The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 16, 1896, Image 2

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Terrible railroad smash up
near logan iowa
Crowded Excursion Train Crashes
Into a Freight Blunder of the
Engineer Caused the DisastcrDis
obeyed His Orders
Twenty Eight AVere Killed
A railway disaster in which twenty
eight lives were crushed out and many
were terribly injured occurred on the
Northwestern near Logan Iowa Satur
day evening An excursion train bearing
a large party from Omaha crashed head
on into a heavily loaded freightsoon alter
having pulled out of Logan on the return
trip The engineer of the excursion train
misunderetood his orders having beeu
instructed to remain on the siding until
the freight had passed
AVilliam Shaffer the agent of the Xorlh
western at Logan saw the excursion
pulling up He was horrified to note that
instead of slackening up at the switch the
train was rapidly taking on more speed
He rushed down the platform and asked
an employe if the special had pulled out
and received an affirmative reply
Then God help them said Shaffer
they have pulled out without orders and
No 8S is due in a minute
The excursionists were not yet out of
sight when the crash came Freight
train No 38 with a full head of steam
one minute behind time dashed around
the curve at a forty-mile-an-hour-gait
and no human power could avert the dis
aster Two cars of the excursion traiu
ivere telescoped The floor of the bag
gage car were wedged so tightly into the
coach that all efforts to remove it were
futile although a thousand willing hands
were joined in the attempt to lift the
cover that was concealing the dead and
imprisoning the injured in a living tomb
Finally an ax was procured and a section
of the car floor cut away It appeared that
the space in the car between the floor of
the coach and the floor of the baggage car
was packed with dead and dying hu
manity As soon as a little space within
was cleared the workers climbed inside
the coach and the worjrof passing up the
bodies of the dead aie injured progressed
more rapidly TMV eight dead bodies
were taken oir A T atffcSi
e rauroau track and the
injured were at once taken in carriages to
Logan In a very short time the appeal
for help had been answered by all the
physicians from Logan and Missouri
Yalley and then some system was intro
duced into the matter of carrying on the
rescue work Wagons and carriages were
sent from Logan and the injured taken
there for treatment Then the dead were
taken to the town undertaking establish
ment and laid out for identification
bodies were taken there
Five People Killed and Three Fatally
Hurt Near Chicago
Five people were killed and three fatally
injured and a score seriously hurt in s
Wreck on the Wisconsin Central Railroad
Sunday night
The wrecked train was the first section
of a picnic which had been held at Schil
ler park about twelve miles west of Chi
cago The picnic was held tinder the au
spices of the A O U W and fully 3000
people were in attendance The first sec
tion consisted of thirteen cars and left
the park shortly after 8 oclock for the re
turn trip to the city
The officials of the railroad did not
notify the city police of the accident until
three hours after it had occurred and
none of the dead or injured were taken to
the city for over four hours after the acci
Palma Says Nothing Is Left the
Spaniards on the Island
Palma of the Cuban revolutionary
party in New York has a letter from Go
mez dated Camaguey After reviewing
the development of the rebellion from the
beginning the letter says
Nothing is left the Spaniards in Cuba
not even the ground where they stand
Their prestige lost eveu in Havana Our
army enjoys splendid health Cartridge
boxes are full of ammunition We have
received lately three valuable expeditions
and as the Spanish generals retire to
tspain ours land here
maine man is named
Arthur Sewall of Bath Will
Bryans Running Mate
The National Democratic Convention
adjourned sine die on Saturday Arthur
Sewall of Maine a Bath shipbuilder and
an arden t free coinage man was named
for vice president on a ticket headed by
William J Bryan
Charged vrlth Stealing 12000
Private Detective Edward Schlessinger
of Cincinnati arrested John SL Pierce at
Deuver on a warrant charging him with
the larceny of 12000 from Sol Sharp
Co pool room proprietors of Covington
Mr Pierce was confidential clerk of
the firm and disappeared last Marei
Fatal Fire in Buffalo
Fire destroyed George Frenkels Enspire
Hotel 189 Elm Street Buffalo N Y Miss
Jennie Mills aged 40 Mrs Jtforiani 0
ana a -year-old child Maggie Kink who
were on flip fhini flnr -am
George Paps aged 23 jumped from the J
tmra story -window and will likely die
Killed a Nephew of Jeff Davis
Bill Steers who recently killed Jack
Alexander a nephew of Jefferson Davis
at Paris Ky was taken to Hie state
jprison at Frankfort io grye a Oynnt
year sentence
Romance Ends hy Two 3ren legally
Exchanging Wives
John Krublman of Cass County Mich
igan was married in Lagrauge County
Indiana to the divorced wife of William
Heckleyman of Monroe County Ohio
Krubelman and lleckleyman were both
suitors for the hand of Cora Iluggins a
pretty country girl who was at loss to de-
ciue winch one she preferred for a hus
band The sequel was an unusual com
pact by the terms of which she agreed to
marry Heckleyman and live with him ten
years as his wife when Krubelman if he
weie living was to become her husband
Heckleyman went west and obtained a
divorce as did also Krubelman and Mrs
Krubelman became Mrs Heckleyman and
Mrs Heckleyman became Mrs Krubel
man the novel contract being faithfully
School Teacher Saves Liivee While
Bathing in a Lake
Benzonia Mich has a plucky school
teacher in the person of Angeline Small
While bathing m Crystal Lake her 12-year-old
brother and a little girl got be
yond their depth Miss Small swam out
and brought her brother in on her back
The litte girl had sunk three times and
when an older boy went to her rescue she
clutched him around the neck so tightly
that both were nearly drowned Miss
Small seeing their danger again swam
out and brought both safely to shore
Forged Drafts for
a Smooth
Henry Meyers proprietor of the Rus
sell House Alliance Ohio cashed a draft
on the Lincoln Bank of Chicago for 05 a
week ago for George B Williams who
registered at the hotel as from Chicago
Meyers has been informed that this draft
is a forgery and that the same party had
passed a similar draft for the same amount
on W H Jameson proprietor of the Park
Hotel at Columbiana Ohio the next day
The hotels have offeied rewards for his
Fatal Somnambulism of Nathaniel
Shelton of New York
Nathaniel Shelton treasurer of the
Union Pacific Railroad during the Jay
Gould management was Icilled by a fall
from a window of his boarding house in
New York City Mr Shelton s son says
that the dead man was addicted to walk
ing in his sleep Shelton was at one time
president of tne Milwaukee Trust Com
jtlncendiary Fire Burns Cash
J ne residence of Harrv Harnpr at
luuf oino -was partly destroyed by fire
am me members of the
family ere ab
sent Harper lost 210 in cash which
was burned The chief of the fire depart
ment made an investigation and -found
that the carpets floors ntr walls of the
house had been saturated with keorsene
and the building fired The blaze was
extinguished with much difficulty Police
are looking for the incendiary
Conductor Pilfers from Cars
For some time the Ohio Southern Rail
road has lost freight by theft The com
panys detectives have been riding over
the road in box
cars several days un
known to the trainmen and as a result a
well known freight conductor was caught
in the act of robbing a car He and his
engineer were dismissed from the service
It is believed that others are in the scheme
and that a number of arrests will follow
Compromised by Killing Himself
Edward Thompson unmarried aged 80
killed himself at Danville 111 He had a
grudge against his brother Otto Thomp
son aud went to his house with the inten
tion of killing him but was unable to find
iiio jiiicuueu victim xtiompson was
walking on the highway when he met
Preacher Dickerson He said Tell Otto
T am dead and immediately shot himself
Farmer Kills His Assailant
Ransom Stubblefield called at the resi
dence of Tommy Ryan a farmer at the
Okaw Bridgeuear Baldwin 111 and in
formed him that he had come to kill him
Before Stubblefield could raise his shot
gun Ryan picked up his ready weapon
and killed Stubblefield instantly Ryan
gave himself up and the coroner found
that he was justified
Wants an Accounting
A bill for a receiver for the Ryan Pack
ing Company of Dubuque was filed in
court at Chicago by Thomas D Ryan
Stephen B Ryan of the Second National
Bank of Dubuque and twelve insurance
companies are defendants He wants an
accounting on 950shares of stock which
he says he turnedover to Stephen Rvan
Two Workmen Crushed to Death
Four laborers were buried by the cav
ing in of a trench in Kansas City Kan
Two of the men Frank Scantline and
Donnie Hoi ton were crushed to death in
stantly Charles Jacobson was fatally
injured and J W Callahan escaped prac
tically uninjured A trench was being
built to lay- a gas main
Tin Plate Workers Discharfrpd
The National Tin Plate Company at
Anderson Ind which refused to smn ti
new amalgamated scale of wages for the
coming year paid off their 400 hands and
discharged them unconditionally The
American at Elwood and the Central at
Middletown are staying out vith the
Ravaged hy Revolted Kurds
A dispath to the London Chronicle from
Constantinople says that it is reported
there that 60000 Kurds in the Diarbekir
districts have revolted and are pillaging
the villages indiscriminately
Maceo Reported Dead
Merchants of Pinar del Rio arrived in
Havana and say Antonio Maceo the fam
ous insurgent leaderjdied of wounds rer
ceived in the last engagement with the
Spanish troops jrr
Two Thousand Are Homeless
The town of Kobrin in the Province of
Grodnovisk Russia has burned Three
hundred houses were destroyed and 2000
people are homeless
Brutal Double Crime Charged t3
Bad Stepson in California
Mrs II K Richardson aged 55 and
her 17-year-old daughter Ethel were
murdered near Santa Barbara Cal There
is no clew to the murderer but suspicion
pointa to Scott Richardson a dissolute
stepson of Mrs Richardson who had
made frequent threats to kill her TJie
only other theory suggested is that the
murder was committed by a tramp A
workman discovered the body of the
daughter in a vacant field near the Rich
ardson house Her throat had been cut
and there were several wounds in the
back of her head A trail of blood was
found leading from the front door to Mrs
Richardsons bedroom Near the bed Jay
the body of Mrs Richardson face down
ward in a pool of blood A bullet hole
in the head of the bad and another
in the window casement told of her
efforts to escape the pistol of her assassm
Below the womans left eye wasa bullet
bole and there was another through the
jyiLuunu adouc tne lace and forehead
there were several deep gashes and the
back of her head had been beaten by -stick
loaded with lead Both the victin
were clad in their night clothes
Silver Service for Cruiser Indiana
Now Completed
The silver service to be presented by
citizens of Indiana to the battleship In
diana has been completed and will be put
on exhibition There are about forty
Pieces and the cost is more than 8000
There are about 200 pounds of solid silver
in the set Many or the larger pieces are
lined with gold 22 carats fine The most
beautiful piece in the service is a massive
flower dish intended to be a center piece
At one end is a large medallion contain
ing the seal of the state of Indiana while
at the other end is a similar medallion
bearing in bold relief a f ac simile of the
sailors and soldiers monument
Young Illinois People Dispense willi
Expensive Formalities
A new feature in marriaire cerpiiinnipc
was inaugurated near Marion III re
cently Samuel N Robertson aged 20 a
young society man of that place and iliss
Ida Warren a beautiful country lass
aged 20 were married on the public high
way one mile north of town jude It It
Fowler performed the ceremony while
the bride groom judge and witnesses G
C Campbell and C E Cunningham were
seated in the buggies Immediately after
the ceremony the bride and groom left for
their bridal tour which will consist of an
overland trip in a buggy to Chicago and
return via St Louis
Heavy Rewards for Lynchers
In hc last thirty days two men have
oeen lynched in Maryland almost on the
outskirts of the national capital The
lynchings have caused much feeling there
Governor Lowndes of Marvland h c
offered a reward of 1000 for the appie
hension of the lynchers of Joseph Cock
ing in Chnrlos County and an additional
51000 for the capture of the lynchers of
the negro Randolph in Montgomery Tn
discussing the reward Governor Lowndes
expressed great indignation at the out
rages and declared his intention of rimmr
all in his power to bring the offenders Ut
Bridegroom Languishes in Jail
The 8th mst was to be the wedding day
of Luna Locke of Winchester and Miss
Holliday of Losantville Indiana but the
ending was far different from what was
expected Locke was arrested atRich
mond on suspicion as he was offering a
bicycle for sale at a low figure and later
it developed that the wheel was one that
was rented from a Muncie dealer by
Lockes cousin and not returned An
officer from Muncie went to Richmond
after Locke He was carrying the mar
riage license with him and meant to go
to Losantville that even ins
Saw Their Homes Swept Away
The greatest flood ever known in east
ern Ohio completely swept out the val
leys bordering Wegee and Pipe creeks
south of Bellaire carrying away 200030
worth of property and drowning Mrs
James Berry and her baby Hundreds of
people escaped death by taking to high
around when the storm first broke upon
uiem anu tor two Hours they huddled on
the hillsides in drenching rain and saw
ther homes carried away The storm
covered an area about two miles wide
and swept over into West Virginia doing
great damage there
Shoulders the Cost on India
The London Times had an editorial on
the Government proposal carried in the
HoUSe Of Commons to nlflPA nnnn la
India Government the cost of the Indian
troops at Saukim The Times denounces
the action and adds The ministers have
received such a lesson in reduced majority
on the question that it is unlikely that
India will ever be called upon again for
such a contribution
Guarding Their Farms with Guns
Several settlers near Linwood Mich
who refused to accent the offpr nf ti
Detroit and Mackinac for rights of way
are guarding their farms with shotguns
They have put chains and locks on their
gates One man chained three trees to
gether to keep the surveyors off Con
demnation proceedings have been started
Tiobued hy Masked Women
John F isher was on a lonely road on his
way home near Wilkebarre p wiOI
three masked women Wh0 in
were am
bush ran out on the 0ad After tyin
him the women took his watch andpockel
book The women then fled Eisher says
he knows his assailants and arrests are
likely to follow
Morns Sentence Shortened
Emanuel Morris the colored jockey
who was sentencad to life imprisonment
at Urown Point Ind forkilliiifr siarSOM
Judge atJRoby last
February had a new
uiai auu ou a piea of manslaughter his
sentence was reduced to fifteen years
Frank Hnrd fe Dead
Hon Frank flurd the famous Ohio
free trader died at 9 oclock the mornin
of the IMb of apoplexy
aQDIPJIQ the list of SANC
IV H Hubbell Found Lying Along
side the Railroad Track Near
Lakeside With a Deep Wound in
the Back of His Head
Another Sand Hill Tragedy
Another mysterious murder has beeu
added to the list of Sand Hill tragedies
WII Hubbell a prominent stockman of
Alliance was found lying near the rail
road track not far from Lakeside with a
deep wound in the back of his head
There is no clue to his murderer although
certain parties are suspected of the deed
from motives of revenge Later indica
tions seem to be that tlierj may have been
a woman in the case but tins is really
only a theory The victim had evidently
been struck from behind and fallen with
out a struggle his hand remaining in his
pockets It is well known that he never
carried much money hence robbery was
not the motive
It is said that while drinking he had
boasted of intimacy with a neighbors
wife and this is advanced as one cause of
the tragedy
John Stowe of Pumas County Cru
elly Assassinated
William Milligau shot and fatally
wounded John Stowe near Beaver City
Mr Stowe was in his wagon driving to a
neighbors when Milligan stepped out
lrom a cornfield and fired two shots from
a shotgun The first took iffjct in the
jaw and the other in the back He then
fled but was captured after a search
several miles from the scene From sub
sequent statements it is believed that he
visited another neighbor with murderous
intentions but did not obtain thj oppor
Mr Milligan is 6 years old and has
always been a quiet and law abiding citi
zen So far as is known tberj was no ill
feeling between he and any of his neigh
bors and Mr Stowe believed him to bi a
friend The only theory for his Strang
actions is insanity
Parents Displease the Police
A case of cruelty to children has been
discovered by Chief of Police Ryan and
Officer Meyer at Grand Island Some
time ago it was rumored that a father and
mother resivling m the extreme outskirts of
the city were leaving two little children
alone at home all
day from morning un
til evening while they went out to work
in the beet fields The authorities havj
been on a quiet hunt and finally located
a certain house wherein lived a family
named Lagan witz unlocked the doors
and found the rumor to be true A little
girl and boy believed to be twins about
i years of age were penned into a room
with only a dog as a companion A pan of
food was in the room accessible to the
children The parents will be notified
that henceforth they must take better care
of their children or the latter will bo
oared for by others
Assures Crop at Silver Creek
The recent rains in the vicinity of Silver
Creek virtually insures a crop which is
making a wonderful
growth That sec
tion has a magnificent crop of rye winch
is now mostly in shock Spring wheat
will not amount to much Fall wheat is
fair uut there is only a small acreage of
it vus uave an immense growth but are
badly rusted and will not make more
than half a crop The hay crop will be
the heaviest ever known
Child Burned to Death
A large barn belonging to a Mr
iesiaino uout live miles south of
eston was burned and his 5-year-old
boy who was playing in the barn at the
time the lire broke our was almost wholly
consumed He was seen in the flames
and his piteous cries were heard but no
help could reach him
Alleged Forger Jailed
William Thompson who was caughtTt
Grand Island in
attempt to pass a
forged check for 27 has waived prelimi
nary examination and Iwpn hmii
tne district court in the sum of 3J0 He
Quid not furnish bond and went to jail
Aurora Banker Exonerated
Carl J Forney cashier of the First Na
tional Bank at Aurora who was eharel
with setting tire to the court house3 m
January 18J3 was dischargei in the dis
trict court oa account oi entire lack of
videuce to convict him
A Perilous Runaway
A team -belonging to Chris Meyers of
xeoraska City ran away and plunged
over a high embankment completely
wreckiug the wagon Meyers barely es
caped by jumping Tne horses were
badly jammed up
Lightning Kills a Farmer
An aged farmer living near Sunflowe
m Scotts Bluff County named William
n 11U Vv wassuuK by lightning and
lulled His young son who was ndiii
in a wagon with him was badly injured
but will recover
Hotel Burned
The Orleans Hotel at Bloomfield was
entirely destroyed by fire W A Cole
owned the buiiding valued at 2000 and
H Banks the contents valued at 500
neither had any insurance
Injured in an Explosion
owuit sevens while explodin fire
works at Grafton was n1 i
eye by particles from a giant cracker
His injuries while nainful are not neces
sarily fatal to the sight
Returns from Japan
Miss Nellie Wainwright youngest
daughter of Rev G W Wainwright of
Blair has leturned home from Japan
where she has been a missionary for over
uiue years
Bobbed a Hardware Store
Burglars took goods o the amount of
50 frbm the hardware store of J jj
Thomas at Lyons a few nights since
Proposed City Building at Beatrice
A movement is on foot to issue city
bonds with which to purchase the Xe
braska National Bank
building and con
cert it into a city building for Beatrice
-A resolution has been adonted he- tio
council to make the bank receiver an offer
for the bullamg the amount not to ex
ceed 6000
Platte County Mortgage Record
Following is the mortgatre record for
the month of June for Plaiig County
Real estate mortgages tiled 4ut04725
released 31i512 chattel mortgages
filed 1540130 released l3695k
Railroads Swamped in Hauling thq
Crowds Rain Storms Wreck One oi
the Bis Tents President Clarke and
Secretary Baer Make Reports
The Work Commenced
Washington was captured by the na
tional convention of Christian Endeavor
ers Wednesday and they held the town
until the following Tuesdav Thp rail
roads had failed to make adequate ar
rangements for transportation and were
swamped Thousands of delegates and
visitors were late in arriving Of dele
gates there were 50000 and of visitors
as many more The exercises were in
progress in nine different places at once
Three tents seating 13000 people each
were erected near the Washington monu
ment Central Hall and five of the larg
est churches were also used Wednes
day night a storm blew down one of the
largest tents aud exercises were in con
sequence delayed Thursday morning
Notwithstanding discouraging weather
tl Endeavorers were early astir mak
v 7 I r rN
n u v
V e V Jj
ing tneJr to the
many churches set
apart for the sunrise
services which be
gin the exercises of
each day The top
ice at these sunrise
services was Pray
er of the Conven
tion and in each
case the meetings
wpro 1p1 liv mom
i nr
una ui nit ViSJlluy
organizations TIipsp
rev dr clarke special services last
ed from G30 to 710 oclock Then came
a short adjournment -for breakfast and a
walk about town The great meetings in
the big tents were originally fixed fo
930 a m They were crowded even
before the services began In tent Wash
ington President Francis E Clark of
Boston Mass presided and Percy I
Foster of Washington acted as director
of the vast chorus of singers The ser
vices in tent Endeavor were conducted
oy tne Rev Howard B Grose of Boston
with O E Excoll of Chicago in charge
of the music The address of welcome
to tfie visitors on behalf of the District
of Columbia was delivered by Commis
sioner John W Ross and was responded
to by Prof W W Andrews of Sackville
N B Otherwise the services were simi
lar in every respect to those conducted
in tent Washington the annual reports
and addresses being duplicated for the
benefit of the thousands unable to secure
admission to the first named tent
President Clarke chose for his text
What God hath joined toirpthpr lot nn
man put asunder He said the platform
of the Christian Endeavor was for Christ
and independence of the individnni nnn
of each society in this work In fifteen
years on this platform 4000 societies had
been formed 5200000 Endeavorers had
been enrolled of whom 2700000 are to-
uay members and 2000000 others En
deavorers in all but
name had been en
rolled in purely denominational societies
Ten million PJndcavorer meetings had
been held and over 2000000 given in
benevolence through denominational and
church channels He urged Christian
Endeavorers to continue the good work
and especially organize evangelistic work
as Christian duties of Endeavorers
General Secretary Baer took his text
from Luke xiii 10 He said Pennsvl
vania still heads the list of Christian
Endeavor societies with 3273 The next
in order was New York 2071 Ohio
2311 Ontario 1817 Illinois 1700 In
diana 1372 and Iowa 1302 These fig
ures he said did not include numerous
other kinds of Christian Endeavor so
cieties that are fast becoming sturdy
orancnes ot the mother tree such as the
Junior Intermediate the Mothers and
the Senior Pennsylvania led in junior
societies He spoke of the good these
societies had accomplished in behalf of
morality Sunday observance saloon
warfare Christianity and mission work
-for which 154022 had been given the
past year
Annual Convention of the National
Educational Association at Buffalo
The annual convention of the National
Educational Association was held in Buf
falo It was the greatest gathering of
public school teach
ers in the history of
the association the
attendance being
nearly 10000
N C Dougherty
of Peoria 111 is
president of the Na
tional Association
and Invin Shepard
of Winona Minn
secretary Nearly
all of the leadincr pd-
ucators were present and read papers on
various subjects The delegates to the
convention heard among other notables
T Washing
ton Bishop Vincent
of the M B Church
Bishop Spaulding of
the Catholic Church
and President An
drew S Draper of
the Chicago Univer
sity formerly super
intendent of public
instruction of New
York State
Twelve distin
suished citizens of
Buffalo had in hand the entertainment of
the delegates The Buffalo reception
committee of which Mayor Jewett was
chairman consisted 300 members
mostly principals and school teachers
Told in a Few Lines
Frank Rowrn was probably fatally
hurt at Napoleon O by the accidental
discharge of a pistol
Baron Louis de- Levay of Hungary
married Miss Blanche de Wolfe of Bris
tol Conn at Newport
Ex Gov Waite was shut out of the Re
publican State convention at Deliver He
was heading a contesting delegation
F E Storm clerk of the United States
Railroad Commission of Washington
died suddenly at a private hctel at San
Illinois Starts the Move for a
Second Ticket
Favor Calling Another
tional Convention
Gold Democrats Openly Bevolt
Against Silver and Advocate Takincr
the Field Under Another Ticket
Leaders from Nine States Hold a
Conference Eastern Editors Head
the Bolt and Will Make War on
Free Coinage Others Enthusiastic
ally Endorse the Action of the Con
Illinois Democrats who favor the single
gold standard have taken the first step to
call a natiouul convention which wilL
rciiruaout thci views Texas is a close
second A conference
of leaders repre
senting the gold organization in these two
States was held Thursday night at which-
the following resolutions were adopted
m0lvedBy thii souna nionev Democrats
of Illinois that we are in favor of the caiHn
partj of the Luited States
for the nurnase of
SafnS Dr c candlnteJ fC the
rnL111 aml Vice Resident of
fa MStftcs II0 a Democratic- plat-
L lu lUlc CU1 we mvite the ad-
jiee and co operation of the sound money
0ther StatS f the
Kesolved That the Chairman of the sound
SSTorsunzaJon of lmls he directed to
appoint a committee to prepare an address to-
SorratSif the Unted States stating
grounds and reasons for putting
a nation
al Democratic ticket In the tiehl
The undersigned elected by the Democratic
convention of Texas to attend the
T SrScf t0 tliere co operate with any-
Democrats there met together for the
Sinnrtte lnteKrIt f the DemwSue
party and the perpetuation of Its principles
hereby heartily indorse the action of the lilt
nMHnnJ can- for a democratic
national convention to nominate a candiato
foi I resident and Vice President and adopt
a platform of Democratic principles
The bolt of the cold Dpmner itc lc
tended to th s newspapers favoring the
yellow metal and the New York Sun
Times Heral and World the Brooklvn
Eagle Chicago Chronicle Louisville-Courier-Journal
St Paul Globe and oth
er leading organs voic their disapproval
Brief editorial utterances follow
The election of the
erratic boy Bryan to bo
president of the United States woVid be a
haZardouSexperInient MinneapoIIsTdlm10
Anv man wlm nMrmru i
such n Platfornfwm 1- the Ancger
uUUUJl iuinsviue iKy Anzeiger
Jefferson- Lincoln and Uryan
-God save the country from such stupidltv
Leader - 111 1 vjuuu unio
The duty devolves upon the Democratic
leaders who have been Ignored reviledVui d
scofted at by the enemies of Democracy In
the Coliseum gathering to issue a call for a
Democratic convention Chicago Chronicle
They have put forth in the Democrath
S APorm which violates almost every
cardinal Democratic tenet The Courier
Journal refutes the new faith of liatism
pudiation and anarchy Louisville KyV
Courier Journal
Lunacy having dictated the platform it
was perhaps natural that hysteria should
evolve the candidate The nomination of a
boy orator when the ripest experience the-
- vvu iMuuiu luu uruuupst patriotism -and
the greatest executive ability
are re
quired comes perilously near taking the one
fatal step from the sublime New York
A orld
Indorse the Ticket
Other influential Democratic journals
all over the country and especially those
throughout the West and South give the
ticket enthusiastic indorsement and de
clare it to be a winner From the col
umns of some of those commending the
action of the convention the following
extracts are taken Jk
The convention met to select the strongest
candidate There is no questioning the judc
ment of the convention Kansas City Times
The Democrats of Missouri will now of
course tender to their silver champion th
highest honor which they control St Louis
His Indorsement by the Populist conven
tion will mean a solid and enthusiastic union
of all the silver forces a situation which the
Republican goldocrat party will view with
alarm Minneapolis Times
The youngest man ever nominated for the
Presidency he has already given conclusive
evidence of powers that Inspire confidence
In his filling the position with ability and
cood Judgment Cleveland rniurri Pt iir
His nomination will leave no resentments
Great as Is the triumph of Mr Bryan it is
no greater than that of Mr Bland who sees
in both platform and candidate his own slg
nal victory and his own exaltation St
Louis Post Dispatch
Next Choice Delayed
The Chicago convention did not decide
Friday night who would be placed on the
ticket with bryan McLean of Ohio
seemed to have the best chance in the
afternoon Senator Blackburn of Ken
tucky was strongly urged by delegates
who believe the time has come to abol
ish sectional lines altogether And there
was even some talk of Bland The con
vention had hardiy been brought to order
before a motion to adjourn was offered
and the delegates gladly postponed the
task of completing the ticket to the fifth
day of this most eventful convention
A peerage has been conferred upon Sir
Hercules Robinson governor of Cape
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