Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 08, 1892, Image 8

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    r V
Farris Hawkes Publishers
Entered at the lust otlice at Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Seeond dass matter
In Advance per vear
On Time
One Column per month
With this issue our grand oifer to
accept arrearages and renewals at the
rate of one dollar per year expires
The Peoples party cast 85000 votes
in texas Omaha Tocsin
The Peoples party is the first polit
ical party in the history of the nation
to win any electoral votes in its first
national campaign Our Candidate
will have twenty three v otes Sis the
electoral college
November 25 is known as evacua
tion day at Xew York March 4 is
looked forward too as evacuation day
at Washington After that no one day
will hold pre eminence above another
for verilv all shall be moving davs
If the farmers of the United States
would only free themselves from party
prejudice and stand together for their
own interests they could have a gen
uine session of congres at Washinton
instead of the humbug affair which
meet at our capital week before
Those who have carefully watched
the mercantile reports declare that
there has been an increase in the vol
ume of trade since Harrisons defeat
If this should prove to be the case for
any considerable length of time what
a great aflliction it would be to our
friends the republican prosperity howl
The great comet JBieba failed to
arrive on schedule time and some of
the railroad men think it is sidetrack
ed between Venus and Mars on ac
count of hot boxes but as it is billed
to appear again in the mid summer
of 1899 it will be in order for some
one to invent an anti friction bearing
that will stand the great friction as
well as the mid rummer heat
After losing a Senatorship in Ne
braska Kansas and Wyoming the
republicans are busy brushing up some
of their old tactics that they may use
them in regaining the lost Senators
The party has never been found nod
ding when there was any spoils at
issue and we believe they will be up
and watching for usnapsa when the
legislatures meet to elect United
States Senators
Miss Mark ell a the 10 year old
daughter of Mr Pomeroy editor of
Advance Thought is entitled to the
credit of coining a new word and we
think one that will find many admirers
as it seems to have the meritof brevity
It was on this wise On her return
from London last summer she was
heard to remark If you want to see
more of suffering and misery than
ever seen in this country just go to
London and see the poor dirty ragged
forlornities in that city
When Cleveland was president
just before he left the White House
he placed the Railway Mail service
under civil service rules and thus pre
vented the republicans making any
change there till the terms of service
expired That was considered a good
joke by democrats Now Harrison is
to place two Government Printing offi
ces on the same civil service shelf and
it is a question whether they will laugh
so loud now as they did then Ac this
rate Benjamin will be Harrison cm yet
Jlor some time Pomeroys Advance
Poor Dave Hill is now in the soup
After having the presidential bee in
his hat so long and burying the broad
ax toma hawk and other little imple
ments of minor importance and work
ing Tammany for all it was worth for
JGrover that the great man of destiny
might return the complimhnfc in 1896
now like a clap of thunder out of a
clear sky comes the heart rendering
intelligence that the edict has gone
forth that New York is no longer the
pivotal state and the St Louis Repub
lic has souuded the tocsin and other
ilaming lights in the party have taken
up 1 he refrain until the west is now
reverberating with the cry a western
man in 9t or bust Surely Dave with
There is considerable complaint
among many members of all the
political parties in Nebraska in regard
to our ballot system and they express
themselves in favor of amending our
Australian ballot law Our present
ballot is inconvenient it a to Ls oppor
tunities for trcikery tn arranging and
printing tickets and is a source of
many errors on the part of voters
Most of our sister states addopti ng the
Australian svstem have what is known
as the Blanket ballot The full
ticket nominated by the various par -ties
are printed side by si de and at the
head of each ticket is a picture of some
candidate or something else so that
the voter who cannot read can easily
distinguish the ticket of his party If
the voter wishes to vote the ticket
straight it is so arranged that he
simply makers a single cross opposit
the head of the ticket If he desires
to vote a mixed ticket he can do so by
making a cross opposit the name of
each man that he wishes to vote for
There seems to be a general sentiment
in favor of addopting this form in Ne
braska Why not have this amend
ment made before the next election
Who Voted the IJetjles Party Ticket
The stock advice of all the reform
papers has been to agitate and edu
cate The various industrial organ
izations of the country have organized
schools and all the scholars in attend
ance who have brains enough to com
prehend and honor enough to do right
have been graduated into the peoples
party The percentage of graduates is
not as large as we could wish to expect
but amoung them are the thinkers and
leaders of this decade and they voted
for Weaver and jField and the entire
peoples party ticket They are the
men around whom we can rally and
prepare for the many contests before
us They are the men we can trust in
offiicial positions knowing they will
faithfully discharge their duties in the
interest of the people With such leaders
we cannot fail We must go on with the
fight organize agitate and educate
To expect converts without education
would be as absurd as to expect to
raise a corn crop by prayer
Henry Ward Beecher used to tell a
story about a priest in olden time who
was called to bless the field of a poor
man prior to the plantingHe came and
after surveying the soil remarked to
the agriculturist Praying wont do
here what you want is manure
What we want is to educate and a
good crop of votes will be the result
Peoples Advocate Buffalo N Y
This department is in charge of C W King
County Superintendent and is edited and pub
lished in the interests o the Cherr county
Cody School notes
We have now entered upon the
fourth month of school with an enroll
ment of thirty scholars The attend
ance is regnlar with but few cases of
Lsweek Prank Childers wrote the
tthoi measure ve have measureshall best iproductioa storj nffid tins week
ti v
V w
A D Cole with 2
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder No Ammonia No Alum
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
it be measured to you again
A Census imiin jtsi issue i idvf
the total wa es n n s262J euo
in 312 V M Mas fartrit s
as 831481 1 This is an uvvrag uf
354 a year for all lahur skilled and
unskilled A dollar a day not veiy
high wages fvr a with a
family liviuir in an canUim oil wU
high rent and Idgh prices for cvry
thing he buys y ft we ar constantly
being told abort the jtiosperiiy of tin
people and what gri ar tliniro pitje
tion has dom for our country Slov y
but surely the 11 tt is soliing vay
before the clear convincing arguenuinrs
of truth No independent should for
one moment think of letting the great
work of education stop until another
campaign The work is tou great and
the demand for reform too urgent for
any cne to slacken their zeal now
Keep the people supplied with gootl
reform literature liaise the standard
of liberty higher Take a- boid stand
for equal rights to- all rich or poor
Finally do all you can towards bring
ing about one of the grandest reforms
ever inaugurated
Walter Goodwill wiote the best com-
whos i nmes were on the
lioll of Honor for he month ending
Dee 2nd aro Lou nrt Eddie Graves
ilaiiy and Frank Chiliurs Flora Mar
tin Florence facksouand Lysle Reed
LaurE Bishop
Ens Ixdhpexdunt
The sharer boys who have been liv
ing in Iowa for several years arrived
here last vek with a car load of horses
and machidery Their intention is to
make thus place their future home
The carpenters are doing rapid work
o 1 the secti on nouse
Messrs Harney and Sheriff Johnson
were up Monday on official business
The school children prove their ener
getic spirit by coming to school this
cold weather
Wood Lake
Ed Independent
Mr Peter Eggers of Hooper Neb
who bnnght Dr Brums pads farm last
spring came up from Hooper Monday
night with two of his sons looking
after more land to purchase
There is a great demand for cars to
ship hay from Wood Lake
The shipments of cattle from here
since August to the last of November
aggregate 105 cars The number of
cars shipped to this place was 13
Eds Independent
Wih Johnson of Valentine stopped
in this place a short time on lase Mon-
Squire Kilgore of Arabia was home
on a visit Monday
Judge Wulcott of Valentine visited
this place one day this week
The school in this place is progress
ing very nicely there being 23 scholars
on the roll
ABailey and F Grabe butchered
several fine huge this week
I Davis is kept busy plastering the
new houses which are being erected
The farmers are beging to bring
their corn to market
H L Kilgore went to Valentine on
business last Friday
H L Kilgore and John Steinbrecher
each put down a well at their houses
Cody Items
Mrs Anson Xewbery is very sick at
the present writing
Mrs Frank Keed has been on the
sick list for a week or two
Messrs Hood Stewart and Jim
Childers have been out on a 3 or 4 days
hunt They would like to have it ap
pear that they were quite successful
but the game fails to show up
Mr W L Childers the proprietor
of the Hotel is doing all he can to ac
comodate those who stop with him
Mr and Mrs Henry Holliday have
just returned from Knox county Mo
where they had been called on account
of the death of Mrs Hollidays motner
and Mr Hollidays father
Miss Laura Bishop spent Thanksgiving
with her parents on the homestead 25 J
miles south of Codv
cars of cattle
and John Bishop with 7 cars went to
Omaha last weak They returned
Friday night Mr Bishop bringing a
car of horses from Wayne Xebr
Crookston Items Sbimeked Down
Some one must have poked a stick
at the weather and riled it up a little
2o 58 brought another car load of
coal to Crookstoni Tuesday morning
Jld Searby went to the Mission last
Monday with some beef cattle- he sold
board you free while you are doing
the work
This week Rev Clark is making
preperations to domicile in Mrs Een
shaws house for the winter
Ed Searby purchased a fine team of
horses from IP H Baumgartel last
Mrs M Ii Harden was visiting in
Valentine last Saturday
Mrs Hathorn was at the county seat
last Friday
Our merchants are doing a good
business as you would percieve were
you to see the number of- teams hitch
ed in front of their stores nearly every
Father Lichlietner was on our streets
A car load of lumber came here a
few days ago for the Mission
Remember the Crookston Teachers
Association Saturday Dec 10 at 2pm
Literary exercises at 7 p m
Yours Correspondingly
Eds Independent
Again we are enjoying one of
Cherry countys beautiful autums till
here it is December and no cold weath
er to speak of and only one little snow
storm Who can deny that we have a
fine climate and a pleasant place to
Again Sparks seems to be trying to
gain what it lost as a new blacksmith
shop is started the frame being put
up last week Mr Blackburns family
will live in the stone house this win
The pastor of the M E church is
settled quite comfortably iu the par
sonage lie has been holding meet
ing at Norden the past week There
was no preaching at the church on the
sabbath on account of the quarterly
meeting at Norden
The Sabbath School was quite well
attended There will be services in
two weeks Sabbath school every Sab
bath at 3 oclock
Mrs Bader Mrs Bristal Miss Sterl
ing and Mrs Kindall went to Norden
Saturday to attend the quarterly meet
ing and Sunday morning Dewy Kellog
and Miss Etta Miller went
The Clarkson Boys finished thrash
ing last Saturday and are now ready
to prepare for winter
Corn gathering is nearly finished the
weather being so nice it has not been
a bad job but nearly all are disa
pointed in the yield
The Bristal mill is sawingagain
Mr and Mrs Ilornback were up to
church and Sabbath School last Sab
bath Rattlek
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ex
ecution issued by the clerk of the District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska upon a judgement
rendered 111 the county court of said county a
transcript of which has been duly fded in the
district court of said countv in favor of The
Equetable Farm Srock Improvement Com
pany of Nebrask Limited and against 1 Kis
sel Smith I have levied upon the followin
goods and chatties to wit
Twenty Four head of cattle discribed as follows-
Six heifer calves branded I on left hip
Six steers calves branded D on left hip
Nine steeis 1 year old branded D ou left hip
Three heifers 1 year old branded I on left hip
and I will on the 20th day of December 1S02 at
one oclock of said day at the home of Ed Har
ris in Dewy Lake precinct in said countv offer
for sale at public auction the above described
property to the highest bidder for cash to satis
fy said execution the amount due there 011 iu
the aggregate being the sum 209 81 and 1550
costs and interest and accruing costs
TV V Tohxsox
Miteu Jones i Sheriff of Cherry County
plaintivcsattys Dated Dec 2 1892
Chamberlains Eye said Skin
A certain cure for ChroniciSore Eyes
Tetter Salt Rheum Scald Head Oh
Chronic Sores Fever Sores Eczema
Itch Prairie Scratches Soro Nipple
and Piles It is cooling and soothing
Hundreds of cases have been cured bi
it after all other treatment had failed
25 cents per box
Foi sale by Watson Jackson
Is the title of a little Reform papei
hailing from Omaha Xeb that bursts
into the harbor of politics and religion
like the mighty little Monitor cut the
waves through Hampton Roads and
ran astern the clumsy Merrimac It
The reign of Right and Justice and
comes indorsed by a score of the lead
ing thinkers and writers of America
it tunes its tone and measures Truth
according to the natural law of
LUB1L Spndfor a sample copy of the little
Bill Brow came very near losing a Yankee Cheese Box It has 1G pages
fine thorougobred horse last week the size of the ordannry majazim anc
Section foreman Graham was duing is issued weekly at 1 per year in ad
business in Valentine Monday vance It is absolutely impartial a
Judge Waleot said he was coding though necessarilyH opposed to many
up some day this week to build lepot of the popular ismauof the day which
n our burg ARnghUndge jfe will contravene EoualitjT
Ik v fMi i 1
Henry Bteinbrecher has opened a
TAURANT here and is
now ready for business
T t
H If
Ofje or the Largest Contractors and Build
Gband Island Neb April 8th 1S92
7r Miles Medical Co Elkhart 2nd
Gentlemen I hnd been troubled with heabt
for the last30 years anaaithouehl
treated bv able nhiciRiis curt twH
I grew steadily worse until Vas
r uEickT ckusihrtlu AND CONflllESTO MY BED
without any hope of recovery 1 would have
very bad sink rinp spells when
ay pulse woQEJ Ef B6 F Ould stop beating
uUoKCther and it was with
tbs greatest difficulty that my circulation could
ck to consciousness again While in this condi
tion I tried your ncw heart Cure and began
to improve from the first and now 1 am able to do
a good days work for a man 63 years of age I give
Dr Miles New Heart Cure all the
credit for my recovery It is over six months since
I have taken any although I keep a bottle in the
house in case I should need it I have also used
your Nerve and Liver Pills and think a
great deal of them z Aveuy
Foi f is
of Dollars in Reward9 for
Bible Readers
The Ladit9 ITome Magazine presents its crea t Fall
Competition Ui Uio public of America Tiie first correct
answer to uie following questions recenred at this offico
will get 81000 in casii the second S5C0 cash 3rd Grand
Piano 4th Lmliot Seal Coat 5ti S250 or an 6th
Ladies Gold Watch 7h Silk Dress Tliea folloH a 1000
Ftomp3 will be tacen na sure and r
letters V r
magnificent iait of r wards evcroifered br anv ntibltahp
CJuestiosh I Hotv Books doej the Bible coa
tatn 2 How many Chapters 3J thitr many Tenes
iSrErery list of answers must be aicocipanieil by SI to
pay for six months subscription to tiic Ladies Hojis
Maoazivb one of the br btcst aad best illustrated
pullieotions of tho clay
Last Prizes In addition to fiic above wili gHa
1000 prizes consisting of laafnuficcnt Siir r Serrico Htcj
oclock SerTiccn tic c for 1a 5 Ccrrcct Answers re
ceivedbefore tiie close of tho Gompctlfcon Trhiah will bo
on December 31 1S21
The object in offi rins th o liharal jrixEC is to establish
the Ladies Home Iauazine in Ji7 hocioa in tho
United States and Canada Present nbhcUiers caa
Dvail themselves of it by enclosing S10J wih list oi
unsTvers and the addretu of some mind to Tvhoni tho
Magazine can be sent for six montlu br 1i4to their own
extended beyond the time Mready piia for Prizes to
subscribers residing in tho United Stales Bent from our
Hew York branch American currency and
8 will bo sold m 59
Will pay the highest market price
for butter and eggs keepsin stock
Dr Fetters Fahrney Mag
netic Blood Vitalizer
that medicine has done
more lor suffering
humanity than any
one medicine
o family should be without it
Will pay one and one half cents per ponmi
ior hides
H Steinbrecher
3 7a til
XiC dLll
1 or tested mm
the Ailments of Man and Beast
uso is cUiiost universal by the Housewife the Farmer the
1 --
nd by every one requiring an effective
ro compares with it in efficacy
iyneiy has stood the test of years almos
is complete without a bottle of Mustamo
0 for its use almost every day
and dealers have it
Ji Hk
iKtti 1 uirnui sjt
Boeauje tlio allrged steel wheels putout by inexparieneidnia
nfacturers haTi touo dfwn in ordinary wind j feeling his frown
that the Steel A iieel is unsafe Judge it only by tho Aaruiotor
In this ypjr s Mizzards and cyclones the Aerraotor loss is pro
portionitely rruch less than any wooden wheel while tha loss
01 uie imuau p sieei ones nas trequently been total
F a93 2
49 eo5d in 9
xvyy voy solnst everlasting
2 3 r
I 1
oiaja I I
OB t J I
ScgbHO I j
S - Of 1
a i I L
j 1110 uj 111 nr 01 nr e3 at ine cost of
CO vr tofir coi mhW llitrtr 1 rrlct d TTm
treir cc - Pharf comrnrtiJ
-a - i 1 J m ma - T
us v 1 ia ywnmu iit if i iiiu n Kjvv
WtU nis Cllztl et IT liU etSia inuto
89 M
SQ m
s caa tat im 4miii 4 cr
war vivui iiiiuiiiuiuiruoicDi
iTXA Towar over 3 minutes
t Jlj FT flmirpn tell i
r -
- r ucairjfOTtneever srovinaf
steal ormoter wnoro
cne kooo others follow
and we TaJts tho Country
Touth soH Tc wert unable to make all of
tha 20013 Aennotors in 91 Orders oRea
waited 8 treefcitobs filled hatcetr trebrro
vastly Increase car pod and axa prepared
prcEptlyto pliat oar lnercaao la orery
aabitablo portion of tltaglcb
Are you curiocs to lco r to tr the Aer
meter Co latbo4b jeirof
cos case to make many tlrTHJO ao
manyivlndml8 as all other
mafcero combined How wo
cam to orwinsta thi Steel Wheel
i the Steel Fixed Toirrtae Steel n -
11 Tiltin3 Tower icST
S52 q N lt thE eecmed no talent or f
rT1l llonandnoachaa jet been sho ira 3
hi 111 I 1 JWI IIIiliflLIUll
8 jii 8
II 1st VTo commencod In a fielA In 0 Or
- d
cf our Inventions g
Id Eclbro ccmmcnclns lbs
raanufactarseibaojJlve O n
t2c ia eslgatlcn cad -
cents wtro tcsde by a ilcllled q a
mecbanlsxlenslneerlaTliicb c C
over SOOJ djnamometrlc Zt
testa were mads on 61 differ- Hi
cnt firmi of wbetlj propel- X r
iiil b7 3 tlCclIttlherore Q
C Cvfr AxMijViif 5Caltcy many qnestlonn O S
of trheel thj best fcrcsagle curvature and amount of sill f
aurfacs xao rcalstanco of air to rotation obatrustlans In tie 2 2
wheu so d as heirTToodcn eras obstmctlns tafaretas - Z
irncel as la tie ransleaj mill anI many othsr mora
Btric tuoush not leu lmjertant qntttloni TflOCO O 73
InvGottgatlona proved that tha power 0IS73
Uie boat wind whoei3 could bo doubled f
ancltno AERMOTOR daily dsmonotrates m
it na been dons ve
3i T ths liberal doIIijt of the Aerrcotor Co that 5 a
tees in gcoils SAljfiotory or prya freight both Trays and o a
totfcaforinouj oa patof IU factory whichenables It io c 3
Jiljh tli best arjbljntlesa tlian the poorest la sold for
93 yc rurnUh ibo rrizt perfect bearings erex o o
pet In s windmill scd uaro mafio aa orhaustl V3 re 3 3
wlslcn of tho Aermotor and Towers -S
illjt -Tract a rtror j stiff Steel r Ixed Tower orlf yon E
want stoTreryoadonthaToto climb the StcelTUtlneO 2
Tower and Ihe Wuee that rnna when all others stand stil
that t 3t3 yoa less than wood and lau ten times as lonz S rS
The tecl Aermotor or if you want a Geared Acrmotor to O
chnrr tnind cat td nenn water tnrn erindstocs anil n
B- j V - - - I
Usnally indicato a disorder or the Kidneys
5inp mea3ures should be taken to
prevent eerious trouble
RFViFMREr Diseases can be eurod
iVWJJM1 in their incipiency
wnich if neglected may become dangerous
Is what you need It will cure Liver Disor
wivly eaknesg Bright3 Disease
and Diabetes Prioj si per bottle Send
2 cent stamp for book of hints how to live
uuu uure icese tustressing complaints
rfiister all po3tagsL rnoi T DR J H WICLHAN MED CO
- S02IE CiTP I f 111 A nj rr
ir i
f v