Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, November 28, 1895, Image 6

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    i I
IlrisLibHisn every Thursday
J R Farris Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Conn
ty Nebraska
Que Dollar JPer Year
Que Coluitiu per month
Entered at 1 ho Pobt olttce at Valentine Cherry
eannty Nebraska as Second class matter
iMfKovn Orokm ok Kkdsikx
Meets every secundum fourth Saturday of
oacb month Members of the order In jrood
standing are cordially and liaternallv invited to
attend r u THOMPSON Sachem
J D WIGGINS C of Records
Minnekadnsa Lodge No 192 A F A M
meets in rccular communication Saturday even
ing on or before the full moon in each month
members of the order iu good and regular stand
ing cordially and fraternaliv invited to attend
F M alcott W M
WW Tuompsox Secy
Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets
1 m and 3rd Monday in each month
M ChribNnsen M W L L Stoner Eec
Valentine Lodge No 205 I O O I meets
every Thursday uvcnlng Visiting hrothers cord
faUy HTltetl toattend our meetings
J S Ludwig NG
Fhan k BnAYTOX Sccy
Col Wood Past No 20S Department of Ne
braska regular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of
each month at 2 p m sharn Comrads from
other Posts hec cordially invited to attend
AV V Thompson Commuwler
dOHK Don adjt
Oil Wood W R C No 179 regular meeting
Bd and 4th Saturdays of each mouth
AaiAXUA Ludwig Pr
Hklrx Honxnv See
Arrival and Uepavture of flails
Mall east and west closes at 8 p m
Rosebud leaves at 300 a m daily except Sun
day and arrives at 500 p in
Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves
at 7 00 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri
days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and
Ft Niobrara leae dulvHt70Oa m and
50p m arrives at 930a in and 730 p m
Kewance and Sparks arrives Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays at soo pm ami
vs Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at
7o v m
Goneral deli very open from70 a in to 700
p m General delivery open on Sundays from
8 to 19 a hi Lock boxes opendaily form 0 a
a to 830 p in
W E17ALEY Postmaster
OFKeial Directory of
J 1 CM
AJlllI sXL
Oomity Attorney
Goshty Superintendent
Cherry Co
G P Crabb
Geo Elliott
C CParker
Ed Clarke
Lillian Stoner
Hugh Koyer
F H Ingersoll
I E W Starr
- M Dunham
P Sullivan
Professional and business cards
Physician and Surgeon
Offiee at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional calls
SSaefiers E3xaisainatioii
The regular monthly Teachers
Examination will be held the
third Saturday of each month
at my office in the Court House
Supt of Schools
Allkinds of legal business promptly attended to
YAIiENTINE - Nebraska
Tonsorial Parlor
Hair cutting and Shaving up to date
in all the latest stvles
Hbtand Cold Baths
Shop on Main Street Valentine Nebraska
The White Mouse
Has been rebuilt and every room furnished
N ew Suits of Furniture
Making it one of the most complete and
comfortable hotels
In the Northwest
Q am ple room and good livery
jotaoie in
Repairing done on short notice and at
Reasonable Prices
BHOP Corner jf Hall and Catharine Streets
North Western Line is to best
to and from the
Christmas is the next holiday to
Ira Richardson went out to his
ranch Saturday
Joseph McCloud went out to his
place near Simeon Monday
John Shores was Valentine visitor
the fore part ol the week
Jim and R F Gillaspie of Ken
nedy are Valentine visitors
Mr ilonney of Merriman was a
business caller at this office Friday
Dont fail to attend the services
at the Presbyterian Church this even
The- windows of our business
houses are beautifully decorated with
holiday goods
Chinese Sacred JLil ies
Hyacinths Tulips and other
Bnllrssat Xieiris Brng Store
See ad for Vox PopuJi in another
column The Independent together
with that paper for one year at 150
John Stetter is visiting in Chadron
this week M Cline is performing his
duties at the Palace Saloon during his
The mill pond is frozen over and
until the snow furnished excellent
skating which was enjoyed by young
and old alike
John Neiss spent several days in
our city last week and returned home
Monday morning He purchased
one hundred head of cattle from J W
A number of gentlemen from
town enjoyed a rabbit hunt Sunday
The hunting hounds were taken out
and when the rabbit was started the
chase by the dogs was a fine sight
IS L Bivens came over from
Rosebud Saturday having finished his
work there Len has been employed
in C P Jordans general store as clerk
during the absence of J A Anderson
Harry Tucker came in from Ken
nedy Saturday where he is teaching
school He has a vacation of one
week on account of sickness and will
return to his labors again the latter
part of this week
Mr and Mrs C R Glover are the
happy parents of a bright baby girl
who appeared at their home Monday
This accounts for the liberal manner
in which the boys have been smoking
cigars at Mr Glovers expense Suc
cess to Miss Glover
Daniel Fowler called at this office
Monday and ordered his paper chang
ed to Rosebud He is working with
the artesian well crew and says the
well is now down 1370 feet Experts
who have visited the well recently
believe artesian water will be secured
Dr Glover of Arlington Neb
is the guest of his brother Charles this
week Mr G was formerly a resident
of our city and filled the position of
Register in the TJ S Land Office
during which time he gained many
triends in Valentine and Cherry coun
ty who are pleased greet him back in
our midst though his stay will be
The snow of last week was heart
ily welcomed by the farmers it makes
the outlook- for a bountiful harvest
next season more encouraging Un
less we have a heavy snow fall this
winter there will be but little if any
farming done in this county the com
ing season One more complete fail
ure would bankrupt the county in so
far as farming interests are concerned
Regular Communication of
Minnechaduza Lodge No 192 A F
A M Saturday Nov 30 at 730 p m
sharp Special Communication Thurs
day Dec 5 at 730 p m at which
Session the Grand Custodian will be
present All members and visiting
Bros in good standing are cordially
invited to be present
W W Thompson F M Walcot
Secretary W M
Geo Lang on last Satuiday sold
out his livery business to John Smyser
from Independence la Mr Smyser
will continue the business and as Mr
has in the past conduct a good Livery
Feed and Sale Stable First class ac
comodations good teams new rigs
and careful drivers are insured to all
patrons of this establishment Mr S
comes here well recommended and will
be welcomed into Valentine business
circles Mr Lang is one of the first
business men who located in this city
and the removal of himself and family
fiom our midst would be much regret
ed but wo are happy to announce that
he contemplates engaging in the hotel
business here ijpecess to him is our
best wish
Repair your ice houses
Mrs W E Efuer is on the sick
Wanted At the City Hotel a good
A large crowd is out rabbit hunt
ing today
Fred Holsclaw of Simeon was in
town Monday on business
J W Whillans is putting in a
new pair of scales in front of his har
ness shop
Mark Zarr came in from Simeon
yesterday to spend Thanksgiving at
For nearly fifty years Ayers Sar
saprilla has led the van of blood medi
Ira Ayers of Omaha is visiting
his parents J R Ayers and wife near
Sam Hudson was in from aim
eon Sunday and Monday and took out
supplies for his ranch
The Nebraska Dairymens Asso
ciation will hold their annual meeting
at Lincoln December 17 to 19
J A Anderson came over from
Rosebud Wednesday to have some
dental work done by Dr Wells
It is becoming dangerous to ven
ture out on dark nights in Valentine
on account of the poor sidewalks
Sheriff elect Strong is in town to
day He will make his headquarteis
here about January 1st to assume his
official duties
AG Shaw and wife returned
Tuesday night from the east where
they have been with a big wiid west
show for the season
About six inches of snow fell
Sunday and Monday which makes
excellent sleighing aid the jingle of
the bells can be heard in ah quarters
The newspapers of a town are its
looking glasses It is here you see
yourself as others see you You smile
on them and they smile back at you
you frown on them and you are repaid
in kind They are thp influx of a
town If the town is doing buiness
the newspapers will show it in its ad
vertising columns If the merchants
are spiritless shiftless fellows whoes
stores are jumbles of junk and jam
j the newspapers will show it by the
lack of space they take If you want
the world to know that you have a
live town you can only let it be known
through its newspaper1 Gordon
Col J T Oglesby receiving and
and shipping Indian Agent located at
this point has received a most com
mendable piomotion to the position
of Special U S Indian Agent with
headquarters at Washington D C
He will go to take his new position as
soon as his successor who is aho a
Georgia man fi es his bond and comes
to take charge of the government pro
perty at this place Mr O came from
Georgia to take the present position
and for the past two years has been a
resident of our city during which time
he has conducted the government bus
iness in a manner that well merited
his liberal promotion He is a genial
gentleman which together with his
social and pleasing manners has gain
ed him scores of friends who reirret to
see him depart and hartily congratu
late him upon his promotion The
best wishes of the Independent go
with the Colonel in his new location
The third annual convention of
the Nebraska State Irrigation Associa
tion is to be held at Sidney Neb on
Wednesday and Thursday December
18 and 19 The ablest speakers of
state and national reputation will be
present and discuss the subject of ir
rigation A better opportunity to
become familiar with this great ques
tion will never present itself The
question has settled down to this
point the lands of western Nebraska
must be irrigated or people will be
compelled to abandon their homes
Other counties are awake to this fact
and are making desperate efforts to
secure systems of irrigation What
is Cherry county going to do In
order to intelligently consider the prob
lem of irrigation we must first become
familiar with the subject Would it
not be advisable as a first step to
elect delegates to this convention and
as many men as possible who are in
terested in the future welfare of the
county to attend This convention
will certainly be a great educator and
the Independent is of the opinion
that a mistake is made if Cherrv coun
ty goes unrepresented Each county
official and member of the legislature
is entitled to a seat and each village is
entitled to five delegates Everybody
is invited to be present Something
must be done Who will net
A cold wave visited this section
That time honored preparation
Ayers Cherry Pectoral is the medicine
most in demand for colds and coughs
SISTTeeth iiiled with wood
Teeth iilied with hay
For the next sixty days good wood j
and hay will be taken at the highest
market price in exchange for dental
Office over T C Hornbys store j
Whereas It has pleased Almighty
God in his infinite power to remove
from the home of our beloved brother
and sister J C Pettijohn their loving
sou be it
Resolved That the brothers and
sisters of Hope Lodge- No 110 of
Degree of Honor Valentine Nebr
recognize in the young life just enter
ing manhood all the elements of a
true noble christian character and
that we sympathize witli our bereaved
brother and sister and their son owing
family in theirsad hour of affliction
Be it further
ResoiVid That a copy of these
resolutions be presented to the bereav
ed brother and sister also to The Re
publican and Cherry County Inde
pendent and that they be spread up
on the record of our lodge
Lillian U Stoner
Mrs Ciias Anderson
Mrs C G aklsov
Tcacicri AfrMHtntioii
The Western Teachers Association
ill bo held at the Pioneer School
House at 2 oclock p in Xov 30 1895
Discussion on I hapter VII Conduct
ing Recitations Pages Theory and
Piactice Maude Vav Buskirk
How can we induce patrons to visit
our schools and Teachers Associa
tions Mrs Kittie Crowe
Is spelling neglected in our common
schools if- so why Mrs Lottie
What shall be the nature and how
much time can be devoted to general
lessons in our schools J H Horner
What should be the character of the
teacher -Mrs Kate Norman
A lesson in decimal fractions pre
pared by the teachers and conducted
by G W Beamer
Program Committee
Teachers Association
The Valentine Teachers Associa
tion will be held in - the High School
building Valentine Neb at 130 p
m Dec 14 1896
What the pupil expects of the
teacher Miss Cora Boyer
School ov l tt 1 ii r School Man
agement to page 48 -Miss Lottie
Uuboa d
Model lesson in Numbers Mrs L
Discussion Mrs B Horrback
Teachers Duties as provided by
State School Law Chas Reece
Discussion Lewis Smith
Education in German its rise and
progress Miss Etta Brown
Program Committee
Removes Frackles Pimples
Liver Moles Backfieads
unburn and Tan and re
stores the si
nal freshness
clenr and
Almost in Despair
But Finally
By Taking
For fifteen years I was a great Cj
ferer from Indigestion in its worst forms
I tested the skill of many doctors but q
grew worse and worse until I became Oj
so weak I could not walk fifty yards q5
without having to sit down and rest My o5
stomach liver and heart became affect- 3
ed and I thought I would surely die I q
tried Ayers Pills and they helped mo of
right away I continued their use and
am now entirely well I dont knowof 3
anything that will so quickly relieve o
and cure the terrible suffering of 1
pepsia as Ayers Pills Joinr C 3
Pkitchakd Broilie Warren Co N C OS
Ol OSB 1 f O
ssrv rraBinoi
Received Highest Awards
Oompl8xion Preserved
sc fi 5 fl R 3 ivcraSylSiis
iJbSF sflSai L vSriv
ra to its
producing o twpj3x
healthy comKSS YRmz
plesion Superior to all
n 1
f m
preparatiens and perfectly harmless At all
druggists or mailed for 5 Octs Send for circular
ViOLA gKiN SOAP U simply tncompiraWe as a
skin purifying Soap nnequalcd Tar the toilet and wiihout s
rival for the nursery Alxolutelr pure and delicately medi
cated Atlrncci Prico 25 Ccnis
The Q C B1TTNER CO Toledo O
Holliciay Offer
For cash cash only
17Ibs Granulated Sugar for 100
51bs Good Roasted Coffee 1 00
lib Fine Gunpowder Tea 30
lib Fine Japan Tea 25
201bs Prunes 100
201b3 Basins 100
141bs Good E Peaches 100
3Ulbs Oat Meal 100
25 Bars tine Laundry Soap 100
5nioFinr Tobbacco o
Ginghams at 6 cenrs per yard Prints 5 cents pel yard
Mens fine shoes from 150iip
Ladies fine Dongola patent leather tip
shoes 200
Prices on flour on application We will
positively not be underson by any one
The highest market price paid for all farm
Georgia Neb
l A
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p There is no hope of relief from the conditions that now curse the
p American people until both of the old parties have been destroyed They
P are the willing and subservient tools of corporate power and are utterly
gjv unable to perform a single noble and patriotic act Thisis the sentiment
W that is breathed forth by every line and picture in Vox Populi the
Vp illustrated Populist paper that is now producing such a political sensation
gj throughout the United States and from the columns of which the above
v cut is taken
VOX POFULI is a l6 oaea publication and more than half of each Ikm
j is given over to Pictures and Striking Cartoons The statistical matter of
y each single number is worth more than the subscription price for an entire
tr Xai7
li Vyuwy jui U1UMUUU ui t i uruui is general uirougnout the
joi United States Every leading Populist takes it In the campaign of 1895 6
it will appeal to the eye and the intellect of morepeople than any other journal
ip in the nation Whether poor or well off you cannot afford to do Jl
without VOX POPULI Single copies are sold at 10 cents fmt anv
JxJ senber to the paper in which this advertisement appears who wishes a sample
copy can get the same by stating that they are subscribers and sending 4 cents
52 tamps to cover postage etc to VOX POPULI St Louis Mo l
VOX POPULI and this paper will be sent at reduced rates utwn
j set forth in another column