The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 25, 1896, Image 2

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    the ihnfine Lmmmt
ROBERT B GOOD - Editoii PitoP
Make a Big Loan from the Roths
childs Buy Two New Warships
and Negotiate for More Censures
the United States
Looking for Trouble
A dispatch to the London Daily Mail
Xrom Madrid says The platform adopted
in St Louis causes great uneasiness in
Spain and it is feared that a conflict with
the United States has now almost a fixed
date The Government has hastened to
buy two 14000 ton ironclads at Genoa
whose price a few days ago was thought to
be excessive A great part of the loan of
100000000 placestas made by -the Roths
childs on the Almaden quicksilver mines
will probably be immediately applied to
such warships as are now for sale The
Governmeut lesponding to the undoubted
national sentiment and trusting probably
to the help of other powers seems le
solved to resist American positions
The Liberals have introduced in the
Senate a motion censuring the United
States and its attitude toward Cuba
Slayers of Jacob Hayes and Edward
Paul -Caught
Two of the three men whoanurdered
Jacob Hayes and Edward Paul at Wyo
ming Minn Saturday morning are now
lying in the Minnesota State Prison at
Stillwater and the third is dead at North
Branch having been killed there by
while trying to escape
After the Wyoming murder the men
walked north fourteen miles to North
Branch and entered the house of ex
Mayor -Smith carrying away clothing
money anil provisions Half a mile from
Smiths bouse they were seen by a couple
of railroad men and ordered to halt but
Ihey Jredon the railroad men andran
1 A large posse was immediately sent out
and the gang was located in a tamarack
swamp The posse -formed a circle of
-about thirty yards A fusilade of shots
the hastily formed breastwork
of logs The posse returned the fire and
for a few moments there -was a lull in the
battle when one of the desperadoes raised
his head to reconnoiter
He was shot through the head by a load
of buckshot from the gun of one of the
3osse The other two bandits immedi
ately weakened and surrendered One ol
these was also found to be badly wounded
inrtueiiead He gave his name asJames
Cunningham a boy of 19 Theother man
Thejdead man
IChe National Convention Ojiens in
The INorth American Turnerbund So
ciety which met at Louisville Ky lor a
three days session on the 21st held its
-annual business meeting at Turner Hall
National Speaker Braun of St Louis
called -the meeting to order and delivered
the annual address in which he stated
the number of societies was 505 repre
senting a membership of 3S851 The
value of halls owned by -the society is es
timated at 3500000 and other real estate
at 1000000
Adolph -George of Indiana was then
elected permanent chairman and Otho
Jansen of Lake Erie secretary Themeet
ing adjourned until the 22d after the ap
pointment of the usual committees
Three Men Killed and One Fatally
Hurt in New Jersey
Three men were instantly killed and
a fourth probably fatally injured in a
grade crossing accident at Abscom N J
The men were out for a drive Upon
reaching Abscom the animals either be
came unmanageable or the driver young
Huber attempted to beat the approaching
CJamden and Atlantic express across the
tracks The train was running at the
xate of sixty miles an hour The wagon
was partly over the tracks when the train
struck it f ull and threw the men in all
Herrmann Going to Sing Sing
Herrmann will mystify the inmates ol
the state prison at Sing Sing on July 4
with one of his inimitable magical enter
tainments Theother day he met Gen
Lathrop superintendent of the state
prisons of the state of New York and
volunteered to perform before the prison
ers The general accepted the offer with
alacrity -on the condition that the wizard
should omit one particular illusion
Pray what illusion do you wish me to
omit as iced Herrmann
Your famous escape from Sing Sing
answered the general It might arouse
Lopes in aspiring breasts
Have no fear replied Herrmann
They wouldnt be able to put it to prac
tical use if thev knew how it was done
Murder and Suicide
At St Paul after an all night quarrel
William Scboffner Jred at and missed hie
wife shot and fatally wounded his son
who tried to protect iiis mother and then
killed himself
Prefers Death to a Clean Shirt
Earl Wallich a Pecatonica Illinois
young man attempted suicide because
his mother told him to change his shirt
shooting himself in the side His chances
are fair for recover- It is thought he has
become mentally unbalanced through an
ittack of scarlet fever
W ailing is Convicted
The tril of Alonzo M Walling at
Newport Ky jointiy indicted with Scott
Jackson for the murder of Pearl Bryan
January 3i ended with conviction and
fte penalty fixed at Death
Indiana Woman a Standing Menace
to a Dangerous Gang
Mis Julia Gortner Tassels of Mulberry
Jnd while driving home from Bristol
was filed upon by an assassin one out of
the three shots striking her in the fore
head inflicting a dangerous wound In
1891 Mrs Tassels then unmarried was
convicted of receiving stolen goods and
she served eighteen months in the state
female reformatory Upon returning
home she was warned that if she betrayed
her associates she would be killed She
now claims- that her murder was at
tempted by the same gang who assassin
ated Jonathan Crumpacker and commit
ted other atrocities in that neighborhood
within the past two years and that she
will lay before the grand jury all the evi
dence at her command if she recovers
Executive of Hammond Ind Beaten
in a Peculiar Suit
One -year ago Hammond Ind had a
mad dog scare and the mayor issued a
proclamation ordering all dogs muzzled
otherwise they would be shot The mar
shal shot many among others a pedigreed
St Bernard owned by Banker Towle A
damage suit for 500 was at once begun
against Marshal Walker and Mayor Motr
and now in the Porter Circuit Court a
jury has returned a verdict of 135 and
costs against both defendants Other
suits are now apt to be instituted Judge
Gillett in this case decided that a procla
mation of this nature is void as the power
to pass such an ordinance is delegated to
the council and cannot by them be dele
gated to the mayor to be enforced at his
Eleven People Killed and a Dozen
Fatally and Seriously Hurt
At Taylor Cycle Park Little Palls N
r where the state meet of the L A W
was taking place the steam Yacht Tirus
exploded her boilers Ten were killed
outright and one died on the way to the
hospital Three were fatally injured six
seriously injured and the boat blown to
splinters Three of the bodies have not
been recovered but are believed to be in
the Erie canal The explosion resulted
from a defective working pipe connected
with the boilers The force of the explo
sion was terrific
Boycott Declared Off
The boycott which was declared against
the street railway lines of Milwaukee as
a result of the late strike has been de
clared off by the union The end of the
boycott practically ends the street railway
troubles The company has a full quota
of employes and 300 of the strikers have
applied for reinstatement and have been
placed on the reserve list The strike so
far as au organized movement is con
cerned is not however declared off but
will continue This is done because certain
obligations are to be fulfilled by the na
tional association All bus lines have
been withdrawn
Will Protect Buyers of Fruit
The fruit growers of the Michigan
peach belt are planning to take action
which will secure the enforcement of the
law passed by the last legislature requir
ing manufacturers of fruit packages to
plainly stamp the capacity on each pack
age Many of the factories are already
making peach baskets in fourths fifths
and sixths of a bushel but fail to mark
the different sizes The law was passed
at the request of the peach growers who
claim that only the commission men and
retail dealers are benefited by the substi
tution of the smaller sizes for peck bas
Court Orders Its Sale
In the United States circuit court at
Chicago Judge Jenkins entered a decree
for the sale of the Chicago and Northern
Pacific terminal system October 1 An
upset price of 10000000 has been fixed
by the court for the property The re
organization committee of the bondholders
nowbolds 95 per cent of the securities
and it will undoubtedly be the purchaser
of the road The outstanding bonds
amount to 2SS55000 Default was had
in the payment of interest on these in
October 1S94 and the property has since
been in the hands of receivers
Tramp Printer Dies of Rabies
A tramp printer giving his name as
Jackson and his home in Delaware died
at Hoopston 111 under circumstances
somewhat peculiar He claimed he had
been bitten by something three weeks
ago while sleeping out and that now he
had hydrophobia ne was found later
by a farmer near town in a weak condi
tion The farmers wife gave him a glass
of milk of which he drank a few swal
lows and died in less than two mintues
He was about 50 years old
In San Francisco
Among several distinguished Japanese
just arrived at San Francisco from the
orient isHoshi Turi Envoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary to Washing
ton who will succeed Mr Kurino who
has been sent as minister to Italy An
other is L Hayakawa councilor of the
Japanese Minister of Finance who is on
his way to London to settle the balance of
the money due the Japanese by Chiua as
indemnity incurred during the late war
Repairing Washouts
Two hundred men are at work near Red
Lake Falls Minn getting the Great
Northern road bed in shape after the
washout It is estimated the work -will
be finished in two weeks The Gooding
Milling Companys dam has broken lie
pairs have commenced but the mill will
be shut down for two months
Lovers Quarrel Ends in Death
3Iiss Claudia Anthonj residing at
Paris Ohio committed suicide by blow
ing her head off with a shotgun She
plaoed the muzzle in her south and dis
charged the shell by pressing on the
trigger ivith her foot She eas despond
ent on account of a quarrel with her
Inrites Exiles to Return
President Crespo has issued a procla
mation inviting political refugees to re
turn to Venezuela ne will instruct the
Venezuelan Consuls abroad to furnish
free passage
Slight Improvement Noticeable Re
cent Advance in Wheat Corn and
Cotton Unwarranted Strong De
mands on Spain for Reparation
Dun Cos Weekly Review
R G Dun Cos Weekly Review
Trade says Although there are con
tinued signs that a gain in business
has begun nothing appeared to justify
the advance of cent in wheat cent
in corn 5 lOcent in cotton and a reaction
started in all these with the taking of
profits Thursday Wheat receipts at the
west 2418705 bushels for the week
against 1113143 last year indicate no
slackening or supply Atlantic exports
2 ot40i bushels flour included for the
week against 1393871 last year are large
for the season but with new wheat just
beginning to move the supply is ample
The advance in cotton also had no visible
cause in crop prospects or movement
though receipts at ports have been light
There isiather more hopefulness which
is felt in a iest after the decline of wools
but prices are now lower and sales do not
increase Failures for the week have
been 270 in the United States against 228
last year and 28 in Canada against 31
last year
Must Make Reparation for
ties to Americans in Cuba
Instructions of a direct and most posi
tive character have been sent to the
United States minister at Madrid Han
nis Tayior to make strong representations
to the Spanish Government with a view
to securing reparation for indignities to
Dr Jose Delgado and other American
citizens in Cuba
It is understood the purpose is not so
much to press a pecuniary claim at a time
when Spain is embarassed as it is to in
sist on the right of full protection to the
persons of American citizens in Cuba
Mr Olneys instructions were sent before
meeting Dr Delgado and his father who
are now in Washington but their pres
ence has afforded an opportunity to secure
such full details of the indignity as may
become desirable when Mr Taylor acts
on his return to Madrid
The circumstances of the case as pre
sented to the Department bring out some
important phases not shown in the re
ports from Havana which preceded the
arrival of the Delgados The customary
criticism against Gen Weyler is varied in
this instance by full approval of the en
ergetic steps taken by him to afford the
DeJgados every aid toward reparation
At the suggestion of Consul General
Lee and on the advice of Dr Roderiquez
their counsel at Washington they came
to Washington to make a personal state
ment to the Secretary They have shown
to Mr Olney the machete which was
broken in the blow across Delgados face
the bullet which he received on the first
vojley and a photograph of Dr Delgado
on a stretcher after being taken from the
place of shooting These lent a graphic
interest to their recital of the events
Chicago Firm Gets the Bonds
The 400000 worth of water improve
ment bonds issued by Allegheny City
were sold to Farson Leach Co of Chi
cago for 107 flat the highest bid received
They are thirty year straight bonds and
107 is considered too low by many of the
city officials The finance committee ac
cepted the offer of the Chicago firm but
othes councilmen objected and want to
advertise for new bids A meeting of one
branch of the council was called to ap
prove the sale but a quorum was not
present It was reported the council did
not want to meet Another issue of
400000 worth of street bonds will be
Charged with Forgery
Col Henry B Beecher sou of the great
preacher was placed on trial at New
York in the criminal branch of the su
preme court before Judge Fursman on a
charge of forging an application of the
Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Rail
road for insurance in the American Casu
alty and Insurance Company of which he
was a director which failed in 1893
Beecher was jointly indicted with Win
E Midgley and Vinceno It Soleuch m
connection with the failure Midgley has
been tried and acquitted
Prominent Virginian Kills Himself
Keverdy J Dangerfield one of the best
known residents of Alexandria Va and
a member of a family which has been
prominent in social and business affairs
in that section of Virginia formany years
committed suicide at his home Melan
cholia induced by worry over financial
affairs and family troubles caused ihe
deed The suicides brother Henry killed
himself in the same house about two years
United Workmen Meet at Buffalo
More than one hundred delegates at
tended the opening of the twenty fourth
stated meeting of the supreme lodge of
the Ancient Order of United Workmen
at Buffalo N Y Supreme Master Work
man Joseph E Riggs of Lawrence Kan
occupied the chair City Clerk nubbell
delivered the speech of welcome in behalf
of the city Supreme Foreman J G
Tate of Nebraska responded
Father and Son Both Dead
a rain and electrical storm the
barn of Wilson T Slayback at Dayton
Ind was struck by lightning and Melvin
Slavback his son who had taken shelter
in the building was killed The death of
young Slayback so affected his father that
it brought on an attack of heart trouble
that resulted fatally W T Slayback
was 7S years of age and owned large
tracts of land near Dayton
Strike Settled by Arbitration
The printers strike in the Twin Cities of
Minneapolis and St Paul was settled by
an agreement between the Typographical
Union and the Publishers Association to
arbitrate all differences as to wages and
J hours
An Earthquake Occurs In Oco of
the Northern Provinces
News of a terrible earthquake involving
the loss of over a thousand lives has been
received from the island of Yesso con
tained in the northern provinces of Japan
All of this section was more or less
shaken The subterranean disturbances
lasted twenty hours during which the
utmost terror prevailed
lhe first shock was followed by a shocit
about every eight minutes numbering in
all 150 Details are lacking as communi
cation with the island is interrupted The
whole town of Kumashi is reported de
stroyed The disturbances were accom
panied by a tidal -wave in which it is pre
sumed Kumashi was engulfed as it is on
a narrow neck of land on the Pacific side
of the island
It is rumored the number of lives lost
and the damage done far exceeds the fig
ures contained in the brief official dis
Steamer Drummond Castle Lost with
3ro Pnooougers
A dispatch from Ushant near Breni
France says the steamer Drummond
Castle has gone down off there with 350
persons on board Two men were picked
up by fishermen The owners of the
vessel at London confirm the report that
she was wrecked
Armor Invented in Chicago
W V Green president of the Garden
City Fan Company of Chicago in con
junction with James H Wheeler of that
city are the inventors of an armor plate
for naval vessels which naval experts
agree is likely to prove a worthy succes
sor to the Harveyized plates now in use
If the test which will be made at the
naval proving ground at Indian Head
Md within the coming fortnight is suc
cessful the business of armoring naval
vessels may be revolutionized and Chi
cago may become the great center for
work of this class
If the conclusions of the inventors are
correct a vessel may be as thoroughly
protected by an eight inch plate of their
construction as by a sixteen inch Carne
gie plate and at not more than 15 per
cent of the cost of the latter A sample
section of plate made by this new pro
cess 5 bjT 7 feet in size and 8 inches thick
weighing six tons has been forwarded to
the Washington Navy Yard where ii
will be backed with oak and sent to the
proving ground for the final test
Sues for 100000 Damages
Suit for 100000 damages was brought
against the millionaire brewer F A
Poth of Philadelphia by his daughter-in-law
Mrs Freoerick J Poth The young
wife has just been acquitted of a charge
of infidelity brought by her husband
They have been separated for some
months Foung Mrs Poth is verv hand
some and she alleges that her husbands
wealthy father was responsible for the
case against her Mr Poth gives his wife
35 a week alimony and she desires ac
absolute divorce
Her Korviiod
As a reward for honesty Miss Mamit
Vaile of Warren Ohio received 1000
In February Miss Vaile found a wallet
containing 800 on the street and returned
it to its owner Rev H H Ogdon of New
York Rev Mr Ogdon recently fell heir
to a large fortune and he made Miss
Yaile a present of 1000 When he lost
the money he was enroute from Paines
ville to Columbus
Jumps from a Railroad Bridge
Mrs Henry Wright while carrying hei
husbands dinner to the plate glass factory
at Kokomo Ind was caught on the rivei
bridge by a train the engine being close
on her before she noticed it There being
no other means of escape the womar
jumped from the bridge and sunk in tin
water thirty live feet below The train
crew rescued her and found her nnin jured
Murdered for Five Cents
William H Lampman proprietor of a
10 cent lodging house at Grand Rapids
Mich was shot and instantly killed by
George T Sullivan a former employe
with whom he had an altercation over 5
cents which Sullivan claimed was owing
him Lampman called a porter and was
going to throw Sullivan out when Sulli
van pulled his revolver and fired
Sioux City
Hogs 2 973 10
Cows and Heifers 1 75 2 75
Sfockers and Feeders 3 00 3 45
Veal Calves 3 50 3 75
ButcheVs Steers 3 33 3 35
Yearlings and Calves 3 25 3 70
Sheep 3 40
Wheat 45 47
Corn 17 19
Oats 13K 14
Hay 5 00 6 00
Butter 10 11
Eggs 7 1
Hogs 2 95 3 55
Beeves 3 50 4 45
Stockers and Feeders 2 75 3 75
Wheat 57 57
Corn 27 Ti
Oats 17 17
Rye 32
Timothy Seed 3 20
Flaxseed 81J
South Omaha
Hogs 3 00 3 20
JSteers 3 30 4 00
Cows 1 50 3 50
Feeders 2 85 3 75
Kansas City
nogs 2 50 3 22
Beeves 8 00 4 05 -
Feeders 2 60 3 75
Sheep 2 50 5 10
June 0 55
Jiy U U
-Till A m I
Oats 17
Supreme Court Says that Mutual
Fire Insurance Companies Cannot
Accept Promissory Notes and Up
holds the Law Governing Them
Supreme Court Decision
The supreme court has handed down an
opinion in the case of The is tale ex rel
the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
against Eugene Moore Auditor of Public
Accounts In this case the insurance
company sought by application for a
writ of mandamus to compel the state
auditor to issue to it a certificate In his
answer to the petition the auditor set up
a number of pleadings the most import
ant of which were the constitutionality of
the law and a denial of the right of the
company to accept promissory notes in
payment for premiums Subsequently
by stipulation between the auditor attor
ney general and attorneys for the insur
Ance company all points of the answer
3f the auditor wore eliminated jcuoot the
Due involving the right of the company
to accept promissory notes The company
agreed to abide by the requests of the u
litor in the other matters and of course
oy the promissory note clause if the au
ditor should be sustained by the courts
Pending the submission of the case in this
jhape to the supreme court a Lincoln
ocal attorne C O Whedon appeared
is a friend of the court and asked per
mission to raise the constitutional ques
ion which had been dropped by stipula
ion and upon permission being given
aim to do so he filed a brief in support of
lis contention that the law permitting mn
ual insurance companies lo do business
n the state of Nebraska was unconsti
tutional ihe supreme court now says
in a i ine law is constitutional tnus
setting down on Wheedon but sustains
the contention of Auditor Moore and At
torney General Churchill that the com
pany has no right to accept promissory
notes as payment on premiums and de
nies the application for a writ of manda
Nebraska Railroad Extension
Surveyors are in camp three miles west
of Niobrara coming from the west to the
east It is the outfit that has been in the
field from Mitchell surveying a line from
there to Wheeler for the Chicago St Paul
Minneapolis Omaha and it is believed
that they intend continuing toBloomfield
TheBloomfield road is destined to reach
Fort Randall and a few years
ago when the Omaha and Niobrara
delegations waited upon the president
of the Northwestern he frankly ex
pressed his wish to make that
the first important extension in north Ne
braska The extension of a few miles of
the Newcastle line would intersect the
Hartington and Bloomfield line and it
would take but ten miles of the Elkhorn
Valley to intersect the Omaha line thus
practically making two feeders for Oma
ha and one for Sioux City The business
prospect of ihe Yankton bridge and rail
way extension is said to be the cause of
this new feature in railroad circles in
north Nebraska Petitions are being cir
culated for a special meeting of the Knox
County Board of Supervisors for the pur
pose of submitting a proposition to voters
in aid of the Yankton Norfolk South
western m he townships
Charged With Bigamy
Eobert D Roberson arrested several
days ago at Omaha on a charge preferred
by Alice McCulligan a woman with
whom he had been living for five years
without first going through the formality
of being married is being held on a more
sarious charge The first charge was
withdrawn on motion of the city prose
cuting attorney and one of bigamy substi
tuted From testimony given by the
minister of the church to which they be
longed it was learned tint he had always
introduced Miss McCulligan as his law
ful wife and had been so recognized The
new information is based on the civil
rights law and that to all intents they
were legally man and wife Roberson
after leaving Miss McCulligan married
another woman and it was this which led
to his arrest
Fatal Freight Wreck
As fast freight No 80 was passing
FileTid on the morning of the 19th the
tran ran into an empty stock car that had
blown out xipon the main line The en
gine and two head cars were not derailed
but the next seven were thrown from the
track and splintered Most of the cars
were loaded with live hogs of which
eighty five were killed There were three
tramps stowed away in these wrecked
cars one of whom was instantly killed
Coroner Troyer was summoned and an
inquest held The dead man was F
Doane whose parents are supposed to re
side at San Jose Cal
Drowned in the Platte
Ernest Johannsen went swimming in
the Platte at Fremont with a number of
companions As the boy were leaving
the water he sprang in for a last dive and
got into deep water Charles Kirkpatrick
sprang to his rescue and both sank
Kirkpatrick was rescued with difficulty
but Johannsen was drowned Hie body
u as found an hour later
Child Fatally Hurt
As the 3-year-old daughter of Willis
Campbell a prominent stockman living
near Chadron was playing in a pasture a
bunch of young horses stampeded and
ran over her crushing her skull in such a
manner that physicians were obliged to
remove several inches of it ner recovery
is not looked foi
Fremont Man Hurt in New York
A telegram was receied at Fremont
that L P Hansen of that city had been
badly injured in New York by a fall and
that his skull was fractured Mr Hansen
was on his way to Denmark being called
there by the illness of his mother
Plattsmouth People Hurt
John and Fred Devren Mrs M N An
thony and Benton Brown and wife were
thrown from their buggies at Plattsmouth
and considerably shaken up The team
was frightened by a passing engine
Mayor of Beatrice 111
Mayor Dwyer of Beatrice has left for
Battle Creek Mich hoping to benefit his
health by a course of treatment at the
sanitarium lie was accompanied by his
physician wife and brother-in-law Mr
Dwyer has been in a serious condition
physically for some weeks
Winnebago Commencement
The 15th was commencement day at the
Winnebago Indian school The Indian
children are said to make just as good a
showing in their studies as their white
brethren of the same age
w A
Building Piattsmouths Depot S
A large force of workmen is now en
gaged changing the ireks on the Bur
lington and Missouri at the foot ot Main
street Plattsmouth The tracks will be
raised considerably and the main line will
strike the northwest corner ol the present
site of he old depot which will also be
demolished An old building formerly
used as an office in the shop yards will be
moved down to the foot of Main Street
and used as a temporarv depot wliilo the
handsome new structure is in course of
erection The tracks will be so arranged
as to give greater switching facilities and
plenty of platform room for the new
depot The new building will be a com
modious modern affair with office rooms
and the usual appurtenances and its
erection will be commenced immediately
upon the completion of the track change-
Harvesting Fillmore Countys Crop
The weather of the past few days is of
the sort that is making ihe biggest crops
seen in Fillmore County for many years
It is no uncommon thing to find pieces of
rye that stand over six feet tall and
wheat and oats that range from four and
a h ilf to five feet Up lo the past week
the weather has not been such as to push
corn along now however it is coming
on finely and farmers will not be able to
keep pace with its rapid growth if this
lavorabto went tier continues The har
vesting of wheat and rye has begun
There will be from present indications
the largest crop of early potatoes ever
known there Everything tends to make
the farmer rejoice except the very low
prices for his commodities of which Iiq
complains bitterly
Soldier Drowned at Fort Robinsom
While troop A Ninth cavalry
the reservoir a few days since a mile j
uuiii n uii liouinsou leacmug meir noises
to swim J B Nell is was the first man in
the water with a horse and made a tour ol
the reservoir once in the shallow water
and had just started further out for the
purpose of swimming when his horse was
seen to reir up and Nellis to fall off
Every effort was made to rescue him but
without avail Some of the men swam
out toward him but he was gone Tlia
troop commander had issued orders thai i
none but good swimmers should undress
Nellis had been a cowboy in Nevada and
enlisted about June 1893 A telegram wa
senl to his family in Providence R I
Veteran Hog Thief Arrested
Sheriff Huberle of Nebraska City re
turned from Iowa a few days ago having
in charge Quillen Beck who is wanted
there for hog stealing Beck in company
with Bob Barret and George Harris is
alleged to have stolen twenty hogs from a
farmer named Joseph Spohnle last Jan
uary Beck was arrested there about a
year ago for stealing a load of hogs at
ltockport Mo and had only Leen released
a short time when he committed the sec
ond offense
Boys Explode a Can of Gunpowder
Two youthful sons of Richard Bilstein
of Plattsmouth found a can of gunpowder
and determined to have a grand celebra
tion They got matches and finding a
quiet nook in the back yard struck a
match and touched off the can The re
port startled the whole neighborhood
while the concussion scattered the boys
in opposite directions The little fellows
were badly burned and a physician had
to pick the powder out of their faces
Boy Fatally Injured
John Webber a lad of 15 was run down
by a switch engine on the Burlington
near the packing house at Nebraska City
and was so badly injured as to rendeY
neceessary the amputation of both legs
one at the knee and the other at the hip
The boy was riding a spirited pony
which taking fright at the train became
unmanageable and attempted to cross the
track immediately in front of the engine
It is feared the boy cannot recover
Quarreling Over a Curfew Law
At the last city election the matter o
passing a curfew ordinance was submitted
to the voters of the city of York At that
time the matter was favored by a large
majority However many weeks have
elapsed and yet the council have passed
no such ordinance The trouble seems to
be on the age and time limit The matter
has been brought up several times but as -yet
no agreement has been reached
Big Shipment of Live Stock
A trainload of stock numbering seven
teen cars was shipped from Wilsonville
for South Omaha Charles McCombs
headed the list with eight cars of cattle
A W Hunt six cars of hogs William
Johnson two cars of cattle and Litson
Artz one car of hogs Wilsonville has
the reputation of being the most promi
nent shipping point in southwester
Quiet Work of Burglars
W G Uhlig Cos clothing store at
Fairbury was robbed a few nights since
The jewelry showcase was cleaned out
and a considerable quantity of other
goods taken including thirteen vests
neckties etc Entrance was effected by
lemoving a panel from a rear door and
the work was done so quietly that those s
who room over the store were not
turbed r
Not Likely to Extend to Homer
The outiook for an electric line or an
extension of the present line to Homer is
very dubious at present It is said the
extra expense the Sioux City Street Car
Company will be put to in relaying its
tracts when that city paves will prevent it
from extending its line in Dakota County
any farther for some time to come
Burlington Shop Mjui Hurt
Charles lieed an employe of the Bur
lington car repair shops at Plattsmouth
met with a painful injury a few days ago
A heavy drawbar fell on his leg gashing
and bruising the flesh badly No bone
were broken
Sold 3Iortgaged Property
C E Cash was placed in the Dawes
County jail in default of 050 bonds
charged with selling and removing prop
erty covered by chattle mortgage
Bancroft Votes Bonds
There was an election held at Bancroft
for the purpose of voting water works
bonds with the following result Fifty
four for and twenty against
Clay Countys Assessed Valuation
The Clay County board of supervisors
was in session three days as a board of
equalization and then took a recess of ten
days The assessed valuation of the
county as returned is 2292470 This is
considerable less than last year
Disposed of Mortgaged Property
The application for a writ of habeas
corpus -filed by C E Cash who was
brought back on a requisition from Iowa
charged with disposing of mortgaged
property was denied by Judge Westovei
at Kushville r Of
f i