Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 08, 1892, Image 6

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TIio Freo Coinago Kill Opposed Hocauso
Jt Would MuUu Money Cheaper and
ifaho the Jrico or all Products of
Tlio I oar Dollar
The New England States irrespect
ive of party in each Congress contend
against an increase in our currency
Without undertaking to discuss the
idea of action upon principle it might
be well to consider the possible mer
cenary motives that underlie this con
tention The financial interests of
New Eugiaud and the East lie in the
investments 01 us iiiuuu nuuiui
increases its income from that source
is advocated and whatever decreases
this income is opposed There is but
little doubt upon this point as judged
from the past history of that section
The free coinage hill was opposed on
the ground that it made money cheaper
and therefore raise the price of all tho
products of labor which in turn would
enable the debtor to pay his debts with
less hard work this proposition in
England declared to be nothing less
than a partial repudiation The pen
sioners were informed that they would
ho able to buy less with their pension
money the department clerks were
warned that their salaries would pur
chase less of the products of labor and
the hired girls and widows of New
England were told that they could
draw less tribute for their alleged sav
ings by the passage of the silver bill
and the consequent cheapening of
money and the increased price of pro
ducts From this view of the matter
the efforts of New England against
free silver is robbed of its garb of hyp
ocritical cant about an honest dollar
the honor of the nation and many
other similar positions and sinks to
tbe lowest level of pure mercenary self
interest New England by this ac
tion acknowledges that an increase in
the volume of currency would increase
the price of products and thereby en
able the farmer to more easily pay his
debts but oppose this increase because
they the New England people own
the debts In order to more clearly
show the baneful effects of New Eng
lands financial rule a consideration of
the debts of Iowa and Alabama will
give a clear example it being conceded
at the outset that New England and
the East either owns or controls nearly
all the debts of the nation The in
debtedness of these two states as rep
resented in the present census is
Towa 51C9034956
Alabama 3JU273
It is fair to assume that at least one
half of the indebtedness will date back
to 18S0 Taking this for granted as
the basis of calculation the following
propositions are made In 1SS0 the in
debtedness would stand
Towa is the best all round producing
state in the North as shown by the
In 1880 the average value per acre of j
the three great cereals was i
Corn Jo t
Wheat 1 45
Oats 9 S
In 1889 the value per acre was
Corn S63
Oats y 26
These figures are taken from the re
ports of die Department of Agrieultre
By taking the value per acre as a basis
a fairness is assumed to which all will
doubtless consent
In 18S0 the mortgage indebtedness
of Iowa could have been paid with the
DToeeeds of 9121675 acres of corn
7947157 acres of wheat or 10733806
acres of oats In lboJ it would Have
required 13044374 acres of corn 11
0S2124 acres of wheat or 15897520
acres of oats
Erom these figures it is plain that it
required the product of either 8922
689 acres of corn 3134967 acres of
wheat cr 5173656 acres of oats more
to pay the 89517478 of indebtedness
in 1889 than it did in 1S80 Think of
it 3134967 acres of land must be
plowed sown reaped thrashed and
the product marketed in order to meet
the increased tribute demanded by the
depreciation ingthe value of gold It
would take the average wheat crop of
60000 farms to make up the differ
The one great crop of Alabama is j
cotton The average price ol cotton
to the planter in 1880 was 11 cents per
pound while in 1889 it was 8i cents
These prices show that in 1880 the
debt of Alabama could have been paid
with 174672645 pounds of cotton but
In 1889 it would have taken 229576
365 pounds or an increase of 54003
718 pounds or 122008 bales of 450
pounds each
The above calculations disclose very
clearly that it is New England greed
and avarice instead of a sense of jus
tice or a regard for national honor
that prompts them to such untiring ef
forts to keep down the volume of
money That their motives are purely
mercenary and lack a single element
of justice or fairness to the balance of
the people They own the debts and
are determined to woing as much trib
ute as possible from other sections of
the country for its use and ultimate
liquidation The less money in circu
lation all things else being the same
the lower will be the price of labor and
its products and the greater will be
the power of money to oppress Na
tional Watchman
Clearing tho Decks
Earnest reformers have long agreed
that success is impossible until one of
the twin agents of plutocracy has been
driven from existence That now
seems to have been done It is doubt
ful if the Republicans will again
nominate a national ticket The Gov
mentinall its branches will without
doubt pass into the hands of the
party on the 4th of next March
and the Republican party will disolve
as did the Whig party in 1853 its com
ponent parts going to swell other politi
cal organizations
The Democracy will enter into pos
session of the political estate with a
zeal and enthusiasm rarely Witnessed
m yjnMy i TMmJB0Kjr1
4 it
Erenzied with success almost unex
pected the height of Democratic am
bition will be realized and there is no
probability that Democratic energies
wiHbe devoted to any work of real re
form A change of tariff schedules
by which no material reduction will
follow in the gross taxes on the people
will certainly be effected Beyond
this it is questionable if any effort be
made and the Democrats will relapse
into a fools paradise of fancied secur
itv to be rudelv awakened two or four
years hence by notice of want of confi
dence emphasized by the advent of a
party of principles bent on an aggres
sive campaign
The new party is already here It
cast 70000 votes in Georgia and was
represented in the campaign just
closed by electoral tickets in all but
five or six states of the Union in more
states than was the party that won the
presidency in 1860 and for first time
since 1860 three parties will be repre
sented in the Electoral College
A majority of those who have hither
to voted the ticket of the Republican
party are honest They have been re
tained in the ranks by habit by hope
of reform within the party and by
hatred of the Democratic party The
vote cast was a declaration of a want
of confidence and plainly indicates
the dissolution of Republicanism
It is no less true that the masses of
Democrats are honest In this elec
tion they voted to give the leaders who
promised so much an opportunity to
redeem their promises That they will
be disappointed is by no means a vague
prediction The influences that made
the Republican party unsatisfactory to
its followers are in full possession of
Democracy The honpst masses will
turn from the victorious party just as
they have turned from the beaten
The Peoples party entered the arena
with a defined purpose Its demands
are equivocal Though but a few
months old after the election ceased
to be a third party and became a
prominent factor in the calculation of
all men who look to the future
Around its standard will rally those
who love liberty and who hope for the
perpetuation of the Republic
Tiie cause of reform will go on No
true man will weaken in his devotion
to the principles which have gained
his adhesion The battle is to be
fought next with one antagonist in
stead of two Let every man tit his
hat to the future Peoples Party
A Hotter Day Coming
The great strike at Homestead has
been declared off by the Amalgamated
Association This is certainly a great
disappointment to the great hosts of
labor throughout the world They had
hoped for a different result but the
history of Homestead is only an added
chapter to the book of woes
And yet this result settles nothing
at all It has proven to be one of the
most seriously contested battles be
tween the contending forces but no
thoughtful observer will believe that
either side has brought all its forces
into the contest or that either has ex
hausted its reserves Capital is still
organized and labor is still organized
or perhaps more properly speaking
labor has all the elements of organiza
tion and effective combat still intact
The only thing that may be said to
be fully demonstrated is that the pres
ent organization of the power of the
state is entirely in the interest of the
rights of property The defeat of the
men at Homestead is due to the pres
ence of the militia and the prostitu
tion of all the power of the courts It
is demonstrated that as far west as
Pittsburg the man who will not work
on the terms of organized capital shall
be declared an outlaw and hounded by
all the power of the state to submis
sion or starvation
And this is just the thing that the
workingman has all these years been
voting should be the way to serve him
He lets organized capital set up the
ballot and ho votes it The strike is
not our way The non partisan union
or lodge is not our way If a man
wants anything that depends on law
we believe that the easiest way to get
it is to vote for it The easiest way to
vote for it is to come right out into the
middle of the road and smite hip and
thigh all parties that stand in the way
to the desired end Ben Eranklin
said Experience is a dear school
but fools will learn in no other That
school house has about all the pupils it
will accommodate just now
And so it will go on like a kettle of
boiling sap The scum will roll over
and the chips bob up and down but
in the course of time there will be
plenty of sugar m the bottom of the
kettle Nonconformist
The Condition as It Is
We clip the following pointed state
ment from the Winnsboro S C Ad
vocate and would just add that there
is no way to help matters and get re
lief except to force it and a peaceable
citizen has no way of forcing it except
through the ballot box Education
and continued agitation is the only
way of making the average citizen see
it and the only fear we have is he will
only see it when everlastingly too late
The masses of humanity are to day
toiling and pinching and saving from
one years end to the other and they
receive only a miserable pittance upon
which to subsist and nothing is laid
aside for a rainy day We see this in
our own immediate neighborhoods
men with families to support barely
earn what they eat and are hardly able
to produce sufficient clothing to keep
them comfortable The outlook to
them is dark indeed Where shall re
lief be found Will the plutocrat re
lease his grip upon the throat of the
toiler or the bondsman grow weary of
turning into his coffers the earnings of
his slaves Shall we look to the men
who have brought degradation and
poverty to the toilers to remove the
burdens they themselves have imposed
upon them Aliens are constantly se
curing immense tracts of land in this
country and every effort is being made
to control legislation in the interest of
the plutocrat and against the farmer
and laborer Toiling on day after day
the laborers have allowed these wrongs
to pass unnoticed until now their re-
r T
moval will require herculean efforts
j Wise coinsel must prevail and the
people must be educated in the needs
of the hour The people have an all
powerful weapon in the ballot and
they must use ic
The busniess men it is very evident
do not pay much attention to the real
reason for hard times They say there
is not enough money in the country
business is dull the people havent
got any money to pay with They
dont follow this up and ask why it is
the people have no money and if there
is any way of increasing the volume of
The enormous interest that the peo
ple are paying is as great a burden on
the business man as on the farmer or
laborer and the money stringency af
fects him in precisely tho same man
ner The sooner the merchant realized
that his prosperity depends upon the
prosperity of the masses the better it
will be for all concerned Ex
Based upon the best authority the
United States census the following
table of wealth and wages extending
from 1850 to 1890 inclusive will give
a fair idea of the rapidity with which
the wealth of the country is passing
from the hands of the producers into
those of ihe non produces
Workers Non producei3
Shnre -hare
Yoar Wealth Per cent Per cent
1S50 S1VOOJ000 026 376
lSGO 10000000 AiU 5J4
1870 3000000 S2a 157J3
1880 S8000i00 21
1690 G1C0D000 17
The report of the factory inspector
of the state of Pennsylvania shows that
in 928 work shops inspected there
were 129583 men 71983 women and
20693 children between the ages of 12
and 16 years employed The figures
show that the number women and
children employed nearly equal tho
number of men This is the state
where it is treason for men to try
and get living wages in order that
wives and mothers may be kept in
comfort at home and the children sent
to school instead of to the factorv
Yan guard
Harry Tracy will be on hand at the
coming session of the Supreme Coun
cil as a delegate from Texas Eew men
are better known or more universally
loved and respected than Harry Tracy
His sledgehammer blows have knocked
out the opposition in nearly every
state in the Union National Econo
The records of the census bureau
show there are now living 1073857
soldiers who acted with the Union army
during the rebellion
The cotton crop in the United
States has increased from 2000000
pounds in 1791 to over 4000000000
pounds in 1891
The SUont CUy
Many stories have been written about
mirages and delusions but none have
been more interesting and curious than
that of the Silent City mirage which
makes its appearance near the Pacifio
glacier in Alaska The discovery of
this wonderful mirage was made by tho
Indians who would tell of the city which
was built in tho clouds Tho mirage
can be saen in tho early part of June
from 5 to 6 p m It rises from the side
of tho Pacific glacier It first appears
like a heavy mist and soon becomes
clearer and one can distinctly see the
Bptctor city well defined streets and
trees tall spires huge and odd shaped
buildings which appear to be ancient
mosques or cathedrals It is a city
which would seem to contain at least
25000 or 30000 inhabitants As yet no
one has been able to identify it although
several have claimed t recognize the
place There is no city iike it in Alaska
nor in any country about it for thous
ands of miles Some claim it is a city
in Russia others say it is a city in Eng
land but none can tell where it is The
mirage was given the name of Silent
City as it appears to be one like a dead
city there is nothing that would indicata
it is inhabited
They Rrlnjr Money
The philosophical maxim nothing is
email or insignificant is strikinly real
ized in the history of what seem to be
petty inventions The man who pitented
tho idea of attaching rubber tips to lead
poucils realized over 200000 by his
invention The miner who first attached
a metal rivet at each end of tho mouth
of the trousers pockets to resist the
s rain of heavy bits of ore made more
money than if he had found a gold mine
while he who first devised the small
metal plates to protect shoe heels real
ized 260000 in a few years The glass
bells to hang over gas jets and thus
protect the ceiling from smoke made a
large fortune for their inventor while
the inventor of the roller skate made
over 1000000 The copper tips to
shoes made their inventor a millionaire
and the gimlet screw has piled up a
dozen fortunes for its proprietors Even
toys have made their inventors rich and
fortunes have been realized from tho
dolls that close their eyes dolls that
cry balls with return string and puz
zles in fact almost any device that sells
in great quantities however insignifi
cant it may seem is certain to brinsj
very large returns to its owner
An Ingenious Bodqullt
There has been on exhibition at Mer
Iden Conn one of the most marvelous
pieoes of womans handiwork in its line
Bver shown It is a bedqullt made by
Mrs George W Bueli and contains
1116 pieces of silk It is embellished
with several designs in raised work
the center piece being a full rigged
ship surrounded by an ingenious piece
of needlework representing a pretty
landscape Another design is a cottage
worked in colors inclosed by a picket
fence on the gate of which a girl is
swinging In the left corner is a min
iature lake with a swan surrounded by
her young resting on the water In
the opposite corner is a large vase sup
porting a collection of flowers eaoh so
perfect in coloring and detail as to lead
one at first glance to pronounce them
natural They include callas tube
roses geraniums and other varieties
All of the work was done by hand and
It took Mrs Buell nine years to make it
AQeafMuto Club
One of the strange things in Paris is
a club composed entirely of deaf and
dumb men The servants too cannot
hear nor speak The president of the
club is an old man who fought in the
Indian wars in America and whose
tongue was cut off by o Indian who
once took him captive
Let the Voters In l stch Precinct IVIeet and
Organize a Jopullst Club lioasou Mith
Your elghoor Spread Keiorm In
Every Way Josiblo
Tho Duty of 1 opulists
The conflict is over and while the
Democrats elect the President Vice
President a majority of Congress and
will have control of the Senate also
still the Peoples party have gained a
great victory They have carried six
states fthe first time in thirty years
that a third party has had a voice m
the electoral college have defeated
the Republican party and are on the
highway to ultimate success The re
form movement will not stop agita
tion and education will continue until
all the principles promulgated shall
have been enacted into law All but
bigots and those who are too selfish to
acknowledge the truth of all political
opinions recognize the necessity for
retrenchment and reform The de
mands cf the populists are but few and
are well defined however no hope can
be entertained that the Democracy will
enact any one of them into law They
are dominated by the lead-pencil-interest-figuring
brigade of the Eastern
States and dare not interfere with
national banks or pass a law favorable
to silver or any increase of the circu
lating medium in any way All know
that they will nob favor government
ownership of the railroads and tele
graph or the postal banking system
The Republican party will not again
be a potent factor in American politics
which is eminently proper having long
since filled its mission This is to the
advantage of reformers and the duty
of the hour seems plain Let every
voter at each voting precinct in every
state that voted for Weaver and Field
and all others who will meet and or
ganize a populist club if such an or
ganization does not already exist Let
the campaign be kept up Spread re
form literature put at least 10 cents
into the club treasury every meeting
or monthly at all hazards as a cam
paign fund Reason with your neigh
bors use argument instead of abuse
and slander and success will crown
our efforts four years hence A change
must come and the only way to secure
it is to educate enough voters into a
new party to vote it through South
ern Mercury
Startling statistics
The census reports of 1890 show that
there are on record in the United
States nine million mortgages which
average 450 each making a total of
5000000000 The census reports
also show that the average value of
each farm in the United States has de
preciated 1620 the average per acre
of depreciation since 1864 has been
That in 1840 the farmers owned 90
per cent of the wealth of the country
and that they owned less than 21 per
cent in 1890
Total number of farms in the United
States 4225995 of these 1024701 are
Of these renters 702224 are com
pelled to divide equally their crops
with their landlords while the great
est share asked of the British farmer is
one fourth
Over one million American renters
while jthe homes of our people the
heritage of our children are owned
and controlled by foreigners Think
of it Eoreigners own 84000000 acres
of our land enough for a farm of 160
acres for 500000 of our renters Two
hundred and eighth one million acres
of our land owned by railroad corpora
tions and syndicates enough to make
nine states the size of Ohio
Who own the railroads The money
power composed principally of Eng
lish lords and dukes And vet we
have over a million American farmers
without farms
New York with its two million in
habitants only 13000 own homes
In Chicago population 1200000 less
than two and a fourth Joer cent own
all the real estate Erom 1880 to 1890
the producers increasedjthe wealth of
the country 50 per cent they in
creased it from 44000000000 to 66
000000000 Who got the increase
In 1890 of the 66000000000 of wealth
in the United States 30000 leading
capitalists possessed 38250000000
leaving 29750000000 for the remain
ing 63000000 inhabitants
It will be seen from these figures
that although our farmers artisans
and other toilers produced the in
crease of 22000000 a few capitalists
absorbed most of it
The wealth of the Yanderbilt family
is estimated to be 300000000 an
nual income at 7 percent 21000000
New York World
How tho Populists Will Vote Id the
Senator Peffer being told of the re
port that he had said the Populists in
the Senate would vote with the Dem
ocrats replied
So far as the tariff question is con
cerned I am quoted correctly We
have all of us been tariff reformers
and do not see that our advancement
io the Senate will altar our views in
that respect We regard the tariff
question as one which pertains more
closely perhaps than any other ex
cept the money to our cardinal prin
ciple which is the reduction of taxa
tion We believe that tariff reform
means a lightening of the burdens of
the people and with that object in
view we will vote with the Democrats
in their efforts to modify the McKin
ley law
It should be understood however
that we do not support either one of
the old parties but standing on our
own platform and not having as yet
sufficient strength to carry out our
views in their entirety we vote for
such measures brought forward by
either Republicans or Democrats as
seem to us to tend towards the end at
which we ara aiming It appears to
me somewhat uncertain as to whether
we shall be able to vote with the Dem
ocrats on many other questions than
that of the tariff Both the old par
ties differ with us on the other
measures of reform which we are
anxious to institute We want to put
a greater volume of circulation in the
hands of the people and to reduce the
rate of interest that a money lenderj
shall not be able to make more money
than the agriculturist or the laborer
can make at his trade It would not
be enough to have Congress pass a
law simply saying that no person
should charge more than a certain rate
of interest on money loaned out for
we could not compel any person to
lend his money It would be neces
sary for the Government itself to loan
the money and fix the rate of interest
Neither the Republicans nor Demo
crats are yet ready to help us in the
accomplishment of this reform
What Hocomes of It
An English writer says that every
dav that the sun rises on the American
people it sees an addition of 2300000
to the wealth of the Republic
What has become of it
Let us see
Jjt rest oi U S bonds per day 5 lOOOX
lmeresc oa staie ana oiner ooi as j oj
i Expenses of U S Govt bonds lOJUriX
Kailroiul una corporations - w
Banks 3U00
Interest onprivata debts 246J0C0
Total 5J0300O3
But how is this here is an out go of
4070000 pei pay and an income of
only 2300000
The figures must be wrong Eor
certainly a man cannot pay out more
than he is receiving
Ah we see how it is A man can
pay out more than he receives but
when it does it draws upon his capital
The people arejpaying out 1770
000 per day more than they are ac
That is they are parting with all
the natural increase of wealth f2300
000 per day and drawing 1770000
per day upon their capital
In other words property is ac
cumulating in the hands of the few
the interest suckers oilicial barnacles
corporation leeches and non-productive
vampires at the rate of 1770
000 per day
How long will it take at this rate to
absorb the entire capital
In other words how long will it take
to produce a nation of princes on one
hand and paupers on the other
Eigure it out It is a matter that
can be ascertained with mathematical
And then you can figure out just
how many of these blood suckers will
have to be choked off before the thing
will come out even so that the toiler
will have his fair share of the increase
of wealth which his labor produces
Chicago Express
Xaubeneck on the Result
Chairman Taubeneck of the Popul
ists National Campaign Committee in
discussing the election said to a re
porter recently
The revolution at the polls seems to
me due first to the spirit of unrest
of discontent and dissatisfaction among
the people of the nation and second
to the fact that the old party ties are
loosened if not broken It has taken
the American people long years to dis
cover that the tariff is a tax and that
the foreign manufacturer does not pay
this tax It has cost them millions of
dollars to learn and solve this question
It will now take them years to learn
that a tariff for revenue will not re
move the burden of which they com
plain In my opinion the people have
simply jumped out of one fire into
The Peoples party will reorganize
immediately and prepare for the next
contest We are right and will not
turn our backs on the principles that
we have advocated on money land and
transportation before which the tariff
question sinks into insignificance The
power of money must be taken from
individuals and corporations and
placed in the hands of the people on
the same principle as our postoffice
system is conducted to day
The land and transportation planka
will not receive tho pre eminence they
have in the past at least We shall
center our entire fight on the money
Cleveland has delivered three
speeches since his election One be
fore the Chamber of Commerce in
Wall Street at their annual banquet
another before Henry Villard the rail
way magnate at a private reception
the third at a dinner of the swell Man-
hattan Club The speeches were well
enough worded nor was the subject
matter censurable but the places and
times and auditors were not particular
ly assuring to that large class who
hoped to see a day when a little atten
tion would be paid to the great masses
and the millionaires given a back seat
for a while A dinner at Delmonicos
proved fatal to Blaine and it was at a
feast among his courtiers that Bel
shazzar heard his deathknell Mr
Cleveland might profit by these his
toric examples
The Cincinnati Herald says When
a farmer gives a mortgage on his farm
for borrowed money he gets no inter
est on his security neither is it exempt
from taxation When a national banker
deposits bonds for security for money
borrowed from the Government he
draws interest on his security and it
is also exempt from taxation This is
not a special privilege oh no
Now hunt up the Democratic plat
form keep your eye on it and the ad
ministration for the next four years
It is going to be interesting for the
Democrats have a chance and it re
mains now to be seen whether they will
put into effect what their platform ad
vocates Unionist
Says the National Economist Co
lumbus cast his vote alone for four
years He was styled a fanatic Ha
stood alone for a voyage of discovery
Now the world goes mad to do him
honor So much for the courage of
The farm mortgages amount to
246000000 in Kansas in Ulinois
380000000 in Iowa 220000000
and in Missouri 314000000 an ag
gregate of over 1000000000 in four
CervantdS t
The history of Don Quixote did
not wait for the tardy fame of future
ages it was universally read and ad
mired as soon as it was published
The most eminent painters engravers
and sculptors vied with one another
in representing the story of the knight
of La Mancha
The author however had not in
terest enough to obtain even the
smallest pension from the court
But friendless and indigent as Cer
vantes was he retained his incom
parable humor to the end of his days
Many anecdotes are told which il
lustrate the power of his wonderful
book to amuse people of all classes
M de Boulay who attended the
French ambassador to Spain during
Cervantes life said that the ambas
sador complimented the author ono
day on the reputation he had acquired
by his Don Quixote
Ah whispered Cervantes in re
ply coming close to the ambassadors
ear had it not been for the Inquisi
tion I should have made my book
much more entertaining
Cervantes once gave a proof that
his generosity was fully equal to his
genius In the early part of his life
he was for some time a slave in
Algiers and there he devised a plan
to free himself and thirteen of his
fellow sufferers
One of them traitorously revealed
the design and thev were all brought
before the Dey of Algiers who prom
ised them their lives on condition that
they revealed the contriver of the
I was that person at once cried
Cervantes save my companions and
let me perish alone
The Dey struck by his intrepidity
spared his life allowed him to be
ransomed and permitted him to go
nomc Youths Companion
Discovering Diamonds by Electricity
An interesting addition has been
made to the Mineral Cabinet of Har
vard College in the diamond bearing
meteorite lately discovered in Arizona
It will be remembered that those dia
monds were tirst found by a professor
in a cavity of iron which he was sub
jecting to examination Finding
that his cutting tool was arrested by
a hard substance he investigated
further and met with several black
diamonds and one white one In or
der to see whether other portions of
the meteorite contained diamonds a
piece was suspended in a platinum
cage and immersed in acid contained
in a platinum bowl The current
from a voltaic battery was then sent
through the bath from the cage to
the bowl and the iron dissolved away
leaving a black slime which on being
washed showed blacv and white
particles The black were amor
phous carbon the white partly quartz
partly diamond The quartz was
dissolved by digesting it over a steam
bath with trong hydrofluoric acid
The diamonds were found to cut glass
and scratch topac or sapphire Dia
monds are found to occur -in old vol
canic vents such as the Kimberley
mines of South Africa which are
filled with decomposed intrusive ma
terial thrown up from great depths
Prof O W Iluntimrton recently ex
pressed the opinion that since the
earth is apparently a mass of meteor
ites covered with a crust there ought
to be abundance of diamonds at great
An Anecdote of Itosselli
Anecdotes of Ilossetti are just now
in the air says the Pali Mall Bud
get lie went one day with a friend
for a stroll through the poorer quar
ters of the town and was greatly at
tracted by the shops in Seven Dials
Outside one he saw in a cage a curi
ous round ball of spikes
What is the price of that
Half a crown
Could you get me some more of
Well let me have twenty to-morrow
The retail dealer whose stock con
sisted of a few linnets a chaffinch or
two and four or five staggering
larks looked aghast Said his friend
on the way home
What on earth did you want with
all those hedgehogs
Ill put them in my garden said
Rossetti and whenfellows come to
see my pictures theyll pass through
the garaen Look at this little round
bail one of them will say why its
alive And heres another and heres
a third Why the garden is full of
them And then theyll he in such
good spirits at the discovery that
theyll buy my pictures
The Spectators Were Delighted
-At a bullfight held at Fresnillo
Mexico last Sunday the performance
was pleasantly varied for the delecta
tion of the spectators by matching a
fine bull against two Mexican lions
The entertainment proved a drawing
card and fully 2000 people assembled
to witness the sport The bull wa3
game and as soon as the liens entered
the arena he charged them furiously
and caught one of them on his horns
While he was busy with this one
however the other got him by the
throat and hung on till the bull fell
exhausted to the ground A bander
illero then entered th arena to help
give the bull a chance when the lion
sprang upon him and before help
could be rendered fatally mutilated
him The lion was shot the man
gled bull put out of his misery and
the crowd declared that they had
never seen such royal sport New
Orleans Picayune
JbnxxY let Willie have the
and you keep the bag
atelle board You cant play two
things at once -Yes you can I
know a boy who played hookey and
baseball at the same time
That which is often accepted as si
lent respect is often silent contempt