The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 16, 1896, Image 5

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kV r
mernur Silas A Iloleoiiib
lEutitcmuit ocracT Iloucrt K Moore
Secretary of State Toel A Piper
Treasurer T 8 Bartiey
Auditor Eugene Moore
Com Luiulaml Buildings Henry C Huss ell
Attorney encrnl Arthur S Churchill
Sunt Public Instruction Henry Jt Corbett
TO II Gere Lincoln
j L Iurnlieui Omaha
Uepeiits Unheriltv J M Halt Alma
12 1 Holmes Pierce
i i jwauaticu jvejiniey
1 M J Hull Edgar
Senators Win V Allen 3ladboii John M
Thurston Omaha
T Kspresentatives First DLstiict Jesse JJStrode
Lincoln Secoiut I H Mercer Omaha Third
Geo J3IeiklejohiiFiillertn Fourth 12 J Hai
iier Aurora Fifth Win K Andrews Hastings
Sixth O M Jvcm Broken Bow
Supreme Court T L Nottafr Chief Justice
Harrison and Polk associates
Fifteenth Judicial District M P Kinkaid
OXeill V Jl Westover ItushvUlc
Keprespntetive Fifty second District Frank
Kothleutupr Kilgore
Senator Fourteenth District Henry G Stew
art Crawford
UegistLr O It Glover Longpine Iteceiver J
A Fike Newport
Treasurer G P Crabb
Jierk Geo Elliott
Sheriff Amos Strong
Judge F M Walcott
County Attorney Ed Clarke
County Superintendent Lillian Stoncr
Surveyor Chas Tait
Coroner A Lewis
I Max viertel
Commissioners M Dunham
t PSullivau
Overseers of Highways It Hansen and J Itay
Constable K Towne
Justices of the Ieaee John Dunn and J M
Assessor- John Dumu
Town Board K E Sparks president C H Cor
nrll treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwig
and J W Burleieh
Marshal and Water Commissioner It Towne
M hool District No 1 F M Waleolt piesidcnt
M V Nichobon treasurer J C Petti jolm secre
tar J AY Bmleitih G P Crabb and 1 T Keoley
vorxo mens
fiv i
JL erery Wednesday eremns at the mi-
nce of 3Irs Helen lioruuv
Joiix N Ivixn President
Fkamc E TitoKN Secretary
J3IP 0 It M
ittfng Bnll Trrbe No 22 Imprfved Older of
Red Men every awonrl and fornTh Friday
rening of each month at DnxenportVHall
Visiting brethren are frairuaily invited to be
jiresenr at tin councils oi uie trine
J I Wig
rins r oflt C H Thompson Sachem
A 1 A M
Mfnnekadusa TOxtge No 192 A F A M
meets in regularcoiiimimieation Saturday even
ing on or before the full moon in each mouth
members of the order in good and regular stand
ing cordially and fratenrallv invited to attend
FMaicott WjM
W W Thompson See v
0 E S
Northern Star Chapter No 50 Older of the
Eastern Star meets on second and fourth Tues
day eveuhiir of ea h month m Hornbys hall
v Thompson ItlttiiE Walrott
Sccierarv Worthy Matron
Lodge JTo 7 A 6XJ W meets
1 st and Ucd Monday m each month
Carl Drtom Ktr V Holsclav M AY
Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor
Jiolds regular meetings first and tliiitl Wednes
day evenines of each month
51 Cliristeiisen ltee Mrs It Itobinson C of H
I 0 O F
Valentine Lodge No 205 1 O O F meets
eery Thursilay evening Visiting brothers cord
ially nvited to attend our meetings
1 H Yeast NG
Welet Hoiclaw Seey
Col Wood PeU No JOB Department of Ne
braska regular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of
each month -It i m sharp Comrads from
Posls are cwiIirIIv invited to attend
J W Tcckkii Commander
John Dtnn ndjt
v Col Wood W It C No 179 regular meeting j
2d und 4th Saturdays of each month
Amaxua Lidwto Pre
Helen Hornkv
Valentine Camp No 1TV Modern Woodmen of
America meets second and fourth Wednesday
eenmgs of each mouth at Daeu ports Hall
Visiting nciphUors IfirdUtlly invited to attend
1 F Mnwis Yen Counsel
J w Spirk lei1i
K Of P
Cherry Lodge No ioj Knights of Pythias meets
eery Tuesday evciuug at Duvennoits Hall
IT Koely U C
Jos Putmecil lv of Jt and S
Arrival and Departure of Malls
Mail east and west closes at 8 p m
Uosebud leaves at 800 a m daily except Sun
day and arrives at 500 p in
Simeon Kennedy aud Oasis leaves
at 700 a in Mondays Wednesdays and Fri
days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and
Ft Niobrara leaves -dully at7 00 a m and
6 -00 p m arrives at 9S0 a in and 730 p in
Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays
Weduesdavs aud Fridays at 5o9 pm and
leaves Tuesdajs Thursdays aud Saturdays at
7c a m
General delivery open froni7eG a m to 700
p in General deliverv open on Sundays from
8 to to a in Lock boxes opendaily form 0 a
in to 830 p in
W EHALEY Postmaster
1hysieian and Surgeon
Oihcc at U li Watsons Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional calls
Valkxtixk - - - Skbhaska
Teachers Examination
The regular monthly Teachers
Examination -will Joe held the
third Saturday of each month
at my office in the Court House
of Schools
tjyrj CLARKE
All kinds of Icjral business promptly attended to
YALifiiNE - Nebraska
A Beautiful Woman of Bright ana
Vigorous Intellect
She Is Passionately Fond of Music and
Makes a Study of Matters Pertaining-
to the Government
of Nations
Tbe beautiful young- empress of Eus
sia looked upon her recent coronation
not as doubtless have many others in
her place only as a state function of
unparalleled splendor but as a solemn
religious rite She makes no secret of
the fact that she has taken life most
seriously since her betrothal to the
czarowitz became an accomplished
fact nor yet that in spite of her devo
tion to her husband the man of her
hearts choices as well as the suitor
whom the statesmen of her country
thought it desirable she should espouse
she considers that the brightest part
of her life was left behind with her
irresponsible girlhood During their
honeymoon as was natural with a
young lover the czar was inclined to
cut audiences of state short to sign
official documentswith hardly a glance
at their contents and to openly display
impatience when too many details were
submitted to his consideration With
womanly tact and sweet reasonable
ness the czarina has modified all this
Her bright and vigorous intellect has
known how to give Inteiest to the dull
ness of business of state her originality
has thrown a glamour over the monot
onous rouud of court ceremonies while
her suggestions as to what might be
done for this or that seifo n of the
community have done much to make
her consort realize that the millions
he has to govern are human individu
als and not one great vague indefinite
We do not assert that the young em
peror would not in time have made this
discovery for himself but it is notori
ous that his youth and disinclination
to interfere in public affairs have kept
him move in the background than is
usual w ith heirs to the throm while j
his fathers unexpected death prevented
the Tate ezar from associating- his son
with himself in the administration of
the empire It is an undoubted fact
that Eiaperor thoughl
most highly oi his fnture daughter-in-laws
strength of purpose- and force
of character and in the conversations
had with her during his iast illness
it is likely he spoke long and seriously
on the opportunities she would have of
influencing her husband and thus in
directly swaying the destinies of the
vast and great race abou to be commit
ted to his hands
It is nothing new to the Muscovite
statesmen to note the gracious pres
ence of a lady In the couneil chamber
The young czarina is only following
the example of the dowager empress
when linannonnced she quietly enters
the room usually with some dainty
in linn V A - 1
ui AuiAi iriLU seating
ueisen wiiej eE Dy raising ciarK
beautiful eyes she can let them rest on
her husbands face proceeds to give
eager and Intelligent attention to all
that is going on
Tt is known that Princess Alix
of Itesse was passionately fond of mu
sic and as in marrying the czai she
ntered a family -whose devotion to the
art is equalled by few It might be
thought that she wowld spend more
time than ever at the instrument she
prefers The contrary is the case the
nanificem piano in her boudoir will
remain closed for long mornings at the
tune while the graceful head of the
young empress is bent low over some
page in the crabbed characters of the
Muscovite tongue or one which while
written in simpler language of the
Fiench deals w ith subjects of no more
general interest than international law
London Queen
The Illusion impelled
An elderly Russian jirnicess much ad
dcted td gambling and very supersti
tious Uim one day engaged in her fa
vorite pastime when a gentleman of
genial aspect but horribly deformed
came and sat down beside her How
lueky thought the good lady Jn this
persuasion and with the assurance com
mon to persons of high rank she began
to stroke the protuberance of the hunch
back whilst increasing the amount of
her stakes In the course of half an
hour she lost G0000 francs yet she did
not complain being firmly convinced
that she would recover the whole
amount lefore very long But suddenly
the hunchback stopped playing and as
he stood up he looked as tall as a grena
dier He thriist liis hand up his back
and withdrew the hump The latter
was nothing- more or less than a
felt wide aivalve that the -wearer had
stowed away under his coat to save him
self the trouble of leaving- it in the
cloakroom The supposed hunchback
was as straight as a pikestaff The
princess flew into a passion called him
a swindler and an impostor and it re
quired the united efforts of all her
friends to pacify her El Diluvio
Stub Ends of Tnoughts
The telephone takes everybodys
The live oclock tea is the grub that
makes the butterfly of fashion
It is usually hard for a man who
stretches the truth to get out of the
way of the recoil
The June bug makes more noise than
a wap but he does not command as
much respect n
Paradoxical as it may seem it is
a fact that the more mumm a man gets
the more loquacious he grows
True to the nature oftheTbeast many
a man who in his time has cast sheeps
eyes at a pretty girl has afterwards
had the wool pulled over them -Up
to Date
My husband said a young wife
is a very unreasonable man
In what way asked a friend
He expects me to live on nothing
ind save half Detroit Free Press
Pacific Short Line
Passenger leaves OXeill Neb
at 1005 a m immediately after ar
rival of train from Black
Hills reaching Sioux City at
m saving three hours timp
Lowest rates Purchase local tickets
to OXeill anci rebuy there
Sharpenyour wits and try for one
of the prizes for the beat solutions of
The Preston Mystery
Parties having final proof notices In
these columns will receive a marked
copy of the paper which contains
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each claimant to examine their
notice carefully and should there be
any error the fact should be reported
to the land otlice and to this oflice at
once for correction
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
1 une 2 180GI
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice or her intention to
make final proof in support of her claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb ou July 11th
18 vi
He names the following witnesses to prove his
Land Office at Valentine Nebr I
June 22nd 1801 f
Notice is hereby sien that Johanna
Schneider net Johanna Senders of
Fort Russell Wyo has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proot betore Register and
Receiver at their oflice in Valentine Nebraska
on Wednesuav the rih day of August lRflfi on
timbetfxultuie application No rat for the vS
sci swiiiek and wrfiuws of sec-No-12 Tp 31 n
R 2G w
She names as witnesses Ely Valentine Charles
A Johnson Washington Honey Andrew
Sehatzlhauer all of Wjod Lake Nebr
Testimony ot clamant Johanna Schneider will
be taken before the Clerk ol the District Court
at his office iu Cheyenne Wyo en the 8th day
of August ISSC
C IL 6 LOVER Register
Land Office Valentine Nib
June 24th 1898
Notice is hereby given that william M Hook of
Cody Nebr has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof before Register and Receiver at
their oflice m Valentine Nebr on Friday the
31st day of 1898 on timber culture amplica
tion No 7529 for the sv J iec 9 Tp 33UR33 w
He names as witnesses
Edward Hanks Andrew Barnes George Jl
Baines and John F IIookrall of Cody Nebr also
Edward Hanks of Cody Kebr TC NO 7G09 for
the sw a sec 20 Tp 35n R 3iw He names- as
William M Hook Andrew J Barnes George Vv7
Barnes and Jolm Jj nook all of Cody Neb
CRG LOVER Register
Iublic Jjand Sale
US Land Office Nebr
June 17th IK9C f
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the
General Land Office under authority vested in
him bv section 24M U S Revised Statutes as
amended by the act of Congress approved Feb
ruary 20 I85 we will proceed to offer at public
sale on the 24th day of July 189G at tins oflice
the following tract of laud towit Loc 1 sec 31
Tp 35 N R 37 W Any and all persons claiming
aciversley the abo e described lands are advised
to file their claims in this office ou or before the
day above designated for the commencement of
said sale otherwise their rights will be forfeited
CR aioviu Uegister
J A Fike Receiver
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska
tone 361 TS5K
Notice is hereby given that in puroTrancp of
instructions from the Commissioner of the
General Land Office under authority visted in
him bv section 2455 U S Revised Statutes as
amended by an act of Congress approved Feb
luirv 20 1S95 we wil 1 proceed to oifer at public
sale on the 11 day of August 199G at this office
the following tract oi laud to witsVfe swJi sec 11
Tp 31 n It 27 w Any and all persons claiming
adversley the above described lands are advised
to file their claims in this office on or before the
day above designated for the commencement of
said sale otherwise their lights will be forfeited
C R GLOVfiR Register
J A Fikr Receiver
Land Office at Valentine Nebr
June 3rd 1890 t
Notice is hereby given that Minnie Dodd for
merly Minnie Ewart of Lake City Colorado has
filed notice of intention to make final proof be
fore Register and Receiver at their office in Val
entine Nebr on Wednesday the 19 day of Aug
ust 1S9G on timber culture application No 7G02
for the sVtnvfU nV5sv of section No 2C in
Township No 27 Range No 29 w
She names as witnesses John R Lee Thom
as McLean William Lee and Frank Lee all of
Brownlee Neb
Testimony of claimant Minnie Dodd formerly
Minne Ewart will be taken before the clerk of
the District Court of Hinsdale County at his
oflice in Lake City Colorado August 14 1890
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
July 2nd 1893 f
Notice is hereby given that Jean Morrow
Matoleton Minii has fiied notice of intention to
make final proof before Register and Receiver
U SLard Office at Valentine Neb
July i3th l9S f
Notice I hereby given that the foioing
named settler 1m filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim and
that said prof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Xep on Aug 27th
J Wesley Tucker of Valentine Neb
II E 5730 for the neJ4 sec 15 Tu 34 H 28
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ui sum iuiiu viz
Richard is He roll Frank Seager William
TaylorandMiininPBrosious all of Valentine
ehr c R GLOVER Register
Land Office at Valentine Neb
y isni 1- I89G
juyra K Hoe
boom formerly Myra K Upjohn has filed notice
lulv f
W 1
Aouceisiiereiiy given mat
of intention to make final proof before the Reg
ister or Keeei vor at his office in Valentine Nebr
on Friday the 23tb day of August 189G ou timber
culture application No 7K50 for the wl SnwU se
n and swneK of sec No 13 iH Tp No 30 N
K 25 W
She names as witnesses Ely D Valentine
David Leach Manly Wyman 1obert N Bruce
all of Wood Lake Neb
0 R GLOVER Register
500 Reward
The Western Nebraska Stock Grow
ers Association will pay 50000 to
anyone furnishing the testimony to
conviet any person or persons of
stealing cattle belonging to the mem
bers of the Association
A S Heed President
J It VanBoskirk Secretary
Alliance Nebraska
We want a correspondent in every
precinct in Cherry county who will
send us the news of his or her locality
at least once a month oftener if pos
sible We offer inducements to corre
spondents Write us about it
Mat ray
Taken up by the subscriber living
miles northwest of Georgia in Cherry
co Nebraska on the 21st day of May
1890 One stag or steer supposed to
be three years old eolorTedand brand
ed thus 7 reversed 4 1
Hans Osterman
Every dav except Snndav the Pa-
at their oflice In Valentine Nebr on Friday the
14th day of August 1895 on timber culture appli 1
cation No 7477 for the ny2n wii swnwJi
nwJ4sw4 of section No 14 in Township No 29 n
Range No 27 W
He names as witnesses James M Uaiina
Cavid Hanna John Dale of Wood Lake Nebr
Clarence Walcott of IJrnwnlee Nettf
C R GLOVER Register
Land Office at Valentine Nebraska J
July 9th 1896 f
Notice 1 hereby given that the following-named
settler has Died notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim aud
that said proof will be made before the Regis
ter er Receiver at Valentine Nebr ou August
28th 189G viz
George E TraCewell of Valentine
If E 9222 ftor the sw JueJi seUnirH and n
nwii Sec 2 j Tp 35 R 20
He names tfee following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ou aud cultivation of
said landviZ
Nelson Folen Itfartin Becker Quincy Buck of
Sparks Nebr aud Samuel Parry Jr of Valen
tine Nebr also
Frederic Smith of Ft Niobrara Nebr
H E S7G8 for the Lots 5 9 and cVs swM sec 30
Tp 34 R 25
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Julious H Brewer and Joseph H Hornbook
of Ft Niobrara Nebr David Stinard of Valen
tiHG Nebr John Clarkson of Sparks Nebr
C R GLOVER Regi ter
contiiiuous resuience upoa aud cultivation of ciftc Short Line makes connection at
e Pu GLOVER Register ONeill with the east bound tram from
the J31ack Hills it doesnt cost anv
f more and yon save three hours time
to Simi c City and beyond Buy local
tickets to 0XeiL
EcHpsoand Fairbanks Wind
mills Towers- Tanks Irriga
tion Outfits Hose Belting
GrInlcrsShelleraWooil Saws
Drive Tolnte Pipe Fitting
Braes goods and fralrban u
otamlnrd Scales PrlceB
low Gee tac best Sena for
H02 Farnam St Omaha Neb
Ladies and Gentlemenfs Bicycles at
Any of the leading makes furnished you
upon easv yu nients at catalogue prices
as follows Wheels costing 5000 and
Trader vrill be delivered to you for 1000
cash aud 2i0 per month Wheels cost
ing oer5000 for lf00 cash aud KJoo
per month Wheels delivered on
veeeipt of fha first jtayment
Wheel iiiuirvanteed -to he
xVer ami IPirst Ifttttt all
respects or Jloney Refunded
Decide upon make of wheel you desire
and order bv number from catalogue of
that manufacturer Can also furnish
anything in the cycle line Address
dttd hj
It th greatest newspaper tout
of tke Missouri Hiver
It adrocates FREE SILVEft
at the present ratio of lixtwa
to ono
Its news lerrice if tha bat to
be obtained
Daily 6 00 per year 60 cents
per month Weekly 1100 per
Subscriptions forth
received at this office
B HJvfT vn I rHivab
prompt answer anU an honest optotCE to
ItlUhN fcCOT bolsve bad nearly arty years
experience in the patent business Communica
tions strictly confidential A Handbook ot In
formation concerninfc Patents sod bow to ob
tain them sent free Also a catalogue of mecbn
ical and scientific books sent free
Patents taken through Mnnn ft Co receive
Special notice in the Scientific Amcrlcnn and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor This snlendid paper
issued weekly elegantly illustrated has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world 83 a year Sample copies sent free
Dutldmjr Edition monthly SS50 a year Binglo
copies U5 cents Every number contains beau
tiful plates in colors and photographs of new
houses with plans enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts Addrens
Given to anyone sending 100 for subscription to this paper
for one year
Subscription to the
St Paul
Weekly Dispatch
Until January 1 1897
The Weekly Dispatch
Will furnish all the
Latest Campaign News
As well as All The News Of The World and is a First Class
Weekly Its market reports are compiled with extreme care and
are considered the standard by merchants of the Twin Cities All
other departments essential to a Grst class weekly family journal
are given ample attention Published every Thursday
The Valentine Democrat
Will continue to furnish
of the Northwest
Win be sent postpaid to ny
address six days a week for
one year for
The Chronicle Is the moat
conspicuous newspaper suo
cess of the day the dally cir
culation exoeodlng 75000
copies and the Sunday circu
lation exceeding 100000 oop
les It la a firet olaaa news
paper of 12 and 16 pages Sun
day 40 to 43 pages and
lo a stanch supporter of
sound democratic principles
ally except Sunday 1 year 400
Dally and Sunday 1 year 600
Daily 6 monlht campaign edition 200
Daily and Sunday 6 months 300
Daily 2 months 100
Daily and Sunday 2 months 140
Daily 1 month 90
Daily and Sunday 1 menta 75
Sunday 1 year 200
Saturday 1 year 100
Sample -copies free on appli
cation Address
164 160 Washington St
Chicago IU
Tstlm wbat ails you
ii r f
All the County News
And will continue to maintain the reputation it has gained as
the brightest best newsiest and cheapest paper ever published in
Cherry county In addition to maintaining its large and com
peteut staff of correspondents weather reports and monthly sum
mary of the business done by public oflbials several new depart
ments will be added which will make Tiie Democrat not only
the best newspaper in Northwest Nebraska which it new is but
will make it the best country newspaper in the state
Send your subscriptions to
Have you a feel-
lag of weight in
the Stomach
Bloating after
eating Belch
ing of Wind
Waterbrash j
Heartburn Bad Taste ia the Mouth
In the Morning Palpitation ef the
Heart due to Distension of Stomach l
Cankered Meuth Gas in the Bowels
Loss of Flesh Fickle Appetite
repressed Irritable Condition of the
Mind Dizziness Headache Con-
stipation or Diarrhoea Then you hare
In oat of Its jniny forms The eao positlrt
core for thudltrtsslB complaint ts
ij mail prepaid ea receipt of 35 cents
meals hare cared me
I Acker Uediciac Co 161S Chaafctrs St JT T
The TJRMOCBAT and the Thrice a
week New York World one year
ii Kf
Satisfaction guaranteed
Reasonable charges
Good Rigs and Careful Drivers
Teams Stabled
At Geo Langs old stand
North Western Line is to best
to and from the
Wanted An Idea I
Protect your Ideas ther may brln
Wbo e
of some Tnijilfi
ou weuzaiA
nera Washington D Cfor tnelr 1900 prize 0
ub juv vi tvru uuaarea inrcniioiu Trantea
Is larger than any weekly or semi
weekly paper published and is the
only Important Democratic -weekly
published in New York City Three
times as large as the leading Kepubli
can weekly of Xew York City It will
be of especial advantage to you during
the Presidential Campaign as it is
published every other day except Sun
day and has all the freshness and
timeliness of a daily It combines all
the news with a long list of interesting
departments unique features cartoons
and graphic illustrations the latter
being a specialty
All thess improvements have been
made without an increase in the cost
which remains at one dollar per year
We offer this uneqaled newspaper
and the Valentine Desiochat to
gether one year for 150
The regular auscription price of be