Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, November 14, 1895, Image 3

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banks having suspended gold
THE without meeting with
any serious criticism from the sub
sidized goldbug newspapers what is to
prevent the treasury from suspending
gold payments for a time long enough
ito convince ail concerned that the law
Which says that the greenbacks shall be
redeemed in coin and not In gold alone
lis a good one It must be perfectly
clear even to the Eastern contingent
that the greenbacks canDot and will
not be retired says the Atlanta Consti
tution It must be perfectly clear to
them too that the administration can
not go on selling bonds for gold and
running the people deeper and deeper
into debt It must also be perfectly
clear that the banks do not propose at
this day and hour to come to the relief
of the treasury and furnish gold for
export and for a very good reason
they have no gold to spare Mr Car
lisles underlings -drawing on their
imaginations have left It to be under
stood that our stock of available gold
jamouuts to about 600000000 The
jfact Is that our only available stock of
Vjold is that which belongs to the trtas
iury reserve supplemented by sfich
amounts as the Rothschilds syndicate
jean command from time to time The
banks having suspended gold pay
ments the stock they have on hand can
pot be regarded as available except for
the purchase of government bonds or
for such premium as the syndicate can
jafford to pay
There must be an end to this busi
ness There must be an end to the treas
ury receivership There must come a
day and that shortly when even the
syndicate cannot afford to put up gold
fto be carted off There must be an end
jto the bond business The people will
not tolerate It The whole trouble grows
out of a plain violation of the law
When the law is once carried out we
jshall no longer have the ruinous dislo
cation of the currency that now exists
jThe law says that the treasury notes
and greenbacks are payable not in
Wold but in coin which is either gold
or silver That is the law and it is
only necessary to carry out the law to
Stop the drain of gold and restore our
currency system to what it was when
jpeople were receiving fair prices for
the products of their labor Pay out
as well as gold coin the silver
bullion in the treasury and use the
seigniorage and there will neither be
a drain on the gold reserve nor a deficit
In the treasury
5 Shortage of Gold
The great and necessary growing
Jstrlfe among the gold standard coun
tries to obtain and retain a sufficient
amount of gold for actual needs has
caused it to advance in value when
measured by any of the leading prod
ucts of human industry It has stood
at par only when measured by itself
says P B Flanders In the Chicago
Evening Press As gold advances In
value all those commodities measured
by it have an appearance of declining
and until a remedy is adopted to stop
khis Increase no permanent Improve
ment In the stability of prices can be
jdepended upon It Is unnatural and
humiliating to think that this great na
tion should be compelled to pay specu
lators prices for 00000000 of gold to
-replenish our treasury while we have
jin silver available to take the place of
ahls gold nearly ten times as much to
pay nothing of the many rldh but un
developed mines
Bimetallism would bring our silver
ilnto use as redemption money which
would be the measure of value while
jgold was declining Both gold and sil
iver would soon reach a common level
and remain without material fluctua
tions If gold was temporarily driven
out of circulation if necessary we could
send abroad for it as we do now but
there is no reason why such disappear
ance should cause financial disorder
as the greater amount of silver will
itake its place Another point Why
should London make the price of our
silver We will make our own price
at the ratio of 10 to 1 If by so doing
only one mine owner Is benefited con
gratulate him If It adds to the wealth
of 100 or 1000 of our people so much
the better For my part I believe that
the remonetizatlon of silver at the ear
liest possible moment will benefit every
community and every industry
Unworthy Our Nation
The spectacle of the treasury waiting
upon the pleasure of the syndicate
ibankers to know what they intend to
do for the replenishment of the gold re
serve is too humiliating to be regarded
wlth patience Such a spectacle to be
iplaln about it is unworthy of our na
tion No country world has larger
financial resources than the United
States possesses Our Government
ought to enjoy the very highest credit
lit should be and with proper handling
Jit undoubtedly would be able to raise
any amount of money that it might re
quire Remembering what he has done
in the past Uncle Sam may well rub his
jeyes to see whether he Is awake when
jhe sees the treasury officials soliciting
the kindly Intervention of a syndicate
for the preservation of the national
What It Means
Free coinage of sliver means profit in
farming Profit in farming means In
crease in values Increase in values
means new homes prosperous villages
and thriving cities Increase of farm
products means increase of national
toAlth a boom for manufacturer
money to redeem railroads from the
English pawnbrokers and fair
dends for stockholders It means work
for idle men and a reduction in the num
ber of tramps It means less crime
less poverty and less taxation It
means a restoration of agriculture the
foundation of commerce and manufac
tures -
Political Jingles
Shylock hod a little ram
His cheek was tough as brass
And every time the bankers winked
This ram was sure to gas
He went to school to Coin one day
And acted like a fool
It made the people laugh and cheer
To seethis ram in School
The teacher thrashed him the first doy
And still he charged about
And bunted like a little calf
Till the teacher turned him out fj
Hi diddle diddle
Harvey did riddle
The Eastern goldbugs tool v
The people did laugh X
To see such sport
At Coins Financial School
Little goldbujr Horr lost his head
And didnt know where he was atf
Let him alone what ever he said
He was talking through his hat
Silver Sentiment Developing
There is a very strong silver senti
ment among the Republicans of Michi
gan Illinois Kansas and such other
Western States as I have been In says
W J Bryan I think that the fight has
not progressed as far in the Republican
as in the Democratic party but I look
for a rapid development of silver senti
ment after Congress meets If the sil
ver Republicans will organize as thor
oughly as the silver Democrat ar
organizing they will be prepared to tip
much better work in 1896 We have
a great many silver Republicans in
Has No Use for Gold
Mexico has given up for the pwssent
trying to keep her silver coin on a pari
ty with gold It therefore has the sin
gle silver standard and has no use for
gold except in dealings with foreign
countries All reports however indi
cate that at no time in the history of
that country has it enjoyed such gener
al prosperity Home manufactures are
increasing and wealth is being accum
ulated The deposits of the banks of
tho City of Mexico have increased in
the last ten years from a little over 7
ooo ono to sanoooooo
- T
Clerer Detectives
The smartest criminals are generally
as stupid as they are smart and soonei
or later meet their reward A clevei
capture was recently made by Paris de
tectlves Walking in the Rue St Mar
tin their attention was attracted by a
man pushing a large packing case on a
hand curt The man seemed to be talk
ing to himself and though this Is not
an unusual eccentricity they thought
it worth while to listen
Dont be afraid old fellow I will
take the shortest cut he was heard to
In the Rue de Bondy he deposited the
packing case In a warehouse belonging
to one M Roux The detectives con
cealed themselves there About mid
night they sawr a man emerge from the
case and with a set of tools begin to
demolish the safe lock Eventually he
opened the safe took tho gold and sil
ver it contained and retired to his
packing case again
The detectives quietly awaited the
return of his confederate In the morn
ing he appeared and was arrested
without noiso outside the warehouse
Then placing the case on a hand cart
the detectives dragged it to the office
of the police commissary
Is it you inquired the man lu the
Yes dont be uneasy I will take the
shortest cut replied a detective
The astonishment of the robber was
great when he was released from the
case In the presence of a police com
Ants Are Brotherly
A naturalist who has studied the
ways of ants found that some of them
feel friendship and pity for suffering
and he tells It thus One day watch
ing a small column of these ants 1
placed a small stone on one of them to
secure it The next that approached
as soon as it discovered Its situation
ran backward in an agitated manner
and soon communicated the intelligence
to the others They rushed to the res
cue Some bit at the stone and tried
to move it Others seized the prisoner
by the legs and tugged with such force
that Ifthought the legs would be pulled
off but ttiey persevered until they got
the captis free I next covered one
up with apiece of clay leaving only the
ends of itsj antennae projecting It was
soon discovered by Its fellows who set
to work hmedlately and by biting off
pieces of the clay soon liberated it
The excitaaaent and ardor with which
they carried on their unflagging exer
tions for the rescue of their comrade
could not b ave been greater if they had
been human beings
The word supercilious comes from the
Latin worcl signifying the eyebrow
The habit of lifting the eyebrows In
scorn suggijsted the present significa
Riches do not half so much exhilarate
us with tbidr possession as they tor
ment us wltla their loss - - -
low Many People Have Xou Tried to
Get Into the Hants How ilany
Popnlist Papers Do You Tote
ISotes of the Cause
Active Workers Needed
You are a Populist are you Yes you
bet I am Well I am glad to hear it
What we want Ls men devoted to the
reform cause What Peoples party pa
er do you take None You see I am
fery poor and Whats that papur
7ou have In your pocket Oh that
ur county paper you seeI want the
2ouity news and Whats Its poli
tics Democratic you see How
many subscribers have you got for Pop
uUst papers in the last year None
5h How many Populist books have
you bought and loaned in the past
7ear Not any How many people
have you tried to convert Not any I
have to work too hard and How
many people have you tried to get out
to Popuasi meetings Oh I havent
time to run around after people and
What have you done to support Popu
list speakers or to encourage the move
ment Well you see that Js I have
got to look after my wife and children
well I am not interested in politics
Now my dear fellow dont plead pov
erty There are not a dozen Populist
editors in the whole country but what
make sacrifices every year that would
discount your sacrifices for a whole
life time A man who will take an old
party paper and not take one of his
own parry has reason to blush with
shame The man who does nothing to
support and encourage those who are
fighting his battles shouldnt talk about
caring for his wife and children The
man who in these trying times for hu
manity sees the light clearly enough
to say I am a Populist and yet who
is doing nothing to help the cause Is a
devilish sight meaner than any old
party man of whom I know anything
The mast blameworthy man I know is
neither a Republican nor Democrat but
a Populist who lies back like a balky
mule and lets some one else do all the
pulling There are not fifty Populists
In California who cannot afford to take
and pay for at least one good Populist
paper There are not 500 in the State
who cannot afford to take one good
State and one good Populist paper and
pay for them There are not 1000 Pop
ulists In the State but what can Induce
one old party man or more to take a
Populist paper And if thoy did do
what they could do tills State would
give a clear majority of 20000 over all
for the Populists next year Wako up
and take a fall out of yourself San
Jose Cal New Charter
Populism Not Dead
The Vfthpmanpa wlhh ihlph fhft qpj
vile press asserts that Populism is
dead has had the effect to make them
believe It true themselves They are
much like the man who tolls a He at
first in fun then repeats it so often
that he thinks after a while It Is true
So far from being dead the following
will show that It is distinctly alive and
kicking It has more votes to Its credit
than the Democratic party In Minne
sota Nebraska Oklahoma Wyoming
North Dakota Washington Nevada
South Dakota Kansas Colorado Mon
tana Idaho Oregon and Arizona It
has more votes than the Republican
party in Arkansas Louisiana Alabama
Florida Texas Mississippi Georgia
and North Carolina Thus It will be
seen that in no less than twenty three
States and territorios or half the whole
number In the United Slates and em
bracing almost three fourths of the ter
ritory It Is the first or second party
With such figures as these before us It
would seem that it is worse than folly
for any member of the party to become
discouraged much less think of de
serting its ranks
Oh Lord my leader und my shield
No ther help I know
And ii thou wilt not comfort me
Ah whither shall I go
So wrote a poet of the oldeu time and
tho stanza embodies the thought of
every sincere man who has broken
with the old parties because he has felt
that they can no longer reasonably
claim his support Nonconformist
Trusts or Public Robbers
Trusts are supreme They defy God
or man Supply and demand have no
effect Their edict is supreme over all
earthly things When they want more
money they doodle up When they
want to kill off a competitor they say
doodle down and down goes prices
Tho Standard Oil trust demanded its
shylock pound of flesh recently It said
doodle wp to oils and up they went
without decrease or Increase of supply
and demand Oils are 10 ceuts per gal
lon higher this fall than they wero last
It Is simply the result of the edict of
the trust
The sugar trust has concluded to get
Its pound of flesh and It puts up tho
price of sugar without regard to supply
and demand Thus every family in the
land is robbed The miller trust want
ed a pound of flesh and it increased
the price of flour There Is no extra de
mand noi Is there a shortage of wheat
These necessaries enter into the every
day consumption of every family in the
land This is plain robbery It Is sanc
tioned by law under a government sup
posedly by the people These public
robbers in the form of trusts have
grown up under old party rule They
rob the masses and if they increase
the wages of labor for effect they al
ways lengthen tho hours of labor The
Peoples party is pledged to defend
the people from these public robbers
Would Retire Greenbacks
We hear a great many of the mouth
pieces of the plutocracy demanding
that the Government go out of the
banking business That means not
only to ccU in and destroy the green
backs but to shut up tho money order
departments of all the postofilces -When
this is done you can go to the bank and
buy a draft for 10 cents that the Gov
ernment now sells you for 3 The fel
lows who want the Government to zo
out of the banking business are run
ning the old parties Vote their tick
ets and jou indorse their demands
Coming Nation
Buying Ourselves Poor
Whenever a man buys more than he
I sells that man will surely become poor
by and by and the same is true of a
nation So long as this government
buys more than it sells just so long will
it grow poorer Now if a farmer pro
duces more than he can us and finds
that he cannot dispose of rhis surplus
in one place he is sure to seek another
If he were to find himself In debt after
a years work he would naturally look
around for a means of getting out if
he has wheat and corn and finds that
he has not wheat enough to meet his
expenses he goes to his corn crib and
sells enough to carry him along until
his hog crop is ready for the market
Not so with the government under the
rule of Emperor Grover The Fat Our
total imports for the first nine months
of 1S93 exceed our exports by more
that 102000000 and we are clearly
behind just that much Inasmuch as
imports arc paid for in gold it is as
clear as the light of the noonday sun
that this Is one of the sources of drain
of the yellow metal We could stand
this and let it go if the henchmen of
the house of Rothschilds would abide
by the laws of America and defend the
rights of American citizens If we
were allowed to coin silver with which
to pay our debts according to the pro
visions of the constitution it would be
but a short time until the securities now
abroad would be coming home at a
rapid rate and the nation would soon
know a prosperity to which it is now a
What Do You Tote For
Old party follower what do you vote
for Do you vote for principle Do
you see any principle laying around
loose Are you voting for honesty lu
public office If so how do you like
the honesty you are getting Are you
voting for good times and prosperity
If you are how do you enjoy the pres
ent stage of prosperity Axe you vot
ing for America and home rule If so
how does our present condition of En
glish rule catch you Are you voting
for the greatest good to the greatest
You are getting it with a vengeance
a3 our present system of class rule and
combine dictation testifies Are you
voting for the equality of every man
before the law If so you get the re
verso Thero is no equality before the
law now Are you voting for justice to
the masses of the people Then what
tory when justice was so completely
dethroned Are you voting as every
sovereign should rote for the glory of
his country and tho principles of a re
public that guarantees to every man
his liberty and the just returns of his
labor If so you are a fool You have
been voting for all these things for
years and the longer you vote the less
you partake of them You have been
voting with your eyes shut Wake up
and vote once for a party that honors
Its declarations
Squeals on His Pals
Though John Sherman is universally
recognized as a cold man he has suc
ceeded in warming up a lot of politi
cians by his new book Having noth
ing more to gain or lose politically the
old Mephisto is telling secrets that
show what a lot of rascals compose the
leadership of the great Republican
party Old John himself was one of
them and one ot the worst but the
temptation to get even is too great even
for his foxy nature and ho squeais ou
hi3 pals In a way that has caused a
mighty commotion among the Oilv
Gammons of our politics
Need a Graduated Land Tax
The adoption of the New Zealand
graduated land tax would compel the
Northern Pacific to let go Its holdings
Instead of foreclosing on settlers who
have made payments and Improve
ments and now because of the strin
gency of the times are unable to meet
their annual payments It would put
a check upon land monopoly and loosen
the grip of the big syndicates that are
now holding hundreds of thousands of
acres of Washingtons best land from
public us Seattle Wash Call
Why This Expense
The Government pays anuually 100
000 for mileage to Senators and Con
gressmen going back and forth from
their homes to Washington City Tills
was adopted before tho days of rail
ways Is it not about time to abolish
it and adopt a new order of things
A man can travel now for 8 cents per
mile Why should we pay these fellows
10 cents per mile or more than three
times what it costs them to travel
Weatherford Texas Leader
The Difference
A bank wrecker In Indianapolis who
helped to steal 5450000 went scot free
by the verdict of twelve good men
and true and a man who stole a dog
and ate It In Chicago was sentenced to
four months In the workhouse
Populist Pointers
The Santa Fe Railroad is to be sold
Jerry Simpson spoke at Emporia
Last week the price of cotton drop
ped a little more than one cent
The Hutchinson Kan Gazette re
marks that corn is being burned for
fuel In Reno County
Gov Altgeld has given Instructions
to the mine Inspectors of Illinois that
In making Inspections they must not
TT imnnT rfrTV
permit the mine owners to accompany
The people of Dcs Moines are Je
standing city ownership of their water
works and gas plants
San Franciscans are signing a peti
tion for a special election to decide the
question of municipal water works
The Massachusetts Man Suffrage As
sociation is preparing to make an ac
tive campaign against woman suffrage
in municipal politics
The Business Mens League of St
Louis is trying to raise 80000 for the
purpose of securing rhe national Re
publican convention
The grand jury In the District of Co
lumbia have recommended the
of the whipping post in the
city o Washington
United States Senator John M Palm
er of Illinois has authorized the an
nouncement that he will not be a can
didate for re election
At Phiilipsburg Pa it is reported
12000 men are now involved in the
miners strike There has been no
change in the situation
The Kentucky Bankers Associarion
by unanimous vote has declared
against unlimited coinage of silver and
in favor of a single gold standard and
the retirement of greenback-
The Populist commissioners of Rush
County Kansas have so managed coun
ty affairs that warrants which were
discounted 20 or 25 per cent when they
got control are now at par
Lyman Gage president of the First
National Bank of Chicago says that if
the bankers entered into an agreement
some of them would break it in fifteen
minutes Nice crowd Thieves are bet
ter than that Farmers Voice
Populist editors throughout the coun
try are liavlng a hard row to hoe but
we are pleased to observe that none of
them have had to succumb to the wiles
of the New York sound money prop
aganda Boys stand firm and push the
fight our inning will come yet Mis
souri Commissioner
Among Our Exchanges
A snake was seen on the White House
grounds a few days ago And Buz
zards Bay Is still black with floating
bottles Vancovrier Wash Register
Next year will test the manhood of
the voters of the United States Those
who use sawdust for brains and cot
ton strings for back bones will sacri
fice principle on the altar of party
fealty Columbiana Ala Advocate
Think of a debt burdened farmer be
ing afraid of the free coinage of silver
because it would make silver dollars
too abundant A s wel I object to havln g
more than a dozen hens on the farm
for fear they would lay too many eggs
Olathe Kan Tribune
Cleveland and Carlisle have evidently
received another order from Sherman
Rothschild Co This time it is to
entirely cease tho coinage of silver dol
der was promptly complied with St
Louis- Mo Union Record
At last the plutocratic organs are
beginning to squirm They dont like
that 30000000 print paper trust wliich
was formed recently They are talk
ing of holding a national convention
for the purpose of howling and resolut
Ing The shoe pinches Cleveland Citi
A lot of the old party papers are ad
vocating short campaigns for 1S96 and
the real reason for such action Is that
they are afraid to be compelled to face
the conditions as they exist and explain
their causes No campaign at all would
suit them better than even a short one
Tarklo Mo Independent
The people will never advance from
slavery if they create a now party ev
ery year Yet this is exactly what the
kid glove corporation attorneys are ad-
vocating Keep the people split and
youve got them where you want them
Let them unite and plutocracys throng
is shattered Leadviile Col News
Tahe cowardly attack made by John
Sherman upon Garfield is entirely in
keepiug with the character of the man
and will go far to establish In all minds
the belief that he Is just what Populists
have long ago shown him to be a pur
veyor of the rights of the people and a
selfish stingy skinflint Nonconform
The plutocrats have an International
organization and act as a unit Labor
ing men have a hundred organizations
all fighting each other By and by the
idea of getting together will work up
to their brains Auburn Me Populist
The new party that has come and
has come to stay is the Peoples parts
It has come because you cannot de
ceive all the people all the time It
has come in obedience to the honest
patriotic thought of the nation Eu
gene V Debs
This New Woman Was a ioung 3Ian
There is no telling under what cir
cumstances a new woman earning her
own living may turn up A quiet ef
ficient young electrical engineer had
worked for four yeare in one of the
big electric lighting plants of New
York City He rarely spoke to his fel
low workmen but was a swift silent
workman and in great favor with the
superintendent One day last week the
young engineer caught hold of a live
electric wire and was shocked into in
sensibility Then it was discovered
that the quiet young man was really a
young woman When she revived she
was sent home The next day she dis
appeared and nothing Is known of her
past or present
A Ilemarkablo Gallery
The whispering gallery of -St Pauls
Cathedral is approached from the body
of the church by 260 step3 Here a
low whisper though uttered at a dis
tance of 140 feet by the guide who
conducts visitors over this part of the
church is heard not only distinctly
but loudly
SfwwwiC CiT
Ponnsyl vauia Employer Coerc Their
Employes in the Matter of Giving
Information to the Xn ve3tJcatins
Committee Labor Notea
limploynient of Women
The first Investigation concerning the
employment of women in stores and
factories in Pennsylvania shews that
employers have In various wavs cu
erced employes into lying or have given
false reports themselves in many
cases the empioyei feared o give full
answers and in others the employee
examined the returns tearing up some
of them and in others requiring em
ployee to change the figures of wugw
In other cases employers did not dis
tribute the blanks to all their employes
but principally to those who were paid
the highest wages In a few cases the
employers kindly filed the blanks add
ing In the way of a general remark
well pleased In a silk mill at WU
tiamsport several females were dis
charged for attempting to comply wltu
the request sent thni A letter from
an employe in a Scranton silk mill
states that the employers instructed her
to say that the employes worked ten
hours when they worked ten hours and
a half and that they received an an
nual vacation on application against
existing facts to the contrary An em
ploye in a WHUamsport dry goods storb
writes that the firm requested those
who received the blanks not to make
any remarks In the space marked out
Against a Harrlsburg shoe factory It Li
charged that the foreman read what
had been written and eliminated any
thing that did not suit him An Erie
firm it is alleged instructed its em
ployes not to say anything about the
wages paid
Will Celebrate Debs Heleaae
The labor organizations and other
reform bodies of Chicago are making
arrangements for a grand demonstra
tion in honor of Eugene V Debs on the
occasion of his release from Jail Sev
eral hundred delegates from the labor
unions Peoples party men personal
friends aud sympathizers of Mr Debs
and others Interested in the reform
movement will go to Woodstock on a
special train to bring Mr Debs back
to Chicago where in the evening a
tremendous mass meeting will be held
In Battery D which seats over G000
people Hon Lyman Trumbull Henry
D Lloyd Clarence S Darrow and oth
ers will speak besides Mr Debs Tha
committee having chargu oC the ar
rangements are receiving numerous let
ters from reformers in othr cities who
wish to take part in the demonatraton
and it is expected that largo delega
tions of laborsmen will go to Chicago
at Homestead was front 13 to 37 Pc
ceift the heaviest sufferers being the
skilled workmen Last Tune the Car
negie Company under the influence of
brightening prospects raised the wages
its 20000 employes 10 per cent
The Homestead workmen claim how
ever that their wages are still far be
low thoso of last year An employe
holding a responsible position stated
the other day that he felt certain the
company would grant a 20 per cent de
mand now rather than have the plant
close a day The mills aro overrun
with orders aud Carnegie is getlng
higher prices for his product now than
in 1892 when he paid 50 per cent piora
wages Tho output has moroaythan
doubled and tho number of hands has
been greatly diminished since then
Noiv Wear Tans
The situation at tho Bay View niUL
at Milwaukee regarding the badges
and clock3 Is unchanged but at the
next pay day numbers will be issued to
all the yard and dock men Supt Rlea
says that nothing had been done In re
gard to the badges up to the present
time but the men themselves had rec
ognized the benefit of the system and
ro willing to accept them One thing
rat art iled to thi viIlingness was that
at the first pay day nearly twenty
checks got Into the wrong hands owing
to similarity of names and it took a
man all of one day to find the men and
the checks and get the matter straight
ened out la consequence tha day men
had asked to have the new system pu
in force
The first lot of badges to be U3ed by
the employes of the Illinois Steel Com
pany at Jollet Hi was Issued last
week and the entire yard force of 250
men was supplied Most of those
working outside ara foreigners and all
of them accepted the badges without
complaint Tho badges for the men
in the rod billet converter and blast
departments will be arranged in a few
days and by next week will have been
given to the 2o00 men lu those depart
ments The general opinion is that ail
employes will accept the tags aud the
new clock apparatus
General Labor Jote
France has COG co operative societies
Boilermakers aro on strike at Bir
mingham Ala
Printers of Toronto Out are suc
ceeding in uniouiuzlng that city
St Louis unions are raising money to
start a daily labor paper
The Atlanta labor exchange rented
102 acres of land near the clt3
New York Central labor union will
try to establish a labor lyceunr
The coopers art having trouble la
Nashville Teiin and Milwaukee Wis
The structural Iron workers oe Cleve
land are to be organized into a union
Brewery workers in Kansas City aro
reported as making galas in their fight
Washington gratite cutters have join
ed the American Faderation of Labor