r r i 9 y Where Chrysanthemum Are Eaton Iu Japan the flowers of chrysanthe munis constitute a popular dish Dur ing the months of November nnd De cember bunches of them washed and carefully displayed may be seen in the stores of all the dealers in vegetables Almost all the varieties are edible strictly speaking but those to which preference is usually given have deep yellow flower heads Value of Our Farm Property Secretary Morion iu his annual re port figures that the farm property of the United States is worth 913000000 000 there being 4504041 farms aver aging in value S2009 I Wi fit HfQ La a til v7 S2a a a H jy Anxiously watch declining health of their daughters So many are cut off by consumption in early years that there is real cause for anxiety In the early stages when not beyond the reach of medicine Hoods Sarsaparilla will restore the quality and quantity of the blood and thus give good health Read the following letter It is but just to write about my daugh ter Cora aged 19 She was completely run down declining had that tired feeling and friends said slit would not live over three months She had a bad and nothing seemed to do her any good I happened to read ahout Hoods Sarsapa rilla and had her give it a trial From the very first dose she began to get better After taking a few bottles she was com pletely cured and her health has been the best ever since Mns Addie Peck 12 Railroad Place Amsterdam N Y I will say that my mother has not stated my case in as strong words as 1 would have done Hoods Sarsaparilla has truly cured me and I am now well Coka Peck Amsterdam N Y Be sure to get Iloods because Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier All druggists 1 Prepared ouly by C I Hood Co Lowell Mass Honff PillQ are lnirely vegetable re- Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish ibefore proper ef fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system which the pleasant family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt ly removes That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts Itis therefore all important in order to get its bene ficial effects to note when you pur chase that you have the genuine article which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only and sold by all rep utable druggists If in the enjoyment of good health and the system is regular then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed If afflicted with any actual disease one may be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative then one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely vised and gives most general satisfaction The long Winter days are nearly over A succession of Colds Coughs or Pneumonia has weakened the system and strength doesnt seem to come back again You re main pale and weak You have a slight cough in the morning and perhaps a little fever in the afternoon You need A Food as a Spring medicine not a mere tonic Such a food is Scotts Emulsion of Cod liver Oil with Hypophosphites which will heal inflamed mem branes make good blood and supply food for sound flesL j iS0tmt fMfm f 1 1 M 2 A -- Can California Raise Coffee An attempt is to be made to cultivate the coffee plant in the beautiful San Joaquiu Valley in California The result cannot be known it is said within less than six years The chief anticipated difficulty arises from the lack of a proper quantity and distribu tion of rain Pictured Rocks On the base of a cliff of granite aim marble running for about two miles along the shore of Lake Alassanog in Canada and rising in places to a height of three hundred feet an in teresting series of pictographs has re cently been discovered These picture writings extend at intervals along the entire length of the wall of cliffs but are nowhere more than six feet above the water of the lake They probably represent highly interesting events in the career of the people whose artist historians placed them there Majjnets Pnt to Work This seems to be emphatically the age of work Elephants have been set -to pulling stumps and rolling logs and now electro magnets have been pressed into service in England for the lifting of heavy masses of iron and steel The magnets are attached to cranes and are operated by a current from an electric power circuit When the current is on they grip their load with a lifting strength equal to two tons but when the current is turned off they instantly let go An instance of the application of such a magnet is cited where work which formerly occupied six men for ninety minutes can now be done by three men and the magnet in fifteen minutes Burning Gas from Ice A correspondent of Science describes an interesting scene recently witnessed on a skating lake near Baltimore White spots resembling air bubbles were noticed in the ice and one of the skaters bored a hole into such a bubble and applied a match to it whereupon a flame burst out at the surface Further experiments showed that when a small hole was bored down to the bubble a long thin jet of flame could be obtained which would last for a considerable time The bubbles were due to accumulations of marsh gas formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter at the bottom of the lake The correspondent suggests that such supplies of marsh gas might be utilized for the illumination of skat ing ponds at night Useful Mechanical Principle Trial has recently been made in building operations of a mechanical device known as Feases tubular con struction it is based upon the simple fact that three tubes each having an open slit along one side may be interlocked in the manner shown in the accompanying cut Of course the number of tubes that can thus be connected is indefinite By add ing a sufficient number on each side of the three for instance a flat ex panse like a roof would be formed In fact this construction has been used for the roofs walls and floorings of buildings in place of corrugated iron Sometimes to obtain greater rigidity the tubes after being interlocked are filled with concrete No bolts or riv ets are needed By making the tubes of different diameters and in other ways a great variety is introduced in the application of the principle PhotographinK Hidden Tilings Professor Roentgen of the Univei sity of Wuertzburg Bavaria has re cently succeeded in photographing the bones of the hand of a living person through their covering of flesh while the flesh is invisible in the photograph He has also made photographs of ob jects concealed behind screens of wood and other substauces and some of his experiments have been repeated both in this country and England In experimenting with a Crookes tube which is a glass tube or bulb from which the air has been as far as pos sible exhausted and through which an electric current is passed Professor Roentgen found unexpectedly that the rays issuing from the tube were not only able to penetrate certain opaque substances a fact previously known but also to impress upon a pho tographic plate images of objects sit uated between the concealed tube and the plate When the hand for in stance was thus placed with the elec tricity excited Crookes tube on one side and the photographic plate on the other the rays from the tube passed through the flesh but not through tli6 bones and the outlines of the bones were photographed upon the plate Ex traordinary suggestions have been made as to the possibility of so perfect ing this discovery as to enable physi cians to photograph bullets calcareous deposits and other extraneous and inju rious substances or formations in the human body Too much should not be expected however until more facts are known It may be remarked that the rays which act so mysteriously are not light rays and perhaps not electric rays just what they are remains to be determined If this weather lasts two days long er the first birds of spring will appeac wearing shirt waists THE BREAD OF THE WORLD What This Important Food Js Made Of in Different Countries In England and America wheat bread is within the reach of all and scarcely is a thought given to the fact that only a small portion of the earths inhabitants enjoy it It is only during the last century that wheat bread has come into common use A hundred years ago wealthy families in England used only a peck of wheat a year and that at Christmas eating oatcakes dur ing the remainder of the time The German pumpernickel is a rye bread with a curious sour taste but after eating it awhile one acquires quite a taste for it It is less nutritious than that of wheat In the poorer parts of Sweden the people bake their rye bread only twice a year and store it away so that eventually it is as hard as bricks Farther north still barley and oat 3 become the chief bread corn But in the distinct north is where man is put to thought to provide himself with bread In Lapland if a man trusted to grain he would starve so the people eke out their scanty store of oats with the inner bark of the pine and after grinding this mixture it is made into large flat cakes which after all are not half bad In dreary Kamschatka the pine or birch bafk by itself well ground pounded and baked constitutes the whole of the native bread food Bread and butter is represented by a dough of pine bark spread with seal fat In certain parts of Siberia the people not only grind the pine bark but cut of the tender shoots which procedure must give the bread an unpleasantly resinous flavor In Iceland the lichen is scraped off the rock made into bread puddings and put into soup In Russia and China buckwheat is pressed into ser vice It makes a palatable bread though of a dark violet tinge In Italy and Spain chc stnurs are cooked ground into meal and used for bread and soup thickening Millet fur nishes a white bread in Arabia Egypt and India This grain is credited with being the very first used in breadmak iug Rice bread is still the staple food of the Chinese Japanese and Indians In the Indian archipelago the starchy pith of the sago palm is made into bread and in parts of Africa the natives us i a certain root for the same purpose Climbing Elephants Elephants are able to make their way up and down mounts ins and through a country of steep cliffs where mules would not dare to venture and even where men find passage difficult Their tracks have boen found upon the very summit of mouutains over 7000 feet high In these journeys an elephnat is often compelled to descend hills and mountainsides which are almost pre cipitous This is the wy in which it is done The elephants first maneuver is to kneel down close to the declivity One foreleg is then cautiously passed over the edge and a short way down the slope and if he finds there is oc good spot for a firm foothold he speed ily forms one by stamping into the soli if it is moist or kicking out a footing if it is dry When he is sure of a good foothold the other foreleg is brought down in the same way Then he per forms the same work over again with his feet bringing both forelegs a little in advance of the first foothold This leaves good places all ready made for his hind feet Now bracing himselt up by his huge strong forelegs he draws his hind legs first one and then the other carefully over the edge where they occupy the first places made by the fore feet This is the way the huge animal proceeds all the way down zig zag kneeling every time with the two hind legs while he makes footholes with his fore feet Thus the center of gravity is preserved and the huge beast prevented from toppling over on his nose Public Opinion How Silk Is Adulterated Some improvements in the treat ment of silk are announced Ordinarily silk is weighted by depositing tan nate of tin on the fiber the material receives a bath of tannic acid and theu another of perchloride of tin a repd tition of this being made until an in crease of the weight amounts to from 15 to 20 per cent beyond which it is not considered safe to go in the case of silk intended to be dyed light shades or to be bleached Recently a German inventor has brought forward a process in which silica is the weighting agent In carrying out this method three steps are described First the silk law or in any stage of manufacture and either before or after dyeing is worked for n hour in a bath of perchloride of tin hen after squeezing and washing it is worked in a warm solution of water glass or soluble silicate of soda for about an hour followed by washing having also been previously passed through a solution of phosphate of soda The operation may be repeated again and again with no harmful ef fect on the fiber or on the subsequent dyeing and in five operations the silk may be increased in weight some 100 to 120 per cent The silk is now soaped and if already dyed is cleared in an emulsion of olive oil and acid Stove Polish A good durable water proof liquid itove polish is made of purified black lead granite reduced to a very fine powder one pound perchloride of iron half an ounce Moisten with just enough water to form a stiff paste and mix intimately by trituration in a mor tar and gradually add water suflicient to reduce the paste to a thin cream Shake before using The passion to be a leader is the foundation of half the new religions that are started Any girl old enough to take a vaien ne seriously is too old to get ene Paris Well Fortified The German Chancellor Caprivi in a speech said that Paris is the largest and most formidable fortress the world has ever seen a stronghold with fifty six forts and an outer line of fortifica tions of nearly 100 miles The wall of Paris is built around the inhabited por tion of the city inclosing all the monu ments and business houses It is sur rounded by a broad ditch The original plans provided for a second wall some thousand paces beyond this one but instead there is a circle of forts from one to two miles away from the Inner wall Nearly 2C0O cannon are used to fortify these forts The various first class forts number about thirty They are polygons in shape strongly bas tioned and bomb proof with brick up ditches covered ways and outworks An Idle Scavenger The bowels act the part of a scavenger in asmuch as they remove much of the debris the waste effete matter of the system When they grow idle neglectful of duty it is of the utmost Importance that they should be im pelled to activity llostetters Stomach Bit ters effects this desirable object without grip ing them like a drastic purgative The Bitters is also tflicaclous for malaria bilious dys peptic and kidney trouble Noah Webster spent seventeen yeirs on his dictionary Can the sale or in Inferior article constantly Increase forSlyeai3 Dobbins Ele trie Snap lias been on the l larket ever tinea 1835 and Is lo tlay as ever the beU una pureft family boap made Try it Your grocer will aet It Love is a pleasant game only when hearts are trumps Mrs Windows Soothing Syiiup for Children teetlunB softens the Kimi reduces inflammation iIIhvk rain cure vicd colic 25 centtj a bottle eoocoooocoooccoccoo O Such ills as OtpG and the like 50OSCCOOOOC0O0COCO0 Mi m Made by Walter Baker Co -Ltd Dorchester Mass has been cele brated for more than a century as a nutritious delicious and flesh forming beverage Sold by gro cers everywhere naaaiAAaA SC608 dtfedoo mwm m An Educated Squaw Jane Eyre a full blooded Tawncc In dian girl was graduated a few days ago from the Pennsylvania Normal School and has gone West to work among her people She herself took the name of Charlotte Brontes hero ine whom she admires A Spring Trip South On April 7 and 21 and May 5 tickets will he sold irom principal cities owns and villages of tiie north to all points on i lie Louisville Nashville Railroad in Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Florida and a portion of Kentucky at one single fare for the round trip Tickets will te Hood to return within twenty one days on payment of 2 torgent at destination and will allow stop over at any point on the south bound trip Ask your ticket agent about it and if he cannot sell you excur sion tickets write to C P Atmoro Gen eral Passenger Auent Louisville Ky or Geo U Horner D P A St Louis Mo Atheism and agnosticism make no con verts at the mouth of the tomb State of Ohio City op Toledo Ldcas County i fA w vir It mm s2zJmLi S3 Frank J Cheney makes oath that ho la the 6enior partner of the firm of F J Chkney Co doing buEluosa In the City of Tolodo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aud every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Halls Catauuh Cuke Sworn presence rrrr 1 bJALi FRANK J CHENEY to boforo me and subscribed in iny this Cth day of December A D 1880 A W GLEASON NoUiry Public f HaUs Catarrh Cure la taken internally and nets directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the systom Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O jOS Sold by Druggists 75 conta The office that seeks the man has a mightv short search these days OOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOCf WIPES OUT Promptly and Effectually 8 OOOOCOCOOQCCOOOOOOS If 5 ounces for 10 cents You A jk may have money to burn but even m H so you neednt throw away 2 ounces m if of good tobacco For 5 cents you get j almost as much Battle Ax as you ft do of other high grades for 10 cents 2f 6oaooo6odeoeooCe6oo6ee ittfttfSHif I Premium No 1 Chocolate ofyo tititttHHttttHHttHHffittft STEEL WEB PICKET f FENCE t j r j y M nx i CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE Also CABLED POULTRY GARDEN AND RABBIT FENCE We manufacture a complete line of Smooth Wire Fencing and guarantee every article to be as represented Ask your dealer to show you this Fence CATALOGUE FREE DE KALB FENCE GOSS225S YOU WILL REALIZE THAT THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN LY IF YOU USE APOLIO Smooth Wire Fencing for Farming There is no question but what smooth wire fencing is bound to take the place of all other styles of fence for farm pur poses The progressive and successful fanner has already realized this and is making preparation to profit by the use of it Lanu is too valuable to not be able to pasture every field as sunn as the crop can be removed It tins been demonstrat ed iu many ways that those pastures will inside of two years pay for inclosing the field with a close mesh smooth win fence itself Besides it keeps stock healthy and seems to be the only true method of keeping the hog cholera out of your herds The DeKalb Fence Co of DeKalb III whose illustrated card appears in another column of this paper are turning out the best and most substantial line of smooth wire fencing yet presented to the farming community and at prices too consider ing quality and durability which bring this kind of fencing within the reach of all Free illustrated catalogue can be ob tained by addressing DeKalb Fence Co 320 High street DeKalb III The wise wife prefers her lace curtains smelling of tobacco smoke to having her husband down town late at night I know that my life was saved by Pisos Cure for Consumption John A Miller Au Sable Mich April 21 1S93 Young men dont talk jo much The whale would be hard to kill if it didnt come to the surface to blow FITS AllFitbstoppedfreebylrKIiiiesGreiit Nerve Itoi or No Fits after flint dayn ue Mar velous cures Treatise and 00 trial bottlo free to Fit cases Send to Dr Kline J3I Arch St Plnla Pa Satan smiles every time he hears a key turned iu a church door Eomeseekers Excursions April 7 April 21 May 5 To the South and West Ar izona Arkansas Texas Ne braska Kansas etc Call at the local ticket ofllco and get full Information about rates stop over privHeKes 43Hraxai ft Hi turn limits and territory to which reductlou will apply Or better still write to J Francis J Y A Burlington IJoute Omaha Neb r S The crop of 1890 is roIuk to be the bluest Ne braska ever had No question about it Not In ten years have- conditions been so favor able Better figure on getting hold of a good quarter section before prices advance H J Martin of 702 T street N W Washington D C in a recent interview had with him by Mr H D Brodie of the Washington Chronicle said Having suffered for many years with dyspepsia indigestion and biliousness I tried every known remedy consulted many physicians with the hope of getting cured or even relief but nothing seemed to relieve me After meals I would feel as if a ball of lead was lodged in my stomach tired and listless as though life was scarcely worth living Finally I was attracted to the ad of Ripans Tabules and con cluded to try them After taking the first two or three I was sur prised to find the relief they gave and by the time I emptied the first box I felt like a new man I have never been without Ripans Tabules since nor have I ever suffered since I heartily and earnestly recommend them to any one suffer ing as I did Ripans Tnbuies are sold by druggists or by mall If the price 50 crota a box Js sent to The Ripans Chemi cal Company No 10 Spruce Street New York Sample vial 10 cents THE AERMOTOR CO does Half tho srcrlda windmill business becau it has reduced tbo co of Wind power to 16 what It was It has many branch houses and supplies Its goods and repairs jouruoor Jt can and does lurmsba WE HAVi w B Pbatt Secy EkS WQZ bettor article for less money than others It makes Pumping and Geared Steel I Completion Windmills TUttee and Hied Steel Towers Steal Buxr Saw Frames Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Grinders On application It will name ono of these articles that It will f nrnlih nntll January Lit at 13 the usual prlcar It also make Tanks and Pumps of all kinds Senfl for catalogue Factory 12tfa Rockwell aad Fllhaorc Slreds Chicago HO AGENTS Bbutsclld recttothecon smner at wholesale prices Ship anywhere for exami nation before sale ETerr thing warranted t3T100 styles of nrrla res 90 styles Hrne 41 6tyls KIclinr Saddles Write for ELKHART Carriage Harness Mtj Co rikbarl ind POPHAWS ASTHMA SPECIFIC Gives relief In FIVE minutes Send for a FICEE trial Dackaze Sold by jDrujrpiit One Box gent postpaid 1 on reeulpt 01 SIOO six Join 35 ca J Addresa T1IOS P0riU2 llULl FA ytovadi 1 W wll thetfit Wlrehatthlewet B SOiffnlQO prlcrtaUnalOOOcthrrnstral article iGiflsElnB1 Indndin Stale Sr UIIU Srilss JF Xarhlnri tta zln Wazont Urne iviililli Blatlimltb ranaJtrarpter Tooli FncInM IMIrn LatbM Start Wire Vrntr Gnat Flarw Orpina Matrhrt lah Drairrrs Vttler PreuTrntkKte Work for Ageau Catalogue fret UUUACO SCALE tU Chicago PATENTS TBADE fllARKS Examination and advice as to Patentability of Inven tions Send Tor Investors GriDE ok Hoff to Get a Patent Patrick OFarrell Washington DC RqjOHX TTilIORRIS 3S Washington C Successfully Prosecutes Claims Late Principal Examiner US Pension Bureau 3yrsiuast war 13 adjudicatiuj claims atty since iSura relief icirrrmra KIDDERS PA8TILLE8bSteuct cancstswn nxn SMSS S C N TJ 14 96 tiUflES WHtkE LL HSF FalL Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good TJsc in time how try cmjOTJU