The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 13, 1896, Image 8

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Hade of the best materials
Solid throughout
No shoddy in them
The peculiarity of the sunflower ife
that it always looks the sun sguarely
in the face If you buy a pair of these
shoes we can look you squarely in the
face when you come for another pair
For a fine shoe buy the
Durability is not sacrificed for fineness
Latest style A model school shoe
For men and hoys
Lace or congress Globe or needle toe
A stylish duroble shoe for a smalt
A nice assortment of dress patterns at
a bargain In Cashmere Henrietta
Serge Brilliantine and Xouelty Goods
Just in DtorVt fail to see them
Hats Clothing and furnishings
We pride ourselves on always turning
out a first class fit
VJ 1 1
Knows how to do it
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
Valentin TebT
Ladies and Grehtlemefis Bicycles at
Any of the leading makes furnished you
Hpon easv payments at catalogue prices
as follows Wheels costing 5000 and
uuder will be delivered to yeu for 1000
fcash and S2U0 per month Wheels cost
ing over 5000 for iroo cash and S300
per month Wheels delivered on
receipt of tlie first payment
tVJieeln Guaranteed to he
Netc and First Class in all
respects or Money Refunded
Decide upon make of wheel you desire
and order by number from catalogue of
that manufacturer Can also furnish
anything in the cycle line Address
To Sioux Citjf and the East
Buy your tickets to ONeill and
take Pacific Short Line there- It
doesnt cost any more and it saves
The Democrat and the Thrice a
week New York World one year
it t
BOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Window shades of all kinds at C It
Miss Cora Gillette spent Sunday and
Monday with her parents at Ains
Davenport Thacher carry a com
plete line o coffins and -undertakers
supplies 27
AMcKinley band ias been organ
ized at Longpine The band consists
of ten pieces
The ladies of Valentine are prepar
ing to give a literary entertainment in
a couple of weeks
When you see thejflag flying from the
staff over this office you may know
something is going on
Bids for the construction of the new
Indian schools will be opened at Wash
ington on the 18th inst
Owing to the unsatisfactory prices
being paid for cattle stockmen are not
shipping very heavy just now
The petition for the new school
house is being circulated and numer
ously signed Get your name on the
Bishop Anson E Graves will hold
services and administer the rite of con
firmation at the Episcopal church Sun-
day August 23
0 E Watson- the druggist comes
to the front this week with a nice lot
of locals A display advertisement will
appear next week
Wanted to Buy Match for a
dark brown horse with black mane and
tail Weight about 900 Enquire at
Northwestern Livery and Sale Stable
J H Ojuigley has a very unique
Aviirdow display this week- illustrating
Idme peoples ideas o the meaning of
16 to 1 That is one gold dollar sur
rounded by sixteenvsilver dollars
Tire basement walls of the new
stone building are completed and joist
for the first floor are laid Work on
the first story will tie pushed rapidly
until the building is completed
Two ladies were scared almost out
of their wits at Chadron one evening
last week by the appearance of what
they supposed was a ghost on a bicycle
It proved to ae a young society man in
a white duck Suit
Parties having old copies of the Val
entine Gazette fll confer a favor upori
the editor of tail paper by leaving
thein at this bfllce A cdrbpiete file
wbuicl prove very acceptable Copies
of the ifeifibcratid Blade would also be
Several of the JJbys around town
were invited to attend a reception a
pSrtyandbne of two other society
events one evening this week Just
what they did about it is not known
but it is said that several accepted all
the invitations
Mr Sanley has a freak in th vege
table line which was raised in their
garden it is a cabbage stalk with five
perfect head on it Each head is giv
ing good evidence of becoming a good
hard cabbage His garden seems to bs
trying to make up for what it hag not
done in the last three or four years
Nofdm JlorecdiB
At a meeting of the Sparks Union
Sunday School held in the ME church
at Sparks If ebr on Sunday July 9- a
committe composed of J A ITorn
back Arthur Sawyer and J Brechbill
were appointed to formulate resolu
tions of condolence to be sent to F M
Rowley and wife at Lonoke Ark on
the death of their son John Eowley
J W Mc Williams who was superin
tending the putting down of the arte
sian well for the government on the
Rosebud Indian reservation died Mon
day morning of heart disease A
telephone message to Davenport
Thacher announced the sad news and
E J Davenport went over tD the well
Monday evening with a casket for the
remains which were brought here
Tuesday evening The body was ship
ped to Mc Williams old home in Penn
sylvania yesterday morning
mi JiifcirtrJ luWw rw wai
This is not the picture
of a cat
But this is the place
where the crowd always goes because
they can select from
This is not the picture
of a crowd
The Largest Stoelc and get The1 JLowest Price m Jry Goods Shoes and Groceries
Our large stock is constantly increasing T fl I I pj I J
FOl 7md better Join the procession - I V M V It IN D T
Fort Niobrara
- Fort Niobrara August 9
The long looked for contest between
the Niobraras and Fort Meade ball
teams came off at the Fort last Satur
day Two games were played The
first game was won by the Meade
team and the second by the Niobraras
Almost the entire male population
of the fort and city of Valentine and a
goodly per cent of the female was at
the ball grounds long before the games
were called Citizens and soldiers
both set out to make thac a day of all
days for the Meades and Niobraras
and right royally did they succeed It
was almost treasonable for any of Tthe
residents of the fort and city nof to
show in some way the appreciation of
the work of Forts Meade and Niobrara
Everybody gave themselves up to this
one thing and in consequence the re
membrance of the good time had in
this isolated frontier fort will be for
ever in the minds of the members of
both teams and will also be fondly re
membered by our many visitors It
was the same thing over again
cheers congratulations handshakes
tooting of tin horns etc A few mem
bers of Co B 12th Infantry made
themselves obnoxious to the members
and friends of the Niobraras by the
many insulting remarks which they
hurled at the home team instead of
giving them their hearty support as
most everyone in the garrison did
Fort Meade can well feel proudof its
team They are not only ball players
but gentlemen in every sense ofthe
word from tfyeir captain down to
their Mascot little Jack Eeenan
and we regret that their visit here was
a short one The Niobraras hope to
again cross bats with the Meade team
at Fort Meade South Dakota in the
near future
Following are the names and posi
tions occupied by the players of the
opposing teanis
Fort Niobrara Feldcamp catcher
Hunter 2fb Mitchel cf Collins 3bj
Pfeifter rf Bake lb Shaw If Blazzer
p Christy ss
Fort Meade Bennett 2b Clinton
lb Howard c S Weils rf Eush p
Mason ss A Wells 3b Ball If Hamil
ton cf
The editor of TnE Democrat had
the pleasure of witnessing these two
games in company with many other
citizens and enjoyed the sport thor
oughly The iirst game Was a beauty
up to eighth inning wtieu the yisitors
commenced hitting Blazer pretty free
ly However they only got eight runs
m this inning but as the score stood
7 to 7 up to that time and as no more
runs were made by the home team it
was enough to give them the game by
just that many
Things looked pretty dark and dreary
for Fort Niobrara in the afternoon
but the boys put oh their most coura
geous front and went after thejgame in
a way which must have suprised Fort
Medde It was anybodys gaini uhtii
the sevelitii the score being frequently
tied On the opening of that fatal
inning some 12th Infantry man hit the
ball a good swipe and then the game
became a nightmare The visitors were
almost willing to swear thatfi home
boys had hid the ball and were simply
taking turns at running bases Fort
Niobrara made 13 runs in this inning
and 3 in the next
The story was different in the ninth
when the Meade boys came to ba
and everyone seemed to have a bat
about ten feet long They knocked
out 10 runs but it Wasnt enough
Score 26 to 20
Among the visitors f torn Fort Meade
who attended the ball game at Fort
Niobrara Saturday were - Major Carr
Major Wells Wife two sons and
daughters Mrs Ellis son and daugh
ter Mrs Johnson and daughter Cap
tain Johnson LieutenantsSWezey and
Crabb and Dr Major Crampton all
of the Eighth Cavalry A reception
was tendered the guests in the evening
and they returned home oh the mid
night train
For Sale Complete outfit for
hotel consisting of furniture bedding
etc for- ten rooms besides din
ing room and kitchen utensils Poor
health alone compels me sell
M S Welch Valentine Nebr 1 6 p m
LeJEoy Leacit Editor
Mr Geo Hornby
Valentine Sunday
down from
Mr and Mrs Alfred Morris- spent
Sunday afternoon at the home of D
We understand W V Johnson and
wife will at an early date occupy their
new home three miles south of Wood
Miss Ada Leach Miss Nellie Hallen
beck and the editor of this department
rspent Sunday evening at the home of
E D Valentine
JM Hanna and Charles Barnes
were in from the ranch this week and
report favorable progress in the noble
art of hay making It is after all a
profitable work to stand nnder the
warm rays of old Sol putting up little
mounds of carved grass while the
active buffalo gnats put up little
mounds on ones neck and ear Go
thou and do likewise
Ina Mildred aged two years and
seven months daughter of Mr and
Mrs C A Johnson who had been for
several days seriously ill died Friday
night and was buried in Woodlake
Sunday August 9th at 11 a m
Eeverend Smith of Stuart conduc
ted funeral services Many friends of
the bereaved parents were present
from Johnstown Valentine and the
surrounding country
little ina
From this vale of grief and trial
From our cares and tender love
Gone for but a little while
To the throne ot God above
One more little angel sweet
Mores in Heavens holy glow
Angel eyes in pity greet
Sorrowing ones on earth below
There among the holy throng
By the throne of God above
In the holy light and song
Safe she rests in Jesus love
And we from the past repeat
Words from Heavens Trinity
To earths infants pure and sweet
Innocence Come unto me
Elder Biggie has returned to the
Mrs Hornback will teach school at
No 5
Uncle John Hudson has moved into
his new house
Mrs J L Handy is visiting her par
ents near Sparks
The Grooms threshing machine will
start at Capt Archers Tuesday
Elder of Springview will
preach for the Baptist church on Sun
day August 23
M O Housej of the north fable wlli
start his threshing machine at Nels
Polens Wednesday
The news of the death of Johnny
Eowley was a sad surprise the old
friends bf the family
N J Grooms did a little blacksmith
ing this week for a band of Indians
from Ohe Creek S D
The Old Settlers Eeunion will be
held on the 18th and 19th of Septem
ber A good time is expected
Mr and Mrs Clarkson have been of
the north table for two weeks visiting
and helping the boys with their
The church entertainment and ice
cream supper last Saturday was a
grand success The house was full
and the ehurch is 1385 ribher
J A Hornback is president of the
Old Settlers Beuriion and Geo Trace1
weil vice president Jas Hudsdn
Nels Poleh Mrs Sawyer and Mrs
Hattie Hudson are the committee on
Harvest is about dvet with and
everybody feels happy Wheat is not
as good as it seemed to be before it
Was hArvested Corn is good the best
we have ever had in this part of the
country It will make from thirty to
fifty bushels per acre
Weatiiei Report
Following is a summary of the
weather experienced here during the
past week and up to 10 oclock this
Thursday 88 60
Friday 94 60
Saturday 88 55
Sunday 87 63
Monday 95 58
Tuesday S9 53
Wednesday 80 50
Thursday - 80 60
Precipitation is given in inches and
hundredths Observations by C E
Watson of tT Sweathef bureau The
weather bureau day is from 6 p m to
X 1 4
In the- World for Me says
the popnlar song Only one
store in the town for me5 says the
housekeeper who wishes to have
every dollar expended do its full
duty Everything in our estab
lishment is marked at prices which
will retain regular patrons and
induce occasional customers to call
again The rapid increase in the
the Yolnme of our business is the
best evidence that the people of
Yalentine appreciate this method
- fl
Ahh KAl h Ky
m m wm m m a im 7 -4
Valentine Nebraska
M jr TOXOHE Proprietor
Has been rebuilt and rooms furnished with
Making it the most complete and comfortable
Valentine Nebraska
Grain stacking is well under way
Young jack rabbits are good eating
Capt Archer will start the season of
threshing on Tuesday
Mrs Geo Tracewell rides with di
vided skirts nowadays
Mrs Archer is not quite so well
Has been confined to bed for a week
Wedding bells were quietly rurg in
our neighborhood Miss Tillie Ash
burn and Grant Spain wee married
on Sunday evening Au 2nd
Comparing notes on corn is the usual
topic when farmers meet Some fields
average two large ears on a stalk ahd
the Stalks are so high an average size
man on horseback cannot reach the top
of them Men will not have o break
their backs while husking coin -this
Jay Fowler went Oh Saturday last to
do his brothers chores and has not yet
returned His people are much wor
ried atiout him as he was expected
back oh the same day If he does not
return by to night Monday a search
for his body will be made- as he was
riding a fractious horse
Mrs Thos Fowler had the misfor
tune to break an arm while out for ber
ries dii Friday last Th6 wagon drop
ped one side into a pitchhoie while
grossing the creek in Big Beaver canyon-
throwing her out and breaking
the radius bone1 in her left arm near
the wrist joint Dr Dwyer reduced
the fracture
Mill Prices for Peed
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Screenings 39c 600
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 50c
Oats ood
The Mill reduced the price on all
grades of flour 20b per barrel last
Xew wheat is 40c per bushel at the
Mill 29
L S Knight has afive acre field of
oats thats hard to- beat In binding
the same it required 21 founds of
twine and there was not room on the
five acres f dr the shocks If you doubt
it just go and take a look at the field
The great secret of this big field is the
very light wetting this ground received
last fall from Mr Knights irrigation
plant Hay Springs Leader
Faints oils and varaishsi at C
IVatsons 20
Some Old Papers
The Democrat is indebted to
Misses Kate and Wren Donober for
the loan of a complete file of The
Valentine Eeporter the first paper
ever published in Valentine and The
Democratic Blade for the years 1885
fr ISfift iTiflnaitro fho Ronrvrfni tttqct
started on May 3 1883 and was pub
lishedaaa republican newspaper by
Santee and Hill and was bright
newsy sheet The Blade was started
on September 18 18S5 by Eobert O
and is the predecessor of The
Valentine Democrat These old
papers are curiosities in their way and
contain some very interesting read
ing for both the did and new residents
of Valehtine and Cherry county-
At the timd the Reporter was starfc
ed Ryan Sruhn E McDonald and
Tracy Sharks seemed to be th6
principal merchants in Valentine-
While vT M Thacher Co advertised
themselves as post traders and dealers
in general merchandise A Lewis
was in the drug business TV E Fos
ter fan a bakery arid restaurant and
and F H Warren aod Carter Key
ran the principal salddns The fifafc
issue tells of Col J Wesley Tucket
being in towh fixing the location Of
th8 land bmce There was ho meat
market- persons in the village being
cdinpelied to send to OlfeiH for fresh
meat The Republican county conven
tion met ahd nominated the following
couhty tidket Judge J F Wood
treasurer Al Sparks clerk AlPaxton
superintendent Denis Daly surveyor
Eugine LaManna commissioners
D Y Mears Mr Shores and John
Bfanstadt Where are all the old
timers now
If you want to buy tame pigeons
call at this office
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr J
August 13th 1895 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
nained Settler has filed netice of his intention- to
make final proof in support of bis claim and
that said proof will he made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Sept 18th
183c viz
John E Hendricks of Cody Xebr
H E No 9413 for the niseis and 3ne Sec-
27 To 35 R 34T
ke names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence npon and cultivation efv
said laild viz -
FredL Rose Joseph A RoSe Albert C
Ridmenschneider Frank L Reed all of Codyr
Neb C R GLOVER Register
a wjviorey
Diamonds Watches Clocks
Jewelry Silverware Spectacles and
Musical Instruments