says he will support anything that is goodr regard less of party but 3 he enumerates nothing but populistic shibboleths it is safe to say that he is a populist Mr Pritz seems to have had hard work getting out his first issue one page of the sheet being printed in brown and the other in a sort of brindley and we wish him better luck next time But he ought not to have given away his object in starting the paper At least not in the first issue Wecan all win now m our- mindsr but just as sure as fate one side or the other will have to try the others theo ries in the not far distant future so prepare for the worst Bryan but let moderation control your tongues as we may all survive the returns of elec tion and have to- do business together afterwards Let your motto be Tour President Will Be Our President Springview Herald A water cycle built for two is one of the newest inventions What a boor to humanity A young man can take his best girl out water wheeling and pop the question without danger of being seen or overheard and both arms will b free at the time And how easy it will be for defeated candi dates for office to go up Salt Creek on a hydrocycler which is the technical name for the machine The Western News is the name of a new paper started in this eity last week by T R T Geddis Geo H Reinert furnishes the capital This gives Cherry county four papers more than her share people think Well four can starve to death in much less time than two when there is no increase in the supply of food There are statesmen in the commun ity who have found it exceeding diffi cult in the past to make biennial settle ment with their grocers who can en lighten the wisest statesmen of our land on the great problems of national finances They should be given a hearing in the great effort to- save the country Gordon Journal rs r k c rs Ai A Ki rl li