i 5S1 Lw3 - K vu t r x P - mj w London Times which Is the THE and especial organ of British interests puts the whole etnoney Question in a nutshell as fol lows It Sems impossible to get bimetal lists to understand that there is quite a large number of us for whom i gen eral rise of prices lias no charms what ever We like them low and the low er the better If they all went down to half their present li mires we should rejoice because we have nothing to sell and a great many things to buy For those who have things to sell we do not feel any great concern Now says the Atlanta Constitution this is all there is in the whole business The London Times speaks for what is technically known as the city the banking interests the interests of Lombard street When it says we have nothing to sell It speaks for the large and growing class In this coun try and in England that produces noth ingthe class that collects its annuities and clips its coupons having nothing to sell and everything to buy Honest people ought to be thankful to the Times for speaking out so plain ly It states the whole case in a nut shell It speaks for the whole class of those who have nothing to sell but ev erything to Jury This class represent ing one man in every one huudred thou sand of the worlds population maybe lessors undoubtedly right in desiring to make prices lower and lower all the time They care nothing for the pro gress of the world nor for the state of business All hat they are interested in is the increase In the purchasing power of the money in which their debts and the interest on them are paid That is the main thing They do not look to the future nor do thej antici pate a moment when their debtors will be unable to pay in gold They know that if liquidation occn is they will get in the neighborhood of gold values for whatever may be realized and so they are content to wag along under the gold standard which makes money dealers richer and all producers poorer The Constitution has stated hereto fore that the money question was mere ly a question of prices a simple con test between those who deal in money and those who buy money with the products of their labor The Londou Times the organ of the British gold monometallists makes tiiis perfectly plain when it says that a general rise in prices has no charms whatever No charms of course to the creditor class for then debtors would be able to pay their debts on easier terms Producers would have to give a less quantity of their cotton and wheat in order to pro cure a given quantity of debt paying und taxpaying money When the Times says that a gen eral rise in prices has no charms what ever it means that general prosperity In the United States has no charms whatever for the British shylock We have no criticism to offer on the some what selfish remarks of the Times From the point of view of an organ of British interests the Times is undoubt edly correct A general rise of prices in the United States or what is the same thing general prosperity instead of helping Great Britain would hurl it j and hurt it very seriously It would j have to give a larger amount of gold for our products for our cotton and wheat j and as a result its profits would be tremendously cut down j Great Britain is the buyer of cortun wheat and other staple commodities and the people of the United States are the sellers A general rise in prices would bring about general prosperity here at the expense of Great Britain The gold monometailists would declare that we had no sound money but prices would be sound and Great Britain would have to give up her sound money in order to obtain our cotton and our wheat The whole business is as simple as a sum in addition to those whose minds are not confused England being the buyer of our food products and of our raw material is interested in low prices The people of the United States being the producers of food product and the raw material that Great Brit- ain is obliged to have are interested j in higher prices j By remonetlsing silver they can at one stroke secure higher prices and a return of prosperity The question is will they allow the politicians to fool j them n this business Not a Novelty Bimetallism is no novelty It is 4 000 years old Gold monometallism is not yet GO years old in this country not 23 yeans old Bimetallism for centur ies was a triumphant success If we may judge by the conditions prevailing in the treasury at Washington gold monometallism is a failure The Director of the Mint has shown that the world now produces as much gold as its total product of gold and silver in 1SG3 This means that the worlds business is thirtj years ahead of its supply of standard money It is beyxiiul dispute that if gold should be generally demonetized it would lose value as silver did Why should men deny with respect to silver that which they must admit with respect to gold The stock of wheat is not enlarged by issue of elevator certificates The stock of sound money cannot be In creased by the emission of paper notes and other bank credits A vegetarian who would starve to death when beef was available because he could not get vegetables would be pronounced a fool A nation is not less foolish if it permit scarcity of gold violently to dis order its business when it may have security nnd peace by using silver with gold The period of greatest prosperity the world ever saw followed immedi ately upon discovery of gold and silver deposits in the West No nation ever had or can have too much metal mon ey We have deliberately discarded half of that which the Creator gave to us Manufacturer Philadelphia Puzzles of the Period Why was silver demonetized Who knows Who were the beneficiaries Who can tell Why was a prosperous industry crip pled Why does everybody favor bimetal lism Why do some who faver i It oppose it Why does everybody admit demone tization was wrong Why do so many of them assent to its continuance Why if it was wrong can it not be put right Who stands in the way of Jt and why Who is running this country any how Who are they runuing it to benefit Why should the English banker be more favored than ihc American silver miner Why should the United States Gov ernment stand in with the Englishmen Why do bankers assume the aver age citizen ihas no sense Why does the average citizen submit to such an assumption These are thu puzzles of the period This Is a Clincher The Denver News says that one of the arguments now floating about the coun try as a clincher upon the advocates of free coinage is that a very large proportion of all bonds and other in struments of indebtedness is payable specifically in gold We are trsked what good it would do to restore bimetallism since those debts must be met in one metal only Those who advance this statement do not seem xo realize that the trouble lies in the appreciation of gold If silver were restored to an equality with gold as primary money the appre ciated quotation of the yellow metal due to its leing the sole money of final redemption would fall Gold would come down Sixteen ounces of silver would buy an ounce of gold In rela tion to all inanuer of commodities gold would fall likewise and a bushel of wheat would exchange for as nearly as much gold as It will now procure It follows therefore that the redemption of bonds payable in gold could practi cally be made In gold or silver An automatic law would quickly adjust the relations of gold with other pro ducts of human labor and strip the metal of the valuation given to it by the selfish legislation in the interest of the gold owners When Will We Sec At Berlin at Vienna at Paris one day last week the Eastern question had so unsettled the stock exchange thai shares fell 20 22 40 and -14 florins and that since the memorable collapse of 1S7 no such startling panic had oc curred at Vienna It is only two years since our panic was induced by shipping gold to Austria to put her finances on a sound money basis When will common sense open its eyes and ee the position to which gold legislation has brought the world that the iiuances of Iho world are so in the bauds of the brokers and speculators in stocks that a war rumor is in danger of nkrupting business everywhere In Europe all governments but Russia belong- to the gold syndicate and a crisis anywhere breeds in the language of the press dispatches ruin And yet every effort is now being made to in clude the United States in this ruin Russia is free from it because she is a silver nation makes and uses her own money Tke Way It Works If the people have confidence in tlnj banks to leave their deposits with them and the banks have confidence in the people enough to loan freely and in each other so as to work together everything may move swimmingly But if one eighth of the deposits should be withdrawn it would call for all the actual cash In the vaults It would compel the banks to call in loans in even greater proportion It would mean hardship and trouble especially for those who are weak financially and dependent on their credit Or if the banks become frightened as they did In 1893 and they always stand on ticklish ground they may precipitate disaster for all the weak and dependent both among theniselvfs and their customers Why is the practice of the Chinese in making the feet of their females fit their shoes and not making the shoes fit the feet like the gold standard Because the gold standard makes the business of the country fit the volume of money and does not make the vol ume of money fit the business of the country Silver Knight SAD ELEOTION MUSINGS The Democratic donkey is dead Ah me Ah mo What a very sad sight to behold It died of goldbug founder alack Or ponderous King Grorer may have broken its back There is grief in the thought it will never come back Boo hoo -Boo hoo The cuckoos are all moulting J How sad How sad 4H their plumage will soon be gone Those innocent birds so fleet of wing Pathetic they coo and sweetly they sing They will never bloom out again in the spring Boo hoo Boo hoo The mugwump is rapidly passing away More tears More tears This political missing link lie came forth a mushroom sprang up through the dew A tory in principle his merits were few The mugwump died twas all he could do Boo hoo Boo hoo One by one these Democrats humbugs decease Tears flow Tears flow Unwept and unhonored thoy pass away Sound money huuibuggery its die has been cast Public office a trust G rovers humbug has passed And revenue tariff went off with a gasp Boo hoo Boo hop Dallas Mercury The Octopus Reaches Out The trusts not content with pooling the railroads now propose to lay their unholy hands on the great inland seas over which passes the mightiest inter nal commerce in the world A few more turns of the screws and they will have every vessel owner every shipper and every dweller on the great lakes as completely at their mercy as a mouse in the claws of the cat As soon as they get the toils drawn they propose to demand of Congress the legalizing of their unholy pool And just at this juncture the plutocratic press shout with ghoulish glee The Populist party is dead Only thai party stands be tween them and universal dominion Never was there such a demand for the growth and success of the Populist party which is the only one that offers a- hostile front to just such conspiracies as that boldly described in the press dispatches Let every Populisl read this infamous story and highly resolve that he will fight as never before to res cue the people from the awful fate with which they are threatened This is no time for despondency no time for weakening The logic of events the very instinct of self preservation will drive into the reform ranks many of those who refused to listen until they felt the screws tightening but will be forced to resist when they find them selves being made victims The Presi dents Agreement and lordly sweep to grasp the whole universe will prove an effective recruiting agent for the principle of Government control Non conformist Wlial It Means The result of the recent elections Means down with humbug Democra cy It means that the bankers cannot run the government It means that Clevelaudism cannot be palmed off as Jefferson ianism It means that the Monroe doctrine must be enforced It means that English boudocracy cannot run this country It means that tory ism in the White House is not popular It means that this government can make money and will do it It mean that the people know when they have had enough of a bad thing It means that death awaits any party that deserts the masses for the classes It means I hat party bondage is brok en and that the people will hereafter vote independently It means thai a political revolution is coming in i spfi and that the peoples cause will win It means that the people will not longer submit to a dictator in the White House It means that the people- do not want the treasury of the United States turn ed over to the Rothschilds It means many things that the lead ing men of the country should study and understand for the people are hereafter to control It means that there is public wrath in store for a party that defies Ihe people and robs the laboring and wealth pro ducing masses Let all future admin istrations take warning Senator Sherman Has Soured Toor Senator Sherman is growing sour in his old age The publication of the remarkable confessions he has made would seem to indicate one fact very clearly That fact is that the magnates of the Republican party arc a lot of scheming rogues and they treat ed the Sherman boom like a football in college fashion One thing the Sen ator asserts which shows that for all his political experience he fails to un derstand the institutions of his country He attributes the perpetual defeat he has sustained in his efforts to attain the presidency to the selling out process He is mistaken He would have been nominated in spite of the politicians if ho had won the confidence of the people He failed to get nominated be cause there was never any popular de mand for his nomination Sherman was never a man of the people He was always on the side of the money power He could only have been nominated through the favor of the bosses But the bosses could not rely upon him any more than the people could Whei thieves fall out honest men get their due and it is a good tiling that Sher man has begun to quarrel Twentieth Century How Fared Ihc Peoples Party The Peoples party vote in the States where the party possessed an organ ization has as usual been about dou bled In Ohio the reports show that the Populists polled about 100000 votes J This is more than double the vole ever casrby the reformers in Ohio In Ne braska there was a close race between the Peoples party candidate- for judge and the Republican candidate The Nebraska Populists claim to have dou bled their vote this year The peoples vote of Iowa was greatly Increased The Peoples party carried a majority of the counties in Colorado nnd In Utah the Peoples party loomed up in reasonable proportion at the very first election where statehood is an issue In Boston Mass where we never had ia ticket out before more than 4000 re form votes were polled In Mississippi the Peoples party ticket gave the Democrats a hard tus sle and gallant Burkitt ran close on the heels of the old parry ticket The result is highly satisfactory to the Peoples party Exchange The Populist Candidate The Pops dont want a fisherman 101 Presidential candidate Who all the time with polo and line and demijohn and bait Will fish and fish for suckers but a sea serpent ofteuer sees While the nations destiny and weal is floating with the bieeze The Pops dont want a President who can not live at home In the White House built by government but every year must roam With Wall street bankers in their yachts thro rivers sea and bay Who fills the office only when he draws his annual pay The Pops dont want a President uJl stomach feet and fat Who can slip his collar over his head and never doll his hat The Pops dont want a President whose self esteem and gall Eclipses judgment common sense his reaon mind and all The Pops wont have a President save hes honest brave and true And loyal to his country a tory will not do The Pop wont have a President who wont dare do whats right The office fill do the peoples will and if need be who will light Southern Mercury si Nation Needs Men If ever a nation was needy this na tion is now If ever a 11a tion was bow ed down to the knees by a lot of arrant demagogues this is one If ever court of king or emperor was surrounded by a lot of brainless flunkies and fawning sycophants the court of King G rover can show It points it never dreamed of in this We speak of effeminate lux ury which possessed the people preced ing the downfall of the Roman empire It needs only a glance to show how rapidly we are approaching the dry rot of laziness and the sappiug influences of wealth and luxury on the one hand and abject poverty on the other What this nation needs most is men Men whom the lust of dflicc does not kill Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy Men who possess opinions and will Mtn who havrhonoi men who will not lie Men who can stand before a demagogue And damn his treacherous flatteries with out winking Tall men sun crowned who live above the fog In public duty aud in private thinking For while the rabble with their thumb worn creeds Their large professions and their little deeds Mingle in selfish strife lo freedom weeps Wrong rules the land nnd waiting justice sleeps The Caue of It Certain Democrats who are a week older than they were seven days ago are very busy explaining how It all came about and it sounds something like this It was all due to the obstinate asininity of G rover Cleveland I think it will effectually lay that old fraud on the shelf Alfgeld It is because all the Democratic farm ers went wild over that 300 pound pump kin raised in my State and thoy forgot to vote Bill Morrison We have met the enemy and we are theirn bnrl and all 1 might have known bettor than to bunco Foraker Calviuass Brice It was because Gorman was loyal to genuine Democracy David B nil It is because he wasnt Senator Hurst About all I can see in it is a Republican occupying my seat in the Senate after March 4 lStJT Daniel W Yoorhees If was the fulfillment of my prophecy that the Democratic party would inarch through a slaughter house into an open grave Henry Watterson It is a vindication of sound money f P Morgan Too many Republicans in the Democrat ic party Allen W Thurmau Anion Our Exchanges It is reported that the barbers havt raised the price of shaving Democrats Their faces have grown so long that the barbers propose to charge by the yard Owensboro Ky Journal If you think more of your party tua you do of principle you are a party slave If you vote for party instead of principle to avoid ridicule you are a moral coward Morgans Buzzsaw The farmers are borrowing money to pay their taxes As they sign the mort gage they can console themselves with the thought that they are getting sound money Auburn Me Fopu list Texas polls more Populist votes than any State in the Union and she stands square on the Omaha platform has not got a leader that ever advocated fusion ami had a State platform thirty-three planks lung Morgans Buzz saw If a law were passed by which you were to give fewer days of labor to pay a debt your creditor would have a kick coming wouldnt he You know that It now takes twice as many days of toil to pay a debt as it did thirty years ago yet some of you call for honest money and low wages by voting for limiting our money to gold Are you crazy or just a fool 7 Mead v ill e Pa Sledge Hammer - THE COMRADES FAREWELL Around th grinning coal mine men are whispering low The bustle is all over now the engines cease to go How quick the change around the place in but a moments time Another soul is called on high from out that dreadful mine Th victim i young Michael Clarke bis age is twenty three Beloved by every one around a cheerful lad was he Twa in Mount Vernon No 0 he toiled to earn his bread A hardy faithful working lad -so every body said That morning as was usual he went forth with n smile To prosecute his labor- little knowing thai the while That dismal shadow grim death hung oer his youthful head Before quit ring time down in that mine Ids noble spirit fled Without a moments warning the awful deed was done A ponderous stone fell from the roof it nearly weighed five ton His little brother called for help and tried to lift the stone Assistance was of no avail poor Michaels life was gone To see the foreman of the mine none sadder felt than he He had an interest in the lad with him he could agree There can no blame unto his name no one could stay the blow His time had come his toil was done and who could answer no Slowly move the engines now he has reached the light of day Strong men try to stay the tear and turn their heads away And to his home they bore him forth that silent bleeding face Where in that household none on earth can ever fill his place Farewell our loving comrade then since we must bid adieu To 11 loving brother faithful son a com rade good and true Although we mi your cheerful voice thy kind word and thy smile Tis consolation for us to know tis only for awhile J hange j A Great Shipping Strike The great shipping strike which has thrown 30100 workmen out of employ ment on the Clyde and in Belfast and paralyzed work on the new navy has attracted general attention in Great Britain from its unreasonableness The origin of the conflict was a ciispufe over the wages of a few engineers in Har land WolfTs yard Inv Belfast When times were bad two yofir s ago their wages were cut down two shillings a week with the understanding that the reduction should be made good Vwfien business improved Times being bet- tor the engineers asked to have their wages restored to the former level The employers refused on the ground that while there was plenty of work- they had taken contracts at so low rates that they could not raise wages The strike in Belfast involved a lockout and futile efforts have been made to settle the trouble There was no ques tion at issue between the workmen and their employers on the Clyde Their relations were friendly and a future advance in rates had been arranged but the employers there had signed an agreement to stand by the Belfast mas ters in all labor disputes and in obe dience to their request- they declared a partial lockout on the Clyde which brought about a general strike Work has ceased on the Clyde and may be suspended in other shipbuild ing centers for the simple reason that a small group of Belfast engineers had a grievance and their employers have Insisted on a sympathetic lockout The conduct of the latter is generally con demned They have themselves adopt ed an expedient which all employers i denounced when it was introduced by new unionists A lockout in sympathy is the complement of a sympathetic strike and is au equally dangerous ex periment The business of a great in dustry is suspended when there is an abundance of work and when admiral ty contracts essential to tjie national safety are in process of execution The pressure of publi opinion is so strong that a compromise may be forced Keport on Trades Unions The British Board of Trade has pub lished its report on trades unions in 189 Compared with 1892 it shows an increase of trades unions of thirty one registered and fifty one unregistered societies but a decrease in membership of 20010 Accounts were received from bS3 unions showing a membership of 127078 At the beginning of the year the total funds in hand amounted to 1002307 while at the end of the year the sum was lwi0JS the income for the year being L99f 5971 and the expen diture of 224rir The unions chief ly affected by the diminution in aggre gate numbers are those representing the less skilled branches of industry Even with the heavy fall in member ship the total income shows an increase of nearly SV per cent due to the fact tnat in tne unions where there was -a loss of members the contributions wen the lowest and that the organizations ol the more skilled classes have con siderably increased Forming a New Federation Already steps are being taken by the executives of five labor organizations in I the employ of the western railroads j I rank B Sargent grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen Grand Secretary Arnold and Second Assistant Grand Master Mayer of the same order W B Powell grand chief i M M Dolphin first assistant grand chief and L A Tanquery chairman the grand executive committee of the railway telegraphers Firs Assistant Grand Chief Lee of the railway train men and grand chief clerk of the rail way conductors to counteract the work of Eugene V Debs lie has claimed that on his release from jail he would find no difficulty in reviving the Ameri can Kail way Union and making It a greater power than ever before Ac knowledging his strength and fearing his ability the men above named have completed arrangements to form a fed eration which numerically and in pow er will not possess any less significance than the powerful alliance with which Mr Debs succeeded in tying up the entire system of several of the largest lines in the cnuntrv jij Kurope P J McGuiro fur vce presidour of the American Federation of Labor talks interestingly of rhe Labor Con gress recently heid ar CinUft Wales and at which American trade- union ism was represent jv Mr McGulre and Samuel Gompers Speaking of his experiences and observations In th old country Mr McGitre said In Great Hritain and Ireland the workingmen have genorilly the advan tage of shorter hours of labor than in the Tnited States the average working time being from r0 to 3 1 hours a week while here it is from 10 to 12 hours a day I noticed too that in those in dustries where the working hoars have been decreased wages have increased and the trades unions are strong Mr McGuire found that the working man In Europe does not live as well as in this country and that many possess ed of exceptional talents are kept down by class conditions This latter fact however redounded to the benefit of the trades unions which benefited by the advice and executive ability of such men New Labor Organization Last week saw an addition to the American Federation of Labor In the Dorcas Federal Labor Union an organ ization recently formed In Chicago and composed of the wives and sisters of trades unionists The design Is that by enlisting the women the men may be influenced to attend the meetings of their various organizations Delegutes will be sent to the trade and labor as sembly the womens central council and also to the convention of the Amer ican Federation of Labor To the lat ter Fannie Martell of the Bindery Girls Union will be the delegate About fifty members have already joined the Dor cas union The officers are President Mrs Alzina P Stevens Vice President Mrs W C Hollister Recording and Corresponding Secretary Mrs N D B Maas Financial Secretary Miss Mary M Hollstein Treasurer Miss Georgi ana Jones Its charter has been re ceived from the American Federation of Labor and the organization duly ob ligated by P L Maas the organizer of the Federation in Illinois Mnjrc lied net ions The reduction of wages which began in 1802 and continued through 1893 and 1S94 amounted on the average to 20 percent says the Cleveland Lead er The actual losses to labor by those reductions during the last two years and a half were at least a billion dollars an average of 200 for each of the u 000000 workers or about S0 a year The average advance of 10 per cent received by 200000 workers means a restoration of about half the loss or 40 a year For the half year since last April the restoration has amounted to -1000000 In brief but 4000000 of the 1000000000 lost during the panic has been restored to labor Only 20000 have been benefited by that restoration In Favor of the Operators Judge Little of Xenia Ohio who was chosen to arbitrate the basis of wages for mining in Ohio has found in favor of the operators The mining scale In Ohio is determined by the prevailing rate in western Pennsylvania The miners claimed that 00 cents was the prevailing rate and the operators claimed it was 04 cents It was shown that seven tenths of the coal produced in western Pennsylvania was mined at 54 cents and Judge Little held that wu tiie prevailing rate Only the operators having their own stores pay til cents in western Pennsylvania On the basis of the arbitration the rate in Ohio will be advanced from rl to cents a ton General Labor Notea The painters have a union label The Massillon miners strike has been declared off The silver burnishers of Boston Mass won their strike The bicycle toolmakers at Toledo won their strike for a higher minimum rate of wages The constitutionality of the Califor nia barbers Sunday closing law will be tested in the Supreme Court The labor organizations of San Fran cisco are strenuously opposing the car rying of mails on street railways Cigarmakers are discussing the ques tion of starting international co-opera-live shops to provide work for aged craftsmen The strike of weavers in a Philadel phia mill has been ended by the firm granting a part of the advance iu wages demanded Thirty nine unions of the A K LT have been organized in the Eastern States Forty unions are to lie start ed in Tennessee and Georgia The granite cutteis national union has decided by a referendum vote to affiliate with the American Federation vf Labor The official headquarters are at Baltimore The lake seamens union of Chicago is reported as being in excellent shape The men are generally employed wages are good and the membership larger than ever before and a good treasury The report of the secretory treasurer of the American Federation shows n balance on hand September 1 of L 7uIS7 receipts for September 1 J7C 17 total 2f3404 expenditures 790 54 leaving a balance rr 2143o0