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Jmw iSNX Jfci 5rTklYfiA Mrn mmsism YOU CAN SOON SIT IN THE SHADE AND ENJOY LIFE IF YOU f INVEST luun SAVINGS JUDICI OUSLY IN i STOCKS I GRAIN OR PROVISIONS j 100 PROFIT ON 20 INVESTED Send for our Booklet on HOW TO TRADE SUCCESSFULLY I i HIELD BROS CO TRADERS BUILDING CHICAGO WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS please say you saw the advertisement In this paper CUBES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Byrup Tastes Good Use in tlma Bold by drutnnsts How Opium Was Forced on China The conflict known as the Opium War by which the Chinese govern ment was compelled to permit the en trance of foreign opium within its lim its began in 1840 and continued two years The circumstances leading to it lated from the last century when War ren Hastings then governor general of India determined to find a market for the opium of the Ganges valley For many years it was smuggled Into Chi na but the Emperors discovering the evil it was doing took rigid measures to prevent this From time to time however cargoes of opium found their way inland until in 1839 a special com missioner was sent to Canton where the British had a foothold with orders to exterminate the business He did so thoroughly drove out the British merchants and destroyed 10000000 worth of opium then In stock The British government took up the cause of the merchants sent a fleet and mili tary force from India and in the war that followed the Chinese were worst ed were compelled to pay a large In demnity to reimburse the owners of the opium destroyed and to open cer tain ports to all English products opium among the rest The Rock of Gibraltar Is not steadier than a system liberated from the shackles of chills and fever bilious re mittent or dumb ague by Hostetters Stom ach Bitters a perfect antidote to malarial poison in air or water It is also an unexam pled remedy for bilious rheumatic or kidney complaints dyspepsia and nervousness It Improves appetite and sleep and hastens convalescence Actinogram which is Greek radio script which is Latin and ray sketch which is English are suggested as names for the Roentgen pictures in place of nondescripts like shadowgram and radiograff isitjjroaitetnatwnat a million women say aftei dally trial Is a mistake They say they know by test Uia Dobbins Electric Is mo t economical purest and best They have had 31 years to try It Yuu give a one trial Prick the crust on every pie to let the steam escape When using fresh fruit insert in center of top crust a small round tube of tin or strong paper through which steam will escape as through a chimney Mrs Wlnslovrs Soothino Brarp for Children teething softens tue gums reduces inflammation llays pain cures wind colic 25 centB a bottle Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system which the pleasant family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt ly removes That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts Itis therefore all important in order to get its bene ficial effects to note when you pur chase that you have the genuine article which is manufactured by the California Fig S3rup Co only and sold by all rep utable druggists If in the enjoyment of good health and the system is regular then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed If afflicted with any actual disease one may be commended f he most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative then one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction The many imitations of HIRES Rootbeer simply point to its excellence the genuine article proves it Mde only fcy The Charles E Hlrei Co Philadelphia 25c pickags nukes 5 gilloct Sold OTexywttr T1 tUT FELIX GOURAUDS ORIENTAL C REAM OR MAGICAL BEA DTIFIER Ttemoves Tan Pimples Frecl les Moth Patches Rash and Skin diseases and every blem drfU isn on oeaury ami uenes aeiection ic has stood the test o 7 years and is tc Harmless we taste it to be sure it i8 prop erly made Accept n o counterfeit o i similar name Dr L A Sayre said to a lady of the haut tor a patient As you ladies will use them I recommend Qou rands Cream as the least harmful of all the Skin prepare lions For sale by all Drufrgists and tancy lioods Deal ers In the United States Canadas and Europe FERD T HOPKINS Propr 37 Great Jones Street N Y t r x q t 1 1 1 t T i n t f p K i e k - i 1 - - I 1 i - t 1 S i 1 - i t a t - 1 1 - - r r T t r ri h t bib FIELD AND HOC FENCE WIRE 2S 38 42 SO or 38 inches high Quality and workmanship tho best Nothing on the market to compare with it Write fop full information UNION FENCE COMPANY DE KATB ELL Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work but Quick Witted People Use SAPOLIO SUPPOSE WE SMILE HUMOROUS PARAGRAPHS FROM THE COMIC PAPERS Pleasant Incidents Occurring tho World Over Sayings That Are Cheerful to the Old or Young -Funny Selections That Everybody Will Enjoy Heading Why of Cortrse Mr Blossom I dont understand why daughters company should talk in such a boisterous manner this even ing Mr Blossom Oh dont worry about em tiheyre probably having a game of whist S F Wave No Ghost Had Walked for Him Elderly Party on the Rialto Ex cuse -me sir but do you believe in spiritualism Mr Hamm Indignantly No sir Im an actor New York Herald His Function I wish said Willie Washington with a touch of real emotion in his voice that I could biwing myself to be of more consequence in this world Oh dont worry Everybody has his use But I am getting a little tiahed of being just a elinvysanthemum holder Washington Star The Difficulty Hazel Say havent you and Jack been engaged long enough to get mar ried Malbel Too long He hasnt got a cent left Truth I As It Is Spoke Do yer study grammer Naw I done got t rough grammar -Judge Definite Walter Which part of the fowl do you prefer Pugilist An upper cut- Not His Voice I envy Bings whenever he sings So much does he deserve Tis not his voice makes me rejoice I envy him bis nerve Judge No Practical Value I have a story for you that will make your hair stand on end Well what good would that do I dont know one note on the piano from another Indianapolis Journal Different Kinds Parrot Some men are born great some achieve greatness WigginsYes and others wear En glsh clothes that are too big for them Harpers Bazar Different from Folks The dog is a sagacious animal Even when he has a distinguished pedigree he never has the foolish notion that he is entitled to any credit for it Truth Which Accounted for It After that remarked the slim young man who had been telling an inane ghost story my mind was a blank That accounts for it commented a sharp young woman and there was an interregnum of profound silence Truth The Doctors Rejrrete The Wife Two weeks ago you said my husband couldnt live and now hes nearly well The Doctor Madam I can only ex press my regrets Tid Bits No Ends His sermon almost endless And thus his people sit And find it very hard to make Head or tail of it Detroit Tribune Dog Seems Grateful Bobbetteoii the money you spend in feeding thai dog of yours would assist materially in keeping some poor man out of the almshouse I suppose it would but Hhe dog seems really grateful Indianapolis Journal In the Swim m im The Girl of the Period That woman knows everybody shes right in the swim The Country Cousin Ah I suppose thats why she taken so many of her clothes oif London An Impossibility A colored pastor in Texas demand ing his salary is reported to have said Bruddern I cant preach heah and boad in hebn Exchange How He Got His Title Jenkins Hello Colonel did you eve get title in the civil war Col Jonsing No indeed sah I nevei fot a stroke sah Jenkins Well what a- you called colonel for Col Jonsing Bless your heart sah i dont know nless its cause Im froir Delaware down in the peach district sah They calls me the peach colonel sah Boston Standard Baisinsr the X by X Kays tiro HE ten r HAVEtfT GOT IT fir L -Cincinnati Enquirer His Supreme Effort Willie Waldoates At last father Im going to make a serious plunge for fame Papa Wildoates Thank heaven for your wise resolution What will you do Willie Wildoates Im to do the div ing act in a tank show next season Texas Sittings What Her Husband Is Like Mrs Greene declares that her hus band is just like fire When he goes out theres no knowing where he goes to Boston Transcript Too Solicitous Mmma You know Johnny when niaaniL whips her little boy she does it for his own good Johnny Mamma I wish you didnt think quite so much of me Boston Transcript Had Been There Before Gentleman to rider who has been thrown from his horse My dear sir how is it passible that you have not hurt yourself Rider Practice makes perfect Flie gende Blaetter Impossible Magistrate Prosecutor accuses yoa af having bitten his hand Prisoner That is impossible sir I am a vegetarian Kansas Emporium Dressing After a Hero r ri v - j Zr2JS r ft 1 vj y f g sj Grispi Well sire what do you think Le Rod I think that Menelek doe not wear a mustache Le Rire Billy Fresh Freshly seating himself beside prettj girl in car If you have no objection I will raise the window I do love th fresh air She Cant say I love your fresh air Leave the window as it is San Fran cisco Wave Using Her Engagement Kings Your daughter has a great manj admirers Oh yes she puts nearl3 all her window curtains on the rodi witlh her old engagement rings Lou isville Courier That Blessed Baby Mrs Oldboy Well is the baby grow ing Mrs Newwed Yes at least his voice is Truth His Weakness While I am no jingo said the re porter who for the fourth time in onx week had to correct an item still 1 seem to be a success as a tale twister Cincinnati Enquirer We Should Heardso In case of war we could fall back on the national guard Saldso Ye es provided we could fall back fast enough Truth Unfortunately Said You see I was engaged to my wife without ever having seen her Yes that is quite evident Ex change A General Experience Lady Customer in china shop Do you break those sets Dealer No madam the purchasers servants usually attend to that Tid Bits Mistaken Mother Jeesie did I hear Arthur pro posing to you last night Jessie I den t think jou did mother Arthur talks awfully low The Cork Tree The removal of the bark from the eork tree If properly done does not affect the vitality of the plant because only the outer layer of dead bark which has already fulfilled its purpose in the trees economy Is taken away The operation is first performed when the tree is about fifteen years old and if carefully done may be repeated every ten years The tree lives from 100 to 200 years and the quantity of bark lb increased with age although the qual ity remains about the same There are plantations of cork trees in Portugal which are known to have been in exist ence three hundred years ago The New Express A fast train for Kansas City and Si Louis leaving Sioux City daily at 8 p m This is a Northwestern Line train from Sioux City runs over the Sioux City Pacific Railroad and you should be sure that your ticket reads via this route from Sioux City Time tables information etc cheer full j furnished by addressing H C Cheyney General Agent Security Bank Building Sioux City Iowa Keep the soup kettle always tightly covered lest the aroma of the soup es cape with the steam Hot Springs S D Excursion Special train over the F E M V R R from Sioux City May 17th at rate of 1480 for the round trip Tickets good ten days daylight ride For additional information address H C Cheyney General Agent Sioux City Iowa White meated game should be very vell cooked while dark meats should be served rare Halls Catarrh Cure fs a constitutional cure Price 75 cents A pinch of salt added to the white of eggs will make them beat up quicker and lighter Cream of tartar should always be mixed with flour soda with milk We will forfeit 1000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine THE PISO CO Warren Pa A frigate bird can fly an entire week without stopping to rest FITS All Fits stopped free by Dr Klines Great Nerve Restorer Ko Fits after first days nso Mar yelons cures Treatise and 200 trial bottle free to Fit cases Send to Dr Kline 931 Arch St Phila Pa Cripple The iron grasp of scrofula has no mercy upon Mts victims This demon of the blood is often not satisfied with causing dreadful sores but racks the body with the pains of rheumatism un til Hoods Sarsaparilla cures Nearly four years ago I became af flicted with scrofula and rheumatism Made Running sores broke out on my thighs Pieces of bone came out and an operation was contemplated I had rheumatism in my legs drawn up out of shape I lost appetite could not sleep I wa3 a perfect wreck I continued to grow worse and finally gave up the doctors treatment ta Well take Hoods Sarsaparilla Soon appetite came back the sores commenced to heal My limbs straightened out and I threw away my crutches I am now stout and hearty and am farming whereas four years ago I was a cripple I gladly rec ommend Hoods Sarsaparilla URBAN HAMMOND Table Grove Illinois Hood s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier All druggists 1 Prepared only by C I Hood Co Lowell Mass - - m H rHc Diilc cure liver Ills easy to take 11UUU i fills easy to operate 25 cents Successfully Prosecutes Claims Late Principal Exftmtnor US Pension Bureau 3 yrs In last war 15adjudlcting claims atty since ISnrs roller icimrrsri innnrnin nnnTii I rn Prtce35ctafluiuina cviuucn o rno i ieixo MMIpgJBlIiBi tTOgTfoff Hilsei H C N U bymail StowrflfcOe WW - 120 00 PATENTS TRADE MARKS Examination and advice aa to Patentability m Inres tloas Send for Inventors gittok or How to Git x Pitxnt Patrick OFarreU Washlncton DOr OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 66 9 I kJl J211AJDO ftTT D0ES N0T 0L round UILtt qoes STRAIGHT TO WORK ON PATN ANTk ftfcTVPQ TT OnT ANT iCTTTTTC r www O IT OFF FROM RETURNING THATS BUSINESS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I Breast Coco f Made by Walter Baker Co Ltd f Dorchester Mass is a perfect type oi the highest order of excel- t lence in manufacture It costs less j than one cent a cup fc tsgigti A