Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 05, 1895, Image 6

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L -
J R Farris Publisher
Oilicial Paper of Cherry Conn
er Nebraska
One Dollar JPer Tear
Column per month
Cards -
Entered at I he rost offlce at Valentine Cherry
eeonty Nebraska as Second class matter
l5irKOVM Okdek of Redmkk
Mi its every second and fourth Saturday of
each month Members of the order in good
Handing are cordially and fraternally Invited to
attend G II THOMPSON Sachem
f J D WIGGINS J of Records
Minnelcadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M
SHeets in regular communication Saturday even
ing on or before the full moon in each month
Kipmbers of the orderin good and regular stand
ing cordially and f raternally Invited to attend
F M Walcott W M
W W Thompsox Becy
Yalentine Lodge No 70 A O TJ W meets
1 tit and 3rd Monday In each month
Ml Chrisensen M W L L Stoner Rec
Yalentine Lodge No 205 I O O F meets
srery Thursday eveningVisiting brothers cord
telly nvited to attend our meetings
D S Ludwig NG
Fkaxh Brattox Secy
i 61 Wood Post No 20S Department of Ne
braska regular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of
each month at 2 u m sharp Comrads from
ether Posts are cordially invited to attend
W W Thompson Commander
Jonir Dux adjt
Cl T7ood W R C No 179 regular meeting
94 and 4th Saturdays of each month
Amanda Ludwig Pres
Helest HcmifBY See
Arrival and Departure or Mails
Mail east and west closes at 8 p m
Rosebud leases at 80 a m dally except Sun
day and arrives at 500 p m
Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves
at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri
days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and
Ti Niobrara leaves daily at7 00 a m and
500 p m arrives at 930a mand 730 p m
and Sparks arrives Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays at 5o9 pm and
leaves Tuesday Thursdays and Saturdays at
Tm ra
General delivery open from 7 CG a m to 700
p general aenvery open on Sundays from
3 to 10 a m Lock boxes opendaily form 6 a
at to s -30 p m
W RHALEY Postmaster
OfSoial Directory of Cherry Co
lCi XV v
Oaunty Attorney
G P Crabb
Geo Elliott
C CParker
Ed Clarke
Lillian Stoner
Hugh Bo3er
F llJugersoll
i W Starr
M Durham
I P Sullivan
Physician and Surgeon
Ofhee at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional calls
Faxkxtixe - Nebraska
- III I - II- - I I - - I -
Teachers Examination
Theregular monthly Teachers
Examination will be held the
third Saturday of each month
at my office in theColirt House
Supt of Schools
idlklnds of legdbuiihess promptly attended to
Yaukxtike - Nekkaska
Tentorial Parlor
-Hair eutting and Shaving up to date
in all the latest stylesT
Hot and Cold Baths
Shop on Main Street Valentine Nebraska
The White House
been rebuilt and every room furnished
New Suits of Furniture
Making it one of the most complete and
comfortable hotels
In the Northwest
ilc room and troofl HverV
table in coritutton
Repairing done on short notice and at
Reasonable Prices
SHOP Corner of Hall and Catharine Streets
orth Western Line is to best
to arid from the
w -
Mrs George Hornby is numbered
among the sick
C C Tacket was over from the
Agency Tuesday
Skating is the leading amuse
ment these days
Read notice of excursion rates
offered by the railroad-
D E Sherman is again on duty
after a spell of sickness
The Board of County Commiss
ioners meet next Monday
This pleasant weather is veiy
agreeable after the long cold spell
Buy your Christmas presents at
the M E fair December 20 and 21
Pork eaters are usually scrofulous
and need Ayers Sarsaprilla to cleanse
the blood
E Dobson of Merriman was a
witness m a land case at the land of
fice yesterday
A large crowd of townsmen spent
Sunday afternoon in a grand oldi
fashion rabbif hunt
Sergt Wenlock of Fort Niobrara
was a very agreeable business caller at
this sanctum Frid y
L L Bivuns is clerVingin Daven
port Thachers store during the
absence of L C Sparks
We acknowledge a very pleasant
visit Monday from Messrs Crouse and
Ilarris of Fort Niobrara
N S Rowley and B F Felch of
Simeon were business visitors to this
city the fore part of the week
Cured my cough like magic is
the frequent expression of those who
testify to the merits of Avers Cherrv
Attorney P H ORourk of Gor
don conducted a contest cast before
the land office officials here Tuesday
and Wednesday
Jf you are in arrears on your sub
scription calland settle the same Let
us begiu the new year with a square
Mrs Morris departed Saturday
morning for Sioux City la where she
will meet her husband and they will
take up their residence in that city
- An enjoyable time was had by a
select company of young people at the
residence of Rev O L Ramsey Fri
day evening under the auspices of
the Epworth League
Mrs G T Crabb wife of County
Treasurer Crabb departed Sunday
morning for Maryville Mo to visit
at her parental home where she will
be joined by her husband about Jan
uary 1st
Services in theM E Church next
as usual at 11 a in and 730 p m
Epworth League at 630 p m A cor
dial invitation isv extended to all ser
vices Rev L Ramsey Pastor
Joe MsCloud was an agreeable
caller at our office Saturday He in
forms us that the ball to be given at
Schlagle school house will be on Fri
day night December 20 and not on
Monday night the 16th as announced
by this paper last week
R B Good of Lincoln stopped
in Valentine over Tuesday Mr G is
a newspaper man and favored this of
fice with a friendly call He is in
search of a location lor a democratic
paper and has Yalentine in view
A good agricultural paper helps
make the farm pay For this reason
we have arranged to get you a yeafs
subscription to the best Western agri
cultural paper The Cultivator for a
mere trifle We will send The Culti
vator a full year with the Indepenj
ent for 125
The dedication of the Presbyter
ian Church to the service of God tooK
place last Sunday Appropriate sing
ing etc had been arranged and on
Sunday the Church had been prepared
by extra seating for a large attend
ance Rev O L Ramsey was invited
to come with his congregation and
take part in the services which he
did Also Rev S W Holsclaw assist
ed An able sermon was preached by
Rev Sexton D D of Seward Neb
after which he dedicated the church
building in accordan ce with the form
of service perscribed by the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
Although the church building at this
place is not large it is a neat comfort
able structure nd the construction of
such a building by the small member
ship merits much credit to the mem
bers The christian work is advancing
rapidly in Yalentine and we now have
four beautiful structures which are
dedicated to the Lord for carrying on
his work
taafiSgjgjgJ8S5ygpg --
Wanted at the City Hotel a good
Edwin George came in from Arabia
Saturday onbusiness
L C Sparks enjoyed - Omaha life
the fore part of the week
Amos Randall of Rosebud tarried
in town a few days last week
Dr Lbwis made a professional
visit to Wood LaKe yesterday
John Noiss a prominent Agency
stockman was in town afewdays last
Jim Gillaspie came in from his
stock ranch Tuesday and is enjoying
citv life
The Ladies of the M E Church
will give a bazarr on December 20
and 21
John Stetter returned Saturday
morning frdra an extended visit to
friends at Chadron
J A Anderson of Rosebud visit
ed this city in a business way Friday
and Saturday of last week
BFChinese Sacred lAHcs
Hyacinths Tulips and other
Bulbs at Lewis Brag Storer
See ad for Yox Populi in another
column The Independent together
with that paper for one year at 1501
E L Davis of Kewanee was a
pleasant caller at our office and made
everybody happy by applying cash on
I N Russel of Kennedy accom
panied by his daughter spent a few
days visiting in this city the latter
part of last week
James Judson of Sparks was a
welcome caller at thesp headquarters
Friday evening and deposited cash
for subscription
Oyster supper will be given in
connection with the bazarr on Decem
ber 20ths at Cornell Hall Come and
bring your best girl
J A Carroll and family of Burn
wick Ga arrived here Tuesday even
ing Mr Carroll is successor to Col J
T Oglesby as receiving and shipping
Indian Agent here The office is be
ing turned over to Mr C today
A flag staff from which to float
the American stars and stripes was
raised in this city last Sat urday by the
G A R Post This makes a grand
improvement in the appearance of our
city The erection of such a token of
liberty is creditable to any town
53 Teeth iillcd -with wood
Teeth filled with hay
For the next sixty days good wood
and hay will be taken at the highest
market price in exchange for dental
Office over T C Hornbys store
Arrangements hrve been perfect
ed for a Christmas entertainment ai
the Presbyterian Church Christmas
eve A short program has been ar
ranged and the room will be decorated
with two beautiful Christmas trees
one for the Sunday School children
and one for the public in general
It is money in a farmers pocket to
study western farm methods Read
The Cultivator the best western farm
paper We get it for you a year for
nearly nothing if you subscribe for
the Independent Both papers one
year for 125 Apply at this office
Walter Jackson and Joseph Yeast
returned Friday morning from a
pleasure trip through many of the south
ern states extending over several
weekB They spent three weeks at the
Cotton Exhibition at Atlanta
and visited all the principle cities andl
pleasure resorts in the south They
say a more enjoyable trip could not be
wished for
An accident befell F K BivensJ
who was superintending the raisingof
the G A R flag staff Saturday which
whould by a slight change of circum
stances have proven fatal Two
heavy timbers had been raised and
weresupported by ropes which some
y stander interfered with and let the
timbers fall striking Mr V and bruis
ing him quite badly He is able to be1
out however and is improving rapidly
A D Cole lias shipped in a supply
of lumber from the Black Hills
Station Agent Licbty and Elmer
Holiday made a flying trip to Yalen
tine last Saturday
The principal thing that breaks the
monotony of the dull times here is the
echoing ring of the hammers weilded
bv the Modern Woodmen who are
proving themselves woodmen indeed
They are erecting a fine lodge building
18x32 feet and expect to give a grand
ball on Christmas eve A cordial in
vitation is extended to all who wish to
trip the light pantastic The best
music will be provided also a good
supper at the Holiday House Come
everybody and have a good time L
The membefs of Northern1 Star
Chapter No 59 O E S will hold a
Public Religious Service in the M E
Church Sunday morning Dec 29 All
members are requested to meet atBro
Walcotts office at 1030 oclock to j
prepare and proceed to the church so
that we may commence the service
promptly at 11 a m
Maggie WalCott Sec
Emma L Yeast W M
G A K CaxFire
For the purpose of raising money td
assist worthy and needy Old Soldiers
Col Wood Post No 20 of G A R
will hold a Camp Fire at Cornell Hall
December 17th 1895 at 7 oclock p
Supper consisting of Oyster Soup
Coffee and Sandwiches will be served
in old land office room at 25 cents
A good program will be rendered in
the Hall Short speeches essays
declamations etc
Everybody invited to attend and
aid in this chairitable cause
By order of Committee
Teachers AHSOciation
Program for the Teachers Associa
tion to be held at Crookston on Satur
day Dec 28 1895
Music by Association
Punctuality W F Morgareidge
Primary History D H Thurston
Number Work Miss Goldie Petti
How to teach Percentage Miss Mil
lie Miller
Primary Physiology Mrs Austin
Primary Geography J R Fe
Literary Exercises Miss - Gertrude
Grammar Miss Kibler
Order in thfc Schoolroom Mrs
The use of Charts in School Miss Isis
Reading in Advanced Grades E
Civil Government Miss Mary
Behavior on School Grounds Mrs
The following program will be ren
dered at the entertainment given by
the A O TJ W and Degree of Honor
at Cornell Hall Jan 1 1895 All mem
bers of either older in good standing
together with their families are invited
Prayer Bro O L Ramsey
Music A O U W opening Ods
Address Bro F M Walcott
Recitation Bro Jesse Brosius
Music Selected
Five minute speeches by the follow
ing members
Brothers J M Bates M Christensen
J C Pettijohn E Breuklander and
Sisters Mrs Walcott and Mrs Ramsey
Closing Ode Degree of Honor
Social time
By Order of Committee
Excursion tickets on sale December
24 25 and 31 1895 and January 1
1896 at one and one third fare for the
round trip to any point within 200
miles tickets good returning until
Jan 2 1896
Arttentiosi Teachers
For the Nebraska Teachers Associ
ation at Lincoln Neb- excursions
tickets will be sold December 30 1895
to January 2- 1896 at one and one
third fare for -round trip good return
ing after January 4 1896
M Youiv Own Locality
made easily and honorably without capi
tal during your spare hours Any man
woman boy or girl can do the work hand
ily without experience Talking un
necessary Nothing like it for money
making ever offered before Our workers
always prosper No time wasted in
learning the business We teach you in
a night how to succeed from the first
hour You can maie a trial without ex
pense to yourself We start you furnish
everything needed to carry on the busi
ness successfully and guarantee yon
against failure if you but follow oisr
simple plain instructions Reader if
you are in need of ready money and
want to know all about the best paying
business before the public send us your
eddress and we will mail you a docu
ment giving you all the particulars
TRUE C07 Box 400
Augusta fiaini
Holliday Offer
For cash cash only
17lbs Granulated Sugar for 100
5Ibs Good Roasted Coffee 100
lib Fine Gunpowder Tea 30
lib Fine Japan Tea 25
20Ibs Prunes LOO
20Ibs Rasms 100-
141b3 Good E Peaches - 100
301bs Oat Meal 100-
25 Bars fine Laundry Soap 1D0
Smoking Tobbacco 15
Ginghams at 6 cents per yard Prints 5 cents per yard
Mens fine shoes from 150 up
Ladies fine Dongpla patent leather tip
shoes 200
Prices on flour on application We will
positively not be nnderson by any one
The highest market price paid for all farm
i kg22
wJT3 3 2
3ft -a S o 10
1 53 to ft 3 ri
a U 3 c
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cL -D G Dt
15H3SISsP Vr ii ft I
cooowtcctgooco8Cswc58C3S5MSawciKcacgMa a3a9CCT6909a8
H Lucas Building St- Louis Mo
3 1 If I
r fc few Ammi
wrn an mr mss saaB sa
There is of relief from the
no hope conditions that now curse the
American people until both of the old parties have been destroyed They
are the willing and subservient tools of corporate power and are utterly
unable to perform a single noble and patriotic act This is the sentiment
that is breathed forth by every line and picture in Vox Populi the
illustrated Populist paper that is now producing such a political sensation
throughout the United States and from the columns of which the above
cut is taken
VOX POPULI is a l6 page publication and more than half of each issue
is given over to Pictures and Striking Cartoons The statistical matter ef
each single number is vcrih more than the subscription price for an entire
year roo The circulation of VOX POPULI is general throughout the
United States Every leading Populist takes it In the campaign of 1895 6
it will appeal to the eye and the intellect of morepeople than any other journal
in the nation Whether poor or well off you cannot afford to do
without VOX POPULI Single copies are sold at 10 cents hut any sub
scriber to the paper In which this advertisement appears who wishes a sample
copy can getthe same by stating that they are subscribers and sending 4 cents
in stamps to cover postage etc to VOX POPULI St Louis Mo
VOX POPULI and this paper will be sent at reduced rates upon terms
set forth in another column
1 11 1 11 iiifiimiIBI