The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 16, 1896, Image 1

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VOL -21
Cominy Events
School meeting July2l
Teachers Institute July 20
County Commissioners Julv 22
G A 11 Entcrtalnment July 25
Shoe sale at T C Hornbys 24
Wait for the races next October
Everybody goes bathing these days
Dont miss reading The Preston
Aichie Pettycrew is- working in the
hay flats
J B Lord was up from Simeon
Adolph Heller was up from Sioux
City Monday
David Banna was up from Wood
Lake Thursday
Prof Phillip Ileelan was up from
Arabia Saturday
M G spent Tuesday at
Kenzel and Cody
Eobt Lucas was down from Gordon
on business Tuesday
E Mi Walcott made a business trip
to Crookston Tuesday
Prof John Gronin gave this office a
pleasant call last week
450 a month buys a Sewing ma
chine at T C Hornbys 25
C H Cornell went to Omaha Sun
day morning on business
Bennett Irwin was down from Gor
don on business Monday
C C Thompson was up from Hack
berry Lake this week
Prof Daniel Eowler was down from
the artesian well Tuesday
O P Billings of Xorden was in
town on business Tuesday
Are you going to Longpine Saturday
to hear Governor Holcomb
Ji H Yeast spent a couple days in
the country the past week I
Teachers Institute next week Get
xeady tor theVehool maams
Davenport Thacher received more
undertakers supplies this week
Mrs Guthhas returned from her
Visit with friends at the Agency
C 13- Tebbetts and daughter of
Beatrice were in town Saturday
L L Bivens was over from the
brick yard Monday and Tuesday
AN Gs Shaw has built a neat veranda
in frontof his photograph gallery
Last Sunday was the bottest day of
the year 98 degrees in the shade
Wanted Good girl for general
Housework Enquire at postoffice
W D Sadler has been ordered to
Idaho and will leave in a few days
Lost July 4th black cape trimmed
with braid Finder leave at this office
Four members of the Boston Comic
Opera Co quit the company at Chad-
Over one hundred cars of stock have
already been shipped out of the sand
Buy a Seamstress Sewing Machine
of T C nornby on the installment
O W Hahn is working with the
I E M Y fence gang near Wood
J H Qoigle arid Martin Christen
sen returned from- Chicago Sunday
B J Cook has closed his billiard hall
and bowling alley fur the summer
T T Reider and Wm Shuck of
Hopper registered at the City Hotel
Dont miss The Preston Mystery
It costs you nothing to guess at the
Street Commissidher BUllis expects
to complete hiswork on the streets
nest week
Bev McClellari will preach at the
Presbyterian church Sunday morning
and evening-
Every democrat in northwestern
Nebraska ought to be a subscriber to
The Democrat
p Sullivan returned to his home at
Cody Sunday night after attending the
convention at Chicago
Mrs Dorr of Irwin made final proof
on her claim Tuesday L Piper and
II H Gay were witnesses
Jas McLaughlin Indian inspector
arrived from Washington and went
over to Rosebud this morning
The register and receiver o the
Land Office are happy over the arrival
of a new Densmore typewriter
W A Selden the tailor went down
to Longpine Monday afternoon to look
after his farm and visit his family
Mrs F M Walcott and Miss Katie
ISbble returned from their visit to
Kearney and Hastings Friday even
Four government six mule teams
are busily engaged in hauling manure
and refuse hay onto the Ft Niobrara
Frank Whittecar brick inspector at
the Bosebud yard was in town Mon
day after making a trip home to Ains
H E Bell came up from Longpine
Sunday night to take charge of Otto
Bergers store during W A Seidells
Quigleys City Drug Store is now
free silver headquarters but the Palace
Saloon is a good second in the race for
the title -
Work on Jackson Bray tons new
building was suspended for a few
days on account of lack of stone for
C B Glover returned from Chicago
Tuesday night after attending the
democratic convention and visiting
his brother T n Glover
T C Hornby has one of the most
prettily arranged show windows ever
seen here It is a miniature well with
its old oaken bucket all made of gents
W P Alsip the brick man writes
this paper from Pine- Hitfge that he
will soon Have two machines running
and exjppttts to turn out
40000 to 50000 brick per day
Tite Democrat extends thanks to
J G Maher of Chadron for an excel
lent account of the opening of the na
tional convention at Chicago last week
It arrived too late for publication
Wanted Ten men at once to
work on brick yard at Bosebud Indian
Reservation Fifteen cents per hour
and three months job Board 350
per week W P Alsip
The Populist conventions of both
Brown and Keya Paha counties have
instructed their delegates to vote for
Otto Mutz ex treasurer of Keya Paha
county for the congressional nomina
The boys celebrated Bryans nomi
nation Friday night after great style
Pete Simons was chief factotum and
managed the auvils and bonfires
Quigley furnished the fireworks and
everybody orated
Fred Clark an old time Valentine
boy and Miss Alice Ormesher were
married last Thursday evening July 9
The newly married couple left Friday
night for Lead City where the groom
is employed m the mines
Geo Elliott Cherry county clerk who
attended the republican congressional
convention at Nortli Platte July 3
returned home Tuesday evening He
visited in Denver while gon e and de
nies the allegation that he went there to
absorb free silver logic
Monday evening Charles Smolinski
was arrested for being drunk and dis
orderly and was fined two dollars -and
costs On his refusal to pay the same
he was incarcerated in the city bastile
Upon his release he arranged to leave
town and did so yesterday morning
going to Lincoln
D H Thurston has rented the room
across the hall from The Democrat
and will open a law office in a few
days Mr Thursfon appears to be a
man of push energy and ability and
he has the best wishes of many in his
venture into the whirlpool of law
courts and clients
Yesterday morning on the com
plaint of Augustus Macpharson
James Ogle and Alice Aiken were
arrested on the charge of adultery
The defendants waived examination
and were bound over to the district
court in the sum of 100 each They
furnished the necessary security and
Svent on their wav hi oeaee
- - y
JnHUslieidQiic SoiarYenrH as
Arthur Seivall of Maine for Vice
President A Brief Descriptions
of the Convention by Slartin
Christenseit Alternate
The Democrat takes pleasure in
presenting to its readers the subjoined
account of- the democratic national
convention written by Martin Chris
tensen Mr Christensen is and always
has been a free silver man is chair
man of the democratic county central
committee and was an alternate to
the national convention
The convention was called to order
by the Chairman of the National Com
mittee Win llarrity After prayer
the battle began The Nebraska del
egation had come to Chicago with the
view of placing m nomination lor
temporary chairman their honored and
brilliant leader W J Bryan of Lin
coln but owing to the fact fas Mr
David B Hill of Kew York expressed
it that they the gold faction might
need the 1G votes of Nebraska to
eject a temporary chairman in
sympathy with them on the- financial
issue and to the fact that the national
committee was devided 27 against
and 23 for free silver the regular dele
gation from Nebraska was not seated
until the second day of the conven
tion when they were seated by the
unanimous vote of the committee on
credentials Senator Daniel of Vir
ginia and Hon David B Hill of Sew
York were placed in nomination for
temporary chairman Daniels repre
senting the silver and Hill the gold
elemeut of the convention The most
intense excitement was apparent dur
ing the call of the States on this vote
as it had been predicted that Hills
popularity would gain silver votes
enough to elect him as temporary chair
man But although Hills popularity
whs evident bbth orr the floor anil in
the gallary the silver men stood firm
and Daniels was elected The several
committees were then appointed and
convention adjourned until next day
On the second day the committee on
credentials reported in favor of seat
ing tne regular delegation from Ne
braska Gov Russell of Massachu
setts demanded a call of the state but
when the chairman stated that the
vote on seating this delegation- had
been unanimous Russell withdrew his
objection The Nebraska delegation
marched into the hall with- Dr Ed
wards of Lincoln carrying the Bryan
Club banner in the lead and the first
great demonstration of the convention
was had The delegation was seated
while 15000 people cheered Four of
the contesting delegates from Mich
igan were also seated after a hot par
liamentary fight The committee on
permanent organization presented the
name of Senator White of California
for chairman A vote was taken and
Senator White declared elected
The committee or platform now re
port A- minority report was present
ed and the battle for free coinage be
gan The chairman announced that
one hour would be given each side
Russell of Mass Vilas of Wis and
Hill of Netv York against and Jones
of Ark Tillman of S C and Bryan
of Neb for free silver Jones and
Tillman spoke first then Russell Vila
and Hill and last Bryan After Hill
finished there was tremendous ap
plause and then occured the most re
markable ev6nt of the convention
Bryans appearance on the stand was
the cause of a great demonstration
His first words were heard by every
person in the great hall and from that
-time on until he finished Bryon held
the audience spellbound and then well
then occurred something which the
oldest inhabitant had never seen
The convention went wild Ladies as
well as men jdmped up on their chairs
waving their handkercheifs umbrellas
coats etc After 30 minutes of this
kind of demonstration the people from
sheer exhaustion sat down The un
certainty of an hour before disappear
ed The friends of the candidates
talked of saw the danger and aa rA
journraent was moved and carrf
On the following day nominar
ting speeches were ff order The
name of the grand -old man from
soun was chep again and asain
Boies Blackburn Mathews and Mc
Lean vere also cheered but when
Georgia placed the name of W J
Bryan before the convention it was
evident that the genuine appreciation
atttbat girted orators power as a lead
er hapvnot abated On the third bal
lot it became evident that the race
vas between Bland and Bryan but
when the fourth ballot was reached
and Bland lost while Bryan gained the
great demonstration of the convention
was seen It has been called a stam
pede bnt it should rather have been
called an ovation The friends of the
other candidates had hoped that
Bryans strength would be broken
during the night but it was now evi
dent that instead of losing Bryan had
gained and that the ability aud won
derful record of this candidate had as
sured his nomination
0h the next day Arthur Sewall of
Maine -was nominated for vice presi
dent on the 5th ballot Mr Sewall is
a ship builder and carries on one of
the largest businesses of the greac
east The flag of Sewall can be seen in
every pprt of the world It has been
said that business men were afraid of
free silver Sewall has advocated free
coinage for years and it was owing to
him that Maine sent silver delegates
to this convention The Maine elec
tion is in September
M Christensen
AVJicre Shalt it le
Pursuant to adjournment the voters
of school district No 1 met at Cor
nell Hall Tuesday evening and ballot
ed for a site for a school house The
meeting was called to order by Presi
dent of the School Board F M Wal
cott and Secretary Pettijohn read the
minutes of the previous meeting
which were approved- President
Walcott stated the object of the meet
ing W E Haley and Robert Good
were appointed4 tellers and then the
fun if such it may be called commen
ced in earnest Five sites- were pro
posed and voted on as follows
No 1 Commencing at the southwest corncc
oLu ooa ant Eimore streets extending soinn
S7F ice along Wood street and west about 230 ft
itlongithe south line of Elmore street to switch
track comprising close to 36230 so ft Price
No 2 Facing 320 ft on Moore St and ex
tending north 230 ft along the east side of Main
and west of Hall Sts comprising one haf
block 73G00 sq ft Price conditioned on the
school tmildlng being faced south SCOOoo
No 3 Facing 250 feet each on Hall and Ma
comb Sts by 320 feet from street to street in
cluding alley including lots 3 4 5 C 7 10 ll 12
13 14 H C U Cornells add 80000 sq ft
Price 20000 Should the school district decide
upon this location it will be necessary for tiie
village board to vncateaco feet of alley between
said lots
No 4 Facing west side of Macomb St ex
tending 450 feet south from Elmore St thence
west 2jlft to extension of iay St comprising
114300 sq ft Price 4o000
No 5 One block of the Thacher subdiv ision
east of town Prico 40000
After some skirmishing it was de
cided that should a site be selected it
would be with the understanding that
the price to be paid would be 25- per
cent less than that named in the propo
sitions E McDonald offered a site
near the jail for 25000 The first
ballot resulted Xo 1 18 votes Ko
212 Xo 4-6- Isro 52 ISTo 61
Two thirds of all the votes cast being
necessary to the location of a site no
choice was made and another ballot
was- taken with but little change
in the result Third ballot was the
same and a motion to adjourn was
then put and lost Fourth ballot re
sulted Xol 21 votes 3STo2 16-
SFo4 6 total 43 The meeting then
adjourned to Tuesday July 21 when
another effort will be made to secure a
location Much electioneering for the
different sites will bo done this week
and an interesting time is expected at
the next meeting
The Democrat has no particular
choice for a site but it seems to it that
anv site which is nicely located is of
sufficient area and reasonable in price
should not fail to secure the votes
necessary to a choice There are a
number of such sites about town and
all should unite upon one of them at
the next meeting One or two blocks
east or west of the center should not I
be the test for the suitability of a so
Iiate Politica 1 News
Bryan will be given- a grt ovation
when he arrives at his Viome in Lin
coln tomorrow
California and Washington populists
and free silve republicans promise to
support Br yafc
f hls Taper does not think the ma
jorit tff gound money democrats will
g2t the ticket and but few of them
will support McKiuley
Indications are tbat there will hi at
least one and possibly two more can
didates for county attorney
Eepublicans are having trouble to
secure a chairman for the state central
committee Ex Gov Dawes refuses it
i Peter Jansea w ill probably be elected
k V
NO 25
Davenport Thacher
Invite you to call
and examine their
Mow is the time to buy your
Summer Goods 25 per cent
off on Mens Childrens and
Ladies Underwear Fine Or
gandies Dimities Lawns etc
that were 20c and 25c all go
now for 15c per yard
Dont forget that W A PETTYCKEW is
Just Received
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
At StettersOld Stand on Main Street
Valentine Nebraska
C H CORN ELL President M V NICBOLSOX Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Eanfcing Business Transacted
Suys anil Sells Domestic inil JForeign ExcJtangc
Correspondents Chemical National Bank Uew York ifirst National Bank Omaha
Fisli G ame Tender Steaks
Jncy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and tlie finest line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Bacon
ever sold in town
J tlie Choicest Brands
Ti l