The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 30, 1896, Image 4

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1 1
ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry
i w
iy Nebraska
0 lcr Yetir in Advance
Entered atttie Post office at Valentine Cherry
- county Nebraska as Second eiass matter
j This paper will be mailed regularly
i to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
per month Rates per column or for
tlong time ads made known on appli
cation to this oflice
feS M
Who was nominated by the National
convention of the democratic party for
President of the United States and
who was indorsed by the populist and
bimetallism parties at St Louis
leitaocratic Ticket
For President
Of Lincoln Nebraska
For Yice President
arthur sew all
Of Bath Maine
This is the peoples year
hieans prosperity
Br van
The most efllcient method of protect
ing the American worksngman is to
slop the importation of pauper laborers
to compete with him
The people love Bryan for the
enemies he has made A more consis
tent opponent of trusts has never ask
ed the public for its support
One hundred and fifty of the dele
gates to the free silver convention at
St Louis wore G A 11 buttons
Twentv wore Confederate badges
The Butler County Press says it as
hard for a certain brand of republican
bosses and editors to discriminate be
tween persuading men and herding
Every trust of the country is behind
McKinley and Hobart This is the
reason why democrats cannot vote tor
them even though they cannot endorse
the action of the Chicago convention
Kow it is the republican party which
lias become the calamity howler Let
them turn back a page or two in his
tory and read what they said in regard
to the calamity wail of the populists
liurting the credit of the nation
sChadroii Signal
tip to date the only practical solu
tion of the problem of perpetual mo
tion is syndicates make million
aires millionaries make paupers pau
pers make rags rags make paper
paper makes bonds bonds make
-syndicates and so on ad infinitum
Disraelis allusion to Gladstone as a
sophistical rhetorician inebriated with
the exuberance of his own verbosity is
now being applied to Bryan- by the
democratic candidates opponents
Gladstone as a statesman and as an
orator was as much superior of Bea
consfield as Bryan is of McKinley and
nearly always had more people behind
Notwithstanding all the statements
of McKinley organs to the contrary
the exports of merchandise for the
jear ending June 30 exceeded the
Now that democrats aie all split-
up over the action of the national
convention in declaring for free silver
at 16 to 1 it is interesting to read Sen
ator Hills speech to Tillman 31 ay 1st
of this year In that speech he said in
answer to Tillmans threat that he
would leave the party if it did not ad
vocate free silver
Sir no matter what may be in store
for us in the next campaign come
victory or defeat come sunshine or
shadow come weal or woe there is
where I will be found again in behalf
of whoever may be the democratic
candidate and whatever may be the
democratic platform in the campaign
Continuing he said
Men can differ upon the details of
policies of the Democratic party and
such of you as think that the party
will die this year are mistaken What
kind of a party can you keep up with
that kind of discipline which forbids
and prevents conciliation and mutual
concessions What kind of an organ
ization can you have with that spirit
being fomented through out the coun
try by good loyal democrats or those
who have been such in the past I
have confidence in that party in which
1 was born 1 inherited my democracy
from my father and grandfather and
am willing to live in that party still
I am willing to trust its great advisors
when they shall meet to council and I
am willing to abide by the result All
other democrats should do the same
We will express our views which may
differ from yours You represent
yours We come to the great council
at Chicago and there wise councils
shall prevail we will adopt a platform
and the moment Ihe convention ad
journs every loyal democrat will
swing into line
C Mr Hills neroration was an eloquent
protest against the talK of a split in
the party and a plea for unity and he
closed willi the suggestion that demo
crats should pursue the policy of In
essentials unity in non essentials
liberty in all things charity
Was this the speech of a man who
was striving merely to produce an
effect Senator Hill is too well known
to descend to such methods for keep
ing himself before the people Were
these words insincere Senator Hill
has never been charged with iusincer
ity Will he accept his own advice
and stay by the ticket even though it
was nominated over his protest The
New York World the leading demo
cratic paper of the United States says
he will but in his campaign of the
state he will ignore not antagonize
platform This will probably be
the method pursue by the majority of
democrats who are in faor oif sound
In all things charity
The Yalentine Democrat is the
only democratic newspaper in north
west Nebraska All the others have
sold out been closed out or Hopped
Bottenbergs paper the llelle Fourche
Times has been sold to a populist
The Chadron Recorder was consolida
ted with the Signal a short time ago
The Crawford Tribune which was
currently reported to be democratic
for revenue only has left the party
and its editor Col Ketchum is now
loud in his demands for McKinley and
protection The Butte Gazette has
finally espoused the cause of the peo
ple who have the dough and
whoops her up for Bill and Garry
To complete the list and leave this
paper in undisputed possession of the
field The Bushville Democrat has
been sold to a syndicate of republi
cans Peace to their ashes Watch
the columns of the sheets begin to fill
with legal notices and wait for them
to crawl back into the party after
Oh ye gods how lonesome it is
One democratic paper in a territory
large enough to make three or four
states A stretch of railroad 400 miles
in length with only one newspaper on
the line advocating the faith of our
lathers How can the bones of Ihos
Jefferson and A Jackson rest easy in
their tombs under the existing state of
affairs May the shades of Samuel
Tilden and Thomas Hendrick come to
our aid and may every democrat along
the line send in a dollar on subscrip
From an eastern exchange we learn
that a Delphi Ind man firmly believes
that Bryan will be elected president
and is willing to back up his belief
with money He offers to wager 350
that he can name twenty five states
that will go for Bryan and 1000 that
one half the balance of the states will
go also for Bryan He will give 50
ports in value by 102000000 This for all the bets obtained for him up to
is afact and cannot be controverted
The republican campaign of educa
tion will have to ignore statistics this
jear if they want to make votes for
tec icortgaged candidate
15000 nis name is Thompson Here
is a chance for some of our republican
friends who are positive that noihing
can kep McKinley out of the White
3f misguided republicans will stop
to look into the matter they will dis
cover that there is a vast amount of
difference between the principles advo
cated by Lincoln and those advocated
by JlanuiiStromnburff Headlicflit
As the fall election draws near it is
worth while to begin talking about
the court house bonds This paper
will give its readers a few facts in
connection with the subject shortly
Cherry county is the only county of
importance in the state without a
court house
God hates a coward and McKinleys
managers will not allow their goklbng
Billy to be tore up by the boy orator
who will play the David part with the
great Philistine leaders in the latest
and most approved style if they would
only dare trot their cowardly Napo
leon out long enough to reach his po
litical Waterloo Falls City Populist
Republican papers and bolting gold
organs are charging Arthur Sewall the
vice presidential nominee of the demo
cratic party with being a protection
ist consequently a republican Some
way or other they overlook the well
known fact that Hobart the republi
can nominee refused to support that
great statesman the idol of the repub
lican party lames G Blaine and
worked and voted for Benjamin F
Mark Hanna is coming down fast
Just after the St Louis convention he
was the entire Bepublican party camp
and baggage equipment and all But
he has had to give up on the tariff
Cleveland headquarters had to move
them to Chicago with a sop to New
York with a branch had to agree to
beginning the campaign immediately
in the west and it has all but corne to
pass when he has to put McKinley out
on the stump Yes Mark is coining
off the perch fast Ev
Marshall Wilder took a poll of his
cabin coming over from Europe on the
St Paul the other day He found 113
votes f ov McKinley and ten for Bryan
There were plenty of democrats on
board but most of them were out and
out for McKinley State Journal
The State Journal says the above
with all apparent sincerity but when
it is known that Marshall Wilder is the
greatest joker and most noble Cartel
the age being the legitimate successor
of Bill Nye and IWo Burdette it is
easily seen that the joke is on McKin
The Basselt Comet which
some lime auro ostensiuiv in me
terest of anti monotony1 is
ning to let its republicanism show
through the thin scum of would be
humor with which it was covered
The wit is wearing away and what
promised to be a bright little sheet is
already losing its originality and sink
ing to the plane of the Newport Be
publican and Norden Borealis Wake
up Morris and dont be overcome by
the baleful influence of the Canton
It should be noted by those skittish
persons who object to the democratic
platform because of its allpged popu
lism that the opposition to Bryans in
dorsement among the populists is that
the platform does not represent popu
If Mr Bryan would consent to stand
upon a popnlistio platform there would
never have been a question of his in
dorsement by the populist convention
As a matter of fact the points in the
Chicago platform to whieh the popu
lists agree are the points of sound
democratic doctrine which they took
from the democratic party and em
bodied in their own platform These
points are bimetallism income taxa
tion and the constitutional rights of
the states
The charge that the platform is so
cialistic is even more absurd than the
charge that it is populistic Socialism
involves govern mental ownership and
direction of industries and in its in
cipient form demauds the ownership
and control of railroad and telegraph
systemsr There is not a hint of social
ism in thf1 Chicago platform There is
not even a hint of that milder phase
Df it to which the republicans are
favorable political centralization
The term socialistic might be appli
ed with truth to some of the doctrines
incorporated in the republican plat
form Socialists would spew the dem
ocratic declaration out as directly op
posed to their views Louis lie-
x jl rn
Preston Mystery
Author of The Adventures of Don Enrique Romero etc etc
Copyright lSOfi by the Author All HhU reserved
Chapter T Introduces the heroine Isabel
Preston the only daughter ot the wealthy Ne
braska ranchman flenrv Presttfn with whom
three cowboys Charles Thompson Will Powell
and Edward Belden are in love Chanter U
The Preston Mystery Alter supper Will Powell
and Isabel take a stroll Will declares his love
and is assured that he is loved in return As the
lover bends to kiss his sweetheart a shot is Ii red
from the bushes and Isabel sinks to the ground
shot through the breast
A Vain Pursuit
Jiet us return to the ranch and re
cord the happenings there at the time
the awful tragedy was being enacted
on the river bank For a few moments
after the departure of Will and Isabel
the two cowboys Edward and Charles
Srtt conversing on ranch matters with
their genial employer but after a time
they arose and passed out of the house
A half hour had passed ranchman
Preston had withdrawn with his wife
to the sitting room and was reading
there when of a sudden on the still
night air the report of a pistol sound
ed with startling clearness and blend
ed with the report came a scream from
the direction of the river With a
start Preston dropped his book and
sprang to his feet exclaiming My
God what can that mean Then
without waiting for a reply from Mrs
Preston whose face had blanched to a
deathly whiteness as she grasped a
chair for support th0 ranchman seized
his belt of pistols with a nervous hand
from where it hung on a peg and
dashed through the open doorway
Running to the mens quarters he
shouted Quick boys tumble out
for Gods sake Bring your six shoot
ers something has happened Isabel
hurrv hurrv
A dozen cowboys were in the sad
dles in an instant and heading north
ward with their employer in the lead
the cavalcade plied spurs and quirts
for the Niobrara
The moon had disappeared under a
black cloud and it was totally dark
When the moon at last reappeared the
cowboys had reached the river bank
All was silent there nothing whatever
in sight The river flowed swiftlv
along but not a sign could be seen ot
Will and Isabel The father was well
nigh frantic and with a grizzled old
plainsman was searching the river
bank for tracks All at once he stag
gered back and with staving eyes
pointed to a large pool of blood show
ing plain in the bright moonlight
Oh my God moaned the anxious
man do I see the blood of my little
Isabel A crash of heavy thunder
from the approaching storm was his
only answer At this juncture the old
cowboy spoke up pityingly Here
are the imprints of hoofs in the sand
Mr Preston may she not have been
carried off And may not Will have
been injured in an attempt to protect
her The griefstricken father quiet
ing his fears a little turned to grasp
the hand of the honest cowbov for his
words of comfort
I pray God you may be right Joe
let us to horse and head to the west
ward Perhaps we may be able to
overtake the scoundrels before the
storm breaks
There is a rush through the tall
grass as the fiery ponies of the cow
boys plunge forward at breakneck
of ranchman Preston his nerves were
shattered by the excitement and
anxiety concerning the unknown fate
of little Isabel
speed for the westward The storm And vou think then as a light
having risen rapidly j now sent forth dawns on the mind of the father as he
vivid flashes of lightning lighting up
the trail ahead with startling bright
ness and the roar of thunder sounds
ominously close Suddenly the old
cowboy Joe gave a cry and pointed
straight ahead When the next flash
came the startled cowbovs beheld
perhaps a fourth of a mile distant in
the trail ahead three horsemen riding
from them at tremendous speed With
the cry of Forward and to your
forty lives boys Preston plunged
spurs and a mad pursuit was com
The rangers gained slowly at first
but after the first few moments the
strange horsemen gained ground
evidently possessing the best of steeds
Seeing them steadily widening the in
tervening space Preston shouted
fiercely Halt or we fire A mock
ing laugh was the only answer to his
shout and next instant the flash of a
dozen pistols lighted the scene and a
shower of lead was sent whizzing after
thG fleeing men Then with a roar down
came a sheet of rain Fiash on flash
of lightning blinded the cowboys as
willi curses of disappointment they
turned backward for the ranch to wait
for daybreak Sobs shook thb frame
For Venreance
It was a sleepless night at the Pres
ton home Both Preston and the
mother were frantic over the uncer
tainty of their daughters fate To
ward morning the storm slackened
and the rain which had been falling
in torrents ceased All at once Pres
ton was startled by a knock at the
door Whos there he called A
traveler I have lost my way or think
I have in the storm Can I get
shelter until morning I am drenched
to the skin answered a pleasant
voice On opening the door Preston
beheld a rather short well dressed
man His garments were dripping
with water from his exposure to the
furious storm
Thank you sir for your kindness
in admitting me I am nearly chliled
to death That you may know me
accept my card With a smile the
stranger held forth a soaked bit of
pasteboard Preston took it and made
out the following John Preston
U S S S Then as the ranchman
scanned the stranger more minutely
he gave an exclamation You cant be
my nephew John my brothers boy
are you stranger
If your name is Henry Preston 1
guess 1 am Uncle it seems that 1 be
came lost in the right direction after
all With a rush the ranchman grasps
the hand of the handsome ytiung fel
low and cries Welcome my boy
would to God you had come sooner
Why Uncle whats the matter
asks John for the first time noticing
the pale face of his uncle
My little Isabel moans Freston
What of her Uncle Has aught
happened my cousin Isabel
The father then told him ot the
event of the evening
It is awful Uncle but do try to
sleep a little or you will be prostra
ted by the morrow If you will rest
I am sure we will be able to clear up
this mystery with daylight to aid us
No no lohn sleep I cannot with
my little girl perhaps in deadly peril
The youug man did not try to fur
ther pursuade Preston but after se
curing dry garments he told his uncle
of his meeting the three mysterious
horsemen in the storm
Did you see their faces John
anxiously quired the ranchman
No Uncle they had slouch hats
drawn down and passed me with the
rush of a whirlwind
What can it mean
elder man dispairingly
attic one 1 wni o mau
gras p s
moaned the
Isabel my
if harm has
befallen you
Daybreak came at last and soon
after old Joe knocked at the kitchen
What is it Joe asked Preston
seeing a perplexed look on the cow
boys face
We have made a discovery Mr
Preston Edward Belden and Charles
Thompson are missing with their best
horses and have been since last even
meaning he
shouts Quick Joe get every snare
man on the ranch into the saddle and
we will have those scoundrels if it
takes a week of steady riding and
should they prove in any way responsi
ble for my daughters disappearance
they hang though it be the last act in
the life ol Henry Preston To horse
then for vengeance
i I n t t r v
Tt is noonday From a cloudless sky
the sun pours down with scorching
heat on the plaius of northern Nebras
ka The scene is now some dozen
miles eastward of the Preston ranch
A group of cowboys are encamped a
short distance from the river They
have ridden out after a few steers
that have scattered from the main
herds and have now halted for their
noon lunch The leader Dick Jones
is contentedly eating his sandwiches
when his dog which has accompanied
him comes running up from the di
rection of the river whining and
barking alternately He then makes
little runs toward the river and re
turning looks up beseechingly into 4ys
masters face
Whats the matter Rove asks
the cowboy noticing the dogs uneasy
actions Eovs get into your saddles
and vre will run down and see what
the dog has found
As the men mounted the dog exhi
bited every kina canine satisfaction
and led the way with short barks to
the bank ot the Niobrara Fully a
mile the dog lea the men down to
where the river made a sharp turn to
the northward then ou riding down a
steep bank the boys observed the dog
standing looking down at something
beneath him Jones is the first to
reach the spot and next moment he
gives utterance to a cry and dismounts
hurriedly Raising a limp form in his
arms he cries My God boys it is
little Isabel
Then as the men gather about the
little dead form Jones lifts his right
arm and cries May Gods curse fall
on the cowardly wretch who has done
Amen to that Dick respond the
cowboys m chorus Then as the tears
course down the roughened face of
honest Jones he brushes them from his
eyes and cries She was the light of
the ranch boys poor little girl
Tomorrow sees Dick Jones on the
trail of her slayer and never will I
quit it until I have tracked him to his
Count five pards with you Dick
answered the men in one voice then
across the poor little form with clasp
ed hands a vow was pledged one that
was never broken
Three hours later the form of little
Isabel Preston was brought in and
gently laid at her mothers feet
There is an article going the rounds
of the republican press to the effect
that the export of agricultural pro
ducts have decreased 20 per cent in the
last four years and this decrease is by
them said to be caused by the repeal of
the McKinley law But they forget or
at least neglect to tell how the repeal
of that law caused the decrease As a
matter of fact that law did not cause
the decrease An examination of the
crop statistics of Argentine India
Australia Russia and other foreign
countries will explain the reason why
our agricultural exports are less than
in 1892
In connection with the charge that
all anarchists will support Bryan and
Sewall it is interesting to note that
Ilerr Most will not do so As tins
gentleman is the most anarchistic
anarchist in the country his words will
doubtless be taken as a platform by
his fellows He says Gold is the
only correct standard of value I do
not know whether any citizen anar
chist will consider himself bound to
support McKinley and Hobart in the
present emergency but I do know that
the ijryan Sewail combination will not
gain any of our votes of that I am
The Butte Gazette repudiates free
silver and Bryan and in its haste to
get into the sound money band wagon
it comes out squarely for McKinley
and Plobart Not contented with this
but in order to make itself solid with
the sound money people it supports
the whole republican ticket from Jack
MacColl for governor down to M V
Hornback for county commissioner
And this it calls devotion to the cause
of sound money How the angels
must weep at such thinly veiled hypo
crisy Why not declare your republi
canism Armstrong without such sub
The unique position held by The
Democrat makes it of esneeial inter
est to advertisers and they will not be
slow to appreciate the fact This pa
per doesnt intend to die It may get
killed or starve to death but die
never And it will continue demo
cratic A cause worth fighting for
is worth lighting for to the end and
although the paper is the only one of
its kind it is proud of the fact and
instead of being cast down will make
greater efforts than ever for the cause
it upholds
The Democrat is in receipt of a
letter from Grand Junction Colorado
which says among other things
While Bryans nomination was a
surprise to us it was a most agreeable
one Democrats republicans and
populists united in the grand celebra
tion on the night of the 11th in3t
Everybody you meet is for Bryan and
feels sure of his election So Judge
Tucker thinks Bryan doesnt weigh
enough does he After election the
judge will find that this is a case where
weight is not computed in a xordupois