Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, November 28, 1895, Image 2

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    Clierrg Gountg Independent
Agrees with Reforms Suggested by
His Predecessors Regarding Abuses
of Second Class Mail Matter Tho
Jersey Schlatter
Report on Postoffices
Washington special Postmaster Gen
eral Wilson has made his first annual re
port to the Piesidcnt The receipts of the
Postoffice Department for the year end
ing Juuc 80 1895 were 70171090 and the
expenditures S070172 It is gratifying
says the report that a large proportion of
the deficiency occurred in the first quarter
of the year and that revenues arc increas
ing with returning prosperilj
The Postmaster General refers to the
free delivery service and sajs
I helieve it is good policy for Congress
and for this department to foster the ex
tension of this service by judicious ap
propriations and iiuiieious administration
The vigorous and effective efforts of
my immediate predecessor seem to have
produced at last an honest administration
of the eight hour law and in ado letter car
riers trip and official time reports actual
and truthful records of service To bring
ahout this substantial reform just alike to
the department and to the carriers as well
as to lay the foundation for other neces
sary improvements in this service a spe
cial investigation of the carrier system
was begun under his administration in
volving a thorough examination into the
needs and details of the service
Ho concurs in the recommendations ol
the first assistant Postmaster general for
promoting theefileeney of the work Con
cerning the abuses of second class mail
matter Mr Wilson says
I can add little to the reasons given by
Postmaster General Bissell and Postmas
ter General Wanamaker for amendments
to the laws as to second class matter im
peratively needed to save the postal serv
ice from the enormous ahuses and conse
quent enormous loss of revenue which no
regulation of the department or watchful
ness on the part of the officials can guard
against I respectfully and earnestly
recommend to Congress a caieful scrutiny
into this abuse and such remedial legisla
tion as shall be deemed necessary and ef
fective for its correction
P B Mnason Claims to Uave Heal
ing Powers
Now York special P B Mnason of
MFiWA Jt claims to he possessed
- aw who
tion in Colorado Mnason is the lemtefo
a strange religious sect in the vicinity of
his home known as the Angel Dancers
or The Churchmen of the Living God
He is preparing to more strongly assert
himself as healer without losing his place
as the head and center of his little band oj
devout followers According to his story
lie has been able since tho beginning of
his ministry to heal those who go to him
through faith but now lie gives a more
general invitation Mnason has been en
couraged to do this through the success of
Schlatter the Colorado healer with whose
movements lie is entirely familiar
Schlatter lias been doing a great work
m Colorado said Mnason Like me
lie does not sell his God given gifts but
lie will not stay there for those people are
driving him away 1 tell you it is not any
use in trying to traffic in these things of
God and that is what the peonle out there
are trying to do Why they will sell any
thing that Schlatter takes in his hand
Men who are standing in line to get to
him will sell their places to anyone will
ing to pay a price for it That is the
work of the devil and nothing else
Schlatter has God with him mightily and
wont stand that That is the reason he
dis appeared-
Chilis Xew Cabinet
Santiago Chili special It is an
nounced that the new cabinet will consist
of the following members Senor Renjifo
minister of the interior Senor Guerrero
ninister of foreing affairs Senor Arce
nnruster of finance Senor Borgono min
ister of war Senor Toro minister of jus
tice Senor Albano minister of public
Catron Gets a Fat Fee
Denver special A dispatch to the Re
publican from Las Vegas N M says
The master in chancery reported favor
ably on a claim for attorneys fees for T
B Catron Xew Mexicos delegate in Con
gress in the Mora grant case amounting
to 35030jThis is the largest fee ever
allowed in the territory
Shortage in the Clerks Office
Denver special It is stated that the
expert examination of the accounts of Col
Matt Adams clerk of the district court
who disappeared after tendering his re
signation will show a large shortage It
is known that over 000 in fees were
never turned over to the county treasury
Will Be Court Martialed
Brussels special The authorities of the
Congo Free State have decided that Capf
Lothshire who is charged with irregular
execution or tiie English trader Stokes is
to be tried by a Belgian court martial
25000 Missing
Philadelphia special A local paper
says D II Brenizer teller of the Citizens
Trust and Surely Company is a defauter
and has absconded President Townsend
says that as far as known bonds and se
curities to the amount of 25000 were
stolen It is supposed the nioiiy was
lost in speculation - j
Pick Up Wreckage
Chicago special A dispatch from
Charlevoix Mich states that fishermen
at the point two miles north of there re
port wreckage coming ashore One jacket
life preserver was marked L C Corn- CANADIAN LINE CORRECT
ing Parts of a vessels gunwale and
cabin were also found There is no boat
named I C Corning on the lakes but
it is possible the wreckage might be from
the schooner Ida Corning The Ida Corn
ing passed Port Duron bound up Nov
16 in tow of the steamer Oscoda and
since then there is no record of her where
abouts She is owned by Corning Ryan
of Saginaw Mich
A R I Leader Released lrora the
Woodstock Jail
Chicago special Eugene Debs became
a free man again at 12 oclock Thursday
night His term of six months imprison
ment in the Woodstock jail came to an
end while he snored blissfully in his cell
In no degree changed in his convictions
in uo wise repentant of his attitude in
times past and with the same opinion
that the federal courts have yet to learn
how to administer justice
lie explained all this while sitting in
the sheriffs office at Woodstock by say
ng I have been sustained by the con
sciousness that I was paying the penalty
for doing what I considered to he my
Mr Debs has already made plans that
will keep him very much before the pub
lic He said that he had arragned to
visit all the principal cities in the country
primarily in the interests of the A R U
but combining his efforts also to bring or
ganized labor into a defensive alliance
Mr Debs spoke in Battery D Hall to an
audience that taxed the seating and stand
ing capacity of the hall Most of the lead
ing labor organizations were represented
and Pie reception accorded to the leader
of the A It U was enthusiastic in the ex
Eight carloads of Debs friends went to
Woodstock to greet him on his release
from jail and several thousand men were
at the station of the Northwestern road
when the train arrived bearing Deb3 and
fiiends The reception given Deb3 as he
stepped from the train bordered on the
frantic Hundreds of men pushed and
struggled to get a grasp of his hand many
of them hugged him and some went to
the length of kissing him Finally he was
ossed upon the shoulders of four men and
followed by a dense throng that never for
one instant stopped its shouting and
cheering ho was escorted to the hall
about one mile distant
The Filibustering Steamer Captured
by the Spaniards
Washington special The Government
has received the details of the capture of
the filibustering steamer Horsa at Kings
ton Jamaica and the arrest in Cuba of
five important members of the expedition
The names of the men captured are Fer
nando Alvares who had the commission
Df general from Venezuela Fernando Mel
denze Francisco Valdiver Manuele Har
otzearna and Leardo Venet All are
Cubans They archill well known mem
bers of the Cuban polony of New York
XhzxQio vhi near
retry wnfI fromVeVxrw on 1
nignt of November 9 The party
was commanded by Gen Francisco Ga
rillo with Col Jose Aquirre second in
command Roth have been prominent in
the diplomatic negotiations of the United
States concerning Cuba They were
tuisuneu in navana when the rebellion
began but were liberated at the request
of the American Cousul as American citi
zens They came to the United States
and later Gen Carimo was arrested at
Wilmington Del as a member of a fili
bustering party but was acquitted The
Horsa expedition followed Their capture
grew out of ill advised revealations of
their compatriots in New York after the
Dxpedition had sailed After the landing
of the party in Cuba the Horsa was
chased by a Spanish warship and sought
shelter in Jamaica where the British
authorities seized her
ihe Check
to General
Trade Still
New York special Bradstretls says
Ihe check to general trade which has
been conspicuous for the past few weeks
still continues Unseasonably mild
weather and rains have intensified this
feature But the demand tnr ctni
- tijo ill
crease on the appearance of seasonably
iold weather the result being
iers for woolens shoes rubbers
flay specialties
rger or
Exports of wheat from both coasts of
he United States and from Montreal
wheat Hour included as wheat amount
lo 2flluVi U bushels against 0323000 bush
sis last week and 8312000 in the week a
year ago
Business failures show another marked
increase being 323 in the United States
against 270 last
week 250 a year
ago and 3158 in the third week of Novem
ber 18H3 In the same week of 1892 the
total was only 1S5 The bulk of the in
crease is in the middle and western states
The Supremo Court Destroys
Last Hope
Minneapolis special The last hope that
emained to Hay ward for life was wrested
from him when the supreme court Wed
nesday morning handed down an opinion
affirming the action of the lower court de
nying him a new trial The court was
unanimous It finds no error in the trial
and declares the trial judge was justified in
excluding testimony as to the sanity of
Adry Hay ward while on the stand when
no foundation had been laid as to his men
tal condition It is held that it wns nlsn
proper to exclude evidence as to insanity
in the family
Harry Hay ward turned pale when the
decision was announced and said It is
just what I expected He was appar
ently without hope
The county attorney to whom the Gov
ernor had referred fixing the date of the
execution will name December 6
Oregons Triple Murder
Brownsville Ore special Lloyd
Montgomery 18 years old son of John
Montgomery is under arrest for the mur
der of his father mother and B B Mc
Keecher found dead
tncle Sams ClaLms in Regard to
Alaska Boundary Wrong-
Washington special The United States
has been compelled to abandon its conten
tion as to the exact location of the 141st
meridian between Mt St Elias and the
Arctic Ocean
When the nresent nil ief of the bureautr
Gen W W Duffield was installed he
found in the employ of the service Mr Mc
Grath a surveyor Mr McGrath had
been assigned to the duty of running the
line of the 141st meridian which was the
boundary line always recognized Mr
McGrath had completed his field work
but had not worked out his notes when
lie was dismissed That portion of the
work was given to other men in the office
In the meantime a Canadian engineei
hadsurveyedthe meridian and establishec
the Canadian line seven and three -tenths
miles to the westward of the presumed
line of McGrath The boundary accord
ing to this Canadian authority was wes
af the mining settlement known as Forty
Mile This town is at the junction o
Forty Mile Creek with the Yukon River
ind it promises to be of extreme import
mice with the opening of spring No one
could understand how it could be that the
surveyors were so wide apart as although
they worked with chronometers and sex
tants and without the aid of the definite
survey of the coast it was declared that
they ought not to be more than 100 feet
McGrath was sent for He went ovei
his own notes and proved that his line
and that located by the Canadian engineer
are in reality only twenty two feet apart
and now the Canadian survey is acknowl
edged to be approximately correct This
means apparently that thei Mist meridan
or the main east and west boundary line
of Alaska north of Mt St Elias has been
definitely determined The decision
leaves the town of Forty Mile in British
The question of the location of the
southeastern boundary is still in abeyance
and it continues to give the administration
a great deal of trouble especially as the
British insist that the city of Juneau in
cluding the United States custom house
is within their territory
Report of a Fabulous Strike
Silverlon Colo
Silverton Colo special This city is
excited over the marvelous discovery of
gold in the Montana prospect in Deer
Park about four miles from Silverton S
F Morrison John South Tom Francis
and George Hildreth are the owners and
they struck eighteen inches of quartz
which carries 1807 ounces of silver and
over Su00 ounces of gold per ton The
silver lies with tellurium Samples of
fifteen pounds have been brought to town
some of which are as rich as anything
known aside from pure nuggets
The Montana is adjacent to the famous
Mabella May Queen and Lambert prop
erties which are noted for their high
grade gold ores Mining has been prac
tically abandonedjn Deer - Park during
M iSjVjttiig years bulUi Jioovwy
has renewed tliefimpetus in that section
as was manifested by thirty prospectors
starting for the new gold district The
discovery is remote from Maggie gulch
It is in tho opposite section of the country
and will undoubtedly mark another era in
San Juans already well established re
nown Later reports emphasize the state
One Man
Killed and Two
ously Wounded
Tyrrell Texas special T M Joyce a
saloonkeeper fired four shots at J W
Ogles on horseback one of the
shots striking Seaborn lluckaby in the
neck breaking it and causing instant
death A second shot struck Buck Scott
in the shoulder ranged downward and
came out at his back Huekaby and
Scott were members of the Green Z naves
were drilling in the street and happened
to be in range of the stray bullets Ogles
was found nearly an hour later in a branch
street about a block and a half from the
scene of the shooting dying from a pisur
shot which had entered his side aud came
out at his neck Joyce was arrested and
immediately hurried from the city by
Marshal Keller Bert Hurt the negrc
porter in Joyces saloon is also nuclei
arrest and a pistol was found on his per
son Avhen arrested Indignation runs
high here and further particulars cannot
be learned This is the bloodiest tragedy
ever committed in this city
Hundred Scandinavians Start
lbr the Mother Country
Chicago special Five hundred Swedes
Norwegians and Danes from Chicago are
on the way to their mother country They
left on a special train from the Dearborn
station for New York where the steamei
Norge of the Thingvalia line will carry
them home to spend Christmas For ovei
thirty years excursions of this kind have
been customary among the Scandinavians
of the United States When they emi
grate to this country they really do so
with the view of breaking home ties for
good and though loyal to the country of
their adoption the majority from the time
of their landing look forward to a visit to
their homes on the other side of the At
lantic about Christmas time The party
was considerably larger than on previous
years The station was crowded with
friends of the travelers and as the trains
I ulled out the bands struck up the Swed
ish national anthem and a thousand voices
joined in the chorus
Made Raid on Moonshiners
Lexington special United States Mar
shal Kilbourn and deputies raided the
moonshiners of Wise County Virginia
destroying a dozen stills with a capacity
of 2000 gallons In the fight between the
officers and the moonshiners three of the
latter and one officer were seriously
JcJm Dillon Weds
London special John Dillon the well
mown Irish leader was married Thurs
day to a daughter of Justice Ma the w
The pope sent a telegram bestowing his
Of the Bonacum and Murphy Con
troversyOne Pronounces Excom
munication and the Other Defiance
and the End Is Not Yet
Bishop and Priest Compete
According to announcement Bishop
Bonacum of Lincoln held personally con
ducted Catholic services at Tecumseh
Sunday His services were held at the
Seaver Opera nouse and in the presence
of a congregation of less than forty
In fact there were but fourteen members
of the Tecumseh church in attendance
The grievances against Rev Messrs Mur
phy of that city and Fitzgerald of Auburn
were aired These clergymen were
toasted to a queens taste for the disre
spect the bishop claims that they are show
ing their superior in the church their ex
pulsion from the diocese was affirmed and
they were excommunicated from the
church The bishop then installed in that
charge Rev J C Carraher of Lincoln
Services for next Sunday were announced
to be held at the opera house and a trus
tees meeting of the local organization
will be held at the home of the priest in
Smartville Wednesday
Father William Murphy held services at
St Andrews Church at the usual hour
and so vast was the throng of church
members and citizens that turned out to
hear the reverend gentleman that stand
ing room in the commodious house of wor
ship was at a premium Many were
turned away from the doors unable to
gain admission Father Murphy expressed
iis pleasure at being honored on the oc
casion witii such a magnificent congrega
tion and entered in detail into the trouble
that is existing betwen the bishop and
himself Many important letters in refer
ence to the case were read He claimed
that the bishop had brought this scandal
upon the church solely from the fact that
Fitzgerald and himself refused to extort
certain large sums of money from their
parishoners to he used in furthering the
bishops comforts of life In concluding
Father Murphy expressed the hope that
the members of the congregation would
not form any opinion in the case either
pro or con until the evidence on both sides
had been carefully weighed and the mat
ter given a hearing before the proper
church authorities if the verdict of that
tribunal shall be favorable to the opposi
tion he will willingly step down and out
without further controversy In ihe
meantime as the duly authorized pastor of
this charge he will conduct the customary
services at the church
Law Declared Constitutional
The supreme court has handed down
the most important decision in any of the
irrigation cases before that body The
verdict of the lower court in the ease of
the board of directors of Alfalfa Irrigation
district appellees against M S Collins
et al appellants was affirmed The de
cision is by Justice Post A portion of
the syllabus holds
The act approved March 2U 1805
known as the district irrigation law pro
vides that when bonds are authorized by
a vote of any irrigation district application
may be made to the district court of the
couniy in which sneu district or pp
ui is suuateu tor an order confiri
approving tne same At the time sot for
hearing and after notice by publication
to all concerned any person interested in
sam district may appear and resist such
application and the court may examine
into and determine all questions pertain
ing to the organization of the district as
well as the regularity of the voting and
issuing such bonds Held Not to con
template the taking of property without
due process of law by means of taxation
within the prohibition of the state or
ciai constitution Irrigation districts or
ganized under the laws are public rather
lhan municipal corporations and their
officers are public agents of the state
The district irrigation law does not con
did with the constitution by authorizing
the taking of property for private use
only The district irrigation law is not un
constitutional on the ground that the
power thereliy conferred upon districts to
levy taxes is without limitation
Suit Against Joseph Garneau Jr
Deputy Attorney General Da v will file
suit in the district court or Douglas
against Joseph Garneau jr as princi
pal and W A iaxton and J A Creigh
ton his bondsmen for 55042 Garneau
was a Worlds Fair commissioner for Ne
braska and the suit is brought by the
state in accordance with the report of the
legiaumve committee last winter to tiie
effect that Garneau was short in his ac
counts with the stale In the petition it
will be alleged among other things that
the commissioner purchased some 15000
worth of furniture of which onlv about
200 is accounted for
There are a num
ber of other items which Mr Day savs
i PA 1iri vnf vim Litf 1 4 i
iiv ju inn uunii uui vqieu mav ap
pear in time to incorporate them in this
suit While in Omaha Mr Day will also
try to collect the judgment of 800 which
the state secured against County Treas
urer Irey some time since One Baldwin
sued the county treasurer for money said
to be due him and the state intervened
and was granted a judgment on its claim
of above amount
Mistake in Election Ballots
A strange mistake in the printing of the
official ballots for Custer
come to lijilit
pruning tne official
linl llts lf i v
t hi i lice i iimiinpril ivni
designated as a Republican Manv Re
publicans vdted for him through mistake
thus dividing their strength to such an
extent that Henry Zimmerman the Popu
list candidate was elected The whole of
the Republican ticket with this exception
was elected
Union JPaciiic Brakeman Shot
Brakeman George Norval bound east on
a freight train which was sidetracked at
ugaiana tor tho passenger from the east
was shot by some person unknown The
ball struck above the left eye glancing
over the top of his head making a scalp
wound about four inches loiiir Nnrvii
was on top oi the tram when shot
supposed to have been done
thieves lie will recover
It is
by coal
A Second Gusher for Niobrara
The Nobrara packing house struck a
fine flow of artesian water at a depth of
591 feet running at the rate of H00 gallons
a minute and having a pressure of 107
Another well was reached on the farm
of S W Davis who is located in the Pon
a valley a few miles west of Niobrara
Norfalk Sugar Company Sued
As a result of suits brought anainst the
Norfalk Beet Sugar Company a large
quantity of sugar was attached by Shoriff
Losey and held until the company put up
bonds to have the attachment discharged
The sruits are brought by Beruer Bros H
ICeuse Otto Brickie and A J Durland
throuuh their attorneys Bert Mapes of
that city and n C Brome of Omaha to
recover for 6000 worth of beets which
the factory refused to take The sugar
company claims that the beets were not
up to the standard contracted for and the
plaintiffs allege that the beets were fully
up to such standard These suits will
test the accuracy of the companys analy
sis and are being watched with great in
terest by other beet growers whose beets
have been likewise refused The beet
growers have formed an organization
called the Norfalk Beet Growers Associa
tion with the object of mutual protection
of their interests
H SAdams has resigned his position
as manager of the beet sugar company
Mr Adams lias held this position since
the company was organized and his resig
nation is the result of overwork and con
sequent ill health
Tribute to fudge Norns
The following resolutions were pre
sented in open court at Ilartington and
each member of the bar made appropriate
Whereas His honor William F Norris
who has presided as judge of this court
continuously for a period of eight yais is
about to retire from the bench therefore
be it
Resolved That we the members of the
Cedar County bar and olficers of tins
court do sincerely express our deep re
spect for the retiring judge and we will
weleome him back and receive him again
as one of ourselves that this preamble
and resolution bespread upon the jounvil
of this court and a certified copy be re
turned to his honor that the several
county papers be requested to publish the
Signed by John Bridenbaub J C
Robinson A M Gooding W L Rose J
P Barnes Guy R Wilbur Wilbur F
Bryant and Benjamin M Weed members
of the Cedar Couaty bar John J Goebcl
clerk of the district court F R Jones
deputy clerk of the district court G N
Champion deputy county clerk C M
Jones sheriff
Big- Mining al
Last winter William Mrownof Fremont
went to Utah and engaged in the mining
business lie interested a number of his
friends and a company was formed CA
controlling interest in Ihe Mercury and
neighboring claims was purchased at 2 a
share par value being 5 Development
work was pushed and enough gold was
mined to increase the value of the stock to
7 by means of a new process for reduc
ing the ore Geo W E Dorsoy tele
graphed frem Salt Lake City that Capt
de la Matyr as agent for an Enlish syndi
cate had purchased the gruup of mines
including the Mercury for I50n000 The
owners of the mine all lie in lodgo
County Nebraska John Dern of Hooper
was president of t lie -com pan y and asso
ciated with him were John Ilelmrieh
Alex Aris William Brown Dr Iialsan
Charles Brnnner and Gus Rayensick who
will divide the purchase price almost
equally between them
Red Men Meet at Aurora
The great council of tho Independent
Order of Red Men of Nebraska met at
Aurora Prominent Bed Men from all
parts of the state were preseai The ses
sion lasted ten hours The officers elected
ar the ensuing vear are Great prophet
ID B Warm North Platte great hachem
M H Levy Hastings senior sachem E
H Finch Grand Island junior sachem
G W Inskeep Falls City I C of R
O G Sparks Lincoln keeper of Wam
pum P D Denny Fremont G S A G
Wood Fort Omaha G M J F Roberts
Tecumseh great representative F J
Hurt County Kcdistricted
In accordance with the township organ
ization law which the neonle of Hurt
County voted upon themselves at the last
election the county commissioners met
and completed the division of the county
into seven supervisor districts and ap
pointed the following supervisors Jos
Hall or Riverside P L Pork of Tekamah
C A Wethereli of Silver Creek J L
Kuollin of Decatur AJ White of Ever
ett C J Wallerstcdt of Oakland P S
Gibbs of Belt Creek Tekamah Citv has
sumcieni population to make a district bv
Stole a I iMd oi Corn
A forty acre com field jut north of De
catur belonging to Mr Ashlev was
picked the other night In some unknown
Nebraska Short Notes
Burt County adopted tho township or
ganization plan at the last election
Cattle and
being shipped
sheep by the thousa ids are
into Merrick County for
An Alma man raised lt0 bushels ot
onions on three acres of ground He sold
Ihem for 50 cents per bushel
Red Cloud is al work
on a project to re
build the Flouring mills recently destroyed
and operate them by electricity
The checks paid the patrons of the
Table Rock Creamery Association for the
month of October amounted to 1008709 3
L J Neimollera settler liv
ing near Platte Center takes a swim in
ihe creek twice a week in spite of the cold
A traveling fakir was arrested at York
for selling goggles without a license H
sold A worth of goggles and his fine
amounted to 12
The B A M is about to commence work
on a new bridge across the Platte and
Loup Rivers al Bell wood Fifty men will
be given employment for three months
A German citizen of Winside to win a
wager swallowed forty raw ers within
six minutes and drank eight schooners of
oeer witnin twenty minutes thereafter
A young girl named Boirnor Hying at
Howells has been deaf and dumb since
her birth She was taken to Denver where
she was treated by Schlatter Now it is
claimed that she can hear and is learning
to talk
Fourteen farmers in Ioun County
j v o uuu ui men- own lauor con
structed the Newton irrigating ditch fif
teen miles in length The work took
them six months but theyve cot water lo
sell now
The 12-year-old daughter nf w T to
nelt living near Pawnee Citv was fright
ened into convulsions by a burglar sTnee
her recovery she has lost all memory of
occurrences for three or four vears past
She recognizes no one of tiie family but
her father
A state sugar beet convention will he
held at Fremont some time during the
month of January or February The pur
pose of the convention will he to form
some organization among the beet grow
ers m oruer to secure better results
their dealings with the factories
It Was Not Done and the Patient Was
Cured by Internal Kemedies
From the llerniblican Eegisier Galeaburg 111
Biggsville twenty nine miles west of
Galesburg 111 on the line of the Chi
cago Burlington and Quincy Railroad
is an old quiet little town In earlier
days it was noted as a good business
It was here that a representative of the
Republican Register found Mrs Rhoda
Talcott SI years of age who told him in
the presence of her grateful daughter
Mrs E Sloan the following story which
is given as ueurly as possible in her own
Yes it is with great pleasure that I
can give my testimony to the great value
of Dr Williams Pink Pilla Over thirty
years ago I was taken with a chill and
erysipelas set in For sixteen weeks I
was not able to walk a step The phy
sicians proposed to take on one of my
limbs but finally decided not to do so It
mortified in spots which hnd to be cut or
burrit out After I wan able to get about
with the ude of crutches every two or
three months erysipelas would set i
again and I suffered intensely from it i
had a good many different doctors Dr
Fitch of Sheridan Iowa Dr Brown of
Chamite Kansas Dr Scarft of Burling
ton Iowa Dr Trembly of Oakland Cali
fornia Dr Searle of Galesburg Illi
nois and a doctor in Kansas Ciy but ob
tained no relief and after treatment from
all those physicians instead of getting
better began to get very much worse
The other limb broke out in two placea
with sores about the size of a silver dol
lar I could not sleep nights without the
aid of morphine My limbs were so bad
ly swollen that I could not put oil my
shoes or walk a step without either hav
ing on a heavy bandage or a silk or rub
ber stocking About a year ago I read of
and was told by a neighbor about Dr
Williams Pink Pills I concluded ns a
last resort to try them as I felt certain
I could find no other relief From the
very first after I commenced to use the
pills I began to improve and since that
time I have not been troubled at all I
would not hnve done without the Pink
Pills for anything as they have most cer
tainly prolonged my life My general
health is much better than it has been
for a good many years and I am now SI
years of age Have not only used the
Pink Pills with success but have recom
mended thc m to my friends whom I
thought needed such treatment aud sev
eral have tried them and found relief
Mrs Sloan said that just before com
mencing to use the Pink Pills she
thought her mother could live hut a very
short time and was most agreeably sur
prised after she had taken the pills
Mrs Talcott has made her home with
her daughter for five or six years and she
can most cheerfully certify to the benefit
her mother has derived from the use of
the medicine
The reporter also called on Mr George
Kelly the son of one of the prominent
hardware dealers in Biggsville who has
used Pink Pills He was troubled
with pains in the stomach and back and
from the very first he commenced to
got better and now he is not troubled at
John McKee the druggist in the vil
lage stated that he had sold a great
many of Dr Williams Pink Pills and
that they most certainly give the best of
satisfaction and have accomplished great
results Quite a number of the villagers
are now using them
Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a
condensed form all
the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
olood and restore shattered nerves They
are sold by all dealers or will be
sent post paid on receipt of price siO cents
a box or six boxes for 2no by address
sDr Williams Med Co Schenectady
ClOtllOH nTnrfi nioivn
A queer incident took place yesterday
in tne oince of one of the natural gas
companies A seedy looking and poor
ly dressed man entered the office and
asked for the president The clerk
whom he addressed had been annoyed
more than usual of Into by beggars
and tramps and replied brusquely
Well he dont want to see you so
clear out unless you have some bust up
here and if you have you can transact
it with me
All right I can deal with you I did
want to refer The
president to a cus
tomer who is desirous of taking some
stock in a new enterprise he is about to
embark In But I can sou him at an
other time when he is not so carefully
guarded by such zealous subordinates
I will pay the gas bill for mv North
Meridian street house however and I
suppose you will be good enough to
take my money
The clerks eyes bulged until thev
were in danger of dropping from their
position when he was handed from a
well filled wallet a hundred dollar bill
to change in payment of a good sized
monthly account He had been dealing -with
one of the citys most prominent
and prosperous workingmen who did
not see it necessary to cease his man
ual labor because he had accumulated
a fair proportion of wealth Indianap
olis Sentinel
A Skato Bicycle
And now here comes a man out of
the wild and woolly West who says
we may ride our wheels all winter if
we wish Yea not only this but ride
faster than ever if we will This is a
matter that will cut considerable ico
with many devotees of wheeling
Ing the coming winter months The
bicycle has always heretofore been con-
sidered erratic and drunken enough In
Its movements to more than satisfy
aiost riders and particularly new begin-
ners but this man audaciously proposes
to give it a skate It is all very simple
lou have only to remove the front
wheel from Its forks substitute the
skate in its place take the tire from
the rear wheel put the Ice tire thereon
and there you are This attachment was-
experimented with last winter on Lake
Michigan and it is claimed a record
of one quarter of a mile In 20 seconds
was established with it The possibili
ties of century runs up the Hudson
ice bicycle races and races between ice
bicycles and iceboats open up a new
and most attractive vista in the field
of sports
Why H e Was Shot
Prof Hodgson In his Errors in the
Use of English notes the following
curious epitapli in an Ulster church
yard Erected to the inemorv of John
Phillips accidentally shot as a mark
orvanection bv h irMi